3rd year of your reign, Month of the Goat, 28th day
You don't really get days off. Oh you have times where you're relaxing, and by dint of Kanasuke and your wife, you've carved out a reliable four hours of sleep a night. But days where you don't have to be the Emperor, have to make some decision, talk to people, those don't happen.
A part of you idly wonders if that was why your father ended up doing what he did, for ten years holding the Empire together with blood, sweat, and tears anyone would get tired of that. Tired enough to need vacation, unfortunately, his vacation was all too permanent.
This comes to mind as you watch the water float by. You are on possibly the most opulent river barge in existence. Oh it's not tacky like the Mantis would be. No the Scorpion are classier than that. But there is no doubt in your mind that Bayushi Paneki has instructed Shosuro Jimen to woo you after a fashion.
And since you couldn't refuse an invitation to a festival to honour Bayushi-no-kami...here you were. On a boat you kind of just wanted to stay on forever with your family and sail somewhere else. That wasn't going to happen you had your duty after all, and well, as nice as the shamisen and singers were. Truth be told you preferred solid land all told.
For now though, you were just going to enjoy this moment, the brief respite you had had in the last few months. Your unilateral decision to simply given the Lion to the direct heir, consequences be damned had surprised everyone.
But between you, Akane, and Hoketuhime who helped for reasons of her own. Things seemed to have worked out. Shigetoshi had married his daughter to Yoshino, and with that marriage. The pair had become your younger brother's chief tutors on what it means to lead the Lion. With that delegated, Shigetoshi had taken up the reins of regency without complaint from the Matsu. Save for Satomi who had gone ronin rather than serve in the new regime. Where she now was...no one knew.
Daio for his part had taken some time getting used to the idea. But after several long weeks where you spent your evening with him. He accepted that this was what he was born to be. After reassuring him that you would always be family. Daio had hugged you and promised to be your strong right hand when the time came.
No it had all worked out, Kaneka hadn't even been that miffed when you explained your reasoning for not asking him. You hadn't wanted him to choose sides because he had good friends on both sides. The other Clans according Keitaro had been more relieved that they wouldn't have to worry about 'Suddenly Matsu' than your over reach of power.'
So why weren't you satisfied?
The lapping water against the boat gives no answer, even as you hear a new song play.
Shosuro Jimen came up behind you.
"My Emperor, it is not seemly to have the guest of honour spending his time out on the balcony."
"Hai, just wanted to look at the outside of your magnificent vessel Shosuro-san."
"You are most gracious, shall we return?" He asks lightly.
You nod and follow him in to the main 'party room' and work to keep your head above water as the Scorpion do their very best to beguile you. You don't think you're going to forget Bayushi Hoshi in that outfit for sometime....
No you don't get days off, but you do get a lot of perks.
Year 3: Month of the Monkey, Fifth Day
The quiet of your office is punctuated by the manic energy of Shem-Zhe, for someone who is usually so calm and collected. It's quite a sight to see him worked up, pacing about.
"Horiuchi-san, calm down and run that by me again."
"Apologies Emperor, its, just...the Thunders reincarnating made sense, even the Champions, but the Heavenly Kami? That is not something we've ever seen before" Shem-zhe pauses.
"Although granted, we've never really had Heavenly Kami who passed before"
"And this scroll of Master Suana's foretold it?" You ask.
"It foretold that Amaterasu-no-kami would be born to your line." Shem-zhe says.
"So with my aunt..."
"The Conclave has concluded that your aunt was indeed the reincarnation of Amaterasu-no-kami, and that is why she was able to do what she did against the Usurper."
"Which retroactively legitimises the whole thing now doesn't it?" You ask.
"In essence, there are still a few details to be worked out, but the Toturi seem to definitively have the mandate of Heaven."
"That's good to hear my friend, but that still doesn't quite explain why you're so giddy"
"...My Emperor if Amaterasu-no-kami can come back...then Shinjo-no-kami can come back to us, just as she promised" Shem-Zhe says.
Well, you hadn't though of that but that would explain it.
"So you're clan is going to be looking for her to return then"
"Hai, perhaps once we win this war, we will have redeemed ourselves for her." Shem-zhe says with hope.
"I can only pray the Heavens take note of your request, Horiuhchi-san."
"Indeed. That is the most important thing I think, however, the Conclave has said to me privately that they plan to ask you to confirm your divinity by appointing a Fortune at the end of the Conclave. It would be wise to think of who you intend to promote for that my Emperor"
"Thank you Horiuchi-san, do you have suggestions?"
"Whoever you promote this will be seen as a large boon to the Clan they are from, but I would go from the quality you wish to promote then find a hero who fits"
You nod.
"Thank you Horiuchi-san, I'll think on this and get back to you"
The Unicorn bows and leaves you in your office as you lean back and think.
What sort of Fortune do you want...
[] Given the upcoming war, someone who embraced that and exemplified a martial virtue
[] War is not everything, and you want there to be people who think about after the war. An artist who shows the cultural strength of the land
[] The heavens should probably be appeased at this point. A sage and holy person would do nicely.
From the
[] Crab
[] Crane
[] Dragon
[] Lion
[] Mantis
[] Phoenix
[] Scorpion
[] Unicorn
[] Minor Clans
[] Imperial families
(AN. Choosing a Great Clan will give a +10 opinion boost to that Clan. Choosing the Minor Clans will reward you economically, and the Imperials, politically.)