More motherly Arizona feels? More motherly Arizona feels.
Having glanced at the clock, Arizona raised one eyebrow and then looked down at the little girl in her lap. Said little girl was too busy watching the old black and white monster movie to notice the look she was getting though. It didn't help much that to her mind the battleship's lap was rather comfortable, especially since Arizona had her legs stretched out with her feet on the footrest. "Jane."
With a swallow of the popcorn in her mouth, Jane turned and looked up at her in confusion. "Um, yes?"
Still watching her, Arizona used one hand and pointed at the clock hung on the wall with a slight frown. "It's twenty-three hundred hours, it's time for you to head to bed."
As she widened her eyes, Jane turned back to Arizona. "Can I at least finish the movie, please? I promise to go right to bed afterwards, Arizona! I just want to see the end of it."
Not having had the exposure to the puppydog look that Mutsu, Hiei, Richardson, or Jintsuu.It didn't help matters that the old black and white movie that Jane was watching was much closer to what Arizona was used to. So the battleship herself was also rather interested in how it was going to end, much more so then if it was one of those modern movies. "Very well then... but when it's over, you will be going to bed."
In reply, Jane nodded her head very quickly. "I will, I promise!"
Shifting a bit, Arizona got a bit more comfortable. Every once in a while she would take some of the popcorn and munch on it. At one point near the end though, Jane fully laid back into Arizona with a yawn. Giving her a glance, Arizona gave her a small smile while Jane gave her a sleepy grin right back. Finally, the movie ended with the monster defeated and Arizona shook her head as the credits rolled. "Okay, Jane. The movie's done and it's time for bed." Not getting an answer, Arizona frowned and looked down. "Jane? You pro..."
Her eyes wide, Arizona could only stare at the sight of Jane having fallen asleep on top of her. It seemed impossible for Arizona to breath as her mind ground to a halt. 'She... she's sleeping on me...' A tremble passed her lips before she took a deep breath. 'She feels safe enough to...' It was about then that she realized that if she moved too much or tried to get Jane to bed, she would wake up. Gently, even with the tears prickling at her eyes, Arizona shifted as she brought out her fairies. Together, without waking Jane other then the slight sleepy grumble, Arizona got her long coat off. Swallowing thickly, she draped it across Jane who only sighed and snuggled deeper. Arizona's hand shook as she reached up and gently stroked Jane's hair.
That was the scene that Richardson and Mutsu arrived to. Once she saw Arizona's tear stained cheeks, Mutsu brought her hand to her mouth in a small gasp. "Arizona?"
Looking up, Arizona blinked away some more tears. "She... she fell asleep on me and... she feels safe enough to sleep on me..."
Richardson searched her eyes and then nodded before he gently grasped Mutsu's shoulder and began to guide her away. "You want anything from the kitchen?" Getting the answer of coffee, he simply nodded and left for the kitchen with a confused Mutsu following. Once they were there, Richardson glanced back at the Japanese battleship. "You're wondering why I'm leaving those two where they are, right?"
Slowly, Mutsu raised her eyebrow. "The thought did cross my mind. Especially since Arizona is crying."
For several moments, Richardson was quiet as he made some coffee before he answered. "What happened in Pearl left it's mark on Arizona, a deep wound that might never heal fully. I do know that considering when the attack happened, there's a chance that a number of the sailors were sleeping on her when the Japanese struck." That caused Mutsu's eyes to widen as she connected the dots. "Despite everything and all we've said, she probably thought that no one felt fully safe with her... and yet, Jane fell asleep on her which meant she felt truly safe with Arizona. And to Arizona..."
Nodding, Mutsu slowly nodded as she blinked away some wetness. "I see... That also explains Arizona covering Jane with her coat as well. She's fully wrapping Jane in her protection."
That only got a nod from Richardson as he waited for the coffee to be finished.
It went without saying that Jane slept away the rest of the night on top of Arizona, with the battleship keeping watch over her until dawn broke and the young girl woke up.