50% ice, 50% winter
- Location
- ?
- Pronouns
- She/Her
Look, it isn't the best written piece I've ever read, but it's not truly 'bad'. The grammar is pretty decent, the spelling is good, and it doesn't commit any of the writing sins that I truly deplore (it sticks to a consistent tense, it sticks to a consistent style, and it uses proper grammar/spelling). While he can work on the content, and should, for somebody who isn't a professional writer and 'only' a college student it's a solid effort.
Which is entirely fine, but structure wise and prose-wise, it leaves a lot to be desired. A whole lot to be desired, in fact. What I mean is that the framework is sort of there, but everything falls very short. The prose is very dry and not interesting to read, the egregious amounts of 'description porn' is unnecessary and ends up just being padding, and there are a lot of points in the prose that can be streamlined, like in the examples I had posted earlier.
And finally, and this is a personal quibble I have that you can discard or not, but I am a bit annoyed by the amount of 'Military, Yeah!' you're (Thor) writing. This is so far the second omake for Belated Battleships that you have written, and in both, so far, I hadn't seen any shipgirls at all. Is this really something that would fit within the scope of Belated Battleships, or would this fit better as a work of your own fiction?