Honestly, I'm still waiting for a but of payoff on Crowning's theory that there is some sort of "Abyssal Admiral", an equal and opposite to the powers that choose which shipgirls get to come back.
So, can we say that ShimaRage is a thing now as well? Heh.

Yes, Yes we can I thinks. I mean after all, Ari's more or less adopted Shima as her daughter. It would only make sense that some part of the parent gets reflected in the adopted child. In this case, instead of PrudeRage its Rage over something slow beating her in speed/catching her. :rofl:
Ari's growth as a character was intended to be the core of this chapter. I wanted to show she's not the same ball of sadness and rage she was back when she was first summoned. I mean, she still has those elements. But there's more to her now.
Because now she's a ball of donuts.
Hello, folks. I'm new in the thread and a big fan. How are y'all?
Sup. Might wanna change that avatar before--
Haaai Naka-chan, Poi! I' currently serving on the Brazilian waters, poi! I love the warm waters up there! And did you know? The brazilians have a Fletcher-class on their navy! She's a museum now, pretty cool, yeah poi?~
I'ts not hosted anywhere yet, and the title is "Sea Of Sorrow." I'm working on things yet, but i do have a prologue. If you guys wanna read, I'll be very pleased. XD