Behind the Serpent Throne (CK2)

The Prince's Promises

After the complexities of the last few months, bad news arrives. Despite being thwarted in the Southlands (not that anyone knows of that yet) he has been successful in convincing a surprising number of Hirandian nobles to his side, and while he has not yet made the accusation, there is word that rumors are circulating that the Emperor is being misguided, and combined with Prince Jinhai's careful pandering to their interests…
Hmm, here's to hoping that Hari-Nat joins us and can keep them busy.
On the other hand, Kiralo of Lineage Ainin now seems almost prophetic. If he had waited to begin hoarding grain even a few weeks later, he would have found the prices skyrocketing as both merchants and the populace of the city worry about a dwindling supply of food.

[] Declare against Prince Jinhai at the start of the month, trying to get the drop on him. Push him into making an action where his only choice is treason or death. Instead of Turn 8, there will be a pre-War turn of sorts, focusing on prep-work, and then it'll move to War Turns. More on those later.

I doubt we'll catch the Prince by surprise, but maybe he won't have gathered enough troops yet to make a move. He won't be able to diplomance any more nobles, but we won't be able to get new allies and troops either. And our Rassit will probably arrive after we've already done the preparation work, so I'm not sure how easy integrating them is going to be.

[] Wait for Prince Jinhai to act. Turn 8 proceeds as normally, though he might cut off or invalidate some of the options if he moves earlier than expected. If he does not, Turn 8 will shift, immediately afterwards, into a Turn 9 that is a War Turn.

Cedes the initiative to the Prince and allows him to build up his forces more, but so can we. Even only a partial turn could bolster our forces significantly (example: look at the Mages action this turn....)
[X] Declare against Prince Jinhai at the start of the month, trying to get the drop on him. Push him into making an action where his only choice is treason or death. Instead of Turn 8, there will be a pre-War turn of sorts, focusing on prep-work, and then it'll move to War Turns. More on those later.

In my experience initiative is everything when it comes to war.
[X] Wait for Prince Jinhai to act. Turn 8 proceeds as normally, though he might cut off or invalidate some of the options if he moves earlier than expected. If he does not, Turn 8 will shift, immediately afterwards, into a Turn 9 that is a War Turn.

Nah, I still want a turn to build up. The Prince may have the initiative then, but we'd better prepared to face him on.
Title: Put Down
Dice Rolled: Martial, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: An army is what is needed to lance the boil of the banditry, but beyond any difficulties with planning the campaign, and now is the time to act if there is to be any action before the boiling civil war. Convincing people will be difficult, but what other choice is there? [Starts a semi-war-turn]
Ah, I was hoping we could get some experience given the bolded part first before the civil war so we could get some experience with the system you're going to go with. I presume that's not happening then, @The Laurent ?

If we're not doing a semi-war turn, then for the real war I would prefer to just launch it now. We've stockpiled grain, we have a buffer in the State granaries due to Kuojah's stewardship, and Jinhai is gathering more allies while it's unlikely we'd get even more. Thus there's the military strategic benefit of seizing the initiaive as it's unlikely we'd drastically improve our army even more, and the Winddancers are already in Csirit.

We also got a 100 on cancelling the Southlander mercenaries, and it's quite likely than Jinhai doesn't yet know that they've been taken off the board so if we act now not only will his information flow slow down there's a good chance he'll make the mistake of preparing a strategy with them on his side.

Also @The Laurent - could you format the threadmarks so all the OOC information is in one place similar to To Boldly Go. I've tried to find the information on the provinces but can't.
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Also @The Laurent - could you format the threadmarks so all the OOC information is in one place similar to To Boldly Go. I've tried to find the information on the provinces but can't.
Found them, but this would still be nice.

Anyway, the relevant pages are here for you guys to read. Here is the military stat sheet of the provinces, and this is the map of them with the ones going to Jinhai being the Eastern ones. Haru-Su is also an iffy province that may have turned either way, but I have a feeling that with us both fostering more merchant relationships and with the cancellation of the Southlander mercenaries (which would of had to travel through there, likely helping to sway the Hari-Su leaders to back Jinhai with the show of force) that they are either going to be true neutral or favor the Emperor's side. That leaves Basrat and Hari-Os:

A rich province that has fallen into some poverty thanks to the policies of the Emperor, this is one where the troops are quite unlikely to be fighting with, rather than against, the Emperor in any coming war.

Basrat is known for its bold soldiers, and indeed there seem to be many noblemen flocking to the undeclared banners of Prince Jinhai, and thus any army gathered is likely to be rather heavier on elite units than it should be, and as Jinhai has turned his own small private army, and the Governor's army, into skilled tools for his own wars against the Sea-Raiders and bandits, it is likely that they will hold far more strongly than expected.

Traits: Wealthy, High Morale, Strong Noble Presence, Prince's Retinue

Basrat Population: 12 million
Minimum Required Levy: 100k
Expected Levy: None, they're in Prince Jinhai's camp all the way.
Maximum Levy: If truly called by Prince Jinhai, and if they truly answer with the enthusiasm that they might...maybe as many as four hundred thousand troops, though that would strip the province all but bare in a way that would be absolutely devastating. But if it is war for the imperial seat...

The elephant in the room. Kiralo has not done anything, among all that he might have done, to try to keep Hari-Os on the side of the Emperor, hasn't even begun negotiations, hasn't tried to apply pressure, and has largely been too busy to deal with them in any way. That means that at the moment, the third most populated province in the Empire, and most likely the wealthiest, is currently leaning heavily towards Prince Jinhai, and might be a total loss.

Its corrupt merchant groups and all but unnecessary Governor all seem to know which way the wind is blowing, and it is at Prince Jinhai's back. Their wealth means that they are likely able to pay quite well, and there are always men on the take. Their armies are likely to be large and well-equipped, with the city-guard of the many powerful cities as the backbone, though the loyalty of these men, let alone the peasant hinterland that still makes up the strong majority of the population, is just a little suspect.

Traits: Rich, Unsteady loyalties, but great pay. Best navy, if that matters. Smuggling port. Strong civic spirit.

Population: 16.5 million
Required Levy: 125k
Expected Levy: ???, possibly none. It's almost a lost cause, by now...
Maximum Levy: 300k
which we can't really do much about. If Prince Jinhai starts to lose though I'd expect Hari-Os with it's unstable loyalties to want to back out pretty quickly given that while they're wealthy, they can't really use that wealth if their head has been removed (and their children's, partner, parents, siblings, cousins, nephews and nieces, grand children, second cousins and their children and so on ... depending on how Laurent wants to portray Csirit. China in various times was pretty brutal about the family collective responsibility even if the individuals weren't involved in what ever caused the punishment).


The most populated of the provinces, and the most agriculturally potent, they are somewhat rich, or at least their merchants are, but most of its population toils in clustered villages, on the best land in the world, bringing forth wealth for others to exploit.

Troops raised here are likely to be of relatively low morale and skill, but holy shit are there a lot of them, though Hirand itself has always suffered from internal divsions, and it is quite possible that it might well split in half between the two factions (one faction being, you know, the Emperor himself and the other an upstart, but nevermind that) based on phyiscal proximity. The Governor is something of a non-entity, but if he can be made to understand just what is at stake, perhaps…

Though there is the concerns of the harvests to worry about, that has always kept so many of their peasants tethered to the land, and thus been the only limit to their vast armies.

Population: 19 million strong.
Minimum Required: 175k
Minimum Expected: 70-80k
Maximum Possible: 600k
Hirand is very likely going to be the important one though, given the rumor mill that just happened. Even if previously they would have come out in force in favor of Prince Jinhai, it's a heavily rural province and a famine has just happened which has decreased the potential forces available to Jinhai greatly. Even those within the province that favor Jinhai would be hesitant to raise their forces given the sheer dangers of a famine, especially when they would then have to argue that they're going to fight the Emperor's army. With this also stating that it's a province that suffers from internal divisions, this could easily be used to the Emperor's advantage.
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and Jinhai is gathering more allies while it's unlikely we'd get even more.
I wouldn't say that. 'Respect My Authority!' and 'Your Authority Is Lies!' could gain us Hari-Su's governor or some Hari-Su nobles on our side (the last could potentially keep some of them away from the Prince, if he has promised them greater autonomy). 'Checking it Twice' could gain us allies in Irit who would be grateful that we exonerated them. The last State action would then be used to either improve our baggage train or our equipment/supply lines.

Then there's plenty of court actions we could take to improve the army, train Kiralo in using Aiyistin etc. It would also give 'Bows on Horses' enough time to finish, since that action takes 2 turns.
they can't really use that wealth if their head has been removed (and their children's, partner, parents, siblings, cousins, nephews and nieces, grand children, second cousins and their children and so on ... depending on how Laurent wants to portray Csirit. China in various times was pretty brutal about the family collective responsibility even if the individuals weren't involved in what ever caused the punishment).
An example of the sort of brutality from in story would be that of Xissand.
Xissand had fallen, their heresies driven out, their people enslaved or brought to kneel, over a thousand years ago. Empires had risen, empires had fallen.

And the next Emperor had declared that perhaps it was a mistake to be so harsh. To kill hundreds of thousands in the bloody purges after the end of the war. For decades, he coddled them close, and some asked whether his last three years were the end of some master plan to catch them off guard, or if perhaps he had merely changed his mind.

But the Emperor had gathered a vast library of Xissand work, had resettled the Xissand into their own villages, as long as they would accept the authority of the Emperor and abandon their heresies and intermingling with snake spirits. And then in the last three years, pyres were lit.

He ordered that all men, women, and children of Xissand were to be killed. And their books burned, their language purged.

Nobody spoke Xissand anymore. Nobody could read it either, the few samples that were left. It had taken him three years, and no doubt some hid and ran, or had already mingled with the people of the Empire, had already influenced thing...but most died.

There was no way to guess at the numbers. Hundreds of thousands? More.

Xissand died as all but a memory, and the Emperor has passed away with a smile on his lips, beloved by his many sons as a kind and generous man.

Xissand was gone.


@Random Member - all those options rely upon time though. We aren't even 100% sure if the estimate given by Kiralo is accurate given the roll was hidden, so Jinhai could start in the middle of the month for all we know where the benefits of those actions would be unlikely to have been felt or even worse the start of this month (unlikely, but possible).

The state actions you mention taking are also questionable given there's not enough time for reforms in the coming month, and it's questionable whether we'd want to take an iffy decision on them. If we went for waiting one turn, I personally wouldn't be in favor on the logistics option but would instead use two state dice on on the Shakedown option so Kiralo is more experienced with what he currently has available (and that would include the logistics, various types of regiments, the officer class and the nobles within it, the Generals themselves which all would have more effect) rather than what Kiralo wished he had.
[X] Declare against Prince Jinhai at the start of the month, trying to get the drop on him. Push him into making an action where his only choice is treason or death. Instead of Turn 8, there will be a pre-War turn of sorts, focusing on prep-work, and then it'll move to War Turns. More on those later.

I think I've sufficiently convinced myself that I'll be going with this regardless, I may as well make it official. The important part of the text is that we'll have a pre-War turn focusing on preparing, which is what I'd want to be doing regardless in order to seize the initiative in the conflict especially as from the rumors part Jinhai may have already begun gathering his own army up.
[X] Declare against Prince Jinhai at the start of the month, trying to get the drop on him. Push him into making an action where his only choice is treason or death. Instead of Turn 8, there will be a pre-War turn of sorts, focusing on prep-work, and then it'll move to War Turns. More on those later.

[X] Declare against Prince Jinhai at the start of the month, trying to get the drop on him. Push him into making an action where his only choice is treason or death. Instead of Turn 8, there will be a pre-War turn of sorts, focusing on prep-work, and then it'll move to War Turns. More on those later.
[X] Declare against Prince Jinhai at the start of the month, trying to get the drop on him. Push him into making an action where his only choice is treason or death. Instead of Turn 8, there will be a pre-War turn of sorts, focusing on prep-work, and then it'll move to War Turns. More on those later.
[X] Declare against Prince Jinhai at the start of the month, trying to get the drop on him. Push him into making an action where his only choice is treason or death. Instead of Turn 8, there will be a pre-War turn of sorts, focusing on prep-work, and then it'll move to War Turns. More on those later.

Well, here we go.

Blah blah blah, Alea Jacta, blah blah blah, rubicon, etc.
[X] Declare against Prince Jinhai at the start of the month, trying to get the drop on him. Push him into making an action where his only choice is treason or death. Instead of Turn 8, there will be a pre-War turn of sorts, focusing on prep-work, and then it'll move to War Turns. More on those later.

Mostly because I don't think we can get more out of the extra month than the prince will :/ here's hoping the pre-war turn will be enough to finish the ongoing actions.
[X] Declare against Prince Jinhai at the start of the month, trying to get the drop on him. Push him into making an action where his only choice is treason or death. Instead of Turn 8, there will be a pre-War turn of sorts, focusing on prep-work, and then it'll move to War Turns. More on those later.

I probably will close the vote tomorrow afternoon/night. However, it might take some time to write because I'm going to have to basically start over, no matter which option reads. No more 'copy-pasting most of it from the previous turn' for me.
By the way, I don't normally do this, but feel free to suggest ideas for actions/etc to prepare for the war. Bonus points if it fits into historical patterns, or is interesting and bold. (Ex I've already done: Getting auguries done of how likely success is...and also bribing such people to foretell great success if it turns out they all come up 'bad news.')
You can obviously have consulting the Judges for one, or have the Emperor give whoever's going to be in overall command of the army (Kiralo? Still not certain) an item of prestige to symbolize he's giving him some of his authority.

Given the sheer scales of numbers and the likelyhood that those fighting in the army will be using some very similar spirits in general, a mass ritual/gathering to try and appease or to make them more pliable works also. You could have the standards of battle be more than cloth in the wind, and there be blessings or rituals for those who are going to fight under them which could have interesting effects if the standards later fall or are taken in battle.

There's the Spartan tradition of washing and cleaning themselves before battle that could make for an interesting bit of fluff.

General logistics stuff, but you've probably got that covered already.

A meeting with all of the Generals/higher rank officers that are going to be involved to assert chain of command, find out strategy (showing the readers it really given one of the recent votes), and probably see more than a little bit of politicking given the opportunity this war presents for some. A bit of a shame that the young and ambitious nobles option wasn't taken as I wanted, as it could have come into play here.
Was there any doubt?
Vote Tally : Original - Fantasy - Behind the Serpent Throne (CK2) | Page 88 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Declare against Prince Jinhai at the start of the month, trying to get the drop on him. Push him into making an action where his only choice is treason or death. Instead of Turn 8, there will be a pre-War turn of sorts, focusing on prep-work, and then it'll move to War Turns. More on those later.
No. of Votes: 9

[X] Wait for Prince Jinhai to act. Turn 8 proceeds as normally, though he might cut off or invalidate some of the options if he moves earlier than expected. If he does not, Turn 8 will shift, immediately afterwards, into a Turn 9 that is a War Turn.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 10
Turn 8--(Late Spring) (Pre-War), Planning
Turn 8--(Late Spring) (Pre-War)

In normal days, and in the poems, such news went on black horses. Ghost-horses, the poets called them, and wrote epics on treason and death as if they were things to be observed from afar. Messages requesting someone go to the capital to be tried came on a dark horse because all the world was to know. All the world was to watch what happened to those who were traitors, or who could be framed as traitors.

But now, now? In this moment of troubles, they went, a dozen figures to reach each governor with their message, on normal horses, quietly and carefully. Trying to preserve what secrecy they had. For their message would start a war.

Almost one thousand years later, when all who were there were dust, a famous author would use the short account of one of the riders as the start of her book. She described it, and in doing so she was not all that different from the poets. Over hill and dell, and afraid each moment that on arrival he would die.

For Prince Jinhai was summoned to the capital to be tried for treason. And everyone knew that only a fool or a man with no other choices would go before the Imperial Judges to be tried. Had there been cases in the past, few and yet all the more precious for those dragged there, those people without the clout that Jinhai had, where a man had bent his knee, and escaped death? Even at the end, even with traps and snares all around you, history teaches us, a man can shape the course of his life in small ways if he is lucky.

If he is lucky and skilled. And so the message went out, a demand they knew would not be fulfilled, and with it came the beginning of a war.

In normal days, there was a very careful and subtle selection of the couriers. Many a frustrated fool, angry and sure of his death, had taken it out on the man who handed him the message, and so it made no sense to send your most prized and beloved couriers, no matter how fast their journey or how astute their eyes or tongue. And likewise sending a man who might be bribed or incompetent, who might do dishonor to the Imperial Seat, was a way to share in the fate of the unfortunate dead-to-come.

But on that day, on days before it, Kiralo had drafted a letter. Most of what men write, whether it is meant for eternity or just a single week, is lost. But that letter was found, it was preserved, a single note among many in a single archive that historians would later mine. Cold, clinical, formal. There was nothing of the poet in it, and Kiralo was aware he might be sentencing at least a few good men to death. A few men who were honest, loyal, brave and cunning.

This was war, though, and so he wrote the letter, and though he didn't know it, became a part of the historical record that survived, to tell of the beginning of the civil war that would have many names. For just as a poet calls things ghost-horses, so do historians wrangle over names. Over dates. Over the meaning of names and dates and the causes and the effects.

Kiralo set down the pen, the order sealed. Lives sealed in the balance.

One of them would die, though by 'accident' though he could not know it then. Nor could he know, though he suspected, that Prince Jinhai would not be a fool. He would greet the messenger and write a reply immediately, carefully...refusing the order to come. Carefully refusing, and in a single moment going from accused treason to actual treason.

And all through the realm, through the greatest Empire that ever was and ever will be, people heard the accusation of treason, read the letters, heard the news. Conspiring with Southlanders? And other groups? Unknown plots and schemes whose natures were not to be stated except in trial?

Some waited. Some trembled. Some cried.

And some acted.

14 Influence-1 (Locked)=13 Influence to spend.

Title: A Sister's Farewell
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 100%, results vary though
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Soon, he will be gone. Perhaps forever. A man can die in battle, even if they are victorious. And if they lose, then Yanmae will have nothing but hard choices. Death, on all sides, or dishonor, cast out or...there are even worse fates, and surely she knows it. Surely she has prepared in her own ways. Dreaded it in her own ways. So he should talk to her, say goodbye if there is no other chance, see if she has any thoughts for him.

Title: A Father's Decision
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 80%, success variable
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Kuojah is not going to war, of course. He will manage things at court, as much as he can, and no doubt he will have his own restrictions and rules. His own schemes and plans. Neutralize that by talking to him. It totally has nothing to do with saying goodbye to a father, just in case, even though Kiralo never loved him.

Title: A Friend's Greeting
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 110%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Kueli is back! At last...or will be soon. Organize a suitable welcome for him, one that will make him feel, well, welcome. There is a lot to catch up on, and the Rassit will no doubt be the center of attention for some time after their arrival.

Title: Learning To Hold The Leash
Dice Rolled: Magic
Chance of Success: 50%
Time: 2 turns
Text: The spirit Aiyistin is powerful and strange. Its nature has not been fully revealed to Kiralo, but it has to be powerful to know 'The fate of men', as it is said to be able to grasp. It is strange, and more than that, as the more powerful spirits are, dangerous and a little wild in a way. But that is all the more reason to gain some ability to use Aiyistin.

Title: Bring Me to Life
Dice Rolled: Stewardship
Chance of Success: 80%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Perhaps Kiralo should hire a doctor. He's doing well for himself, of course, and more than that he's in the prime of his youth, but you can never be too careful, and a doctor could serve other functions and purposes as well, especially one that is on retainer. On the other hand, Kuojah's financial leash is pretty short as is. On a third hand he does not have, Kiralo might need a doctor on campaign.

Title: The Science of Spiritual Warfare
Dice Rolled: Martial
Chance of Success: 1d100, better results get better results.
Time: 1 Turn
Text:Ji'lae is an odd sort of scholar. A scholar of violence, of using spirits to fight others, he has delved into the art and gotten quite deadly, and perhaps he could enhance his methods if given resources and encouragement by Kiralo. Anything he learns could be used, at least on a small scale, to aid with the army, even if nothing he finds is likely going to be a large-scale game-changer.

Title: A Last Northern Throw
Dice Rolled: Intrigue and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: Perhaps the time has come to subtly discuss a few things. Not with Hiro, but via letter to Hari-Nat. Emphasize, carefully, the generosity of the Emperor and the fact that Hiro will get what he wants. Hint at nothing...untowards, but allow him to be aware that the Empire needs Hari-Nat, just as Hari-Nat needs the empire. Of course, if this backfires...

Title: Hari-Bueli Hopes
Dice Rolled: Martial and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: Variable
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Now is the time for desperate moves. Now is the time for getting Hari-Bueli on one's side no matter what the promise is. Obviously, a less likely promise will not be believed, but the Empire has the ability to do many things, and certainly Kiralo does have some good-will built up. Goodwill that it is time to spend. The Empire will deal with Bueli...once it has dealt with Jinhai. Hari-Bueli needs to step up, and if they do, it'll be well rewarded.

Title: Near-Southland Temptations
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy and Intrigue
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Hari-Su fears the Southlands. This is a weakness of theirs, because they are more like the Southlands then they know. But more important for the moment is that Prince Jinhai is going to be depicted as a man who allied with Southlanders. Emphasize this. Try to shift the balance of power. Hari-Su, like Hirand, is going to split...but try to grab a bigger chunk of its resources while you can.

Title: Know Thy Enemy (Prince)
Dice Rolled: Learning, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: Variable success for variable knowledge
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Prince Jinhai is the ultimate foe. His death ends this whole war. He is not married, though he does, it is rumored, have marriages lined up. He does have younger brothers, as well as sisters. The brothers will almost certainly be killed in the event he loses, as would any cousins. But there is nobody to truly stand and hold his banner if he dies. And so perhaps Kiralo should try to understand who Jinhai is, so that he may beat him.

Title: Down In The Vaults
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 75%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: Getting permission might be difficult, but there's something wrong, something definitely odd, about spirits going mad and fleeing from their owner. Getting permission is the first step into looking into this matter, but it's hardly an easy one. The vaults exist for a reason, after all. The last chance before the war sweeps everyone up.

Title: Magical Assurances.
Dice Rolled: Magic, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 100%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Now that Kiralo has managed to gain the admiration of a number of Imperial Mages and the help of them in the army, perhaps he should talk to them, make sure that everyone is being used properly and is ready, see just who this mystery Mage is, so on and so forth.

Title: Hunting Buddies
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 90%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: What was the Emperor like when hunting? Something about what he learned doesn't seem to fit, and Kiralo could dig deeper, asking those closest to him just what the Emperor normally did while hunting...though it's been long enough that many will likely not have clear memories of the actual day where he died themselves. At least in some respects.
Title: Let The Forges Sing
Dice Rolled: Marital
Chance of Success: 100%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: There is no time now to arm a few elites. Now, the forges of Csirit and the surrounding area must ring day and night to provide the standardized spear and shield and armor of the soldier, let alone the specialized equipment that others demand and require. Starting a...week or two early could help a little, or at least give time for people to figure out what does and doesn't work.

Title: Envoy's Raiment
Dice Rolled: Stewardship, Martial
Chance of Success: 100% (Close to as good)/60% (As Good)/30% (Somewhat Better)/10% (Huh)/5% (Wow)
Time: 1 Turn
Text: A new man needs new armor, at least in theory. Kiralo's Rassit armor is quite good, but it is possible that they can do better than it, and almost certain that they can almost equal it, but in a style and color that indicate that he is the chosen silver Envoy of the Emperor.

[Locked] Title: Bows On Horses
Dice Rolled: Martial and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 2 Turns
Text: It is said that what there is of the light cavalry of the main Csiritan army is pathetic, especially in terms of their skill with the bow. This is not something that's easy to fix, but Kiralo now knows enough of the riders that he could try to press through at least some training. It's too late to have a large, powerful, skilled light-cavalry in time for the war, far too late. Years, perhaps, too late. But if the center unit of the only army that Kiralo could count on not to fight against him could at least do its job halfway decently, that would be enough for the time being.

Title: The War Room
Dice Rolled: Martial, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The Council of Generals must be consulted for their advice, and managed as well. Now that war has started, they have a great deal of power, and if Kiralo doesn't move right, they could take control of the entire war, for better or worse. Probably worse. Kiralo needs to fend them off and find ways to use their knowledge and expertise.

Title: The Choosing of Generals
Dice Rolled: Martial, and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: Variable
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The army will need generals. The Council will not, by and large, go as a whole, either with Kiralo or elsewhere. One or two members might take command of large portions of the army, or perhaps they will sit back. Certainly they have the power, as do many at court, to demand some position in any army formed. But who among the generals that aren't them has the skill. Kiralo can lead from the front all he likes, if he doesn't have others to back him up he'll wind up dead. He already has a right hand man, but sometimes that's not enough.

Title: The Signs of Victory?
Dice Rolled: Magic, Intrigue
Chance of Success: 75%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Auguries must be taken. Signs must be consulted. Do gods, does good fortune...there are many superstitions, and asking for prophecy is common before any army marches out. Kiralo could consult such people...and also bribe them to give positive reports in order to boost morale.

Title: A Cart, A Cart, My Empire...
Dice Rolled: Stewardship
Chance of Success: Variable
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Now is the time for the greatest weapon of war in the world. The cart. The baggage train. The Imperial Army moves on its stomach, and by the wheel of their carts, along their imperial roads. No matter how fast his Rassit are, there are only so many of them, and ultimately the army will fight in a way similar to that which it has for the last century, with only moderate modifications in terms of the number and quality of cannons, and a few important but not transformative changes in the magical paradigm. And that means the traditional supply lines will be vital.

Title: Young, Bold Fools
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 62%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: It is far too late to befriend them in one sense, but perhaps the young, brash noble youth might be put to some use, either was soldiers--certainly they know dueling, and could be officers of sort--or rather more pressingly, to encourage their fathers and brothers and other relatives who actually run the estates to gather up troops.

Title: Watching the City
Dice Rolled: Stewardship, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: When and if the army leaves, and it'd be foolish to hang back and wait for Jinhai to come, there will need to be a garrison left, and more than that the Imperial and city guards will need to be on the lookout, whether for assassination attempts, riots, or all manner of disasters that can befall a city. It is no good to win the war but return to a city ruined by wildfire, panic, or assassins in the dark.

Title: Marching Drills
Dice Rolled: Martial
Chance of Success: 65%
Time:1 Turn
Text: As the army gathers together, they will need work in...well, working together. Marching drills and basic practice might be in order.

Title: A Night Out On the Town?
Dice Rolled: None
Chance of Success: 100%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Kueli is back! Time to party and get caught up? Yes.

Title: Just Have to Put Your Lips Together...
Dice Rolled: Magic, Martial
Chance of Success: 75%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Kueli's skill at whistling might...actually be useful. It could make a good signal between dispersed forces, as Kiralo once noted, and more than that, it allows one to do other things, potentially. So Kiralo should try to learn it, and maybe share it out a little. See just what might be gotten by it.

Title: Shaking Off the Rust
Dice Rolled: Martial, Personal Combat
Chance of Success: Variable
Time: 1 Turn
Text: It has been some time since he's fought with other Rassit, either working together with them or competing with them as an archer. Nobody is as fun to compete against...and nobody can really compare, so it's best to see if he still has all his skills.

Title: A Hiro To the People
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: Variable
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Hiro is staying in the capital for at least another month to discuss a variety of matters. Perhaps Kiralo should try to get closer to him, learn more about what he saw up north beyond the edge of the mountains, and perhaps try to sway him towards support of the Emperor.


A/N: And so here we go. Vote by plans, and vote wisely, and remember, from here on out, history has its eyes on you.

Kiralo might be a footnote in the history of an Empire. He might be a single paragraph in a dusty volume, his loves and lusts and hopes reduced to a dry accounting. Or he could be more. Much more.

No pressure.
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So it begins.
Title: A Friend's Greeting
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 110%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Kueli is back! At last...or will be soon. Organize a suitable welcome for him, one that will make him feel, well, welcome. There is a lot to catch up on, and the Rassit will no doubt be the center of attention for some time after their arrival.
Is that chance of success supposed to be that high?
Title: The Choosing of Generals
Dice Rolled:
Chance of Success:
Text: The army will need generals. The Council will not, by and large, go as a whole, either with Kiralo or elsewhere. One or two members might take command of large portions of the army, or perhaps they will sit back. Certainly they have the power, as do many at court, to demand some position in any army formed. But who among the generals that aren't them has the skill. Kiralo can lead from the front all he likes, if he doesn't have others to back him up he'll wind up dead. He already has a right hand man, but sometimes that's not enough.
Action misses the type of dice, chance and time.
Title: A Father's Decision
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 80%, success variable
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Kuojah is not going to war, of course. He will manage things at court, as much as he can, and no doubt he will have his own restrictions and rules. His own schemes and plans. Neutralize that by talking to him. It totally has nothing to do with saying goodbye to a father, just in case, even though Kiralo never loved him.

This is not my final plan, just a list of actions I want to take and my reasoning why. I need to cut about 7 dice from my this, but it's hard to decide which ones. Advice would be useful.

[] Plan Random
[] A Father's Decision

Mostly so that we know what he's planning and don't have to suffer any surprises from him while we're on campaign.

[] Learning To Hold The Leash x2

Aiyistin is dangerous, so we want to learn how to use it against our enemies and so that it won't blow us up if we do. Those blackouts last turn were bad enough.

[] Bring Me to Life

We may have a healing mage, but I don't think that one is a personal retainer and so he'll be mostly busy with the troops. The doctor is more for our personal use.

[] A Last Northern Throw
[] Near-Southland Temptations

Last attempt to grab allies.

[] Know Thy Enemy (Prince) x2

It's in the name.

[] Magical Assurances.

See how this is going, learn if the mystery box was worth it.

[] Let The Forges Sing

Troops need equipment.

[] The War Room

Make sure the Council all work nicely together with us.

[] The Choosing of Generals x2

We need good generals to lead the troops and so I put two dice on this.

[] The Signs of Victory?

Don't underestimate morale.

[] A Cart, A Cart, My Empire... x2

Supply lines, army marches on its stomach, yada yada yada.

[] Young, Bold Fools

I don't really care about the younglings, more about the troops their relatives might bring, although they could be a good bonus I suppose.

[] Watching the City

Yeah, it would be bad for anything to happen to the city while we're gone. The Prince might actually have some suprises....

[] Marching Drills

Make sure the army can actually function coherently.

[] Shaking Off the Rust

Make sure we're in top condition if we have to fight.

Current idea of actions to scrap from the list:
-Bring Me to Life
-Let The Forges Sing

EDIT: Nevermind, voting for another plan.
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