Burden of the Emerald Empire (A Legend of the Five Rings Tale)

Minoru (Hisao's Daughter)
Minato (Catfish Daimyo)
Shahai (Crazy lady with the antichrist baby)

Are all acceptable as write ins. Introduction simple means that the name is in the narrative/side stories.
I am not taking the Egg of Panku write in, mostly because it'd be boring.
[X]Crazy lady with the antichrist baby.
I hate her but we also haven't heard from her in a while and it scares me.
I'd also be interested in seeing what the Yonjiban tribes are up to.
And Vote Tally
Edit: Would really like a majority of more than one vote before updating.
Adhoc vote count started by gman391 on Dec 7, 2017 at 9:34 PM, finished with 19 posts and 5 votes.

  • [x] Minato, the new Daimyo of the Catfish
    [X] write-in: Minoru, Imperial Heir Apparent and little Hellraiser (?)
    [X] Kaneka of the Phoenix
    [X]Crazy lady with the antichrist baby.
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Omake: Daimyo of the Catfish Clan

In retrospect, you should have just asked to join the Seppun. Being a daimyo is to put it bluntly, a bag of bullshit. You had no idea how the Emperor dealt with what must be even more bullshit.

Zayko Toshi, City of Pleasure, nominally your new home. In practice....


Beside you, your erstwhile political advisor Namazu no Asako Keiji glances at you.
You nod. Fortunes knows your wife to be, is a beautiful, skilled warrior. Subtle, however is not a word Namazu no Hida Eijiko does.

Truthfully you have to make sure to send a thank you note to the Empress and the Dowager Empress for arranging this. Without those two at your side, well you'd have managed, but you're pretty sure that thing at the docks would have ended in even more fire and tears.

Keiji steps forward in a smooth precise motion betraying his Phoenix heritage.

"What Namazu-sama means my friends, is that the time has come to set aside the rivalries that saw all four of you divided for so long. You are real samurai now, your focus cannot be on the petty things that occurred...prior to your ascension, but on making our Clan thrive."

You turn your gaze back to the four vassals in front of you. Once the head of the four major gangs (and fortunately ronin) that ruled Zayko Toshi in the shadows, you had offered them a choice. Take your name and serve, or you'd burn them out with fire and blood.
Their predecessors didn't think you would do it. The utter destruction of the fifth gang by you had prompted a change in leadership.

Namazu Hideki takes a breath. An older man and established, he didn't really respect you. Respected your right hook though. Once master of the North District and the most 'respectable' of the gangs. He usually was the first to adapt to your command.

"Forgive us Namazu-dono, we have shed so much blood over the years, that it is hard...to let go."

"I understand that Hideki-san, but that shouldn't be coming up every meeting. I made it clear that joining me was leaving the past behind."

"If the old bastard would just..." A deeper voice mumbles.

Namazu Daiten, not particularly bright, but straightforward and the only one who could really match your wife blow for blow, he'd carve out a home for his 'boys' in the Lantern district. Largely by strength of his axe. Unfortunately, Daiten was someone who genuinely loved his people, and never forgave their deaths.

"Like I should forgive you for what you did to my tea house?" A woman's voice asks.

Namazu Miyuki, she might have been beautiful before someone had tried to burn her alive. They weren't around any more and a lot of rumours swirled around what she had done to them for that. For a time she had controlled every aspect of the Temples in the city, largely by dint of her willingness to set people on fire. Her voice was low and smokey but no less venomous for that.

"Didn't mean nothin' " Daiten says.

"It never does with you Daiten-san unless it's one of your boys who gets hurt." Came a slick voice.

Namazu Saito, the last of the 'Four Kings' no one new really where he'd come from before sowing up the west side. Although Keiji suspected he was an 'ex' Scorpion given his methods. There was no way to prove that though.

"Ya why would?"

"Focus!" You shout.

They look at you, waiting for you to speak. None of the were yours not really. They followed out of self interest, but that was less important than that they followed. At least for now it was.

You continue.
"I summoned you four to nominate candidates to fill out delegations to Kyuden Bayushi, Shinden Asahina and Yasuki Yashiki. Not to bicker over which one of you is going to which. None of you are leaving the city. Now, I need nine names, I will select the leader of the delegations myself. Do you have those names for me?"

They look at each other, some sort of unspoken conversation going between them. Finally it's Saito who speaks naming a few of his 'girls' geisha that could serve as aids to all three courts. The ice broken someone what, the other three also offer up followers that could fit the bill. You did not have a lot of people who joined the Clan from outside the city, but every Great Clan had arranged for at least two, you would use them for Delegation heads.

The discussion of who fit where best, and what exactly the Catfish should get from the Winter Courts if possible dragged well into the night. Eijiko had broken at least one chair in a show of force, and even Keiji ever reliable, had taken out his pipe and begun smoking. For your part, you just told them to go so you could rest, and maybe get some sake and music.

Who says you weren't civilized?

Keiji looks at Eijiko who nods, he gives a smile and leaves you alone in the room with her.
When she doesn't leave to go to the dojo for her usual 'beat the shit out of something' post meeting routine, you feel a little worried.

"Eijiko-chan?" You ask.

The large woman walks towards you and puts her arms on your shoulders.
"Listening to those idiots has made me very frustrated, and you are the same...will my husband help me work out our frustrations?"

You are Namazu Minato, age seventeen
You are not an idiot.
You kiss your fiancée.

Damn it's good to be a Daimyo

[] Shahai (Lady of Blood)
[] Minoru (Imperial Heir Apparent)
[] Kaneka (Shogun)
[] Write in
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Turning a bunch of thieves and whores (and ex-Scorpion) into a functioning Clan is hard.

At least Minato knows how to take things in stride.

Wait...that Hida Eijiko?

[X] Minoru (Imperial Heir Apparent)
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So do the Rokugani count everyone as having aged a year at New Years instead of following actual birthdays or something?

That never made sense to me although I do know people who follow that system.

Or is a Rokugani year 16 month?
They do count everyone as having aged a year when new years hit. The actual birth day matters little outside of astrology and divination.