Should the world be a Low Fantasy setting?

  • Yes

    Votes: 63 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 30.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
X] [SEC] Sunrise Mountain Passage

You forgot the '[' at the start of the vote.

You'll only one secondary; two provinces makes a secondary.

You would get another player secondary action each turn and the provinces would get a secondary action.
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces

Province actions are different to player actions as it is the province that picks the action and not the players, but both of them come out of the same stat pool.

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The population loss is the least of their concerns. Once the plague burns out the survivors would repopulate extremely rapidly(I'd estimate a full bounceback within 3 generations), as the constant warfare keeping their numbers down is gone.
The land prepared for farming is still usable, and if anything, it's now RICHER after the soil had been given time to recover while several harvests worth of crops had rotted in place, and the abandoned fields are now covered in wild grains because the seed crops were never planted due to the drought when the farmers all just lay down and died.

What they really lost is their institutional knowledge and cultures.
You're looking at a slaver culture where the most likely survivors are the slave raiders and hunters, plus whoever they looted on their way out. Where the next dominant tribe is the one who can pop out more children in the coming years to seize the rich and unclaimed lands before someone else does.

Their undead heroes may survive, which would change a great deal. Or they may turn to walking the earth after that.

You make some rather big assumptions here.
  1. That they could just reclaim all the land that is now free thanks to dead people and that it is any easier to reclaim that other land around that wasn´t settled before
  2. That they ever stop raiding each other (its an easy way for them to get stuff also glory etc.)
  3. That there is going to be one tribe that comes out of is on top of the other instead of many small tribes that raid each other all the time.
  4. That the plague will burn itself out completly and won´t stay around like some did rl and just keeps killing.
  5. That they are able to just jump back form losing 50+% of their total pop.
    • hello extremly high pop. growth while the pressure that keeps it at ~5% or less per 100 years is still there
  6. That they will be able to get more food per person now then they did before and are able to use that to fuel the pop. growth

It is here that being a stone age civ comes to bite them as they don´t have any of the tool, knowledge or infracture that would allow for a fast bounce back from ~50% lose of total pop.

This doesn´t include what happens when "outside" force start to settle into the lowlands.
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You make some rather big assumptions here.
  1. That they could just reclaim all the land that is now free thanks to dead people is any easier to reclaim that any other land around
  2. That they ever stop raiding each other (its an easy way for them to get stuff also glory etc.)
  3. That there is going to be one tribe that comes out of is on top of the other instead of many small tribes that raid each other all the time.
  4. That the plague will burn itself out completly and won´t stay around like some did rl and just keeps killing.
  5. That they are able to just jump back form losing 50+% of their total pop.
    • hello extremly high pop. growth while the pressure that keeps it at ~5% or less per 100 years is still there
  6. That they will be able to get more food per person now then they did before and are able to use that to fuel the pop. growth

It is here that being a stone age civ comes to bite them as they don´t have any of the tool, knowledge or infracture that would allow for a fast bounce back from ~50% lose of total pop.

This doesn´t include what happens when "outside" force start to settle into the lowlands.

I guess we found the mayans of our world.
They'll be fading out if existance if they dont crawl, claw, and clench their way out.
Disgusting secularists could never hope to stand against the theocracies.

It would be pretty cool if all the heros down the south fought in one huge battle.
Its like romance of the three kingdoms down there.
I suppose we should call it
Ballad of the Lowlands
Nothing romantic about it from our PoV. The Cautionary Tale of the Lowlands.
E: "Clearly the Lich is a metaphor for the damage that killing people does to your soul." - Us after another few centuries of non contact.
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Bah, how weak. War is glorious! It's like a big picnic, but without the objectivelessness of a picnic. The fighting excitement revitalizes everything, every sight and word and action. One loves one's fellow man so much more when one is bent on killing him.

In the words of Urth: "The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters."

[X] [SEC] Raiding Party = (Caradysh)
[X] [SEC] Raiding Party = (Zaradysh)
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I mean, the Nightmare's Gift is quite clearly a divine curse sent to the lowlanders by a demonic deity of unknown status, punishing them for their wicked deeds.

Provided our warrior are pious and pure, they should be fine.
giving us the nightmare plague.

Nightmare's Gift. The Nightmare Plague is a different thing.

Vote is still open.
Vote Tally : Chronicles of Nations - Civ Quest - Original | Page 133 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 3324-3404]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: SEC
[x][SEC] Build New Shrine = (Greenbay)
No. of Votes: 32
[x][SEC] Sunrise Mountain Passage
No. of Votes: 31
[X][SEC] Create New Trails.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][SEC] Settle Land = (Upriver Plains)
No. of Votes: 2
[X][SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
No. of Votes: 2
[X][SEC] Build Palisade = (Rockbay)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][SEC] More Farming.
No. of Votes: 1
[x][SEC] Sacred Forest
No. of Votes: 1
[X][SEC] Settle Land = (Greenbay)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][SEC] Raiding Party = (Caradysh)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][SEC] Raiding Party = (Zaradysh)
No. of Votes: 1

Task: MAIN
[X][MAIN] Sunrise Mountain Passage
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 35
Might need to get temp Econ up, as well
With the number of walls we need to build, permanent will be more efficient. At 11 permanent econ we can do simultaneous sec palisade and passage indefinitely. 1+(11-1)/2=6. 6-(2+3)=1.
I'd suggest doing main farming, not building settlements, as that'll require us to build additional shrines, palisades, etc etc.
Doing sec farming every other turn will cause building palisades to take too long.
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Alright next turn get main farming up then work on passageway again as well as palisades...

Continue this trend untill we run out of main farming actions, this increasing our Econ to do a rush job of making wonders easier.
Well, you can, but just like you can send expeditions down to the lowlands, it isn't necessarily a good idea nor without negative consequences. Additionally, some megaprojects can't be paused without them failing.

Ah I see, guess the trails are one of them?

Well here's to hoping we can get it done before going into farming Econ wholesale...because we're going to need the Econ if we're going to put up palisades and get the sacred forest started.

The boats and trees shall thrive!
So basically we should assume if we're starting a mega project were gonna have to see it through to completion.

Pretty much this. Megaprojects are long term commitments that you can't just take a quick break while building, not without incurring at least some kind of penalty.
Vote closed.
Vote Tally : Chronicles of Nations - Civ Quest - Original | Page 133 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 3324-3408]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: SEC
[x][SEC] Build New Shrine = (Greenbay)
No. of Votes: 33
[x][SEC] Sunrise Mountain Passage
No. of Votes: 32
[X][SEC] Create New Trails.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][SEC] Settle Land = (Upriver Plains)
No. of Votes: 2
[X][SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
No. of Votes: 2
[X][SEC] Build Palisade = (Rockbay)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][SEC] More Farming.
No. of Votes: 1
[x][SEC] Sacred Forest
No. of Votes: 1
[X][SEC] Settle Land = (Greenbay)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][SEC] Raiding Party = (Caradysh)
No. of Votes: 1
[X][SEC] Raiding Party = (Zaradysh)
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: MAIN
[X][MAIN] Sunrise Mountain Passage
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 36