High Wall of Lothric 2: Bonfires and Draconic Terminology
It doesn't feel right to have someone else take point when you're better equipped to for the task. At the same time, forcing someone who is offering their help to then have to accommodate themselves for you feels just as wrong.

"Alright, you can take point," you say, crossing your arms, "but don't expect me to just stand around if we get attacked. I beat that Gundyr guy on my own, it's not like I'm useless in a fight."

Hawkwood stares at you, a strange look in his eye. "Do you even have a weapon on you?" he asks.

Raising a hand, you focus for a brief moment. There's a quick burst of light before a sword appears in your waiting hand. "I have plenty, don't worry." you reply a wide grin on your face.

Hawkwood looks at your sword, then mutters something to himself. "What kind of magic is that?" he asks.

"It's... complicated. I could try and explain it later." you say, to which Hawkwood nods. He then turns and approaches the doorway.

Standing in front of the door itself, Hawkwood first tries to open it gently, quickly finding no success. "Damn, was hoping it wouldn't be like this." He turns his head to face you. "This is going to be loud, so if there's anything behind this door, it's going to know we're coming." He warns. You nod, and get ready to follow Hawkwood out. Then, with a grunt of effort, Hawkwood slowly pushes the door open, the heavy wood and metal screeching against the ground as it's forced backward. Light quickly filters in from the doorway, as you get your first real look at Lothric. The sky is a pale yellow more resembling evening, but you can see the sun shining clearly in the sky. More notable is the view of a massive structure that dominates the horizon. You're quickly reminded of the giant castle you saw earlier by the Shrine, and realize that you're now likely somewhere within it.

As soon as the door's open, Hawkwood's outside, sword drawn and shield at the ready. Before you manage to even get outside of the structure, you hear the sound of metal piercing flesh. Rushing out, you find Hawkwood scanning the area, his bastard sword resting on his shoulder, while what looks to be a hollowed soldier lies dead on the ground, a large hole in its chest, and an old, beaten up crossbow held in the other. The white mist of souls flows into Hawkwood, as he turns turns to move. "It's clear." He informs you, as he proceeds to walk down the staircase.

"Hey, wait up!" you call out, quickly catching up to him. As you round the corner, you're treated to one of the most bizarrely gruesome sights you've ever seen: what seems to be a group of corpses that have turned into trees. Their entire lower halves have become wood, while the torso and up remains, arms reaching up towards the sky, as if hoping for the heavens to save them. "This place just gets weirder and weirder." you mumble to yourself

At the bottom of the stairs you find what looks a lot like the bonfire back in the Shrine, sitting in the midst of a small plaza. Hawkwood reaches over and places his hand over the bonfire, and the flames erupt to life.

"I expected something..." you begin.

"More?" Hawkwood finishes.

"Yeah. It doesn't seem like there's really anything here."

"Don't get your hopes up now. Hollows tend to stay in one place unless aggravated. As soon as we leave the bonfire there'll be plenty."

"How do you know that?"

"Because there always are." he replies.

Looking around, you quickly find two different paths available to you. To your right you see a long path with a descending staircase off to the side. Scattered along the path are small groups of hollows, hands raised in what seems almost like worship towards the corpsetrees that seem to almost litter the area. Additionally, the path seems to be patrolled by an enormous hollow armed with a halberd, along with two of the most disgusting looking dogs to have ever lived. On the other side is an enclosed area, with a strange murmur coming from it.

To your left is a short staircase, which leads to even more of the worshiping hollows. A few soldiers seem to be patroling this path, which descends down further into the structure of the High Wall. Besides that, however, you do spot something you feel is noteworthy.

"Is that a dragon?" you ask, staring at what seems to be the corpse of one that lays down up ahead. Hawkwood, who had been seated at the bonfire while you looked around, stands up to take a look.

"No, that'd be a wyvern." Hawkwood says as if this should be obvious.

"What's the difference? Both are giant flying lizards, so does it really matter?"

Hawkwood stares at you, as if you had personally offended him. "Well, for one," he begins, his tone abrasive, "dragons are extinct, and have been since the Age of Ancients." The amount of emphasis he puts on the last three words probably makes it important, you realize. "Furthermore, wyverns wings aren't even separate from their arms, as they're just the weakened descendants of the dragons that came before. How do you not know this?" he asks with a sneer.

"I'm... sorry? " you offer, confused as to how you caused his sudden outburst. "I'm not exactly from around here."

Hawkwood blinks, and seems to realize what just happened. He takes a deep breath, and seems to try and calm himself. After a few moments, it seems to finally fade. "I apologize for that display," he says, "dragons were always an... interest of mine. I shouldn't be harsh on you for not knowing what amounts to historical trivia." He sighs, and the two of you stare at the bonfire's flame in silence. Looking at the flame, it almost feels like it's dancing for your attention.

"So," Hawkwood says, finally breaking the silence, "we have two paths. Which shall we tread first?"

[] Take the Right Path
- [] Go check out what's down the staircase, there's no reason not to.
- [] Find out what that sound is that's coming from the other end of the path. It almost sounds familiar...

[] Take the Left Path
- [] Head down further into the High Wall. You've wasted enough time as it is.
- [] There's a drag- wyvern corpse just lying there. How could you not go and take a look?
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Sorry for the late update, had a bit of trouble writing for most of today. It's my own fault, but better late than never.

Also, quick question for you guys: do you like me including actual pictures of areas directly from the game? If it's a bit much, let me know and I'll cut down on it. If you do like it, I'd be willing to try and get some better angled pictures, although it'd take a bit of effort. I'm just asking because if it's unwanted I'd rather know in advance so I can stop doing it before it really becomes a problem.
[X] Take the Right Path
- [X] Find out what that sound is that's coming from the other end of the path. It almost sounds familiar...
The Abyssal Beast maybe? It'd make sense if she'd be sensitive to it. Or I could see the reasoning for her being sensitive to such things I should say.

We cold also just proceed to:
everything in the area and come back to the points of interest later. We need to nom some souls as it turns out, so its not like that's a bad thing to do either.

Also, not sure if going murder blender mode would reassure Hawkwood or worry him.

Hmm... I wonder if we can reinforce our body with our magic more efficiently, so we can keep our physical stats growing by pumping up Faith and Int. Would help with probably the sheer amount of souls we'll likely be needing to dump into those if we're using the Soul Searching method of figuring out Sayaka's magic.
Sorry for the late update, had a bit of trouble writing for most of today. It's my own fault, but better late than never.

Also, quick question for you guys: do you like me including actual pictures of areas directly from the game? If it's a bit much, let me know and I'll cut down on it. If you do like it, I'd be willing to try and get some better angled pictures, although it'd take a bit of effort. I'm just asking because if it's unwanted I'd rather know in advance so I can stop doing it before it really becomes a problem.
Hmm. The game areas aren't bad looking per se, and the links don't really get in the way, it's just... sometimes they're kind of weird? The areas themselves, in that way only video games can be. And in text you can kind of skip over that by assuming the building looks like it wasn't designed by Gothic Minecraft Steve with a thing for elevators except where otherwise noted, but the pictures do kind of limit the possible interpretations somewhat.

I'd say that as a QM I think you're certainly good enough to do the areas justice with our imaginations alone.

[X] Take the Right Path
- [X] Go check out what's down the staircase, there's no reason not to.

I think we should go down here first. Now, there's loot down the other way, from a linear perspective, but it'd be actually faster and safer to take this route and just try to push the door open instead of pulling it. Or just break it, twenty strength is plenty good enough to wield a weapon that could knock the door down, were it not for the limitations of the game engine and the ashen one's odd politeness when encountering locked doors.

Or, we could jump down onto the handy rooftop to the right, and then make a similar hop to the base of the elevator tower? I don't know.

Even if we can't do any of that, checking the stairs stops that wandering ax hollow from surprising us later, after a fight with a powerful monster weak to a damage type we don't have yet.
Hmm... I wonder if we can reinforce our body with our magic more efficiently, so we can keep our physical stats growing by pumping up Faith and Int. Would help with probably the sheer amount of souls we'll likely be needing to dump into those if we're using the Soul Searching method of figuring out Sayaka's magic.
Like a magic weapon or a magic shield spell? Or do you mean the, uh, ... wish magic way? Magical Girl magic is a bit of a mouthful, we need a snappy name for it.
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[x] Take the Left Path
- [x] There's a drag- wyvern corpse just lying there. How could you not go and take a look?

It's been so long since I've seen a play through of Dark Souls 3 that I have no idea where anything is.

That being said, there is an wyvern corpse right there. How can we not go and take a look at it?
[X] Take the Left Path
- [X] There's a drag- wyvern corpse just lying there. How could you not go and take a look?

I can not argue with this logic.
Hmm. The game areas aren't bad looking per se, and the links don't really get in the way, it's just... sometimes they're kind of weird? The areas themselves, in that way only video games can be. And in text you can kind of skip over that by assuming the building looks like it wasn't designed by Gothic Minecraft Steve with a thing for elevators except where otherwise noted, but the pictures do kind of limit the possible interpretations somewhat.
Thank you for the feedback! That's... a good point actually. I'll probably cut down on the amount of pictures by a good bit in the future and only use them for very specific things from now on, rather than just kind of dropping them around so often like I've been doing. I'll admit a large part of the issue is that I'm not very confident with my writing quality, so thank you additionally for the kind words.
Magical Girl magic is a bit of a mouthful, we need a snappy name for it.
What are you talking about? Magical magic isn't confusing terminology at all~
If anyone has any ideas, I'm open for suggestions. Otherwise, I'll try and (hopefully) think of something not completely awful.
Hmm... I wonder if we can reinforce our body with our magic more efficiently, so we can keep our physical stats growing by pumping up Faith and Int. Would help with probably the sheer amount of souls we'll likely be needing to dump into those if we're using the Soul Searching method of figuring out Sayaka's magic.
Magic Weapon and what not will be similar to additional points in stats, although in order to benefit from them they will cost FP.. They also won't scale as well as points in dedicated stats, so the choice is up to you whether you feel it'd be worth it.

I'll be honest, the last thing I expected happening in this quest was Int build Sayaka of all things.
What are you talking about? Magical magic isn't confusing terminology at all~
If anyone has any ideas, I'm open for suggestions. Otherwise, I'll try and (hopefully) think of something not completely awful.
Well, seeing as how there was all that talk about trying to model or come up with an analogue to our magic using local techniques, and hex magic came up, what about Charms? It's like a hex, in that it's the sort of spell a witch would use, but it's a fluffy, less menacing name, suitable for a magic that, while perhaps based on the same principles as hexes, seems inherently more friendly than shooting giant angry orbs of darkness at people.
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Well, seeing as how there was all that talk about trying to model or come up with an analogue to our magic using local techniques, and hex magic came up, what about Charms? It's like a hex, in that it's the sort of spell a witch would use, but it's a fluffy, less menacing name, suitable for a magic that, while perhaps based on the same principles as hexes, seems inherently more friendly than shooting giant angry orbs of darkness at people.
Hm, Charms is one possibility, although when I hear 'charms' it does bring to mind more crowd-control related ideas. Another possibility could be Witchery, although that doesn't really solve the issue of not being less menacing than Hexes.
Another option would be "Soul Arts". I just realized this, but, while that term was used in Demon's Souls, I don't think it's ever used in Dark Souls to refer to anything.
I'll think this over, and put it to a vote at some point in the future. Give time to see if anyone has any other ideas.
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I think of Exalted first and foremost when one mentions charms, so unless we pull ideas from Water Caste DBs or something... eh.

Although that wouldn't be the worst idea since Charms really start as martial arts at their most base level. Magical Martial Arts with water-sword explosions and punchsplosions thrown in.

Bit too involved I think, we're already stretching this farther than you thought it'd be going.
Sayaka: :V
I'll be honest, the last thing I expected happening in this quest was Int build Sayaka of all things.
Normally I'd be pushing for physical combat like /pol/ pushes Trump, but there's a few factors in play that makes it different here. Firstly, Sayaka's already got the stats to be dangerous in melee. She needed to work on her tatics and swordsmanship, but buffing stats isn't exactly going to help with that. They should still get some souls spent on them, but they just need to be kept relevant, as apposed to being grown into usefulness.

Second is the promise of Hex magic, and by your word that needs high Int and Faith stats. Since I'm very curious about how you plan to implement it, that bumps up their priority. And is very much helped along by how low those stats are. Like, really Sayaka, 0 in both? And you attunement sucks too, get to fixing them.

Third for me is pyromancy. The only thing cooler then mixing in up in close range with all manner of horrors is mixing in up in close range with all manner of horrors and then setting them on fire.

So in short, Sayaka can already handle early melee combat, has crapy stats for a cool thing you talked about, and there's an opportunity to play with fire. Just makes sense.
i-i'd tiebreak if I had an opinion aaaa
Bit too involved I think, we're already stretching this farther than you thought it'd be going.
The further this gets stretched and still remains reasonably plausible, the better, in my opinion at least. That's the fun with quests compared to simply writing a story: between dice rolls and (sometimes questionable) reader decisions, it's always a surprise to see where things end up going. I originally planned on writing this as a story because I wasn't confident enough in my writing abilities, but I'm happy I ultimately didn't, because...

Normally I'd be pushing for physical combat like /pol/ pushes Trump, but there's a few factors in play that makes it different here. Firstly, Sayaka's already got the stats to be dangerous in melee. She needed to work on her tatics and swordsmanship, but buffing stats isn't exactly going to help with that. They should still get some souls spent on them, but they just need to be kept relevant, as apposed to being grown into usefulness.

Second is the promise of Hex magic, and by your word that needs high Int and Faith stats. Since I'm very curious about how you plan to implement it, that bumps up their priority. And is very much helped along by how low those stats are. Like, really Sayaka, 0 in both? And you attunement sucks too, get to fixing them.

Third for me is pyromancy. The only thing cooler then mixing in up in close range with all manner of horrors is mixing in up in close range with all manner of horrors and then setting them on fire.

So in short, Sayaka can already handle early melee combat, has crapy stats for a cool thing you talked about, and there's an opportunity to play with fire. Just makes sense.
I didn't expect the response for Hexes to be so positive. They're going to implemented, at least with my current plan, as a mixture of the Hex system from Dark Souls 2 along with most Dark Sorceries and Miracles (and probably the Dark Pyromancies too) from DS3 being repurposed to function within the Hex system.

Pyromancy in Dark Souls 3 works as a medium investment with medium reward that can either be use as a supplement for a melee build or as a full on dedicated caster build. It's kind of the in-between of Sorcery builds, which tend to require high investment, and Miracle builds, which are hot garbage feel like they're meant to be used as supplements for a normal melee build rather than being dedicated due to their overall more supportive uses, such as buffing and healing. Hexing goes further and pretty much requires a fully dedicated build, placing it on the opposite end of the spectrum.
From the Dark Souls 2 spell descriptions, it seems like using hexes is basically weaponizing one's understanding of the human condition, which is probably the outcome I'd least expect from an existential crisis.

Also, Sayaka's lack of Intelligence and Faith are mostly because she litererally has no idea what they are more than anything, so don't worry too much about that.
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[X] Take the Right Path
- [X] Find out what that sound is that's coming from the other end of the path. It almost sounds familiar...
Also, Sayaka's lack of Intelligence and Faith are mostly because she litererally has no idea what they are more than anything, so don't worry too much about that.
I'm not in any particular sense. It's not like she's a drooling moron, despite what the fan base thinks. The stats just represent her ability in the relevant area. MG buffs mean her Str, Dex and Vig start relatively high while the other two weren't really a thing under the old magic system she was in. Of course they're 0, we just need to fix that.
Maybe a Soul Gem acts as one of those special Catalysts that let you use a different stat for something? Like how the one from the Aldritch Faithful covenant lets you cast Sorceries with Faith.
High Wall of Lothric 3: Hollows and Wyverns
It's ultimately a hard choice to make, seeing as you've just arrived here and aren't sure of what you really should be doing. Hawkwood seems content to let you decide, so the easy way out does not seem to be available. On one hand, if the right path really is a dead end, it might be smart to clear it out first so you won't have to do so later.

On the other, there's a giant 'Wyvern' corpse sitting right over there that you could go check out. After this brief internal debate, your curiosity wins out. "Let's take the left path first." you say, looking up to Hawkwood's blank gaze.

"So you can look at the Wyvern corpse?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"No!" Hawkwood stares at you flatly. "Well, okay maybe a little."

Hawkwood chortles as he stands back up. "Shall we go then?"

As you get ready to descend the staircase, Hawkwood pulls you aside. "Try and be quiet as we go down," Hawkwood whispers to you before you do, "see if we can get the drop on them." You nod in confirmation, and the two of you head down the stairs.

(Stealth: 5 + 20 = 25)
The moment Hawkwood steps off the staircase, he finds himself right in front of what seems like a patrolman pacing towards him, lantern held in its left hand, with a broken sword in the other. The two stare at each other in a rather awkward moment of surprise, neither seeming to have expected such an outcome, before the hollow seems to realize what's it's actually looking at. It lets out a screech that leaves your ears hurting, as it waves the lantern around in the air. In response, several of the Hollows who had been worshiping the weird trees come charging at you, joining the patrolman. The remaining Hollows simply cower on the ground, whether out of conscious fear or basic response you're not sure.

"Well so much for that idea." Hawkwood says, quickly drawing his sword, as you ready your own.

Combat 1st Round
Hawkwood: 83 + 22 = 105
Sayaka: 63 + 20 = 83
The first Hollow to approach, shrieking as it clumsily charges towards you, is rewarded with Hawkwood's blade slashing across its chest. Before it can react, his blade swings back, tearing out its throat in the process. As the corpse tumbles to the ground, Hawkwood quickly turns, managing to catch the patrolman's swipe with his shield, and knocking it offbalance in the process. He uses the opportunity to thrust his sword into the patrolman's chest.

Not wanting to be outdone, you swipe one of the hollows legs out from under them. As they fall, you notice that while they seem to bleed, their blood seems to darken as it splashes the ground, becoming more black than red. However, while they do fall, they aren't dead just yet, and try to get a hit in with their own weapon: a rusty broken sword. Luckily, you manage to raise your shield in time, the blow bouncing off the hardened leather well enough.

Combat 2nd Round
Hawkwood: 23 + 22 = 45
Sayaka: 93 + 15 = 113
Hawkwood realizes his mistake quickly, but not fast enough. Despite the sword piercing its chest, the patrolman is still alive. Letting out a loud shriek, it has a grip on Hawkwood's sword, preventing him from pulling it back out to deal with the remaining three hollows approaching. All three of them shriek and scream as they attack, unleashing something less resembling an attack than a collective seizure of their flailing limbs and damaged weaponry. While he tries to block as many hits as he can, he's soon knocked over by the practical barrage of aimless swinging, his sword left impaled in the patrolman, who finally collapses to the ground.
20 - 5 = 15 HP

Seeing Hawkwood in trouble, you rush over to help. The first Hollow falls to the ground after you you rake it across the chest. The second crumples over after 3 quick slashes leave it a bloody mess. The final manages to raise its weapon to defend itself, before said weapon hits the ground, along with the arm that held it. You then thrust your sword through its heart, and the Hollow stops its struggling, joining its comrades on the floor.

As the last of the hollows hits the ground, you're already moving to help Hawkwood up. You offer your hand, but he waves it off, instead pushing himself off the ground.

"You alright there?" You ask him as he heaves himself back up.

"Yeah, got a bit ahead of myself there." he replies with a sigh. "I shouldn't have tried anything so fancy, and just played it safe. No reason to waste so much effort on a group of hollows after all."

With the path now clear, the two of you make your way to the other side. There, you find yourself in front of one very big, and very dead lizard with wings, or as it's apparently actually known as, a Wyvern. Its scales are a pale white color, although the skin underneath is a dark reddish brown. While its head lies in front of you, the rest of it rests on a higher level. Grown along its back are a series of sharp white spines that seem to cover the majority of its body, with the ones along the side curving to match the direction they already face. You put your hand to the scales, and are surprised to find that they feel more like rock than anything. As you pull your hand back, you notice that one of the scales feels a bit loose.

You decide to...

[] Take the Wyvern Scale. Who knows, maybe it'll come in handy?
[] Leave the Scale here. It's surprisingly heavy, and you doubt it'd go anywhere if you just left it here.

You turn to find Hawkwood waiting, holding a bag. When he sees you've noticed him, he tosses it to you, which you instinctively catch. You look inside to find an old fashioned pair of binoculars, along with enough space to hold a few things.

"I found that lying around over there," he points to the staircase that leads to the upper level. "Thought you may want it."

"Oh, well thank you." you say. You quickly transfer what you're carrying into the bag, which is much easier to carry around with you.

"So, this is a Wyvern then?" you ask Hawkwood.

"Yes, it's not a true dragon, just a descendant of one. The fact that it's still in such good condition means there may be more around, so be on your guard."

While the idea of fighting a dragon, or whatever, sounds amazing, you're not too sure if the idea will match up with the actual experience. Even then, it's still a bit tempting, you have to admit. You could be like one of the heroes in those old stories. Wouldn't that be something?
You never will.
"Supposedly the Lothric Knights rode on Wyverns and other Drakes as a cavalry force, which allowed them to conquer vast swathes of territory." Hawkwood explains.

"I thought you said you didn't know anything more about this place?" You ask, confused.

"It wasn't really relevent before this."

"Okay," you say, "but how do you even know any of this?"

"I spoke with the Handmaid. She knows a lot more than you'd think, and she's always willing to talk."


"Provided you pay her for her services."

"That sounds more accurate." you say, shivering as you remember the smirk that never seemed to leave her face.

"She's an... interesting woman." Hawkwood says. Judging by the look on his face, he seems to share similar feelings about her.

"Now, where to from here?" Hawkwood asks.

[] Continue down the left path. The path seems to continue from here.

[] Double back and check out the other way, just in case there's something there.
- [] Check out what's down that staircase from earlier.
- [] Check out what the weird noise was.

Current Souls: 210

Current Stats
20/20 HP
10/10 FP
10/2000 Abyssal Corruption

15/20 HP
11/11 FP​

Hawkwood is injured. Do you want to heal him now?

[] Yes
- [] Give him some Estus.
- [] Just heal him yourself.

[] No, wait until later.
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Sorry for being late again, having family back home again makes the time I can dedicate to writing a lot more inconsistent, which is why the the times I've been posting at recently have been kind of back and forth.

Also, three different things to vote on, so try and keep that in mind. Apologies if it's a bit much, I have basically no idea what I'm doing, but that's half the experience, isn't it?
[x] Take the Wyvern Scale. Who knows, maybe it'll come in handy?
[x] Continue down the left path. The path seems to continue from here.

[x] Yes
- [x] Just heal him yourself.
[X] Take the Wyvern Scale. Who knows, maybe it'll come in handy?
[X] Continue down the left path. The path seems to continue from here.

[X] Yes
- [X] Give him some Estus.

Best to get acquainted with this stuff. However, healing him ourself could lead to him noticing our nonstandard magic, which wouldn't be so bad either. Really, the only negative reactions anybody has to dark magic (if dark our magic is) in the shrine is mostly, uh, pity, I think? Which is pretty deserved, considering Irina's reaction to learning it was negative, to say the least, but there weren't any hostilities.
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[X] Take the Wyvern Scale. Who knows, maybe it'll come in handy?
[X]Continue down the left path. The path seems to continue from here.

Unless there's a good reason not to? Or any reason?

[X] Yes
- [X] Just heal him yourself.
[X] Take the Wyvern Scale. Who knows, maybe it'll come in handy?
[X]Continue down the left path. The path seems to continue from here.
[X] Yes
- [X] Just heal him yourself.