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I feel embarrassed enough that a massive amount of positive stuff nearly convinced me to do something drastic... the paranoia and self doubt was a real issue for me, now that I have reflected back a bit on our last trip. If I hadn't found something so soothing and interesting to do with my free time, I might have had some serious issues."

That drained the joy out of the situation. "Drastic?"

He gave a serious nod. "I didn't notice how dark my emotions and thoughts became after nearly dying to the Bone Walker, but... I was becoming more lethargic. Less interested in exploring. Less interested in anything... and I had this unconscious desire to flee. To never stop running. The sudden attention from what I assumed was something far above me... maybe even something worse than the Bone Walker itself... well, I wasn't reacting logically."

Adam sighed. "Not an issue now, but... yeah, I'm going to make sure ALL of us get some counseling about that thing."
So he's no longer planning on sending off a shard of himself to another Cultivation realm, which will then send off another shard, and so on? Or is that still in the cards?
So he's no longer planning on sending off a shard of himself to another Cultivation realm, which will then send off another shard, and so on? Or is that still in the cards?
Yeah, I hope not. That whole idea sounded... recursively self-destructive to me. Well, I think self-destructive is not quite the right word, but I can't think of a better one at the moment.
So he's no longer planning on sending off a shard of himself to another Cultivation realm, which will then send off another shard, and so on? Or is that still in the cards?


Towards the end, while working... Dark, dark thoughts.

Strange dreams do torment those who work at night. Lonely hearts and weary minds can sometimes not see the way to travel. When your heart is so torn but nothing ever seems right... Sometimes only a friend can help you find the light.
The concept of snark:"... See? that's what I'm talking about."
Cultivator world:"'s boring, sempai isn't doing adventure but his clan is"
TCoS:"Yes but he's no longer considering conceptual suicide to run away from adventure now, is he?"
CW:"yeah ok, got to admit I may have gone a teensy bit overboard, Marvel still isn't talking to me and is cuddling the Klyntar I kinda sorta took"
CW:"anyway, lesson learned. don't ever go full yandere on your chosen protagonist, I can just prod him with the important adventure that needs him, and he'll just think it was from the pile all along! like the quest for the tastiest ham sandwich *shudder* no low tier hero can do that one, it would destroy the world!"
like the quest for the tastiest ham sandwich *shudder* no low tier hero can do that one, it would destroy the world!"
And now I have the image of the MC combining the new plants, all the knowledge that can be combine to cook and other related processes and ways to create meat to create food so good that when (and not if) the next invasion from a realm above cause the less amount of damage possible.
Because the super cultivators want to preserve their new eating place.
Which is a way to avoid to be killed, crippled and/or have all their thing stolen.

Which it is still funny.

Anyway it a version of the MC remains in this universe then they will be really screwed when he get strong enough.
This also means that he can keep on cultivating. Let's see how long it takes for him to reach Siant. I also want to see what guides he can create for his fellow cultivators once he experiences the process of powering up all the way himself.
I thought the reason kept getting quest is because he was basically making his own gamer system and it didn't follow linear time so it was giving him quest before he even finished making it
Worse. His muse slipped and, somehow, broke it's neck. He's been out muse hunting so as to get back to writing the story.
Finally finished reading all 600k words of this fic and I really enjoy the effort you seem to put into finding interesting and original ways to mix and match powers with each universe Adam visits. It's something I rarely see and enjoy a lot
Stupid Quiz!
So.... Reading a 2000+ chaptered translated story.

Plus,life stuff and mapping out future chapters.

So! Busy work!

Quick Quiz with no context with minor story impact!

  • {Creature}...........{Vote count update}
  • Duck Season...............2
  • Rabbit Season.............7
  • Pug Season.................4
  • World Turtle Season...6
  • Tapir Season...............1
  • Chicken Season..........0
  • Mouse Season............0
  • Rat Season.................0

Top two win!
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Rabbit Season.

If this is a reincarnation question I don't want the rat (for the chance of lab rat) or the duck...those guys are evil in my mind.

Rabbits can be pets, they live in society (of a kind) and can eat vegetables. So if the MC need time to grown I would go with one either in the wilds or in the city. Because I already said why I don't want rats, and chicken can be easily have horrible lives of growing as fast as possible and as fat as possible to be used as food. So no go there too.
edit: I got curious what those 2000+ chapter were^^, I admit that my reading list is already longer that I could possible read. But more is always good :)
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Traditions must be upheld
and since the last person said Rabbit I shall rip these lies from the board and reveal it was duck season all along!
If I must choose one of the above, I will go with Rabbit Season, if only because I feel that Adam would actually fit right into many of the themes of the Rabbit that I'm aware of, that of the trickster spirit. Granted, he focuses less on the fertility aspects, but damn if the tricky, cunning little bugger does not fit.

If I can throw Pug season into the ring however? I shall!

Edit; Changing my vote to Pug Season as you've added it :D
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Sea (world) turtle, because why not.
Chicken or duck is no, because we do not want any bird brained scenes.
Rabbit would end same way as when he was baku.
Mouse or rat isn't my thing, yes it could be beatiful piece of literature if care and careful planing is aplied, but recently I read bit about Skaven from Warhammer fantasy that soured them for me.
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