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To make Nami scary, you just need to get between her and a pile of money. Now that i think about it the grand line is between her and the greatest treasure of all time
But we have zero evidence that the "greatest treasure of all time" as any monetary value. In fact, we have hints that it is completely lacking in that aspect, being more a "grand joke" as well as a hidden bit of history. The isle is, after all, Laugh Tale, and was the home of Joy Boy (potentially Joy D. Boy, but unconfirmed).
Subtle as a brick to the face Shadow, which is on point because denial isn't just a river on Earth Bet for you, but you've healed and empowered Belle-Mere which I've is something I've never seen before so LET'S FREAKING GO! Arlong is gonna have a BAD DAY.

I like the way you think Jack. Then there is the ability to steal powder out of their bullets and cannons. Take all the fuel from their ships. Take the ships. Take apart their fortifications.

Literally steal their breath away and replace it with a different gas to make them all unconscious. Steal their ability to speak, hear, see, etc. Make them unable to justify their actions would especially be a great one. I think it could work since she purified her emotions.
Or go the passive aggressive route and steal move all the nails and pins out of the structure of an enemy ship and watch it collapse into the sea. They're all sailors, surely they can swim. What do you mean there was a Devil Fruit User with them? Gosh, how terrible.
Man, the ripples in this last bit REALLY stretch out.

I guess the biggest thing would be Marshall D. Teach isn't going to betray the White Beard Pirates until he finds Shadow, which... Isn't likely to happen. All existing clues and hints for that fruit is pointing WAY THE FUCK over in a different direction, and she is using the fruit's abilities in very uncommon ways compared to past users. Plus he is a crafty bitch willing to wait until he gets what he wants before basically betraying EVERYONE at the same time. Crazy guy.

Wonder how many crew members of any random pirate crew would be willing to go rogue and slaughter their comrades for raw power?

Probably a lot, not all pirate crews focus on nakama or family like Luffy does.
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We see a lot of them in the east blue,i think Buggy and Arlong are they only ones who care atleast a bit about their crew.
Buggy was part of Roger's crew, so it makes sense he'd care at least a little about his crew, and Arlong spouted Fishman Superiority, so he was more likely to harm a human than his crew.

Don Krieg cared about numbers, not individuals, so he likely thought he could easily replace anyone who he harmed or killed. Alvida ruled her crew through fear, so no surprises there if she made an example of someone. Kuro's signature move is specifically a non-discriminating one, so he'd have to not care about his crew to use it with them around.
so that's what a "perception check fail" feels like
*facepalm* so friggin' obviously good choice, and that tidbit about Oranges from the last chapter...
the butterflies of chaos will be epic :D :D :D
Arc 4: Settling Finances with Unusual Skill. Or SFwUS, for short.
Shadow grumbled as he nudged his power through his Host's Soul at a mind numbingly slow pace.

Devil Fruits were apparently innately jerks to prior Hosts.

By default, by instinct, a Soul fruit would grow roots and pierce the hell out of their new home without caution or concern.


To better drain the delicious Conceptual power of the Host when they die, of course!

It was the only nutrients these things needed at this point, raw imagination.

So someone eats a fruit, gets their Soul turned into a sieve, and either rapidly grows stronger to survive the process or quietly dies and the fruit gets reincarnated.

Either way, with such a deep and unhealthy grasp of the Soul? The fruit gains a profit.

Shadow doesn't need that shit. If he wants additional power, he just calls the Darkness. And Gem always had a thought or two if creative juices were called for.

So instead, he was sort of… Melding with this thing. In stages.

First, the roots were slowly coating her entire Soul, creating a protective layer.

Then, after he had a good grip on this place, he could help her fracture her own Soul a tiny bit, in a controlled way! It was a great idea!

Her hardened Soul would be able to continue to grow at a slow and comfortable pace, his/her Soul roots would be able to reach into the void to gather sustenance to nourish her existence through the opened crack, and it would drastically deepen her raw connection to the Darkness!

Everybody wins!

Might hurt a bit at that point though.

Anyway, her body was adapting to the new biological cells surprisingly quickly, which helped this entire process speed up a TON.

Which was good, because all this seriousness and focusing was rough on Shadow, who had a fairly flighty personality at times if he was honest.

Shadow forced himself to stay on topic as he began working the tricky bits: Modifying her body's Soul anchors to be detachable rather than welded onto her flesh.

It should work better than destroying her body and giving her a Darkness Avatar like usual… Better to keep BOTH and simply store one within the other when not needed.

A body for everyday life, a form for combat, and neither one tied to her actual existence… That seems much more secure than simply blowing up your partner and giving them a custom body job.

Still was taking time though, unlike his own vague memories Shadow wasn't going to just fracture a shard of HER Soul with raw power like a moron.

Slow and steady, plus gradual changes… Hopefully this would ensure this process just felt odd rather than bathing her mind with reality rending levels of pain.

At least he had a fun project to keep him busy!

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Bell-mère grinned as she left another general shop.

Funding problems? Officially handled! Even paid off this month's 'fees' and 'fines' in advance!

She really felt clever this time too, she had gone two routes: A public excuse, to give her reason to have unexpected cash flows, and a private deal or two to both boost her revenue and stabilize this small town that had supported her girls for so long.

Publicly, the reason she now looked even MORE like sex on legs and sin incarnate, was because she was being fancied by a young merchant.

Something that had happened before, still happens occasionally, and even MORE occasionally actually led somewhere if the boy was a bit rugged and self confident. Nothing long term, but it was a publicly acceptable excuse.

This theoretical boy had met her 'refusal' with determination to 'win her over', and was sending her rare and unusual stuff to try and change her mind to marry him and 'bring her away from all this!'

Lovey dovey shit like that was always eaten up by her crew, they…

She forced her grin to stay unchanged. Focus.

Stuff like that was always bought and bragged about by low level Marine grunts, gossip was king in boring posts out here. It might not even make it into the numerous reports being secretly submitted about her!


One excuse explained why she now was a sex goddess, where all her money was coming from, how she kept getting stuff that didn't belong on these islands AND was willing to sell them off without concern or care… Plus a good reason to get those stupid love struck idiots to hit the road instead of pestering her all the time.

As for why the boy didn't show up often? Shame! And a desperate desire to find something valuable enough to change her mind! Plus, this was an island with low levels of trade and tracking all the merchants was unreasonable.

Why didn't she know what he looked like, his name, etc?

Because she didn't care about him!

This story was just full of fun, both to spread and to enact.

As for the private deals, those were done after vanishing into her home, somehow appearing around town for secret chats with small groups she knew could be trusted. At least, trusted not to go to the Marines or talk after getting deep in their cups at the wharf bar.

A fishmonger, three small farmers, and a butcher.

In return for little to no questions asked, on specific days, they would buy fresh fish, produce, and meat for half the cost… Or to be more accurate, 50% of the profits would be stored and given to her in return for the consistent delivery of goods.

Her personal costs were basically nothing to begin with, but she had experience with the more Dark sides of life and… Well, this was to pump some stability into the Conomi Islands.

Any profits from this would be welcome, sure… But more importantly, the costs CHARGED by her contacts was up to them. She had made it clear that even if it sold for almost nothing, she wouldn't care or complain… As long as she got half.

Had to keep that bit in, so that they 'understood' her 'angle' and didn't freak out or something.

But now?

If fishing is bad, Cocoyasi village and those who traded with Conomi Islands would still be able to provide needed catches.

If a drought hit the lands, high quality wild vegetables would be on the shelves anyway.

If unexpected 'taxes' or embargoes or cargo 'confiscations' occurred, at least the costs of food wouldn't go up in her town or those who dealt with them.

And in times of plenty? A steady supply of profit!

What business WOULDN'T love to get fresh product without having to fight the Sea or struggle over limited island resources?

So that was dealt with.

A public money stream and excuse to keep pulling out odd spices and gems and stuff, a private revenue source that also ensured price gouging and resource denial wouldn't pop up unexpectedly or be effective…

And a good excuse for her girls to have about why they suddenly could get better food, clothing, and supplies! Hee hee hee!

Her new skill was so KICK ASS!

Though, privately, she had freaked out a bit during her tests of her power.

When she had first just tried to Twist some 'Fancy Food', she actually FELT it start to target some arbitrary source of the 'high quality' goods available… And random chance basically stole a meal about to be served to some rich guy.


It got sent back before anyone noticed, but what shocked her MORE than the initial situation was the RANGE of her Twist.

That bowl of stew had been 'borrowed' from the West Blue sea, off a Marine battleship, about to be served to some fancy pants.

It had crossed nearly half the damned known world in moments and no one else had noticed.

She uh. She had been more cautious in the other tests.

Thankfully, her innate grasp of Twisting grew with practice.

Now she had mental profiles for arbitrary targets!

Local: Within boat range of my current island. Within hunting/fishing/gathering range of a Marine Captain with my former abilities if I were at those locations.

Unclaimed: Undiscovered by others, or not routinely checked or maintained by others.

Sustainable: Only mature specimens, no pregnant females, leave a breeding population.

After all, she didn't want to risk killing off the local sources of food for the islands or something. Or accidentally harvest some poor person's private garden without knowing it, or steal some person's giant tasty pet.

That uh… Did lead her to make a few other profiles.

Lost: Items that were unclaimed and uncared for, that would not be recognized by their owner or their minions.

Plausible: Similar targets that are indistinguishable from Local options, but not restricted by region.

Most of the junk she was selling publicly came from the Local Lost profiles, while the food was being delivered thanks to Plausible Local Sustainable sources.

She also found a few exotic fruits and veggies and stuff that must be coming from the Grand Line somewhere, off one of the odder islands, when she asked for new foods that would grow well on this island.

Those seeds and saplings had been passed off to the interested farms she had made deals with and uh… Well, they seemed eager, but time would be needed to see if that idea ever panned out.

Point is, there was a certain amount of flexibility here… In fact…

She paused, having just gotten home.

The girls weren't back from playing yet, and she had a bit of time…

Yeah, let's do one more experiment.

Before, she could ask for anything.

When found, she would just instinctively KNOW where it had come from, the before and after conditions, and could reverse the decision instantly.

What about now, after all this practice?

Could she do the question/knowing stuff WITHOUT Twisting away the object first?

She closed her eyes, absently soaking into the Darkness as she felt something… Familiar.

Unconsciously, she spoke.

"Yami Yami no… Dark Visions."

Her eyes saw nothing… No.

She saw Darkness.

Something without and within, a part of her and a friend.

The Devil Fruit, Yami Yami no Mi… But Consumed by the Darkness.

And Darkness was humming a cheerful tune!

Amused, she couldn't help but hum along as she absently connected with the endless Darkness.

As always, her thoughts drifted to her little girls…

And before her, Nojiko was trying to get Nami to help her find shellfish for dinner.

Because the girls were worried about how little she was eating.


Her heart warmed, and she almost felt an echo of Love here in the Darkness as well…

Heh, looks like they were going to have clams tonight.

Bell-mère honestly wasn't an astounding cook or anything, give her a rifle and she was a goddess but uh… Well, she didn't burn water at least?

However, due to repetition and necessity if nothing else, she had grown fairly talented when it came to wild foraged island produce and seafood.

But THIS time, let's kick it up a notch!

With a few clams coming in from the girls, plus a few extra she would slip in to the final dish, let's make a big seafood feast today!

What had been that one thing she had at that other island? Right, uh… Clams with spicy tomato broth and garlic mayo. It had been freaking good, but not too complicated to put together.

Especially when she could just collect fresh ingredients as desired mid cooking.

It mostly went alright, although something seemed a bit strange about the salt… Although what the Darkness meant about it being residue from 'Aqua Laguna', she wasn't sure? It sounded familiar though.

Meh, the stuff tasted awesome and that was good enough. And the other ingredients were sparkling a bit too, since she didn't mark these ingredients with the Local profile since only her family would get to sample this stuff.

It should be fine, though she didn't recognize where in the world all these things came from. [[Dark Visions]] assured her that no one would miss this stuff and all of it was unowned, so more for the pot!

She stirred the dish, absently Twisting away filth and impurities from each ingredient before adding it in. Still had to chop and stuff, since that felt less awkward than Twisting a few thousand times to get tiny slices of material tossed away… Unless?

Instead of imagining a single slice cutting the amazing smelling chives, she visualized them already chopped and Twisted something nearly invisible away…

And the small mound of vegetation fell into perfectly parsed parts.

She couldn't really enjoy her success though, because in her hand was… An invisible framework? Some sort of mesh?

Uh. Just in case. "Yami Yami no: [[Dark Visions.]]"

Whew! Just a matrix of chive particles! She hadn't just Twisted the concept of binding or uncut away or something silly like that. Holding something invisible that also had structure had made her a teeny tiny bit concerned, honestly.

Right, let's get most of this done before the girls get home! Plus some side dishes, a few deserts, a bowl with some nuts and another with fruits and…

Humming along to an unknown song, she bustled in the kitchen, absently purifying ingredients that glowed from powerful locations untouched by man or beast as they got tossed into a broth. Oh, right, better make some bread too!

This stuff would be great on toast!

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Captain Nezumi was FURIOUS! "Damn it! ANOTHER love struck idiot is supporting that bitch!?"

It was ridiculous! He had been trying to get that thorn in his side to leave his territory for MONTHS now!

But no matter how many tricks he pulled, no matter how many favors he requested or fulfilled, it seemed NO one was able to get this woman to move SOMEWHERE ELSE!

This was HIS territory, and he had been FORCED to place nice and legit and legal for YEARS now! Mostly.

His 'personal funds' had been limited to his paycheck and confiscation routines only! Not a single payback or table deal, no bribes or nudges, no suggestions or confidences!

How was he supposed to operate like this! "What we got on this guy?"

His minion winced. "Smarter than the last six, hasn't publicly declared love or anything. We can't pressure him or his sources until someone lets something slip, but after the last few a lot of our contacts are being suspected and cautious."

Damn it. So what if he had gotten a bit impatient? There had been a huge deal in the works!

If he could just get this woman to leave, or to weaken enough to be 'handled', there was an entire CREW of social rejects just waiting to grease the wheels of bureaucracy with golden suggestions!

That they were escaped slaves or currently pirates didn't matter, this group was powerful for the East Blue and would quietly DOMINATE this area, paying him to be silent in the process.

That was pure profit! Only a few insignificant ants would even be bothered, if only this one freaking monster of a woman would just GO AWAY!

He felt his whisker-like mustache twitch. "Double surveillance, find her new sugar daddy, and get that cut off. The local office says she actually paid off TWO months of fees in one go!"

He had to fucking REPORT those! Trying to keep these nearly redundant bills and fees from cropping up higher on the administrative overview log was tripling his work load!

Just fail to pay a few times! Or leave! Or die! SOMETHING!

He focused on the idiots. "We still cracking down on trade there?"


Right. Couldn't push this too far or it would get noticed, but funds should be tight and if they could cut off this new love struck idiot fast enough… "Get out there, find that moron, and we can pass it off to someone else."

The Arlong pirates would be happy enough to take down a human vessel or two, especially filled with loot and Beri's… Yes, that would work.

Keep the literal shark at bay while also cutting off this monster of a woman from recovering from this financial pit he had dug.

He snarled at the paperwork required for these spinning plates to keep turning.

The sooner she left or died, the better!

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Nojiko couldn't help but grin even as Nami tried to hold her own bucket with both hands.

They had stumbled on a whole BUNCH of clams! And this time she hadn't cut herself, she used a stick like mom had told her to!

Nami wasn't quite mature enough to do a lot of work, but she was happy enough to help add the collected clams to the bucket and try to carry it for a bit. Something about getting food themselves for mom made this all seem MUCH more important and interesting to the girl, and they both were looking forward to her surprise!

But when they reached home, they both paused in surprise.

Was… Was this their house?

The paint almost looked new, untouched by salt from storms and harsh wind, the yard perfectly tended, almost too clean to mess up with their dirty shoes.

Nami though was more focused. "Mom! Mom, we got clams! And I put em in the bucket!"

That warm voice laughed inside, and suddenly it was all fine again as mom called them in. "Bring them to the kitchen, I got a big surprise for you two!"

Huh!? Awesome!

Nojiko mentally relaxed as she helped Nami into the house, making sure the bucket didn't spill. Mom had sounded… Relaxed. Less stressed, less tightly wound and worried.

Only she had noticed in recent weeks, but even Nami had noticed something was a bit wrong recently and had been a bit restless. It was why both girls had gone exploring farther down the shore than usual, and why they had stumbled on the clams.

However, opening the kitchen door was like being smacked in the face by a pillow of amazing smells! "What is THAT!?"

Nami instantly let go of the bucket, distracted, but thankfully Nojiko's hand took over the job before a mess was made. "Um! Mom, smells so good!"

Mom turned around and… They both blinked.

She looked AMAZING! And so happy and… Nojiko had to ask. "Mom?"

Her smile warmed her Soul. "Look at all of these clams! Oh you girls look like you both had quite the adventure!"

And that was enough to set Nami off a mile per minute, talking about the big wave and some odd rocks and the clams and maybe a dragon and clams and another rock but it wasn't a clam and…

Meanwhile, Nojiko noticed her mom casually working with an actual feast worth of food. The smells were one thing, but this was enough food for a festival! What was going on? "Hey mom?"

She casually hugged a giggling Nami as her other hand stirred a few pots and added some stuff. "Yes, Nojiko?"

The warmth helped her calm down a bit and focus. "What…What's going on?"

The laugh was rich and hearty and felt like the sea. "I got some special luck and we are going to celebrate! Leave the clams with me, you two go wash up, and then Nojiko can set the dinner table while Nami puts out the napkins."

And despite the awesome smell, the idea of a party had Nami already dashing off with grins to quickly wash her hands and Nojiko had to follow to make sure she did it right. Don't just wiggle them under the water, you got to use soap and scrub!

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Shadow blinked.


Uh… Wait, he can fix that.

Just… Add a bit more Darkness for power and uh… Maybe grow some more Soul roots over here?

Yeah, no problem!

This was going great!

Gem sighed with fondness and exasperation as Shadow continued to stumble along the path of progress and his new Host unknowingly gathered more and more power.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Bell-mère was astounded at the food on her plate.

She was NOT this good a cook.

Honestly, it should have been marked as 'fine' and 'warm with love' at best, not 'stop everything, I must eat this!' levels of amazingness.

She tried the potatoes, and like the other dishes they were mind numbingly delicious. And she felt something like raw potential soaking into her bones with each bite, which was a bit concerning.

Still, [[Dark Visions]] assured it would be nothing but beneficial to the girls… And based on the rapid rate they were consuming all the dishes, THEY had no complaints.

Plus, her own intuition kept insisting these things were basically treasure given a delicious disguise…

She took another bite.

Damn, even this corn was godly.

What the HELL was up with these ingredients!?

Thank goodness she had made sure to mark everything for sale with the Local profile, if she had sold something like these onions or those peas to an outsider things would have gone crazy.

Better not share any leftovers with neighbors, after this.

Although, based on the rate the girls were chowing down, that wouldn't be an issue. "Make sure you both have room for dessert."

Two tiny faces looked up, cheeks full of food. ""Mrph murple Murm murmmle!?""

Heh, just like her old gang. "Yep, managed to make a cake!"

The flour had seemed a bit translucent and sparkly, but it seemed to turn out alright? And the frosting had been so good she nearly ate that stuff directly when decorating the thing.

She grinned with amusement as deep internal conflict broke out as the girls debated endless consumption of delicious foods versus eating less now but more cake later. It was a troubling issue that they both must find a solution to!

They were just so cute!

Today has been the best of days!

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

When food prices on the island began to rapidly drop, everyone quickly took notice.

Not only this, but the quality and quantity of food had actually skyrocketed…This was NOT normal!

But, as small people oppressed on all sides, they knew not to speak up about this.

Even those who normally sent secret reports and subtle messages stayed quiet. After all, they had been growing hungry too. They'd tell someone about this… Eventually.

But for a short time, a subtle tense concern that floated in the air over Cocoyasi Village had relaxed and settled down a bit.

There were a few more smiles, shoulders didn't slump as far when they prepared to go face the sea, the children laughed a little louder and ran a bit more.

More than that… Trade began to pick up. Stories began to spread. Rumors about lucky finds, rare deals, trinkets that were found that had been lost long ago just turning up in random shops.

It was sort of self fulfilling, in a way. As more and more merchants came to Cocoyasi Village to try their own luck, they'd find the others that also flocked here and offer a bit of trade between these other outsiders as well.

Despite pressure to avoid the area, random ship examinations and so forth, the call of profits was a bit too sweet of a siren's call to allow such a place to go unvisited.

With more trade, came more oversight. More patrols, more stability, more observation… Shady practices became more uncommon when held under a spotlight. Though hidden forces attempted to prevent too much improvement to the area, for many reasons.

Then… Whispers. Certain stores, if you had the money, if you asked quietly, could find things. Either special objects or materials, or something far more valuable: Clues. Information. Hints.

For a short period, tourism boomed and the whole island chain became a popular destination spot… And then the stories shifted a bit. The whispered words came from a new location.

They say there was a shop that didn't sell any of the goods within, that had no shop owner, which didn't accept any money… But you could leave a message on the paper left on the counter.

Despite no one working at this shop, it never closed. The door was never locked. No one ever entered or left, except the potential customers.

Nothing was ever stolen.

The few who tried found empty shelves and a lonely room with no clues.

Some claimed it was haunted… Yet that wasn't enough to stop those in need from seeking it out, from looking for that one last chance, that fragile sliver of hope in these uncaring waters.

The Haunted Shop allowed you to leave messages. Requests. Questions.

And the next night at midnight, no matter where you were or what you were doing, you would find a note next to you with a price… Or a refusal, if your request or question was something considered unacceptable.

At least the refusals were polite? Though many slavers and criminals raged anyway at being denied their desires and vulgarities.

For those who had the opportunity, they could place the listed price in a room or a container with that letter, and all of it would vanish… And you would get a response.

A note. Or clues. In very rare circumstances, the item itself… Or the person being sought would appear, confused and unsure, in person. Prisoners freed, slaves unbound, loved ones reunited.

In the more sad situations, corpses were retrieved, maps of where they fell provided, and so forth. Closure, even if for some it also sparked the fires of vengeance.

But those tales were just stories, one of many that swam these seas. Another legend that drifted by the docks, another fragment of hope to be clutched by the hopeless.

Cocoyasi Village grew swiftly with trade, goods, and profit flooding this small unimportant island.

Such things could draw eyes… Even more eyes than those already hungry in the shadows.

Fearing competition, furious over being denied their desires, a group of escaped victims made an unfortunate decision.

Turning their rage towards an entire species due to the actions of a powerful few, they decided to conquer this location anyway despite the recent changes… Or due to them.

Several weeks after the booming growth of Cocoyasi Village, the Arlong Pirates reached these shores without the approval of their corrupt Marine contact.

They were without fear! They were all part of a Fish-man crew, their species each over ten times stronger than these pathetic humans, even when just born and untrained!

When underwater, they were literally unmatched! Kings of the sea! To be rulers of the whole East Blue sea itself! Small gods, sure, but Gods nevertheless!

They'd probably be fine.
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Oh man, when they get caught, they're going to sell out their Marine contact.

And then, he's going to be found for overcharging a war hero. And possibly of betraying the Marines that lead to her retirement. If he's the same guy that did that.

Would be kind of hilarious if just hours before the Arlong Pirates get caught, he gets caught because one of the higher up Marines notices the paperwork discrepancy. Or I suppose, if Shadow gets a request for 'why are the fees so high?' or some such; basically a question of what was going on before the increase in benefits, and it ends up in the right hands.

The slavers might even blame the corrupt guy as making things worse. Especially as the 'in his territory' BS falls flat. She was retired. Possibly because of his actions. And as far as I'm aware, wasn't actually doing anything like patrolling. I guess he thought that she'd report everything if she found out? Showing he wasn't doing is job? But he could have easily said "Hey, stay away from this island or I can't keep your actions quiet."

Probably too egotistical to think of that.
It is Sushi Time!
It is nice to see the Power of Darkness used properly. For cooking and snaking, everything else is just a byproduct of making things delicious, right? 🤔
can she yoink peoples strength and such and add it to her own? cause maybe do that to arlong and his crew lol thank you for both chapters was just able to get to read both thanks for writing ace its always fun
Can't wait to see what Shadow does to/for Nojiko and Nami. I mean, they are close to Bel-Mere and cared for... I just imagine shadow reigning in the various Devil Fruits. Teaching them to be GOOD fruit. To treat their hosts well. Maybe also could see Shadow attaching to Nojiko and Nami. That, or doing something to enhance/strengthen/protect them.
Is he swiping food from Toriko? Because that sounds like low capture rate ingredients from Toriko lol. They share the same local multiverse cluster i suppose
Is he swiping food from Toriko? Because that sounds like low capture rate ingredients from Toriko lol. They share the same local multiverse cluster i suppose
Well, perhaps Shadow is. Not the only crossover there, either.

Although I wonder if the other Adams are a bit curious about the foods as well.

Shadow might need to make sure he doesn't accidentally cause the same issues ala the 'perfectly prepared food to both person and when they eat it' issues that had to be solved first. Given Shadow's personality, it seems like that particular already solved problem might not get the solution implemented... Again, providing he's reaching the dangerous levels there.
If she's stealing ingredients from the baratie, if it exists yet, I can imagine the ingredients coming through with an angry Zeff or Sanji trying to hold it. She has to at least be setting of someone's Observation Haki
If she's stealing ingredients from the baratie, if it exists yet, I can imagine the ingredients coming through with an angry Zeff or Sanji trying to hold it. She has to at least be setting of someone's Observation Haki
She's specifically set it so that it wouldn't be, once she figured out just how large the range. That they're stuff that no one owns. Also other limitations on it such as 'could feasibly be obtained'.

Though I wonder if there's going to be rumors that there's a connection to the All Blue; aka, the place where all the fish from the various Blues can be caught. After all, they do fit possibly under that 'similar to what can be caught locally, but from a different area'.

And that's barring the 'shop with no owner' having the same thing. If nothing else, there might be a request to find the All Blue from it. Though not from Sanji; I don't think he's gone into cooking yet? I'm not too sure on his timeline, though. At the very least, it seems like it'd be a bit too early for him to be trying to fulfill that dream, for someone he looks up to. Though it's also possible that instead of outright asking for where it is, to ask for hints. Though if it doesn't actually exist, than something to help make it exist.

Lost information would likely also be on the list of requests from that shop, as well. Though who knows how easily or if it's even possible for some of it.
You have to wonder, how much of Adam is in his Shadow at times. Because he just gave a desperate mom access to an entire world's supply of food and a blank check and her first thought is "what will no one care about" and had it snowball super hard.
Part of what's making her food so good is she's probably started instinctively leaving behind all the impurities as she's Twisting things to her.

She stirred the dish, absently Twisting away filth and impurities from each ingredient before adding it in.

Plus Adam has like... three different Cooking Specialties to give her instincts a boost.
Arc 4: Fishy guests.
Bell-mère checked her flexing again in the mirror.

Would these warm pulses ever stop?

She wasn't drastically dropping in age or anything anymore, just looked like a 20 year old version of herself… If she had spent her youth focused on hard core physical training and supermodel level beauty enhancement techniques.

Like, she wasn't a massive bulky bodybuilder or anything… But her tight body was now sculpted, something that only seemed to enhance her 'assets' and work well with the slightly odd shadows that almost caressed her curves and exemplified her best aspects.

Her skin radiated health and wholesomeness, but could also ignore blades and damage from harsh temperatures, hot or cold. She could easily grab a dropped spoon from a boiling pot without issue, banishing the mess to the compost heap, and just keep moving on with her day.

Her morning training was now a habit more than a necessity, and chores around the house were almost literally a snap now that she could just Twist filth away or Twist objects back to their proper places without effort.

Though she wasn't sure if all the boosts were from these warm waves of power.

It could be from the food.

Her girls couldn't stop raving about the new dishes she was throwing together, probably because 'Twist away bad bits' had purified and refined each ingredient to impossible levels before being cooked… But most likely because half this stuff was legendary food from deadly locations around the world.

Rice that increased life span, lemons that could enhance skin quality, that freaky but delicious salt, each and every ingredient was more absurd than the next!

It got to the point where she had to move her compost pile, since the RESIDUE from past meals was sort of blessing the ambient area and causing nature to grow strangely quickly and with unexpected quality.

A portion of the island's forest was now rampantly growing with strange and unusual new plants showing up all the time and it was NOT. HER. FAULT!

And that was only from the bits of leftover food, not that the kids left much. Not that SHE left much, these new ingredients were almost sinfully satisfying!

Yeah, just the stems, peels, and discarded bits of their daily meals had turned a small area of the island into some sort of oasis paradise of sanctified forest. Sheesh.

As for her other concerns, they were not an issue anymore.

Money? Well, even after she STOPPED finding 'Lost' gems and stuff, her local partners were running booming businesses. Businesses that kept happily sending her half the profit gained, that were expanding and growing and bustling and busy.

And after she set up the Haunted Shop and began doing information work?

Yeah, money wasn't an issue anymore.

True, she would have done a lot of those cases for free after finding out about loved ones going missing or children kidnapped by pirates and… Sigh.

But even if she only charged those poor people a few Beri's for appearance sake, it was worth saving lost ones and bringing those 'buried at sea' back home to loved ones left behind.

Plus? At least a few 'Haunted Jobs' had been silly or fun!

For example: One woman showed up every Tuesday, having lost her hat.

It was always the same hat, it was always in the same hat box, and she would always cheerfully pay a small fee for the 'Ghost of the Haunted Shop' to find it and bring it back to her… From a few feet away from her location.

Ms. Nesbit was a nice, if slightly crazy, old lady.

Bell-mère winced as another soothing wave of power surged through her body.

No body parts shifting into something like a goddess form? No otherworldly colors or strange auras?


Most of the odd effects quickly faded away, and the pulses were taking longer and longer to occur… But despite all this, they hadn't stopped. Each one was a bit nerve wracking.

Being a sexy young hot thing? Awesome!

Having her fingernails transcend accepted limits of beauty? Nope.

For a moment, she had almost become an accessory to her own fingers and toes, a disposable body there to show off how amazing her nails had become.

It had been a bit off putting, even if only temporary.

Nothing big this time, though!

She breathed a deep sigh of relief… And blinked at the thick black smoke she had just exhaled.


A cautious puff created a cloud of Darkness.

She glared at nothing, and Darkness apologized and would fix it, no problem!

Well, not the Darkness itself exactly, more like a Shadow within herself that was also the Darkness?

Damn it, Bell-mère was nearly 100% sure that the Yami Yami no Mi fruit was NOT supposed to work this way. That or all those bastard teachers in the Marines had left a LOT of shit out!

A pulse of warmth later and an even more cautious puff… No black clouds?



She Twisted back to her now thriving tangerine plantation, having obviously used a BIT of that broken compost pile to help her garden grow, and absently glanced away again. "Yami Yami no: [[Dark Visions.]]"

Both girls were exploring those 'magical woods' again, but the villagers near them were all good people and the area itself was safe enough. It was a popular enough spot as people would stumble upon valuable fruits and berries and stuff there now, and they would keep an eye out for her girls if they got in trouble.

Something else pulled her focus towards a near abandoned section of coastline though.

A large group of people… Hmm?

What was THIS then?

~~~Broken Adventure ~~~

Arlong forced himself not to demolish these trash 'pirates'. "You lot understand the plan?"

Damn it, humans were pathetic enough to begin with… But this sea garbage wanted to rule the seas? Dominate the East Blue? Half of them were just thugs with sharp sticks!

One of the 'Captains' nodded! "We gots ta off da one Marine bitch and dens we take over!"

The morons behind him rousted themselves into a hearty cheer!

He tried not to snarl at these shit heads. "You seven crews must move together, get this done quick and clean. Else she will hide away her treasure and none of us will find it."

The half scared/half greedy idiots just rapidly nodded like they were actually people.

He forced himself to mostly stay calm. "You all understand?"

More nods.

…And more nods.


God fucking DAMN IT, he knew he was going to the bottom of the barrel to begin with but this was just atrocious! Even HUMANS had to be more competent than this!

One of his people stood by confused. "Boss, why are we…?"

Sigh. "This is a tricky time right now, and I am not putting our people at risk for any reason. Let this chum test the waters first."

Arlong wasn't a moron, and he listened to the currents.

Something had set those fucking nobles off. BIG time!

The entire network of the Marines was in shambles, all four seas and the Grand Line deployments were shuffling personnel and being sent off to do secret tasks and look for unknown targets and…

Well, what few contacts he had firmly suggested he lay low. And he agreed.

Right now, the entire East Blue was nearly unmonitored. Any and all available people were being called in by the highest levels of authority for some unspread reason for some unknown task, so all the sargassum fishes were out of the seaweed, as it were.

It was an opportunity… And a risk.

MOST islands had small outposts or Marine bases established. Communication lines, deployment patterns, etc.

Not here, not on the Conomi Islands.

Move quickly enough, suppress the one presence on this one island, some retired Marine woman that the local stooge had been trying to get rid of for months now, and ruling this section of the East Blue would be a fait accompli!

But should even a whisper of these actions reach the wrong ears, the Marines would come down with the wrath of Justice. To make an example, if for no other reason.

It was why the oceans were calm despite all the watchers being busy.

Even the idiots could taste the tension and restrained rage in the breeze.

Arlong glared at his crew. "If they win, fine. We kill them all. If they lose, no loss. But we MUST find out if she is able to send out a signal. If she can access a Den Den Mushi, we sink our ships temporarily and we submerge until it all dies down.

Easy enough for any Fish-man, and for some reason the sea life here had been thriving in recent weeks. Letting these fools take the fall while they waited for the Marines to smash the entire area wasn't a hardship, they could just relax under the waves until they move on.

He glared into the distance. "If they take her down or she doesn't have some sort of messaging ability, we move. This island would be a perfect base for us, and I don't intend to allow some retired dog of the waves to stand in our way!"

His crew didn't roar with passion, they chuckled with anticipation.

Let the bugs go get squashed or get lucky, the sharks were in these seas and they could already smell blood in these waters!

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Bell-mère blinked at these idiots. Both the numerous low level pirate crews now swarming towards her direction through the trees, half a bit tipsy or full on drunk, and the ones planning all this.

Had they not been paying attention?

This island was a massive trade hub now. Goods came and went every day that would make any thug with a ship drool in desire, and the Marines had been unusually absent in the area since day one.

Even the few patrols they sent had been unenthusiastic and far below the standard number that normally protected important locations within the East Blue sea!

Had NONE of these idiots wondered why thieves and assholes and pirates hadn't ALREADY invaded a few times!?

Eh, fuck it. Nature always managed to surprise her in life by designing better and better morons, she should really just expect some people to exist out there who would look at a tree and start a war because they lost a staring contest with it.

Which of her bounty hunter allies were in town this month? All the ones that worked with her had family in the village and knew how to keep quiet about exactly HOW they managed to so easily capture so many bounties to turn in.

Ah, the Brungle brothers. Right.

Bell-mère Twisted some stuff over to her desk, wrote down a note about the identity of the incoming crews, and began the laborious and boring task of using [[Dark Visions]] to list each individual in the attacking force, the most egregious crimes they had committed, the ones the Marines would care about that had happened most recently, and so forth.

The first letter was sent off fast enough, but these other ones would need to be added to each individual as she collected them… Sigh.

Twist in the person at the back of the crowd, pulse her intent at the idiot to knock them unconscious, Twist away their filth and grime and stuff, Twist away weapons and tools and equipment into an evidence bag, and off to the group cell and evidence locker you go!

The Brungles would wake up eventually to some fairly full cells and overstuffed lockers, but whatever. And she personally didn't want any of this junk, better leave it as evidence.

As more and more idiots flickered in and out of her house and were imprisoned (Now surprisingly clean and gently sent unconscious) she let her motions flow automatically as she glanced over at her girls with [[Dark Visions.]]


Better safe than sorry. And this fish-man crew seemed far more competent than these morons, none of them had even noticed yet that half their people had gone missing so far.

But what could she do? Should she call them home? Or bring them here directly?

Lost in her thoughts, she subconsciously called to the Darkness. "Yami Yami no: [[Heartless Helpers.]]"

Something T͟҉̡̞̙͉͉̣w̢̤̼̝͖͕͘i̲̹͉͉̭̙͈͟s̖͘͡t̛̞͓̦̗̙͇̰́͡ę̻̝̹̻͖͔͕̣͘d̡̗̪̪̩͔̼͘!

Her Shadow shifted into a small collection of black creatures, each with cheerfully bright glowing purple eyes. Eyes that matched that fruit she had eaten, eyes that felt connected to her on a fundamental level.

Wait, what?

Two leaders saluted while their twenty-four minions stood at attention behind them.

Had… Had she always been able to do that?

They felt as part of her. Like they were her people, in a way. "Uh… Hello?"

The crowd of strange creatures all waved!

She couldn't help but smile at the odd little things. Parts of herself. Trustworthy. "Could you watch over the girls? One squad for each, please."

The front two gave a solemn nod while their people danced in agreement behind them!

Despite their tiny claws and odd looks, she felt like they could handle this. "Right, off you go."

With a Twist, they were gone… And she felt thirteen little Lights hide in Nojiko and Nami's shadow. One squad for each girl.

They were all still formed from her Shadow, and when she glanced down she could see the unnerving lack of shade below her even now…

But it should be good enough to keep her girls safe.

She could feel it. In her Heart.

A tug on her wrist… Huh?

Oh, right, the idiots. Knock this one out again, send him off.

Another drunk moron appeared, fell 'asleep', was suddenly cleaner than ever before in his life, had a pile of junk weapons vanish into a bag… And gone.

Nearly finished now!

Then she could get something useful done and harvest the ripened fruit from outside.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Arlong just… Didn't know what to say. "But they hadn't even reached the…"

His scout winced. "Yeah Boss, it was… It was some freaky stuff. Like ghost shit, each one of those trash pirates just… Vanished."

His mind flickered to the unusually accommodating Marine contact, the suspiciously booming island town, the so-called 'haunted shop', so many small inconsistencies and hints and suggestions of some greater treasure or mystery going on here…

So many tempting hooks left by some grand fisherman.

It was a trap.

ALL this was a trap. "Leave. Sink the ships, that trash came from crap humans anyway, we are getting out of here."

Some confusion had him grimly chuckle. "The 'corrupt Marine', this 'emergency situation', and all this mess? Someone's trying to lure us in, or maybe some OTHER group of pirates are being targeted… But this shit is a setup. I'm not getting caught by some half assed ambush set up by fucking HUMANS!"

He glared at the stunned crew. "MOVE OUT! I want to be out of range when the jaws of this trap crunch!"

And just because he had nearly fallen for this whole setup didn't mean he was now helpless to retaliate.

Whoever set up this expensive and expansive chain of circumstances surely wouldn't expect him to suddenly swim towards the links themselves and take a few bites… Right?

His sharp and deadly fangs grinned with madness. "Time to go visit our dear 'corrupt Marine' contact… And find out who's pawn he actually is."

After all, that mouse-like trash was certainly no puppet master or strategist.

The first step was to bite at the WRONG bait, and try to flush out this mastermind!

No one made a fool out of Arlong. Nobody.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Shadow blinked as his Host, a woman he could now feel was called Bell-mère, somehow merged with their binding Powers and spawned subordinate Heartless.

They were joined with her like he was joined with Gem.

Her partners, her people… Where she led, they followed. Where they went, she could reach.


That… That wasn't supposed to happen, right? Not originally?

Crap, how much had he altered this damned Soul Fruit?

Shadow ignored Gem's giggling as he frantically began reviewing the thousands of changes he had done so far. Modified and enhanced short term Corridor of Darkness creation and manipulation; Stabilized ability to transfer Concepts, materials, energy, and so forth; Remote information collection and gathering… Oh.

Crud, it was because some part of Shadow had at one point been a shard of Soul.

So as he merged with his new friend, to some degree she merged with him.

Never enough for either of them to fully become the other, but uh… Yeah.

Welp, his Host seemed like a responsible woman.

And her new friends felt pretty cool, and Gem approved of them… It should all be fine. Fine!

Plus, those pseudo Heartless were all formed from her personal Concept of Shadow, which was uh… Well, technically Shadow himself? But also HER Shadow, as in the blocking of light…

Damn it, Soul stuff could get complex really easily.

Point is, she was limited to like… 108 minions total, if she fully trained this ability to its full capacity. Some sort of dharma related restriction within her Soul or something.

Sure, as she got more powerful the Heartless she could form would grow in strength and ability as well, probably learn special skills and magic… But limited to only 108 max?

That wouldn't be a problem, right?

It shouldn't be, right?

Yeah, probably not.

It was probably going to be fine.

Plus Shadow wasn't entirely sure how that had happened in the first place, so undoing it wasn't really an option.

So if anyone asked: Totally planned for!

And these weren't full Heartless anyway, they were sort of aspects of her Power now.

Minions really was the best term for them, though they would be more competent than expected when given various tasks and they gathered energy directly from the Darkness rather than burden their Host with their needs.

So uh. Yeah, this would be fine.


Very slowly, and very cautiously, Shadow began to pause some of the more strange things he had been experimenting with while merging with his Host's Soul.

Not because he was worried or anything, no! Just. Uh…

Just because he had lots of stuff to do!

Also... Best reduce the raw power of Darkness soaking into her Soul.

A little bit.

Just in case!

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Bell-mère grinned at her cheerful army! "Onward! To do laundry!"

Her squads shimmy shammy with gumption as they ran off to wash, soap, scrub, rince, hang, dry, and fold! For Justice!

She felt that, theoretically, not having a Shadow right now should have consequences. Like the world itself was giving her a look and saying 'That is not right' and that there should be some sort of penalty.

But, on the other hand, she still had a Shadow in her Soul, right? At least, that felt true.

So why not let the one under her feet do something useful! "Oh no! The sock brigade is gaining advantage!"

Her tiny minions silently gasped in horror and frantically began to ramp up their efforts while the squad scouring socks stood snooty and supreme!

Oh, and that larger fish-man crew had scurried off somewhere while she had been busy doing strange stuff with her new shadowy crew, but she had more fun things on her plate. "Winner squad gets to help me make dinner! Slowest team takes over their chores!"

They frantically grasped towards victory!

She chuckled as the madness unfolded and moved on to her day. Supply her small army of merchants with goods 'gathered' from 'trade' and 'local sources', thanks to her powers. Check the 'Haunted Shop' for new requests, although she now had a minion to handle that for her automatically, putting the requests on her desk and replacing the pad with new paper after each person came.

Dinner was mostly prepared, it was a slow cooking thing… A dish she had found while in service called 'Country Captain Chicken'. The name alone had been a fun thing to introduce to her kids, and aside from the strangely FAR too large chicken being used, most of the ingredients looked sort of normalish.

Like, still glittering and stuff, and would probably count as some sort of medical tonic, but [[Dark Visions]] verified it would only have good benefits to her girls even though they were a bit young to eat stuff this powerful.

It was a bit inefficient, and value wise each ingredient could probably purchase a small island or more alone… But most importantly, this would taste good and the girls would love it!

Plus, aside from the chicken, it was mostly vegetation. Much safer to ask for the good stuff when it can't move or destroy part of the house before she could restrain it.

Well, uh… Probably can't walk? Some of this stuff came from the Grand Line after all, and all the rules were sort of off the wall in those areas.

Talking animals were common, even if they couldn't speak with other species well, humans could breed with damned near anything to create all sorts of new creatures, and impossible places and situations were so common it wasn't even worth trying to narrow it down when explaining the situation to others!

They just told them, 'Crazy thing X happened… But that's the Grand Line for ya!'

And that was that.

THIS time, however, no intelligent ingredients. She had checked with the chicken, just in case, since it was nearly the size of a damned horse… Nope, brain dead. Tried to eat a rock. A boulder really, one larger than her whole house.

MUCH bigger than the stupid chicken, obviously.

It would have been impressive if it had succeeded, but instead it just knocked itself out and then woke up later and did it again.

Thus, dinner was confirmed. PLUS there was lots of meat left over for later! The extra food store room she had constructed nearby was full of the stuff now!

So the next few days would have a lot of chicken dishes.

The meat was a bit mystical and uh… Didn't seem like it COULD spoil, even if left out in the sun, but she wasn't going to risk anything.

At least some good results came from feeding the girls so many good things.

Nami had fallen down a rocky hill a few days ago, and the only reason she knew was because of the mess she made out of her outfit! Jagged rocks and stuff couldn't even give her a bruise, much less scrape her knees or hurt her hands!

Like, the silly girl still cried and as a mommy Bell-mère still kissed her boo-boos better and stuff, but it felt good to know that her little ones were becoming more durable than steel and stronger than most adults.

Try to bully her girls now, jerks! They can kick your tuchus!

She felt her minions, extensions of her Will, busy themselves with innocent fever as they sorted and soaked and soaped and scraped and wrung and draped and all sorts of things.

None of them slacking off, all radiating enthusiasm and eagerness, each of her Heartless Twisted from here to there to more efficiently accomplish their tasks, borrowing her abilities for moments of a time as needed.

Bell-mère laughed as she felt the thrill of guiding a group again! "Faster boys! The girls will be coming home in only a half hour or so!"

Unseen black claws all snapped up in a proper salute, and they DOUBLETIMED! Hut!

Ha! If only she had these boys back in the day… George would have been horrified at all the tiny naked guys running about, and Sarah would have thought they were the bee's knees, and Jim would have done that bored grunt thing he did while standing watch and… And…

She remembered the days of Darkness, and the Darkness sent her warm hugs of comfort and sympathy and understanding.

Yeah. The guys would have loved all this.

They would have kicked ass! Really changed things, you know!?

It would… It would have been pretty damn awesome.

A warm pink pulse from nowhere helped her focus a bit, maybe wipe away a tear or two.

Right, dinner would need more time to cook and the guys were busy trying to avoid extra chores.

Let's see if there were a few more requests from the Haunted Store.

Someone might be needing help. Needing Justice.

And her and those ghosts of memories that supported her, they would answer that call.

Maybe one day… One day, her little girls would answer that call as well.

She'd be proud, either way.
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...I'm going to laugh so much if Arlong ends up becoming a Marine Captain out of this. And he's just 'what'. (It was mostly so that the 'corrupt marine' story got buried.)

Like they don't even realize Arlong's past. Suppose it would depend on what he's done so far. But being clever enough could just end with him 'following orders' of said corrupt Marine contact. He'd have to get over his hatred first though. But I suppose if he's confused for long enough that would work.

Oh, and he gets a mustache as well, when he gets the position. Arlong has no idea how he got it. (Did Shadow experiment with creating his own Devil Fruits? Well, unless there's one hanging around that is specifically mustaches. That would be one I could see Shadow Ofadam messing around with, just because of past versions of Adam influencing a bit.)

Point is, she was limited to like… 108 minions total, if she fully trained this ability to its full capacity. Some sort of dharma related restriction within her Soul or something.

Sure, as she got more powerful the Heartless she could form would grow in strength and ability as well, probably learn special skills and magic… But limited to only 108 max?
And each one of them gets their own 108 eventually. Recursion!
So. I just finished watching a movie length theory vid on what one piece actually is, and... All I can say is Oda would approve of this bit of story right above. Granted, you haven't had some one sing the song yet, but no one who would know it has a reason to.
Got a link to that video? For curiosities sake my friend, you've got my attention
And arlong becoming a marine is hilariously ironic if it comes out that way
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