I feel embarrassed enough that a massive amount of positive stuff nearly convinced me to do something drastic... the paranoia and self doubt was a real issue for me, now that I have reflected back a bit on our last trip. If I hadn't found something so soothing and interesting to do with my free time, I might have had some serious issues."
That drained the joy out of the situation. "Drastic?"
He gave a serious nod. "I didn't notice how dark my emotions and thoughts became after nearly dying to the Bone Walker, but... I was becoming more lethargic. Less interested in exploring. Less interested in anything... and I had this unconscious desire to flee. To never stop running. The sudden attention from what I assumed was something far above me... maybe even something worse than the Bone Walker itself... well, I wasn't reacting logically."
Adam sighed. "Not an issue now, but... yeah, I'm going to make sure ALL of us get some counseling about that thing."