Should the world be a Low Fantasy setting?

  • Yes

    Votes: 63 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 30.0%

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We already risk going into a suicide pact if they capture our people. Sacred War makes it worse
Doesn't mean we cant use levied people to fill the gaps and fight a guerrilla war. I think in later ages it will be similar to spartans and perioikoi hoplites. The spartans of our society trained for war and holy service, and the perioikoi of our society being the rest. phalanxes can turn ordinary people into tanks. We could also have a law after this war stating that every household must have a spear, shield, bow and sling within it.
We're not in the iron age dude.
Weapons are expensive to make and maintain when they are made from bone and wood.
Skill isn't enough if the enemy can just drown you in bodies. If we go down the sacred warriors route we die as soon as mass levies become a thing.
The problem is, we already are drowning in bodies. And we don't have the numbers to contest their numbers. Even if we could get more troops, they would just be regular mooks against the shit ton of boarfolks.

Both choices have their pros and cons here. But with the people being short in numbers as they are, Sacred Warriors gives more short term benefit in term of fighting strength.

The long term... Now that's where the real problems are going to be.
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Which could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on the situation. And the rolls. It's always the rolls.

I don´t see a bad side to be honest.
We are already locked into the war by other traits and our blessing.
Sacred War gives us a better chance at ending these wars faster when they happen.
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I don´t see a bad side to be honest.
We are already locked into the war by other traits and Sacred War gives us a better chance at ending these wars faster when they happen.
I suppose problems would be from potential future goddesses or other additions to the pantheon's portfolio.

That said, I prefer sacred warriors.
Tbh when you are in a setting where the other side can have divine immortal warrior things to throw at you... I would rather have paladins then just throwing conscripted men and women into a meat grinder.
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I've just noticed the title of the chapter was Neolithic Epic Age. Part one.

God, we're in the Age of Heroes, aren't we?

Yeah, definitely Sacred Warrior it is then.

@Oshha, you wonderful mad sonnavabitch.
How much do we need this on a scale of 1 to 'Its the difference between the Memtir being wiped out or not'.

5? You don't particularly need for Temp Martial as your problem is getting it over to the Merntir. The Merntir would need it more than you do, but they still have their legitimacy and stability issues. An additional point of Temp Martial might be the difference between defeat and not defeat or it might just be a speed bump before Vervov's Martial Genius.
We're not really very good at magic compared to other civs though; our advantage is our econ and infrastructure.
And techs. We got a shit load of techs thanks to an abundance of Heroes.

So far as I can see at least. I could be mistaken. @Oshha, maybe you can add the status of other civs and what we found out about them in the info tab?

You know, things like Lowlander has slavery and we're not. Or even Mernttir stats. I just noticed we don't have the Mernttir stats despite them being our vassal.
i don´t think we are doing bad in terms of magic, we have a mostly nation wide blessing going on and have quite alot of different divine magic.
Yeah, but it's more widespread stuff and less concentrated effects. Stuff like the civ-wide blessing and our priests having widespread magical skills is more useful when raising large numbers of soldiers, less so for a few bands of skilled elites. We don't have anything like the immortal heroes of the lowlands, for example.
So, to those who think that few elite troops are not enough to win the war, let me remind you of the new blessing Arthwyn gave us this turn.
The greatest of the goddesses, Arthryn taught the wielders of her magic how to boost one of their own traits, pushing it towards the natural limit that a person could reach. Doing so was tiring so while it didn't see regular use, it would prove to be very useful when a Cateye needed a quick boost when they needed to get something important done.
You know who else have been described as "at the natural limit a human can reach"? Batman.

That's right, our Sacred Troops will for a brief while be small versions of Batman and Captain America within one area. And if that is not worth praising the Godessess, I don't know what is.

We're not really very good at magic compared to other civs though; our advantage is our econ and infrastructure.
I mean, we're probably the best civ at magic left, at least in our corner of the pond. The only one who could challenge us on that level are the nomads, and I'm pretty sure we would've noticed if they had significant deiffic backing.
[X] Sacred Warriors. The People shall not follow the barbaric practices of the lowlands, but shall train warriors that serve the goddesses in sacred duty. They shall be few in number and take more resources to train, but it will make the People happier and they shall be better than regular warriors. (-1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Stability, Gain Value Sacred War)
I mean, we're probably the best civ at magic left, at least in our corner of the pond. The only one who could challenge us on that level are the nomads, and I'm pretty sure we would've noticed if they had significant deiffic backing.
Yes, but not good enough for sacred warriors to be a viable solution. The magic we have is more geared towards massed armies.