I mean... Adam's power is pretty clearly something that belonged to the ROB.
The ROB was using a 'shard' (which may not mean an entity one) to try and find a host (whatever that means in this context). The shard cracked, and broke. And then we're told the ROB died, and the last pieces of the shard obeyed its final orders.
So seems to me that Squishy is that final, broken pieces of a much larger power, which has slowly been getting put back together again. Which fits the name.
I suspect, more likely, at some point Squishy will either realize shes helping the wrong person (if adam is just a host that was yanked from somewhere), or that Adam is in fact some final, psuedo-cloned/revived bit of the ROB.
Where whatever killed the ROB is in all this... I can't really say. But I do want to mention one thing — what killed him wasn't an entity. Because there's this line:
But, in something approaching Karma, he was being chased by something lesser, yet more.
This was the built up negative feelings, concepts, and fractured moments from his victims.
First of all, Adam was correct: He could capture the massive Grimm with little to no effort.
What he did NOT expect was the cool down time. It would take a few weeks before Squishy was done 'reprogramming' the beast. And for the power to stabilize.
The 'Grid of Confinement' was oozing black smoke... and sucking it back in. The black lines of the grid pulsed with Adam's Aura even as it adjusted.
Oh there was no risk of escape or danger, the massive dragon beast was captured just as firmly as the Endbringers. No, the changes were more subtle.
Each of the cells were slowly changing to allow Adam access to the energies said prisoners emitted. Simmy's cell was slowly offering a psychic energy, Levy's power oozed like a liquid, and Benny's power was a source of 'change'.
The new Grimm? A source of corruption and gravity.
Could be useful.
His powers aside, there were some other significant issues that the recent capture had caused.
Adam looked up at the sky.
So... so far up.
Like Simmy suggested, having companions would have been near lethal levels of dangerous... but honestly he assumed it was due to the Grimm struggling to escape capture. Or having some last minute suicide attack or something. Maybe an army of minions or acidic blood or who knew what.
No, any companions would have died falling with Adam into the massive hole left behind by the captured Dragon.
How deep WAS he!?
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Ghira gripped his Scroll so tightly the structure creaked. "I'm sorry, what?"
Betty's holographic face winced. "The entire mountain range, it was a single Grimm."
Deep. Breath. Slow. Calm.
Ghira nodded. "Right, and you say 'was', so I assume Adam handled it somehow?"
She glanced out the window. "He summoned something with lots of limbs and the Grimm sort of collapsed into itself."
Ghira groaned. Of course he did. "Well, at least this won't cause me more diplomatic bull crap."
The silence was concerning.
He glared at Betty. "Right?"
She looked away and sighed. "The Grimm not only took up lots of space, but he seemed to emit dark energy. For thousands of years."
Her Scroll turned, video showing an unending ravine of unheard of size... all edges glittering with MASSIVE Dust crystals, of all colors.
Ghira was too stunned to notice the Headmasters had snuck up behind him... and that they had also seen the massive new Dust deposit in Menagerie territory.
A hand fell onto his shoulder. "Ghira my friend, we over at Shade have many years of experience extracting Dust without setting off complex crystal structures like this one." Professor Theodore smirked. "I'm sure Ozpin has a form or two, we can knock out some contracts in no time."
The Headmasters and lawyers ignored Ghira's gnashing teeth, already starting up the glorious art of the deal. Again.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Adam quickly found out that the closer he got to the surface, the more Dust crystals were in the way. Dangerous combinations of it too, hitting one slightly wrong would detonate a massive amount of the area. Not that it would bother him at all, but it could put others at risk.
So he had to give up on escaping without assistance and have Simmy send him a Drone to fly out with.
...That had been twelve minutes ago. Even with flight, the path to get out without setting off an explosion was slow and squiggly.
So Adam was wasting time meandering on Skyword Networking, seeing what was new.
It only took a few minutes before he watched with dropped jaw some of the thousands of fan made videos. Of himself.
Simmy had made an entire subsection of the video streaming service for high quality footage of Adam. And highlights. And for fans to download clips of the stream for their OWN video projects.
...Had Ghira seen this already? Probably not. Right? He was busy doing political junk, so it was probably fine for now.
Adam shifted to the left, a razor sharp shard of glowing black Dust moving past. It couldn't cut his skin, but it COULD fracture and set off a small 'Everything splody' which would be awkward.
So yeah, he was going to go full ignorance mode and scrub his brain. Ignoring that whole section of the internet, he moved on to the highlights from the 'researching' web services, the interactive Wiki that was being carefully recorded by Simmy as the whole planet shared ideas, plans, issues, and more. True, eighty percent of it was garbage, but a small chunk of the provided concepts and advancements were pure gold really.
For example: Pistols were most popular. Long range, but sacrificing volume of fire for overall stopping power. Why NOT use a pistol? If you needed more bullets, you are using the wrong gun anyway.
Anyway, the new design that was gaining in the popularity polls was a pistol that abused a newly found flaw in 'Mecha-shifting' thanks to the sensors that Adam had shared online, allowing others to see 'Dimensional Bulges' as they were being called. The flaw was found thanks to someone saying 'Instead of fixing my exploding weapon problem, can I make it worse?'
The answer was a resounding 'Yes!', an explosive, dangerous 'Yes.'
The pistol would have four barrels, all stored within the user space of one gun. When fired, four bullets would escape from four barrels... and interact poorly with each other.
It consumed four bullets per shot, but the explosion was closer to a much higher caliber weapon while the strange interactions from the collapsed colliding bullets forced them to stay roughly in direct lines of fire rather than following Gravity to arc downwards. It was nearly as accurate as laser weaponry thanks to this one quirk!
The video's showing off the prototypes were fairly clear: One shot from the new gun would fire a linear round that exploded along the entire path to the target. MISSING the Grimm would theoretically cause more damage than hitting, as it could kill dozens of targets just by passing by on the way to delivery! The concept of 'Sniper Pistols' was lighting imaginations on fire all over the place now.
Of course, after one shot the test guns exploded, the other ammo vanished somewhere, and sometimes strange issues would occur during testing. The strangest example was when the bullets somehow synced up instead of explosively clashing... there was a new hole through the target, the back plate, the hill, and several rocks. No clue where the bullet itself ended up. They were still eagerly trying to duplicate that result.
More than four barrels? Gun was likely to blow up instantly. So far, anyway, the whole idea was being tested by people on all four continents right now.
Less than four? Barely any change in shot effect, maybe a bit more impact than three or less bullets individually, but none of the explosions that had been so interesting. There was some interest from the machine gun groups, the idea of tripling a weapon's fire rate was not something to ignore after all, but it was less amazing than magical explosion sniper bullets.
Oh, and using any elemental shots was... explosively dangerous with this four barrel design. All testing of that was put on hold after eight people almost died. WHILE behind reinforced barriers. Over thirty feet away.
The crater was epic! But testing from Simmy showed that standard Dust was too irregular to give standard results, not unless they used Adam's refined product. So advancements on that front would come much later.
Adam blinked. Oh dear... someone was trying to use the 'Overlapping Launch' trick with rockets. BIG rockets. And live streaming the tests.
He glared at the slowly moving Drone. He needed popcorn for this, darn it!
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Simmy hummed away as she had more drones exploring 'Menagerie Mines' as they were rapidly being called. Each Dust Crystal cluster scanned, indexed, and marked on the map application online. Even now, there were users online tallying cost estimations as she progressed, showing how many Lien this treasure mine was worth.
Some of this stuff was impossible to make without constant exposure to the corrupt Grimm energies, so there was some really rare materials that were carefully marked and scanned by Simmy as progress continued. Literally priceless, they had to be left out of the running total... but that same total had reached stupid levels hours ago.
One crystal seemed to generate a VERY sticky acid when empowered, which she was trying to modify to only dissolve clothing. For reasons.
How 'fortunate' that Adam's contract (written by her, of course!) would give him a percentage of any found new materials. It should keep his projects running here for years even if he had to head off on another adventure.
She absently used Gather beams to expose hidden explosive clusters, here and there using Construction beams to reinforce certain layers or separate incompatible sections.
It just wouldn't do for future workers to get killed collecting her husband's riches, right? Probably right.
The most dangerous materials at the bottom of the new canyon were even now being covered by seawater, the redirected oceanic currents keeping those dangerous materials from being exposed to air any longer than needed.
The rest could theoretically be harvested, but that stuff deep down?
That was fragile, dangerous stuff. Esoteric materials with strange effects too.
She made sure to get good scans of them for later.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Adam grinned. "FINALLY!" He quickly turned off the Scroll on his bone limb and directed the Drone towards the floating bus, which had also seemed to notice him. Playing solitaire on his Scroll could only entertain him for so long, and he was DONE with this place. And dark caverns, no matter how sparkly.
He hopped into the side hatch of the ship, Betty launching herself into a hug around his left leg. "Whoever is flying this bucket of bolts, let's get out of here! I've been stuck down there for hours!"
Betty looked up from her death grip. "We have to leave an away party then. Ghira wants a forward base and future mining supply camp set up since we are in the area."
Crud, that meant he knew about his recent pet collection. Maybe... maybe the online video stream as well? Either way, he was trying to get Adam to fix the mess himself, which sounded really tedious.
Yeah, no. "Simmy, figure out what Ghira wants built here, upgrade the designs a bit, and send some Drones to whip it up." There.
He grinned. "Now let's head back to 'The Docks', I need a nap and some snacks after that mess."
Adam walked to an unoccupied section of the bus, Betty gripping his leg so she could ride along. Seriously, that experience wasn't tiring, but it felt SO STRANGE. Eating (Capturing) that Grimm had left him breathing out black smoke for several minutes, an odd taste of cave water and smog left in his mouth.
Seriously, he wanted a hot dog or something. And a nap.
As he settled into the chair, he checked his Scroll to verify the Drones deployment. A defensible position, some food production, connected to the power grid, it would need employee housing, some facilities to refuel ships and to store harvested Dust. Adam absently added a few extra things, odds and ends. And a few turrets. Should keep Ghira from complaining too much. Probably. Hopefully.
How long was it going to take for this bus to head back to town? With a sigh, he forced himself to stand again and head to the cockpit.
It took time, but eventually he convinced the pilot to head back to The Docks. Not sure why she was so jumpy though.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Adam blinked. "Wow. Lots of people showed up here."
Betty chuckled. "Still showing up, and now more people will have to be sent to your new Dust Mine. Might be the start of a new village there too." She pointed to the edge of town. "The new residential areas you included have really increased the number of people that can safely stay in the area, especially considering the defenses you included."
He frowned. "Well, there should still be an open room or two. And food. Heck, maybe more food with all these people showing up." Blue lines pulsed into visibility on his skin before fading away. "And I could really use a nap at this point." Should Grimm taste spicy? Do ALL Grimm taste spicy? Mental note, test that later.
Betty felt the pure power from the man brush against her Aura. Nice. "The cafeteria you set up is already running, should we head over there?"
Adam chuckled as he felt the woman leap onto his shoulders again. "Why not? Lead on!"
They ignored the other Hunters and Huntresses, still careful to stay out of sight and out of the way as they watched Adam walk off. Not everyone could handle the extreme or bizarre as well as others.
More importantly, he was pretty sure he smelled waffles. Or at least some sort of maple syrup equivalent. And after falling into a hole full of explosive treasures, he really could use some waffles.
"Simmy hummed away as she had more drones exploring 'Menagerie Mines' as they were rapidly being called. Each Dust Crystal cluster scanned, indexed, and marked on the map application online."
~Moulin Rouge - Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend HQ
The concept exists in many novels, movies, and anime. From the island on a turtles/tortoises back (Aladdin and the King of Thieves, One Piece, Naruto, etc) to having a massive beast one can barely understand (God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, One Piece again (Giant Oz), etc). Even RWBY has a massive Grimm near Vale that was used during an attack.
However, I must admit that my love of situations with beyond understanding large beasts/beings came from a specific scene in Bleach, when Sawatari uses his Doll, a whale like creation to pass through reality. Well, that and a few anime and stories where the main character realizes that the planet he stands on is an eyelid. Some South Korean novels did this. Good times.
As for the 'how many' question, I believe that the few Grimm of that size were deliberately placed near the major cities in Remnant by Salem. So at least four exist, if not more.
But I thought you said that Grimms not being controlled by a single entity (i.e. Salem) was one of the reason this reality was so "expensive" to visit, thus a good choice to exhaust Adam reserve a little when he was having difficulty due to the new "Lung generator" he had just got...
Either I understood wrong or you might want to tweek that explaination a bit if it ever get brought forward in the story proper...
But I thought you said that Grimms not being controlled by a single entity (i.e. Salem) was one of the reason this reality was so "expensive" to visit, thus a good choice to exhaust Adam reserve a little when he was having difficulty due to the new "Lung generator" he had just got...
Either I understood wrong or you might want to tweek that explaination a bit if it ever get brought forward in the story proper...
Ah, but he did not pay enough for Grimm to have NEVER been controlled by a single entity, just that they were NOT being controlled during his visit.
Yeah, he had a lot of power to throw on this trip... but not that much.
In case anyone is interested, this RWBY AU has Ozpin and Salem confronting each other off an on over the years, and their last conflict... well. Salem is more than a little distracted.
I honestly look forward to Salem's reactions when she recovers enough to regain control, and sees Dust near unlimited, weapons stronger, magical runes that convert Grimm into useful purified energy, and magical shields that she has never heard of before. Oh, and world wide communication... always great for people trying to be sneaky, no?
The concept exists in many novels, movies, and anime. From the island on a turtles/tortoises back (Aladdin and the King of Thieves, One Piece, Naruto, etc) to having a massive beast one can barely understand (God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, One Piece again (Giant Oz), etc). Even RWBY has a
massive Grimm near Vale that was used during an attack.
There is also Discworld planet from Terry Pratchett books. Also here is Minecraft version of 'Turtle Island' concept.
Heck, this whole concept is based on Aspidochelone which are pretty much mystical animals describes most of times as massive whales, sea monsters or sea turtles. Often mistaken for islands with crevices, trees, greenery and sand dunes as few things that may show up on them. Concept pretty much comes from medieval bestiaries.
However, I must admit that my love of situations with beyond understanding large beasts/beings came from a specific scene in Bleach, when Sawatari uses his Doll, a whale like creation to pass through reality. Well, that and a few anime and stories where the main character realizes that the planet he stands on is an eyelid. Some South Korean novels did this. Good times.
If you love the concept of massive beasts, Monster Hunter is one of the best worlds to visit. Some creatures are ABSURDLY powerful. I'm not an expert on the subject, but some people I know describe some creatures strong enough to defeat Endbringers in combat. Also with this powerset, this is pretty much a goldmine for 'monster harvesting'.
As for the 'how many' question, I believe that the few Grimm of that size were deliberately placed near the major cities in Remnant by Salem. So at least four exist, if not more.
I think in overall it's something between - I suspect in some cases Salem could be responsible, but I also read it that some of those Grimm looks so damn powerful that if Salem ended up having control issues here it wouldn't surprise me. But oh well, I may be wrong.
he should go to god eater verse and kidnap aragami for summons and collect some god arcs, and copy the entire tech base so he can make his own, god arcs.
Narwhal blinked, her mental half having received a virtual call from an impossible number.
Literally, the number was a series of letters.
Recognizing Simmy's humor, she chuckled and answered, Cyber Narwhal having had nothing but paperwork so far. A break was more than welcome.
Her smile was huge! "ADAM!"
...Uh. "Why do you have a trunk?"
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Adam sighed, Betty and Narwhal now on conference call having a strange conversation. Considering how outgoing and brazen Betty was normally, seeing Narwhal turn her into a stuttering blushing mess was sort of adorable.
Still, the connection was up and running so he wasn't needed here.
Sitting in a meditative pose, Adam mentally focused inward.
The Grid of Confinement was slowly pulsing. But stable.
On the edges were a series of colored lines, each connected to one of the various prisons and slowly oozing different flavors of power.
Actual flavors. Corruption tasted spicy, for example. Gravity was a heavy chocolate mix, like a too dense cake.
Squishy's cute octopus form was bouncing around, only the finest line of power connecting her avatar to the massive blue eye in the sky and the black tentacles holding his soul. She seemed fine.
He walked out of the lab and headed to the shore. The Docks were busy even with no ships in sight, as Faunus ran to and fro checking things out, moving equipment, and so forth. Simmy's drones had done good work though, everything was pretty much ready to go once a few ships arrived to be loaded/unloaded.
Finding a spot to sit over the sea without being in the way took a few tries, but eventually he was able to relax and watch the waves. The water was clearing up thanks to Levy and Simmy's purification circles, but the crisp salt air was relaxing right now.
A limb bent forward, showing the Scroll attachment and opening up more videos about experimental weapons and dust tricks. The entire video category gave the Frat Boys/Sorority Girls 'Dumb Idea' vibe to them, where a group of friends were daring each other to do more and more stupid crap.
Entertaining to watch though.
The trending video right now was a group trying to make the largest sword possible that was both structurally sound and doped with enough gravity dust to still be usable in conflict.
Thankfully they were independently wealthy, as each attempt was stupid expensive. They didn't even have Adam's recycling machines to try more than once per supply run. The most recent attempt somehow caused the blade to implode vertically, possibly sending blade fragments up into orbit.
It had caused a lot of interest online, as there was NOT enough Dust to cause the effect directly. Several videos showed that concentrated Gravity Dust could make that amount of metal float... but fly?
So yeah, it was being investigated. Although some groups were just idiots with some junk in a garage, many others had professional labs and equipment. So progress was still being made.
Another interesting new application on the 'Skyword Networking' System was 'Drone Exploration', where users could pay Lien to rent control of a Drone from Simmy and explore places through remote control. Even now, a small army of Drones were exploring the new Dust Canyon left by that Dragon Grimm Adam captured. The massive beast was being refereed to as 'Mister G' online, and seeing such a large monster 'handled' had given a surprisingly large boost to moral online.
Point was, hundreds of thousands of people were renting Drone time from Adam, giving him a vast, growing bank account to work with.
Which was... odd. At first he was going to invest his new funds into charity work, when he stumbled into an oddity.
Remnant had NO orphanages. Nada. Zilch.
Children were such a precious resource that there was literally a 100% adoption rate. Child abuse was punished more harshly than attempted murder, and even past terror attacks avoided including the children.
It seemed... statistically unlikely. But Remnant was 100% pro-kids, pro-adoption, and pro-any-family-possible. Gay couples? Go for it. Harem? Why not? As long as they were consenting, nearly anything went. Life was too short otherwise.
In the end, he had donated the massive increase in funding towards supporting new farms and renovating low income area defenses. At least kids would benefit from safer areas to live and cheaper food.
Seriously, anything Adam needed he could make at this point. Money was just wasted sitting in his account if he didn't use it somewhere.
Speaking of money, Adam added a feature to the Drones where people could claim territory (for a fee, part of which went to the land owner), use the 'Gather' beam to harvest (For a percentage of whatever was collected), and use the 'Construction' beam to deliver the product to their location (No fee on this part). Basically turning the wealthy and the bored into Adam's personal work force.
He blinked at the sudden surge in interest. Oh, right, Simmy was still broadcasting his actions. Talk about free publicity.
Well, if they were going to be going nuts anyway...
It took only a few seconds to put up the 'Virtual Interface Connectors' devices and some Dust Testing Labs, longer for him to set up an 'About' page to explain how people could use the virtual environments to test stuff easier and for much less money.
He was barely half way through before Simmy started getting an ocean of order requests, drones delivering Construction beams of connection devices and material globally to keep up with demand.
Before he could get into trouble, he made the devices a bit expensive and free for anyone living in Kuo Kuana. And said it was all Ghira's idea. And to ask him for details.
Adam carefully ignored the new messages from Ghira himself. They probably weren't important. And Betty was too busy being teased by Narwhal to answer her scroll.
So technically he wasn't in trouble yet.
He took over a Drone using the new app and began exploring the nearby ocean bed. If the view count was any indication, the internet found it interesting too.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Ghira snarled. "I do NOT control Skyword Networking, so that is NOT MY PROBLEM."
The lawyer tried to reach for some documents.
Ghira's spear slashed the whole damn pile. "Not. My. Problem."
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Simmy set up more online streams like Adam's popular channel. One for 'Levy' as he swam along the ocean, popping Grimm like party balloons. One for 'Benny', though as he spent most of his time underground she ended up having an outline generated to 'show' viewers his body as he randomly exploded monsters.
And more boring video streams. A dozen or so for each major city, with at least one being created per town. It would be useful for emergencies, or just knowing what the weather was like. She added an option for businesses to 'buy' their own video feed, several theaters jumping at the chance to take their work online for free, especially at such a high quality professional level.
Her own feed was carefully angled to only show the 'good stuff' when Adam was watching, all other poor users would basically be seen 'almost enough'. Mmm, the frustration of so many men (And women) tasted like pure bliss.
The more she investigated things though, the more interesting this got. She had initially considered wiping all Grimm off the planet, but from what she could tell the beasts had accidentally enhanced the Aura of the planet by many folds. Getting rid of them all could damage the planet itself if she wasn't careful.
In much the same way a human would develop a fever, Dust was formed from the planet's Aura as a self-defense mechanism.
Still, no reason for the Grimm to have so many numbers or be so large or powerful.
A slight build up... and anther spear of dense energy incinerated a massive Grimm, this one a serpent underwater that was several miles long. She would have to destroy the next five heads it formed before it would finally run out of energy to recover though.
What a lovely day for a light hunt.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Adam carefully held his right arm back, wand held by the stone and shaft pointing towards the water.
The tip of the wand was sharp, a dull layer of Aura enhancing the material. It wouldn't stay once thrown, but it would allow the weapon to handle the intense forces he was about to subject it to.
Adjusting his vision was easier, as his Aura covering his eyes could be modified. By the very nature, the layers of Aura had to allow visible light to pass through... so he could add filters or data layers to those thin shells.
It was how he was tracking the fish.
His eyes flickered as he watched one of the larger meals swim closer to the surface, about to dash in to eat some smaller aquatic life form.
His arm snapped forward, hand releasing the speeding wand as it stabbed through the water, nearly piercing all the way through the fish victim.
Before the death throes had even started, the wand lifted the entire catch into the air and began floating back to his hand.
Hmm. Less blood than expected.
His bone tools reached the fish before it touched his hand, scales and fins removed, innards pulled out, and two large fish fillets were stacked on his palm even as the wand returned to his soul.
...Had it always been able to do that? Just... enter his soul?
He hadn't even washed it. Would his soul smell fishy now?
Whatever, he had something to cook with.
A Constructor crafted bowl was given some seasonings to dredge the fish in, another with batter, and the third was already starting to boil with oil. It wasn't up to Robo or Boro's standards, but fried fish wasn't the most complicated of dishes.
Adam frowned. He needed sauce. Simmy?
Over fifty pounds of Tartar sauce splashed over his body.
...Close enough.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Betty gasped, her new friend Narwhal already laughing over her shoulder from the Scroll as they watched Adam get covered in white goo. "Is... is he alright?"
Narwhal snorted. "Considering how often he does that to us, he better be."
The cow Faunus's blush was epic. "Shush you. So inappropriate."
Her eyebrows waggled. "Oh I don't know, Simmy's notes here say you have a few thoughts and dreams of your own, 'Size Queen'."
Betty eeped! "That... shut up! I just like a man who has certain... proportions. It's not my fault that my smaller size attracts a certain type of male attention."
The Guild leader looked on in sympathy. "I know what you mean. I have a very outgoing personality, and I am willing to try a lot of things... but I still want respect from those in a relationship with me. My lifestyle and costume encouraged a lot of shallow one night stands, but finding a guy like Adam was a rare thing. Even if he seems to have a thing for girls with horns."
Betty blinked. "Aren't you a Faunus? I thought Narwhal was a code word thing."
Narwhal chuckled, for a moment looking like a tall nude goddess. "The horn is part of my power, like my Semblance if that helps you understand it. Nightmare Moon however is an actual Unicorn and CD is a digital life form."
She paused. "That sounds like... quite the group."
Narwhal smirked, pulling up an image.
A purple haired seducer was posed next to an innocent digital wet dream, Narwhal and... a twin sister? Sitting at front, with a non-Faunus that looked surprisingly similar to Adam resting in front.
The woman's finger pointed at the purple haired beauty. "This is Nightmare Moon, a literal Goddess of Dreams whom followed Adam from her world for a new life. That same world turned some dreams into my digital twin and this lovely lady."
The pointer moved to the cybernetic beauty. "Cyber Dragon, or CD for short, has the body of a temptress and the heart of an angel. She is the emotional support of our group, and we all love her dearly. My twin on the other hand decided to merge with me directly, so I can be we when we wish."
Betty gulped, mouth dry. "And... the guy in front is Adam?"
Her smirk was devious. "Yeah, he changes bodies and forms at will. Any kink you desire, any shape you wish, simplicity for him to provide." Her eyebrows rose. "Any size as well."
Was it hot in here? It felt hot in here. "A...Anything I should bring over if I make the trip?"
Dimensional travel? Fine. Unknown world? No problem. To join this sex heaven, there was no doubt in her mind about her decisions.
Narwhal's eyes glittered as they slowly examined every inch of the well formed cow Faunus. "Hmm... do you have a saddle?"
She laughed at Betty's needy whimper. Adam had good taste.
~~~Broken Adventure~~~
Adam tried to ignore the strange squishy sounds. Even jumping in the sea didn't make him feel clean enough.
He leaned into his lab. "Betty, I am going to take a shower really quick. Let me know if Narwhal needs anything."
She looked up at him... and zoned out, slightly drooling.
Oh. He had forgotten to replace the shirt after jumping in the ocean. And was wearing shorts.
Narwhal's face was barely visible at this angle, but her voice was loud. "Damn girl, no wonder you want in. That elephant body is damn fine!"
Adam blinked. "I don't need to be objectified like this. I have standards."
He proceeded to swing his hips like a young lady with something to prove on his way to the bathroom, hearing Betty groan and Narwhal chuckle.
His chuckle and thoughts made the shower far less annoying. Seriously Simmy, this stupid sauce got everywhere!
I once had Marshmellow Fluff spill, and I felt sticky EVERYWHERE. Food play needs to be done sparingly, in my opinion. It can easy cross from kinky to disgusting if not careful.
Currently, Squishy has fused with Adam's Aura and became (among other things) his active Semblance effect.
Her limbs are the black binding ropes around the fishbowl, her eye covers the opening, looking within and without, and a thread of power controls a cute squishy avatar that bounces around inside said fishbowl.
She has always represented his powers, and currently embodies his natural tendencies to self-refine, compact, compress, and bind.
Adam is about self control and Squishy reflects this.
Currently, Squishy has fused with Adam's Aura and became (among other things) his active Semblance effect.
Her limbs are the black binding ropes around the fishbowl, her eye covers the opening, looking within and without, and a thread of power controls a cute squishy avatar that bounces around inside said fishbowl.
She has always represented his powers, and currently embodies his natural tendencies to self-refine, compact, compress, and bind.
Adam is about self control and Squishy reflects this.
If I'm remembering this right, I may not be I read a lot and have a terrible memory, the fishbowl is Adams soul while aura is basically faith made manifest right?
If I'm remembering this right, I may not be I read a lot and have a terrible memory, the fishbowl is Adams soul while aura is basically faith made manifest right?