Burden of the Emerald Empire (A Legend of the Five Rings Tale)

Just got back from training. Shosuro Jimen's Second Attempt.

EDIT: Another tie?!
Kiriel threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Shosuro Jimen Total: 16
9 9 3 3 4 4
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Hopefully, the tie breaks.

EDIT: Finally. GG.
Kiriel threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: 3rd Attempt Total: 24
7 7 9 9 8 8
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It was an Honor GG :)

Actually I'm Crab so let's see how we do against the Seppun
*blink* Hold on, didn't the Crab (you) just lose to the Scorpion (Kiriel)?
*checks rolls again* Hold on, the first round wasn't a tie at all.

Shosuro Jimen vs Kaiu Hirayuki
5, 3, 10 vs 5, 9, 6

You roll 3d10 for each match. These three d10's will be compared against the other candidate's roll. If two of your three dice are bigger than two of their dice, that means your candidate wins and advances to the finals. In the event of a tie reroll. (Dice are rerolled via the more options button after you post, make sure to label who you are rolling for!)

So as an example..
The bracket says that the Unicorn and Scorpion face off first in the tournament

Utaku Tama (played by Randnomae123) rolls 3d10 and gets 5, 1, 9
Shosuro Jimen (played by Dangerzone43) rolls 3d10 and gets 6,2, 4.
So Tama wins the match and goes to the next round. We then do the whole thing over again until we get a winner.
You don't have to compare the 1st die with eachother, than the 2nd and then the 3rd, seeing as how the example compares the first of Utaku with the last of Shosuro and the first of Shosure with the last of Utaku. So:

Kaiu has two dice that are bigger than two of Shosuro's, so he wins. There was no need for rerolls. Or am I completely wrong here?
*blink* Hold on, didn't the Crab (you) just lose to the Scorpion (Kiriel)?
*checks rolls again* Hold on, the first round wasn't a tie at all.

Shosuro Jimen vs Kaiu Hirayuki
5, 3, 10 vs 5, 9, 6

You don't have to compare the 1st die with eachother, than the 2nd and then the 3rd, seeing as how the example compares the first of Utaku with the last of Shosuro and the first of Shosure with the last of Utaku. So:

Kaiu has two dice that are bigger than two of Shosuro's, so he wins. There was no need for rerolls. Or am I completely wrong here?

:facepalm:Ahhh, crap.:facepalm:

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
I made a very dumb mistake, while comparing the results. And writing them down. And putting them in the post that started the rerolling. Damn.

I apologize to everybody for the stolen time.
I think this is what happened.

1) Me and @Ephemeral_Dreamer rolled. (5, 3, 10 vs. 5, 9, 6).
2) We are called by @Wellhello, saying it was a tie.
2.1) Earlier result was 1W 1L 1D, thus saying it was a tie makes sense.
2.2) The two of us then assume that die are matched and compared by order (Roll 1 vs Roll 1, etc.)
3) Me and @Ephemeral_Dreamer roll again. (9, 3, 4 vs. 8, 7, 4). Again, result is 1W 1L 1D.
4) Final battle between me and @Ephemeral_Dreamer. (7, 9, 8, vs. 8, 7, 4).

EDIT: Ninja'd. Still confused.

EDIT: Okay. No longer confused.
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2.2) The two of us then assume that die are matched and compared by order (Roll 1 vs Roll 1, etc.)
I think herein lies the problem for some people. Because as can be seen in the example:
Utaku Tama (played by Randnomae123) rolls 3d10 and gets 5, 1, 9
Shosuro Jimen (played by Dangerzone43) rolls 3d10 and gets 6,2, 4.
So Tama wins the match and goes to the next round. We then do the whole thing over again until we get a winner.
9 is compared to 6 and 5 to 4. If they were compared by order, Shosuro Jimen would have won, 6 vs 5 and 2 vs 1, but Tama won so....
:facepalm:Ahhh, crap.:facepalm:

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
I made a very dumb mistake, while comparing the results. And writing them down. And putting them in the post that started the rerolling. Damn.

I apologize to everybody for the stolen time.
Woops well guess we know better now...
Well given all this confusion I've assembled a list of all rolled duels and how, to the best of my understanding they've ended

Round 1:
Utaku Tama vs Akodo Shigetoshi
Utaku: 8|7|2
Akodo: 10|9|8
Akodo Shigetoshi wins.

Suzume Rei vs Usagi Kenshin
Suzume: 9|8|6
Usagi: 7|3|1
Suzume Rei wins

Shosuro Jimen vs. Kaiu Hirayuki (The duel I rolled for and that caused some confusion)
Shosuro: 10|5|3
Kaiu: 9|6|5
Kaiu Hirayuki wins

Shiba Masumi vs. Utagawa
Shiba: 7|3|1
Utagawa: 10|5|3
Utagawa the Ronin wins

I've sorted the rolls according to result with highest first to better illustrate the results. Hope this helps
Round 2 should then be:
Tsuruchi Kaya vs Akado Shigetoshi
Tsuruchi: Not rolled yet
Akado: Not rolled yet

Kakita Noritoshi vs Suzume Rei
Kakita: 5, 2, 2 +1 = 6, 3, 3
Suzume: 9, 1, 1
The Kakita wins, how shocking!

Seppun Yusuke vs Kaiu Hirayuki
Seppun: Not rolled yet
Kaiu: 8, 8, 6

Mirumoto Shin vs Utagawa
Mirumoto: Not rolled yet
Utagawa: I'll roll for him again then 8, 6, 4

Did I miss someone?
Random Member threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Utagawa Round 2 Total: 18
8 8 6 6 4 4
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I don't know where you got this second set of numbers.
The Crane candidate gets a +1 bonus to their results to reflect them essentially rigging the Emerald Championships to win it. It's not full proof as shown by Rei almost defeating the Kakita Clan Champion here.

And I apologize for any confusion as the result of my post. It is indeed you take your highest two numbers and compare then with the third number serving as a tie breaker.

So it looks like this is round 2 (With thanks to @Random Member)

Tsuruchi Kaya vs Akodo Shigetoshi
Tsuruchi: Not rolled yet
Akodo: 10, 2, 5

Kakita Noritoshi vs Suzume Rei (Kakita Noritoshi advances to the Semi Finals.)
Kakita: 5, 2, 2 +1 = 6, 3, 3
Suzume: 9, 1, 1
Kakita Noritoshi wins.

Seppun Yusuke vs Kaiu Hirayuki
Seppun: 2, 9, 1
Kaiu: 8, 8, 6
Kaiu Hirayuki wins

Mirumoto Shin vs Utagawa
Mirumoto: 10, 5, 9
Utagawa: 8, 6, 4
Mirumoto Shin and advances to the semi-finals.


Kakita Noritoshi vs winner of Mantis/Lion duel

Kaiu Hirayuki vs Mirumoto Shin

I'm amused that the canon Emerald Champion (Shosuro Jimen) got a beat down by the Crab, guess fancy tricks don't always work when the other guy is a small mountain.
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So we only need rolls for Tsuruchi Kaya, Akado Shigetoshi and Mirumoto Shin. Any takers? I don't want to take too many rolls but I do want to advance....

If the finals ends up being Kakita vs Ronin with the ronin managing a surprise victory, I'm going to laugh so hard though.
So we only need rolls for Tsuruchi Kaya, Akado Shigetoshi and Mirumoto Shin. Any takers? I don't want to take too many rolls but I do want to advance....

If the finals ends up being Kakita vs Ronin with the ronin managing a surprise victory, I'm going to laugh so hard though.
If no one else wants to roll in about oh 8 hours, I'll do it myself.
I'll do a roll

Is that the first 10 that's been rolled? Did I do something wrong?
Jeboboid threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Mirumoto Shin Total: 24
10 10 5 5 9 9
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