The trick to it is to mention Crowning in the same sentence. Example "I wonder how Prof. Crowning will take it if he realizes New Jersey is a Grandma boat." While she is confused you run and hope someone distracts her.
40ish kilometers of range.

You don't run from a battleship, you fool!
The trick to it is to mention Crowning in the same sentence. Example "I wonder how Prof. Crowning will take it if he realizes New Jersey is a Grandma boat." While she is confused you run and hope someone distracts her.
Yeah, about that. What was the accurate range on Jersey's main guns? Unless you have a convenient ocean to crash dive into, I don't think getting out of range is going to be a thing.:sour:
Standing framed in the doorway was the sodden form of superbattleship Musashi. Her snowy white hair as damped down against her skull, and the shirt she wore draped over her shoulders was sopping wet. Salt dripped from her abbreviated skirt and poured down her chocolate skin in a thousand tiny rivulets.
Given that between her shirt and skirt there only some bandages... Was human personnel... distracted while she walked from pier to mess?

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YAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAAAAAaaaTOOOoooooo... you come and gooo, you come and goooooo.... Now come to us and complete the trio!

Meanwhile, Warship Number 111 is an abyssal...
I swear, I keep seeing Musashi acting like a female Japanese equivalent of Heavy Weapons Guy. Especially around Shinano.

"Ah, Shinano...your arm...who hurt you?"
*huge intake of breath* *GiantBustyRageMonster*"WHO HURT MY SISTER!?!"*GiantBustyRageMonster*
"Eep. They're dead. They're dead! Eep."
"I'LL MAKE THEM CRY SOoo...wha? You got them Shinano?"
*Onee-san preening*"That's my little sister!!"*Onee-san preening*
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*catches up several story bits at once*

*blinks at WashGale*

Wash, STAHP.

That is just... omfg. Wow. Kirishima, hon, those are blind-pack boxes, you don't KNOW there's a Wash inside... and you may have just ruined EVERYTHING.
Latest three main story chapters are up. I combined the first two into one, so now the FFN version of the main story is at precisely 100 chapters! *party blower noise*