Turn 3 Results
-[X]The Discourse of Parties: Political Parties are Fickle…and above all beholden to their own interests. How do they see you? Cost:3 AP. Chance of Success: 70% Success Needed: 3 Reward: How do the Parties see you officially. Roll 1: D100 => 27+10=37 Roll 2: D100 => 42+10=52 Roll 3

100 => 6 +10=16
"Why are they hiding their feelings from me?" You said.
"Well for one thing…you don't talk to them or improve their funding," Saera said.
-[X]Neighbors and Niceties: Oh so you need to see what Neighbors are around you given that you need to know how they see you…and your Rhetoric. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Neighbors…they exist and must be something to manage in terms of relations…something about fences. Rolled: D100 => 12+10=22
"Saera…why is no one picking up my calls?" You asked not knowing why anyone wasn't responding to you.
"Because they are busy with their own affairs." She said.
-[X]GIVE WAR A CHANCE Part 1: YOU LIKE WAR, And you will have a War and DO IT…alas, you need a reason to go to war with someone…so…work on making an excuse.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Find an Excuse to Go to War, any excuse with anyone good. Rolled: D100 => 63+10=73
Ahh, what War can we go into…
"There is a Sector Coup of an Imperial Bishop…and a Trade Merchant." the general said.
"A Terror group is springing up in the Moons of Rylon." He continued.
"And a Civil War on Testlan." He finishes.
Reward: Options available! YES!!
-[X]Read about Military Conquests: What is the Wisdom of the Past? .Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Read of Military Glory. Rolled: D100 => 75+10=85
Ahh, the Tess Offensive. Named after your ancestor and her War with the Five Slaver Kings of The Perseus Arm.
It was an example of Lightning war, One Planet every 4 Months, out of a sector of 15 worlds.
One of your favorites.
Reward: Learn of One of the Slaver Wars, +1 Martial.
-[X]Equipment and you: Need to see what the Kit of the Average Soldier is? Well we got it covered here. .Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: What is the Soldier equipped with. Rolled

100 => 54+10=64
Ahh, the Marisha Arms MAS68, 60 rounds of 7.62Assault Caliber weapons, it was easy to make, easy to use and above all, easy on the Logistics of the Hegemony.
It wasn't fancy like a Laser Rifle.
Or as powerful as a Gauss Rifle...but it worked and forged an empire.
So why should we change it? Until we find anything better it will do.
Reward: You learned your BIG main infantry weapon.
-[X]Renew Trade Compacts:Lets not anger the Neighbors by ruining trade rights…you like money, it pays for war. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Meet Merchant Prince and sign a trade deal. Rolled: D100 => 78
Ah the Islamic Sector of Osman Prime agreed to renew things.
Good, you always liked them.
Reward: +1 Free AP.
-[X]Reform the Secret Police: Its poor form and hasn't been activated since its disbanding 400 years ago…but in these times…you need something Loyal to the State…and to you especially.Cost: 3 AP. Chance of Success: 40% Success Needed: 3 Reward: Reform your Nations Internal Security Bureau. Roll 1: D100 => 49 Roll 2: D100 => 30 Roll 3: D100 => 64 (AUTO SUCESS USED)
It was almost ready… all you had to do was recruit people that weren't clones.
Oh wait...you DID have it ready...thanks Clones of your Diplomat.
Reward: 3/3 Successes achieved. Rumor Mill is now Avalible. New Actions avalible.
-[X]Spy on the Military Union Party: You like the army, but you don't TRUST them…this is politics after all. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Spy on the Military Party. Rolled: D100 => 82
So they wanted a Project made.
Operation Fell Handed?
Seems enough of a thing to keep an eye on.
Success: Reward: Learn of Military Project Fell Handed: An Infantry Power-Shortsword made for close combat.
-[X]Read an E-Book: You know what…let's read a book.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Read a Book. Rolled: D100 => 3
Yes…you should have read more…but the new Domos Magazine came out and the Pin up was so nice.
-[X]Give a Lecture on Diplomacy: "Alright…first rule of Diplomacy…Read the damned Room."Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Give Lectures to Students and try not to yell at them. Rolled: D100 => 92
"Alright first rule of Diplomacy…Read the room and have a firm handshake." You said.
"Is that it?" A student said.
"Hey who's the National Leader here…I have actual experience."
Reward: +2 Diplomacy stat.
-[X]Meet the Executive of the Primarch: He looks at you with a close look. "Mutant…Female…Fertile…and willing to listen. Good." Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Get Looked at by Scientists while meeting the Executive. Rolled: D100 => 98 Crit: D100 => 3=101
You looked at the executive and sighed. "I'm paying for my behavior…"
"That you are…but don't worry it's your first pregnancy, so it's free for first-time mothers, we will monitor its development and warn you of any mutations that will be harmful." He said.
"Wow…your just like a Doctor…" You said. "I thought you were all mad?"
"We are people first Miss Ellera…even if our ambitions are great." He said.
Reward: They like you well enough, and enjoy your company.
-[X]Play with your Synth Suit: It's just SITTING IN YOUR ROOM! What can it DO! Cost: 1 AP Chance of Success: 90% Successes Needed: 1 Reward: Stress Relief and Fun. Rolled:
D100 => 91+10=101 Crit: D100 => 88
"BEST DECISION EVER!" You shouted.
"So…is she doing her ass or her pussy with the suit?" Carlo the guard said to his partner Erik.
"What kind of fucking question is that??" He said.
"Well for one thing I've got 20 credits on it…guys are wondering if she'd use it on another man or herself first?" Carlo said.
"She's our boss?! That's kind of an insult!" Erik said.
"Yes and halfway to a whore if not for her military training and discipline," Carlo said.
"So…from what you can peek, ass or pussy?" He said.
"Can't tell there's a damn slight of clothing in the way, and it's very unprofessional!" Carlo said.
"By god, you're going to get us fired if you don't shut up." He said.
"So you good on the bet?" Carlo said.
"Alright, I'm game?" He said.
An hour later…
(Ellera POV)
You walked out of your room in a bathrobe with a satisfied smile. "Ahh…so satisfying…and you'd both be wrong…I did both at the same time. Turns out it has tentacles."
Carlos and Erik look at each other and then at you with a very concerned look on their face.
"I did not need to know that," Carlos said.
Reward: Overlook has a +10 bonus next turn. As you no longer feel stressed or tired.
-[X]Go on a Romp: Just put on a Nice Dress, some make-up and go try to make some friends at the bar or wherever people your age go to have fun these days, why can't people make friends in the Barracks…like normal. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Go out for a night on the town. Rolled: D100 + 10 => 96 Crit: D100 => 100 Crit 2: D100 => 80
Total: 276 (Complete Wild Night of Debauchery, Pregnancy Rolls start)
Pregnancy Roll: D100 + 55 => 118-15 (Danger sense)=108
Do you Know the Father?: D100 +30 => 121
The +30 is +15 Danger sense and +15 (War Friends)
You didn't expect to see an old friend…you also didn't expect him and you to hit off so well.
Oh…Eight years was a long time to forget…can't believe it took less than an hour to go right back to how it felt before he left.
You tried to cover yourself with his jacket as you woke up.
"Morning?" He said.
"Nearly a decade away and it takes you less than a night to make me fall in love with you." You said.
"Well, I have been known to be good at reminding people about why they did it." He said.
"I know…" You kissed him. "I don't want to get up Adam I want to stay like this forever."
"We both know that's not possible…even now." He said.
"Stay a little longer." You said.
(Continued in Promises Made, Kept, and Formed.)
Disaster Roll: D100 => 10
Adam even left you an old Map to use on a Tech Expedition.
Reward: Tech Expedition Roll for Navigation Has a +20 for its Phase.
AN: I called the Vote Early because I wanted to catch up on Sleep before going to work.
Thank you
@Anon500 for the Help editing.