One of them, it was part of the negotiations so that they didn't immediately go to war with the Phoenix for letting their Champion die in Kyuden Asako.
Theoretically of course Hisao could now fulfill this bargain instead, but it's not something he'll do for a while or unprompted.
Honestly, in terms of politics, it might be the most expedient strategy in the short term. The Crane are fairly unhappy, and the Phoenix are not overly likely to take offense to our second wife not being of their lines. Longer term, sadly, the Crab would be rather unhappy. They'd see it as us starting to play favorites with the Crane given we protected their artworks, and then took one of them as a bride.
Sadly, we do need to look into remarrying. Eventually. Once hopefully, maybe, something has died down enough for a breather. If not for love, than for the fact that we've only got the two heirs and someone who is actively pursuing our family.
With how much plots are going we might want to consider a scorpion bride. Dealing with hidden plots is their shtick. It likely won't boost the crane but it should avoid inflaming the crab
Honestly, in terms of politics, it might be the most expedient strategy in the short term. The Crane are fairly unhappy, and the Phoenix are not overly likely to take offense to our second wife not being of their lines. Longer term, sadly, the Crab would be rather unhappy. They'd see it as us starting to play favorites with the Crane given we protected their artworks, and then took one of them as a bride.
Sadly, we do need to look into remarrying. Eventually. Once hopefully, maybe, something has died down enough for a breather. If not for love, than for the fact that we've only got the two heirs and someone who is actively pursuing our family.
I think the bit where we let our heir marry Crane is the lower-cost for all involved. At this poitn everyone already expects it, and has plans in place accordingly. Upsetting the tables for its own sake does none of us any good. Now, the Toturi started out Lion, then married a Phoenix, a Crab, another phoenix, and now a Crane. Preferably we'd pick a Dragon, Unicorn, or Scorpion for our wife if/when we remarry, to help firm up that whole "the Toturi marry across all clans" tradition.
I'd vote for a Scorpion personally. If we were to go for upsetting the table we'd take option number 4, marry one of the former Mantis.
Edit: It's been a day since I posted this, and it won't stop bugging me. And since while it is technically possible, I know that it won't happen unless I'm the only one that votes, I have to ask. I NEED to know.
What would happen if we actually married one of the Mantis, and as a further question, what would happen if we married Yoritomo Hiroko?
I'd vote for a Scorpion personally. If we were to go for upsetting the table we'd take option number 4, marry one of the former Mantis.
Edit: It's been a day since I posted this, and it won't stop bugging me. And since while it is technically possible, I know that it won't happen unless I'm the only one that votes, I have to ask. I NEED to know.
What would happen if we actually married one of the Mantis, and as a further question, what would happen if we married Yoritomo Hiroko?
You stand on the balcony overlooking the vast city of Toshi Ranbo, the wind blowing gently as you take it all in. The sounds that still reach even here of the city's living heart, of the countless thousands who live, laugh, love, cry, die, and so much more in this city. You won't ever meet any of them, but all of them rely on you to guide the Empire well.
Toshi Ranbo is different from Otosan Uchi, there the Hantei had set themselves forever above and apart from the rest of the Empire, they had not seen the Empire in all it's glory and squalor, only listened to reports of it. Only what others had deigned to tell them.
You've been thinking a lot about the legacy you leave behind these days. You're not a young man anymore despite your efforts to keep in shape. Maybe ten years and then your time will have passed, already noises are echoing that Shiba Tsukune is planning to step down and with it fully half of the people who swore to you their service that day so long ago will have left.
Far too many of them to the sword, but perhaps that too is a legacy of your father. To be the dying grasp of a time of chaos.
"My Emperor?" You turn around.
Akane stands there, her hair almost entirely silver now, holding several scrolls and portraits.
"Kitsuki-san, you're early." you say.
She gives a low bow.
"I was told your meeting with Shosuro Jimen-san was cancelled, and thought to move it up."
You frown slightly at that. Jimen had cancelled, although by dint of never showing up, rather than actually being polite about it. For now his position protected him but you would love to see him sacked at some point.
Little weasel wasn't doing anything useful anyways.
"Alright then, I'm glad to see your ears are as sharp as ever Kitsuki-san, are those the candidates for Imperial Treasurer?" you ask.
"Hai, my Emperor. In terms of economic prowess, the Yasuki and the Daidoji both put forth strong showings again, although I suspect an ulterior motive in mind for both of them. The Ide have also put forth a candidate."
"Hmm, ideally I'd want to place a Phoenix, but if the Shiba have no candidate...what's this about ulterior motives?" You ask .
"Look for yourself."
Daidoji Hiyamui
Skill 4: Balanced
A young scion of the ruling house of Ichigun Province. Daidoji Hiyamui is young but has already made her mark in the recent war, adroitly parrying her rival in the Yasuki and enriching her family greatly and directly allowing the Crane to hire a full army of ronin to reinforce them over the summer. Understanding that the need to grow and trade is how one nurtures the Empire, she seeks to make the Emerald Empire bloom. While noted to have many friends, she seeks not to allow anyone too close, lest her duty cause conflict, however loyalty is not in doubt.
Yasuki Chitose
Skill 4: Growth
The young great grand niece of Yasuki Taka, Chitose graduated her gempukku a few years ago. And quickly found herself overseeing a large portion of Sundan Mizu province for the Yasuki by dint of her talent for finding other like herself who were young and eager to prove their worth and cultivating them. Through this she created a sophisticated network of villages and cities who would supply her and her lords well in the War of Stolen Fortresses, being the key reason that the Crab simply didn't stall out due to the loss of their main supply base. Talented she would duel another young prodigy in the Daidoji economically for several months.
A gifted people person who makes deep connections, it's known that she tends to favour a slow and steady approach to things.
Ide Kyung
Skill 4: Trade
From the distant Jeweled City, all the way to Kyuden Gusai, Ide Kyung has traveled with the great caravans of the Unicorn. While not gaining great acclaim in war as so many of his clan did, his acclaim comes from winning the peace. While the Unicorn clan reeled from its loses, he led the first Caravans out into the West and brought back much needed wealth and supplies for his clan, and in doing so set the Unicorn on the long path to recovery, with the War of Red Serpents ending, he is confident that he can enhance the policies of his successor while also improving the Empire. Known to be fond of humour, he is said to have smiled while utterly destroying those who would attempt to get the better of him and the Unicorn. A frightening combination to be sure.
You read over the briefing, and take deep breaths to avoid chucking them from the balcony, that helps now one
"...I see what you mean by ulterior motives. My wife is not dead for six months and already they dare to try and entice me?!"
Akane shakes her head. "I do not think that they expect you to do anything for a year maybe more, but when the time comes...what will you find easier to do, to choose someone you know and like...or some woman you've never met? They are planning for when you remarry, they don't...understand the love you had for Kaname-shiryo, but they understand your pragmatism, and leaving the seat of Empress empty, isn't very pragmatic."
You can feel the wood frame of the portraits crack under your grip, and you take another breath. The logic is sound...but that doesn't mean you like it or trust it, or appreciate their blatant moves.
A part of you wants to choose Kyung outright simply because he wasn't that, but you had to do what was best for the Empire, for your legacy.
Sometimes you hate this job
[] Daidoji Hiyami (+5 to the Crane. Lock to minimum of 20 for 3 years)
[] Yasuki Chitose (+5 to the Crab. Lock to minimum of 20 for 3 years)
[] Ide Kyung (+5 to the Unicorn. Lock to minimum of 20 for 3 years)
[X] Yasuki Chitose (+5 to the Crab. Lock to minimum of 20 for 3 years)
I think before this I was saying that we'd need compelling reasons to pick trade over growth and balanced. Pissing us off with clan antics is not sufficiently compelling.
On the other hand, I am tempted to go Unicorn just to try and get them to stop playing this game of 'Send pretty ladies and hope he chooses for beauty.'.