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It would be pretty awesome if a section of the story was dedicated to Adam's parahumans hunting down all the villans from canon Taylor's section of the multiverse. Also maybe some more shard interludes as they're transformed into soul beings.
I gotta admit, the forced non-consensual body modification (with bonus "Good news! It's genetic!") is easily in my top 10 creepiest things I've ever seen a protagonist do in a story. Like, I don't think a lot of stories explicitly made to be about body horror go to the extent of "hey, you fell asleep there for a bit so I remade every single cell of you, over and over, as each new and crazy idea came to mind." I guess it is a good way to illustrate that the main character is becoming less and less of a person and more a collection of powers and the impulse to use them.
To be fair, he wasn't really a person in the first place. Whoever Adam was before he got his powers was utterly destroyed when that dying ROB crashed into him. The mc is not really human Adam, just the smashed up remains of a human and ROB.
Adam: Ho, Haha, Guard, Turn, Perry, Dodge, Spin, Ha, Thrust!

*Taylor slugged him in the groin.*

Adam: *wheezing* Okay, Yeah. Deserved that.
I'm pretty sure Lisa would have an aneurysm when she sees Taylor now.
Perfect control over the body! That means no tells for cold reading, feinting becomes almost perfect in fights. She can also push her body to operate way past her limits! And if she can control whatever is happening inside, she can do self directed healing for her wounds, reduce fatigue buildup, maximize metabolism, and other cool nifty stuff.
Basically, she became the perfect human!
Seriously, Adam... Grab Taylor's friends and crew, and GET THEM ALL OFF GIMMEL!


And Gank Teacher while you're at it. :p
I've got to wonder how long Adam's been waiting for; on the one hand he's easily bored, but on the other hand, he's got no biological imperatives to distract him from playing with Taylor's body.

I'm guessing under a day, as Adsm hasn't complained about it taking longer.
This entire trip is a Simurgh's plot to get her own Cyber Simurgh, like her sisters Narwhal and Dragon, too bad not even she can predict that Dragon and CD are already working on a Dimensional Voyage Dragon to help Adam in his travels.
Hi. I'm just posting to mention that some of the threadmarks links got broken. It was early on, like on page 30 at the latest but on page 28 probably. The threadmark had no "next" arrow/link thing, and after checking that there were unread threadmarks left by opening the pop-up, I manually went to the next page, where I found the next chapter...with the same problem. I passed the page manually again, and the threadmarks from then on worked.

Also, I liked your fic, if it wasn't obvious from the way I read them all and liked some (when I remembered to.
Hi. I'm just posting to mention that some of the threadmarks links got broken. It was early on, like on page 30 at the latest but on page 28 probably. The threadmark had no "next" arrow/link thing, and after checking that there were unread threadmarks left by opening the pop-up, I manually went to the next page, where I found the next chapter...with the same problem. I passed the page manually again, and the threadmarks from then on worked.

Also, I liked your fic, if it wasn't obvious from the way I read them all and liked some (when I remembered to.

Can you link or quote part of that particular threadmark? And if you were in full or 'reader' view? I can't find the issue myself.

**Edit** I think I found it, but if anyone finds OTHER threadmarking issues, PLEASE let me know!

Also, if any mods or Admins have any tips to hopefully fix this issue from happening again (I think I have fixed it before), please feel free to mention it!
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Also, Adam really needs to figure out a a more practical method of inter-dimensional travel that doesn't involve shoving people in his soul. When the Scion issue does get resolved, being able to send Gamers and Questers to those other realities to trade, perform certain tasks or even just travel for EXP and exotic loot would be a boon to many. The cluster of Post-Gold Morning Earths would definitely need some aid, plus all those super villains that are still valid bounty targets for ambitious, aspiring System-empowered parahumans.

Oh, this is true. Transforming himself into sometimes strange beings is hardly reliable way to swap between dimensions. Although in this jump at least he is more or less himself?

Analyzing in more detail Doormaker and Clairvoyant should help? Going back to MLP to find magical way to do so? I think he has options.

Although for example if he would end up in Sigil it would be both a challenge (good luck dealing with Lady of Pain and some top tier characters) and interesting way to learn how to move between dimensions. D&D magic is pretty strong for a good reason.

I am the mind of my body
Queen Administrator is my soul
And as I pray, Unlimited Taylor Escalation!

Unlimited Taylor Escalation?

Oh, this is maybe one of those Trump Taylors that can summon (or directly use as 'templates' on her own body) other versions of Taylors from fanfiction to use their powers and receive their memories :p.

Those are always fun.

He kinda already did, remember he turned his original Worm into an RPG. That's like a step up, to the side and back into being a Rob.

MC is already on a level of low-tier ROB at this point. I don't think we can argue it.

I think at this point a jump to one of those more deadly top-tier universes could be a fun change of pace. I think as I mentioned before he starts to get bored with how easy things go around I feel.

I'm pretty sure Lisa would have an aneurysm when she sees Taylor now.
Perfect control over the body! That means no tells for cold reading, feinting becomes almost perfect in fights. She can also push her body to operate way past her limits! And if she can control whatever is happening inside, she can do self directed healing for her wounds, reduce fatigue buildup, maximize metabolism, and other cool nifty stuff.
Basically, she became the perfect human!

Actually I hope it's not all she has power wise. Like Alexandria Package + Thinker Package (the way I read it) sounds like a pretty simplistic powerset for Taylor, who knows how to be creative and use even weaker advantages to the maximum. So I hope she will get (or simply didn't use yet) her bug control powerset, as it's pretty much her trademark at this point. All she would need is some biokinetic addition and she would be overpowered anyway.

Give her more options/toys to play with :p. And don't mutate her too much in the process :p.
Basically, she became the perfect human!
Human+ actually. She would also have perfect control of Adams' modifications and has like Alexandria level strength and durability, probably Alexandria level mental processing/memory, an ability to literally never miss a detail as long as it could be caught by her (presumably enhanced) senses due to Adam's Body/Soul Tinkering...

Also if Taylor/QA starts paying attention to micro-expressions and tells I wonder if she could probably out-Tattletale Tattletale? Tattletale's Data Extrapolation Shard (which I have henceforth decided I shall only ever refer to as Sherlock Shard: Worms' Greatest Shard Detective for no other reason than it amuses me) probably came from a piece of QA to begin with after all.

Who are you and what have you done to Taylor?
She said yet. That is totally within Taylors' M.O. She has even taken the wait until they are the most vulnerable/slip-up approach before pulling the conflict trigger on enemies before (see Coil), let alone whatever weird category Adam mentally falls into...
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I think Adam is losing his already pretty small sense of consequence, while at the same time becoming slowly more scatterbrained. He needs help. At the beginning it was still manageable, but it is getteng worse.
Tattletale's Data Extrapolation Shard (which I have henceforth decided I shall only ever refer to as Sherlock Shard: Worms' Greatest Shard Detective for no other reason than it amuses me) probably came from a piece of QA to begin with after all.
Actually, during QA's monologue, didn't she explicitly state she had taken over Tattletale's shard's functions?

[To keep your friend 'Lisa' empowered towards the end of it all, I had to cheat, create a bud shard just for her and send it off after redirecting her power connection. Same with the other 'Thinker' parahumans who were supporting my little human.]
Edit: my quote ninja'd by DualEquinox :ninja:, though I disagree with your conclusion.
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Actually, during QA's monologue, didn't she explicitly state she had taken over Tattletale's shard's functions?
Nah she used a loophole in the Budding procedures, not take over the Shard:
[To keep your friend 'Lisa' empowered towards the end of it all, I had to cheat, create a bud shard just for her and send it off after redirecting her power connection. Same with the other 'Thinker' parahumans who were supporting my little human.]
Budding, as far as I have been able to tell, doesn't physically split off from an old Shard into a new Shard, rather it is what happens when a Shard grows big enough to be able to support several partitioned powers simultaneously while connecting to different hosts. Think more of a Hard Drive Partition then spontaneously forming an External Drive.

So it didn't so much take over the Thinker powers as replacing them wholesale with a duplicate formed from parts of itself it wasn't currently using in its' current power configuration before proceeding to hijack the connection and plug the channel from Lisa's Corona Pollentia into the duplicate. Which makes sense cause all of Scions' Thinker powers used to be a part of QA before it was carved apart and crippled at the start of this cycle.

In a way, all non-cauldron Thinker powers were the result of an unwilling, highly destructive Forced-Budding of QA to begin with, so of course, it can intentionally develop a second bud that functions close enough to the original so as to be indistinguishable in function...
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