(Verified Ninja Princess)
Friendly reminder that, even though she looks late-thirties at most, Kongou is really freaking old.
EVERY shipgirl is at least seventy.
Friendly reminder that, even though she looks late-thirties at most, Kongou is really freaking old.
And they look really good for their age.
Jersey didn't even know. They'd all lost sisters. Lost at the hands of her friends.
All the Japanese girls have lost sisters to American guns.
Wash was just another battleship. A good one, yes, but she lacked the spectacular pretense of the Iowa sisters. She was a battleship. They were the greatest, most powerful battleships the world had ever or will ever see. They were larger than life heroes of steel and fire. Even decades after the dawn of the carrier, they still made nations stand up and stare at the thunder of their guns.
How could Wash ever compete with that, especially if she was competing for someone as perfect as the Yeoman. Gale was a human. She needed eight hours of sleep a night, she needed three meals a day, she needed warm clothing at night, in every way imaginable she was more fragile and delicate than Wash. Yet she woke every morning and ran herself ragged, only to wash up and report for duty.
Wash snatched the present back and cradled it to her chest. "This… uh… was meant for s-someone…" Wash glanced at the floor and her face blushed a brilliant red. "Else. S-sorry."
"Okay," Kirishima started to pace frantically from one side of the room to the other. Before long, she was just bouncing from bed to bed with a worried expression on her face. "It's oh-six-thirty, yes?"
Wash nodded.
"According to my calculations," Kirishima pushed her glasses up her nose and flourished a pencil and notepad, "you should be able to stop her if you hurry."
Kirishima does 40k: Unsurprising.The Japanese ship had festooned the walls with posters and flags. A Union Jack flew over her bed, and a vast rising sun battle flag was tacked up against the wall. Pillows, plushies, and lovingly washed blanket bearing the image of all four Kongous lay piled up on her bed. Her desk was all but overflowing with her computer on one side—currently playing a video of someone with a soothing English accent painting miniatures—and a vast collection of tiny yellow soldiers spilling over the rest.
"Huh?" Kirishima spun around in her spinning desk chair and scrunched up her nose to bring her glasses back in line with her sea-gray eyes. She had another one of the tiny yellow men clutched in one hand, and a fine-pointed paint brush in the other. "Oh, hi wash."
"Hello, Kirishima!" Wash let out an uncharacteristic giggle. She would have hugged the Japanese warship if her hands weren't occupied with a most-likely fragile miniature. "What're you working on?"
Kirishima set her model down, "Latest batch of Space Marines. Imperial fists this time." The littlest Kongou smoothed her abbreviated skirt and smiled, "Did you know there's a 40k chapter on base?"
That... actually makes sense. Sure, it's an excuse for the stock 'get the gift back before its too late' comedy misunderstanding, but the implication of the gift I can make sense of.Wash blushed, and puffed out her chest a bit. "Well, I saw that she's really into miniatures and wargaming."
"And DnD," added Kirishima with a smile.
"Yes, that," said Wash. "But she doesn't have any naval stuff."
Kirishima's face instantly lost all its mirth. Her eyes narrowed to cunning slits, and her whole body tensed as her crew manned their battle stations, "A-and…."
"I bought her Axis and Allies: Naval Miniatures."
Kirisima pounced. She swung one leg over the American's lap and loomed over her, her eyes aflame with furious intensity as she planted her hands on Wash's shoulders. "Which set did you buy her!" she demanded.
Wash blinked with equal measures serenity and confusion. "War at Sea?"
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" thundered Kirishima with all the terrified rage her body could generate. "Do you know what comes with that set?"
Wash blinked again. "S-ships?"
"Yes!" Kirishima bounced off Wash's lap and darted over to the vast stack of board games slowly sneaking towards collapse at the foot of her bed. "Here," she fished a box out and tossed it to Wash, "Read it."
Wash fished the model list out of the box and started to read. Hmm, Kongou was included, as was Hood and Sammy and… oh. "I'm on this list," she said quietly.
Kirishima nodded so violently her glasses almost fell off her nose. "You bought her a little model of yourself."
"Oh," Wash paled with horror. What had she done…
"You're telling her you want her to play with you," said Kirishima with frantic energy, "You might as well have shown up naked with a big old ribbon tied around your upperworks!"
Wash cradled her chest for a moment at the thought, then the horrified realization set in. It was forward, too forward. Gale was just a friend, to do something do drastic! To a woman as kind and gentle and ladylike as Gale! "No," mumbled Wash. Had she really just torpedoed her chances with the love of her life with a single poorly-chosen gift. "N-no.."
.....this still sounds like a good plan."You're telling her you want her to play with you," said Kirishima with frantic energy, "You might as well have shown up naked with a big old ribbon tied around your upperworks!"
Damn it! Wash, give her the present!"Let's see," Gale settled the box on her lap and turned it around to find the note. "This is from Wash."
Bowers let out a gigging "ooooooh," and deftly dodged a wad of wrapping paper sent her way.
"Let's see what it—" Gale was suddenly cut off when the door exploded open off its hinges and a busty blur of a scarf-wearing battleship bolted though the sudden opening.
"NOOOOOOO!" Wash dived though the air and smashed to the floor right in front of Gale, sending her mug a full foot into the air from the sheer shockwave. Luckily, the drink landed on the soft well of Wash's ample stern instead of anywhere where it could break.
Gale blinked.
Wash snatched the present back and cradled it to her chest. "This… uh… was meant for s-someone…" Wash glanced at the floor and her face blushed a brilliant red. "Else. S-sorry."
I admit I'm drawing a blank here. I have watched some of Jingles WoW/WoT videos but how does that relate to 40k?
I would support that plan.
*facepalm*I admit I'm drawing a blank here. I have watch some of Jingles WoW/WoT videos but how does that relate to 40k?
Missouri, at least, is getting to fight the good fight as much as anybody. Still out there, still making thirty-ump knots, still terrorizing Abyssals.You know, that actually reminds me. I feel legitimately sorry for Iowa and Mo. They've been relegated to glorified forts.
So when there is a nasty surprise, suddenly Arizona blurs with superhuman, nay, supershipgirl speed, so much so as to leave Shimakaze speechless.And she got beat out by the Prude Rage Lagwagon.
Maybe this will simply motivate her to work harder to win Goto's heart!
Goto: *DREAD*
As fun as the shipping is, I really hope he says no. That seems like one of the worst ways to start a marriage.Arizona took a deep breath and made her decision. It was for her. All for her.
For that small smile.
For the child who had become so taken with her and whom had helped drive off the dark.
She would repay that kindness. Whatever the cost might be. Even if...
She reached into her purse and withdrew a very specific item. A box, to be specific. It was only large enough to barely fit into her purse without appearing conspicuous. Unwrapped and still bearing a bit of adhesive from the price sticker.
A box containing a scale model of herself.
"John, please allow me to be Jane's mother." And with those words, Battleship Arizona offered the box to the dumbstruck man.
Not exactly. Remember that Vestal, in no uncertain terms, told Crowning to put a bun in J's oven. So that at least implies, when they're girls, they're girls.Ari's fundamental problem is that she's... kind of an alien, in terms of how she works and how human beings work
Not exactly. Remember that Vestal, in no uncertain terms, told Crowning to put a bun in J's oven. So that at least implies, when they're girls, they're girls.
And confound everyone with terminology we don't understand, then dumb it down. So, there you go.Insofar as Vestal is different it's because she's a doctor ship; it's her job to know how everything works.