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I didn't like this chapter, don't know why
Guess it's probably because the Mc is acting pretty OC here
I'll be honest - I don't see it. He seems to be acting pretty in line with his previously displayed character traits in all honesty. At least as far as I can tell. Plus he is literally the victim of a Simurgh plot to land him in this kind of situation and/or try to get him to acquiesce to expanding his nascent Harem (Why else do you think Simmy is so smug when she whips out those letters from Narwhal..?) so any OoC moments can be handwaved away due to that. Ziz makes everyone act OoC. It is kinda her thing.
Off Rail OC?
I didn't like this chapter, don't know why
Guess it's probably because the Mc is acting pretty OC here

Meh, he just woke up from nap time and is pretty cranky.

That said, I did rewrite it a few times.

I never had a relationship with a woman like Narwhal who not only enjoyed adding trusted outsiders but was sorta 'hippy free love' ish.

It made it hard, because I didn't want the main character to just nail random chicks everywhere like a jerk, ignore his women at home, or ignore true love if he found it. It is an odd balance, one I have little experience with myself and I am unable to prove is possible at all.

I like the idea of her teasing Adam about "Gotta catch em all!" in an effort to get spanks or whatever, but not of actually treating women like objects to buy at a market.

It doesn't help that he has the option to modify anyone's body or replace it entirely if desired, so a lot of impossible things (You fell in love with a boat!?!?) become possible.

Plus he is literally the victim of a Simurgh

A bit, though I am not sure if she just wants awkward scenes for her home movies or if she is actually shopping for cute Faunus girls to bring home.
I like the idea of her teasing Adam about "Gotta catch em all!" in an effort to get spanks or whatever, but not of actually treating women like objects to buy at a market.
Plus, wasn't it stated Narwhal has a bit of an Ownership fetish earlier in the story and that is why she like the fact the VR Collars are collars? I'm sure the fact that her letter basically sets up a recurring scenario where Adam would be coming home the metaphorical victorious conqueror with more beauties he "caught" for his "collection" in tow would, most likely, play heavily into that kink for her on some level, no?
I didn't like this chapter, don't know why
Guess it's probably because the Mc is acting pretty OC here
In what way?

The sleeping? Hes done a reasonable amount of that before.

Too promiscuous? I mean he was pretty promiscuous already, he just has simmy trying to get him to go for it and hes just woken up and doesn't want to make a decision yet.
Right now it seems more like hes just trying to end the conversation because he just woke up and wants to go to the toilet / get something to eat.

Not promiscuous enough? I mean he did just wake up and they are a bunch of strangers.
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In what way?

The sleeping? Hes done a reasonable amount of that before.

Too promiscuous? I mean he was pretty promiscuous already, he just has simmy trying to get him to go for it and hes just woken up and doesn't want to make a decision yet.
Right now it seems more like hes just trying to end the conversation because he just woke up and wants to go to the toilet / get something to eat.

Not promiscuous enough? I mean he did just wake up and they are a bunch of strangers.
I don't know about him, but I was half asleep when I read the update, and I also didn't like the chapter. I think it's because I personally don't like being manhandled in my sleep, or even being touched by someone minutes after waking up, and reading those experiences happening while half awake made me feel like I was experiencing them, which irritated me, and ruined any contentment I felt at the new chapter being published.
Building a Gadget or Two.
So, coffee exists here. Made from plants infused with soul energy. Just what one needed after a hasty bathroom break and some unsatisfying military rations.

THIS was something he would bring home to his girls. "Mmm."

The 'leader' Tawna offered a small pot. "Honey?"

Adam chuckled, trying to ignore the small squad of armed female Faunus in sexy dancer outfits following behind them. And 'Betty', the cow girl riding on his shoulders. "Why not? This stuff is amazing plain though."

Sienna padded up to his right absently twirling some sort of chain whip with blades, orange eyes glaring at the passing women. "So what can we do for you, Sir Muscle-ton?"

He frowned. "Right, first I have no money... so let's go fix that. Anyone know where I can get to a workshop and where I can find some scrap materials?"

One of the girls raised a hand. "I'm a weapon craftier, and I don't mind if you borrow our forge a bit." The girl next to her nodded. "As for scrap, anything from a damaged weapon tends to be ground up and added to the metal of the replacement parts. We believe strongly in communing with our tools and weapons, and it is not uncommon for recycled powder or weapons to be used for literally generations in a family."

He checked the dog eared girl. "Roxie, right?" A nod. "I don't need much at first, but the more raw material I have the more I can accomplish. It doesn't have to be anything with the emotional investment as weapon parts, I can use raw ore or cut ends and whatnot. Even slag from the refinement process can help me a lot."

Half the crowd scattered, barely any orders passing as Sienna made some hand gestures. "Right, we'll head over to Roxie's joint while the girls collect some raw material and any scrap or loose bits they can. Meanwhile, tell me a bit how you went from massive and murder-fun to tiny and adorable?"

They chatted a bit, Betty finding his ability to shape shift almost TOO exciting, as they wandered through Kuo Kuana. A feeling of excitement was pulsing in the street, the lack of heavy death and property damage pulling a festival feeling in the air as people dashed everywhere.

They were walking towards what Simmy noted as the Chieftain's house, Ghira's place, and the main street was covered with market stalls that owners were eagerly returning to, trying to take advantage of the emotional high running through the crowds. He ended up trying a few snacks being sold along the way, the girls insisting he try a few samples even if they were paying for it.

Roxie's place was near the industrial section of the city, which was surprisingly close to Ghira's home and the center of town. The biting smell of hot metal twanged in the air, with clouds of steam showing that Roxie's place was more like a Guild Hall than a personal forge. The entrance alone was wide with constant traffic, workers and material loaders pushing through all kinds of equipment and resources while crowds of Hunters and high level Crafters passed alongside them.

Not that he had much time to explore, as the girls plied him with questions and offered snacks and refills of coffee even as they moved towards the work floor.

It was a bit crowded, and he felt a little overwhelmed... but it was a welcoming feeling as well.

Finally though, he had arrived. Piles made with ingots of metal, massive wooden barrels filled with powders and shrapnel, and access to a secured wall section filled with Dust and Dust Crystals of all kinds of natures. Fire, Ice, Electric, Gravity, Combustion, Hard-Light, all kinds of it was carefully seperated and sorted... and it pulled his attention. Like sunshine behind a waterfall, he was drawn close.

The girls rapidly found their new friend beyond distracted, ignoring the world... as a forest of bone limbs erupted from his white suit.

Adam on the other hand, was entranced.

Dust was amazing.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Sienna watched Betty get gently lifted by a twelve jointed bone limb, white fingers carefully placing the squirming feminine package into her arms as a multitude of others began pulling Dust from the reserve wall as if they were free samples.

Not that they would say anything.

The man's assault on Grimm earlier had done more good than gathering ALL this expensive Dust and detonating it. They wouldn't be so stingy as to refuse him access if he needed it to work with.

That said, she winced with a few others as rare samples kept for months or years were casually pulled from storage and evaporated by some sort of red beam of light.

The nearby work stations, which had slowed significantly when an elephant Faunus surrounded by very powerful and socially significant women just waltzed into the building, now ground to a halt.

Metal, barrels of scrap, and millions of lein in Dust were just vanishing into the twisting bone forest of limbs as the man's bright blue eyes blazed with fire, something glowing and twisted swirling under his focus as small hisses and pops made the wary flinch.

It couldn't be dust explosions, not with pops that weak. But he was doing something even as metal was melted in the air near his hands, as wire was inserted and laid, as thin plates were welded and screwed into place.

It was art. A symphony of parts and limbs and focus, somehow avoiding collisions and disaster by the smallest of margins.

The fact that he could sip coffee without the rapid motion of the tools and arms getting in the way was impressive as well.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

First, Dust in general was not only crystallized kami, it was also not quite existing in three dimensional space.

It wasn't just multi-dimensional though. It was sort of... folded on itself. If reality was a series of fabric layers, one on top of the other, this stuff was bulging slightly into other areas of reality without breaking through.

Probably was how weapons could shift from a spear to a sniper rifle or chain gun, really. It wasn't quite soul storage like Adam used, but it didn't hide stuff in another chunk of reality like Shard Crystals did either.

It was an odd effect of having so much faith impregnating the material world. Add in that the entire population of this planet only survived fighting the Grimm thanks to Dust, and well... worshiping the material and finding soul connections to the weapons that used Dust made a lot more sense.

That said, his personal kami peanuts were more pure in a way. Like unaligned Dust, it could be powdered and added to existing Dust Crystals to cause them to expand and grow.

Thankfully that test used a nearly impossible to measurable fragment of his faith, as the new Gravity Dust had nearly covered his work space until he could get the Gather beam to consume it at the same rate as expansion. As it was, it took a few minutes before he could absorb enough away to get back to work.

Good to know though, some of these samples were in very low supply. He probably got here between the resupply schedules.

Adam absently whistled as he carefully duplicated completed Dust crystal samples of each type and began restocking the secured wall supply. No reason to use up the last of their samples, what if someone else wanted to test stuff out? They could probably pull what they needed from their reserve supplies, but there was no reason to not simplify the process. It was only polite.

Making new Dust crystals would be expensive normally, but in a Realm like this where Faith grew exponentially? Simplicity itself! Plus he was cheating, there was far more of some types like Fire or Combustion Dust than the others like Purity or Hard-Light. Not to mention his Dust exponential growth accident earlier.

A little advanced analysis to compare the folded Crystal Frameworks for the most stable and pure pattern, a bit of 'Research' to enhance the structure further to an optimal shape... and a Construction beam build later, new sample Dust Crystals!

He would have the wall restocked in a bit, which should then allow him to continue working on his project without guilt. It was like being that guy who took the last piece of pizza, and no one liked that guy.

Back to his project, Simmy floated behind him, mentally offering modifications to his designs from her simulated experiments on the various faith imbued materials. It was not going to be a Droid or anything, introducing them here seemed dangerous, but this was a Matter Furnace using only local materials. It would join the (still being designed) Gather/Construction Gun and a small Storage Unit so he could build stuff here even without the super convenient Flame and Null Metals. Probably would need improvements later, but for now it was good enough.

He hummed a bit as molten metal was floating over his head, Dust powder was being added to some plastic and glass panels, and wiring with Electrical Crystal Dust was etched into some metal surfaces. Seriously, he would need to take a month or two and explore Dust in general, it was basically magic or partial Shard powers in a very basic form, crystallized. It couldn't handle anything advanced like flight or whatever on its own, but it managed to generate energy types without actual dimensional shenanigans, and could replace entire chunks of Crystal Shard Planets normally used to create those required effects.

Heck, some spells could be vastly simplified thanks to the materials nature. The spells could toss out the flame generation and so such and focus on straight control options instead... much easier.

In the end, it was all a bit slap dash really. Adam hadn't even had a chance to connect to the CCT System here and download publicly available information yet, but he had a lot of stuff he wanted to get done and this would be a simple way to make any stuff needed later on in this adventure.

He grinned as the materials being modified slowly grew in complexity, forming a backpack like structure to hold the Matter Furnace and Storage Unit together and out of the way while he worked in the future.

Narwhal would be so proud that he was thinking ahead this time!

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Second in command Sienna, the head of the Weapons consortium Roxie, and the girls responsible for trade, manufacturing, and so forth... they were all entranced.

Amidst the confusion and loud sounds of Adam's work, the flow of lost materials slowed... and reversed.

Mountains of absorbed Dust, some worth more than a small town's yearly income per gram, some so rare that no one dared to actually use them despite free access... Dust Crystals began to appear from the busy bone limbs and be carefully reinserted into the storage wall.

Not just the dirt cheap Combustion Dust or the common Fire Dust, Crystals of rare and near impossible to ever see Dust types were rapidly filling the containment units. Some, like the Plant Dust Crystal, never existed before! Kuo Kuana as a city had never seen anything more than Plant Dust in powdered form, and rarely at that! The stuff was beyond valuable, as it could directly increase plant life and crop growth. The few rumored Plant Dust Crystals to be found had been snatched up by Atlas, their frozen landscape needing enhanced farm methods for survival.

And now they had access to hundreds of them. And counting.

Rack after rack of Dust shelving compartments had Crystals increased in quantity, and before Sienna knew it the entire thing was now full and Adam's limbs were starting to fill the powdered Dust sections as well. As if it was barely worth mentioning to resupply an entire city with rare materials. Just... more and more.

She glanced at the girls, who also seemed a bit disturbed. How were they supposed to pay back their hero if he just spews cash in every direction!?

Their thoughts were broken off when a happy cry came from the man. "ALRIGHT!"

A glowing backpack, thousands of thin dust patterns with strange combinations of sparkling circuitry, was casually strapped onto the Elephantine Faunus's shoulders. An odd gun was attached to tubing connected the system together, and his smile was wide even as his trunk wiped sweat from his brow.

He turned to the overwhelmed Sienna, probably for the best since Tawna was still staring numbly at the massive wall of Dust storage so recently filled to capacity. "Right, I got the tools I need now... but I have run quite short of scrap and such. I know I've asked for a lot, but I promise I can make some neat stuff that would be really useful if you guys just loan me some more resources and some land to build on."

He pumped the gun which began to glow pulses of red and green. "Though I will need to talk to Ghira again at some point to find out what would be valuable here. Thinking about building some automated healing stations or something if I can get enough biological scans first. Maybe some food production, since this land mass seems to be two thirds desert."

Sienna absently led the muscled miracle man away, giving her girls time to recover and follow later.

And blinked. Did he really build Betty a saddle on his new backpack? Huh. She did seem comfortable up there.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Adam was near bouncing in eagerness, Betty's arms hugging his head. He could build a fort! No, some sort of massive tower maybe. With floors to convert excess kami and faith into needed materials.

Ooh, maybe a pizza joint? Did Remnant even have pizza? He should make sure his tower could grow or provide the right ingredients.

A thought had Simmy hum. He would have the needed seeds when the time came. And free food was always a good thing, right? Should earn him enough money to buy weapon parts or whatever.

And even if he might have showed off a bit with the robot bone arms, he managed to mostly stay under the radar, he felt. Stealthy Adam, that's what they should call him!

Not sure why Simmy was sniggering though.
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And even if he might have showed off a bit with the robot bone arms, he managed to mostly stay under the radar, he felt. Stealthy Adam, that's what they should call him!
Yep super stealthy :p. Even if dust had been a cheap material, duplicating it would have made waves.
Sorry Adam, your going to need to come up with a new nickname. Perhaps Stampeding Elephant Adam?
And even if he might have showed off a bit with the robot bone arms, he managed to mostly stay under the radar, he felt. Stealthy Adam, that's what they should call him!

Not sure why Simmy was sniggering though.
My amusement at these two lines knows no bounds. It is eternal, unwavering and infinite in scope. On a side note, I need to stop drinking while reading these updates - my monitor needs to be dried. Again. Spit-takes aren't so fun IRL...
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well stealthy my booty you just made them 100s of plant crystals that shit is rare as fuck as in like 10 of them crystal is whats found so far not including the thousands of other rare as fuck crystals ya fabbed up as well
I'm having visions of a Bull Elephant in a China Shop. :lol:

Adam seems to be riding high on something.
Is that an effect of the amount of Dust, I wonder? 🤔
Mmm, Coffee.
'STEALTHY' Adam? Reminds me of my granny's deliberately bad elephant jokes.

How do you hide an elephant in a strawberry patch? Paint his toenails red.
How can you tell an elephant is hiding in your refridgerator? There's toe prints in the butter.
Conversion is probably loving all the kami-to-element tricks he's gaining.
Dust seems to be at least a *bit* more complex then just aspected power, since you have things like Cinder's dress and machine hard light projectors that are able to shape expressions of the power *without* it being a part of the users controlling abilities.
Last you described the efficiency of his shard conversion I think you said that between flame metal conversion and getting rid of the horrible inefficiencies inherent in shards, he could get the size down from planet sized to texas size. I wonder how much Dust, magic and faith stuff can cut that down...
I mean, you could probably get a basic x-kinesis power through nothing more than a big hunk of x-dust with a current of faith to keep it regenerating and the basic shard interface, but I doubt it can go *that* far with more complex powers.
The note about 'realm where faith grows exponentially' makes me wonder about if it's possible to use transfer tricks eventually to vastly empower the system back on Earth-bet...
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Now I'm wondering if the System will ever go interdimentional. There are shard type parahumans on the other Earth's in that reality cluster after all. Then it can go inter-reality. He'd get a large amount of free research done.
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You give the hero so much power, but don't let him have any actual goals or challenges. The full extent of the story can be described as 'gain more and more powers while visiting fiction characters'. And that's it, no plot at all. No adventures. Boring.

So okay, he's basically godlike from like week three onward (not that you seem to really understand just how OP he is at that point), but he is barely using a fraction of it (for random minute goals), mostly playing around. He has no agency. Feels like some kind of bot, rather than human.

It would still be somewhat alright it this had a good social component. But there isn't, conversations mostly feel strained and fake, other characters have no real agency just as well as the main hero.

All in all, this might be a good writing exercise, but sorely lacks as readable fiction.
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He's going to be the metaphorical and literal embodiment of "Elephant in the Room" isn't he?

Poor unsuspecting dolt is slowly elevating Menagerie from 3rd world status to a credible world power, and things are just going to spiral from there.
Examination of the Story Style and What Nitches it Falls into.

This is more a slice of life story rather than a 'They took my girl' or 'Oh no de evil dood!' fic, and yeah, it may not be your flavor of story.

At this point in my life however, I have read so many similar tales that just... annoyed me.

Big bosses showing up out of nowhere for conflict alone, good guys dying suddenly for motivation purposes, main characters 'holding back' to protect secrets about how powerful they are... to the point where they fail and lose and have to treat weaklings as credible threats.

My story tells a tale I have not read before: Getting power and being allowed to enjoy it. A less depressing 'One Punch Man', the skipped years of a happy married life with Goku in DBZ... A chance to explore the path to power for the fun of it and not rushed by arbitrary time limits or needless deadlines.

If you want a power creep story like mine with more drive, try classics like 'Chunin exam day' which has a similar slow peaceful pace but is driven by a firm overall goal. It treats death as amusing due to the time loops, but is still awesome.

Cause Adam's goal is to be a tourist gaining power to uplift his home reality while seeing what he will run into. While obstacles and foes will come and go, his motivation does not change much for now. Maybe in a century or two.
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My story tells a tale I have not read before: Getting power and being allowed to enjoy it. A less depressing 'One Punch Man', the skipped years of a happy married life with Goku in DBZ... A chance to explore the path to power for the fun of it and not rushed by arbitrary time limits or needless deadlines.
Hmm... All your stories are about OP characters who aren't likely to face real threats and can just enjoy their lives. While Unlimited Gamer and Prototype Ninja never really got far one has saves and the other is effectively immortal, and Core Threads has long since past into effective Godhood.

Personally, I'm happy with this. Sure, it's entirely possible for such stories to be boring but if they're well written they can avoid that and multiverse travel is an easy way to continuously add new problems and 'threats' to combat without being utterly ridiculous or trying to scale things.

In your home universe, if you're that OP then after a certain point it's a little silly if you're regularly facing 'threats'. They should either be smart enough to realize they can't go against you or be prevented by your security / allies / minions / wards / etc.
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So... Just regular food then? I mean, there's very little food that's fullly Euclidean unless cut or pressed into a shape.

Despite what Lovecraft thought, non-Euclidian geometry is pretty common once working with 3d objects.

Hoo boy, that's some grade-A Skub you got there. I'm just not going to get into everything wrong with it so we're not here arguing all night.
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