How many JMSDF BBs are back. I know we got the Kongos and Nagatos, and we have Musashi and Yamashiro. I know Yamato's not here, but what about Fuso and the Ises? They here as well, or are they still in non-corporeal la-la land?
I don't think any of them have returned yet. We'll need to wait on them for the time being.
How many JMSDF BBs are back. I know we got the Kongos and Nagatos, and we have Musashi and Yamashiro. I know Yamato's not here, but what about Fuso and the Ises? They here as well, or are they still in non-corporeal la-la land?

Not sure, but for American Battleships we have Jersey, Washington, and Arizona. Plus while Mo' hasn't returned as a Ship Girl, she is proving to be effective against the Abyssals for some reason and the same goes for Whisky. Not sure on the state of the other American Battleships that are Muesum Ships. The others are in la-la land as you put it.
I fully intend to comply with the mod warning not to extend the 30mm derail, but I had one comment:

I noticed a lot of F-bombs being dropped by some of those characters in Thor's post. 'Fuck' appears roughly fifty times in the text, though not all of that is dialogue. It is... more than I would expect... from military in a combat situation, if only because the sheer volume of 'fucks' means that it takes significantly longer to actually convey information.

It's not that I mind the harsh language, and I am certainly aware the military uses it (duh). But there's swearing like a soldier, and there's wasting time swearing over the radio in the middle of a firefight.
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Thanks Thor, Jimbo. So two-thirds of the Japanese BBs are back, about one-third of the RN BBs are back, and three USN BBs are back. There aren't any Italian BBs back yet, right?
Andrea Doria, Littorio, Vittorio Veneto.

Just those three, though. And I wouldn't say a third of the RN BBs. All there is are Warspite, Barham, Royal Oak, Royal Sovereign, KGV, PoW, and Dreadnought.
There are no Frenchies back.

Because Richelieu (leave alone Jean Bart) are too good of ships. They're pushing up on Iowa-tier, or at least NorCar.
There are no Frenchies back.

Because Richelieu (leave alone Jean Bart) are too good of ships. They're pushing up on Iowa-tier, or at least NorCar.

Okay, so what do we got for the Turks? I know we have the Agincourt and Erin, although I am only referring those two by their English names because I can't be remember their Turkish names for the likes of me.
Sultan Osman-I Evvel and Reşadiye respectively, then there's Yavuz Sultan Selim and Breslau/Midilli

Thanks for clearing that up.

The former two summoned by the Brits, the latter two by the Turks.

So let's see, the French don't have any battleships, the Germans don't, I am not sure about the Russians, the Greeks don't, the Fins don't although they are only Coastal Battleships, the Sweds don't but the Battleships they did have were again Coastal Battleships, the Chilieans had a few, as did the Brazilians and Argentinans.
Quick question, has Chile summoned Admirante Latorre? Given Chiles geographical situation, I'd imagine the "darkest hour" technique could work.
That sound you hear is the cry of Warspite as her "longest ranged hit by a battleship" trophy is being taken away from her.

Edit: either that or the mod warning
technically she still has it, depending on how you qualify a hit. By most definitions the Yamato shot was a near miss.
edit: if I remember the post right the shot that hit White plains was the supposed record shot.
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technically she still has it, depending on how you qualify a hit. By most definitions the Yamato shot was a near miss.

Well, a member of the Scharnhorst-class would like to argue that and HMS Glorious would be inclinded to agree as well. But let's get back on track. Also we know that Hood is back, poor girl, is she doomed to get killed by an Abyssal Bismarck-class Fast Battleship?
Well, a member of the Scharnhorst-class would like to argue that and HMS Glorious would be inclinded to agree as well. But let's get back on track. Also we know that Hood is back, poor girl, is she doomed to get killed by an Abyssal Bismarck-class Fast Battleship?
I'm kind of curious what you expect to get from asking that question. All the people who actually know ( and Sky) aren't gonna spill.
Derailing a little here, but just out of curiosity, JMPer, are Liberty Ships on the table?
I'm kind of curious what you expect to get from asking that question. All the people who actually know ( and Sky) aren't gonna spill.


'sides, I already have my own Princess for the Brits to deal with. No one guessed on what she was back when I posted the last Eurobote bit though, even with the hints I dropped.
Well, a member of the Scharnhorst-class would like to argue that and HMS Glorious would be inclinded to agree as well. But let's get back on track. Also we know that Hood is back, poor girl, is she doomed to get killed by an Abyssal Bismarck-class Fast Battleship?
considering the former is in the Atlantic and the latter is near Hawaii... I doubt that.
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