Between the Darkstars (NO SV, TRY AND CONQUER THE GALAXY!)

I know i just had to we have bastard siblings
Let me roll for that.

D100 => 70 #Bastard Siblings

D100 => 89 #Bastard Siblings

D100 => 80 #Bastard Siblings

You have Three Bastard siblings.

One from an affair your Mother Had, and Two from your father.

All in a reasonable High Society Lifestyles. One of them is an apprentice Consort.

Another's an Officer in the Military Police and the other is an accontant.
Also here is the vote tally for those interested,
Adhoc vote count started by Cyberphilosipher on Mar 20, 2022 at 2:45 PM, finished with 35 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] The Medical Scan Pod
    [X]A Deep Core Premium Ultra Lux Tech Synth Suit!
    [X]The Medical Scan Pod: Having a Personal Medical Pod is useful especially if you put it in your own private ship, saves on traveling with a Medical Ship specialization. Plus its free!! But you could give it to the hospital for brownie points. Decisions Decisions.
    [X] A Deep Core Premium Ultra Lux Tech Synth Suit!:Now this…This was luxury incarnate. An Ultra Lux Synth Suit from the Deep Core, these were only known to be used by grandmaster cortisan's and their apprentices in the Pleasure Houses of the Desmos Confederacy! You WANTED ONE SO BADLY when you were a teenager. You lost your virginity to an apprentice who wore one; it was mindblowing…literally, your psionics danced.

I think I'll go for the fun option here:

[X]A Deep Core Premium Ultra Lux Tech Synth Suit!

Uh, perhaps in exchange for the medical pod, the hospital won't ask questions when you bring unconscious boy toys around though. You swear you'll get better at this. No, there is absolutely no pattern here!
Uh, perhaps in exchange for the medical pod, the hospital won't ask questions when you bring unconscious boy toys around though. You swear you'll get better at this. No, there is absolutely no pattern here!

Most Hospitals have a ward devoted to things like that that's why STD's aren't as much a problem as they are today.

There is an entire nation of Diplomate Assasin's that also work as Consorts as a side gig.
I think I'll go for the fun option here:
Fun is always encouraged.

any questions?
Turn 2
Turn 2

"I need to Reprioritize our working relationship with the High Patriarch and the Pope when I get the chance." You said out loud.

Ace nodded. "Well at least you have us."

"Thats the problem I can't afford to keep you away from your duty stations. I can only hire one." You said.

"Well that's a damned shame…we'll be fine with whatever you choose boss, just know if you ever need us we'll be there. " He said

Now onto the next order of business.

"Back to the Tale of Statecraft." You said.

"Yes…about that…hunt and kill order…" He said.

"What is it?" You said.

"The Impirial Cult wishes for…a personal touch in these lands." He said.

"I'm not having an inquisitor and its cadre muck about in my Nation…they may observe only." You said.

"At your command, Director-General." He said.

You have 10 Free AP

(You have 1 Diplomacy AP)

[]Finding a Diplomat:You need a more Charismatic sort to see you through the dark time.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: Reward:You someone who can communicate without sounding like a Warmonger.

[]Governmental Relations and You: How does your government actually see you? You know the Army Likes you, you were one of them? But how do the Rest see you? Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 75% Success Needed: 1 Reward: See how the Government see's you.

[]The Discourse of Parties: Political Parties are Fickle…and above all beholden to their own interests. How do they see you? Cost:3 AP. Chance of Success: 70% Success Needed: 3 Reward: How do the Parties see you officially.

[]Neighbors and Niceties: Oh so you need to see what Neighbors are around you given that you need to know how they see you…and your Rhetoric . Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Neighbors…they exist and must be something to manage in terms of relations…something about fences.

Military: In the Wise Words of General Issac "GIVE WAR A CHANCE!"
(You Have 2 Military AP)

[]The Army Experience: Ahh the Groundpounders, the men and women that actually make you smile…let's see how they work now that you are now their boss.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Give the Army a much needed Review just in case.

[]Training Never ends!: You must continue to TRAIN! What happened was disgraceful!Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: TRAINING!

[]A Chief of Staff:You need an officer of skill, and reputation to keep the Joint Chiefs in line while you keep things running smoothly.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Hire a General who know's what he's doing.

[]GIVE WAR A CHANCE Part 1: YOU LIKE WAR, And you will have a War and DO IT…alas, you need a reason to go to war with someone…so…work on making an excuse.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Find an Excuse to Go to War, any excuse with anyone good.

Stewardship: The Economy can't Run itself, well it can…but that's a bad idea to let it.
(You have 1 Economy AP)

[]Anti-Corruption League: Corruption is an ever present danger…TIME TO PURGE!! Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Find any corrupt Party Member and PURGE them and take their stuff.

[]Renew Trade Compacts:Lets not anger the Neighbors by ruining trade rights…you like money, it pays for war. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Meet Merchent Prince and sign a trade deal.

[]Go Shopping: Shopping!! You hope you have enough to find that thing you are looking for. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Go Shopping for what you are looking for.

Intrigue : Ahh the Intelligence Unit…how many Governors did you get rid of and replace this year? Six..those are rookie numbers, but that's good, right?
(You have 1 Intel AP)

[]Reform the Secret Police: Its poor form and hasn't been activated since its disbanding 400 years ago…but in these times…you need something Loyal to the State…and to you especially.Cost: 3 AP. Chance of Success: 40% Success Needed: 3 Reward: Reform your Nations Internal Security Bureu.

[]Spies in the Room, Spies in the Government: You know you have a…controversial reputation, and many will look for ways to exploit it. Let's not let them. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Now that you have made progress in statecraft, Try again.

[]Hunt for Terrorists: You are going to HUNT AND DESTROY THESE THINGS!! Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Kill Space Cutlets with freinds.

[]Appoint a Spymaster: You need someone loyal to the state…and above all competent. Finding such a being is a rare find. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Hire someone with a camera and a strong mind.

[]Spy on the Military Union Party: You like the army, but you don't TRUST them…this is politics after all. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Spy on the Military Party.

[]Spy on the Social Stability Federation:They have noble ideals…but who must pay for this, the Taxpayer can't afford to keep paying for their programs long term. Quality of life improvement is good, but unsustainable. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Spy on the Social Services Party.

[]Spy on the Technocrats: You know they are stealing Tech from the Labs for Profit, time to see if it's true.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Spy on the Technocrats Party.

Learning: RnD is a Thing…it exists primarily to find old shit and make it new.
(You have 1 Learning AP)

[-]Plan a Tech Expedition: You can't go exploring the Deep yet…got government business to deal with.

[]Find a Minister of Science: You need someone who knows Tech and Learning to see you through this dark age of your own intelligence.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Hire a Scientist .

[]Go to a Tech Exchange: You think that you can find a good deal with the Tech Scavengers, that is if they are willing to sell. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Meet some Tech Scavangers to Trade…and see if you get anything.

[]Read an E-Book: You know what…let's read a book.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Read a Book.

[]Give a Lecture on Diplomacy: "Alright…first rule of Diplomacy…Read the damned Room."Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Give Lectures to Students and try not to yell at them.

[]Get Mutation Scan: You know it's only a Formality, but how deep does the Mutation go? Even if you can't know everything yet, a good idea is something to control.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Check on Mutation.

Piety: Religion is a Terrible institution, but we must suffer it together.
(You have 1 Piety AP)

[]Meet the Imperial Bishop: The Imperial Bishop is the One who runs the Sector's Church, and one of the more powerful men in the Sector. Better suffer his rambling. Cost:1 AP. Chance of
Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Meet the Space Pope's Puppet in the Region.

[]Meet the Inquisitor: Alright… let's meet this madman.And see if he's useful. Or a Problem. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 65% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Meet the Space Pope's Attack Dogs.

[]Meet the Executive of the Primarch:He looks at you with a close look. "Mutant…Female…Fertile…and willing to listen. Good." Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Get Looked at by Scientists while meeting the Executive.

[]Go to the Event Horizon Meeting: GAZE INTO THE ABYSS AND SEE ALL THAT CAN BE SEEN! Safe…Enlightenment is a road without safety! NOW If you want to make friends, find some beer and gaze.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 75% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Find the Meeting Spot the Pamplet mentioned.

[]Annoy the Communists: Wow…you guys are still trying to organize things…it's been a long time just stay local and wait and hope. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 65% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Just watch them…its funny.

[]Read about Another Religion: Must be something worth your time in these pamphlets? Better be better alternatives.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: What else is there?

Personal Actions: Ahh Free Time…what to do with it?
(You have 1 Personal AP)

[]Hire a Bodyguard: You know what, you need one lets go on and Do it. Cost: 1 AP Chance of Sucess: 90% Successes Needed: 1 Reward: Hire A Bodyguard.

[]Oversee Action: Yeah your going to need to Oversee matters personally. Cost: 1 AP Chance of Sucess: 100%
-[]Line Tail Actions you want to Oversee.

[]Play with your Synth Suit: Its just SITTING IN YOUR ROOM! What can it DO! Cost: 1 AP Chance of Sucess: 90% Successes Needed: 1 Reward: Stress Relief and Fun.

[]Get a Massage: You're tired and need a Spa day with men or women with soft hands…and skilled hands to deal with all your stress.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Go…Relax…and try to forget.

[]Practice with Mutation: It's more then playing with a Ball or making things float? Figuring yourself out takes time and effort.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Practice makes perfect.

[]Go on a Romp: Just put on a Nice Dress, some make up and go try to make some friends at the bar or wherever people your age go to have fun these days, why can't people make friends in the Barracks…like normal. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Go out for a night on the Town.

[]GO ON A FUN ROMP: No…you want to engage in more…Carnal desires…find something SEXY from your Closet and go have some fun, Mutant Parlor tricks pick up anyone who's interested.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Go out and have FUN!!

AN: Plan FOrmat Enjoy, and have fun.
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[X]Plan Securing the Nation

-[X]Finding a Diplomat:You need a more Charismatic sort to see you through the dark time.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: Reward:You someone who can communicate without sounding like a Warmonger.
--[X]Apply 1 Diplomacy AP
--[X]Apply 1 Free AP

-[X]Governmental Relations and You: How does your government actually see you? You know the Army Likes you, you were one of them? But how do the Rest see you? Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 75% Success Needed: 1 Reward: See how the Government see's you.
--[X]Apply 1 Free AP

-[X]The Army Experience: Ahh the Groundpounders, the men and women that actually make you smile…let's see how they work now that you are now their boss.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Give the Army a much needed Review just in case.
--[X]Apply 1 Military AP

-[X]Training Never ends!: You must continue to TRAIN! What happened was disgraceful!Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: TRAINING!
--[X]Apply 1 Military AP

-[X]A Chief of Staff:You need an officer of skill, and reputation to keep the Joint Chiefs in line while you keep things running smoothly.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Hire a General who know's what he's doing.
--[X]Apply 1 Free AP

-[X]Anti-Corruption League: Corruption is an ever present danger…TIME TO PURGE!! Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Find any corrupt Party Member and PURGE them and take their stuff.
--[X]Apply 1 Economy AP
--[X]Apply 2 Free AP

-[X]Hunt for Terrorists: You are going to HUNT AND DESTROY THESE THINGS!! Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Kill Space Cutlets with freinds.
--[X]Apply 1 Intel AP
--[X]Apply 1 Free AP

-[X]Reform the Secret Police: Its poor form and hasn't been activated since its disbanding 400 years ago…but in these times…you need something Loyal to the State…and to you especially.Cost: 3 AP. Chance of Success: 40% Success Needed: 3 Reward: Reform your Nations Internal Security Bureu.
--[X]Apply 4 Free AP

-[X]Find a Minister of Science: You need someone who knows Tech and Learning to see you through this dark age of your own intelligence.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Hire a Scientist .
--[X]Apply 1 Learning AP

-[X]Meet the Imperial Bishop: The Imperial Bishop is the One who runs the Sector's Church, and one of the more powerful men in the Sector. Better suffer his rambling. Cost:1 AP. Chance of
Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Meet the Space Pope's Puppet in the Region.
--[X]Apply 1 Piety AP

-[X]Practice with Mutation: It's more then playing with a Ball or making things float? Figuring yourself out takes time and effort.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Practice makes perfect.
--[X]Apply 1 Personal AP
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[X] Plan: The Best of the Best

-[X]Finding a Diplomat: You need a more Charismatic sort to see you through the dark time.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: Reward: You someone who can communicate without sounding like a Warmonger.
1 Diplomacy AP
2 Free AP

-[X]Governmental Relations and You: How does your government actually see you? You know the Army Likes you, you were one of them? But how do the Rest see you? Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 75% Success Needed: 1 Reward: See how the Government see's you.
1 Free AP

-[X]The Army Experience: Ahh the Groundpounders, the men and women that actually make you smile…let's see how they work now that you are now their boss.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Give the Army a much needed Review just in case.
1 Free AP

-[X]A Chief of Staff: You need an officer of skill, and reputation to keep the Joint Chiefs in line while you keep things running smoothly.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Hire a General who knows what he's doing.
2 Military AP
1 Free AP

-[X]Renew Trade Compacts: Let's not anger the Neighbors by ruining trade rights…you like money, it pays for war. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Meet Merchant Prince and sign a trade deal.
1 Economy AP
1 Free AP

-[X]Appoint a Spymaster: You need someone loyal to the state…and above all competent. Finding such a being is a rare find. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Hire someone with a camera and a strong mind.
1 Intel AP
2 Free AP

-[X]Find a Minister of Science: You need someone who knows Tech and Learning to see you through this dark age of your own intelligence.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Hire a Scientist .
1 Learning AP
2 Free AP

-[X]Go to the Event Horizon Meeting: GAZE INTO THE ABYSS AND SEE ALL THAT CAN BE SEEN! Safe…Enlightenment is a road without safety! NOW If you want to make friends, find some beer and gaze.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 75% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Find the Meeting Spot the Pamphlet mentioned.
1 Piety AP

-[X]Hire a Bodyguard: You know what, you need one lets go on and Do it. Cost: 1 AP Chance of Sucess: 90% Successes Needed: 1 Reward: Hire A Bodyguard.
1 Personal AP
[X]Plan Securing the Nation

Edit: Why are we using our piety AP for an Event Horizon meeting when there's an Extremist Imperial Cult running around? Shouldn't we try and talk to either the Bishop or the Inquisitor?
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