Burden of the Emerald Empire (A Legend of the Five Rings Tale)

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This is the tale of the Emerald Empire a mystic land of Samurai and Heroes, of villains and demons, and the struggle of one man to rule it all.
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Lay your weary head to rest
Not feeling up to writing an update tonight. Have fluff instead.

Your shoulders feel like knotted rocks for all the good that the hot bath had done. While for now everything was going apace, the weight of the Empire still felt immeasurable. When was the last time you had truly slept without worrying long into the night about this or that? You were enduring, reliable...you would do your duty.

As you listen to the Otomo representative, Mochika, that was his name once again petition you to build another castle in one of the non aligned lands so that they could move out of the Crane lands. You can feel your head ache beginning to build. By all the gods, the Crane had been nothing but gracious hosts and it still wasn't enough for this arrogant tool?

You wanted to tell him to go kill himself, wanted to just go grab some shochu and ignore this.
But, you can't. Annoying you isn't technically a crime, and you can understand the desire to have your own home, free of commitments from others. Understand, that the Otomo being reliant on the Crane actively reflected on your prestige.

Even so, you just wanted to rest, just wanted to let your head fall down and sleep while listening to the midnight winds...

Finally you give some vague words and reassurances and dismiss the man before retreating into your inner quarters, the one place you could say you wouldn't be accosted by someone needing something.

And Kaname is there...lovely. You put on your 'Emperor does not in fact want to snap and kill something face' and approach her as she doesn't seem to notice you. Hmm might need to rename that face.

"Shiba-san, to what do I owe the pleasure?" You ask.

Gods, why couldn't you get one moment of peace?

"Ah..." She turns around and kowtows as is proper.

"Forgive me Tenno, I didn't think you would be back for some time." She says.

"...I do keep late hours, but your own chambers are comfortable enough aren't they?" You ask.

She looks up.
"They are...but...I wanted to understand the chambers I would be in if I wed." She says softly.

"You...intend to share my bed regularly?" You are surprised.

While there is the marriage bed, typically...that bed is only for when you are amorous with each other. Outside it the Empress can and often does keep her own rooms and beds. Officially so that if Heaven's forbid something happened to you, she could be safe. Unofficially, it was so the Empress didn't have to watch her husband sleep with his concubines. While the Toturi had not really indulged in the practice. Tradition was it's own keeper.

"...Um hai. I know...I know you don't, particularly like me, but I do want us to have a good marriage...and keeping separate from you, doesn't help with that."

You stop for a moment...don't like her? While that wasn't entirely true....but you could see how she came to that conclusion. You had after all spend much time with her debating and convincing her she was wrong with her. You gesture her to stand up.

"Shiba-san, it's not that I don't like you, it's just..."

She stands up and looks at you.
"That I'm too outspoken, to set in my justice and beliefs, I don't...bend like most people do. I understand Mikado, but I am who I am."

Unspoken in her eyes, was that she believed you regretted that decision, and a part of you did. Another part of you resolved that you would change things.

"You are Shiba-san...but you are growing, and I do like you, I just want what's best for everyone." You say quietly.

Kaname shifts, feeling awkward.
"I know my Emperor, that is why I want to try and make this a good marriage, you walk so alone, and it does not seem...right that you should do so."

You let out a chuckle internally. You were the Emperor, the Empire was your burden and yours alone.
"That so?"

"Hai." She says simply.

"And how do you intend to do that?" You ask wryly.

"I...if my Emperor permits...would show you." She says.

You raise an eyebrow, but nod as she gestures for you to sit on the futon. You do so, wondering if the naive Kaname is really that naive if she's going to do...that. Instead of 'that' she kneels behind you and you feel strong, but feminine hands on your back and shoulders.

They dig into your muscles, working out the knots with an implacable determination. She's good at this, you wonder when the Shiba Ryu began teaching that. Did she go out and learn this herself? If so from...oh that feels so nice...it hurts but it feels nice. You feel yourself leaning back into her, leaning into Kaname's warm fingers, in many ways this is scandalous beyond compare. Yet, you find the touch of her soothing, the feeling of someone taking care of you, not because you're the Emperor but because your just a man...is oddly liberating.

You can hear her softly singing humming an old lullaby that you can only vaguely remember your mother humming to you when you were young. The back rub continues as you find yourself slowly relaxing more and more into Kaname's arms. You are tired...and you find that her hums and hands are only making the siren call of Yume-do stronger.

"...You are..talented, Shiba-san" You say.
Your eyes are drooping as you fight going to sleep. You need to stay up to...was she always this comfortable?

You feel her still for a moment.
"If it pleases you, please call me Kaname" She says softly.

"...Hai Kaname-chan" you mumble.

You feel her pet your hair, as finally mercifully, sleep comes to you, no worrying no nightmares, just sleep.
Memories of Koten
Memories of Koten

Other than the slowly fading echoes of the monk attending to the stone catacombs beneath Koten, the burial halls were empty, the cold darkness creeping along its paths illuminated by but a single torch carried by a giant of a man, clad in armor well used, fitting to his form like a second skin or a shell as others had so often sneered from behind their silken fans. From his obi hung club, a tetsubo studded with sharp shards of jade on a cord of thick rope. It was not as elegant a weapon as those used further within the emerald empire, but its wielder knew each crevice and crack upon its worn haft enough to consider it an extension of his being. Besides, it was not often one was entrusted to teach the heir the true nature of duty. If he allowed one of those whom slipped through the whelp Kuon's defense upon the wall to devour the boy on his watch, he'd never hear the end of it.

"Ichiro-kun, come here. Let us see if you can recall the knowledge i have imparted to you." he gestured towards the son of his grandchild, the boy meeting his eyes without fear, only respect. Sometimes, when beset by old regrets, he wondered what he'd done to earn it.

A daisho belonging to the honored sensei Hiruma Masagaro was identified, the scabbard still bearing the mon of the Kyuden Hiruma, a reflection of the land only recently reclaimed from the horrors beyond the Kaiu wall, battles still to be fought upon the contested castle walls . Speaking emotionlessly as if reciting a string of dry facts learnt within a classroom, the young Crab went on to list his death at the hands of the undead, hampering the dark lord Iuchiban's campaigns barely a year before.

Next was the hammer of the child's grandmother, daughter of their guide, slain by the Crane during the Yasuki war, martyring herself against a enemy duelist as an example to her men to remain strong and hold the line, to buy time for the armies upon the wall to weather the latest onslaught before coming to their aid.

This went on, a string of gruesome deaths, tales of courage and ends that rarely left a body. Soon the trio found themselves deep within the bowels of the castle, the only marks of their passing being the disrupted dust upon the floor and the age of the engraved names upon the walls.

Looking intently upon the kanji engraved upon the wall separating the urn of ashes and old scraps of what remained of a helmet, its top caved inwards by a ugly tear in the metal, the boy answering on cue "Hida Taro. Hero of the Battle of Unshaking Stone."

"So you can read his name from the wall boy. What happened to him?"

"An Oni claimed his life Kisada-Sama. He was slain defending the Clan Champions back as its tentacles pierced his body and tore him apart."

Ignoring the green faced visitor next to them the Great Bear feigned a pained expression. "Call me jiji. I'm sure the young lord here doesn't wish to stand on ceremony all day."

He looked towards the young heir of the Emperor with a small smile, hinting at this break of etiquette as a secret to be shared, one quickly shared by the young boy just itching to spend a few hours from the tedium of sitting motionless beside his parents as they conducted their meeting with the Clan Champion back within the fortress walls of the Kyuden Hida.

"Besides, go back far enough and it's arguable to claim we are related to some degree. Acting as coldly to one another as a Crane is hardly something family should do to one another in private. It is strong bonds within the clan that makes the Crab strong. If you cannot depend upon family, then you exist standing on sand, doomed to tread softly till you make a mistake and drown within the earth for your troubles. When you follow your duty to the clan, you can live knowing someone will defend your back as you are expected to defend theirs. The same is within the empire young Hisao. The Crab defend the wall as is their duty, but in return the empire supports them by doing their own duty in providing us what we need."

"But...what about the Crane? Or the Scorpion. I was told you fight them very often and they are your neighbours? What if they don't help you?" stuttered out the young prince.

The former Champion of the Crab leaned down, his bulk dwarfing the boy, the glow of the torch granting him a menacing light as his intense, dark eyes burned with a inner fire. "Then it is up to those with strength to do their duty and make them." he replied, imparting what he considered the most important lesson of all.

The silence drew out, the corridor a soft orange glow from the flames licking the air from the stick and its burning bundle of rags. The only noise was the breathing of a frightened child, the tension suddenly broken by the wheezing cough of a giant breaking into barely repressed laughter, the reborn spirits large frame shuddering as he mastered himself. It had been far too long since he'd made an Imperial almost wet himself and this was honestly the closest he'd come to revenge against the boy's grandfather.

"My apologies young Totori-sama. Just an old man taking his entertainment where he can. The lessons are useful, the stories within these halls far less frequent then i would like, but the price paid without question in each instance. It's important for a man to grow knowing what duty truly looks like. That way he can accept it without question, rather than wheedling his way out of the cost with half-truths and empty words. I only hope you remember this when you think of the Emperor's servants the Crab."

Taking a moment to gather himself and to present his adult face, just like his tutors had taught him, the next Emperor imperiously decreed "Your lesson has been received Kisada-san. But please, call me Hisao. It would be bad form for family to speak so coldly to one another."

(OOC: Never done an L5R omake before, unsure if i got it right enough.)
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Toturi's Three Beauties have Tea
Still waiting for more votes...but I still want to write so time for more Omake I suppose.
Imperial Palace, 1st Year of Toturi IV's Reign, Month of Akodo (Horse)

Kaname would not let herself be intimidated by the other women around her. Yes the two older women, were confident, competent women nearly as beautiful as she was. And yes there were rumours already flying around that young Toturi IV had assembled a sort of harem.

But Kaname did not like rumours, and she would not let someone steal Hisao from her. She had...admittedly struggled somewhat with her future mother in law, and uncle. But this time she would get it right.

Which is why they were here in one of the seemingly endless state rooms, drinking tea. Across from her, Yoritomo Hiroko nibbled on a ball of mochi rice, while Akane sipped her tea.

Kaname drinks down her own matcha blend.
"Thank you both for coming."

"Ara, no problem...if we're going to be the Three Beauties, may as well be on speaking terms." Hiroko says.

"Three beauties how foolish, the Emperor has eyes only for Shiba-san"

"Ah Akane-san, you can't be so uptight. Besides it's not like teaching a young man how to treat a woman isn't it's own form of fun" Hiroko said shamelessly.

How to treat a woman? Kaname could feel her face trying to burn from embarrassment. With a force of will she pushed it down, and drunk more tea. Yes Yoritomo were shameless but come on!

"Yoritomo-san, do not make the Empress-to-be spontaneously combust. And don't call me Akane" the Imperial Advisor said putting down her tea.

"Ah don't be like that Akane-san, you can call me Hiroko...and besides she's cute to tease" Hiroko says.

"Er Yoritomo-san, please don't, I just wanted to get to know you two is all." Kaname says struggling to regain control of the conversation.

"An admirable attempt to recover from your earlier missteps" Akane agrees.

"They weren't missteps, everything I said was true...I just said them wrong" Kaname retorts.

"...Ah well, you can do that, but it ain't really your style" Hiroko says taking out a long pipe.

"Yoritomo-san, do not corrupt the younger generation" Akane says, although it seems more out of exasperated expectation that she spoke.

Lighting the pipe and taking in the tobacco and definitely legal substances into her lungs. Hiroko shakes her head.
"Always figured that was half the fun of getting older myself"

"Shiba-san wishes to establish a rapport with us...and to put into practice the lessons our Emperor has been putting in to teaching her." Akane says. "Not to be turned into an inveterate hedonist"

"You say inveterate hedonist, I say someone who doesn't make a man freeze when she's touched" Hiroko sends back Akane's volley with aplomb.

"I have three children, rest assured Yoritomo-san, my husband has never frozen while touching me."

Hiroko laughs.
"Alright I'll lay off the catfight to pay attention to our baby girl"

"I/she is/am not your/our baby girl" Akane and Kaname say at the same time.

Hiroko takes another puff of the pipe.
"Seems to me we kind of are Akane-san. Our dear dowager Empress despises her for being a Phoenix, which fair enough the Crab have never been friends there. So who else is of the right station to guide her in these turbulent times? That we happen to have a fun aunt and a prude aunt makes it work all the better."

"...I don't agree to this" Kaname says.
How had she lost control of this conversation so quickly? She wonders in her head.

"She wants a working relationship with us. We should give that." Akane insists.

"hmm. Kaname, pop quiz, what should we do about Kasuga Tangen"

"Ask for his head" Kaname says almost instantly.
She despised the greedy fat man.

"See if you wanted a political relationship, you'd know that Kasuga Tangen is if not my friend, currently someone I as the Treasurer need where he is, and Akane needs to figure out who to replace him with"

"...I have been making discreet inquiries with regards to that" Akane says quietly.

"But Kaname-chan you ain't stupid, so I think you know that, which means, whatever your stated goals. something else is in the works." Hiroko lays it out.

Taking a deep breath to call on her meditation lessons, Kaname tries to work through it objectively.
Had she wanted something more with these two? Maybe, she had no desire to talk to the male geisha known as Taikomochi, or even a normal geisha at that. Such things would look bad on Hisao...but she did want to talk to someone about the things she couldn't talk to Hisao about, that much was true.

Kaname finished her tea. She was half sure that if she asked Hisao whether or not she looked better in autumn or spring colours, the man would have his mind grind to a halt. So maybe on some level she did want companionship from the two older women.

Refilling her own tea, and Akane's, Kaname looks at Hiroko who waves it off. The hot liquid fills the room with it's scent, even as the silence lingers.

"...There is...some merit Yoritomo-san, in what you say" Kaname gets out at last.

"See was that so hard?" Hiroko asks, taking another puff.

"I want ground rules." Kaname presses forward.

Akane raised one arched eyebrow and even Hiroko seemed a little taken aback.

"We do this over tea, what happens stays here...and you Yoritomo-san don't tease me if I say stop" Kaname finishes.

Hiroko laughs, and Akane shakes her head.
"Very well" They agree.

"...So um...how did you two become closer to your husbands?" Kaname asks her cheeks flushing.

"Well I---"

"Yoritomo-san stop"

"You didn't even know what I was going to say!" Hiroko retorts.

"No, but I do know that she should go for the approved method first" Akane replies.

Hiroko takes another puff and pouts.

Akane takes a rice ball and begins to say.
"First you need to talk to him alone---

After the tea was over, Hiroko couldn't look Akane in the eye for a week, Kaname couldn't until after the Championships, even if she was grateful for the advice.
The Lady of Blood
So waiting for more votes/discussion. Also feel bad about such a short update, so have this sidestory about what one of Hisao's enemies is up to.


The falling leaves danced around a young woman as she walked along the roads. At her side the simple daisho marking her as a samurai, on her back a young child no older than two cooed as he batted at her hair. Ebony hair and pale skin stood out from her dark red kimono.

The steady crunch crunch of foliage, echoes in front of her as a procession of people make their own way down the road. The humble palanquin bearing the Symbol of the Crane and the Asahina Daimyo. In many ways it's rather austere for the Crane, who make even their travelling methods into beautiful works of art. Then Asahina Keitaro had always been a relatively simple man all things considered.

The Crane group stops as the guards step forward towards the young woman.
"You there Ronin, make way for the Daimyo!" Calls the captain.

"And what if I said no?" The woman asks.

"Then we would make you move, son or no, you have no right to stand in the way of my lord" The captain says.

He's a lean dangerous man, veteran of the Yasuki Wars, talented with a spear and sword. He's killed Crab, Scorpion and Lion in equal measures. The guard captain is utterly confident that he can move a young ronin woman carrying her son. Shame they hadn't met in better circumstances, she was pretty in spite of the child.

The woman looks at her son and pets his head.
"What do you think of that Kanpeki-kun? Should I listen to the mean Crane?" She coos.

The toddler giggles and leans into the pet. Yet the woman is listening, intently even. The guard captain finds himself on edge, some hidden instinct telling him to strike her down now. Yet, she had done nothing, beyond mild insubordination.

"No I don't think so either." She agrees.

The woman reaches into her kimono, pulling out a single blood red jewel. The guard captain charges, he can gut himself later, but everything he knows tells him that she cannot be allowed to use that jewel, whatever it is.

To his credit the guard captain almost reaches her, almost stops the woman from her dark murmuring, three more steps, that's all he needed. His men shift uneasily as the captain stops in the middle of his lunge. Straightening up, and looking at the woman in the eyes.

"Mistress Shahai, what is your command?" He asks.

The woman now named Shahai thinks for a moment.
"Oh...I don't know, how about you kill all your troops."

"Yes Mistress" The guard captain turns around.

The guards are already drawing their swords. Most of them know they are already dead. Shahai, the Lady of Blood, servant of the Realm of Evil, dark bride of Daigotsu, was not someone they could defeat.
However, honour compelled them to give their all to defend their daimyo.

The guard captain, eyes glowing red, charges into them. He no longer cares for his life, only about fulfilling his command. Spear flashing crimson in the late afternoon light.

In a better life, or one where there was a shugenja to stand against Shahai, they might have been able to save Asahina Keitaro. As it stood, even as they brought down their captain, Shahai had finished making her ritual offering to the dark spirits. Blood poured from her wrist and lanced out through the surviving guardsmen, killing them on the spot.

Kanpeki gurgled with happiness, clapping his chubby little hands as he watched the carnage. Mama was winning, what fun!

Asahina Keitaro stumbled out of his palanquin, he was not a warrior, no a pacifist to the core, he had never wanted to fight. Yet here he was, he had no way to save his men, or himself...but perhaps...yes, that would do. His gifts with the spirits of Fire had never been that strong, but he could do this much at least. Leaping back as he instinctively batted away a tendril of blood from Shahai, with the Air kami, Keitaro began to chant, intoning to the Lord of Thunder and Fire to destroy this place utterly.

Shahai shook her head, that wouldn't do at all, nothing could be allowed to harm her child. She raised her Corrupted Tear of Doji.

"That's enough" She commands.

Keitaro feels the tendrils of the kansen infuse his mind, seeking to turn him into a puppet. But he was a daimyo, a noble who traced his lineage back to Asahina-shiryo himself, this would not....

The sword in his stomach stains the kimono an ugly red. Shahai curling her hand around the back of Keitaro's neck. In his ear he can hear her voice, as the shock ends his resistance.

"Now tell me Keitaro-kun, where have you put the Anvil of Despair?" She asks.

"Mistress, it is in Osano-Wo's Shrine." Keitaro says dully.

"Thank you, now was that so hard?"

"No Mistress"

Shahai kisses Keitaro's cheek.
"Goodbye Keitaro-kun..."

The Asahina daimyo drops to the ground dead. Shahai looks at her skin feeling the Daimyo's life surge into her. A bit bland, but then Asahina. She turns her attention back to her son.

"Now come on Kanpeki, we have to go a long way before the winters hit."

Kanpeki cooed, as they walked away from the blood soaked leaves.
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Omake: Daimyo of the Catfish Clan

In retrospect, you should have just asked to join the Seppun. Being a daimyo is to put it bluntly, a bag of bullshit. You had no idea how the Emperor dealt with what must be even more bullshit.

Zayko Toshi, City of Pleasure, nominally your new home. In practice....


Beside you, your erstwhile political advisor Namazu no Asako Keiji glances at you.
You nod. Fortunes knows your wife to be, is a beautiful, skilled warrior. Subtle, however is not a word Namazu no Hida Eijiko does.

Truthfully you have to make sure to send a thank you note to the Empress and the Dowager Empress for arranging this. Without those two at your side, well you'd have managed, but you're pretty sure that thing at the docks would have ended in even more fire and tears.

Keiji steps forward in a smooth precise motion betraying his Phoenix heritage.

"What Namazu-sama means my friends, is that the time has come to set aside the rivalries that saw all four of you divided for so long. You are real samurai now, your focus cannot be on the petty things that occurred...prior to your ascension, but on making our Clan thrive."

You turn your gaze back to the four vassals in front of you. Once the head of the four major gangs (and fortunately ronin) that ruled Zayko Toshi in the shadows, you had offered them a choice. Take your name and serve, or you'd burn them out with fire and blood.
Their predecessors didn't think you would do it. The utter destruction of the fifth gang by you had prompted a change in leadership.

Namazu Hideki takes a breath. An older man and established, he didn't really respect you. Respected your right hook though. Once master of the North District and the most 'respectable' of the gangs. He usually was the first to adapt to your command.

"Forgive us Namazu-dono, we have shed so much blood over the years, that it is hard...to let go."

"I understand that Hideki-san, but that shouldn't be coming up every meeting. I made it clear that joining me was leaving the past behind."

"If the old bastard would just..." A deeper voice mumbles.

Namazu Daiten, not particularly bright, but straightforward and the only one who could really match your wife blow for blow, he'd carve out a home for his 'boys' in the Lantern district. Largely by strength of his axe. Unfortunately, Daiten was someone who genuinely loved his people, and never forgave their deaths.

"Like I should forgive you for what you did to my tea house?" A woman's voice asks.

Namazu Miyuki, she might have been beautiful before someone had tried to burn her alive. They weren't around any more and a lot of rumours swirled around what she had done to them for that. For a time she had controlled every aspect of the Temples in the city, largely by dint of her willingness to set people on fire. Her voice was low and smokey but no less venomous for that.

"Didn't mean nothin' " Daiten says.

"It never does with you Daiten-san unless it's one of your boys who gets hurt." Came a slick voice.

Namazu Saito, the last of the 'Four Kings' no one new really where he'd come from before sowing up the west side. Although Keiji suspected he was an 'ex' Scorpion given his methods. There was no way to prove that though.

"Ya why would?"

"Focus!" You shout.

They look at you, waiting for you to speak. None of the were yours not really. They followed out of self interest, but that was less important than that they followed. At least for now it was.

You continue.
"I summoned you four to nominate candidates to fill out delegations to Kyuden Bayushi, Shinden Asahina and Yasuki Yashiki. Not to bicker over which one of you is going to which. None of you are leaving the city. Now, I need nine names, I will select the leader of the delegations myself. Do you have those names for me?"

They look at each other, some sort of unspoken conversation going between them. Finally it's Saito who speaks naming a few of his 'girls' geisha that could serve as aids to all three courts. The ice broken someone what, the other three also offer up followers that could fit the bill. You did not have a lot of people who joined the Clan from outside the city, but every Great Clan had arranged for at least two, you would use them for Delegation heads.

The discussion of who fit where best, and what exactly the Catfish should get from the Winter Courts if possible dragged well into the night. Eijiko had broken at least one chair in a show of force, and even Keiji ever reliable, had taken out his pipe and begun smoking. For your part, you just told them to go so you could rest, and maybe get some sake and music.

Who says you weren't civilized?

Keiji looks at Eijiko who nods, he gives a smile and leaves you alone in the room with her.
When she doesn't leave to go to the dojo for her usual 'beat the shit out of something' post meeting routine, you feel a little worried.

"Eijiko-chan?" You ask.

The large woman walks towards you and puts her arms on your shoulders.
"Listening to those idiots has made me very frustrated, and you are the same...will my husband help me work out our frustrations?"

You are Namazu Minato, age seventeen
You are not an idiot.
You kiss your fiancée.

Damn it's good to be a Daimyo

[] Shahai (Lady of Blood)
[] Minoru (Imperial Heir Apparent)
[] Kaneka (Shogun)
[] Write in
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Omake: I'm Helping!
-Minoru Imperial Heir Apparent.

You sit on top of the bookcase, they'll never find you here. Never find Daddy's special things either. Your name is Min-chin, (Okay it was Minoru but you liked Min-chin better) You are four years old, and the best climber in the world.

Uncle Dai said so and mommy hadn't even said no.

Which is why when it came time to help daddy, you knew what to do. Daddy loved you, you know he did, when he'd pick you up and carry you around were the best. But he had to go sometimes and you didn't like that. But you remember what he said when he left.

"Listen Min-chin, I'm going away for a while, next year you can come with us. But for now, be a good girl and hold things together here for me okay?"

You nodded and didn't cry at all (big girls don't cry, good girls don't either, that's what grandma said)

Still missed his hugs though, even if Uncle Dai got the big tall Matsu-chan to carry you like a queen. You did like this queen thing...even though they wouldn't give you anymore mochi...

mmm mochi

You should get some mochi. You climb down the book case and run into the kitchens, looking up at the big old woman who was your cook and give the biggest smile you can.

"Can I please have some mochi" You say in a very very polite tone. (You don't know what that is, but Mommy said you were polite so everything you say is polite right?)

"I'm sorry dear, your grandmother has said no sweets for you...."

Grandma betrayed you?!

"But I want some Mochi!" You cry.

"I am sorry, but I can't give you mochi." Cookie says.

You look at her and stare...but she doesn't relent.

Well then you have to go talk to Grandma about this!
You will get that mochi.

You storm off letting everyone see how angry you are. This is the greatest wrong ever! What kind of a monster doesn't let you have mochi? Wait weren't you...right daddy's things, you were protecting them.

Well now you don't know what to do.
Mochi, which you love almost as much as your family
Or Daddy's things...

Stopping in the middle of the hallway, you begin to think it over.
Mochi, or Daddy.
Mochi is delicious...
But you love Daddy
But Mochi is delicious...

You hear someone shouting and look up to see Uncle Dai coming towards.

"Min-chin, where have you been?"

"Tryin ta get mochi..."

"Mother caught you off too eh?"

Is grandma evil? Is that why she cut you and Uncle Dai off from Mochi?

"...Unca Dai?"

"Yes Min-chin?"

"Why'd Grandma do that?"

"...Because grandma still thinks of herself as a Crab...and Crab don't get many sweets like that."

"I don't wanna be a Crab" You decide.

"Don't be too hasty...or tell grandma that." Uncle Dai says.

You look set to argue when someone else runs up behind you, and bows low.

"Princess Minoru, Prince Dai, your grandmother wants to see you." Comes the frantic voice.

"Thank you Seppun-san, is she in her quarters?" Uncle Dai asks.


Dai reaches down and picks you up.
"Come on Min-chin let's go see grandma"

Wait you don't wanna go see grandma. She's mean, she took mochi away!

You bap Dai on the nose. "NO!"

"Sometimes I get why Father left me with that Crow" Dai says under his breath.

"What's a crow?"

"Never mind that." Dai says.

Despite your protests Uncle Dai takes you grandma. Uncle Dai is not your special awesome friend anymore!

No he is because you love him...but you will remember this.

"Dai-kun, Minoru-chan." Grandma says.

"Mother, what's wrong."

"Someone stole some of the Imperial records your brother left for filing. Until we know who or what, the Imperial Family is to be sequestered."

"Huh, well, okay, looks like we'll be here for a while Min-chin" Dai says.

As Dai begins to play climb up the person with you. You think this is a great thing.

It has been forever since you were stuck in here with Grandma and Uncle Dai.
Also forever since you tried to convince grandma to let you have mochi when you get out. She poked your belly and said that big girls means height not weight.

Grandma is so mean to you.

As you pout in the corner holding your backside after Grandma had explained that you do not call people big meanie heads. You wish Daddy was here.

The door opens behind you and you are about to turn and look when Grandma is again a big meanie head.
"Eyes front Minoru!"

You grumble but look forward.

"We finally found the Records...weird thing was someone one just put them on the top shelf in the Empress office." Comes a male voice.

Oh no they found your hiding spot...but it was perfect!
Hmm...going to have to think on this.

"That is strange, still they have been returned?"

"Hai Dowager Empress."

You furrow your head. You'll help daddy, just need a better spot, your room would work right?
As grandma shoos you away, you begin to run for Daddy's office. This time you'll keep it safe for sure!

Dai catches you.

"Min-chin where are you going."


"I don't know how you did it, but I'm pretty sure you did...but you shouldn't hide things."

"But mama says we have to hide things..."

"Not that sort of thing!"

"...I don get it."

Uncle Dai sighs.
"Do you want a piggyback ride on Matsu-san?"


Daddy's things could wait for a piggy back ride...surely.

[] Shahai
[] Write in

I take the old pipe that Otoya had given me a decade ago, light it, and inhale the herbal smoke. The feeling of fire in my lungs passes for a sort of passive satisfaction that relaxes me as I lean against the wall.

Across from me Kitsuki Fusami rests, her guard never wavering for a moment. Once again I wonder at the vagaries of life, seven years ago I had sent her away. And in the past year, Mirumoto Kei had returned her to me saying. "The Shogun deserves my best Yojimbo"

"You shouldn't smoke...." Fusami says her nose wrinkling.

"Probably, but since Otoya isn't here, someone should."

"The little troll corrupted you more than the rest of us ever could."

"That little troll taught me more about warcraft than anyone else. You should be grateful considering where we are going." I say taking another breath.

"To the Burning Sands....a blasted desert that I'd be content to let the Shadow Dragon have to be honest." Fusami says.

I shrug.
"Better to take the fight to it then fight it on our lands."

One eye looks at the moon, is my wife looking at the same moon? I don't know, I don't really know her beyond her having a good uppercut.

"You've got that far away look again." Fusami says her eyes narrowing.

"Thinking about the wife."

"Been doing that a lot lately." She says, her eyes searching me.

I shrug again.
"It's hard not to when I see the Emperor and Empress so obviously blessed by Benten."

"I suppose not." Fusami agrees.

Truth be told, I don't envy Hisao, no not with everything he has on his plate. Yet...other thoughts fill my mind. Naseru had given me a very nice estate in the Phoenix lands, worthy of a Toturi, I had never seen it. I had standing invitations to lecture at every major dojo in the Empire, I had never been able to go. The last time I had seriously travelled was with...Naseru, seven years ago. A part of me still hungered for the open road, to go somewhere, do things, to meet new people with nothing but my wits and my skill.

A Shogun couldn't do that. A Toturi couldn't do that, for all that I didn't have the name. I was one at least as close as anything else.

Snow begins to fall and the wound Fusami gave me all those years aches slightly.

"...you have that nostalgic look that worries me...my lord." Fusami says.

I wave my pipe around.
"Why should it worry you?"

"Because I know that look means you're going to do something that most would consider dumb." She states flatly.

I take another puff of smoke into my lungs.
She's not wrong really, the word 'resignation' has come to my mind more and more. Resign from being the second most powerful man in the Empire (arguably) . To almost every other Samurai that was madness. To me it was slowly becoming more seductive.

Exhaling and watching the air dance in front of me.
"I returned to being Shogun because the Emperor needed me, he was young, untried, inexperienced...but he's bloomed magnificently. He doesn't need me anymore." I say.

I can hear Fusami's sharp inhalation.
"That's hardly important, you know he relies on you as his strong right arm."

The snow keeps falling as I turn to look at it.
"He does...but he can't rely on me forever. If not for that jackass ruining it, I could see him being given the name 'Steel Emperor' after his death, he doesn't bend for anyone if it's something he cares about. He can handle losing me."

"That does not mean he should, my lord."

"I've been at this job for what ten years? It's not a done deal yet, but I think I earned a vacation. " I say dryly.

There's a clap at the door. Fusami gives me a narrow look saying 'This isn't over' even as her hand goes to her saya in preparation.

"Come in" I call.

The door slides open, and the enormous bear of a man that is Kisada steps in. Kisada has always been someone I don't know how to relate to. The competitive side of me wants to fight him, the smart side says its a bad idea, and my honourable side says he shouldn't even be here.

But it is what it is, so all I do is bow politely.

"Thank you" Kisada faintly rumbles.

"Smoke?" I offer.

He shakes his head.

"I have come to speak of the Tetsubo of Crystal" he says simply.

I tilt my head.
"What about it?"

"I do not believe it will kill the Shadow Dragon." he says.

My eyes widen.
"What do you mean it won't?"

Kisada gives a slowl growl.
"The Shadow Dragon is not something that can be killed. Having laid my hands on it, I am sure that the weapon my son gave me is not up to it."

"But Lord Sun said it was." I point out.

Another growl.
"Lord Sun often thinks in more...brute force matters than he should. Likely he was told it could defeat the Shadow Dragon and he took it to mean the same thing. "

I blink.
"So what it's like the Iuchiban thing all over again?"

"In a sense. When I was in the Heavens...I learned some things. I think this weapon will defeat the Shadow Dragon, but you need to make no plans around it being dead. In time it will return."

"Like the Southern Enemy" I say after a moment.

"Precisely." Kisada agrees.

"Have you told the Emperor?" I ask.

"No, you were closer." He says.

I take another smoke.
"Very well, you should go tell him then."

"Hai" He agrees.

With that, the Bear leaves far faster than a man that size has any right to be.

Despite the herbs, my mind raced, my plans didn't really change to much. the Lion and the Imperial Legions would be the anvil to the Unicorn Hammer while the Eight Banners launched a surprise attack at the source of the golems.

But still, defeat not kill.
Were the Toturi ever going to be able to win for good against an enemy?

That thought would keep me pondering well into the night.

AN: So uh, not dead. I know there was a massive delay. Truth be told things got progressively worse for me over the holidays, and they're still not a hundred percent better. (Turns out daily hospital visits kill my creativity, who knew) I'm not making excuses just explaining what happened. With luck I should start the main story again sometime this week. Thank you all for your patience.
Omake: The Battle of Fallen Glass
He ducks under the golem's outstretched arm, and swings his tetsubo up, in a brutal arc that shatters its arm and most of its torso. That doesn't mean the golem stops, swinging its arm down on to his arm. Kisada grunts as he feels his shoulder bleed, before grabbing the arm and pulling back. The sound of cracking as the glass arm comes off. Kisada slams the arm back into the golem's torso sending it into the dirt where it kicks futilely for a bit before the light goes out of its eyes.

Hefting his weapon back on to his shoulder Kisada looks at the small squad of samurai he had just saved. They're children really, no older than maybe seventeen summers. They were terrified, they didn't know how the battle was going, this wasn't what they had signed on for.

"Come on you lot, did you think this was going to be easy? The Shogun has commanded a rally at the moon gate, get your asses back there for the next push."

The samurai simply nod and hurry back as another set of golems arises out of the rubble. Kisada cracks his neck, looking at the Tower of the Sultan where the Shadow Dragon no doubt awaited.

"Alright, which one of you dumb bastards is first?" He asks.

One of the golems attacks him with a set of rapid slashes at his chest.

"Ah good a volunteer" Kisada laughs as he swings his tetsubo again.

Kaneka listens to the reports coming in. The Shadow Dragon had intended to turn the central causeway into a killing zone, but instinct had directed him to send a flaking attack, and shattered the trap before it came. Almost, the flanking attack had succeeded, but no one had expected for the Shadow Dragon to simple destroy the flanks with fire. Most of the samurai had gotten out, but too many now burned in either side of the causeway.

The eruption of molten glass under his position was something he hadn't planned for. Kaneka had known of course where the attack would happen next once it had happened. Sending his reserves forward blunting and then throwing back the Shadow Dragon's attack. It was a hard brutal fight, and he didn't have any reserves left.

"Shogun-dono, the enemy retreats."

"Retreats?" Kaneka asks.


Kaneka thinks for a moment, the spies that had allowed him to launch the assault had given him a map...he knows where they're retreating to, but he has no reserves...save his own personal guard.
So be it, Kaneka grabs the reigns of his horse.

"GUARD TO ME! WE RIDE!" He calls out.


Ikoma Motoko swung her spear 'Isotakeru' forward, neatly skewering a golem through it's 'heart' and shattering it. The abomination of glass had once been a foe she had no idea how to beat, but now...now it was just one more enemy to take care of.

She looks around and sees that for once not everything is on fire, and or disappearing from reality. The battle for Medinat al Salaam, had devolved into brutal street fighting as the the Imperial Legion and Lion armies fought their way in.

The enemy had taken time to prepare, and had drawn the Lion into bloody killing ground with that damnable heretic's magics time and again revealing hidden detachment of golems to try and break through their lines from behind.

Motoko wipes the swear off her brow. At last though the golems seemed to have been pulled back. The Lion held the eastern side of the city, with the west cut off by the river, that meant the battle was nearly won right.

A call from behind her.
"Ikoma-taisa, Akodo-ue's compliments, but you are to take your unit and advance to the baths"

She's still not used to being called taisa, though Motoko admits she has earned it.

"The Battle of Red Hills was fought by the Crimson Phoenix, Isawa Nohime."

"Against the Blue Lion, Akodo no Daidoji Hideyoshi." Motoko answers.

The messenger bows again, running off.
Motoko turns around to her squad, once a thousand strong, not maybe a little more than five hundred.

"Spears of the Lion, we've been ordered to take the baths. We move out in half an hour." She shouts.

A weary cry of 'yes Taisa-sama' echoes from them. Motoko tried not to think about how much smaller it sounded now than it had before the battle. No she had earned her position, but it didn't stop her from being so tired right now.


Shinjo Rena caught the golem with her improvised club and then slammed home with her lance. The golem shatters as she throws away the now useless hunk of ash wood. Up ahead she can see the Khan engaged in one on one combat with some sort of...tiger man. The Khan was losing.

She sighed to herself. She had never wanted to be a leader, never wanted to be more than a horse woman who fought for those she loved. Yet, here she was leading part of the Unicorn armies in battle, not because she was any great shake, but because a lot of horses were coming back without riders.

As it was the Unicorn would have to withdraw soon, the Infantry just couldn't hold much longer against the golems, but not without their Khan.

Taking out her katana, Rena looks at the angle to the tiger man. She could make it if she hurried.
Rena had never wanted to be a hero, but Fate it seemed had a different plan in mind. A distant part of her mind laughs bitterly, maybe if she had been chose by the Emperor things would be different...but it is not to be. She can see the ferocity of the tiger man, and she knows that intervening means her death.

"FOR THE UNICORN! FOR THE KHAN!" She shouts, barrelling into the tiger man with her horse.

Dying for her Khan? Rena has thought of worse deaths.

In the Fifth Year of Toturi IV's Reign. The armies of the Emperor, Lion and Unicorn attacked the city of Medinaat al Salaam. In the ensuing battle, the many traps of the Shadow Dragon and its lieutenants wreaked a terrible toll on the armies. However, while the Unicorn were forced off the field so were their opponents. This relieving of pressure allowed the other armies to encircle and overwhelm the Shadow Dragon's forces. The battle would come to an end when abruptly the glass golems collapsed, leading to the battle's name 'The Battle of Fallen Glass'. Most believe this was the result of Kisada-no-kami defeating the Shadow Dragon in single combat, but others argue that Bayushi Paneki was responsible as the golem production facility also was destroyed around the same time. Regardless, the Emerald Empire secured Medinaat al Salaam after this battle, and the leaders would end up fêted at the next winter court.
Annals of the Toturi

AN: Update will come tomorrow, realized it didn't feel right to not show the end of the war after a fashion.
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Non-Canon: Cabinet Battle
In another world where cabinet meetings are more like rap battles...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, you could have been anywhere in the world, but you're here with me, in the capital city. The issue on the table: Treasurer Hiroko's plan to open up to the outside world. Do we do it or do we hold the line. Champion Noritoshi, you have the floor"

"Emperor, honour, culture, history, we fought for these things against all manner of foreign devilry. We shouldn't settle for less, don't act unimpressed. Wise samurai know that everything in ningen-do is found here in Rokugan."

"But Yoritomo regrets, or maybe just hasn't earned enough yet, to be content with bounty of heavens above, just wants to give the Phoenix another shove"

Hiroko: "Not true! "

"Oh don't deny it, the truth is in the tea leaves, or is divination another thing the Manits 'don't need'?
You want to take the world as it is and deprecate. We want to return to our august state. Don't ruin the land just because of the Mantis plan to command more koku. We already got enough to go through. If the Yoritomo are in debt why should the Empire bear it? In the Crane lands we create, art and honour with every new date. The Mantis just want to move things around like merchants, what do your heimen even do? Not planting, just ranting, wait I confused them for you..."

"Treasurer Hiroko, your response?"

"Kakita, that was real nice game of sadane you just played, do you want to return to reality? Or stay duelling your students in an empty castle? We open up we set the terms to the gaijin and gain returns.
How is it a 'sword doesn't get it? We strike first we strike last and free, with no one to debate our policy. What did your little book not right about striking first? Weird I must have got a bad copy.
A lesson on wealth from a Crane? You make money because Hantei was nice to his sister, we worked hard to overcome every disaster. Our heimen plant in the ground and the sea to see the world in prosperity...."

Hiroko steps forward
"And another thing Mr. Left Hand, you think any of us are frightened of you? I was fighting on ship for my rights while you were of making music with your wife. So don't lecture me about gaijin you've never even seen one, while I almost died from them. You think your origami crane are going to save the day? You must be madder than your mother when she stood out in that rain. The Gaijin are coming and ain't no amount of art that is so stunning to keep 'em out. So step away and let the adults have a say..."

"Enough. Champion Noritoshi take a walk, Hiroko take a walk...we convene in 15."

AN: Perhaps not my best work, but eh it was fun. All credit for the original song Cabinet Battle goes to Lin-Manuel Miranda and company.
Restrained Chancellor
Shosuro Jimen was a courtier, he was not so undignified as to let even a hint of his emotions slip through his mask. Even as he stared down at the go board in front of him. His opponent was well and truly the only person in the world that Jimen truly hated.

He had revelled in the role of villain, the Scorpion always had need of such dastardly foes as to make it seem like they were evil, instead of misunderstood tragic beautiful men and women that could be saved by the pure love of a good samurai. Drivel, but one the pillow books put out with astounding regularity. Jimen though it was the masks. But how how he missed crushing innocent young samurai who naively hoped they could heal his withered heart.

The woman in front of him simply gives a slight quirk of her lips to smile as she places down the peace to capture the board. The game was familiar to the both, and despite years of trying he had never won once. Granted that was largely due to the power that she wield over him.

How were you supposed to outwit someone who could read your thoughts? Not for the first and last time, Jimen cursed that day so long ago when he had naively allowed her to seduce him.

"Well then Jimen-kun" the younger voice said with a false kindness. "Good match."

"Hai, good match." He said miserably.

"The game proceeds apace, I hope that you are not too put out by not being able to act this Winter Court." The woman said.

"Put out....why would I be put out by you hamstringing, we could press him for terms, terms he would accept, and make the Scorpion strong, but you refuse to!"

"Jimen-kun, you don't think the right way. Too small, and no I'm not going to tell you my plan" The woman said.

Jimen takes a sip of tea and looks at the woman.
What was her game? For years she had played something with the Empire, but what it was he didn't know. He did know that she had sworn a vow of 'chastity' not that it actually mattered given everything.

One way or another, I will figure you out

"Of course you will Jimen-kun, the question is, will it be too late?" The woman rises.

"Do say hello to Sunetra-chan for me..." she bows and leaves with that order.

Jimen scowls beneath his mask. Bayushi Sunetra never knew that he had arranged for her brother to find out about Toturi III's plan, and if she did....well, Sunetra may have hidden herself from Hachi-shiryo, she had always loved him in her own way.

Damn that woman.

AN: Not enough votes to update but felt like doing something. So looking in on Jimen.