Pretty great, I foresee amazing things.

Though I do hope that The Faceless Crafting Club Hive-mind splinters off into a couple of actual human beings for QA to interact with. It's fairly heartwarming as-is to be so clearly adored by the group, but having a straight up Senpai or something would also be cool.
one minor thing:
"[...] so ix-nay on the dow-tay."
should probably be "ix-nay on the oubt-day." going by normal rules of pig latin, unless that's an intentional mistake.

... I hate that I'm loving this so far, because now I'm gonna have to read BAHHSCQ. I'm sorry, fic backlog, stay strong.

EDIT: gdi ninja'd even though I hit refresh
Hah, instantly adopted by the crafting club, that's great. I continue to love the way that they care exactly not at all about the weirdness past how cool it is. QA fits right in.

Also, defaulting to combat tentacles as a melee weapon, without even trying for something like a sword? Queenie is going to have a reputation.

Speaking of which, I'm wondering what the current theory is on Symbie. I wouldn't be surprised if they think she managed to get hold of some kind of Antagonist valk-core equivalent something.
Speaking of which, I'm wondering what the current theory is on Symbie. I wouldn't be surprised if they think she managed to get hold of some kind of Antagonist valk-core equivalent something.

Either that, or the baby goddess of E-war just programmed a personality emulator into her Core because she's lonely and wanted a friend.
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Big Sister UNOMI probably finds Taylor the most interesting thing since, well, Anna. Far less powerful and experienced, but just as much of a bizarre prodigy, in her own way.

Almost a shame that throwing Valkyries into Antagonist-controlled territory and telling them to survive isn't a reliable training method; it clearly produces amazing results.
You guys realize that both QA and Taylor can now, via cooperative research; upgrade symbie with the power of friendship?

see how that is going work out.
That was entirely adorable. I also quail to think about what will happen now that she has access to a huge group of eccentric researchers and innovators, even if they are a bit shipping-focused (but who isn't). I'm sure there are going to be more than a few shouts of "But that's impossible" soon... and maybe not just on the part of the club.

Hopefully she doesn't get banned from there, because I suspect all and sundry will suspect she joined to get out from the "no-tinkering" rule. Kinda annoying that she got that ban in the first place, but I can sorta see what they meant. Still, if you do it and it works, there has to be a reason for that!

Hopefully they realize that and let her have this chance.
You guys realize that both QA and Taylor can now, via cooperative research; upgrade symbie with the power of friendship?

see how that is going work out.
Rainbow Chromatic laser beams.

That was entirely adorable. I also quail to think about what will happen now that she has access to a huge group of eccentric researchers and innovators, even if they are a bit shipping-focused (but who isn't). I'm sure there are going to be more than a few shouts of "But that's impossible" soon... and maybe not just on the part of the club.
It is probably only a matter of time before they come to the (technically correct) conclusion that QA has a much deeper and more comprehensive connection to the operating parameters\functionality of her Core than other Valkyries, the hypothesis they come up with for why\how she achieved that are substantially less likely to be correct, technically or otherwise.
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If QA joins the club, I wonder if Anna is going to adjust her blitz testing of clubs. In the quest she kind of just went down the alphabetical list of clubs, but maybe she'll see QA in the crafting club and awkwardly abort?

Or maybe Anna will grit her teeth and awkwardly fumble through meeting her biggest fan once more. The whole bread list shows that Anna can be surprisingly stubborn about what she's committed to doing.
Yeah I think Anna would actually be able to put QA into the background noise if the Crafting Club does what it did in canon. They. too, did the hero-worship.
"It was not an attack," QA protested. "It is my unique identifier and self-compresses to an unobtrusive size should it begin threatening performance."
Why am I not surprised that QA communicates by swapping cyber-Shards over IM? Because that's exactly what her name is:
  • Expands to consume all available space
  • Does SCIENCE
  • Indistinguishable from malware
  • Can only be suppressed by crushing it militarily and confining it like a science experiment
It's exactly like how Abaddon communicated with the Thinker.

Given that, I'm not at all surprised that it does Bad Things to people who try to comprehend it with their brains. Probably just takes them over in the glorious tradition of the Laundry Files' infovores. Which is pretty much exactly what happens when the Entities infect a planetary population: The Shards trash everything, bootstrap themselves a bit further, and then blow the place up on the way out.

Also, who wants to bet that that tiny little thing was actually a fragment of QA herself?
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I wonder if Durga is keeping an eye on QA for Anna.

And if so, how long it'll take Durga to figure out that there's something very wrong with QA's "Valkyrie Core". Seeing as how it's at least partially made of organic fleshmeats instead of being a pure n-dimensional inorganic crystal like the rest of them, and all.
I'm honestly curious if Symbie could fuse with an actual Valk-core. Like one of the 300 maybe? I wonder how many people are going to tear their hair out when they see one core fuse with another core and then both fuse simultaneously with one girl.
Also, who wants to bet that that tiny little thing was actually a fragment of QA herself?

Jokes aside, I'm pretty sure the whole brain aneurysm thing was just a play on the absurdly high information density of Shard-speak. Attempting to process that much info with only moderately upgraded meat-hardware naturally causes issues.

It's not literally a copy of her, or intended to function as an infohazard. That kind of excess is the type of amateur mistake Broadcast would make; QA's communication and attack protocols are very distinct, thank you very much.
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I'm honestly curious if Symbie could fuse with an actual Valk-core. Like one of the 300 maybe? I wonder how many people are going to tear their hair out when they see one core fuse with another core and then both fuse simultaneously with one girl.
*Cut to instructors holding her upside down and shaking her

'Spit it out now young lady! That is not food!'

Destroying one of the 315 would probably lead to very bad things though.
I was really on the fence about this story, but this chapter was fantastic. I want to see much more interaction with the Crafting Club, and have QA analyze whatever it was they were working on.
Pretty great, I foresee amazing things.

Though I do hope that The Faceless Crafting Club Hive-mind splinters off into a couple of actual human beings for QA to interact with. It's fairly heartwarming as-is to be so clearly adored by the group, but having a straight up Senpai or something would also be cool.
Or alternatively, one hypothetical/arbitrary trauma induced incident later, said crafting club ends up with a Cluster Trigger... That doesn't descend into utter violence, and just memetically makes their hive mind Tinkering worse.

But more seriously, it'd be horrific if at one point, QAylor ends up joining them in their Hive Mind talk, or better; 'updates' their hive mind talk to be at times, more eerie in everyone speaking at once. By some sort of "Tinker tech" that is 'instant brain transmissions between others'.

And of course, all it takes is for QAylor to have a list of crafting sins, to be hacked on record. And they may end up going crazy in a "Hive Mind Holy Grail", that they'd do anything to ruin anyone's attempts at ruining her crafting. As much as give advice in not to be 'too' crazy on the crafting ironically being more of a healthy (if not so) guidance, than just throwing UN/Army restrictions on her ability to do so, would.