Meanwhile in the Future: A Day in the Life
(Eve POV)
You looked at the alarm clock and sighed before shattering the thing to a thousand pieces.
You yawned and sighed looking at the window trying to gauge how much time you had left before your guards came to drag you out of bed to breakfast.
Afterall, they were paid to look after you.
"I'm up…what is it with you guys coming into my room every other day?" You complained.
"Can you put something ON!" one of your guards yelled.
Oh you fell asleep nude again…and that would be-
*Thunk* "OW!!"
Alright time to see what happened? Your room was built for someone who's maximum height was around 6'10, as this was the room of your…ancestor Cyrus Sigmanson, the third tallest of the Director Generals to grace the stars and Sigman's Glory.
You were currently 8'5 at 16 years old and were likely going to get taller as your large and rather massive growth spurts get more and more frequent. Then again you'd know based on how hungry you get, you eat alot after all.
Hell last night you ate three whole chickens, a massive bowl of pasta with meat sauce and a whole Ham after cooking it with a flamethrower.
"Hit your head again?" He said, and at 6'2, your guards were laughably tiny compared to you.
But they could shoot and keep you from the worse of the assassins, so… they worked.
"I hate being huge." You said trying to squat down to avoid bumping your head again. "I look freakish and everyone thinks I'm going to crush them."
"That is a realistic hazard…but you arn't that dangerous." He said.
"I weigh 240 pounds despite looking like a slightly bigger bodybuilder." You complained.
"Have you tried calming down?" He said.
Oh, that Trick…it was one of the earliest forms of mutation control you learned growing up, to manage and maintain a form of social decorum and keep your mutation from becoming a disability.
Now you looked around and saw that no longer were you a full giantess freak of nature, but an unnaturally tall, extremely fit and well-muscled young woman of 6'3. Not normal by any means, but humanly possible.
"Is mom going to yell at me for being late again?" You asked.
"She made an extra big breakfast for you." He said.
"YAY Breakfeast!" You hopped slightly out of the room, before turning around to get dressed.
You always forget that sometime.
You looked at mom, still dignified and filled with vigor as you walked in and ate a bagel.
"Morning mom…how goes dealing with politics?" You said, rolling your eyes.
"I finally got the Khan to a meeting and got enough money to pay off some debts…so things are going great," she said, enjoying a hot chocolate.
"Well, I banged my head on the ceiling again. And I was bored and stayed up late working out Black Hole Avoiding trade routes." You said before looking at the pile of food you were making and planning to eat.
"Oh that will make the trade guilds happy, the pay for the commission will pay for any damages in the walls you make thinking about that cute boy Aurelian." She said.
"MOM!!" You shouted shooting up and realizing you lost control and added 3 inches to your height. "I don't need you falling on bad habits and micromanaging my love life, or worse…actually lusting after people nearly 20 years younger than you."
"I wasn't saying that at all." She said. "I'm just hoping we can have a mother-daughter, and some friends day."
"Yeah…like you did when you shoved me in a drop pod and went to go murder that pirate." You complained.
"It got the blood pumping and you had fun…don't deny it… while High on battle the first kill is always the strongest in terms of psychological effects and..well for a woman-" She said.
"Mom are we really going to have you grill me if I had a sexual bloodlust awakening its not like that, your psychic." You said. "You felt the life drain from the man's eyes."
"I don't need to be psychic to know you felt something from the mission." She said.
"I'm not you…I don't take pleasure in murder!" You said.
"So why did your hormones flare heavily when you came back and downloaded several coliseum death matches." She said.
You were quiet for a moment "Would you rather I download porn?!"
"It wouldn't surprise me if you did… I still haven't given you MY Stash." She stopped.
"You have a stash of porn?" You said.
"The Family stash, its been in the family since 2170…fully digitized and idiot proof?" She said.
"How did we go from a day trip plan to this?" You said.
"I've been trying to get us to spend time together and if it means messing with you to get a conversation so be it?" She said.
"You embarrassed me…thats what your doing?" You said.
"Well your grandparents never embarrassed me on account of being dead, I'm pulling weight for them too." She said.
"How many men did you actually fuck before reality punched you and made you have me?" You said.
"4,568. Not counting orgy's and My Domos sex education." She said.
"Your a god damned whore!" You said. "How could anyone respect you for anything beyond being a sex maniac!"
"This sex maniac won wars…and killed people, I made sure my compitence outshined my flaws." She said.
You grumbled while eating. "So where are we going?"
"Old Pre-interegnum Spa station, not only will it have the luxury goods we can sell, but also something that will get us the vacation we deserve." She said.
"Spa?" You asked.
"Luxury spa used by rich eccentrics. Think chocolate in terms of taste, creamy decadent chocolate." She said.
"So you mean its going to basically pamper and treat us like a god?" You said.
"Yeah do you have a problem having a tube shoved in your mouth feeding a mix of honey and chocolate to all but force you to enjoy and relax as it gives you a deep tissue massage and stimulate your entire nervous system to find the stress." She said.
"You are fantasizing about this so much? Why not go to the Domos?" You said.
"Do you trust the Domos after they made a mutant monstrosity on your 15th birthday?" She said.
"No…not really." You conceded the point.
"Then you will have fun on this vacation and we have fun." SHe said.
"Yep…What does chocolate mixed in Honey taste like?" You said.
"I have no idea?" She said
AN: A look into the Future as Eve and Ellara talk.
Also this is Eve in the Future, though that can change if you change it earlier.