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His discretion skill has increased in level. At least the number of digits has gone up...
-60 to -238
It is now so high that it works backwards. Everyone knows something is happening, but they no longer know who to blame.
And his valor in the face of angry women has been similarly effected since we all know discretion is the better part of valor.
Hmmmm would Adams referbishment of the city neutrelis most of the permament demonic summening/Communications sorcery that would most likly haw bin contamenating the area help renforce the barier to the hell mouth? Or att the least removed any runes/wards put up by any demons in the city?
Hmmmm would Adams referbishment of the city neutrelis most of the permament demonic summening/Communications sorcery that would most likly haw bin contamenating the area help renforce the barier to the hell mouth? Or att the least removed any runes/wards put up by any demons in the city?
Honestly? With how powerful and skilled Adam is, he might accidentally purify or destroy many of them reflexively. Only the most obvious, unsubtle, and resistant ones could survive long enough to draw his attention when he's working on autopilot like this.
Honestly? With how powerful and skilled Adam is, he might accidentally purify or destroy many of them reflexively. Only the most obvious, unsubtle, and resistant ones could survive long enough to draw his attention when he's working on autopilot like this.
Or, and hear me out, he'll do just like he did in the Xianxia arc and make them hyper-efficient and they'd automatically implode(or consume the user, it got pretty funky when Adam fixed(lol) them), because lets be honest, demonic shenanigans are so disgustingly inefficient. Honestly, if it ain't perpetual, it's obviously a hackjob! Now, the Demons that may or may not be getting summoned(read: getting literally dragged, kicking and screaming, into this nightmare of a ritual circle that has no way out and would most likely try to process the demons as spare parts and energy to keep it running at maximum efficiency like something outta the freaking SCP-verse), but since we've heard nothing about or from them? Not an issue. Now, the possible rapid depopulation of hell? That might be a slight issue... For somebody else to handle! Adam doesn't have much to do with demons besides making sure they're no longer demons when he's done with them! I wonder what he'd do to any of the DC Angels?
It would be cool to have even a mini interlude to see what is going on with Adam West, now that Adam threw him under the 'Great Guy' bus.
It would be cool to have even a mini interlude to see what is going on with Adam West, now that Adam threw him under the 'Great Guy' bus.

I suspect that no matter what the paperwork says people will clue in that West didn't do it, if only because far too much impossible bullshit happened at once.

Dumping a lot of money into community projects he could have done, all the instant transformations though are clearly not him.
Arc 3: Concerns about Action: When Subtly has Issues.

Pure, raw (Yet very confused) chaos had infected Gotham City.

It was, to a certain extent, terrifying.

Everything people owned had been 'restored' or 'improved'. Even things they really had planned on throwing away, any day now, just don't ask them to take it to the curb because it is cold and they had to go to work or they were tired and it was looking a bit like rain maybe.

Signs long since stolen had reappeared, were easier to read, and brightly lit. Paint was fresh but not spreading that horrendous smell. Worn shoes suddenly fit better, looked newly unwrapped, and were more robust. Lost socks suddenly found their matches.

But… Then there were the oddities.

Spoiled food was replaced with higher quality versions of themselves, in larger quantities. That one asshole who insisted on painting his house 'Opaque Couche' now had a far more acceptably colored home that matched their neighbors, probably raising property value for the whole neighborhood by 5% due to this one change alone.

Intersections were altered, timing on traffic lights optimised, and charging stations and cables were just included on all lamp posts as a feature now. Free Wi-Fi was everywhere and had ridiculous bandwidth available. The new free cell phones that started just showing up with a disturbingly low cost monthly fee (Cheap for most or free with advertisements) could actually charge wirelessly somehow if you walked close enough to certain areas.

But more than that, sleep schedules were normalized, medication prescriptions fixed and somehow subsidized by a new online coupon provider, general cleanliness had hit an all time high… And the city had ground to a stop.

Every low level Villain had ducked and covered for the fallout. This was big, and no matter WHO or WHAT was responsible… No individual wanted to push this situation.

The high level Villains were busy being confused. Even their lairs had been cleaned and renovated, even if someone had decided to 'refund' all their ammunition and drugs with small treasure troves of legal unmarked bills.

And the police were a bit lost, as they got numerous reports and calls that summed up to: We don't know what is going on, you are the cops, do something!

As for normal businesses, they were attempting to keep going on like normal… But a large number found out that 'Adam West' (Famous actor and screen star) had somehow purchased ownership of a LOT of locations.

Pay rates had increased over the entire city to above minimum wage. Maximum working hours were capped, but the number of 'full time employees' allowed per business had been increased… No more forcing tight budgets to hire lots of 'part time' workers to do under the table labor to get things done.

Sick leave policy was now standard and generous, as was paid annual vacation leave. Paid holidays were also a thing now, as well as paid leave for voting days. Leave granted for giving birth, both for the mother of course but also her partner to help get the new baby settled.

It wasn't a set of laws, so no one got to give an opinion on the issue.

'Adam West' apparently owned them all and made his decisions based on personal whimsy. Legally.

Just as they had buckled under their former bosses, as money laundering joints or criminal communication fronts or drop offs… Now they caved under their confusingly kind new corporate master and his army, the unseen Ninja Construction Company.

It didn't take long for people to find out that calling management got FAST responses. Sometimes while still on the phone, entire buildings were altered or issues adjusted… WITHOUT the person in the room ON the phone even noticing.

There were no homeless people in Gotham now… Just a large 'Dark Nighty Knight Inn' filled with confused runaways and lost people, healed and cleaned, in private rooms with pamphlets explaining the many changes that had occurred and the new jobs they had just been hired at.

Because 'Adam West' now owned a LOT of businesses… And somehow these new people with damaged minds and little to no education were somehow able to read and write and had the equivalent of a college education squished into their skulls.

Add into this stew of mayhem: A large number of 'lost' bodies recovered, stored in a warehouse with information about how they died and so on and so forth, and information regarding the situation sent to family and authorities; Missing people and children suddenly returned to safety, either at home or at an abused people shelter for care and treatment; Random junk lost in all kinds of places, repaired and cleaned and delivered to their owners.

Sarah just stared at the long and growing list of crap Adam had dumped on her. "Bro. Why?"

Adam shifted awkwardly. <<I had to keep adding stuff to fix issues my previous solutions caused.>>

Screens came up. <<Fixing stuff for the cops would make it easy for criminals to recognise their property and homes, fixing up just one area of the city would make the areas I DIDN'T touch stand out, and leaving this area alone? Well, if I hadn't upgraded Arkham Asylum too, it would be SUPER obvious. Batman would be here already.>>

She just waved. "You made massive, automated, underground farms."

A wince. <<Giving people more money and lowering the death rate would drastically increase the demand, I had to increase supply.>>

Another screen. "And the new schools? The injured and mentally damaged people that you healed up and stuffed a high level education into?"

Adam also looked at the new education facilities. <<I healed a LOT of children who were near death. And saved a bunch too… It's almost like a massive population boom, since all existing systems were established expecting a higher loss rate before the little ones had a chance to learn.>>

As for the teachers… <<Right, shoving an advanced level of information into the homeless might have been a bit much… But some had no skills or background and I needed a bunch of employees and teachers and stuff. This way everybody wins!>>

She sighed, heavily. "What if they don't WANT to be a preschool teacher?"

Uhh… Oops. <<Then at least now they can all read, write, make a resume, and construct small scale rockets using kitchen appliances and basic tools?>> That was a marketable skill, right? <<And they can probably hold the job long enough for our HR department to find replacements.>>

Sarah stared at him.


Oh. <<Speaking of which, we now have an HR department. And I call it 'Human Relations' out of traditions sake, but it will handle employees of all race and species without discrimination! I promise!>>

Seriously, all that business stuff went over Adam's head as it was, so he had established an entire corporate system to handle that mess and hired a TON of lawyers. Because he vaguely understood that this was how you did things in the corporate world.

So far, not all his employees KNEW they were hired, but uh… The paperwork said it was true and that was good enough for now. They'd probably ask some questions after the paychecks start rolling in though.

Sarah glared and pointed at… Well, nothing, but Adam could feel her intention. "No. No more of all this stuff. Not without talking first. This is so far beyond a 'distraction' I can't even give a good metaphor explaining it."

Ouch. <<In my defense, I automated most of this because I find building up human settlements to get a tad repetitive.>>

She narrowed her eyes. "That is NOT a defense, that just raises MORE questions! And concerns!"

Sarah sighed… And slumped. "Just… Please do NOT delegate reality warping changes to background processes due to being bored. Not without having a quick meeting or something. I'm alright with MOST of these changes, but no one likes getting blindsided like this."

Fair enough. <<Most?>>

She pulled up data. "I found out about Adam West's 'advertising campaign', and I do not like blaming a nice guy for all this shit."

Oh, that. <<Technically it's true? Legally at least, he owns all this now. It's cool, I'm pretty sure he thinks Batman is somehow behind all this.>> More screens came up. <<The guy has not only claimed credit for our distraction, but apparently expanded it a bit further on his own! Donated a LOT of money to other hospitals around the nation in the last day or so.>>

Sarah blinked. "Wait, what?"

Yep! <<Intercepted an email from him to a secured server…>> In a data center that Adam now owned, so Yoink! <<...And responded with contact details. He was a bit concerned about the 'Animated Dark Knight' TV series theoretical premise we were pushing until I sent his publicist the first season of the thing.>>

She seemed to be building a headache. "WHAT TV series? Wasn't that just an excuse?"

Initially, sure… But Adam sometimes got bored waiting for people to move and stuff so he could keep building and changing things. <<Duplicated his vocal print, the voice patterns for the people who he works with on the shows, and replicated the animation style used by the artists that work for his production crews.>>

Trying to calculate the theoretical pay rates for all those audio recording sessions that never happened, and including pay for non-existent travel, potential food expenses (Based on what the individuals would probably eat and drink), etc etc etc… Well, it had been a nice relaxing side task to do when things slowed down.

Oh, right. <<One second, I have to let the people who worked on the show know that they worked on the show. And make sure the paychecks go through… And send the money that should have been spent to the right cab services, hotels, same for the support staff…>>

Maybe he could round up? "What do you mean?"

Yeah, let's round it up a bit and let them keep the extra as a bonus or something. Some of these people claimed to be vegetarians but they statistically got the good steaks often enough that it made accurate predictions a little spotty. Not to mention that calculating restaurant cost variance based on product 'used' on those theoretical production days was a bit of guesswork.

Hmm de hmm de hmm… "Adam."

It was easy enough to make a season of this show anyway, although to avoid giving anyone ideas he had taken a VERY campy and silly angle. This Adam West was still a badass, but instead of bank robberies and psychotic clowns (Locals would NOT appreciate that), the man of the night would wrestle space sharks and demon cows and stuff.

At least in season one. Season two was going to be all about 'The Mad Balloonist' and his desire to secretly replace all furniture and buildings in the world with gas inflated replicas and substitutes. "Adam, focus. Focus on me please."

Not going to do season three though, not until Mr. West (And maybe Batman) got back about how appropriate it would be introducing love interests/polyamory/alien babes into the storyline, and just how all that would play out.

Far less risky to do something like this in a cartoon, so that there would be no real world woman to be held hostage or whatever. And, like always, Adam West wouldn't care either way: His ratings go through the ROOF when he nearly gets assassinated and Batman comes to help him out.

The man might be a bit off, but uh… That seemed normal for this Jump, so whatever. "ADAM!"

ACK! WHAT!? Oh, right. <<Yes Sarah?>>

She seemed a tad exasperated. "Adam, did you create an entire television series to cover up the fact that we blamed a famous actor and superhero kidnapping stand-in for the massive world shaking alterations you forced onto Gotham City to hide my actions?"

Uh. <<Not according to the paperwork.>> Oops, that look was a bit dark…

She might ban him from this awesome paperwork workaround if he leaves things there! Nope! <<And technically I created two seasons and blocked out the storyline for the next thirty or so. Took a while because I wanted to avoid stepping on too many toes and sometimes people can be a bit touchy about this kind of thing.>>

This Jump, for example, had nearly no mention of supernatural stuff in general in public media and in the common culture just to avoid stuff like invasions, alien incursions, and demonic lawsuits. Because uh… Satan existed here and he apparently had GOOD lawyers.

Though he seemed to have mellowed out since opening up that nice Piano Bar called 'Lux' in Los Angeles. Adam was… Not entirely sure the guy was supposed to be in this Jump actually. 'Research' was looking into it just in case.

Sarah sighed. "Well, what's done is done I suppose." She checked her data. "I've got Moss giving Dr. Isley her final tune up… But it is going to be slow to make sure nothing destabilizes. The last thing we need is for body parts to become intangible or something. So… Let's watch this thing."

Sweet! <<I'll set up an entertainment area so you can keep an eye on her. Should we use Moss on the other girls yet?>>

The Jumper walked over to the new couch Adam created to one side and collapsed into it. "No, our team got a whole different batch of crazy than the doctor who was exposed when trying to save us. I need to do more careful testing on them before any permanent changes are made."

The projected holographic TV screen began to blare awesome music!

Sarah blinked. "Didn't you steal this show intro entirely!?"

Crud. <<Not according to the paperwork.>>

Focus on the show! The SHOW Sarah!

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Sarah just… She couldn't.

She knew, she just KNEW that Adam wasn't trying to be a hassle or cause problems. And it was likely caused by being forced to be alone for the entire FF8 Jump while he tried to fix things.

But there would have to be ground rules.

If you are going to conquer a town, city, state, nation, or continent: Please discuss it first. Or mention it during. Or leave a note afterwards.

That was just common courtesy.

On screen, the man in a campy costume was flexing to the world. "Come Robin! Justice has declared today the day to force ALL Lunar Sharks to properly recycle! No longer shall pollution curse our planet due to careless aquatic moon life!"

The sidekick nearly swooned in passion! "Holy Aquatic Suplex Skills, Batman! I'm not sure we can keep our breath while swimming in the moon's oceans!"

The man smiled with confidence. "Don't worry, my good chum! We won't be good chum today! Remember that Tibetan breathing exercise we trained under all those months ago?"

The smaller boy in bright colors smacked his fist into his hand! "Of course! With proper meditation and emergency scuba gear, we can surely hold our breath long enough to find a defensible area for a good ambush!"

The man sighed at his follower. "Robin, an ambush is not the way of Knighthood and Righteousness."

The boy's eyes went wide! "But Batman! How else can we handle such numbers!?"

The eyes of JUSTICE trapped the moon! "Through the legendary skills of the Luchador!"

...Alright, Sarah WAS having fun watching this thing.

A quick check as the dynamic duo began infiltrating the villains Coral Rocket showed that Dr. Isley was doing MUCH better now that her body had actual body parts in it.

Or at least, it was doing pretty good so far.

The real test would be after the Moss finished replicating and establishing the last of the materials… Then another few rounds of testing, some data sent to 'Research', and bam! Hopefully a quick test would prove that even disconnected from that green energy Poison Ivy would remain biologically stable.

If nothing else, it should drastically reduce her personal daily requirements for sun and soil. She'd still enjoy nature, of course, but hopefully not actually DIE if separated from the floral world for too long.

And crap, what about all the other plans she had made?

How was she supposed to find people when the whole surface (Including this island they were hiding underneath) had been rebuilt from scratch?

Her other self, Sarah Esdat, was more than a bit confused visiting her home and she actually KNEW that Adam was doing crazy crap up there.

At least she had templates to [[Scan]] for all her memories of past favorite clothing and personal items now.

On screen, Batman was carefully designing his Luchador Mask with tiny bat symbols.

Hang on. "Is he going to put a Luchador mask OVER his actual mask!?"

Adam grinned. <<Of course! He wouldn't want his secret identity of Batman to get out after all!>>

So the man with a secret identity was now protecting HIS identity with another mask!? "Where does this end!? If he wants to be undercover will he put on a sheet and become the ghostly Bat Luchador of unknown origin or something!?"

A laugh! <<Spoilers! I'm not saying nothing!>>

Wet blanket. But fine. On screen, the smaller masked human sidekick was attempting to help Batman recover from the most recent wrestling round. "Is Robin real here?"

A pause. <<Uh. Oh. Yeah, I think so.>>

The boy was having issues using a water bottle to cool down the Cape Crusader, due to them both being in the ocean.

Oh shit. "Adam, he's going to blow a gasket."

An awkward half laugh came from her friend. <<Nah, it will be fine! He's older here. More mature, probably.>> Hopefully.

Robin flashed a grin! "Holy Fin-ish, El Batmano! You really wrestled this fish to the chopping block!"

The man of the hour stood tall, colorful bat mask sparkling with glitter. "Don't let yourself grow overconfident, boy wonder! In the deadly world of professional wrestling, only your wits and a nutritious diet (Moderated with healthy exercise) can protect you from a watery grave!"

His small eyes sparkled! "Gee golly!"

Sarah nodded. "That man is going to murder you."

Adam blinked at that. <<Huh. Wow, I'm really glad I haven't made season three yet. I can probably take out most of those awkward dating scenes, it was a subplot at best anyway… Now that I think about it, I need to check out his orientation beforehand just to be safe. He may not be into alien-mutant-squirrel-humanoid dating in the first place.>>

All of this show was madness. "And this is the first episode?"

Adam sent a list of titles and cover images. <<Yep.>>

Sarah nodded. "Get me popcorn, and try to record people's reactions to watching the stuff over at Adam's film company." Maybe offer that to them as a blooper reel or whatever later. Or just keep that good stuff for herself, since she couldn't explain how Adam could record a private showing to powerful and wealthy producers.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Barbara Gordon absently marked Dad's email as read. Yep, not coming home today, not with all this crazy crap going on.

She herself was torn emotionally as well, although in a happy way.

On one hand, her shattered spine was miraculously healed.

No longer bound to a wheelchair, the former Bat Girl turned mysterious computer angel, Oracle… Could walk once more. A burden and barrier in her personal life, one too risky to operate on and too deadly to risk out in the field even with mechanical assistance, handled and gone.

Theoretically, she should be dancing in the streets. And to be honest, she may have done a bit of her old workout routine out of pure joy once her unbelieving mind was willing to risk giving it a try… And somehow, impossibly, she was stronger, more flexible, and had better control than BEFORE her injury.

But here came the dilemma.

At the same time that her shattered body was healed AND improved to impossible levels… Her house was altered and rebuilt by unknown people also. The so-called 'Ninja Construction Company', not that anyone has ever seen anything but paperwork and licenses and such of the group.

And it was a FULL sweep of her home. The hidden rooms, her old and mentally scarring costume from her better years when uninjured, the secret safe, the hidden files… All of it was cleaned. Repaired. Spell checked and edited, no less.

Most freaky of all, all her clothing and outfits (Including heroine options) were adjusted to her new sizes as well. A beyond perfect fit granting astounding levels of comfort.

If it had ONLY been her house, she would have freaked out royally like Batman was likely doing now… But this crazy 'whatever it is' was happening everywhere in Gotham.

And sure, her gear was a perfect fit despite her massive change in body shape (Being immobile made exercise tricky at best, and having a suddenly toned and healthy form was NOT a subtle alteration either), but more than that? The more astonishing change, the impossible alteration?

Her computer system.

Her gaze was pulled back to her servers and monitors.

Someone healed her, upgraded and adjusted all her gear, and basically provided everything she needed to go out and find out WHO did it and why…

But they also souped up her computer system and network. To insane levels.

More than any other computer system in the house (And there were several now), more than Dad's stuff at work, more than the massively improved stuff at the public library (She could walk places again!)... Her hardware was a PC goddess now.

Barbara Gordon, Formerly Batgirl, Potentially Formerly Oracle… Had the hardest decision at hand.

Revel in the thrill of being hale and whole, a shadow in the night…

Or worship her new alter to the technological gods, with a hacking capability near mythical proportions and hardware beyond mortal science.

Sport girl or Geek girl raged in internal conflict! Thrill vs. Skills! What she now was or what she now could do!

She wanted to go out right now, to find out the truth, to uncover the mystery!

She wanted to dive into her new system, to find out the truth, to uncover the mystery!


Barbara felt a bit silly a few hours later when she realized her new costume could somehow remotely connect to her new computer network and project some sort of tactile holographic illusion interface by having her gloves and vision gear interact with the data and more.

Just… Instant sort-of magic keyboard and desktop, on the go, instant access. Sheesh.

But for now, she swirled in glee and frustration, caught between two amazing choices, in a city where reality seemed to have taken a bit of a holiday and confusion was keeping the house clean for the duration.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Chlo/Ella/Jessie/Susan dreamed.

They were many, then none, then one, now two.

One together, but two separate.

For one was the team, while two was the self.

And they were not prepared for self.

So Chlo/Ella/Jessie/Susan dreamed.

Of passion and burning, or elation and betrayal.

They had hope/dreams/nothing/potential.

Their team was led by a woman of vision, a genius, a path to victory.

But betrayal injected, betrayal dragged them away, betrayal burned them all.

Some were lost.

But she came.

It was too late, it was too little, it changed nearly nothing.

But to Chlo/Ella/Jessie/Susan, having her cry over them as they die… It had been more precious. More valuable.

To one with near nothing, even those torn fragments of love and hope had been a gift of coal in winter. A loaf of bread to the starved, a sip of water in the desert.

Chlo/Ella/Jessie/Susan dreamed, and grew, and learned.

They knew they were they.

But they were also one.

And while they should stay them, they gave to one.

Memories, strange ones, from others.

Altered to strike the cord, to vibrate the threads of thought.

We were there, when Jessie cried lost.

We were there, when Ella worked late.

We were there, when Susan leapt logic.

We were there, when Chlo refused defeat.

Chlo/Ella/Jessie/Susan dreamed.

And those dreams were strange, as numbers fought lands of sound and color. As memories long lost were touched by raw information newly given. As holes were provided and mapped, even as the context had to slowly grow and recovery.

And, in time, the one may not be together, but two separate…

Or two alone.

But, for now.

As pain vanished in the mist and the flood of reality swelled against the banks.

For now.

As the feeds of knowledge streamed in billowing clouds of insight.

For now…

They were one.


~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Alfred Pennyworth blinked at the message on his brand new messaging device.

One he had not had on his person a moment ago, but even Master Wayne had grown weary of gathering the hundreds of duplicates into secured storage as each one left behind replaced itself.

The man was currently underground, in his disturbingly renewed and very professionally cleaned and repaired 'secret' Batcave. Developing some sort of counter to all this, he no did not doubt.

No, what caught Alfred off guard was not the strange concept of invisible Ninjas insisting that people have affordable communication abilities or how they continuously trespassed upon the property in some way… But the contents of this message.

It was a note from good man Mr. West, the actor friend of Master Wayne.

Or at least, it claimed to be from the man.

What was this about an animated television series for his most popular superhero persona? Oddly enough, it felt like someone had mentioned something like that earlier, but today had been… Quite hectic.

Beyond curious, Alfred couldn't help but open the video provided marked 'Batman the Animated Series: S01E03: The Zombie Fires of Doom.'

And watched as one would observe a train wreck as a dashing Man of Danger and his young Ally of Justice proceeded to save planet Earth from the undead flame elementals belonging to someone called Doctor Victor Von Doom.

Oh dear.

He best bring this to the young Master's attention promptly.

...After observing the remainder of the video to ensure he had a proper grasp of the situation.

"Holy Unholy Burning Fire Doom Bots, Batman!"

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people he works
memories of?
exercise "with our brand new exorcise equipment you too can exercise your ghostly muscles"
Adam you fool! Did you check in with Doctor Doom first and make sure to obtain both his permission to use his likeness and set up the royalties? Because he will likely ind out if you did not!
With a few shifts in the story so far, the adventures of Alfred and the Animated Bat(Man) would be a better story, at least for a few more chapters before the golden age turns silver.

Holy Unholy breach of intellectual rights of von Doom, Adamman.
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Oh my, Alfred certainly knows how to properly disperse this newly aquired knowledge. With british efficency and total factual accuracy.

Robin will love it when the goons start quoting him to himself if he tries to quip before, during and after interactions of the fisticuff kind!

Barb is beeing best cinnamonbun currently, the team and Pamela have a new hidden rival.

On the upside, Sarah and Adam now have a fun pet project to keep up while handling the serious stuff on the side.
Nothing can go weird! Ninjas did it!
this is the best thing iv read since the last chapter you posted dude thanks for writing this chapter of awesomeness and campiness
I choose to believe that non Adam 'Adam West', is fully aware of some of the details. Somewhat leaning on the Fourth Wall. Not that he knows who, but recognizes some of the other universe jokes/references.

Although I do wonder if Batmite is in one of those seasons. Or if this Batman had encountered him. Well, at least some of those arcs aren't too, too likely to happen. I mean, some of those were simply because Batmite wanted a show. And well there's a bunch of chaos going on. And Adam is also providing Batman adventures, even if they're just a show. So one level further down than Batmite usually goes. And I think canonically there are timelines/verses that Batmite doesn't take personal attention to. At least, in the 'actually shows up in person'.

Though thinking on it, there is the hilarious idea that Batman fights become a sort of LARPing entertainment, once all of the rogue's gallery ends up cleaned up. Bonus points if it ends up Adam West is the one to go around playing Batman after that point too. Though it is obvious that it'd be fictional villains, outside of maybe the tragic villains joining in on it (either themselves, or their likeness). I mean, there's no way that in this scenario there'd be staged fights with a Joker type character. Nor Scarecrow, though whether he's been active or not I have no idea. Given that I think there's already been changes as to if a specific villain actually showed up or not. (Specifically, I think Poison Ivy was active in the Arkham Series, at this point. But here I think that particular point hasn't been reached? Depends on how far along the timeline this takes place, I suppose. Let alone the fact that this was two jumps combined into one.)
I bet Lucifer is looking at the news and going "What sorta weird ass Outer-God thing is messing with Gotham now? And why is it always that damn city?! At least this one is just endless Chaotic Biological and Technological improvements(minus mutations, thankfully)." Cause lets be real, it truly is always that one damn city.
Can't wait for the animated show to be shown at Arkham.

Poor Batgirl and Batman, no matter how much that they look through various records and such, it'll all show as completely legit.

Can't wait for everyone to try stopping Batman from reversing things. No one would really want things to go back to the way that they were. Bruce is likely worried that there is some outer god doing all this and most won't care as their lives are orders of mag better in every respect. Only a true villain would try to reverse the changes to how things previously were. (Bruce will be terrified of the price that may be paid or whatever hidden secret scheme is going on that he is unaware of.)

Bruce will be far too busy to watch that cartoon.

It seems that Adam accidentally reinvented the scaling megacorp perk/item. I had a weird thought. Maybe the entire warehouse thing is training wheels for ROBs. New ones are supposed to figure out how to implement these perks as their jumpers unlock things.

Even the cartoon creation thing is something that could be unlocked for the Jumpers. O.k. it's supposed to center around the Jumper and their adventures and not be used to create random media based on native characters. But it's still more like a valid jump chain perk.
Hurray, we got to know some of Adam West's reactions to it!
"I don't know who the hell is using my name for this literal miracle work, but hell yeah! LETS GO!" I mean, he's a big fan of heroes, so being used as a scapegoat for helping an entire city out, with pretty much no costs or demerits besides the general confusion and chaos? He's probably all too happy that this is happening in general.
It seems that Adam accidentally reinvented the scaling megacorp perk/item. I had a weird thought. Maybe the entire warehouse thing is training wheels for ROBs. New ones are supposed to figure out how to implement these perks as their jumpers unlock things.
That might have been the original intent. Either that or the ROB was just showing off the nifty things you can make, and it's literally just the example program. That ended up getting shipped as the final product.

Not sure how the existence of the 'Warehouse Hacking tools' would fit into either case, though.

Does bring to mind the hilarious concept of a Warehouse Demoscene. That use of older hardware to create impressive stuff. Pushing it way beyond what was thought possible. Offhand, I'm recalling that video showing off surprisingly accurate video considering that the computer running it was using text only. I think it was one of the ones that had a graphics mode as well, it's just the text mode could be pushed so much further, in more detail. I forget the specifics. Couldn't have reasonably been done at the time, since the rendering processing was done on a more modern computer. And still took a bit to go through.

Then there's the various color/3D stuff on other systems. Too many to really name, but still amazing work all. How limitations in one direction create beautiful end results. Crazy good optimizations.

Adam would likely love something like that. And promptly fail at making his own, if there was something akin to it with the various Warehouse systems. Not because he couldn't create amazing things, but he'd invariably end up gutting the hardware, and replacing it with something he created on his own. Which in and of itself would probably be better than everyone else's new versions. And maybe end up having something like the Mana Card development that still doesn't really fit the 'pushing the old systems to their technical limits'. Though no doubt there'd be inspiration there.
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