Pretty great, I foresee amazing things.
Though I do hope that The Faceless Crafting Club Hive-mind splinters off into a couple of actual human beings for QA to interact with. It's fairly heartwarming as-is to be so clearly adored by the group, but having a straight up Senpai or something would also be cool.
Or alternatively, one hypothetical/arbitrary trauma induced incident later, said crafting club ends up with a Cluster Trigger... That doesn't descend into utter violence, and just memetically makes their hive mind Tinkering
But more seriously, it'd be horrific if at one point, QAylor ends up
joining them in their Hive Mind talk, or better; 'updates' their hive mind talk to be at times, more
eerie in everyone speaking at once. By some sort of "Tinker tech" that is 'instant brain transmissions between others'.
And of course, all it takes is for QAylor to have a
list of crafting sins, to be hacked on record. And they may end up going crazy in a "Hive Mind Holy Grail", that they'd do anything to ruin anyone's attempts at ruining
her crafting. As much as give advice in not to be 'too' crazy on the crafting ironically being
more of a healthy (if not so) guidance, than just throwing UN/Army restrictions on her
ability to do so, would.