RJ was built to exploit a loophole that anything under 10k tons didn't count towards carrier tonnage. Not because they had 10k tons left.
I suspect that the American carriers most likely to be summoned are White Plains' division mates from CARDIV 25, Fanshaw Bay, St. Lo, and Kalinin Bay; and CARDIV 26, Kitkun Bay and Gambier Bay, the rest of the escort carriers of Taffy 3. Having said that, I suspect it's more likely that Sammy B.'s sisters Dennis, John C. Butler, and Raymond will return to fill out Taffy 3's escort component before the CVEs come back.
I suspect that the American carriers most likely to be summoned are White Plains' division mates from CARDIV 25, Fanshaw Bay, St. Lo, and Kalinin Bay; and CARDIV 26, Kitkun Bay and Gambier Bay, the rest of the escort carriers of Taffy 3. Having said that, I suspect it's more likely that Sammy B.'s sisters Dennis, John C. Butler, and Raymond will return to fill out Taffy 3's escort component before the CVEs come back.

It would be pretty funny if the Americans carry out a successful summoning, where the kanmusu announces herself as USS Midway, but as they start cheering for finally summoning a fleet carrier the kanmusu announces her number CVE-63 (she was only named St. Lo for like a week and a half before being sunk).
Iron had crummy day. Iron is having crummy evening. Iron is failing at writing.

Iron will crosspost items from SB that are lifting his spirits and eventually stop speaking in the 3rd person.
Go watch Monty Python movies for a few hours.
You'll only be able to speak in joking tones for the rest of your life.
Monty Python makes a great many things better. Watching Holy Grail is actually a family Christmas tradition. :p

I daresay the Taffies would think many of them are a riot.
Monty Python makes a great many things better. Watching Holy Grail is actually a family Christmas tradition. :p

I daresay the Taffies would think many of them are a riot.

Are you kidding? Many of the Japanese kanmusu think the Taffies are the living incarnation of Monty Python's Holy Grail. Especially Sammy B.

"It's just a flesh wound! It's just a flesh wound! Come back here Kongou! I'll bite your kneecaps off!"
...well, shit. It's been too damn long since I looked at the carrier provisions of the treaties. I coulda sworn it was still open in First London...

It's not obvious. You could either trust the Wikipedia entry, or have both 1st London and WNT side by side to check. They redefined carrier to remove the 10,000 ton floor. Guess who was in construction in 1930?
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So um yeah. On the Iowa today the tour lead brought a Dutch couple down to see the engine rooms (the man was in the Dutch navy and asked to see the engines; currently the only way to see them as they are off-limits to the public! The boiler rooms are still off-limits because of asbestos and PCB oils etc.) and I got to go along!! Pics to follow. (This is my first time sharing an entire album so hopefully it goes well.)


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(Sorry for double post.) Yay, it worked! Here's part 2 of the album. Note the Marine barracks (the ship's Marines bunked one deck up from the engine rooms) and the damage control painting on the wall!

Fun fact: One Gallon of fuel oil would only propel an Iowa-class battleship thirty-six feet. No wonder Jersey eats so much!

Iowa: As a matter of fact, little sister, I am. Wasitmatter to you?