I also don't recall any gender bending shenanigans going on with any of the mortals in our civ, so I'm not sure why that point keeps coming up.
I once mentioned it as the possibility of someone born male gaining power in a theoretical matriarchal Arthwyd society by Arthryn (your only deity at the time) using her divine power to turn them into a woman when the thread was discussing the possibility of making the Arthwyd matriarchal.
Not quite. A modern analogy would be if a modern nation founded a mars colony.
I think a comparison between England and Scotland works. Both consider themselves part of the same nation (United Kingdom), but have distinct cultures. However, that leaves out the bit where the English lack the ability to directly rule the Scottish. In that regard, your Martian colony example works better.
@Marlin, everything you said here is wrong.
The culture who got a divinity gender bent to be more easily absorbed by the player faction. The player civ made no true remark about changing a divine's gender, almost as if the player civ sees females as superior to men all the time.
Because the All Seer divinity got gender-bent from male to female,
Our civ also isn't human Osha says they are,
but they can't have genetic diversity. Divinity gene locked our civ to 'isn't it great everyone has big chests?'.We should be stuck in a gene lock, but there will probably be an excuse to pass it away as inconsequential.
As others have noted, the All-Seeress didn't have a gender or even a physical form back when she was the All-Seer. She didn't get gender bent because there as no pre-existing gender. She just got given one by the People due to their preconceptions as a result of having other goddesses, but no gods. As for the bit about seeing seeing females as always superior to males, I literally said that this wasn't the case two pages ago. This is a blatantly false statement that not only has no basis in anything that has happened in the quest, but directly goes against what has said to be the case.
Right now, it is more equal than not because the People haven't really developed the social concept of men do this and women do this other thing, but there is a growing tendency for priests to be women.
As for the civ not being human, that is completely wrong. The Arthwyd and the Merntir are human. I have always stated that they are human and remain within natural human limitations. This is another claim that not only has no basis in anything that has happened in the quest, but directly goes against what has said to be the case.
Why the heck are you going on about genetics for? The assumption that the blessing of Arthryn is genetic in nature is unfounded as not only have genetics not been brought up in the quest at all, but I have deliberately left the true nature of the Arthryn's blessing vague beyond the blatantly obvious "a goddess did it". You claim that I will excuse away a problem, but this 'problem' is something you pulled out of your arse and has no basis in this quest.
So we don't need to build the mountain pass to control the Mentir, and have them truly be our civ? When did that happen?
Osha has also made it clear that Osha is treating the Mentir as a seperate civ from the Arthwyd until the connection is completed. Seriously, a good boat connection will possibly never be enough of a connection? While the Mentir consider themselves Arthwyd they are currently not Arthwyd in every way that matters to put them as our civ. The Arthwyd even call the Mentir heroes members of the Mentir instead of fellow citizens of the Arthwyd in this update.
I have repeatedly said that the Merntir and the Arthwyd consider each other to be the same nation and narratively treat each other as they are. You are not even mechanically separate as even through the Merntir count as a vassal of the Arthwyd, they are still both part of the same nation. Just because the Arthwyd and the Merntir have separate cultures and acknowledge that fact doesn't mean that they consider themselves two seperate countries anymore than someone from Texas and someone from Calfornia acknowledging that they are from separate states means that they don't consider each other to be both part of the USA.
I might be mechanically treating the Merntir as a separate civ, but I have also made it repeatedly clear that narratively speaking, that is not the case and that the narrative always trumps mechanics.
The Mentir heroes are not our male great persons, they are the Mentir's heroes.
and the player civ hasn't had a male great person they remember?
Curyn and Cadyn are male heroes of the People and therefore the People have had great people that they remember. The idea that the Arthwyd are just going to ignore their existence because they born amongst the Merntir is just dumb and once again, it is another claim that not only has no basis in anything that has happened in the quest, but directly goes against what has said to be the case.