Burden of the Emerald Empire (A Legend of the Five Rings Tale)

[X] ''Because, because, that is the Duty of the Toturi. We claimed the Throne by defeating the forces of the Darkness. We have maintained the Peace of all under Heaven by foiling the ploys of Jigoku time and time again. When the land seemed doomed to perish under the corruption, we spit in its eyes and drove it back, paying each step with our blood. For those reasons we are Protectors of the Realm. For those reasons, the Darkness Hates Us as the greatest obstacles to its ambitions, and they will do everything in their power to strike at and destroy us.''
-[X] ''Your mother understood that, better than I did to be honest. I am sorry Minori, sorry that you had to learn about this now.''
[x] Have to? No, she didn't have to. She chose to, because she concluded the best way to protect you and your sister from evil was to cut out the demon that infested her body. She loved you and Yuina more than she loved this life.
-[x] *Hug Minoru Tighter* I tried so hard to stop the bleeding and it wasn't enough. I am so, so sorry. *Break down in manly tears*
Winter Court XI: The Answer and Settlements
You put a hand on Minoru's shoulder as she asks the question you've been wrestling with since Kaname passed Why her, why of all the people in the Empire her? She was good, she was kind, you can understand your karma leading to an early death, you'd made choices, not always the right ones for the sake of the Empire over your own morality. You dying...you would have understood it if not been okay.


No, she was to grow old with you, to be the heart that you couldn't afford, to be the woman you loved.

And now she was gone, and you have to answer why to your daughter.

"Father?" Minoru asks shaking you from your reverie.

"Sorry Minoru-chan..." you sit down and gesture for her to sit with you. "You asked a question I've been looking to answer myself."

Minoru's eyes are wide as she sits across from you.

"I could tell you that it's because she choose to, choose to put you and Yuina over her, to cut out a demon from her body even if it took her life, so that she would never hurt you...because she loved you both more than life itself. But that isn't really what you're asking."

Your daughter shakes his head. Her fists tightening as she again stares at you with her mothers eyes...her small hands forming little fists. Steel unforged seems to coil in that small frame...is this what mother had seen in you when father had died?

And the answer comes to you.

"There's a dozen platitudes I could say, and I'm sure your teachers will say." You say, taking your daisho and laying it across your lap.

"But I would say that the answer lies in this, do you know the name of my blade?"

"Hai, Burden, sensei said it was an odd name but a good one." Minoru says looking at the sheathe.

"I named it Burden because...because..." your voice chokes thinking about a grey day with your wife when you first got the sword.

"Because?" Minoru asks.

"Because it that is the Duty of the Toturi, to bear the Burden of the Empire. We claimed the Throne by defeating the forces of the Darkness. We have maintained the Peace of all under Heaven by foiling the ploys of Jigoku time and time again. When the land seemed doomed to perish under the corruption, we spat in its eyes and drove it back, paying each step with our blood. For those reasons we are Protectors of the Realm. For those reasons, the Darkness Hates Us as the greatest obstacles to its ambitions, and they will do everything in their power to strike at and destroy us. '' You say.

You take Minoru's hand and slowly guide it across the carefully made sheath.

"So long as the Toturi are true, we will face tragedy, something your mother understood better than I did I think, which is why she was always so insistent we snatched joy whenever we could..." You look at your daughter and her trembling form. "I'm sorry Minoru, sorry that you had to learn about this now...I had hoped...well doesn't matter anymore."

"I don't get it." Minoru says. "Why do it then, if at all it does is hurt us?"

You look at the sword.
"Because...of you, and every other child like you. Through out this land there are thousands, hundreds of thousands of families that are made every day. They are born, they grow, they find their place, they suffer, and they die. That is the world, but each and every parents whether they admit it or not, struggles to make it so that the world their children inherit is a little better than the one they inherited."

With a smooth motion you place the sword away, and gather Minoru to your arms holding her close.
"So yes, I hurt, but I know that pain will pass, and that when the time comes for me to leave, I will have left a better world for you. When you become Empress, you'll undertake the same duty, because it is who we are, understand?"

Minoru looks up at you.
"...I...we do it for those we love and because no one else can?"


Small arms wrap around you.
"Can I stay like this father?"


As much as you want to simply spend the rest of the winter doting on your daughters, your wife would never have forgiven you if you had neglected your duty.

It is that thought that pushes you out of the seclusion you had cloaked yourself, you did not intend however, to negotiate with the Clans, not now, your wife was dead, and as a symbol of mourning they would have a truce for at least year.

That truce would be made permanent in your eyes, the question was what sort of settlement would you force on them?

On the matter of the War of Red Serpents (Unicorn/Lion War)
[] Borders remain as they are (+5 Lion, -5 Unicorn)
[] Toshi sano Kanemochi Kaeru is given to the Unicorn (-5 Lion, +5 Unicorn)
[] Toshi sano Kanemochi Kaeru is granted to a new minor clan formed of the union of a Lion and Unicorn and paying reduced taxes to both Clans. (Requires Air roll DC 20 if fail -5 to both clans if success no penalty)
[] Some other settlement

On the matter of the War of Stolen Fortresses (Crab/Crane War)
[] The Crane agree to hand over all future jade for a period of 10 years but maintain their artwork (+5 Crane, -5 Crab)
[] The Crane jade art will be given to the Crab (+5 Crab -5 Crane)
[] The Crane will retain the fortress taken in exchange for a portion of Jade given to the Crab,
(Requires Air Roll DC 25 if fail -5 to both clans)
[] some other settlement

AN: Alright with this winter court should be done.
[X] Borders remain as they are (+5 Lion, -5 Unicorn)
[X] The Crane agree to hand over all future jade for a period of 10 years but maintain their artwork (+5 Crane, -5 Crab)
Right now, Crab's at 60, Crane's at 40, Lion's at 35, and Unicorn's at 45.

Our Air rank is 7k3, with 7 attempts to the next ring rank up, and 5 successess to the next advisor rank up. A DC20 looks like it's about a 12% failure rate (very roughly), before explosions. DC 25 is worse.

[x] Toshi sano Kanemochi Kaeru is granted to a new minor clan formed of the union of a Lion and Unicorn and paying reduced taxes to both Clans. (Requires Air roll DC 20 if fail -5

Gives us a bit of exercise on our Air ring, high likelihood of success, and having an allied minor clan in between them is the sort of thing that helps with reducing hostilities in the future.

[x] The Crane agree to hand over all future jade for a period of 10 years but maintain their artwork (+5 Crane, -5 Crab)

I'm honestly a bit perplexed on this one. The Crab make an unprovoked attack, the Crane utterly humiliate them in battle, we adjudicate that the result is the Crane giving more jade to the Crab than they were initially... and the Crane are happy about this? Still, I'll take it.
[x] Toshi sano Kanemochi Kaeru is granted to a new minor clan formed of the union of a Lion and Unicorn and paying reduced taxes to both Clans. (Requires Air roll DC 20 if fail -5

[x] The Crane agree to hand over all future jade for a period of 10 years but maintain their artwork (+5 Crane, -5 Crab)
[x] Toshi sano Kanemochi Kaeru is granted to a new minor clan formed of the union of a Lion and Unicorn and paying reduced taxes to both Clans. (Requires Air roll DC 20 if fail -5

[x] The Crane agree to hand over all future jade for a period of 10 years but maintain their artwork (+5 Crane, -5 Crab)
[x] Toshi sano Kanemochi Kaeru is granted to a new minor clan formed of the union of a Lion and Unicorn and paying reduced taxes to both Clans. (Requires Air roll DC 20 if fail -5

[x] The Crane agree to hand over all future jade for a period of 10 years but maintain their artwork (+5 Crane, -5 Crab)
The Crane are happy because they don't have to give up their cultural heritage to feed the insatiable maw of the Crab and their future jade output is uh, basically up to them. (IE if for 10 years they decide they have no jade, the Crab get jack and shit)

@Dark as Silver
They would pay half of their taxes to each clan.
The Crane are happy because they don't have to give up their cultural heritage to feed the insatiable maw of the Crab and their future jade output is uh, basically up to them. (IE if for 10 years they decide they have no jade, the Crab get jack and shit)
So basically that gets the Crab no Jade at all?
How would a write in where the Crane must give the crab an equal weight of Jade to the artwork over the next bunch of years be considered? No that would be a higher DC Air roll because they're not even getting to keep a fortress?
Darn, I mean the Crane won by just about every measure except for a pitched battle, but we do kind of have a vested interest in the Crab getting that Jade...
So basically that gets the Crab no Jade at all?
How would a write in where the Crane must give the crab an equal weight of Jade to the artwork over the next bunch of years be considered? No that would be a higher DC Air roll because they're not even getting to keep a fortress?
Darn, I mean the Crane won by just about every measure except for a pitched battle, but we do kind of have a vested interest in the Crab getting that Jade...
The accumulated jade of centuries worth of artwork is considerable like literally decades to pay that much jade back. The Crane are aware that they need to give the Crab some jade but being able to set how much does a lot to mollify them and it won't be anywhere near what the Crab need/want
What's the chances on an Air DC 25 then?
L5R Roll and Keep Probabilities - Lynks
Roll 7 Keep 3, if I'm not wrong that the advisor governs our kept dice.
The accumulated jade of centuries worth of artwork is considerable like literally decades to pay that much jade back. The Crane are aware that they need to give the Crab some jade but being able to set how much does a lot to mollify them and it won't be anywhere near what the Crab need/want
Wow thats a lot of Jade
"...I...we do it for those we love and because no one else can?"

that was hisao wife philosophy, isnt? her idealism in rokugan.....that is nice.

[x] Toshi sano Kanemochi Kaeru is granted to a new minor clan formed of the union of a Lion and Unicorn and paying reduced taxes to both Clans. (Requires Air roll DC 20 if fail -5)

[x] The Crane agree to hand over all future jade for a period of 10 years but maintain their artwork (+5 Crane, -5 Crab)
[x] Toshi sano Kanemochi Kaeru is granted to a new minor clan formed of the union of a Lion and Unicorn and paying reduced taxes to both Clans. (Requires Air roll DC 20 if fail -5)

[x] The Crane agree to hand over all future jade for a period of 10 years but maintain their artwork (+5 Crane, -5 Crab)
Alright let's see here
Adhoc vote count started by gman391 on Feb 28, 2019 at 7:10 PM, finished with 18 posts and 7 votes.
Year 12: Good Days and Bad
Year 12 of Toturi IV's Reign, 1182 Isawa, Month of the Dragon, 13th day (Mid Spring)

There was a quiet around the gathering of your council. The small room that you had met with them so many times before felt different now. Though it still remained more a room for meetings than anything else, no decorations, no real change physically. The air however was distant, unsettled, and the reason was obvious.


The long trek back from Shiro Moto had seen the fallout of your decisions play out, and...and not allowed you to get over Kaname's loss. You don't think you ever would, that it would always be a wound in your heart. But, you were learning to live with it.

Live with it, what a hateful phrase.

Live with it, live with the Unicorn and Lion for the most part making peace with the existence of the new Frog Clan (The city had a theme and there seemed no real purpose in denying it) even if the the marriage between the Moto and the Matsu to form the clan had apparently precipitated a three day brawl between them to see who was the clan champion.
The Matsu won and thus the newly formed Hikagareu family had a begun a tradition of matriarchy apparently.

The Crab had been less than pleased with your decision, but they couldn't find grounds to argue it, they had lost, and you were 'helping' while the Crane had simply preened and demurely agreed knowing that you knew that they were going to twist the knife against the Crab just enough to remind them that despite their pretensions the Crab needed Rokugan just as much as Rokugan needed the Crab.

Yes you had learned to live with that sort of thing for a while, living without your wife...that was still ongoing. Bad days and good days happened, and none of them were sure if this was a bad day or not.

"Until such time as I appoint a new Imperial Treasurer, I believe the duties fall to you Kakita-san?" You say.

Noritoshi nods.
"It is so, and so long as the Mikado chooses, I will of course perform both functions. While Hiroko-san and I did have our disagreements, she left me or her successor a fully functioning department as such I anticipate only minimal delays in implementing the policies that have been compiled. "

"And they are?"

"The Emerald Magistrates have noted that with the continued maintenance of the Legions in the East that the roads have become well not as well as patrolled as they could be, with permission I would like to expand the Emerald Legion to handle this task. It is as of yet not a major issue but current projections suggest it will be sometime in the next ten years barring no active interference on our part."

Noritoshi shuffles a paper.
"However, the Treasury does not in fact enjoy this plan, feeling that the time has come to revitalize Otosan Uchi one way or another, while there have been a number of proposals for this, up to and including moving the capital back and ceding Toshi Ranbo to the Seppun to prepare it as a second capital in case again the worst should befall us. They are somewhat premature"

"Premature?" Ginchiyo asks with an arched eyebrow.

"Otosan Uchi when it was founded, was founded because it is where Hantei-no-kami and the other founders fell to Nigen-do. However much of the land that was used to support it has since been either reclaimed by us and directed to other communities, or simply was overtaken by the city itself as it expanded and grew in size. As much as it would warm the heart of us all to have the home of Hantei again the capital, at this time I cannot recommend it being such. Instead I have directed the Treasury to begin inquiries into what it would take to revitalize the city, particularly given that Eight Spokes City is naturally flourishing as it stands, beyond expectations. If the Emperor wishes we could bend all of our efforts to this and perhaps reclaim the city quicker....but we do have other considerations." Noritoshi finishes.

Ayumi nods.
"Fortunately, negotiations with the Ivindi have proven far more fruitful than even I thought they could be. Not only do they find the Doom of the Mantis ingenious, they are also sending ahead a large supply of 'blessed Ivory' for us to use. According to reports while it is lesser in all forms than Jade, it is still effective in sufficient quantities, and perhaps most importantly it is already worked into usable material for us. Jade should arrive at the start of the summer after next."

Shem-zhe speaks up. "Forgive me Shosuro-san, but while your negotiations are most impressive, I have reports from across the Burning sands...it seems that regardless of how we go about retrieving the Jade. The Zanj are still intent on sending missionaries into our realm, if not with an official party than through other means. A large number of these missionaries have come to stay in the Senpet Quarter of the Jeweled City and are...taking every opportunity to preach to to our merchants and samurai about the Liberation of their god."

The Unicorn sighs.
"The Inquisitors and my own organization wish to organize our own efforts in the Jeweled City to stamp out this apostasy as quickly as possible, but it seems it will be hard, when they can just run into another quarter, we will have to be vigilant on the matter."

You nod your head.

"Hida-san?" You ask.

"While not the focus of our efforts, I have begun rebuilding the legions, but further effort would be...ideal, particularly given that the Shadowlands seems set to be upon us and the Jade Champion does nothing." She says gruffly.

Silence fills the room.

"Hida-san" Shem-zhe's voice says quietly. "Do you care to reword your statement?"

"No, the Empress is dead because of the failure of the Jade Legion and your Clan Horiuchi-san, and all the words in the world will not change that" Ginchiyo says without flinching.

Shem-Zhe looks at her, the faint feeling of cold in the air.
"And it is the Crab's fault that the infiltrator's even got past the wall, Hida-san. We all failed"

"Because you took the Jade they needed. Time again the Crab give everything, and time and again you take and you take." Ginchiyo

"It was Unicorn and Lion Blood that spilled to fight the Shadow Dragon, not Crab, it was Jade Legionnaire blood that stained the grounds of Otosan Uchi to retake it, not Crab. You claim we take and we take. We take because we must, not because we want to you petulant child." Shem-Zhe says.

"ENOUGH!" You shout.

"Hida-san, Horiuchi-san, apologize to each other, you're both out of line. My wife is dead, my Empire is hurting, and you two bickering like brats does nothing to improve my mood. I blame one person for the loss of my wife and she is not here, U-N-D-E-R-S-T-O-O-D?" You say drawing out the last word.

Shem-zhe takes a deep breath.
"Hai, my Mikado, my apologies Hida-san, it has been a trying few years for me."

Ginchiyo slowly releases the tension in her shoulders.
"I am, not unsympathetic, The Empress was a woman I cared for greatly, her loss wounded me deep and I was discourteous...my apologies as well."

Akane coughs slightly.
"In any event, I intend to focus on finding a new Imperial Treasurer as you might expect. I am also currently in talks with the Crane regarding the marriage of your young daughters, the betrothal is certain but if you wanted to set to whom and which young boy will be given the honour, that is an option."

The way she says it, it sounds like she doesn't think you need to do either of those things, but feels like she has to because Kaname...Kaname is no longer with you to do that for you. You swallow, pushing the pain away.

"Very well, for the coming year we will..."

[]Focus on arranging betrothals for my daughters, in light of the changed circumstances (TN 20, +5 to Crane, Unicorn, -5 to Crab, Lion)
[] Expand your Emerald Legion to maintain the roads.
(TN 20, +5 to Unicorn, Scorpion, -5 to Dragon, Phoenix

[] Rebuild your legions again after all that has happened
(TN 20, +5 to Dragon, Crane, -5 Lion, Unicorn)

[] Set up the revitalization efforts for Otosan Uchi
(TN 25, +5 to Scorpion, Phoenix, -5 Crane -5 Lion)

[] Send out Inquisitors and Jade Magistrates to stamp out apostasy in the Jeweled City
(TN 25, +5 to Phoenix, Dragon, -5 Crab, Scorpion)

AN: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Sorry for the delay on this one, dice roller on discord was down and took me a bit to get a new one.
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[X] Rebuild your legions again after all that has happened
(TN 20, +5 to Dragon, Crane, -5 Lion, Unicorn)

Hah nice! See Shahai? Gaijin aren't just liabilities!

It seems that the Zanj are clearly going for a religious victory. We need to either build/buy some rockstars or counter with our own missionaries. The best defense is a great offense.
Crab:60, Crane:40, Dragon:70, Lion:35, Phoenix:65, Scorpion:50, Unicorn:45

So... we'd rather not ding Unicorn, Lion, or Crane. Also, we're going to be picking a Treasurer soon, which is likely to be either a Crane or a Crab. Maybe a Scorpion? A Unicorn?

Focusing on Betrothals buffs Crane and Unicorn (good!) at the cost of Phoenix (whatever) and Lion (ouch). On the one side, the succession is a thing. On the other hand it seems like it'll *probably* be okay without us? Also, getting the Lion to a happier place would be good.

Expanding the Emerald Legion looks like something we'll need to do eventually, and gives us Unicorn/Scorpion while dinging Dragon/Phoenix. That's an improvement, overall, and knocking it out now means we don't need to worry about it later.

I'm... not pleased by the idea of rewarding our shogun for her bad behavior. It sounds like rebuilding the Imperial Legions is something that will happen (more slowly) by itself, though. Also, that hits Lion and Unicorn. It's important if Shahai is indeed coming over the wall with a massive horde, but if not, it's a bit redundant. I still suspect that she's lying to us.

I think... we're told that Otosan Uchi is progressing by itself, and that we'll have better ideas of how to do it if we wait a while. That seems well, especially since we don't have a Treasurer to help us on the TN 25 roll just yet (unless her copious notes count). Also, that hits Crane and Lion.

Stamping out Apostasy bounces around the numbers on a bunch of clans that are already high. It's TN 25, too, out of a 6k3. super-rough calculation suggests that's somewhere around 50/50 odds. If we don't do it, we're dealing with a growing Zanj cult. If we *do* do it (and fail) we might wind up taking some damage to our foreign relations. Here... I think I'm inclined to leave be for a short while. If it fades to nothing, it fades to nothing. If it gets a foothold, then when it's utterly wiped out by decree of the emperor, it will have more of an impact. We cannot kill all of the priests that the Zanj might see fit to throw at us. What we can do, though, is pick a day, close all the gates to the Rokugani quarter, and cut down all those inside who have allowed themselves to become corrupted. I imagine you'll see relatively few converts after that.

So, on that logic...
[x] Expand your Emerald Legion to maintain the roads.
(TN 20, +5 to Unicorn, Scorpion, -5 to Dragon, Phoenix

@gman391 - you said that the trek back had seen the fallout of our decisions play out. I don't think we ever got to find out what that fallout was. Could we at least have a few sentences on the matter?
Crab:60, Crane:40, Dragon:70, Lion:35, Phoenix:65, Scorpion:50, Unicorn:45

So... we'd rather not ding Unicorn, Lion, or Crane. Also, we're going to be picking a Treasurer soon, which is likely to be either a Crane or a Crab. Maybe a Scorpion? A Unicorn?

Focusing on Betrothals buffs Crane and Unicorn (good!) at the cost of Phoenix (whatever) and Lion (ouch). On the one side, the succession is a thing. On the other hand it seems like it'll *probably* be okay without us? Also, getting the Lion to a happier place would be good.

Expanding the Emerald Legion looks like something we'll need to do eventually, and gives us Unicorn/Scorpion while dinging Dragon/Phoenix. That's an improvement, overall, and knocking it out now means we don't need to worry about it later.

I'm... not pleased by the idea of rewarding our shogun for her bad behavior. It sounds like rebuilding the Imperial Legions is something that will happen (more slowly) by itself, though. Also, that hits Lion and Unicorn. It's important if Shahai is indeed coming over the wall with a massive horde, but if not, it's a bit redundant. I still suspect that she's lying to us.

I think... we're told that Otosan Uchi is progressing by itself, and that we'll have better ideas of how to do it if we wait a while. That seems well, especially since we don't have a Treasurer to help us on the TN 25 roll just yet (unless her copious notes count). Also, that hits Crane and Lion.

Stamping out Apostasy bounces around the numbers on a bunch of clans that are already high. It's TN 25, too, out of a 6k3. super-rough calculation suggests that's somewhere around 50/50 odds. If we don't do it, we're dealing with a growing Zanj cult. If we *do* do it (and fail) we might wind up taking some damage to our foreign relations. Here... I think I'm inclined to leave be for a short while. If it fades to nothing, it fades to nothing. If it gets a foothold, then when it's utterly wiped out by decree of the emperor, it will have more of an impact. We cannot kill all of the priests that the Zanj might see fit to throw at us. What we can do, though, is pick a day, close all the gates to the Rokugani quarter, and cut down all those inside who have allowed themselves to become corrupted. I imagine you'll see relatively few converts after that.

So, on that logic...
[x] Expand your Emerald Legion to maintain the roads.
(TN 20, +5 to Unicorn, Scorpion, -5 to Dragon, Phoenix

@gman391 - you said that the trek back had seen the fallout of our decisions play out. I don't think we ever got to find out what that fallout was. Could we at least have a few sentences on the matter?
Hmm seems I erased those lines on accident, let me put 'em back in.

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