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So it is Adam all the way down. Makes one wonder what's at the center of an Adam tootsie pop I'm sure Sister Quan would be happy to help find out. Wait no phrasing... uh Maybe. No I got nothing to save this.
Alright, that was horrifying.

Also I am pretty sure that anyone watching Adam's shenanigans from the Worm universe will have some uncomfortable flashbacks of Simurgh attacks.

As far as I can see, the mind raping and laying of future sanity traps is spot on for her previous modus operandi.

I can just imagine Simmie giving out critique when watching the worms' attempts
Adam 311 just felt relief as he mentally fell back, a stronger and less stressed Adam 312 taking over the fight while passing him data.


He had taken a TON of soul damage.
I winced when reading this, but not for the reason which is immediately obvious. Instead it was because I recalled how Adam's recursion ability actually works with each 'layer' deeper requiring more energy than the previous one to fix the damage done to it. Given the scale and depth of the damage it seems like this is going to take a significant amount of energy, even for Adam, to start fixing.
we just witnessed what a terifying power this beast in the bog has. But much more important is tha fact just how powerfull Adam is with just a fraction of the original soul. Just imagine what the full Adam could do with this ability.

Imagine eons in the future of this world real Adam comes back to deal with this thing (if he hasn't already done so as the local Adam) "Hey beasty remember me? OMN NOM NOM"
How much do you want to bet, that everyone that surveyed that swamp never progressed much more in their cultivation? How many of the stronger ones with lots of potential suddenly couldn't progress, reaching a wall and never reaching the next order?

Worse, all the cultivation notes that make no sense. All the flowery nonsense, and backwards alluding instructions to not do something. This thing has been attacking ALL the sects of this entire WORLD.
Worse, all the cultivation notes that make no sense. All the flowery nonsense, and backwards alluding instructions to not do something. This thing has been attacking ALL the sects of this entire WORLD.
While terrifying... I am sad to say that the cultivators were completely capable of writing terrible instructions and flowering nonsense all on their own.

Probably why it latched onto adam so hard.
First clear instructions the poor thing had into cultivation in eons
it wasn't eating Adam, it was basically clinging to his leg screaming TEACH ME!
I think the first thing he should do is kill that eyeball thing that he took from the white creature. I don't think he should allow it to still exist after such an attack.
Yes, Adam took a lot of layers of damage but remember, it gets tougher to hurt him at a conceptual level the deeper you go and Adam 312 alluded to there still being many layers deeper than him. In the long run the Soul Terror Leach attack was very beneficial to him. He now has exposure to yang poison and enough data to really kick into gear, knowledge of how to fix his soul or at least hammer it back into shape, soul techniques to study and break, and a new energy type to snack on.
Ace, that was some amazing Eldritch imagery and I hate you for it as I now try to go to sleep.
Yes, Adam took a lot of layers of damage but remember, it gets tougher to hurt him at a conceptual level the deeper you go and Adam 312 alluded to there still being many layers deeper than him. In the long run the Soul Terror Leach attack was very beneficial to him. He now has exposure to yang poison and enough data to really kick into gear, knowledge of how to fix his soul or at least hammer it back into shape, soul techniques to study and break, and a new energy type to snack on.
Ace, that was some amazing Eldritch imagery and I hate you for it as I now try to go to sleep.
Even worse, he has knowledge of Yang Poison and his tattoos are adapting to include it. The Asura Stone was pushing out Yin Poison originally. As he finished adapting to a new energy, it started producing a new one. How much do you want to bet, after he has adapted to the Yang poison, it starts pushing out Yang as well as Yin?

Also, the really interesting thing: Yin is usually equated to the female and the mental, Yang is equated to the male and the physical. Yet the Yin Poison damages the Body, while the Yang poison damages the Mind/Soul. They are backwards, and I am sure Adam, once he has calmed down, will investigate that strangeness.
Also, the really interesting thing: Yin is usually equated to the female and the mental, Yang is equated to the male and the physical. Yet the Yin Poison damages the Body, while the Yang poison damages the Mind/Soul. They are backwards, and I am sure Adam, once he has calmed down, will investigate that strangeness.
Yin and Yang are complimentary in some ways, but also opposed in others. If you think about it in terms of opposing their opposite then it makes sense to have a Yang poison damaging and attacking the mind (Yin) while visa versa for a Yin poison and the body.

The actual mechanisms also seem to fit the Yin/Yang aspect: the Yin poison passively corrodes while seeping in and the Yang poison actively infects/invades.
Just finished "Leadership Qualities". 😒
I'm a bit annoyed this story is going into the extreme side of the Harem.
I was expecting it after some time, but not to the point when it looks like the MC will be surrounded with 200 women, with some other guy buzzing around for 5 seconds every 10th chapter.
Just finished "Leadership Qualities". 😒
I'm a bit annoyed this story is going into the extreme side of the Harem.
I was expecting it after some time, but not to the point when it looks like the MC will be surrounded with 200 women, with some other guy buzzing around for 5 seconds every 10th chapter.
While there are quite a few women around, most of them have zero interest in Adam. The only love interest Adam Prime has is Narwhal, and that is a stable relationship. Adam Cultivation doesn't have ANY love interest, and shows no signs of changing that.
While there are quite a few women around, most of them have zero interest in Adam. The only love interest Adam Prime has is Narwhal, and that is a stable relationship. Adam Cultivation doesn't have ANY love interest, and shows no signs of changing that.
Maybe, but he'll still be surrounded by hundreds of "supermodels" answering to every flick of his finger.
If this parasite has been feeding on all the local sects for cultivation DATA does that mean Adam just got a copy of most sects techniques?

I think the reason you don't see more science oriented cultivation story's is because of how stupidly powerful everyone would end up being. When truly understanding why what goes up must come down let's you ignore gravity that could get crazy fast. What would happen if Adam put say a collage education of physics on a jade slip as reference reading for everyone?
Maybe, but he'll still be surrounded by hundreds of "supermodels" answering to every flick of his finger.
Adam Prime has hundreds of EMPLOYEES. They don't answer to a flick of his finger, they answer to the company. He directs the company by saying "I want something like this done, I have these new products for you to review, do your business while I do Adam Things." The supermodel looks come from his medical package for said employees, which makes the men just as attractive.

I just started reading this. Why is Taylor acting like she was 6 when by the timeline she's 10-11?
Taylor is a chatter-box, and possibly mildly autistic. She actually acts similar to my sister, who is currently ten, almost eleven.
Wow, a sexist bitch. Real 'great' recommendation there, Grandsel.
Yes, it's an issue. One that can end up in court with big penalties for the company.
Not sure about other countries, but the USA has messed up workarounds for things like this.

I think the chain 'Hooters' employees "Actresses" rather than service staff or waitresses, for example. Lets them hire and fire women based on appearance.
Not sure about other countries, but the USA has messed up workarounds for things like this.

I think the chain 'Hooters' employees "Actresses" rather than service staff or waitresses, for example. Lets them hire and fire women based on appearance.
All I want to know is how the hell the supposed good and loved boss like Grandsel could recommend such bitch like Sonia?
It's like searching for a skilled orator, going to Dalai Lama, who on his own recommends Stalin.
All I want to know is how the hell the supposed good and loved boss like Grandsel could recommend such bitch like Sonia?
It's like searching for a skilled orator, going to Dalai Lama, who on his own recommends Stalin.
Bit of an extreme example considering that Brockton has a Nazi branch.

That said, she became powerful in a time when women were not just overlooked but actively oppressed. I don't find it surprising if she overcompensates too far while ensuring that women facing the same challenges as her past get preference or more leeway.

I try hard to write believable characters, not necessarily ones that are politically correct after being converted to a younger body in a much later time period.

And, bitch or not, she was both competent and capable in a time period when the odds were both against her and against others like her. The fact that the male employees that used to work under her have only positive things to say should count in her favor in my opinion.
Arc 2: A Marked Difference... Leave Plants Alone!

Ow ow ow.

Adam gave a misshapen sigh as he walked onwards out of the Corpse Bog.

Turns out? Taking so much physical, mental, and Soul damage at once? Not just painful, but difficult to repair. Each inner Adam had slightly made the issue worse by choosing the SAME mutations while fighting back for survival, reinforcing the permanence of his new form.

It was fixable, and his many, MANY layers were all working with Rockette and 'Research' to both speed the process up and test out the new (experimental) soul abilities: Methods to examine, modify, damage, backup, restore... and theoretically, how to overwrite the Soul.

The only reason he could risk such attempts now?

Well... He had accidentally created a method to do the last option. His 'Shove Qi at it till it looks right' ability, while wasteful and dangerous, was technically a method to overwhelm and overwrite the contents of another being's soul.

The fact that the other soul being rewritten was his OWN soul, done with consent... well that made everything muddy and complicated. Which 'Research' loved.

But WHILE he tried to design new Soul abilities, the only easy to repair part of the layers were the harvested memories, the physical decay and wounds, and so on.

The modified jaw structures? Those were not designed nor implemented by choice, they were automatically shifting into those shapes to better support the concept of 'Soul Consumption'.

Adam gave a garbled sigh. Theoretically, once he better understood the concept, this and the other side effects would easily be reverted and prevented. The concept of 'Grasp' was easy enough to define internally, and now his hands stopped trying to regress his flesh and sharpen his bones.

Woo. Progress.

He winced as he continued to float low over the Bog, fleeing even as black energies and liquid rose from the material world to seep into his tattoos. Well, half of the tattoos.

Right, the curse marks had mutated after he had consumed so much Yang poison.

Before, his body scars had shifted into the patterns on his skin, then pulsed between the white and black energies being emitted by the Asura Stone. A strange situation to be sure, but hard work and experimentation had managed to stabilize the changes between the two stages and colors, allowing him to adapt and eventually ignore the issue.

Said issue? A lack of conceptual balance.

His body was being bathed in large batches of Yin Poisons, but without a balance he was forced to CREATE a replacement the only way he knew how: By forcing his body to adapt and his energy to oppose it.

And really, that was a losing battle to begin with.

Over time? The poisons, energies, and emotions had been growing in variety. Increasing with intensity, even if the overall output of the Asura Stone was capped to a set rate. Growing more powerful.

Now that he had managed to consume a great counter force though? This Yang poison caused the skin marks to shift automatically. They both repelled similar power and summoned the opposite...

Now, his skin was covered in marks. White patterns interwoven with Black marks, where the Yin poisons had extracted themselves into the silvery network and the Yang poisons had seeped into the dim shadow runes.

For a very short period, he had looked like some sort of death metal fanboy, with his whole skin pulsing in a white and black light show! But it didn't take long for the draw pulling the dissimilar energies together to mutate the tattoos further.

Now, his body was covered in thin lines. Marks slimmer than a hair, in a pattern so complicated that it almost made Adam fall asleep trying to trace them.

From a distance? The two colors made his skin look gray. A strange, almost shimmering gray.

Oddly enough, this made him look slightly MORE normal, now that he didn't have massive unknown tattoos visible on his skin all the time. To see them properly at this stage, the observer would have to get close enough to his body to lick it... and uh.

Yeah, that would be weird. And noticeable.

Anyway, the Yang poison attacks continued on his body, but they were not TARGETING him directly. It seemed that whenever a strand of 'Hive Poison' detected an unaffected creature, it was designed to dive right in!

At which point they were sucked into the black curse marks and devoured.

It wasn't as profitable as Adam had hoped. While the strain that initially infected his body had put a lot of effort into gathering data from Adam's memories... none of it managed to escape. And any NEW strains? If they gained information, they would have returned to their master... not attack a new target.

The hunting method of 'Control the creature, bring it back for conversion' really backfired in this particular scenario... the ability for a person to resist was unthinkable to the creator of this attack. Hell, it was unthinkable to the 'Hive Poison' itself!

Adam now had millions of memories stolen from these Yang assaults, ever growing, which all had some rant about how being defeated was impossible, life itself denies these actions, you shall rue the day that...

Blah blah blah.

There was certainly a point of diminishing returns. The first attack taught Adam the basics of attack and defense, some examples, and a fragmented selection of other data that didn't survive the retaliation process.

The second attack, literally seconds later? MUCH better data recovery. Tasted like pumpkin too, which was neat. Though those worms had tiny mouths for tongues and no tail, so they looked like ping pong balls rather than the expected 'Socks with mouths' he had grown so used to seeing.

By the eighth attack, he was able to learn enough from the samples to coble together an automated defense to intrusions.

By the fifteenth? Not just a defense, he managed to automate a counter infiltration Mind and Soul attack, developed a sorting method that would manage consumed memories and ensure that Soul fragments were easier to handle and search...

And after so much effort? He was finally able to have Rockette oversee the whole process without needing to be involved directly.

There had been thousands upon thousands of attacks since then. Maybe because Yang poisons didn't need the material commitment to produce so many, just Qi and knowledge... but there was a LOT of data being gathered as his defenses devoured each new attempt.

There were repeats of course. Those gathered samples didn't last long enough to do more than make a mental note that they occurred. But after so many similar variations, even brand new, unseen Yang assaults were examined, dissected, and reviewed without his involvement.

So now his body was absorbing Yang energy and poison at a high rate as he fled the Bog.

Useful? Yes. Especially as he got closer to the rim of the area, where the poison was concentrated to ensure any infiltrators didn't escape with useful data.

Interesting? No, not enough for him to try and stick around to harvest this stuff. He did NOT want to find out what this Yin Yang Bone Walker did if it found an escaping target somehow evading the initial attacks of its automated defences.

He winced as another jaw bone fragment was corrected WAY deep inside... Adam 215, it felt like.

Well, at least it was step towards normality. Whatever that was at this point.

~~~Broken Adventure~~~

Sister Quan had waited for the others to wander away from the dinner table before having Rockette send Adam his food. Thankfully the Martial Spirit was able to strip any contaminants from the returned dishes. "Adam?"

His voice came from the walls. "Mmm, so good... Oh. Yes?"

She sighed. The boy wasn't really talking, his mouth was still a horrifying mess. He was just cheating by having Rockette simulate his words for her. "Can we talk about it again?"

A weary sigh. "Fine, fine. Once more."

A nod. "Why don't you want to allow the Soil Grid Garden plants to grow longer before being destroyed and replanted? I think we both know your other excuses were a bit... obvious and silly."

The sound of wind was relaxing. Even when eating, the boy was using his strange 'Momentum Redirection' trick to continue fleeing this damned place.

With a sigh, Adam grumbled. "Look, in the Sect, I found notes about animals cultivating. About our plants cultivating."

She blinked. "Yes?"

He kept talking between bites of food. "The idea that my ham sandwich could have advanced far enough to talk? To beg for mercy? That bothers me. A lot."

Adam continued, probably waving his hand around even if she couldn't see it. "Now I am not sure if it is normal to everyone else, if it is just one of those hidden things that everyone knows and just don't talk about, or if I am being a baby about the issue... but I don't want the things raised in Rockette to begin transforming into animals or becoming human shaped. Especially if I am going to eat it."


She dropped her head into her hands. "Adam, technically that is true... but the process takes a while."

His voice was serious. "I know, but I didn't want to take the risk. Especially because the energies in Rockette are so much more dense and plentiful in there than normally found outside."

She sighed. "No, Adam... I mean a LONG while."

A pause. "Like... five years?"

An eyebrow twitched. "For a cultivating creature, specifically a Spirit Beast? One that already has the genetics to automatically form a Beast Core? They might, MIGHT be able to transform into a human shape after about eighty years or so of dedicated effort. If they are beyond gifted, they might be able to gain sentience within forty years."

She waved a hand. "That assumes they have access to spiritual energies as pure and plentiful like in here though. Otherwise, THOUSANDS of weaker Spirit Beasts would have to be consumed before they could reach those levels of cultivation or ability... and to be honest, a similar mountain of Beast Cores would be consumed by normal cultivators as well, if they wanted even a fraction of your advancement rate."

A sigh. "In other words: If you decided to raise Spirit Beasts in here, enhance them, give them the amazing foods being developed? They may eventually gain a sense of self in like... twenty years or so. And I would be SURPRISED if it was that fast. Since most Spirit Beasts are good for harvest, sale, and so forth within a few years of growth at worst? It won't be an issue."

She just... his whole concept about how quick cultivation was? Completely bullshit broken. "That, by the way, only counts for Spirit Beasts. If it is a normal animal? It would take a thousand generations or more on average before you are likely to find one or two mutate into a new Spirit Beast species. And those new species probably won't even be able to form a Beast Core themselves."

She turned a glare at the wall. "Also? Plants take longer. Much, MUCH longer. They don't normally hunt, though there are exceptions, so they can only absorb water, minerals, sunlight, and spiritual energy. They must go the long, slow way to power."

Her head hurt. "The only reason spiritually powerful plants are so common is because they don't die of old age, not usually. They get longer to try and advance their cultivation base compared to everyone else."

Adam seemed... confused. "But... what about the Sect? Don't they have tons of spirit herbs? This should be a big issue!"

Sister Quan shook her head. "And? You also saw that despite the literal massive fields as far as the eye can see, not a single one of the plants were running around or whatever. Some of those herbs were easily a thousand years old."

She glared. "If it was THAT easy to get Spirit Beasts or Spiritual Treasures to improve, our Sect would be focusing on THAT instead of raising beets."

Yes, Brother Adam sounded surprised. "Huh."

She sighed. "How long has this been bothering you?"

He grumbled. A while then.

Sister Quan leaned back in her chair. "If that really was the issue behind all this... are you fine with letting Rockette extend the growing cycle? I'm not sure what amount of time you allocated before, but it clearly doesn't give enough time for these creations to develop and mature."

Adam sighed. "Yeah, you convinced me. Now I feel a bit silly... I guess I just assumed plants would be like, twice as slow as me or something when cultivating."

He couldn't see her expression, which was good, as he continued. "Seriously though, taking a year to improve? Then again, I'm not entirely sure why I had such high expectations from the vegetable kingdom to begin with. I've certainly seen a lot of wildlife that was not covered in leaves or vines out here."

Calm. Don't let his messed up world view shake you Quan! You can do this!

Adam seemed more interested at least. "You know what? This should really increase the new varieties of berries, fruits, veggies, and so on and so forth. Yeah, let's do it!"

Well... at least she wouldn't have to waste time on this argument after meals anymore.

As she accepted the clean plates returned by Adam, she heard something that made her pause.

"I wonder how many samples we will get now that plants can grow for more than a day at a time?"
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A pause. "Like... five years?"
"Seriously though, taking a year to improve?
"I wonder how many samples we will get now that plants can grow for more than a day at a time?"
I'm a bit confused why he set it to a day if he was expecting them to progress in years. True, that was after she specifically pointed out it takes them a long time, but I really have to wonder how long he thought it would take at a minimum for him to set it to a day.

Using her estimate of 20 years max for spirit beasts at a minimum that's over 7000 times longer than his current. Even if you reduce it to 15 years for safety that's more a 5000 times increase. Though I don't really expect him to go over a month for animals. Maybe push it to a year for plants.

Admittedly, if it were me I'd do a gradual increase. Do week/month/half year for spirit beast/animal/plant respectively then increase the time if a few cycles never produce anything strange and with everything freezing for research if something strange does occur. At worst you'd have a few sentient spirit beasts/animals/plants which you release in the wild before reducing the times for everything.
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