Scotland (Glasgow, specifically) was the same, when I was there. No joke, I'm pretty sure I saw the weather change drastically 3 times within 30 minutes. Sunshine, rain, and cloudy with crazy strong winds, in some order I can't recall. Probably not the logical one, though. Mind you, this was in 2005, so things might have changed...but I doubt it.

(Also, holy sh*t, it's been twelve years, and I still remember tiny details from that trip. My f*ckin' memory: remember tiny bits of minutia and trivia for literally years, can't find my f*cking shoes most of the time.)

I remember when I was in college up in Rochester, and we'd get all kinds of crazy weather off of Ontario. One memorable day featured it snowing, raining, and being sunny with no clouds in the sky (not in that order - I don't remember the order anymore, but it was all in the course of the same day).
New England Weather is so bizarre even Mark Twain (Sam Clements) wrote an entire short story devoted to it. I see his point about the Ice Storm, though. it is -goddamn- pretty, just don't get caught out in it.
Texas isn't weird (most of the time, but there have been average temperature differences of about 50 degrees over two or three days this month, and the panhandle is insane), but there's just something about having to be outside for more than a couple of minutes when it's 105 with 3% humidity that really just makes you hate everything at that point.
I don't usually look into SB, unless if it's a story I'm reading (even though I don't have an account there), but can I get a smidget of an idea of how bad?

Ehh, people are still (I'm one of them) dissatisfied with how the Crowning/Jersey relationship ended and that Crowning/Kirishima is either too soon or send Crowning back to the East Coast.

Just in the usual variations of poise and respect to one another that one can expect from the internet.
finding it? a few hours of searching for something else :p.
And thank you! At least here people care about posts.

It's no problem. After all, a sailor's got to know the ins and outs of any warship.;)

Ehh, people are still (I'm one of them) dissatisfied with how the Crowning/Jersey relationship ended and that Crowning/Kirishima is either too soon or send Crowning back to the East Coast.

Just in the usual variations of poise and respect to one another that one can expect from the internet.

I see. Well, thank you very much for your input. :)