Part 17b: SSSSSSS get it AWAY!
Part 17b
A series of brief knocks against the laminated office door roused Admiral Williams out of his paperwork-and-e-mail induced mediation. "Enter," he said, not even glancing up from the glowing LCD in front of him.

"Morning, uh, Admiral," said the calm, composed, and notably male voice of Doctor Crowning.

Williams didn't even bother to hide his relived sigh as he looked up at the professor, sitting back in his chair with a weary smile. "Yeah, Doc?"

"I'm not.. disturbing you, am I, Admiral?" said Crowning, his hands firmly planted in the pockets of his well-worn jacket.

Williams smiled, shaking his head as he waved the academic off. "No, not at all. Actually… you have no idea how glad I am that you're the one bothering me."

Crowning knit his brow, glancing aside in thought.

"For eight months, I had three girls on this base," said Williams, holding up the last three fingers of his hand. "And they caused me no end of headaches… and now I've got five more. Only one of which is, maybe sane." He laughed, idly tabbing though the newest batch of requisition forms. Ever since White had shown up, he was getting almost daily request for—to quote the officially submitted and increasingly more desperate forms from Yeoman Gale—"More Plushies."

"I was a college professor, Admiral," said Crowning with a weary smile, "For English, at that."

Williams stifled a chuckle, drumming a quick beat against his desk. "I'm just glad every time I have a problem that's not somehow my girls' fault. So, what can I do for you?"

"Actually… I was going to ask you the same question," said Crowning, glancing over the rows of naval-history books and lovingly-painted models—all of which were modern-ear, he noticed.

Williams lifted an eyebrow, motioning for the professor to continue.

"I've… I've just been sitting around for days," said Crowning, tapping his shoe against the floor, "There's no way I can help with the naval side, I'm probably worse than useless."

Williams nodded in agreement, "Doc, no one's keeping you here. If you want to head home, we'll find you a flight."

"No, it's not that," said Crowning, "I think…I hope that…" he stopped, taking a breath as he organized his words, "I want to figure out how Jersey summoned those destroyers. And- and maybe even repeat it."

"You think you can do that?" said Williams, suddenly very interested as he leaned forwards over his desk.

"Yes." said Crowning, his gaze fixed on Crowning, "Because I'm not giving up until I do."

Williams smiled, "I like the spirit, doc. What do you need?"

"A- a band, for one," said Crowning, "A Navy band, but not the full…" he waved his hands in inarticulate circles of enthusiasm, "the full military ensemble. I- I need sailors who can rock."

Williams smiled, already sorting though a mental list of candidates, "I think I can find a few."


"Oh my god, you're such a child," said Gale, scowling as she leaned forwards, trying to sneak a stick of lipstick past Jersey's spectacularly good defenses.

Jersey hissed in response, recoiling from the cosmetic like it was a Long Lance torpedo headed straight for her magazine. Her teeth were bared and her icy eyes locked on the waxy red tip, following its every move with the kind of attention normally reserved for neurosurgery or professional sports.

"It's lipstick! It won't kill you!"

"I look fine," scowled Jersey, her icy eyes boring holes though Gale's NWU fatigues and straight into her soul, "Skipper said I had to show up, not get dolled up."

"You know what, fine," said Gale, capping her lipstick with a huff. As much as she hated to admit it… Jersey did look good. For a girl who slept until noon and ate literally anything and everything that found its way in front of her… she looked damn good. Especially with that shirt and those shorts…



"Are you staring at me?"

"Uh… no?" Said Gale, biting the corner of her mouth as she tried to change subjects, "Oh, uh… the Taffies begged me to take them shopping, so… I'm gonna be off-base for the next while."

Jersey narrowed her eyes, "Uh huh," she said, sighing as she glanced towards the podium. She could tell there was a veritable horde of reporters waiting to lay into her with their words. And she couldn't even fire back! "Fuck it… let's get this over with."

"I'm sure you'll do fine, ma'am!" said Gale, snapping off a crisp salute complete with cheery smile.

"Ha ha-fuck you," growled Jersey. Then her face twisted into a sickeningly sweet smile, "Have fun at the mall."

She didn't get to see Gale's reaction, as a barrage of popping flashbulbs and clicking shutters exploded in her face, almost blinding her as she made her way to the podium. She heard someone—probably a Navy press secretary—try to quiet the crowd to no avail. Jerseyfelt the chorus of questions from confused, desperate people break over her bow like an Atlantic storm, showering her decks with fear and confusion.

"HEY!" she barked, her booming voice echoing off the walls. "SHUT UP!"

The room instantly went dead silent, and seemed to get even quieter as the battleship swept her icy gaze across the cluster of reporters.

"Now," she said, rubbing her temples as she slouched over the podium, propping herself up with her elbows, "Let's get this over with, yeah?"

More silence. Then an older man with his graying hair styled in a high-and-tight stood up, waving his hand in the battleship's General direction.

"Yo," said Jersey, motioning for him to continue.

"Jake Harrison, CNN," said the man, "Certain parts of the country have been very vocal about the President's pledge to extend naval assistance to our allies in the Pacific. What're your thoughts on this controversial issue?"

The press secretary next to Jersey almost leaped forwards, his crisp white uniform in stunning contrast to the battleship's Navy-blue T-shirt. "That's a complicated issue, and for the time being-"

"No. It's not," said Jersey, her brows knitting as she fixed the secretary in her icy glare.

"Ma'am, please," said the sailor, his eyes wide as he all but begged the battleship toshut the fuck up and let him do his job.

"I'm sorry," said Harrison, leaning a little closer to catch every word the returned battleship said, "Could you repeat that, ma'am?"

"It's not a complicated issue," said Jersey, drawing herself to her full height, almost towering into the rafters as she stood on the elevated press platform. "They're our allies. Protecting them is what Americans do."

"Next question," said the secretary, shooting a pleading glance at Jersey. The battleship just shrugged.

"Sara Wilcox, MSNBC," said a blonde woman in a tightly fitted business suit, "What's your position on the President's economic policy? Are you worried about the effects that simply giving away millions of tons of American grain could have on the US economy?"

"Next question," said the Secretary, looking for someone else to answer while he held Jersey back with his free hand.

Jersey's face dropped into an utterly dis believing scowl. "What the fuck is wrong with you people!"

The room went deathly silent, even the press secretary's desperate whimpering dropped into the subsonic range.

"Seriously," said Jersey, leaning forwards so she loomed over the podium. "What the actual fuck?" Her scowl turned downright venomous as she raked each and every one in the room with her icy armor-piercing glare.

"Ma'am, please…" said the secretary.

Jersey ignored him. "You talk about… about fucking economic bullshit? Japan… Japan depends on the fucking sea. Without it, they're starving. And what the fuck do they do?"

Jersey was almost shaking with rage, her temples pulsing as she grit her teeth, her vision starting to tint red. "Any fucking one? Hmm? They send three of their girls, their only fucking line of defense over here to help our sorry asses. They're better Americans than any of you'll ever be." She leaned back, scowling as she crossed her arms. "That's what I fucking think about the policy bullshit. Next question."

For a long moment, the room was quiet again, until another man stood up. A younger man with at least three days worth of unshaven but carefully-maintained stubble on his chin with a fashionable sweater tastefully unzipped to show his tie. "Jon Aaron, Wall Street Journal. My grandfather served with you during Korea."

Jersey's scowl softened fractionally, and then she started to smile, "You're Master Chief Aaron's kid?"

The reporter nodded, "I… I just wanted to say thank you. And.. maybe get a selfie with you."

Jersey glanced over at the press secretary, her face a mask of utter confusion.

"A picture with you, ma'am," said the sailor. "Like… an autograph."

"Oh," said Jersey, her face going utterly flat. Then her cheeks puffed up in a huge smile. "Yeah! Yeah, of course. Sure get on up here!"

Aaron gave her a questioning look. "Right now, ma'am?"

"Why the hell not?" said Jersey, smiling happily as she nodded to the crowd of dumbstruck reporters, "It's not like they're doing anything useful."

A wave of nervous laughter rippled though the crowd as Aaron stepped up to the platform, the crown of his head barely coming to Jersey's nose.

"So, what do we-" Jersey's voice died in her throat as Aaron held up a slim plastic rectangle, framing the two of them in the TV screen that dominated one face. "Holy shit, the future's awesome," she said with a radiant smile.

"Uh, ma'am," said the secretary, "Is this really-"

"I outrank you," said Jersey with a cheeky grin, setting her hips at a slant as she posed for her picture.

"Yes, but-"

"Out. Rank. You," said Jersey, poofing her hair with her hand and starting to regret rejecting Gale's offer of lipstick ever so slightly.

Aaron smiled, tapping his magic rectangle a few times before putting it down, "Thank you, ma'am."

"Yeah, no problem!" said Jersey, her cheeks red as she smiled, giving him a handshake that somehow turned into an excited hug. "Um… yeah, so…" she tapped her hands together, staring into the crowd, "Anyone, uh… anyone else?"
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Part 18: Mall!!!!
Part 18
"Wait, that's a mall?" said Johnston, her voice muffled by the tinted SUV window she'd smashed her face up against. "It's so big!"

Gale laughed, glancing at her hyper-energetic passengers for a moment in the rear view mirror. They'd been… honestly pretty awful on the drive, or at least Hoel and Johnston had been. Heermann just sorta… sat in the middle staring wistfully off into space.

"There's so many cars!" said Hoel, her flaming hair brushing against Gale's neck as the destroyer shoved her head between the front two seats.

"It's the day before Halloween," said Gale, turning off the road and into one of the vast—and filled almost to capacity—parking areas that surrounded the mall. "Parking's gonna be-"

Before she could finish her sentence she was interrupted by a rapid sequence of abnormal and worrying sounds. First, the oiled metal-on-metal thunk of a car door being flung open. Then a giggling woop coming from somewhere in the back row. Finally, the fleshy splat of meat against asphalt.

Almost like… Gale glanced over her shoulder, her face shifting almost instantly from 'worried curiosity' to 'long-suffering resignation.'

The door was open. Hoel was whooping with glee. Johnston lay in a heap in the middle of the parking lot, her feathers quivering as she skidded to a stop. And Heermann just had her face buried in her hands.

For a second, the universe seemed to freeze in place, almost as if reality itself was doing a double take. Then Johnston bounced to her feet, and flashed a cheeky thumbs up.

Hoel was the first to speak. "Gawd-dangit, Johnston!" she cried, undoing her buckle with one hand as she opened the door with the other. "Everyone, follow that destroyer!"

"Hoel, no!" Gale slammed on the brakes, trying to steer with one hand and restrain a hyper-energetic destroyer with seemingly no sense of self-preservation with the other. Not that it mattered, the redheaded little girl had already bailed out.

"I am so sorry," said Heermann, letting out an exhausted sigh.

Gale scowled, her shoulders hunching as she focused on simply finding a parking spot. The destroyers and their antics… she'd cross that bridge—that structurally unsound bridge over shark infested waters that was also on fire—when she came to it.

After several minutes of searching—punctuated every few seconds by Heermann calling out an "open" space that ended up having a subcompact Japanese car in it—Gale finally pulled the SUV into an open spot in the remotest corner of a multi-level parking strucutre.

"Heya, Gale!" said Johnston, bounding over the decorative shrubbery with a running leap, her feathers bouncing behind her with her hyper-energetic gait. Her clothes were scuffed up, and she had an oil stain across her chest, but the girl inside them looked no worse for wear.

"Took you long enough!" said Hoel, jinking around the shrub instead of just vaulting it as she came hurling towards the SUV. "Hey, Heermann!"

Heermann waved, smiling as she frantically side-stepped away from where Gale was standing. It took the sailor a heartbeat to recognize why the brunette destroyer did that.

Johnston came skidding to, not so much a stop as a semi-controlled crash against Gale, faceplanting hard against the sailor's chest as she grabbed Gale's waist in a tight hug. Hoel hit mere seconds later, using Johnston's body to cushion her deceleration. "thanks so much for taking us!" said Hoel, looking up with an incandescent smile.

"Yeah, we really appreciate it!" said Johnston, squeezing Gale's waist before letting go, "And uh… sorry if that hurt."

"Yeah, you're not as soft as Jersey."

"Hoel!" hissed Heermann, waving her hand across her throat as fast as she could.

"Oh…" Hoel furrowed her brow, her gaze slowly falling from Gale's expression of angry bewilderment down to the sailor's chest, which wasn't even close to Jersey's… displacement. "OH! SORRY!" she said, instantly releasing the hug and leaping away. "Sorrysorrysorry!"

Johnston just giggled, nuzzling up against Gale before letting her go, "We still love you, Gale!"

Gale tried to scowl, she really did. But in spite of her best efforts, she felt her cheeks twitching in a smile. "Okay… fine, but you girls owe me."

All three destroyers nodded in unison.


After a brisk walk though the food court in which all three destroyers eyed the slowly-cooking soft pretzels then vehemently denied they were hungry, Gale and her little cluster of sleeveless destroyer girls made it to the mall proper.

"Where do we wanna go?" asked Johnston, her hands on her hips as she stared down the mall directory, her eyes narrowed to slits as she all but challenged it to a gun duel at high noon.

"Dunno, Gale?" said Heermann, pivoting on her heel to see if the sailor had any input.

Before she could speak up, Hoel taped excitedly on the directory, "Ooh, it says there's a shop called 'Victoria's Secret'."

"Ooh, sounds classy," said Johnston, tugging her feathers straight and looking to Hoel for confirmation.

"Totally," said Hoel, bouncing on her heels as she nearly vibrated with energy.

"I wonder if they mean Queen Victoria?" said Heermann, bouncing over to join her sisters.

"Lets find out!" said Hoel, throwing her hand up in the air. "Taffy 3! CHAAAAARGE!"

The three destroyer girls bolted down the polished tile floors, effortlessly ducking and weaving though the crowd as they sprinted as fast as their little legs and sixty-thousand shaft horsepower could take them.

Gale didn't even try to follow them. On her best day she couldn't run half as fast as those little demons, and there was no way she could navigate the tightly-packed mass of humanity that was a Friday afternoon at the mall. That, and the destroyers could stand to learn a lesson or two on their own. She just walked over to a nearby bench and sat down, glancing at her watch and counting off the seconds.

"Why did we do that!" Hoel's voice showed up a few seconds before the destroyer did. Her mouth hung open in horror, and her eyes were unfocused as she stared into the distance.

"I feel so violated," muttered Heermann, clutching her hands to her small, but still substantial for a destroyer—chest, as she shuffled over to Gale.

"We have to take Jersey here sometime!" said Johnston, a smirk on her face as she bounced over, still bubbly and unaffected as ever.

"Lewd!" hissed Hoel, elbowing her sister in the belly.

Gale laughed, rolling her eyes at the squabbling destroyer girls. "Did you girls learn your lesson?"

"Yes, ma'am," said Hoel, looking at her shoes as she fiddled with her belt.

"Yes, ma'am," chorused Heermann, although she met Gale's eyes with hers.

"Ooh, what's that?" said Johnston, her head whipping around as she spotted…

Gale's face drained white. Across the junction was a small store with a neon sign proclaiming it to be "ANIME WORLD." Brightly colored costumes and posters Gale could only assume were from various anime were hung on proud display, along with a… with a…

"I.. think it's Naka?" said Hoel, her nose scrunching up as she looked over a life-size cardboard standup of Naka looking cutesy and holding a mic in her hand.

"Where's her stacks though?" said Heermann, standing on tiptoes to get a better view.

"No, that's definitely Naka," said Johnston, putting her head down like it was a battering ram and charging off though the crowd. "Follow me!"

Hoel was hot on her heels, panting as she tried to overhaul Johnston. And Heermann was… was still standing by Gale's side, staring blankly into the distance.

Gale bit her lip. She was thanking her lucky stars that at least one of her three charges had ran out of energy. But she could tell there was something wrong with the little destroyer. "You okay, hun?"

"Hmm?" said Heermann, snapping out of her daze as she looked up at Gale.

"You don't want to go play with your sisters?"

Heermann shook her head, stepping closer to give Gale a hug. "No, I'm okay," she said, her already quiet voice even softer than usual. The little destroyer sighed, her big hazel eyes slick with barely held-in tears.

Gale made a soft humming sound of concern, gently guiding Heermann over to a bench where the two could sit.

"I'm… I'm not really one of them," said Heermann, teetering over until she fell down against Gale's lap. "I'm not a taffy."

"Hmm?" cooed Gale, gently running her hand over Heermann's shimmering brown hair and stroking at her braid.

"I didn't go down fighting," said Heermann, snuggling up closer to the sailor. "I… I survived the war," she said, sniffing and rubbing at her nose with the back of her hand. "I even got given to the Argentinians after."

"So? Lots of ships survived the war."

"But not them!" said Heermann, waving towards the commotion occurring on the other side of the hall, "They… they went under when I was just plinking away! I spent ten minutes running!"

"Heermann, I've read the history books," said Gale, ignoring the odd questioning stare from a passerby as she tried to calm the destroyer, "You girls fought like lions. All of you."

"But they went down swinging," said Heermann, "Like Sammy B… I just…" she sniffed, and Gale frantically started digging though her purse for a pack of tissues. "What if they don't want to be friends with me."

Gale stopped, of all the things she was expecting… "W-what?" she asked, handing Heermann a kleenex.

Heermann took it with a smile, dabbing at her nose before continuing. "They don't… really have anyone else but me. And… I don't think they like me."

"Oh, honey-"

"I woke up one morning," said Heermann, "And they were just gone."

Gale bit back a curse. She'd caught Jersey cuddling with the other two taffies, but hadn't thought anything of it. "I- I'm not sure-"

"HEY!" the thunderously loud bark of USS Johnston shattered any sense of calm. "Hey, lookit!" she bounced over, Hoel and… a slightly shorter, slightly chubbier Naka wearing thin-rimmed glasses in tow. "lookit lookit!"

Heermann bolted upright, frantically stuffing the tissue in her pants pocket and putting on a rough-and-ready scowl.

"It's not really Naka," explained Hoel, waving to the throughly-confused looking girl.

"Yeah, her name's Hannah," said Johnston, "She's a- a what did you say you were?"

"Cosplayer," said the girl, looking to Gale with a timid smile. "Are- are these your girls?"

"Apparently," sighed Gale.

"You- you look really good," said Heermann, her voice only the tiniest bit softer than usual.

"Yeah," said Johnston, "You got her outfit spot-on."

"Hey, Gale," said Hoel, "Do you have one of those camera thingies?"

"You… mean my phone?" said Gale, glancing to 'Hannah' and and offering a questioning glance.

"Yeah, that!" said Hoel.

"You mind?" asked Gale.

The girl shook her head, putting her arms around Johnston and Hoel and slipping into one of Naka's adorably cutesy smiles.

"Hey!" Johnston barked, "We need all of the taffies! Heermann, get your scrawny butt up here!"

"We're… all Fletchers," said Heermann, sniffing quietly as she walked over, her face twitching towards a grin.

"Yeah, but she's" Hoel jabbed her chin towards Johnston, "a dummy."

Johnston smiled from ear to ear, "I really am."

Gale rolled her eyes, holding up her phone. "Say cheese."

"Cheese!" chorused all three destroyers.

"Thanks so much!" said Johnston, giving the costumed girl a hug.

"No problem!" said Hannah, spreading her skirt in a curtsy, "I really like your costumes too!"

Johnston looked to Hoel.

Hoel looked go Heermann.

Heermann looked to Gale.

Gale shrugged.

"We're…" Johnston looked back to Hannah, "We're not wearing costumes."

"Yeah," added Hoel, "We just dress like this."

Heermann smiled sweetly for a second before Johnston elbowed her in the gut. "Oh, right. 'cause we're awesome."

Hannah stared slack-jawed at the three destroyers, her head slowly pivoting back to Gale. "They-They-"

"They're Destroyers?" said Gale, smirking in spite of herself that someone else was getting drawn into the hornets' nest of hyperactive shipgirls. "Yeah. Johnston, Hoel, and Heermann," she finished, pointing out each girl in turn.

"OhEmGEEEEEE!" squealed Hannah, her voice going so high it almost fell off the audible register."CanIpleasepleasepleasegetapicturewiththem?" she said, frantically jabbing her phone at Gale.

"I love malls!" screamed Johnston.
- - - - - - - - -
A/N: And thus, enter the world of insane DDs that is Yeoman Gale's life now. One of them is even a bit lewd! (not nearly as bad as the lewdmarine though, at least not yet...) And canonically, they went to the Alderwood mall, which does have an Anime World kitty-cornered from a Victoria's Secret.

They also have a forever 21, which is where I was originally gonna send the girls, but the one-two punch of VS and Anime was too funny to pass up.
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non-canon Omakes
Omakes and extras! There's fanfic of my fanfic so you can read while you read!

Taffy vs. the Center Fleet by Jon Berry
Yamato had made it quite clear to the other heavy ships that it would be she who would be giving the orientation tour to the American Task Force that had arrived at the base to reinforce their position against the Abyssal threats. Nagato had accepted her offer, knowing full well that if she tried, she would give up within minutes of being surrounded by the cute American Destroyers, Destroyer Escorts and Escort Carriers. Instead, she had assigned herself the task of assisting the Admiral as they briefed the New Jersey and the Lexington on the strategic situation around Japan.

Quite a few people were tip-toeing around the fact that there was a mark of pride to be settled between the Iowa-Class and Yamato-Class for who was the better ship, despite New Jersey's protesting otherwise, citing her years of service with IJN allies. It wasn't like she was Missouri, who still bore a grudge.

The Yamato-led tour was mostly quiet. The Battleship was the picture of perfect politeness as she led the thirteen smaller ships in formation around the base. That they themselves were respectful for the Battleship - out of terror or awe - only made things easier for everyone involved. She showed them the docks, the repair bays, the machine shop, the mess and other sundry locations for the day-to-day living on the base.

When it came time to show them to their living quarters, she led them into the building set aside for the Americans. Yamato had led the efforts to get this building ready, getting certain other ships to work with her without much in the way of arguments.

"This," she said as she reached the first room, opening it to show to the Destroyers, "is for the New Jersey." She turned to the lead Destroyer, Johnston, and smiled. "Please let her know when she comes in." The Destroyer nodded silently, gazing in awe at the large, well furnished room, fit for a Battleship.

She then led them down to the next room, and opened it up. "For Lexington," she said, and the Destroyers took in the room meant for the Fleet Carrier.

Then Yamato came to the third room. "Johnston," she said, addressing the lead Destroyer. "For you," she opened the door into a room every bit as well prepared as the two previous. Ignoring the stuttering from behind her she advanced to the next room. "Roberts," she opened up another full sized room. Then the fifth. "Hoel."

"Stop!" Johnston finally found her voice, even as she shielded her eyes under the cap that bore her name, registry number and silhouette of her hull. All the smaller American ships had those to help identify who was who in larger groups. "Those are rooms for Battleships! Not Destroyers!"

Yamato glared at her, which was extremely effective given that she herself had more displacement than all the other ships combined. "What is your point?" she asked. "I remember you. All of you." She let her memory drift back to that fateful day, then returned to the present. "I don't care what guns you may have. I don't care for your tonnage. I remember fighting you, and I know that you are all Battleships and Fleet Carriers. And so long as I have any say in the matter, you will be treated as such to the best of our ability, am I clear?"

The swarm of Destroyers giving her hugs in thanks was all she needed to know that she had done well.

A Certain Lady by Old Iron
"Her birth had been celebrated. Hailed as peerless, donning arms of thunder and armor of titans. Her life had been mediocre. Training for battle, yet never once firing her guns in anger. Her deeds had been few. A rescue, a film, a glorified deterrent and tour guide. Her death had been wretched. Rent asunder and left to a slow, agonizing end. He-" The man's voice was cut off abruptly as the rather thick tome which had served as the source of his oration was plucked rather forcefully from his hands. He looked up towards the source of the theft with a baleful gaze, one not so different from his usual visage were one to ask any number of his contemporaries. A small squeak came from the door before it slammed shut with no small amount of haste.

"To start, stop glaring. You're going to give Fubuki a heart attack." A feminine tone, low and with an undercurrent of constant exhaustion cut through whatver complaint the man behind the desk was about raise. The plundered book was thrust forward towards his face and came quite close to flattening his nose. With a sigh, he slumped back into the highly subjective comfort of his chair and waited for the voice's owner to continue. "To finish, didn't I tell you to stop reading such romanticized garbage?"

"I've given up counting if you want to know how often." The remark was not quite snide, but certainly not amused. He crossed his arms as he finally took in the sight of the irate woman who so often barged in on his down time. Tall and with the build of a boxer, the copper haired woman seemed to radiate a kind of never ending tension. It was hard to tell whether it was the caffeine she consumed almost non-stop or just a state of self inflicted hyper-awareness. He supposed the fact she rarely ever seemed to sleep might have something to do with that. The dark rings under her eyes would at least attest to the notion.

"Four hundred and eighty two as of now." She slammed the heavy book onto the desk with a gloved hand. Both it and her other hand were covered in heavy gloves that led into the sleeves of a well worn, but still well cared for longcoat. The man guessed that any number of the excuses she wore to adorn herself with such a coat regardless of the weather worked. However were he to put money on it, he'd say it was to keep prying eyes away from the fact most of her left arm and no small amount of her flank on the same side bore vicious scars and malevolent looking burn. It was rare for a girl to hang onto such wounds, but she did.

It didn't account for the portions that crept up her neck and cut into her chin, but there was only so much her blue and gold colored handkerchief could hide.

"When was the last time you got some rest?" The man with captain's panels on his shoulders finally groused out as he sat up. He reached out and grabbed a pen, ignoring the woman's tired glare. Looks like it was time to have the base doctor throw her weight around a bit. Again.

"I don't have time to sleep and you know that. There's too much to do around here and the enemy won't wait until we're all nice and prepared." Left unsaid was the answer to the captain's question. She hated sleeping. The last time she took a nap that lasted too long, she was awakened by fire and death. Her alarm clock had been the screams of aircraft, the howl falling ordinance, and the tortured ends of her crew. She refused to be caught unawares ever again. It was a duty she made damn well sure to live up to. And if she needed to grind that same notion into those around her, the ones who would lead, who would follow, and would stand alongside, then so be it.

Regardless of personal cost, she would make amends to those she believed she had failed.

She would bring up those behind with knowledge gained.

She would storm on ahead with furious guns and raging torpedos.

She would do now what she could not do then.

Such was the will.

Such was her will.

The will of Battleship Arizona.

The Humble Man by Chilord
When they had told him that they had finally summoned forth spirits from America's seas, he'd felt a great surge of hope pass through him. The men and women of the Naval forces had fought, bravely, desperately to overcome the enemy that had risen up from the depths to take back the great seas that covered most of their planet.

They fought valliantly, defiantly, and it had seemed almost futilely. They fought against an enemy that was slowly, steadily eating them alive, feasting upon their sacrifice and seemingly turning every victory to ash in their mouths.And still, even knowing this, they still fought.

It had left him a humbled man, when he had been to their bases and watched as the ships had sailed full of brave sailors and marines. It had almost left him broken, when they returned, less than they were, faces worn and grim and tired. He'd spoken to them, offered what encouragement he could.

Then they turned, a hot meal in their bellies and a single night's rest in warm beds, and sailed out once more without complaint or hesitation.

When he'd been elected to the Presidency of these United States, he had thought to himself he had achieved the greatest of achievements, and proven himself worthy of praise.

It was a bitterness now to realize how arrogant he had been. How foolish and prideful. It was power, yes. More power than he now thought a man should have, and with it, a crushing responsibility.

Their lives had been in his hands. And when the first detachment had returned, he almost made it the last. To see the wounded. To have the loses so plainly lain before him. To realize how many brave lives had been snuffed out under the orders he had given.

And it had been an almost physical blow to realize that they demanded he give them again.

And again.

And again.

He had played the part of the politician for so long. He had spoken the words praising military men for their service their sacrifice. He had offered hollow, empty words as simple platitudes to sooth what he thought of as too easily ruffled feathers.

Only now, he was starting to realize just how foolish he had been. He was begining to understand how much he had needed to be humbled. And he wished, so very badly, that the price had not been so many lives given so bravely and so willingly.

So, now he stood there, on a podium emblazoned with a familiar seal. Behind him, Old Glory flew, flanked by a vanguard of the Naval Jacks and the Marine Corps Standards flying proud. Before him, two sharp lines of dress blues tall and proud and at full attention. He wore a simple suit, made by a humble tailor in the town near the base.

His lips were dry and his throat tight as he took a moment to review the words he had labored so long to write. They told him that they could not expect them to rise up out of duty, that their situation, for all the cost and bravery, wasn't the same as the Japanese or the British. They could not demand their return to a fight when their country did not live completely by the whims of the sea as the others did.

They had to give them reason. They had to make their case. They had to give them cause.

His eyes turned to the ships standing there, tall and proud and at attention. But if you did, they would come. And they would fight, and they would, by God, win.

The snap of the snare could be heard behind him, before the sharp beat of a drum cadence rolled through the air. When it faded, the Marine Corps band took up their instruments, and softly the notes of Eternal Father, Strong to Save filled the air.

He closed his eyes for a moment, taking one last deep breath, before opening his gaze and staring at head, as his voice rose up and and rolled through the air.

"You have earned your honored rest. Your honor, your glory, your service unquestioned. Through your struggles, your sacrifices, your will, our people, our nation, our world has known a peace like no other. You have earned your rest, in the halls of glory.

"We have no right to ask this of you now, but we watch, helpless as our world faces a threat that seeks to break our spirits by forcing us to watch as the seas you paid so dearly to break peace and justice to become home to a threat that wishes nothing short of our destruction.

"We have no right to ask this of you, for this is not our darkest hour. We have our god given prosperity, we have our bounty, our plenty, and we could watch and do nothing as the world around us is swallowed by despair.

"But that is not who we are. That is not our way. This is America. The home of the Free. The land of the Brave.

"So, we ask of you, to lend us your spirit once more. Your honor, your valor, your service. We ask of you, to help the giant wake once more and help us Avenge the lives that have been taken from us. Help us to take back what has been so brutally stolen. We ask of you to fight with us once more."

And with a solemn bow of his head, he added in a soft voice caught by the microphone. "Please. Do not let them have died in vain."
Part 19: Sempai?
Fubuki hummed to herself as she stepped into the dockyard locker room. It was nice to be able to hum. Yuudachi always wanted to talk, Naka tended to sing to herself, and the Americans… well, Fubuki had yet to take a bath where Johnston and Hoel didn't try to instigate a water fight.

The special-type destroyer pushed those thoughts from her mind as she undressed. The docks were a time for relaxation in warm, sweet-smelling water, not a time to make war! Even if it was pretend.

Making sure her uniform was neatly folded, Fubuki gathered her favorite bath soaps, and her toy aircraft carrier—the one she'd painted up to look like Akagi-Sempai— and stepped into the docks proper.

Warm, wet air tinted with the smells of salt and honey washed over her, making her feel at home. As she walked down the submerged steps, she felt the embrace of the sea wrap around her like a comforting blanket. She barely even made a wake in the glassy smooth water, it felt so good she could almost-

She wasn't alone. Fubuki fell back on her natural destroyer instincts, kicking off the bath floor and building up as much speed as she could while she frantically jinked to throw off return fire.

She got about three yards before she realized what she was doing, and slowly coasted to a stop. "S-sorry," she muttered, sinking down in the water until she felt it lap at her chin. She slowly turned in place, curious as to who was able to surprise her like that, the other girls were so much louder.

Then her eyes went wide, "J-Jersey-Sempai?"

The towering American battleship lay on her back in the corner of the tub, her head propped up against the poolside, and her frustratingly-developed AA suites bulging above the surface in a navy-blue bikini. Her hair was splayed out on the water's surface, forming a glimmering slick around her inert body.

Fubuki looked away, absent-mindedly covering herself as she cursed her rotten luck. Americans always made her feel self-conscious, always insisting on covering themselves in the bath—and having so much to cover! Even Heermann or White could disrupt the tranquility of her bath!

But… Jersey-Sempai?

Fubuki bit her lip, rolling onto her belly and swimming over. She hoped her Sempai wouldn't mind… She seemed so much nicer than the Destroyers, maybe… Jersey wouldn't ask her to change?

"S-sempai?" asked Fubuki, gliding to a halt just before the shimmering slick of strawberry-blond hair surrounding the battleship. "Are you-oh!"

The two kanmusu weren't alone. A tiny fairy in oil-covered blue fatigues stood on the battleship's rippling stomach, her feet shifting every so often to keep on top of Jersey's semi-submerged abs as she breathed in and out. If she noticed Fubuki, the little fairy didn't show it, she was far to focused on her task.

Sitting next to her was miniature air-pump, the same kind that her own fairies used for underwater damage control. A thick rubber hose with electrical cords wrapped around it snaked over the battleship's toned side and slipped into the water.

Fubuki's gaze followed the hose. Then she gasped, her hand flying up to cover her face. A fairy in standard diving dress hung off the battleship's bare skin, a minute diving light in one hand. A damage control fairy. Fubuki'd seen them before, though she'd heard the American damage control was worlds better than her own.

But that wasn't what made her gasp.

Jersey's side was criss-crossed with an ugly, scarred wound. Her skin peeled back to show the substructure underneath. Blackened, twisted metal of torpedo-protection bulkheads gave way to what was unmistakable one of the battleship's boiler rooms. But one that'd been torn apart by the twin winds of enemy fire and a steam explosion.

Electrical cables hung randomly off her bulkheads, sparking intermittently as the damage-control fairy worked her way deeper into the battleship's horrific wound.

"I-I know what did this," breathed Fubuki, staring up at the fairy supervising from Jersey's tummy.

The fairy gave her a confused glance.

"That… that's an Oxygen Torpedo," said Fubuki, forcing her self to lean closer. She wanted to be wrong, begged to be wrong. But it was unmistakable, she'd fired enough of them to know exactly what they did to a ship, even a battleship.

"Jersey-Sempai," breathed Fubuki, sinking down to her chin in the warm water, the battleship's hair tickling at her skin. It didn't make any sense! Jersey wasn't hit like that, not during the war! Fubuki'd made sure to read up on her new Sempai!

The fairy on her belly glanced over at Fubuki, shaking her oversized head with a sad sigh.

No… not during service. This is what killed her.

Fubuki gasped. Kanmusu were colored by their service, but never… never by their wounds. It didn't make any sense! She saw Jersey in combat, she could never have moved like that with a gash in her hull, even if all her boilers were working.

"What?" Fubuki glanced at the fairy, "what do you mean, 'only when she's sleeping'?"

The fairy nodded sadly, dropping to her knees to help the diver up.

Fubuki sat back, the poolside suddenly very cold against her bare skin. When she looked over at Jersey again, the faeries were gone, but the horrible gash on her belly remained, slowly seeping oil in a rainbow-colored plume.

The Destroyer bit her lip, building up courage deep within her machinery spaces. Then, after what felt like hours, she leaned over to rest her head against Jersey's shoulder.

Her Sempai was hurting, she decided. She wasn't going to leave her, not until she woke up.
- - - -
A/N: Inspired by the posts about Jersey's laughable anti-torpedo defences, and some things I'd had planned for a while now. So, thoughts? Too fanservicey? Not enough? What do you think's wrong with Jersey-Sempai? (other than lack of Fubuki?)
Part 20: They LIGHT UP!
part 20
"What you doing there, kiddo?"

Fubuki jolted awake, her body stiff with shock. She'd allowed herself to fall asleep! While she was guarding her beloved Sempai! That was- that was- The destroyer's eyes slowly ratcheted wider, letting out a very visible gulp as she suddenly realized where she was sleeping.

Her head was firmly planted on Jersey-Sempai's chest, her short black hair sticking to the battleship's wet skin. For once, Fubuki was actually glad the Americans insisted on wearing swimwear into the docks.

"S-s-sorry, Sempai," she muttered, pulling herself away with as much grace as she could manage. She sat up straight against the poolside, staring at the opposite wall as she awaited her punishment. She'd made a mistake, and the least she could do was own up to it. It's what real warships did, after all!

"Hey… kiddo?" said Jersey, water rippling as she sat up.

"H-hai?" said Fubuki, still looking intently ahead. She'd… she'd been to personal already! She wouldn't stare at Jersey's… at Jersey, that she could do!

"The fuck does Sempai mean?" said the Battleship, her hip bumping against Fubuki's as she scooted closer.

Fubuki felt the cogs in her brain come grinding to a halt while some fairy officer yelled her tiny little mouth off. "It…" The special-type destroyer paused, pursing her lips as she thought. "It means… it's an honorific."

"Uh huh," said Jersey.

"It… it's a way to respect you," said Fubuki, "to respect your wisdom and knowledge."

For a few seconds Jersey didn't say a word. Then her hearty laughter started echoing off every surface in the dock building.

"J-Jersey, Sempai?" said Fubuki, deciding she could risk a quick glance.

Jersey had sunken down up to her neck, her whole body shaking as she laughed so hard she was almost crying. "Oh… 'buki…"


Jersey waved at the destroyer, accidentally smacking her in the face with her hand. "You- you don't need to do that," she said, barely sneaking the words out between thundering laughs.


"But nothing!" Jersey shook her head, propping her sinewy arms up on the poolside, "You're the mother of all fucking destroyers, if anyone's calling anyone Some-pie it should be me."

Fubuki felt her face go red. So red they could probably see it all the way home. "I- I'm just a-"

"A destroyer?" said Jersey, reaching over to muss Fubuki's hair. "Yeah… but you're thefirst destroyer, or the first real one."

Fubuki stared into the water, glancing past her chest—such that it was—to the rippling reflection of her toes, "But Johnston-"

"Owes her very existence to you," said Jersey, "same with Turner Joy, and Shoup. When you hit the water, you made every other destroyer in the world obsolete."

Fubuki beamed, her body starting to vibrate with sheer unrestrained glee. Sempai calledher Sempai! "R-really?"

"Hell yeah," said Jersey, pulling herself up out of the water with a surging splash. Her butt landed on the poolside with a squelch of of her soggy swim trunks. "I'm American, we never lie."

"I don't think-"

Jersey shut her up with a quick pat to the head. "Never. Lie."

Fubuki laughed, trying her hardest not to stare too much at the battleship. She was about to ask about the tear she'd seen in Jersey's hull… but it had vanished. In its place, tearing across the battleship's muscled tummy like a lightning, was an ugly white scar.

Jersey's smile faded, her face darkening as she followed the destroyer's gaze, her hand idly tracing along the ragged tear. "Yeah… not pretty, is it?"

Fubuki shook her head.

"It…. it looks worse than it is," said Jersey, her voice weaker and softer than normal, almost like she was trying to convince herself. "Took a torpedo to the boilers… fucking hurt."

Fubuki nodded a little too quickly. "I- I thought you weren't hit in combat."

"Wasn't," said Jersey, running her hands though her sopping wet hair to at least instil some sort of order to the shimmering mess. "Hit me in the middle of the fucking Delaware, right when they were trying to summon me too. Hell of a wake-up call, right?" said the battleship with a bitterly dry laugh.

"Well…" Fubuki shifted in place, water rippling around her as she forced herself to keep a straight face, "Get-get better soon!"

"Yeah," said Jersey, her shoulders slouching as she stared at the tile. For what felt like hours, she didn't say a thing. Then her gaze drifted to one of the four watches hanging around her wrist. "Oh… shiiiiiiiiit."


Jersey shot Fubuki a dirty look, then quickly sighed and rolled her eyes. "I slept for, like… four hours."

The destroyer sat in silence, her head tilting to the side ever so slightly.

"And the taffies didn't once cause enough trouble for someone to wake me," Jersey glanced at Fubuki for a split-second. Then the battleship exploded into action, tearing across the poolside in a flat-out sprint for the locker rooms. "They're up to something!"


Gale let out a long, ragged sigh. She'd spent enough time with Yuudachi and Naka to know that dealing with shipgirls was never ever a cut and dry situation. Murphy and his triple-damned law was a heartless bastard at the best of times. No plan survives first contact with an enemy and all that.

But shipgirls—especially the tenacious little murderballs of Taffy 3—they thumbed their noses to the laws of probability, ensuring each and every thing that could make her day worse, possible or no, happened. All at once. To her. And ninety percent of the time it was somehow Johnston's fault.

And yet… in some naive corner of her mind still held on to the hope that today would be different. She was taking three thirteen year old girls to the mall—with a credit line direct from the Department of the Navy. If there was ever anything that should have gone smoothly, it should have been trip to the goddamn mall.

"GALE!" shouted Hoel, the sound her feet slapping against the carpeted floor somehow louder than the generically-obnoxious boy-band music blaring over the store speakers. How that was supposed to encourage purchases was beyond her.

"GALE GALE GALE GALE!" Hoel slammed her heels down at the last second, skidding to a… not so much a stop as a 'barely controlled crash' in front of the Yeoman. "GALE!"

Gale sighed. If she ever found that heartless bastard who sold the taffies coffee… "What?"

"LOOKIT!" Hoel back stepped, slapping her heels against the floor until the chunky new shoes she'd bought started glowing. "THEY LIGHT UP! I LOVE THE FUTURE! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" The little destroyer threw her arms around Gale's middle, ramming her face against the Yeoman's belly as she gave a typically enthusiastic Taffy hug.

Gale smiled, giving Hoel a pat on the head. She was exhausted and miserable, not heartless! "You- you're welcome, Hoel."

Hoel giggled, squeezing even tighter before letting go.

"Hoel, look what I found!" said Johnston, careening over with a pile of clothing in her hand. At least she didn't seem noticeably affected by her caffeine intake, if only because she ran with her boilers wide open anyways.

"OH, WHAT?" said Hoel, bouncing off the ground as she spun around.

"Look!" Johnston held up a red-white-and-blue hoodie with a star proudly displayed on the breast. "They have Captain America stuff!"

"WHAT!" shouted Hoel, almost vibrating off the visible spectrum in excitement. "THEY STILL KNOW ABOUT THE CAP?"

Gale laughed, but the two taffies were so deep in their conversation neither one even noticed. Nor did they notice the restrained arrival of Heermann.

"But he's army," said the third destroyer, her hands in her pockets as she idly browsed the racks of clothing.

"So?" said Johnston, hurling a hoodie at Heermann. "He punched Hitler! In the Face!"

Heermann gave a shrug of acquiescence as she wordlessly pulled the snugly-fitting hoodie on over her ragged sailor-top.

"Can we get them?" said Johnston, spinning on her heel and staring up at Gale with the huge, innocent eyes of a girl who hadn't been running rampant though a mall for the pastseveralhours.

"PLEASE?" added Hoel.

Heermann didn't say anything, but the way her face lit up… she was begging just as hard as the rest of them.

Gale sighed, rubbing her temples with one hand. "You have a navy credit card. You can pay for shit if you want it."

"Actually," a young man—boy really. He couldn't be much older than… fifteen or sixteen—waved at the group, "I'll, uh, I can get those for you."

Gale gave him a testing look. If this is what kids called flirting, "You… do know they're-"

"Destroyers? yeah," said the boy, "Taffy 3, right?"

"Yeah!" said Johnston, pivoting on her heel to look at Gale, "We're famous?"

"Not…really," said Gale, one eyebrow arching upwards. "How did you-"

"My grand-dad," said the boy. "He… he was on the Kalinin Bay. He told me all about you."

All three taffies froze in place, their eyes starting to water as they stared at him.

"It's not gonna be cheap, you know," said Gale.

"I know," said the boy, "But… you know, I owe my life to them. If they didn't save-" His next words were lost under the assault of three Fletcher class destroyers running on pure caffeine all tackle-hugging as one.

It took a good twenty minutes to pry the taffies off him and get their clothes rung up. After a brief moment of sticker shock—both from the destroyers and their would-be benefactor—Gale slipped the cashier a fifty to cover the difference. The girls were too busy getting their pictures taken to notice, and Johnston even offered a parting kiss.

"Okay," said Johnston, bouncing over with a smirk on her face, "We can go now."

"Yeah, thanks for taking us, Gale," said Heermann, her voice muffled as she pulled her hoodie on.

"THANKS!" said Hoel, hurling herself at the Sailor and grabbing her waist in a tight hug.

Gale smiled in-spite of herself, "You're welcome g-"The tell-tale sound of fabric being torn apart stopped her dead in her tracks. Gale sloooowly turned on her heel, bracing herself for whatever calamity the taffies had caused.

Johnston had—somehow—managed not only to get her hoodie on in the brief instant Gale hadn't been watching her, but also managed to tear the sleeves off perfectly along the seam lines. Her now-detached sleeves hung loose around her elbows, showing of the muscles of her scrappy little arms.

"What the hell," monotoned Gale.

In response, Hoel tore the sleeves off her own hoodie like it was a perfectly natural thing to do.

"We're badasses!" said Johnston, crossing her arms over her chest like it was the most rational explanation in the world. "Taffy 3 don't need sleeves, fool!"

Gale blinked. Whoever showed the taffies The A-team would suffer.

"Yo, Heermann!" Johnston spun on her heel to the sole girl who was wearing her clothing the way it was intended.


"Loose those sleeves!" said Johnston, pouncing on her sister to do the deed herself. "You're a taffy!"

Heermann's smile was so bright it was borderline nuclear.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A/N: No relation to the story, but I found this picture of USS Iowa's bathtub (installed when she ferried FDR across the Atlantic.) There's a shelf for the president's reading material, and a toy battleship to play with. Iowa confirmed toy-store owner!
Part 21: All together now!
Part 21
"Get up nuggets," grunted Jersey, her shapely form looming over the three destroyers—and one escort carrier—sleeping in a tightly-packed ball in the middle of the floor.

"Grrhm," replied White, burrowing her face deeper into Hoel's chest and dragging her tomcat plushie over to shade her eyes.

Jersey rolled her eyes, taking a long sip from the carafe of awful-tasting black guck the Navy tried to pass off as coffee. "Hey, Taffies," she said, prodding Johnston's back with the tip of her running shoe.

The destroyer growled, flopping out of the dense destroyer cuddle-pile and landing flat on her back. "'time's it?" she mumbled, rubbing at her eyes as she stared up at Jersey.

"AM," said the battleship, taking another long gulp of the over-caffiniated sludge, "Very very AM."

Johnston grumbled something under her breath.

"C'mon, we gotta hit the docks," said Jersey, her hand resting on the crook of her hip, one eyebrow creeping up as she smirked at the little destroyer.

For a second Johnston just stared in incomprehension at the battleship. Then her tired mind slowly put the pieces together. "OH!" she chirped, almost bouncing up onto her feet and tearing over to her dresser, "OH! Okay! Lemme get changed!"


"I thought you meant our docks," grumbled Johnston, her shoulders slack as she held her bath caddy in one hand, her shoes softly padding against the concrete as she lagged at the back of Jersey's little flotilla.

"The hell would I mean that?" said Jersey, glaring at her carafe as if she could refill it by sheer force of personality.

"Because someone likes you, Jersey!" cooed Hoel, deftly dodging Johnston's sloppy jab with an effortless side-step.

"Yeah!" said White, bouncing over to give Jersey—or her belly, at least—a hug, "You're really cool!"

Jersey rolled her eyes, ruffling White's hair with the hand not occupied by her former beverage. "Stop it, nuggets. I get enough of that sempai bullshit from Fubuki."

"What's sempai?" asked Heermann, absent-mindedly tapping at her chin

"Good fucking question," said Jersey, wordlessly foisting her carafe on a passing sailor.

For a brief moment, the four girls and their moderately more mature minder walked in silence.

"Uh, Jersey?" asked Hoel, trotting over to walk abreast of the battleship.


"Oh, I thought you'd fallen asleep…" the destroyer bit back a giggle.

"Hardy har," groaned Jersey, rolling her eyes as she swatted at the destroyer's flaming little ponytail.

"Jersey! Look at those!" said Hoel, tugging at the battleship's sleeve and frantically pointing out across the sound. Tiny tugboats festooned with rubber bumpers and spot lights gently guided a massive bulk freighter into formation.

"It's so huge!" said Heermann, her jaw going slack as she stared at the monster of a freighter. It was little more than a massive floating box shaped in a general boat-like manner at the stem and stern.

"How do those float?" said White, her enormous eyes bouncing between the cargo ship with its mottled camouflage and Jersey's icy blue eyes.

"It doesn't," said Jersey, tossing a wave to the tug crews—as if they'd even be able to notice it. "It's just so ugly the water repels it."

White doubled over in snorted giggles, and even Heermann had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing.

"Hey, who's that?" said Hoel, pointing to the silvery-haired figure standing by the railing, his gaze apparently fixed on the convoy slowly forming up in the pre-dawn gloom.

"That's, uh," Jersey squinted. Thanks to her radar, her night vision was stellar. But picking out a single human-sized form was still tricky, even for her. "That's professor Crowning," she concluded.

"Who?" chirped White.

"He's a, uh… friend of mine," said Jersey. She didn't really feel like explaining the whole story of how she came to be just the minute. "Long story."

"Oh?" said Johnston, her eyebrows bouncing so fast the threatened to bounce right off her face.

"Not like that," said Jersey, rolling her eyes as she trotted over to the professor. "Now run along and find Naka."

"But-" Johnston's voice abrupt stopped as Hoel slapped her hand over the girl's mouth and dragged her off towards the water.

"Yeah…" sighed Jersey to herself, slipping her hands into the pockets of her shorts, her fingers slapping out a simple tune against her thighs. For a moment, she just stood in silence, watching her breath turn to fog in the early-morning chill. It was comforting, in a weird sort of way. It reminded her of smoke curling out of her stacks.

"Fuck it," she breathed, scuffing her shoe against the concrete and walking over to where Crowning was standing. "Hey. It's like… two, shouldn't you be sleeping?"

Crowning laughed, his shoulders shaking just so as he stared out across the sound. "I was barely sleeping before I flew across the continent." He glanced over at her, a his face ruddy from the cold, his mouth set in a bemused smirk. "I could ask the same of you."

Jersey shrugged, resting her bare forearms on the railing. "Navy Coffee.. like… twelve gallons of it."

"I thought you drank real coffee now."

"Not enough caffeine for this," said Jersey, pursing her lips as she blew a long stream of steam into the chilly air.



Crowning didn't say anything for a second. His lips quivered wordlessly as he pieced together his thoughts into a coherent sentence. "It's thirty degrees out."

Jersey nodded, "Thirty-one by my count."

"And…" Crowning cracked a smile, "You're wearing shorts."

Jersey looked down at herself, arching her back so she could get a good look at the bits of navy-blue fabric allegedly covering her toned legs. "Yeah?" she said, looking back to him. "And a scarf. We're sailing up to the Arctic, dude."

Crowning sighed, shaking his head with the same wry smile, "Forget I even asked."

Jersey smiled, "Yeah…" she scuffed her shoe against the concrete, watching Naka corral the destroyers into formation with surprising ease. The little singing traffic cone could make her voice dance if she wanted it too. "Yeah, I think I can manage that."

"I'll, uh… I'll be here when you get back," said Crowning, rubbing his hands together to warm them up. "Maybe even bring you a few friends."

"Yeah?" said Jersey, smiling to herself.

"Yeah," said Crowning, "We're, uh… trying to figure out how you did it. We'll, uh… we'll figure it out."

Jersey smiled, "I'm sure you will, doc," she said, leaning over to plant a quick kiss on his bearded cheek. "I want that back if you don't."


"And if you look off your port wing, you'll see the friendly guns of Fort Warden watching us swabbies do the real work."

"Jersey…" Naka hung her head, cradling her perfectly-styled hair in her gloved hands. "What are you doing?"

"Do you know how much coffee I've had?" said the battleship, waving her hands in inarticulate gestures of largeness as she cruised beside a massive bulk carrier.

"It's a lot!" chimed in Johnston. The little destroyer gave Naka a brief wink before turning her eyes to the sky, chewing on her lip as she searched for hostile aircraft to shred.

"It's fine," said Jersey, waving to the recently refortified position. The sung was still hanging low against her back, but there was enough light to make out the spiky shapes of 155mm artillery pieces, and the chunky shapes of what Jersey assumed were some kind of AShM launchers. "I do it out of love."

"Go Navy! Beat Army!" chorused Johnston, Hoel, White, and even Heermann.

"Hell yeah," said Jersey, smirking as she waved at the soldiers manning their guns. She glanced over her shoulder, watching Fubuki and Yuudachi herd the last few lumbering cargo ships though their turn. The early-morning sun was just starting to glitter though the shimmering glass towers of Seattle, and even she could admit it was a-


Jersey squinted, staring back towards the city at the little speck steaming towards the convoy. "Yo, Admiral?"

"Williams here, what's up?"

"We brought everything we're supposed to, right?"

"Uh… that's-" a pause "That's affirm, Jersey. Why do you ask?"

"There's a boat steaming up the sound, looks like it's vectoring towards us. Bearing one, uh… one-six-four magnetic, range one-seven nautical miles and closing at two-six knots."

"That's… that's not us." another pause, probably conferring with the harbor master to find out who's dumb enough to -"Jersey, general quarters!"

"What?" demanded Jersey, heeling over in a hard turn to get into a firing position.

"Our scopes are clear."

"SHHHIIIIT," hissed Jersey. That wasn't possible, that couldn't be possible. Abyssal can'tmanifest behind defenses, they just can't! "Buki! Poi! Break formation and engage, if it's got longlances they might already be in the water."

"Hai!" said the two destroyers in harmony, peeling off in opposite directions to confuse the abyssal's firing solution.

Jersey hissed another stream of profane oaths, none of which was distinct to be made out. With all the cargo ships between her and the abyssal, her radar had to much crud to wade though to give her a clean firing solution. Destroyers were wading into the fight without her! Ag-wait.

She squinted at the tiny ship, cursing the lumbering bulk carriers as their frantic—yetpainfully slow—evasive maneuver brought them though her sight line. One small-caliber turret on the bow, another on the stern, single stacker without much superstructure to speak of…

"For fucks sake…" Jersey sighed, shaking her head as she burst out in uncontrollable laughter, "Buki, Poi, disengage."

"Hai!" the two IJN destroyers didn't waste a second turning to rejoin the convoy. In fact… Jersey was rather certain they were steaming flat-out to link back up with her. Not that she'd blame them. If she was facing… well, that, she'd be scared too.

"WHAT?" Bellowed Johnston, "We're letting the bastard… not die!"

Jersey just rolled her eyes. The so-called 'abyssal' was close enough for Jersey to make out her features. She wasn't much older than White, and her bouncy blond hair streamed back in the wind as she ran towards the convoy. Her little arms flailed in the air like pinwheels as she sprinted her little heart out.

"Nice to see you again, kiddo," said Jersey, smiling as she lazily turned around, letting the newcomer catch her breath.

"WHOSIT!" shouted Johnston, "Jersey! If you need me! I can be there in… like… now!"

The newcomer doubled over as she tried to catch her breath. Her splinter-camo skirt was splashed with salt around the hem, and she wore a far to large USMC jacket over her scuffed-up sailor top. She looked up at Jersey with a huge-eyed smile, holding her hand up to ask for a few more seconds to catch her breath.

"Dammit, Johnston, stand down," said Jersey, stifling a laugh as she lazily pulled along side the idling girl. "You okay, kiddo?"

The girl nodded, "I- I was worried you guys were gonna leave without me."

"HOLY CARP!" screamed Johnston, "I KNOW THAT VOICE!"

Then all three taffies, plus little White, all but exploded in cheerful giggles, "SAMMY!"
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Don't really have an opinion on ship boys either way myself.

Maybe I can just see it from both sides. Russian ships are male, technically. On the other hand, it's just funky to only have Russia have ship boys, and then it opens a whole can of worms as to if anyone else can do it. Like in KCQ, which is just odd with Harder/Hamp since there' precedent for it.

But then again, for a joke, I totally see big burly Russian Ship Men as hilarious :p
Yeah, but in KCQ Harder and Hamp are hilarious. *sluuuuuuurp*
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Part 21: Lewd!
I'm probably not gonna get anything done tomorrow on account of KCQ, so have this as a consolation prize.​

Part 21: Lewd!
"Yeah, so… Status report: Mission day 3…" Jersey glanced around the homogeneously gray seas, her finger held loosely to her ear. The northern Pacific waves were calm, but not glassy-smooth, the skies overhead were a generic milky-gray overcast. Not enough to impeded White's aircraft, but enough to suck all the joy out of a day at seat. "Blah."

"Blah? Is that your official report?" Williams' chuckle echoed across her comm net.

Jersey took a second, glancing down the line of camouflaged bulk carriers. They looked for all the world like some bizarre kind of brick afflicted with the kind of cancer that makes you randomly sprout sandbagged gun emplacements. "Uh, yes sir. We haven't seen shit since we broke into the Pacific."

"What about the girls?" asked Williams, his tone making it very clear which girls in particular he was asking about.

Jersey shrugged. "Sammy's been sweet so far," she said, tossing a wave to the little destroyer who was busy swapping stories with Yuudachi, "She really likes Poi."

"Really? I'd imagine with her reputation…" Her Admiral trailed off.

"I can buy it, sir," said Jersey, lazily tacking a few degrees to port for no particular reason. "She's an escort, not a hunter-killer like a destroyer. As long as nobody threatens her convoy… I don't see any problems."

"That your official opinion, Commander?"

Jersey thought for a moment, "Aye, sir."

"Noted… what about the others?"

"Heermann's been hanging out with Naka," Jersey glanced at the two ships. Naka was staring intently at the destroyer, phone in hand with her fingers poised for action. Meanwhile, Heermann had her hands up in the air, thumb and pinky extended in imitation of an airplane. "I think she's teaching Naka air-defense tactics."

Jersey drummed her fingers against her belly. She was full, or nearly, but she couldn't help wondering what the Japanese would be serving over at Yokosuka. "Johnston and Hoel are… mostly just bored right now. They were playing eye-spy, but they gave up after I told them 'Jerseys boobs' is not an appropriate answer."

Something that sounded suspiciously like a hastily chocked laugh sounded though Jersey's radio room. "Copy that, Commander. Anything else?"

"Yeah, uh… do you have the order of battle for our Japanese reinforcements?"

"Sorry, Jersey, not at this time. The situation's-"

"Too fluid, yeah…" said Jersey, shaking her head in frustration. "Alright, Jersey o-ah… actually… how's the summoning going?"

"No joy so far," said Williams, "Crowning's working on it…" The admiral trailed off.

"He'll figure it out," said Jersey, hoping her voice was more reassuring than it felt. "But… no matter who he summons, I'm still your favorite, right?" The battleship's nose crinkled up as soon as the words left her mouth. She wasn't quite sure why she said that… it just kinda slipped out.

"Always will be, Big J. Williams out."

Jersey let her hand fall from her ear, instantly picking out where Johnston was frantically waving for her attention. "What's up, Johnston?"

"You done talking to the big man?"


"Good. I'm booooooored," the destroyer's feathers slumped almost as much as her arms.

"They gave you all phones, you know," said Naka, rolling her eyes as she waved the slim black plastic rectangle in the general direction of the moping little destroyer.

Johnston hissed, baring her teeth at the foreign and undeniably futuristic object. "I don't like them," she narrowed her eyes, staring down Naka's cell phone in its cutesy pink rubber case like it was the Japanese Center Force itself.

"Me too," said Hoel, turning just enough to unshadow her torpedo tubes in what Jerseyhoped was a playful gesture. "Magic boxes from the future shouldn't be trusted."

"Or touched," said Johnston.

"They're shifty," concluded Hoel.

Jersey stared at the girls, her eyes rolling with such slow gravitas even Johnston backed down a smidgen. "You girls have radar, and fire-control computers. Same thing!"

Johnston's reply was a low hiss in the direction of the phone.

"Look," Jersey slipped her phone out of her vest pocket, stabbing frantically at the screen with her thumb until she unlocked it. "It's perfectly- hey , Naka?"

"Hai?" the Torpedo cruiser cut her speed, slowly falling back until she was abreast of Jersey.

"What do these little red numbers mean?" asked Jersey, tilting the phone to the side so Naka could see.

"Oh, that's your e-mail app!" said the peppy little torpedo cruiser, tapping a series of commands too fast for Jersey to follow. "Wow… you have…" she glanced over at Jersey, "A lot."

"Is that… bad?" asked Jersey, her stomach tightening. Did she miss some important message? She'd screwed up her decryption once, once when it really mattered, she couldn't let it happen again!

"Oh, no!" chirped Naka, scrolling though the message, "I think a lot of this is fan-mail."

"WHAT?" said Johnston, somehow instantly at Jersey's side, clinging to the battleship's waist as she craned her neck to look at the screen, "LEMME SEE!"

"Why don't we answer a few?" said Naka, tacking away from the overactive little destroyer, "to pass the time."

Jersey glanced from ship to ship in her little flotilla. Every single one of them was giving her pleading looks, and she swore she saw a few of the merchant mariners staring at her in expectation. "Fine," she sighed, "But only because Johnston and Hoel are gonna break something if they stay this bored."

"YAY!" chorused Hoel and Johnston at the top of their lungs.

"Did you little shits even hear what I said?" said Jersey with a smirk, gently swatting at the Johnston's ponytail, "I don't trust you won't… start jousting with Mark 15s or some shit."

"Oh, we heard!" said Hoel.

"We just don't care!" said Johnston.

"Because you're stupid," muttered Heermann.

Johnston shot her sister a huge thumbs-up.

"Okay!" said Naka with a loud, but still sweet and cutesy voice, "Our first question is…" she scrolled though the list for a second, "From the US Naval Academy. They'd like you to speak at their commencement."

Jersey bit the corner of her mouth, thinking on it for a second. "Have they heard me speak?"

"I think that's why they asked."

"Will there be food?"

Naka scrolled though the message, "They didn't say, but probably."

"Ask them if there'll be food," said Jersey, "And, uh, make sure they know my duties come first."

Naka nodded, her gloved hands flying over the phone so fast Jersey all but lost track.

"Done!" said the chipper little idol, already scanning though for another one. "Oh, here's one from Runner's World."

"From what?"

"It's a magazine," said Fubuki.

"There's a magazine for that?" asked Hoel.

"There's a magazine for everything," said Naka.

Jersey waved her hands at the destroyers in a generic 'shut up' gesture. "What do they want?"

"They…" Naka clapped a hand to her face as she let out a tiny little girlish giggle. "They want to know what your diet is."

"Yes!" said White, smiling as she chucked one of her TBF Avengers into the air. "Her diet is Yes!"

Jersey shrugged, "Accurate."

Naka, glanced at the destroyer, wordlessly waiting for her to continue.

"Write that down," said Jersey, pointing at the little plastic rectangle.

"O.. okay," Naka typed up a reply and fired it off. "Next one is from…Sports Illustrated."

Jersey stifled a laugh until all that came out was a choked snort.

"Read it! Read it!" chanted Noel.

Naka smiled, opening the E-mail, "They want you to…" she paused, her face actually going red as a blush crept up her features. "To… um… pose for their swimsuit edition."

Johnston smiled so widely she couldn't even speak. Fubuki just looked betrayed, while White and the other destroyers suddenly found the clouds to be enormously interesting.

"Oh… okay," Jersey scratched at the bridge of her nose, "This is really awkward."

"I'll say!" said Heermann.

Jersey ignored the destroyer, "I already agreed to do a shoot with Janes, so… yeah."

"L-Lewd!" stammered Fubuki.

"Lewd!" cheered Johnston.

"Lewd!" hissed Hoel, elbowing her sister in the gut.

"It's good for morale," said Jersey, offering a weak shrug.​
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Omake: Totes Yorktown. Totes.
Non-canon Omake spawning from a discussion of USN fleet oilers and their UNREP abilities:
By Jon Berry
Jersey stood at the dock, waiting for their newest arrival, Yeoman Gale at her side as the Admiral had refused to participate in more Kanmasu bullshit. Though this wasn't really bullshit in the "sparkly Magical Shipgirl" sense, more the case of "why is this happening" bullshit.

Nagato had radioed ahead what was happening and why, and over the past few days, there had been some major discussions going on behind the scenes. This wasn't a defection, per se, but it still had to be dealt with.

"I see her," Jersey said, her radar picking their newest arrival out of the traffic in the Sound. Beside her, Gale plucked her phone out of her pocket, and dialed up the Admiral to let him know. "You want me to meet her out there, or wait for her to come ashore?"

"The Admiral says we should at least refuel her and give her a tune up before sending her back with a convoy," Gale repeated. "Then he hung up."

"Right, note to self. Get the Admiral some good coffee." Jersey's requests for a personal cappuccino machine had been rejected, so she had to suffer through lineups at the mess. And when it came to coffee, no one in the navy would let themselves get pushed around, even by a 58 thousand ton warship.

The two waited until Jersey made the completely unnecessary motion of putting one hand to the side of her head to indicate she was speaking over the radio instead of in person. "Dock is over here," she announced, and their newest arrival shifted bearing to come to them. "New Jersey out."

"I'm surprised," Jersey said to no one in particular. "Did she really think she was going to get away with this? I mean, it's not like Japan has a shortage of carriers or anything."

Gale was about to speak when she snapped her mouth shut. Some truths were not meant to be talked about out loud. Jersey looked to her as though deciding whether to order the Yeoman to speak or not before deciding against it. "Got a visual."

"So do I," Gale said as she looked through her binoculars. Then she took them off. "I don't believe it. She has Groucho Marx glasses on, with the fake nose and everything."

"You know what those are?" Jersey was surprised. They were old when she was born, but then she turned her attention back to the new arrival. "Akagi..."

The Carrier Shipgirl pulled into the docks, Akagi having not changed any of her clothes to facilitate her disguise, the birds on her deck obviously Zeros, and not more American fighters or bombers. "I am not Akagi," she said in English, though her Japanese accent was another blow against her. "I am Yorktown! Though I am sure this Akagi of whom you speak is a beautiful and elegant carrier, worthy of respect. I am hungry. Do you have Bauxite?" She pushed up her 'disguise' with one finger as she climbed out of the water, trying very hard to maintain the deception in the face of all reason and rejection.

Jersey wondered if the Admiral would be willing to share his stash with her when this was over.

Later, in Japan

Kaga waited impatiently for the arrival of Akagi. Oh, she was so cross! And apparently the Admiral and Nagato had made plans for her in punishment. So much so that she was told to wait outside the docks, even though she had seen the wash of Akagi's arrival.

The door to the Docks opened, and the Admiral stepped out, uniform prim and proper. Nagato a step behind. The Admiral turned to face Kaga and nodded. "Kaga, Akagi." Kaga was confused. Why was the Admiral speaking like he was introducing her to Akagi?!?

From the Docks, an American Carrier stepped out. She was recognizable to the Japanese carrier as Yorktown, which confused her for just a moment before remembering there was some talk about a Kanmusu exchange program. Akagi had to be behind her then, but why was Yorktown wearing that completely ridiculous set of glasses with the fake nose and mustache?

"Hello," Yorktown said in awkward Japanese, and with an awkward bow. "I am to be called Akagi."

".... what"
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Old Iron writeup 1
Time for an canon Omake from Old Iron over on SB. This, and others like it by him, are canon unless they specifically contradict something I say. (And at the moment his writing takes place in the future relative to mine.)

* * * * *
"Her birth had been celebrated. Hailed as peerless, donning arms of thunder and armor of titans. Her life had been mediocre. Training for battle, yet never once firing her guns in anger. Her deeds had been few. A rescue, a film, a glorified deterrent and tour guide. Her death had been wretched. Rent asunder and left to a slow, agonizing end. He-" The man's voice was cut off abruptly as the rather thick tome which had served as the source of his oration was plucked rather forcefully from his hands. He looked up towards the source of the theft with a baleful gaze, one not so different from his usual visage were one to ask any number of his contemporaries. A small squeak came from the door before it slammed shut with no small amount of haste.

"Sir, stop glaring. You're going to give someone a heart attack." A feminine tone, low and with an undercurrent of constant exhaustion cut through whatever complaint the man behind the desk was about raise. The plundered book was thrust forward towards his face and came quite close to flattening his nose. With a sigh, he slumped back into the highly subjective comfort of his chair and waited for the voice's owner to continue. "And how many times have I asked you to not read such romanticized garbage?"

"I've given up counting if you really want to know how often." The remark was not quite snide, but certainly not the most amused. This early hour was not one that brought out his good side. He crossed his arms as he finally took in the sight of the woman who so often barged in on his down time. Tall and with the build of a boxer, the copper haired woman seemed to radiate a kind of never ending tension. It was hard to tell whether it was the caffeine she consumed almost non-stop or just a state of self inflicted hyper-awareness. He supposed the fact she rarely ever seemed to sleep might have something to do with that. The dark rings under her eyes would at least attest to the notion.

"One hundred and thirty two." She intoned flatly whilst setting the heavy book onto the desk with a gloved hand. Both it and her other hand were covered in heavy gloves that led into the sleeves of a well worn, but still well cared for navy blue longcoat. The man guessed that any number of the excuses she could give to explain adorning herself with such a coat regardless of the weather worked. However were he to put money on it, he'd say it was to keep prying eyes away from the fact a fairly significant portion of her left arm and no small amount of her flank on the same side bore a considerable number of not insignificant scars and starburst shaped burns. It was rare for a someone to hang onto their old wounds when they returned from whatever beyond they came from, but she was one who did.

His reasoning for cover didn't account for the portions that crept up her neck and cut into her jawline, but there was only so much the red and gold colored handkerchief tied around her neck could hide.

He glanced down at the abused book for a moment. It was indeed romanticized garbage when you really came down to it. A dramatic and heartrending tale about Pearl, or so this particular novel claimed. Hard to tell when you were still reading the prologue. And he did like reading that kind of drivel every now and then. An escape from this utterly mad world that didn't involve court-martial or likely related ludicrously regrettable vices. The woman's ire when she caught him reading such things was regardless quite understandable. Especially given the subject matter of this one in particular.

After all, he imagined he'd be none too pleased if he came across his own death being retold in such a glorified manner. Others... were not him. Some of the girls had actually taken quite a liking to hearing how their respective ends were depicted. Morbid, sure. But everyone had an opinion. And a few had taken it as motivation.

Battleship Arizona was not one of them.

She did not find it insulting, nor did she find it educational in some bizarrely fantastical manner. When he'd finally managed to get an answer out of her normally tight lipped self, she'd stated she found the hyperbole laden stories to be embarrassing and humiliating. Not in those words exactly, but the sentiment was certainly there. If ever some of the other girls from Pearl graced their little fleet, he guessed they might be of similar opinion. Maybe.


He waved his hand and brought himself back into reality. No more time for idle musing. He had work to do and plenty of it.

"When was the last time you got some rest?" The man with admiralty boards on his shoulders finally groused out as he sat up. He reached out and grabbed both pen and paper, ignoring the woman's tired glare. Looks like it might time to have the base doctor throw her weight around a bit. Again. Hopefully without accidentally terrifying everyone in a fifty mile radius. Again.

"I don't have time to sleep. There's too much that needs to be done." She hated sleeping. The last time she took a nap that lasted too long, she was awakened by fire and death. Her alarm clock had been the screams of aircraft, the howl falling ordinance, and the tortured ends of her crew. She refused to be caught unawares ever again. It was a duty she made damn well sure to live up to.

Of course the fact she was currently listing to port proved that even the power of coffee, naval death coffee at that, was not enough to keep someone going indefinitely. She wasn't just a hull anymore with six boilers to run hot so long as she kept them fed. She tried to keep herself steady and maintain eye contact as her admiral gave her a look of open exasperation. He certainly couldn't fault her determination.

"And I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell you every time I see you like this: Get some God. Damn. Sleep." Set set the pen down and graced the battleship with a well practiced glare. He'd been doing that a lot more lately, he mused internally. "You have two options. One is to get no fewer than ten hours of shuteye of your own volition." He raised a hand when she opened her mouth to protest. "The other is for Master Chief King to come in here and drag you off to ordinary where she can put you to sleep for no fewer than ten hours on her terms."

"Sir, Admiral..." There was a flash of betrayal amongst her tired visage as she weighed the options.

"You have your orders. You decide how they get executed."

Arizona looked down at the cluttered desk's surface as she contemplated her options. It grated against her nerves to have such a weakness as needing sleep so often. Sleep, real and genuine rest for the fleshly body. She knew she needed it. She knew her crew quite enjoyed it. But to now require it herself only made her think of her greatest failures. She clenched a gloved hand in irritation but said nothing, forcing the silence to stretch.

"Mutsu will be enlisted to help if need be. And I heard she just came back from the PX with a new supply of makeup." Her admiral's open threat cut through the rapidly growing gloom like the proverbial hot knife through butter. Her head snapped up, sending her reddish hair flailing about in surprise. "I don't need to be a genius to know why you hate sleep. And I'm not going to tell you to get over it or any of that bullshit. But I am going to tell you that you are no good to anybody if you are not at your finest. Am I clear, sailor?"

"...Crystal, sir." Already she could feel unease and the tightening of her heart as she decided there was no alternative but to obey. Not helping was the increasing list of her stance, now taking her to starboard rather than port. Maybe she had pushed herself too far this time. "Admiral, m-may I..?" She made a gesture towards the general direction of the couch nearby. It was perhaps the only genuinely comfortable piece of furniture in the office, but at the moment all she cared about was that it was a place she could lie down.

"Yes Arizona... Yes you may." He pinched the bridge of his nose as he stood from his seat and marched intently around his desk. She didn't need to ask. Especially not in the condition she was in. A condition he was partly responsible for. "Come on. Lay your ass down already."

He wrapped one arm around her shoulder and forcefully guided the exhausted battleship towards the couch. Before she could collapse upon the plush surface, the admiral stood her straight and went about removing the heavy gloves and long-coat. Arizona put up only a mild struggle against his efforts but more because she wished to disrobe under her own power than anything else.

"Don't let Mutsu or the destroyers..." Her mumbling was cut off by a massive yawn, " anything funny." Finally giving up, the earlier fire completely spent, she allowed herself to collapse onto the couch in a rather unladylike mess.

"Christ..." The admiral swore as he set about moving the now asleep woman into a position that could pass as comfortable. She was always like this. Always trying so damn hard. He draped the sizable longcoat over her as a blanket, pulling the collar up to her chin. Trying to pry her boots off would have been an exercise in futility, so he left them be. Ignoring the voice in the back of his head reminding him that those boots had probably been through all sorts of hell by now as he did so.

He sat on the edge of the couch and brushed a lock of coppery hair out of the sleeping Arizona's face. She was so still in her rest that the slow rise and fall of her chest was the only indication that she was asleep and not an elaborate mannequin.

"Would it have been so hard to just get some sleep and not have me strong-arm you?" He sighed and sat in relative silence for a good quarter hour.

The door to his office opened slowly.

"Did she finally doze off?" The whispered voice sounded louder than likely intended in the quiet office.

"Yeah. Took her long enough." He looked up towards the slowly opening door. Were it not for the efforts to avoid waking the snoozing battleship, the new arrival would probably have simply strolled right in. Plus the hinges were squeaky and he couldn't be assed to grease them up a bit. Maybe when they reached the level of cringe inducing.

"Well, we've both seen how stubborn she is~" She managed to end her words with an almost musical lilt to her voice as she finally entered the room and made her way over to the couch.

"Like you're any better, Mutsu?" He glowered half-heartedly.

"Oh my. What a terrible thing to say, Admiral. You've hurt me so!" She gave an exaggerated reaction of heartbreak, complete with crocodile tears. The only response she received was a resigned sigh complete with hanged head from her commanding officer. She giggled and moved to lean up against his desk. "We all have something painful in our hearts. I'm just... a little better at handling mine than she is."

"You at least get some damn sleep." He glanced at Arizona once more before standing slowly and returning to his desk, pointedly ignoring the teasing expression he was receiving from the Japanese battleship. She didn't have to say or do anything. All she had to do was give him that damn look to know she had enough ammunition from that little encounter alone to last her weeks. Sometimes he couldn't stand that look. The one with the half lidded eyes and catlike smile.

"My, oh my. A girl does need her beauty sleep after all." She shot her own glance over at Arizona before turning to face the admiral again. "I am a little jealous though. Ari's still so pretty despite how little care she seems to put in her appearance. A little bit of this. A little bit of that~"

"I think she'd be better off without the raccoon eyes. And no dolling her up while she out. I don't want fourteen inches of fiery death shoved up my ass." He pointed a finger at Mutsu, who looked like she was about to spout off some form of teasing nonsense. When she was in the mood, she was nigh unstoppable. "NO."

"You're no fun." She pouted and crossed her arms over her considerable bust, looking away as she did so.

"I'm a lot of things. Fun can be one of them. Just not when it involves angry battleships out to send me to kingdom come." He tapped his pen on the desk before continuing, his mood turning genuinely serious. "So, report?"

Mutsu read the change in mood perfectly and snapped to attention. Her salute was crisp as ever and posture ramrod straight. Some of the other girls on base, few as they were, could stand to learn a thing or two from her. If they could muster the same level of professionalism, he might be willing to put up with more than he did. Especially from a select few.

"Zero contacts, sir."

"It really pisses me off that I don't want to hear that." He grumbled before beginning to scribble down a myriad of notes on another frequently abused notepad.

"If it's any consolation, air patrols are being stepped up specifically because of our lack of contact." She'd seen more scout planes in the past twelve hours than she had seen in the past week. Either something was brewing that they weren't being made aware of, or people were getting anxious. She hoped it was the latter. Anxiety let her know that those in command weren't getting complacent with the unusual lull in Abyssal activity.

"It's not." The admiral tore the sheet of paper from the notepad and crumpled it irritably. It was probably the main reason he didn't favor more digital means of taking notes. Hitting delete wasn't as cathartic as juvenilely manhandling a piece of paper. "Any news of reinforcements?"

"Oh? Did Jintsuu not tell you? My my~" Mutsu dropped the professional demeanor with a catty grin, holding a gloved hand to her mouth in mock surprise. Her admiral's frown very nearly had her breaking down into a fit of giggles. "Rumor has it we may be having a new friend joining us. Someone from your navy as well. It looks like someone is getting the hang of whatever is needed to bring the United States into the fight again."

Arizona had been... a favor granted by fortune. No one was really clear as to what the magic words had been nor the pixie dust sprinkled on the ground. But regardless, she had heard a call and she had answered. Subsequent attempts had all failed.

The admiral did his best to hide the sudden knot in his stomach, ignoring the tidbit about his supposed secretary not keeping him on the up and up.

"...Who is it?"

The only sound in the room was the slight rustle of heavy fabric as Arizona turned in her sleep.

Mutsu smiled.

"I believe her name is... O'Bannon?"
* * * * *
Part 23a: Northern Lights
Part 23
Jersey's bow crashed though the towering waves, burying itself is freezing water and splashing up a salty plume clear back to her A-turret. The long, slender lines of her hull made her an exceptionally fast warship, but it came at the cost of lousy sea keeping in foul weather.

And she was sailing into some of the roughest seas known to mankind: the North Pacific Ocean in storm season.

"Gaaaahhh…." the battleship let out a pathetic rumble, her hands clutching her churning belly as her hull climbed up a wave trough. She felt her bulbous bow clear the water for a second, felt the freezing Arctic air scouring against her anti-fouling paint. Then she crested the wave with a mighty crash, sending salt and surf high into the air.

But at least she had fifty-eight thousands tons of ballast to keep her steady. The destroyers were bouncing around like toys in some mad god's bathtub. "You okay, kiddos?" she asked, hoping her face didn't look as green as she felt.

Johnston offered a shaky thumbs up, her salt-encrusted feathers flapping wildly in the howling breeze. Fletcher class destroyers had a list of positive qualities a mile long. Excellent seakeeping wasn't one one of them.

None of the other destroyers looked much happier, and even Naka was letting her cutesy Idol act slip as she tried to coral the bouncing destroyer girls.

At least White looked moderately happy. The tiny carrier was rolling in the waves worse than even Johnston, but she took it with a happy giggle every time her bow crashed though a frigid wave.

It was fucking annoying.

"Hey, Jersey?" Heermann pulled up alongside the battleship, her arms held out in a vain attempt to keep some measure of balance.

"Yeah?" said the battleship, peeling soaking wet hair off her brow.

"I'm, uh…" the destroyer gulped, slamming though a wave almost the size of her mast, "I've… been getting intermittent radar contacts-"

"Aerial?" asked the battleship, "And at extreme range?"

Heermann nodded.

"Yeah, me too…" said Jersey, scowling as she glanced over her shoulder at White. With her deck rolling that badly, just launching aircraft would be dangerous. Recovering them would be suicide. "What's your guess?"


"What're we seeing?" asked the battleship, hoping she could get at least a brief moment of diversion from the stomach-churning surf.

"Uh…" Heermann dove into a wave trough, her screws nearly coming out of the water. "Uh… they're just shadowing us, so… flying boats?"


"Is that bad?"

"'s not good," said Jersey scowling at the rain squalls surrounding her as far as she could see. "Keep your eyes on the sky, okay? I've gotta call this in," she said, tapping two fingers against her ear in pointless reflex, "Maybe see if they can vector us around this damned storm."

Heermann gave a brief little nod, peeling off to slot back into formation.

"NAVSTA Everett, this is Jersey, um… Actual, come in, over?" said Jersey, tapping her heel anxiously as the milliseconds ticked by. Her communications gear should be good enough to punch tough the storm, but-

"Jersey," the Admiral's voice sounded ragged, almost as ragged as Jersey felt. "This is Everett-Actual, How's it going?"

"Uh, not good, sir," Jersey glanced over her shoulder at the cluster of green-faced destroyers, destroyer escorts, and cruisers. Plus one annoyingly chipper escort carrier. "We're being shadowed."

"Say again?"

"Intermittent contacts at extreme radar range," said Jersey, scowling as she felt her radar light up just such a troublesome contact in the very periphery of her vision. "I'm guessing H6Ks, maybe PBYs." She shrugged, "I dunno… the returns aren't quite right for…anything I know of. But what the hell is right about this things?"

"You think the convoy's in any danger?"

Jersey scrunched up her nose, squinting into the salty surf as she thought. "Uh… not at the moment, sir. Heermann took a few potshots when they first showed up, they've been staying at range ever since. But, uh…" Jersey wiped the spray from her face, "It's spooky."

"Copy that, Jersey," said Williams without even a moment's hesitation. He must know that feeling well. Hell, he probably knew it better than Jersey. "Can you send a CAP to interdict?"

"Negative, sir. White's had to chain her planes down," said Jersey. "Seas are pretty awful up here. She, uh, she already lost one over the side. I think it was a TBF?" she glanced at the carrier who shot her a beaming smile an thumbs-up. "Yeah, TBF."

"Shit," hissed Williams. "You have your girls on Air-Defense?"

"Yeah," Jersey nodded, "we're doing what we can, but it's not a CAP." She scowled, tucking her head down as she battered though an unusually towering wave, "You got those fancy satellites, yeah? Any chance you could vector us out of this storm?"

"That's a negative, Jersey, it'd take days to route you around."

"Damn," said Jersey, too motion sick to put much emotion into her voice. "You got that fleet composition from the SDF yet?"

"Yeah," said Williams, his voice pausing just long enough to make Jersey worry. "Fleet composition is as follows: DesDiv 6 under command of IJN Tenryuu-"

"Ooh, you'll like her!" said White with a stifled giggle.

"Yeah, Tenryuu-san is really…" Fubuki stopped as she battered though a wave, her flare-nosed hull handling the waves moderately better than the taffies, "You'll like her," she finished.

"-IJN Ryuujou will provide CAP. And…" Williams voice trailed off for a minute, and Jersey could practically feel the long-suffering sigh as her Admiral mulled over a series of what were probably equally-horrible options, "A fast-battleship task force of IJN Kongou and IJN Kirishima."

"Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit," hissed Jersey, stretching the word out as long as her lungs would allow. Nearly every ship sunk at Samar—the last stand of the Taffies— had their stories end the very same way. 'And then Kongou sunk her.'

"Yeah. That's affirm, Jersey."

"Is that really the best fleet-comp they could send us?"

"They don't have a lot of hulls to spare," said Williams. He didn't sound angry as much as… spent. "And most of what they do have's either too slow, too stuck in the old ways, or some combination of the above. Think it'll be a problem?"

Jersey bit her lip, glancing to each of her charges in turn. "I…Don't think so? Sir?" half-asked Jersey, cringing as she desperately hoped she was telling the truth. "Taffies are scared stiff of causing you trouble. We should be fine. I think."

"What about Sammy?"

"She's… an escort sir," said Jersey, praying to whatever god looked over shipgirls that her hunch was right. Off Samar Samuel B. Roberts had fought like a caged lion, but only after her charges were threatened. Escort ships weren't born killers like destroyers, they wouldn't act unless provoked.


"You certain?"

Jersey shrugged, "Yo, Sammy!"

"What?" the little destroyer had to scream over the crash of water against steel.

"You gonna start any shit?"

"Not 'less they start it first!"

"Yeah," Jersey tapped her fingers against her ear, mentally refocusing the conversation back to her admiral, "I think that means we're good."

"What the hell, I'll take what I can get."

Jersey shook her head. It would have been funny if it wasn't so damn true. "Uh, sir… one more thing?"


"How's the, uh… summoning going?"


The four marines in crisp dress blues had given Crowning a new understanding of true meaning of "loud." He'd met enough to understand Marines never really did anything without putting their heart and soul into it—at least when there were civilians around to impress.

He, however, had never experienced what marines with guitars hooked up to Naka's excessively powerful sound system could do. For almost two hours, the band had been blasting away with all their strength. They'd tried rock ballads from the 80's, grungy stuff from when he was a kid, even Johnny Cash.

And the summoning pool remained depressingly empty.

"I'll die fighting!" boomed all four marines in a thundering harmony of excessively manly volume, "With my brothers! Side! By! Side!"

Crowning scrunched up his face as they held the last chord. Loud, boisterous music was never really his thing, but if the girls liked it… He shot a hopeful glance at the summoning pool, hoping that something anything would be waiting there.

Nothing. Not even 'The Power Of METAL' as Yeoman Gale had declared it, could rouse so much as a destroyer from her well-earned sleep.

"Damnit!" Crowning slammed his fist against the railing, wincing as his flesh hit the unyielding steel. The sound echoed though the nearly-deserted summoning chamber, a pulsing reminder of his failure.

"You okay, sir?" said the marine lead singer, Master Sergeant… something or other. After so much grating music, Crowning's mind was in a permanent state of fuzz. The marine didn't sound all that better, his voice was almost raw.

"Yeah, I'm fine," said Crowning, rubbing his smarting hand with the other.

Gale shook her head, apparently too frustrated herself to bother laughing.

"Do you, uh," the Master Sergeant gave a shrug of his enormously muscled shoulders, "Do you want us to try again, sir?"

Crowning shook his head, trying to goad the ringing inhabiting his ears into vacating. "No no… we- there's got to be something we're missing here."

"Sir," rasped the Master Sergeant, "We're good to go, just say the word."

Crowning shook his head, "No… no… it took Jersey one song to summon those destroyers. We're missing something here."

"Like… Jersey?" said Gale, tapping a tuneless little rhythm out against her laptop.

Crowning gave her a confused look.

"Maybe… you need a shipgirl to summon another one?"

"If you do we're fucked," opined the Master Sergeant.

Crowning let out a long sigh, collapsing into one of the folding chairs set up next to the mess of audio equipment. "No other ritual requires a shipgirl," he said, "Not the Brits, not the Japanese…"

"We… we're already pretty different, sir," said Gale.

"Well…" Crowning bit his lip, taking in a breath of the salty air and holding it in for a second. "Well, if that's the case, there's nothing more we can do here. So let's assume it's not."

The marines chorused their agreement, and Gale offered a resigned nod.

"Look, sir…" Gale drummed her hands against her belly, "I'm not saying we stop, but… Maybe we should break for chow? Sometimes… it's good to step away and think."

Crowning scowled, "It's only-" he glanced at his watch. "Oh…" He let out a long sigh, his shoulders slumping as he stuffed his hands into his sweater pockets. "I guess you're right."

"Part of working with Jersey, sir," said Gale, "I always know when it's mealtime."

Crowning let a faint smile cross his face, "Yeah… imagine taking her out for dinner."

Gale smiled, her eyes twinkling in a brief almost-wink. "Funny you should say that, sir."

"What?" said Crowning, glancing at her in honest confusion, "What? I… pardon?"

"The kiss, sir," said the absolutely mountainous Master Sergeant with utter stoic aplomb.

"At the docks," said Gale, "You, uh… you won me fifty bucks."

"No, no…" Crowning felt his face go cold and white, "That- she kissed me."

For a moment there was silence. Then Gale wordlessly handed the Master Sergeant a crisply folded twenty.

It was almost sundown—or the closest thing this god awful place could get to sundown this late in the year—before the skies finally started to clear. The monolithic pillar of steel-gray thunderheads dumping seemingly infinite amounts of freezing sleet right on Jersey's nose was gone. In its place was a ragged mix of freezing rain squalls and equally freezing patches of clear sky.

"Fuuuuuuuk," grunted Jersey, cupping her hands to her mouth and trying to breath some circulation back into them.

"Jersey-Sempai?" Fubuki glanced over, her face dripping with concern and… actual, literal saltwater. These seas must be hell for her.

Jersey growled in response, taking her hat off just long enough to pull her salty bangs out of her eyes before smashing it back on. "'m fine."

"You don't really look fine," said Naka. The torpedo cruiser was really… more of a glorified destroyer. She didn't have the displacement to weather these seas properly… But she'd made this run before, and was doing an admirable job of still somehow looking put together.

Jersey scowled, scrunching up her face until her nose buried itself in her sopping wet scarf. If a cruiser could do it… "I'll be fine," she said, forcing her voice into a calm, friendly tone she really didn't feel.

"Just a few more days," said Naka, idly playing with the frilly hem of her stupidly short skirt. "Then we'll be back in tropical waters."

Jersey glanced at White, "Yeah… that's what I'm worried about."

Naka tilted her head to the side, letting out a quiet little "hmm?" sound.

"Plan has us making the dash to Hokkaido at 20 knots," said Jersey, her eyes flickering from point to point as she referenced one of the maps in her bridge. "That's… what, fifteen hundred nautical miles?"

Naka nodded, "Something like that."

Jersey sighed, balling her hands to fists at her side. "That's more than three days. Three days White has to run at flank. I can't even do that."

"Well…" Naka glanced at the little escort carrier, who was of course blissful oblivious to the conversation as she bounced over a wave, giggling all the way. "She's got uniflow engines, right?"

"Yeah," said Jersey, giving the cruiser a sidelong look, "How'd you know?"

"I ran a convoy with her," said Naka, "She… talks a lot. Look, uniflows are meant to run closer to max RPM than our turbines."

"Closer, not at," said Jersey, "And it's still three days at emergency power, which is called that for a fucking reason."

"She's…" Naka bit her lip, peeling off just slightly to put a few more yards between her and the battleship, "She's a tough girl, and the docks at Yoko- what?"

"What?" Jersey's icy glare didn't move from the horizon.

"You just looked at the sky," said Naka, building up steam just in case, "Every single one of you Americans looked at the exact same point."

"Yeah," said Yuudachi, "It was,like really creepy."

"Radar master race," half-heartedly bragged Johnston, her feathers quivering in the breeze as her gaze was locked on a point just above the Northern horizon.

"Sush," Jersey waved her hand at the destroyer girls.

For a few tense seconds, the flotilla was deathly silent, even the sound of waves crashing against steel and the thrum of steam turbines seemed to die into nothing.

"Torpedo bombers," said Jersey and Johnston in near-harmony.

"At least twenty," said the battleship.

Naka felt her heart drop like a cannonball, her knees going shaky as she scrambled to build up more steam. Her anti-aircraft armament was anemic on paper, and the triple-mounted 25mm guns had never lived up to their already humble promises.

"Johnston," barked Jersey, "You, Hoel, break and engage."

The two destroyers nodded, their wakes churning white as the slammed their engines to flank. As they peeled off, Heermann gracefully slotted into formation to take their place.

Naka gasped. Against air attack, the smartest thing to do was tighten up the formation and hunker down. Two destroyers couldn't hope to hit all those targets, not without joining their fire with the rest of the fleet, right?

"Naka," said Jersey, smirking that utterly incandescent American smirk, "Bet you twenty bucks they don't get a single fish in the water."

Naka just nodded wordlessly as she stared at the two destroyers sprinting headlong into certain doom. With the torpedo squadrons ducking in and out of the clouds… even with radar, there was no way they could maintain their firing solution!

Then, as suddenly as the two girls has ripped out of formation, they heeled over in hard turns, their sterns flipping out as they raked huge white scars though the churning Pacific sea. Their 5in turret traversed to starboard and…

And Naka wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes. The destroyers opened up with their guns. Bursts of flame and gritty black smoke appeared in the sky, taking whole squadrons down at once.

Blast and fragmentation tore the evil black aircraft apart, shredding their carapaces, stripping skin from their skeletal wings, or simply erasing them from existence.

"P-poi~" stuttered Yuudachi, her jaw hanging loose as she watched the Americans at work.

And work it was. There wasn't a shred of the usual bravado, besides occasionally calling out targets, the two girls barely spoke, each locking their iron-hard gaze on the oncoming aerial assault.

But it wasn't enough! The torpedo planes kept coming, they had to be almost in range!

And then the destroyers exploded. Tracers in both 40mm and 20mm variety poured from what seemed like every flat area on each ship, raking the sky with burning light.

Every plane they touched burst into flame, spewing an ugly trail of sickly black smoke as it augured into the surf.

Naka had to scoop her jaw off the ocean surface with both hands.

"Aw shit," scowled Jersey, her eyes stuck in that glassy far-off look ships got when they were 'seeing' with their radars. "New contacts, on my two and ten."

Naka gulped. The classic hammer-and-anvil attack of the IJN. Two spreads of torpedoes that were nearly impossible to dodge.

"Fuck the bastards learn fast!" Jersey waved at the last of her destroyers, "Heermann-"

"On it!" said the last of the Fletchers, her turbines spinning up as she joined her sisters on the air-defense picket.

"Sempai!" screamed Fubuki, frantically waving at something off Naka's stern.

The torpedo cruiser twisted to see what Fubuki was-


Oh fuck.
Fubuki wasn't jealous of her American counterparts and their ridiculously overdeveloped Anti-aircraft suites! That much topweight crammed into a slender destroyer hull just wasn't suited for rough North Pacific seas.

They were bouncing all over the place, unlike the Special-types who crashed though the waves with aplomb. Still… it was kind of impressive to see Johnston and Hoel tear into the oncoming-

"Aw, Shit," Jersey scowled, her hands reflexively tightening around the revolves hanging off her broad hips. "New Contacts, my two and ten!"

Fubuki saw her sempai tense up, the muscles in her bare legs going taut as she steeled herself for combat maneuvering. The battleship might not want to admit it, might not even fully understand it, but she was scared. Terrified, maybe. Fubuki didn't blame her, torpedoes were a battleship's natural foe, even one without Jersey's compromised torpedo-protection.

As Jersey barked orders, Fubuki turned her eyes to the horizon. She might not have Air-Search radar like the Fletchers, but her long 10cm guns were potent anti-aircraft weapons, and-

And… The special-type destroyer let out a sharp intake of breath, her hands tightening around her turrets. "Sempai!" she shouted, waving frantically off her stern.

Abyssal torpedo boats were roaring though the surf, their glimmering black hulls skipping though waves. Glittering red eyes glowed with the power of concentrated hatred as the tiny boats zipped around the splashes of Fubuki's near-misses.

They weren't stopping, their hatred almost palpable as the cluster of boats angled for their attack. As they angled to put torpedoes into her convoy, her Sempai.

That wasn't going to happen.

"Yuudachi-chan! Naka-Chan!" called Fubuki, her engines roaring to flank as she heeled over into the tightest turn she'd ever pulled. Her tail flicked out into the surf, scraping a broad wake of churning foam.

"Follow me!" she screamed, her turbines pushing fifty-thousand horsepower though her shafts as she churned the water white. Some back corner of her mind recognized the other two ships peeling off to join her, but it was almost a haze. A half-remembered dream. They didn't matter now, only one thing mattered.

The Torpedo boats.

Fubuki hunkered down as she slammed though a wave, salt spraying off her flared hull and dripping down her flanks. She didn't care if the Abyssals sank or ran, she barely even cared if she sank.

Those boats were not getting their fish in the water.

Fubuki brought her gun up to her eye, her vision tunneling in until her universe consisted of nothing more than herself, her Sempai, and her targets. Her high-angle 10cm gun wasn't the biggest, and she didn't have the fancy air-search radar of fire control computers of the Americans.

But she did have months of experience in hash arctic seas, her crews had trained with her optical range-finders until they could acquire a polar bear in the middle of a snowstorm. Fubuki would do her best! She'd protect her friends!

Bang Bang her twin 10cm guns spoke in unison, neatly bracketing a torpedo boat and sending it and its mates scampering to break her solution. An instant later, the splashes were joined by the thunder of Yuudachi and Naka's 12.7cm and 14cm guns.

"Dump the fish!" barked Jersey, her voice booming over the rumbling thunder of her 5in anti-aircraft mounts.

"H-hai!" stammered Fubuki, traversing her torpedo launchers in the general direction of the oncoming swarm of torpedo boats and firing them all in a rough salvo. 61cm oxygen torpedoes were her trap card against bigger ships. But against small, maneuverable torpedo boats with next to no draft, they were little more than fire hazards lashed to her deck.

Judging by the splashes behind her, Yuudachi and Naka had done the same. Fubuki didn't bother looking. Her universe was in front of her. The torpedo boats were still pressing their attack.'

She wouldn't let them. Fubuki pulled a hard turn, unshadowing her after guns and exploding in a string of ripple-fired 10cm high-explosive shells.

Her first volley was a near miss. Columns of spray washed over the torpedo boats, jostling them like bath toys and spoiling their firing solutions.

Her second was better, a shell slammed into the water mere inches in front of a torpedo boast. The boat was physically lifted out of the water as the shell blew under its keel, then it slammed back down with the force of a thousand sledgehammers, snapping its hull clean in two.

Her third was perfect, she caught two torpedo boats clean amidships. Her shells buried their way though what little armor they had, detonating in their sensitive machinery spaces.

One simply crumpled as her shell tore it apart, letting out a scream of pain in the instance before its hull was torn apart like wet paper, leaving nothing but a slick of burning gasoline behind.

Her other shell must have hit a torpedo. The entire front half of the boat was simply gone, what remained flipped stern-over-bow to land with a crash of twisted, blackened metal and flaming carapace.

"THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!" screeched Sammy, throwing an enthusiastic thumbs up as she re-targeted her guns to focus down the next wave.

"Way to go, Fubuki!" boomed her Sempai, the battleship's voice somehow carrying over the frantic roar of her 5in and 40mm guns.

The Special-type destroyer blushed, she'd never felt so self-conscious in her life.

"C'mon!" cheered Yuudachi, grinning as she pulled alongside her sister, "We'll, like tag-team the next wave!"

Fubuki gulped, squinting into the surf. Torpedo boats. Torpedo boats as far as her eye could see. She tensed and un-tensed her fingers around her turrets.

"We can take them," said Naka, forming up on the little destroyer like it was the most natural thing in the world. "Together."

"With you, skipper!" cheered Sammy, pulling up abreast of the torpedo cruiser.

"Hai!" said Fubuki, tucking into the surf as she and her ad-hoc squadron surged into the fray. She'd do her best, everyone would! She only hoped it would be enough
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