This is, to be blunt, a three-part explanation. Part one is simple- much like Ye Olde WWII days, convoys are infinetly more replaceable than main line of battle surface combatants. You can loose a convoy of ships, more will be in the pipe. As a point of order, by Month Three of any large scale conflict with a strong power there should be orders for at least several dozen transports for the US Merchant Marine in order to handle expanding logistics needs and replace losses.
except these aren't as easy to build, and of the major ship producing companies, only Germany has any real breathing room from the abyssals.
except these aren't as easy to build, and of the major ship producing companies, only Germany has any real breathing room from the abyssals.

America has literally thousands of empty shipyards and potential sites for them that don't need anything more complex than a barn and launch ramps. Do the smart thing and kickstart trade apprenticeships, crank out marine diesels like its going out of style, and start slapping together Victory Ship 2.0 designs. Once you've done the math, ships are easy- all you need is a fuckload of metal and the engines, plus creature comforts.
except these aren't as easy to build, and of the major ship producing companies, only Germany has any real breathing room from the abyssals.

Unfortunately, kanmusu are completely irreplaceable and the summoning process wholly unreliable.

As diificult as it is, merchant ships can be cranked out reliably enough....kanmusu, not so much (an understatement).
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America has literally thousands of empty shipyards and potential sites for them that don't need anything more complex than a barn and launch ramps.

Sadly, not anymore. In 1941, yes the US was a major shipbuilding and industrial power as we all saw. After the war though, the combination of foreign competition, cheaper labor and materiel oversees and the high cost of entry and regulation for things like pollution shrunk the US shipbuilding base significantly. Now, in the current state of crisis, that will be reversed, but it's going to take time, and also shipbuilding sites have to be secured from Abyssal naval attacks.

In addition putting up a barn in an inlet's not really viable, since you need the mechanisms to get steel and workers to them, which pretty much means rail lines after you kick start the US steel industry again. Unless you want to make wooden merchant ships, I suppose, which have their own problems.

Eventually, this will solve itself, especially in an actual wartime situation with the USN mauled where the need is so obvious that a lot of the hampering mechanisms currently in place constraining American industry such as environmental and OSHA regulations) would be set aside in the crisis.
Well... that was something. Valhalla is sure to accept them with open arms.
*Abyssmarck and Abysstwins get sunk*
*Trio meet Maya and Sendai in the afterlife and are horrified by what they did*
*Bismarck feels herself being summoned and - wanting to make up for what she and the Twins did - grab onto Sendai and Maya*
*Germans stare at their summoning pool in horror; three Nazi what appear to be two tagalongs?*
MAYA: How the fuck did we get to Germany?!
SENDAI: *Dazedly* Yasen?

While I am depressed that the pair didn't make it, we can take solace in that at least it wasn't DesDiv 6 that bought the farm. I think there would be blood - both in fic and on forum - if that happened. DesDiv 6 moeblobs are for cuteness and cuddles and must always survive their battles.
Hey still blocked on story?
Also, I'd love to see you write one of Kongo and Avers's nights alone... :3
In addition putting up a barn in an inlet's not really viable, since you need the mechanisms to get steel and workers to them, which pretty much means rail lines after you kick start the US steel industry again. Unless you want to make wooden merchant ships, I suppose, which have their own problems.

America still has a reasonable steel industry. It isn't what it once was, mind, but its still around and without us shipping our ore to Japan it'll get better. That said, installing rail lines isn't rocket science, and there's a lot of archival libraries with the relevant information stored within. The one good thing about programs like Rails to Trails is you can drop new ties on the gravel and slap rails on over that, double time. Considering the geography of the affair hasn't changed much, we can expect an, if not easy, than certainly workable transition back to industrial capacity.
Unfortunately, kanmusu are completely irreplaceable and the summoning process wholly unreliable.

As diificult as it is, merchant ships can be cranked out reliably enough....kanmusu, not so much (an understatement).
except if you do the tonnage math as long as they sink one of the abyssal they're guaranteed to break even.
except if you do the tonnage math as long as they sink one of the abyssal they're guaranteed to break even.
Doubtful. From what we have seen, the abominations have less qualms about losing ships than our side. We can't trade shots with them and expect to win.

I'll be frank... I'm not really feeling it in all honesty. It's less sadness that Maya and Sendai died and more annoyance in regards to it as outside of Sendai to a small extent, it was only just before this happened that they really had any real role in the fic. Then you got all the death flags right off the bat as well as the idiot balls in fic of sending nothing but a Heavy Cruiser and a Light Cruiser out to escort a convoy to Hawaii when every other time we've seen a convoy it had a bunch of shipgirls, especially heavy ones, as well as no possible way for help to get to them. In fact, like someone stated it comes across as almost GRR-lite in that it's to stir up drama and shout "SEE! SEE! PEOPLE DIE IN THIS!".

Oddly, if anything? It reminds me of the fact that there's no damn Carriers in this in all reality and how much of a difference they would make. And no, don't bother going at me over bringing that dead horse up again.

*Snorts* Considering that I've had 747s throwing out almost two hundred cruise missiles, I could do that.

I think that was probably me. It doesn't help that for a long time I've only watched the thread for the Old Iron updates. If Maya and Sendai had been more present than a couple of lines back in one of the beginning updates and the update where she visits Atago, I might be able to see this as more than just a "insert drama and sadfeels". As it is, their loss seems like nothing more than a plot device to get the reader to find something likeable about New Jersey. (See? See? Jersey has depth. Look at her rage stomp Abyssmarck and get revenge for Sendai and May.)
Alright, I'm gonna say something and y'all are not gonna like me for this.

Maya, Sendai, and the escorts should have ditched.

This is, to be blunt, a three-part explanation. Part one is simple- much like Ye Olde WWII days, convoys are infinetly more replaceable than main line of battle surface combatants. You can loose a convoy of ships, more will be in the pipe. As a point of order, by Month Three of any large scale conflict with a strong power there should be orders for at least several dozen transports for the US Merchant Marine in order to handle expanding logistics needs and replace losses.

Part two is that convoy screens aren't meant to fight battleships. Battleship raiders, to be blunt, are a nonitem because they're too expensive for the stated goal. The only reason the Nazis ever invested in them was because it gave them a narrow fig-leaf for the brazen need to wag their guns over the Baltics. Convoy screens exist to stop protected cruisers, submarines, random flights of Griefs, and bullshit destroyer squadrons charging from the mist. That's it. With everything else, the knowledge it is there is more valuable, because the merchants sure as hell aren't getting away from an angry battleship.

Finally, part three, see part one and multiply it by a thousand because kanmusu are irreplaceable you fucktarded Japanese treaty dodges. Let me state it again- they are a finite resource. Jumping on a battleship squadron is a waste on every level of strategic arithmetic to exist in this situation it's not even funny. This should have been covered in at least a dozen briefings. Entire presentations spent on "COME HOME." "DON'T DIE" "SUICIDE IS FOR MARINES" Christ.
This was what i was thinking as well. At least i am not alone in this regard.

Now if you'll excuse me. I have to go and revisit my old "friends" in the jungle and not die.
To paraphrase ABC: it takes months or years to summon a new cruiser shipgirl. It takes centuries to built a tradition.

And with tradition, esprit de corps and basic doctrine.

Convoy escorts will continue to fight for their charges.
The spirit of a Navy can be worth more than every ship in their possession. Shipgirls have shown to work on both a physical and spiritual level. Sure, physically it might be worth it to abandon the convoy, but what do you think that's going to do to the headspace of those girls? They fully let those sailors die alone and undefended while they fled without firing a shot. What does that say about their dedication to their duty and service to their country. These Ship's have returned from beyond the screaming vail of death itself to protect their country and serve humanity. Is it service to flee from the enemy at first sight? Is it protection to let those sailors die for no other reason then because they are worth less?

"When the people forget their duty they are no longer human and become something less than beasts"

And make no mistake, the Abyssals are far lesser than beasts. These girls would sooner see their decks burning, their hull torn and their keels broken asunder before even considering such a thing. All beings shall die, but it is the manner of our deaths in which we decide whether our memory will be that of shame or that of honour.
Inspired by the JMPer's recent post. May become a series, may not. I'm still deciding but I do plan on posting more one shots to expand this a bit.

Omake: Never Despair

Dauntless was a Type-45 destroyer, tough, sturdy and always willing to take up a challenge. But this had to be the most formidable challenge she'd ever faced. Her duties consisted of the standard patrolling of the isles, maybe the occasional stint or two in the pirate filled waters off Africa's northwestern coast when her tour came up in NATO's roster. But then, a few years ago, everything changed. When they came. Those, foul loathsome creatures that mankind dubbed Abyssals. Named for the Abyss from which they had risen. Dauntless, like so many others in the Royal Navy, was called up for immediate service against this new threat. Several of her sisters had met their fates in such battles, putting up a fight to the last. Now it was Dauntless' turn to put of a brave fight.

Outnumbered 3 to 1 by a pair of Abyssal battlecruisers and a large destroyer escort, the Daring-class could only buy time for the precious merchant ships under her command to escape through the bottleneck of the Channel and reach open waters to send their much needed supplies to Asia. In command of this relatively young vessel was Commander Tegan Sheera. Irish by birth, the 35 year old had risen rapidly through the ranks to become a Commander after just 4 short years in the service of Her Majesties Navy. Standing 5'11" the nearly 6 foot tall woman cut an imposing figure with her broad shoulders, athletically built frame and with flaming red hair that reflected her temper. A pair of intense green eyes completed the picture. Dressed in her Commander's uniform, she looked every bit the part of a regal ship's captain.

"Lieutenant Hawk, course and speed of the enemy if you please?" She asked in a calm voice that betrayed nothing. No fear or excitement of the upcoming battle. Just a cool, calm, confidence as she was trained. As they all were trained.

Her second in command relayed the numbers with the same coolness. "Course 110 degrees, speed 22 knots."


"Due South ma'am. 180 degrees."

"Adjust weapons accordingly."

"Aye ma'am." Picking up his well placed handset radio, Hawk called down to the weapon's center, located deep within the ship. "TAO target now at 180 degrees, speed 22 knots, distance 10 miles."

The new information was fed into the FCC and below decks the yet to be deployed missile launchers snuggled within their cylos. Though she couldn't see it, Commander Sheera knew that the pair of Aster 15's in the launchers were receiving this new information, their highly sophisticated software automatically adjusting their assumed course to the target upon launch.

Commander Sheera winced as one of the battlecruisers' shells straddled her smaller ship. They'd discovered this particular group 3 hours ago at almost 30 miles distant and had been closing the gap sense. Knowing the slow merchants could never outrun a pair of what she believed were Admiral-class battlecruisers along with an Edsel-class destroyer escort, Dauntless was being used as a sacrificial lamb. Her captain had attempted to waste as much time as possible to allow the convoy the time they needed to escape. Dauntless had been lucky so far, taking just 3 direct hits and all to her superstructure. Effective maneuvering had spared her hull serious damage, so far. But the closer they got, the more likely a serious hit was to be. But Commander Sheera would not fire a return shot unless she was certain all would make their mark. The Aster missile was a highly effective weapon but when deployed against Abyssals, it would hit everything but the target it was asked to strike. By closing the distance, Commander Sheera hoped to eliminate that problem, or somewhat limit it at least.

"Distance 8 miles and closing ma'am." The Navigator called out.

"Copy Lieutenant. Lieutenant Hawk, call the Weapon's Officer and have him stand by weapon's release on my command." Commander Sheera ordered.

"Aye ma'am. WepOps, stand by to fire on Captain's authority."

"5 miles ma'am. Course now 100, they're turning towards us."

"Hard right rudder, course 100. Weapons release!" Commander Sheera barked.

"All weapons fire!"

Dauntless shuddered as the Asters were released from their confines below deck. Two at a time. Dauntless was one of the last ships to carry the weapon. The Royal Navy had cut the funding for the missiles leaving the vessels they had in service with just what they had below decks. Conservation had allowed Dauntless to hang on to 20 of her 48 Sea Viper weapons but conservation was the last thing on Commander Sheera's mind now. She would launch every single weapon she had against those hell ships! Her ship would go down with not a single round of ammunition left in her magazines. Dauntless' single 4.5 inch deck gun spoke in anger for the first time in her career. She had never been this close to an Abyssal to fire it before. Empty shell casings pounded the deck, bouncing once, sometimes twice, before their momentum carried them into the sea.

"Radio the Wildcat, tell them to launch their harpoons and leave the area to find a field to land on."

Equipped to carry up to 2 Lynx Wildcats, Dauntless' other bird had been shot down in an earlier confrontation so now she had the just one. And armed with 4 anti-ship missiles it would be the death kneel for the Abyssal destroyer escort.

Miraculously, all four missiles found their mark. With little to no armor to stop their incredible momentum, the missiles penetrated deep below decks and with a flash of an exploding magazine, the destroyer became no longer a factor in this conflict. Commander Sheera did not allow herself to proclaim victory. She still had the battlecruisers to contend with and they were proving far more difficult to destroy. Most of the missiles that were launched did what their predecessors had done when facing an Abyssal, diving harmlessly into the sea or if they did strike a hit, they did so in a non critical area of the ship. Dauntless was not nearly as fortunate. Lacking the protective armor of a battleship and no longer weaving to avoid shellfire, her hull took numerous hits. Damage control parties scrambled to contain the flooding but there was only so much they could do. Dauntless fired one last, defiant salvo at the leading battlecruiser before her weapons went silent. Now dead in the water with all her ammunition used, she was a sitting duck. The Abyssals moved in for the kill but that's when Commander Sheera sprang her trap.

Hours earlier she had set a majority of the crew off in lifeboats when Dauntless was still well outside the range of the Abyssal's weapons. With just a skeleton crew to run the ship, they had set about planting charges along her hull. Timed to go off at just the right instant. Quietly, the remaining crewmen slipped off the lee side of their vessel in the last lifeboat.

Commander Sheera was the last person to leave the ship. Stepping out onto the lee bridgewing, she put a hand to the blackened charred steel that had taken a hit meant for the lookout behind it.

"Thank you." She whispered.

Before she stepped off the bridge for the last time she swore she heard in reply "Never Despair. For Queen and Country!"

Dauntless was the last ship lost before the arrival of the kanmusu in the British fleet a month later. Among them, was one of the same ships whose Abyssal counterpart had sunk the destroyer, HMS Hood.


The fact that the Royal Navy lost its missiles and was left with only guns is shocking but true: Royal Navy to lose missiles and be left only with guns
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JMP isn't the one that has say on Europe stuff. He gave me pretty much full creative freedom in that part of the world.

Also, once more, SV thread superior. Mostly because of who isn't here.
Well, we just had the first known shipgirl casualties of the war. I expect a lot of things to be named in their honor. Also, am I the only one seriously grossed out by the Abyssal birthing thing?
You do not send people's luxuries, especially in regards to a small population of people (seriously, how many people are living on Hawaii? There's less then 1.5 million and I would assume that a large number left for the mainland) via convoy when you can fly it in. It comes across as drama for drama's sake.
The goal isn't Hawaii. That's a stopping point. The goal is Japan. And I believe bribery and corruption was involved. Basically, someone rich payed money to sneak luxuries into a shipment of other goods.
Alright, I'm gonna say something and y'all are not gonna like me for this.

Maya, Sendai, and the escorts should have ditched.

This is, to be blunt, a three-part explanation. Part one is simple- much like Ye Olde WWII days, convoys are infinetly more replaceable than main line of battle surface combatants. You can loose a convoy of ships, more will be in the pipe. As a point of order, by Month Three of any large scale conflict with a strong power there should be orders for at least several dozen transports for the US Merchant Marine in order to handle expanding logistics needs and replace losses.

Part two is that convoy screens aren't meant to fight battleships. Battleship raiders, to be blunt, are a nonitem because they're too expensive for the stated goal. The only reason the Nazis ever invested in them was because it gave them a narrow fig-leaf for the brazen need to wag their guns over the Baltics. Convoy screens exist to stop protected cruisers, submarines, random flights of Griefs, and bullshit destroyer squadrons charging from the mist. That's it. With everything else, the knowledge it is there is more valuable, because the merchants sure as hell aren't getting away from an angry battleship.

Finally, part three, see part one and multiply it by a thousand because kanmusu are irreplaceable you fucktarded Japanese treaty dodges. Let me state it again- they are a finite resource. Jumping on a battleship squadron is a waste on every level of strategic arithmetic to exist in this situation it's not even funny. This should have been covered in at least a dozen briefings. Entire presentations spent on "COME HOME." "DON'T DIE" "SUICIDE IS FOR MARINES" Christ.
Yep. Unfortunately, the kanmusu are still products of their histories. Almost all of them have some past mistake or flaw they're trying to make up for. And they still have the traditions of their respective navies. Many of which glorify going down fighting, and protecting merchant ships. It's in their nature to do this sort of thing, unfortunately.
"When the people forget their duty they are no longer human and become something less than beasts"
The issue being that the shipgirls' duty is to defeat the Abyssals. While I'm aware they haven't confirmed the hpothesis that sinking Abyssals is what lets them summon successfully, they also seem to not have considered a possible corollary of this: does it work the same for the Abyssals? Does every ton of ship they sink add to their forces?

If that's the case, they need to consider carefully making sacrifices like this, especially if shipgirls sinking count as bonus points. And even if it's not the case, two more gun-platforms can help make up for the lost tonnage more effectively than lost shipping tonnage. And that's assuming they even managed to save the convoy, which isn't certain.
Definitely. I was just somewhat surprised no one had even mentioned it.
I'd rather discuss this than that nightmare fuel, to be honest. I'm not a strong visual guy, but horrifying descriptions hit me fairly hard.
Don't forget that, during WWII, Japanese torpedo accuracy was shit. It was less shit than every other country, but it still only averaged 6.7 percent. Building a solution against a half-glimpsed shadow that's furiously maneuvering is almost impossible. The cruisers really had no choice but to close to gun range and draw the battleships into a melee if they wanted to damage or pin all three battleships. They couldn't afford to let even one disengage to chance down the convoy.