Between the Darkstars (NO SV, TRY AND CONQUER THE GALAXY!)

...How feasible would having something like the Yoju Senki magic be in this setting? And is there any possibility of tech existing to enhance certain conditions, like that settings computation orbs that allow the user to offload computations onto it?
Honestly considering possibly making an expy of a certian major.
I also do not like Math, yet tech requires it.
...Yeah. Math is needed for everything. Though few things directly require the application of so much math to use properly...
The Yoju Senki stuff has math's as directly proportional to one's capabilities, and only really manage relevance due to computers designed specifically to handle part of the math part. Which...
Well is the closest thing to a weakness the swiss army knife that math power has, which also happens to be generally not that exceptional if compared to equivalent tech level stuff.😅

I guess something more relevant, might be well... What are some of the more common mutant powers in the setting?
Nova by General_Hatvenom

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Diary Input Slot 1 Voice Log 1: < Starting Diary Input Slot 1> "No change it to Space Journal or Voice Log, for all that is good don't call it a Diary" <Changing Diary Input slots to Voice Logs> " Thank you, ahem, starting voice Log, so I graduated from the Musk School of Research and Technology today with honors and was gifted a small Star Treader and this P.A.D. for my accomplishment by my Mr. Montgomery. I am told I am expected to do great things and go out there and explore, I expect its really to get rid of me. Mom was able to convince Mr. Montgomery to pay for my education before he had her executed but I'm sure he's grown tired of my presence by now, bastard and all, *mumbling is heard* not my fault Dad was the "Bigger" Brother. At least he let me keep the name. Anyway starting tomorrow I head off to Orion Station to hopefully join a Tech Expedition. Should take me about a week to get there, organize my papers and get settled. Wish me Luck!"

<Voice Log 2> "Damn it! Missed it by a Day. Found a nice Binary Cult Priest, let me trade my ship for guaranteed tickets on the next expedition, I might even get a prime spot" <Incoming message from Montgomery Moving Fortresses LTD-President's Office> "Really, now? Okay play message" Hello you piece of shit, by now you are far away, and my man has gotten the ship back, you are now too far away and out of my sight. I'd have rather spaced you with your whore of a mother had my brother not stepped down in exchange for your life. Stay gone and away from this family and we won't have any issues. <END Message> "Fuck you to Kyle. Uggh, new that deal was too good. Gotta find a new ride and a job. Damnit. Time to put that education to use!"

<Voice log 5> "Been working on this station about a month now, got a job working in maintenance on the gravity wells and statis fields. Mr. Montgo… Kyle's money well spent on that education. I've been a bit bored with the work but can't be assed to try for anything else really, kind of want to do more, but not put forth the effort you know? Anyhow, there's been word the tech expedition got struck by a massive solar flare burst and everyone died so I guess good luck huh? That's about it for this log, maybe something interesting will happen soon.

<Voice Log 27> "Damn those slavers, they killed Kenny. We managed to push them off the station but the orbital stabilizers a bust and the wars picking up so were unlikely to get any parts or replacements so their scuttling the station. Good news there's a mercenary crew hiring folks and giving them ships, just 15 years of service and its yours! Can't wait to get my new ship"

<Voice Log 29> "Remember those promised ships? Well their flyable, but their basically engines with guns and not much else, barely enough Armor for FTL travel. At least their fast"

<Voice Log 239> "We found the fuckers. The bastards who sacked Coriline 9 and took the Royal Princess. Looking forward to getting that pay day, be sure to send a portion to dear old Uncle for his 60 birthday. Coming up on my 15 years anniversary soon, looking forward to getting out of here.

<Voice Log 240) "Tomorrow we attack. There was an issue when their fleet started flying into the remnants of a recent supernova, no one's sure the name of the old star but were almost certain they know we are tracking them and led us here to confuse our sensors with the gravity fluctuations. The sensors say its only like 5% chance we are flying into a potential black hole and I feel we got some good luck coming our way!"
Something Else... But I'd wait for me to post the next parts
I would also say, maybe explain to the QM the idea behind the scenes in a privative conversation. It tends to help get the idea across. Also if this is Black Hole Cultist. I HAVE IDEAS mainly from mine. Which is not the main cult, but well Shepard is werid. Which is something we can talk about.