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Who was core again? I vauguely remember it being a splinter of rocket but now why it was made
Pretty sure its the new system Core, he made it during his lockdown. His mission on this trip was a make/find a new method for the faith/magic system back in Worm to work ad infinitum. How it will be available there, idk, could send this one, send instructions on "how to concept - for dummies" or Core links through the Abyss to Adam Prime. It's Adam so, I see the third as a possibility.
Wait i thought they ditched that plan?
that self destructive kind of plan yes. but the model/idea that he had was used to create the Core. The MC create a lot of things. Since this one is a sapient it probably will decide it/he/she/their own future including things like gender, morals, goals and etc^^.

Because I pretty sure if the first core wants to stay he would just make another one to send to a higher realm.
Cultivation Adam's plan, answered by a knowing reader.
Who was core again? I vauguely remember it being a splinter of rocket but now why it was made
Core is the most recent version of the System Core that he was working on when isolated in Rockette. It is basically an analysis suite with self-modification ability. It first separates broadly, then more finely, but because of conceptual bullshit all this happens both in sequence (so things only go where they should) and yet at the same time (so things are analysed instantly). As a side effect of the shear complexity of the System Core, any functional version of the Core will be sentient. He commented that if he creates a functional System Core that doesn't want to act as his core, he would release it to do its own thing and make another one. It self-modifies by adding more conditional activators (which is how it analysis things in the first place. Is this X? Yes, go here. No, go there.) and therefore grows more complex.

He succeeded in creating a System Core that wanted to be such, and now it is sticking around him, analyzing everything, passing that information onto Research and Rockette, then analyzing Research's conclusions and sending that data to Research and Rockette, and so on infinitely.

Wait i thought they ditched that plan?
The plan is not ditched, so much as delayed. He is likely to send the shard off around the time he reaches Saint level cultivation, aka when he qualifies to be an Elder of the sect. Sending the shard will stop the Adam that remains from cultivating further, though he will still be able to gather Qi up to his limits if he spends it, and use all of his techniques. He will be sending on his potential for growth, and a copy of what he is, rather than going himself.

that self destructive kind of plan yes. but the model/idea that he had was used to create the Core. The MC create a lot of things. Since this one is a sapient it probably will decide it/he/she/their own future including things like gender, morals, goals and etc^^.

Because I pretty sure if the first core wants to stay he would just make another one to send to a higher realm.
He isn't going to higher realms. The higher realms are just creating more profound versions of the same concepts, and converting your body into large amounts of energy and those same concepts pretending to be a human(oid). He has, technically, completed his goal here in the Cultivation universe, but will be going to near the limits of the realm he is in just to make sure he hasn't missed anything, before he sends Core, Growth, Research, and the third power he took with him here (can't remember what it is) to the next world.

It will take a lot of worlds before this cycle is done, as shown at the end of Arc 1 when Adam!Prime first sends a shard off. It was supposed to be an instant thing on Adam!Prime's end, with few if any side effects. Instead, it took a few minutes and then knocked Adam!Prime out with a headache from all the new data and memories.
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Hey! My explanation got threadmarked!
So, he has finally truly progressed. From ninja, to ninja pirate.

Answering an age old question, who will win, in a ninja vs. pirate battle.
The ninja who is also a pirate or looked at from a different perspective the pirate who is also a ninja.
The answer of who will win, the ninja or the pirate, depends entirely on the conditions for winning. If you want a bodyguard, the Ninja wins. If you want to capture a ship at sea, the Pirate wins. Other options are less cut-and-dry. There was a show in like 2014 or 2015 about "History's Deadliest Warrior", where they did simulations of fights between various historical archetypes, after a bunch of tests to see what they were actually capable of. I think the Pirate won when it was Pirate vs Ninja, mostly because of the Flintlock Pistol, and it was a near thing.
Stuff becomes more complicated if you've got magic ninja's and pirates.

Some settings have combined ninja pirates as well.

Then it can be a narrative, technique or power level question on who will win.

Stuff like Kakashi vs. the other ninja pirate.
So.... does this mean that 'descended god' is the winner for the 'just what is Adam' pool? Also, I shall admit, I love how the fact that he has been using energy control means his cultivation is just a little too perfect for this world :D
The "world" is just an infinite(?) plane right? So, presumably, Rockette can be seen as long as there aren't any physical obstructions like mountains in the way or clouds/smoke/air haze blurring her image up to the point the person's eyesight can no longer focus that far.
At some point just air will just get in the way.
In Exalted, a similarly flat plane, it's literally the concentration of air mana that blocks your vision, with the right charm you can see through it and from the right place you can see anywhere in the world.
At some point just air will just get in the way.
In Exalted, a similarly flat plane, it's literally the concentration of air mana that blocks your vision, with the right charm you can see through it and from the right place you can see anywhere in the world.
Exalted isn't infinite (anymore). It was infinite when it was first created, when the Primordials engaged in the Games of Divinity while the Gods maintained the world. It destabilized some when the Exalted (Solar, Lunar, Terrestrial, and Sidereal) were created and the Primordials defeated. The Gods started playing the Games of Divinity and the Exalted fell into their excesses through the Great Curse, allowing the wild space beyond Creation to leak in. Thus, you can only go so far before you are in wild space instead of Creation, and distance ceases to be as much of a thing. The world is still absolutely huge, but not infinite or regular. There are pockets of Creation that have near-completely fell into wild space, while other areas have local gods that have anchored their area well, and other areas are maintained because people live there and whatever wild space leaks in is warped by their perception to be indistinguishable from the rest of Creation.

The big reasons why things would be harder to see are, as you mentioned, air getting in the way, the limited number of photons following the smaller-and-smaller arc that leads to you, and probably something to do with concepts because this is a Cultivation world.
Exalted isn't infinite (anymore). It was infinite when it was first created, when the Primordials engaged in the Games of Divinity while the Gods maintained the world. It destabilized some when the Exalted (Solar, Lunar, Terrestrial, and Sidereal) were created and the Primordials defeated. The Gods started playing the Games of Divinity and the Exalted fell into their excesses through the Great Curse, allowing the wild space beyond Creation to leak in. Thus, you can only go so far before you are in wild space instead of Creation, and distance ceases to be as much of a thing. The world is still absolutely huge, but not infinite or regular. There are pockets of Creation that have near-completely fell into wild space, while other areas have local gods that have anchored their area well, and other areas are maintained because people live there and whatever wild space leaks in is warped by their perception to be indistinguishable from the rest of Creation.
The Wild was always infinite, but Creation was never Infinite, it was always bordered by Wild since it was carved out of The Wild by the Primordeals (namely Autochthon). It also used to be 10x as large before She Who Lives In Her Name threw a hissy fit at being defeated at the start of The First Age and decided to trash 9/10ths of Creation. Since the end of The First Age the Chaos Engines have broken down and so The Wild has been seeping back in, taking back a chunk of Creation, aided by the Fey, they've even lost a whole continent 3/4th the size of The Blessed Isle out West.

(Don't lecture me, I was there when Dreams Of The First Age came out, I've seen the maps! /jk But I do have a copy of the First Age books, and a copy of the Infernals book somewhere.)

Also: Gem is the Brokton Bay of Creation in some ways. It was a running gag in my college group that it was constantly under threat of exploding. In one Apotheosis (high level) game we rolled for Notable Events and they came up "Large City, In The South, Destroyed" and we went "Wow, we didn't even have to do anything for Gem to be destroyed this game" (The one time I tried to ST I heavily implied to my players there was a Fey plot about, but they just gave Gem a pass, it ended before I revealed that their inaction let the Fey turn all of Gem into a Wild Zone)
It will take a lot of worlds before this cycle is done, as shown at the end of Arc 1 when Adam!Prime first sends a shard off. It was supposed to be an instant thing on Adam!Prime's end, with few if any side effects. Instead, it took a few minutes and then knocked Adam!Prime out with a headache from all the new data and memories.
I don't remember this. Can I have a link to the part?

You can edit posts if you misspelled something. Its a big blue "Edit" button. Bottom left of the post. Between "Report" and "Delete".
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I don't remember this. Can I have a link to the part?
I actually can't find it anymore. I could have sworn that it was part of the second chapter of Arc 2, but now it is just "Transfer: Abyss" and then Adam!Cultivation. Still, it is confirmed through conversations with the author, which you can find spread all throughout the thread.
Arc 2: Slow Awakening
Elder Cho waved for the next report. "Continue."

He nodded. "The Tattoo Network is still active, even if the status of the Young Sage is still in question. Assuming the Burning Goddess is his Martial Spirit Rockette, she seems unconcerned even as the child continues having... issues."

She held back a snort. Issues, right. More like heavy seizures and some sort of cultivation deviation it seemed like.

But young Adam seemed destined to do impossible things. "No response?"

The shadow man shook his head. "Sister Quan and Disciple Tianshi are able to approach closest to the new 'crystal throne', but no changes yet."

Used to just be a mountain, but when a god sized attractive rock woman decides to sit on it and make it look all sparkly, the public relation memos just wrote themselves. "Keep surveillance and guards up. I don't care what is actually happening out there, but I will not allow outsiders or invaders to interfere with young Adam's cultivation advancement."

As the reports moved on, she let herself quietly sigh. She had no idea how to help, and it was beyond frustrating.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

His team was beyond curious at this point... and they were close enough that telling them what was going on wouldn't instantly destroy the point of this trip. "Right, listen up. Only covering this once, yeah?"

Several nods.

He stayed under cover. "A month or so ago, one of the largest Sects in this kingdom both did and did NOT vanish."

Confused looks.

He sighed. Whatever. "After years of effort..." It was a punishment, actually. "I was assigned to work in the detection department for these kingdoms. To watch for invasions or unusual activity." A job where nothing happened for literally decades at a time. It took money to invade or attack, and such actions were normally detected WAY before troop movement.

He grinned. "Two weeks ago, the largest Sect in my detection range, the Burning Sword Sect, vanished. No reports of disasters, no interruption in trade, no gossip... but hundreds of thousands of cultivators could no longer be detected."

Several eyes lit up as he continued. "With much effort and difficulty..." No, he was just scared that the entire region had died and some sort of advance illusion had been put up. In fact, he could have verified the area was safe to approach in hours if he hadn't been so terrified... anyway. "I believe this is all due to the deployment of an astounding treasure!"


One of his followers raised a hand. "Is the Burning Sword Sect over that way?"

He blinked. "Yes?"

The guy frowned. "Why is there a massive sexy statue then? Shouldn't it be the Sexy Statue Sect?"


~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Rockette Prime, mother of the Rockettes, watched her mortal companion evolve.

Her range grew, her connection to the underneath strengthened, but in her hands was the fire of youth. Adam Adventure Burns was glowing, a blue bonfire, as he finally stopped screaming and fell into something between sleep and a coma.

From her many Tattoo Stations in the Sect, tiny Rockettes began to slowly form and begin their wandering... the watching. The massive formation barriers shifted, mutated, and grew stronger... using the power generated from Adam's conversion to evolve as well. Her range of influence began to extend further, both into the earth of her birth and the sky of her journey.

Though far restricted, every shard of crystal had a weak version of Adam's domain of influence. As her Rockettes began to wander the Sect, she could feel more and more energy enter under her control... to be filtered and sent through the Sect's evolving energy formations for processing.

Still, as her avatars began to explore the world and sing the soundless dream, to share the joy of discovery, her focus was on the child that was becoming more of an idea than a person.

Her Adam was finally stable. Still changing, still unaware, but no longer close to explosion or dispersal.

He would need time.

Time to heal, time to adapt, time to awaken.

But she was from before earth, before stone.

Time was something of which she had endless supply, a resource to be spent freely.

She watched, she loved, and she waited.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~


Adam DOVE into the reconnected Tattoo Network, now that his bodies had stabilized enough for the connection to be used.

His body was still sort of crippled (It was healthier than ever before, but continuing to mutate at a rate that controlling it was impossible), so having SOMETHING to do was beyond amazing at this point.

His mind raced as he swam inside the cultivation database, specifically the sections about cultivation advancement.

He had SO. MUCH. DATA!

Hundreds of new threads were created. His experience during each cultivation Order, the many problems trying to adapt his suicidal methods into the 'Essential Cultivation' series, all the changes he decided to include, the reasons why, and the tradeoffs he had to make to ensure stability during cultivation!

For literally hours he just filled in all the random notes and documentation that he had kept his mind busy with, unable to write anything down or tell anyone... it had been driving him mad!

Eventually he got the bulk of it all recorded, and could even feel Sect members begin to access the mess he sort of spewed into the records. Later he would clean all this up, but for now it was more important not to forget anything or leave details out while putting down all those notes.

And the database was much different at this point... he could detect layers of permissions, all sorts of moderation and log keeping features, what seemed to be a small army of administrators, editors, and cross examining researchers. The formerly empty database was now an ant hive of curious and busy Sect members, editing, fixing, modifying, connecting.

There was even a massive new couple of sections dedicated to Rockette herself! One full of raw data that she was scanning in from all the formations and minions (SO CUTE!) she had running around, another full of random thoughts and ideas she had as she apparently watched his cultivation advancement over the last few... however long this was.

It was interesting... and somehow Pat the Patriarch had hooked the 'Sect Map' into her raw data section of the database, with different permission levels allowing various versions for display. Outsiders got a rough map with generally useful locations marked, Sect Affiliates saw the unclassified versions, each Department had detailed coverage of their related areas, Security saw anyone unmarked by the Tattoo or Ring network highlighted (Along with marked people of interest or detected infiltrators)... it was fascinating, astounding, and more!

WAY better than being racked with pain and unable to move or read or write or breathe or talk or think clearly. Like, a dozen times better, at least!

He absently responded to the various messages stored in the network, and he was eager to see little Tianshi and Sister Quan and his guard squad... but more than all of that, he had this undeniable urge to research. To examine. To modify!

Techniques for body health care. Clean hair, skin, wounds, eyes, noses, mouths, ears, nails, lips... massively complicated versions that automated all the little details, drastically simple options that were heavily limited but easy to work with or required little to no Qi to apply.

Tricks for emergency clothing... especially because he was nude. Again. Qi constructs, with modifiable patterns, textures, moisture retention rates, breathability, tensile strength, destructibility (If it was invincible, it could accidentally choke the wearer or worse!), ability to stain, to resist oil, mud, blood, etc. Fully automated skills that would create a dynamic wardrobe that matched any situation... brain dead dumbass options that just made a big shirt or whatever, for after a major battle when energy resources would be tight.

Advanced illusions. Ones not tied to the user themselves, but could be connected and powered through the Tattoo Network via space foam. Adam now had a dedicated space pocket that would ensure his ability to connect to the networks and his mental resources even if his actual possessions were unavailable or his body and/or spiritual network heavily compromised. Again.

Hopefully that would prevent a simple torture session and body destruction from preventing him from sending a note to his friends in the future! Or at least let him get some work done, rather than suffer endless pain while being paralyzed. Because that sucked.

He could feel a strangely relieved and happy Core jump all over his new creations, even as the little one began sending massive waves of Data to 'Research' and 'Rockette'... The Asura Eye was still 'sleeping', basically recovering from her recent transformation into a more conceptual version of herself. The many pets were fine, the animals and plants in Rockette's care were all unaware of their owner's recent advancement...

And somehow Rockette's army of tiny Crystal Golems had joined the police force.

...What the hell?

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Over a dozen swords were drawn and aimed at Adam as he... sort of formed a puppet body out of the local crystal?

It was odd really. Normally a cultivator would have their Martial Spirit grow from their body (Soul? Spirit energy?), and learn to fuze their essence in battle to create a hybrid form later on, or summon their spirit to fight alongside in tough battles.

But this was... sort of the reverse? Adam could feel Rockette's spreading influence, pillars of light in a world of shifting energies. Any large cluster of crystals he could just... combine with?

Ignoring the security station guards that were preparing various attacks, he focused on his crystal body as it began to melt out of the nearby crystal structure. It wasn't one of the Tattoo Stations, more one of the new spikes of energetic material that were spawning around the Sect.

His glittering skeleton held up a hand. "Hang on, this is harder than I expected."

Legs first, his bones were barely giving support with only bones and raw energy binding him together. He was moments away from collapsing into a pile of pretty bone jewels...

How embarrassing. Seriously, he had a history of building new bodies... and the months of torture would only excuse so much incompetence before his own embarrassment would make him give up and try later.

Could he convert the energy crystals into Cultivation Cells?

...Not quickly. And he didn't want to spend weeks in a pile getting in everyone's way.

Screw it.

His entire skeletal structure fractured into dust, and he cheated.

Basic clumps for 'feet', the chunks for legs, hips... more a rock person than even pretending to be human. Simpler shapes with more mass could bind easier with spiritual energy, better support each other and float with less difficulty.

As he felt stone hands and fingers form, he floated into a mostly human shape and felt his solid crystal head generate a sort of accurate face image. "Ding!"

...Wait. Shit.

A few fractures, and he had a jaw. "RAawg. Sorry." Still ignoring the dozen or so weapons, he gave the best smile he could with such a fractured stone jaw. "Hey, could someone contact Elder Cho? I need like... all the questions answered."

One of the guards that seemed to be in charged raised an eyebrow. "Young Burning Sage?"

Adam 'blinked'. Or the image on his crystal face flickered, whatever. "Yes?"

She nodded. "We will handle informing the appropriate people." She gestured slightly with her bared weapon. "Until we confirm some of this, would you mind please waiting over there? This area is... VERY restricted."

He paused.

The room was... uh.



Thank goodness he couldn't blush. "I... uh. Yes, No problem!" Where did he look!? "If someone could point me toward the door..."

Why was there a crystal spire inside the guard station's changing rooms!? Oh hell, Sister Quan was going to never let this go... dang it, dang it.

As nonchalantly as he could, he followed the most dressed woman somewhere LESS EMBARRASSING than here. Anywhere than here.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Little Tianshi paused her cultivation. "Really?"

Mr Whiskers sent confirmation.

She couldn't hold back her grin, relief flooding her system. "I knew Da would be fine. Where is he?"

...Uh? "What do you mean, which one?"

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Adam blinked.

The other Adam also blinked.

A third Adam was led into the room, looking embarrassed... and paused.

One of them pointed at the others. "We didn't pick the same spawn point, did we?"

Another Adam entered into the room.

Adam (Several of them) smacked his forehead. "Right, uh. How many of us did we generate?"

Three Adams entered the room.

Well, this is gonna be awkward, huh? One Adam for every Rockette. Definitely. We don't abandon Best Smol Crystal just because we got Giant Sexy Crystal! Wait, they're all the same entity, this is weird.
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