Between the Darkstars (NO SV, TRY AND CONQUER THE GALAXY!)

We just got punished for not investigating the outer rim situation. But there is now no investigate option in our options.
Miners plan
you have 2 Diplomacy AP)

[X]Inspire the Population: The People need a Flash of Inspiration to work harder. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Inspire the Population

[X] Assemble a conference: see a shit storm when you see one, the Caliphate is falling apart...again, you know how the cycle goes...they get weak and then go on a Jihad to make up for their weakness. Not this time... you're going to call a conference and divide it up between interested parties. Maybe that will stop a war. Cost: 1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Carve another nation apart with your friends in power.

Military: In the Wise Words of General Issac "GIVE WAR A CHANCE!"
(You Have 3 Military AP)

[X]Training Never ends!: You must continue to TRAIN! What happened was disgraceful!Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: TRAINING!

[X]Equipment and you: Need to see what the Kit of the Average Soldier is? Well we got it covered here. .Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: What is the Soldier equipped with.

[X] THE BFG: You have the schematics for a Hydra Class GAUSS/PLASMA Hybrid Cannon. Its time to invest some time and money into making a factory and starting production...Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed:??? Reward: Study the BFG, and see if more practical work can be made.

Stewardship: The Economy can't Run itself, well it can…but that's a bad idea to let it.
(You have 1 Economy AP)

[X]Renew Trade Compacts:Lets not anger the Neighbors by ruining trade rights…you like money, it pays for war. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Meet Merchant Prince and sign a trade deal.

Intrigue: Ahh the Intelligence Unit…how many Governors did you get rid of and replace this year? Six..those are rookie numbers, but that's good, right?
(You have 3 Intel AP)

[X]Reform the Sun Guard: Ah the Sun Guard...the first and last line of defense of the Director-General, shame that they had to be disbanded 80 years ago when they tried to overthrow your Great Grandfather for your great-granduncle, you've done fine without them...but better safe than sorry.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Reform your personal guard unit.

[X]Hunt for Terrorists: You are going to HUNT AND DESTROY THESE THINGS!! Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Kill Space Cutlets with friends.

[X]Investigate Smugglers Ports: You want to know what they salvaged...because that is a problem...that needs to be solved.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Look into the smugglers ports.

Learning: RnD is a Thing…it exists primarily to find old shit and make it new.
(You have 2 Learning AP)

[X]Go on a Podcast: You are going to go to one of your friends podcasts...relax a little. Cost: 1 AP. Reward: Relax on a podcast and learn a little.

[X]Read an E-Book: You know what…let's read a book.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Read a Book.

Piety: Religion is a Terrible institution, but we must suffer it together.
(You have 1 Piety AP)

[X]Baptize Eve: While you despise the Pomp…you need it done. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Get Eve baptized.

Personal Actions: Ahh Free Time…what to do with it?
(You have 2 Personal AP)

[X]Get a Massage: You're tired and need a Spa day with men or women with soft hands…and skilled hands to deal with all your stress.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Go…Relax…and try to forget.

[X]Practice with Mutation: It's more then playing with a Ball or making things float? Figuring yourself out takes time and effort.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Practice makes perfect.
[]Preliminary prep plan
-[]Inspire the Population: The People need a Flash of Inspiration to work harder. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Inspire the Population
-[]An Invitation to the Domos Kind: The Domos Order is inviting you to their homeworld to oversee certain trade deals and disputes as well as allow you to relax? Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Visit the Domos guild and try ton not get seduced.
-[] Assemble a conference: see a shit storm when you see one, the Caliphate is falling apart...again, you know how the cycle goes...they get weak and then go on a Jihad to make up for their weakness. Not this time... you're going to call a conference and divide it up between interested parties. Maybe that will stop a war. Cost: 1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Carve another nation apart with your friends in power.
-[] Talk to the Delphi League: Make sure they aren't planning anything against you. You may have to sacrifice something, but it might be worth it if you can get ahold of whatever their secret weapon is. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 60% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Talk to the League about trade and such.
-[]Training Never ends!: You must continue to TRAIN! What happened was disgraceful!Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: TRAINING!
-[]Read about Military Conquests: What are the Wisdom of the Past? .Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Read of Military Glory.
-[]Equipment and you: Need to see what the Kit of the Average Soldier is? Well we got it covered here. .Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: What is the Soldier equipped with.
-[] THE BFG: You have the schematics for a Hydra Class GAUSS/PLASMA Hybrid Cannon. Its time to invest some time and money into making a factory and starting production...Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed:??? Reward: Study the BFG, and see if more practical work can be made.
-[]Renew Trade Compacts:Lets not anger the Neighbors by ruining trade rights…you like money, it pays for war. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Meet Merchant Prince and sign a trade deal.
-[]Invest in Space Assets: You need more work in the Spaceborn assets, send them some money to do it.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Invest in assets.
-[]Reform the Sun Guard: Ah the Sun Guard...the first and last line of defense of the Director-General, shame that they had to be disbanded 80 years ago when they tried to overthrow your Great Grandfather for your great-granduncle, you've done fine without them...but better safe than sorry.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Reform your personal guard unit.
-[]Hunt for Terrorists: You are going to HUNT AND DESTROY THESE THINGS!! Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Kill Space Cutlets with friends.
-[]Investigate Smugglers Ports: You want to know what they salvaged...because that is a problem...that needs to be solved.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Look into the smugglers ports.
-[]Plan a Tech Expedition: Finally Now that you have a suitable Council, you can now leave one of them in charge to rule while you go off and look for Tech. Cost: 1 AP. Reward: Beguin Tech Expedition.
-[]Go on a Podcast: You are going to go to one of your friends podcasts...relax a little. Cost: 1 AP. Reward: Relax on a podcast and learn a little.
-[]Read an E-Book: You know what…let's read a book.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Read a Book.
-[]Meet the Imperial Bishop: The Imperial Bishop is the One who runs the Sector's Church, and one of the more powerful men in the Sector. Better suffer his rambling. Cost:1 AP. Chance of
Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Meet the Space Pope's Puppet in the Region.
-[]Meet the Inquisitor: Alright… let's meet this madman.And see if he's useful. Or a Problem. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 65% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Meet the Space Pope's Attack Dogs.
-[]Baptize Eve: While you despise the Pomp…you need it done. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Get Eve baptized.
-[]Get a Massage: You're tired and need a Spa day with men or women with soft hands…and skilled hands to deal with all your stress.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Go…Relax…and try to forget.
-[]Practice with Mutation: It's more then playing with a Ball or making things float? Figuring yourself out takes time and effort.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Practice makes perfect.

Using some free AP in diplo and piety to get more done, and in general aiming for getting info and improving our nation and ourselves. Though there are about 3 AP not used that can be shifted to improve an action's odds, or to add a few more.
Edit: Though, not voting for it yet as it is more of a baseline, especially since it isn't using all AP yet.
[]The Testlan Civil War (A Sun, A-Tech and a Sheep: Better finally get the support to someone a Tech preist, a Sun worshiper or a cloner...all are options, but you can only choose one. Cost: 1 Chance of Sucess 100% Reward: Work the Civil War to an end of your chosing.
-[]Line Tail the choice.
What's the full story here again?
[X] At Last, A Plan
-[X]A Matter of Marriage
2 Diplomacy AP
-[X]An Invitation to the Domos Kind
2 Free AP
-[X] Assemble a conference
2 Free AP
-[X] Talk to the Delphi League
1 Free AP
2 Military AP
-[X] Take a side
1 Military AP
-[X]The Testlan Civil War (A Sun, A-Tech and a Sheep
--[X] Tech Priests
1 Free AP
-[X]Renew Trade Compacts
1 Economy AP
[X]Invest in Space Assets
1 Free AP
-[X]Reform the Sun Guard
2 Intel AP
-[X]Hunt for Terrorists
1 Intel AP, 1 Free AP
-[X]Plan a Tech Expedition
1 Learning AP
-[X]Go on a Podcast
1 Learning AP
-[X]Meet the Imperial Bishop
1 Piety AP, 1 Free AP
-[X]Baptize Eve
1 Free AP
-[X]Oversee Action
--[X]Take a side
1 Personal AP
-[X]Talk to one of your Councilors
1 Personal AP
Meanwhile in the Future: A Day in the Life
Meanwhile in the Future: A Day in the Life

(Eve POV)

You looked at the alarm clock and sighed before shattering the thing to a thousand pieces.

You yawned and sighed looking at the window trying to gauge how much time you had left before your guards came to drag you out of bed to breakfast.

Afterall, they were paid to look after you.

"I'm up…what is it with you guys coming into my room every other day?" You complained.

"Can you put something ON!" one of your guards yelled.

Oh you fell asleep nude again…and that would be-

*Thunk* "OW!!"

Alright time to see what happened? Your room was built for someone who's maximum height was around 6'10, as this was the room of your…ancestor Cyrus Sigmanson, the third tallest of the Director Generals to grace the stars and Sigman's Glory.

You were currently 8'5 at 16 years old and were likely going to get taller as your large and rather massive growth spurts get more and more frequent. Then again you'd know based on how hungry you get, you eat alot after all.

Hell last night you ate three whole chickens, a massive bowl of pasta with meat sauce and a whole Ham after cooking it with a flamethrower.

"Hit your head again?" He said, and at 6'2, your guards were laughably tiny compared to you.

But they could shoot and keep you from the worse of the assassins, so… they worked.

"I hate being huge." You said trying to squat down to avoid bumping your head again. "I look freakish and everyone thinks I'm going to crush them."

"That is a realistic hazard…but you arn't that dangerous." He said.

"I weigh 240 pounds despite looking like a slightly bigger bodybuilder." You complained.

"Have you tried calming down?" He said.

Oh, that Trick…it was one of the earliest forms of mutation control you learned growing up, to manage and maintain a form of social decorum and keep your mutation from becoming a disability.





Now you looked around and saw that no longer were you a full giantess freak of nature, but an unnaturally tall, extremely fit and well-muscled young woman of 6'3. Not normal by any means, but humanly possible.

"Is mom going to yell at me for being late again?" You asked.

"She made an extra big breakfast for you." He said.

"YAY Breakfeast!" You hopped slightly out of the room, before turning around to get dressed.

You always forget that sometime.


You looked at mom, still dignified and filled with vigor as you walked in and ate a bagel.

"Morning mom…how goes dealing with politics?" You said, rolling your eyes.

"I finally got the Khan to a meeting and got enough money to pay off some debts…so things are going great," she said, enjoying a hot chocolate.

"Well, I banged my head on the ceiling again. And I was bored and stayed up late working out Black Hole Avoiding trade routes." You said before looking at the pile of food you were making and planning to eat.

"Oh that will make the trade guilds happy, the pay for the commission will pay for any damages in the walls you make thinking about that cute boy Aurelian." She said.

"MOM!!" You shouted shooting up and realizing you lost control and added 3 inches to your height. "I don't need you falling on bad habits and micromanaging my love life, or worse…actually lusting after people nearly 20 years younger than you."

"I wasn't saying that at all." She said. "I'm just hoping we can have a mother-daughter, and some friends day."

"Yeah…like you did when you shoved me in a drop pod and went to go murder that pirate." You complained.

"It got the blood pumping and you had fun…don't deny it… while High on battle the first kill is always the strongest in terms of psychological effects and..well for a woman-" She said.

"Mom are we really going to have you grill me if I had a sexual bloodlust awakening its not like that, your psychic." You said. "You felt the life drain from the man's eyes."

"I don't need to be psychic to know you felt something from the mission." She said.

"I'm not you…I don't take pleasure in murder!" You said.

"So why did your hormones flare heavily when you came back and downloaded several coliseum death matches." She said.

You were quiet for a moment "Would you rather I download porn?!"

"It wouldn't surprise me if you did… I still haven't given you MY Stash." She stopped.

"You have a stash of porn?" You said.

"The Family stash, its been in the family since 2170…fully digitized and idiot proof?" She said.

"How did we go from a day trip plan to this?" You said.

"I've been trying to get us to spend time together and if it means messing with you to get a conversation so be it?" She said.

"You embarrassed me…thats what your doing?" You said.

"Well your grandparents never embarrassed me on account of being dead, I'm pulling weight for them too." She said.

"How many men did you actually fuck before reality punched you and made you have me?" You said.

"4,568. Not counting orgy's and My Domos sex education." She said.

"Your a god damned whore!" You said. "How could anyone respect you for anything beyond being a sex maniac!"

"This sex maniac won wars…and killed people, I made sure my compitence outshined my flaws." She said.

You grumbled while eating. "So where are we going?"

"Old Pre-interegnum Spa station, not only will it have the luxury goods we can sell, but also something that will get us the vacation we deserve." She said.

"Spa?" You asked.

"Luxury spa used by rich eccentrics. Think chocolate in terms of taste, creamy decadent chocolate." She said.

"So you mean its going to basically pamper and treat us like a god?" You said.

"Yeah do you have a problem having a tube shoved in your mouth feeding a mix of honey and chocolate to all but force you to enjoy and relax as it gives you a deep tissue massage and stimulate your entire nervous system to find the stress." She said.

"You are fantasizing about this so much? Why not go to the Domos?" You said.

"Do you trust the Domos after they made a mutant monstrosity on your 15th birthday?" She said.

"No…not really." You conceded the point.

"Then you will have fun on this vacation and we have fun." SHe said.

"Yep…What does chocolate mixed in Honey taste like?" You said.

"I have no idea?" She said

AN: A look into the Future as Eve and Ellara talk.

Also this is Eve in the Future, though that can change if you change it earlier.

Turn 6 Results
Turn 6 Results

-[]Inspire the Population: The People need a Flash of Inspiration to work harder. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Inspire the Population Rolled: D100 => 97 Crit: D100 => 22
Total: 109

You looked at the massive crowd of people as you lay on the couch.

"Director-General? I must ask? Why are you conducting this interview from a couch in a bar?" A reporter said.

"Because despite my own duties and responsibilities…I like being comfortable with myself, and I like being with people." You said. " I have a running tab, I hate my politicians and complain about my social services like everyone else."

"So…how are you considering that an inspiring measure?" The Reporter asked.

"Because unlike everyone else…I have to manage a Military, an Economy, and a Family at the same time…as well as deal with everyone who wants to kill us." You said.

"When you put it like that…you deal with a lot of shit?" He said.

"Yep…Did I tell you about the time the Delos League called me in the middle of the night and discussed trade and conversation? I was breastfeeding my kid and didn't care at the time…can tell I really cared about the state for a moment there am I right?"


"And then I told one of his advisors that visited a few weeks ago to leave without getting any more." You said.

"I can see why you prefer war to politics." He said.

"War is always easier than politics…at least war ends." You said.

Reward: Your Public Opinion has capped and Billions of people are willing to give you great leeway in regards to securing their prosperity.

-[]An Invitation to the Domos Kind: The Domos Order is inviting you to their homeworld to oversee certain trade deals and disputes as well as allow you to relax? Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Visit the Domos guild and try ton not get seduced.
Rolled: D100 => 98+10=108 Crit: D100 => 48+10=58
Total: 166

"Well I hope you and your daughter will have a wonderful time on our Homeworlds greatest citadel." Your guide said.

"I already have been leered at twice and had my ass groped at least once..." You said.

"Just like you remembered?" She said.

"Yeah though this time I'm a bit concerned....for once." You said.

"Don't worry your child won't be exposed to our indecencies." She said.

"Oh thank god...I thought she would be scarred for life." You said.

Don't worry, they have been forthcoming with you...they know that they need you and your daughter on their side.

So for now...this was one of the safest places in the galaxy for you.

(Continued in the Domos Kind Adventure.)

-[] Assemble a conference: see a shit storm when you see one, the Caliphate is falling apart...again, you know how the cycle goes...they get weak and then go on a Jihad to make up for their weakness. Not this time... you're going to call a conference and divide it up between interested parties. Maybe that will stop a war. Cost: 1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Carve another nation apart with your friends in power.
Rolled: D100 => 71
-[] Talk to the Delphi League: Make sure they aren't planning anything against you. You may have to sacrifice something, but it might be worth it if you can get ahold of whatever their secret weapon is. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 60% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Talk to the League about trade and such.
Rolled: D100 => 85

"This is something that not even a fool can ignore." You said as the Delos Leagues leader looked at the attempted balkanization of the Caliphate.

"Your asking me to make a considerable amount of investment in taking and holding territory that I have a poor grasp of understanding. All for the long term victory of a greater population economic output and prestige." He said.

"If your willing to invest the armies and the fleets…then yes it can be considered a great boon.' You said.

"Hmm, it is a logistical and military undertaking, and the population will be resistant…but In time they will understand?" He said.

"You're going to kill them all aren't you?" You said.

"Only the ones that resist." He said.

Which is almost all of them… You thought bitterly. You knew they had the ability to be JUST as xenophobic as the rest.

If not more so.

"Well I'm glad at least this meeting has met to some standards…now onto the matter of removing the wealth and artifacts from their upper nobility." You said.

Reward: The Conference has gone off without a hitch and you and the Delos League make off with the largest, populated and developed chunks, as merchant princes,cults and adventures take the rest.

The Hegemony Gains +70 Planets moons and Stations

-[]Training Never ends!: You must continue to TRAIN! What happened was disgraceful!Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ??% Success Needed: 1 Reward: TRAINING!
Rolled: d100 => 47

Well you got some reps in…but you've been preoccupied with other things.

Reward: DC for gaining stats is lowered.

-[]Read about Military Conquests: What are the Wisdom of the Past? .Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Read of Military Glory.
Rolled: D100 => 86
-[]Equipment and you: Need to see what the Kit of the Average Soldier is? Well we got it covered here. .Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: What is the Soldier equipped with.
Rolled: D100 => 86

You knew that refinement was the better part of improvement and its work…was important.

And refining the Ammo of HE 5.5 MM worked.

Now the 5.5 was used in the battle of Frys Gulch by Sigman himself during the large military reforms of the Era that defined his rule.

It was cheap, efficient, and didn't have a tendency to overheat like Laser weapons or explode like Plasma rifles.

He always said "Weapons that worked with fewer bells and whistles were better than weapons that had bells and whistles."

And the Planetary conquests of the Era of the Slaver Kings proved it.

Reward: You refine the Ammo of choice and learn of the Wars against the Slaver Kings.

-[] THE BFG: You have the schematics for a Hydra Class GAUSS/PLASMA Hybrid Cannon. Its time to invest some time and money into making a factory and starting production...Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed:??? Reward: Study the BFG, and see if more practical work can be made.
Rolled: D100 => 97 Crit: D100 => 88

Well it was when you figured out the power problem you realized something terrible.

You really were trying to compensate for your lack of a penis…

But you can shoot a tungsten Rod at half the speed of sound with this refined anti-tank weapon!

And that is alright…now fix the problems born from mass production.

You want this thing sorted.

Reward: You've fixed and refined the Targeting and Power System for the Railgun and have also prepared it for mass production in large quantities.

-[]Renew Trade Compacts:Lets not anger the Neighbors by ruining trade rights…you like money, it pays for war. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Meet Merchant Prince and sign a trade deal.
Rolled: D100 => 61

You got your money.

Reward: +1 free AP.

-[]Invest in Space Assets: You need more work in the Spaceborn assets, send them some money to do it.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Invest in assets.
Rolled: D100 => 85

So you rebuilt and refurbished some of your old Gate networks, and found some of the parts of the empire that have fallen into disrepair.

It wasn't your fault its just…galactic empire-building leaves some people behind for a while.

They weren't mad just disappointed it took you so long to get things out there.

Reward: Gate Network refurbished and restored to full capacity, internal travel is now easier. -2 AP for One turn for the Reward of +3 AP after that turn.

-[]Reform the Sun Guard: Ah the Sun Guard...the first and last line of defense of the Director-General, shame that they had to be disbanded 80 years ago when they tried to overthrow your Great Grandfather for your great-granduncle, you've done fine without them...but better safe than sorry.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Reform your personal guard unit.
Rolled: D100 => 97 Crit: d100 => 99 Crit 2: D100 => 98 Crit 3: D100 => 25

Oh…you forgot these planets even existed…

Wait…re-read that?

Hold on, these were the SUNGUARD Recruiting WORLDS!

You thought Great Grandpa wiped them out?!

Oh well, they don't seem to hold a grudge.

"Hello…I'm reforming the Sun Guard in my Image…you want to help with that?" You said sheepishly.

(Continued in SUN GUNS!)

-[]Hunt for Terrorists: You are going to HUNT AND DESTROY THESE THINGS!! Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 45% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Kill Space Cutlets with friends.
Rolled: D100 => 92

And the Last of the Imperial Word Cult…or whatever it was called has been destroyed.

Reward: -5 Disaster Roll Next Turn.

-[]Investigate Smugglers Ports: You want to know what they salvaged...because that is a problem...that needs to be solved.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 50% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Look into the smugglers ports.
Rolled: D100 => 5




(Continued in Polarity Protocol)

-[]Plan a Tech Expedition: Finally Now that you have a suitable Council, you can now leave one of them in charge to rule while you go off and look for Tech. Cost: 1 AP. Reward: Beguin Tech Expedition.
Rolled: D100 => 71

So all you have to do is find a target, but things got hectic and you had to you know….postpone.

Reward: +10 to the next Tech Expedition rolls.

-[]Go on a Podcast: You are going to go to one of your friends podcasts...relax a little. Cost: 1 AP. Reward: Relax on a podcast and learn a little.
Rolled: D100 => 29

You slept in and forgot about it.


-[]Read an E-Book: You know what…let's read a book.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Read a Book.
Rolled: D100 => 88

Ahh the Tales of The Star Wanderer, your favorite Space Adventure book…it had everything you could ever ask for in a book.

Action, romance, shapeshifting suits that made women sexy and horny when worn.

Space battles and more…

It even had long-standing lessons on several factors of galactic economics.

The Perfect book series.

Reward: +1 Learning and +1 Stewardship.

-[]Meet the Imperial Bishop: The Imperial Bishop is the One who runs the Sector's Church, and one of the more powerful men in the Sector. Better suffer his rambling. Cost:1 AP. Chance of
Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Meet the Space Pope's Puppet in the Region.
Rolled: D100 => 79

"So…the baptism's going to make your boss happy." You said.

"I'm very glad, I've been on thin ice for a while…" He said.

Reward: He's in good spirits.

-[]Meet the Inquisitor: Alright… let's meet this madman.And see if he's useful. Or a Problem. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 65% Success Needed: 1 Reward:Meet the Space Pope's Attack Dogs.
Rolled: d100 => 22

The Inquisitor punched you in the face, called you a heretical whore and considered you not worth talking to.

Failure: Guess She doesn't like you?

-[]Baptize Eve: While you despise the Pomp…you need it done. Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 95% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Get Eve baptized.
Rolled: D100 => 86

It was quick.

Painless and above all boring.

Either way it was over.

Eve Development (Stat Growth for the Year) :

Diplomacy: D6 => 1

Martial: D6 => 1

Stewardship: D6 => 2

Intrigue: D6 => 4

Learning: D6 => 1

Piety: D6 => 4

Personal Combat: D6 => 4

Reward: Eve is baptized, the Church is pleased.

-[]Get a Massage: You're tired and need a Spa day with men or women with soft hands…and skilled hands to deal with all your stress.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Go…Relax…and try to forget.
Rolled: D100 => 100 CRIT: D100 => 97 CRIT: D100 => 71
-[]Practice with Mutation: It's more then playing with a Ball or making things float? Figuring yourself out takes time and effort.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Practice makes perfect.
Rolled: D100 => 96 CRIT: D100 => 74

You felt so relaxed…so open and so calm while the Domos masseuse did her work.

You havn't felt this good in years.


So that was where the pain in your back was?

Now you just felt relieved!


Hold on…why are you seeing your body?

Why are you glowing! And why are you just standing there gawking at your abs!


Az looked at you as he seemingly was eating a bowl of Cerial.

"Oh you astral projected…neat and you didn't need to synch up with a black hole to do it?" He said.

"Why am I DOING THIS!" You said.

"Well you must have synched with the movements of the Core? If I had to guess, and not many people have done that? And the fact you did it so early…hmm, shit just how advanced IS your mutation anyway?" He said.

(Continued in Star Body)

Disaster Roll: D100 => 95

(POV Shift: Dr. Anders)

So…Polarity Protocol…

Oh this was going to be utterly delicious in terms of upgrading your Cybernetics.

(Continued in: Polarity Protocol)

AN: Man this was a son of a gun to make, everything is coming up Ellera...but thing aren't all roses for her.

All those crits really bring a tear to my eye 'snif' it's beautiful. Hey cyberphiloipher do all those crits on our SUNGUARD give them special gear like say could they be decked out in star craft marine armor pretty please 🥺
All those crits really bring a tear to my eye 'snif' it's beautiful. Hey cyberphiloipher do all those crits on our SUNGUARD give them special gear like say could they be decked out in star craft marine armor pretty please 🥺
Even better, the Sunguards are all Military Royal Guards that literally Worship the Bloodline of your Character and consider the PC a living God.

Yes they LITERALLY Worship the PC.
-[]Reform the Sun Guard: Ah the Sun Guard...the first and last line of defense of the Director-General, shame that they had to be disbanded 80 years ago when they tried to overthrow your Great Grandfather for your great-granduncle, you've done fine without them...but better safe than sorry.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: 55% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Reform your personal guard unit.
Rolled: D100 => 97 Crit: d100 => 99 Crit 2: D100 => 98 Crit 3: D100 => 25

Oh…you forgot these planets even existed…

Wait…re-read that?

Hold on, these were the SUNGUARD Recruiting WORLDS!

You thought Great Grandpa wiped them out?!

Oh well, they don't seem to hold a grudge.

"Hello…I'm reforming the Sun Guard in my Image…you want to help with that?" You said sheepishly.

-[]Get a Massage: You're tired and need a Spa day with men or women with soft hands…and skilled hands to deal with all your stress.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Go…Relax…and try to forget.
Rolled: D100 => 100 CRIT: D100 => 97 CRIT: D100 => 71
-[]Practice with Mutation: It's more then playing with a Ball or making things float? Figuring yourself out takes time and effort.Cost:1 AP. Chance of Success: ???% Success Needed: 1 Reward: Practice makes perfect.
Rolled: D100 => 96 CRIT: D100 => 74
wow that is unexpected, so many Crits