Behind the Serpent Throne (CK2)

We could, but it means that the loans can come with requirements that we fulfill certain obligations at a time we're tight on actions.

There's a reason I've been trying to push through dual purpose income increases last vote cycle.
I'm going to need to update myself on what we voted for but it seems like we had a pretty good month. - This was the plan that won.

It was a surprisingly good update for me anyway, as I was expecting one of the two state actions to fail given the previous mention of how the rolls went which is wonderful news given how limited they are. Our Winddancers are coming to Csirit which is invaluable given they were the primary benefit of character generation, and the quite high roll on investigating the Southlands means there are plays for Kuojah to make against Prince Jinhai. The unknown roll is a little scary, but given Kiralo's rather large modifier to it I'm confident that even a shit roll would only give us mildly inaccurate information.

While it would be nice to pursue the magic tattoo stuff I can't really envision it happening given the amount of actions we have available, with the upcoming civil war making things worse. It could be interesting long term, but given how long that would be in real life time to get to that point I'm not optimistic.

Overall though it seems to have been a solid turn.
Title:A Miracle. With Knives.
Dice Rolled: Martial
Chance of Success: 50%
Time: 2 turns
Text: Xialon, the knife juggler, was actually surprisingly impressive. And there were signs, here and there, that he...knew how to use those knives for more than just juggling, and knew a few very useful spirits. The two biggest dangers are that it would be too expensive, considering Kiralo's father is somewhat skeptical of his spending, and that Xialon would refuse. The training too difficult? Kiralo is a Rassit, surely it can't be that hard.
Could you clarify on what we'd be learning here, @The Laurent ? Is it just the knife skills (with the supplement spirits to go with), which would act as a personal combat boost?
Turn 6--Rumors
Turn 6--Rumors

Burning The Valleys Down

Piece by piece, it seems that the Governor of Irit is finally gaining control of the situation. He was seen to be moving slowly early in the month, and there was speculation that he hoped to find strong evidence of the failures of his enemies, so that he could clean house entirely. The many valleys, after all, mean that his authority is very limited except in times of crisis.

But there are perhaps tools that can fix that. One of them is fire. Several prominent Mages have agreed to work with the Iritan Gubernatorial army, some of them infamous, all of them incredibly well paid.

Entire bandit hideaways have been burnt out by spirits of fire, or washed away by spirits of rivers, vast snakes of incredible power that are said to be very hard to control by non-priests, and yet seem to have answered for the Mages.

It is just a start, but as it is, the pressure of refugees has started to slacken, and some wonder whether perhaps the flame that might have sparked into a fire of peasant revolt might not be smothered.

A Moving Wall

Hari-Bueli, having to deal with incursions, has come to a rather bold solution. They have begun to arm several of the border towns, including some suspected by others of aiding and abetting the barbarians, and combined with a generous amount of money put towards making quick wooden fortresses, there is now a stronger bulwark against future incursion than expected. But it still leaves southern Hari-Bueli exposed, and more than that, it is untested.

It is a clever move, and could not have been done without the assurance that the Imperial Court was sending supplies and money to replenish their coffers after the many bribes and the careful work that has gotten it this far.

From the Mountains?

The rumors are improbable. In fact, they are impossible. But it has been said among some, and there are reports, as strange as it might seem, that...the son of the Governor of Hari-Nat has turned up, alive, at a northern fort.

This is again, absurd, because three months in the mountains, or even one month in winter, would kill anyone. They're impassable, and a hassle to use at all, and yet Hari-Nat still lives next to the blasted things.

But, these rumors have spread like wildfire, and then...and then at the end of the month, a letter arrived at court from Hiro, son of the Governor. He requested an audience with the Emperor himself, and apparently claimed that there were things he had to discuss, immediately. Things of vital importance to the fate of the Empire.

What could he mean?

New Years With the New Years' Prince

Prince Jinhai has continued his charm offensive, meeting with important Hari-Su, Hari-Os, and other nobles over a pious and careful New Years that has presented him as the very picture of the perfect Prince. He has discussed nothing but his duties, at least where any spy can get to, speaking of the need to protect Hari-Os from the Sea-Raiders, and Hari-Su from cross-border problems, and he's also made careful noises in favor of certain mercantile concessions that are much wanted by nobles in Southern Hirand.

Besides that, he showed off his martial prowess with a parade on horseback, and won the favor of many with his displays of piety and charity. It is clear, many at the court whisper, that he is not going to make an obvious mistake in his own person, not so close to his goal.

Those that hoped otherwise will have to remain disappointed.

War, Rumors of War

War is coming, and with it, uncertainty. Chaos. And yet there are some who trust things to be seen to. The new Envoy of the Army has been viewed as someone who has managed to get their feet on the ground, and after the last month, the court's overall view of them is positive, if tainted by occasional gossip involving his controversial poetry win, and several rude comments that his fashion, while perfectly serviceable, was not truly extraordinary. As well, one or two criticized his sending of resources to Hari-Bueli, but the important thing is that some at court think that he seems sometimes to be too private of a figure.

He needs to be seen more often. And wear better clothes. Is that too much to ask?


A/N: And now here are the rumors. Whew.

Also, you don't know how long I've been waiting, all the way since turn 1, rolling in the background for him.

Update on Thursday.
Man he's a lucky bastard.

Is he? If luck was all it took to survive a winter in THE mountains, than by definition someone would have done it before.

Like to describe it, nobody has ever seen what's on the other side of the mountains, even with fully stocked and supplied missions plunging into it, never to return.

It's a chain of huge, bitterly cold mountains and valleys, and in winter it's basically death incarnate, and most expeditions have been incredibly ill-fated.

Makes one wonder why he thought he could possibly make it. Doesn't it?
Well, I did not expect that.

Next turn, we'll have to diplomance Hari-Su though, otherwise they too will end up in the Prince's camp. The question is, which of these two actions shall we take?

Title: Respect My Authority!
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The Governor is a man that needs to be wooed, and whatever the long-term situation with his power over Hari-Su, in the short term befriending him and granting him an audience and a sympathetic ear to his plight might keep him from turning the wrong way, hopefully.

Title: Your Authority Is Lies!
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Mutually exclusive with 'Respect my Authority.' Come down on the side of those against the Governor's power and prestige. Either for the purpose of creating local autonomy of petty nobles, or for future efforts to centralize power under the Imperial Seat.

And I know that building a wall isn't popular and might drive the merchants away, but it would help with 'the need to protect Hari-Su from cross-border problems'.

Is he? If luck was all it took to survive a winter in THE mountains, than by definition someone would have done it before.

Like to describe it, nobody has ever seen what's on the other side of the mountains, even with fully stocked and supplied missions plunging into it, never to return.

It's a chain of huge, bitterly cold mountains and valleys, and in winter it's basically death incarnate, and most expeditions have been incredibly ill-fated.

Makes one wonder why he thought he could possibly make it. Doesn't it?
Have there never been any ships who have scouted the northern coast?
Well, I did not expect that.

Next turn, we'll have to diplomance Hari-Su though, otherwise they too will end up in the Prince's camp. The question is, which of these two actions shall we take?

And I know that building a wall isn't popular and might drive the merchants away, but it would help with 'the need to protect Hari-Su from cross-border problems'.

Have there never been any ships who have scouted the northern coast?

A few have gone far enough north to know that it ends in tundra eventually, but the Sea-Raiders all but own the sea that far north, so even knowing that much was costly, and when there was no report of anything that obviously screamed "Wealth" it was abandoned as a subject of interest. Is there anything worthwhile north of the mountains, then? You don't know: and it might be that there isn't now but might be in the future depending on untapped resources or technology, etc, etc.
Chances are excellent the governor's son made a deal with some spirit. And by 'made a deal' I mean he's probably either a doomsday cultist or possessed by something absurdly powerful.

Wendigoes spring to mind.
Is he? If luck was all it took to survive a winter in THE mountains, than by definition someone would have done it before.
I find this kind of unrealistic. People live in every chain of mountains outside of the arctic. During winter about 1/4th of the time. Unless there's some spirit nonsense killing people, or the mountains are orders of magnitude worse than anything on earth...
I find this kind of unrealistic. People live in every chain of mountains outside of the arctic. During winter about 1/4th of the time. Unless there's some spirit nonsense killing people, or the mountains are orders of magnitude worse than anything on earth...
That does seem to be what's at work here, the spirits I mean. I think it's implied that there's something supernatural going on. Like the trope of the foreboding mountains, and dark, haunted forests filled with evil... things are at full blast here. Or at least at first glance.
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I find this kind of unrealistic. People live in every chain of mountains outside of the arctic. During winter about 1/4th of the time. Unless there's some spirit nonsense killing people, or the mountains are orders of magnitude worse than anything on earth...
That does seem to be what's at work here, the spirits I mean. I think it's implied that there's something supernatural going on. Like the trope of the foreboding mountains, and dark, haunted forests filled with evil... things are at full blast here. Or at least at first glance.

Well, I thought that was pretty obvious? Or at least, there's clearly something at work here.

I'd appreciate you not assuming I'm a moron who doesn't know how mountains work, though. :V
I find this kind of unrealistic. People live in every chain of mountains outside of the arctic. During winter about 1/4th of the time. Unless there's some spirit nonsense killing people, or the mountains are orders of magnitude worse than anything on earth...
Well, it was said earlier in the thread that the northern mountain range is overflowing with feral spirits so...
Turn 7--(Mid-Spring), Planning
Turn 7--(Mid Spring)

Influence: 5 (Kuojah's Power)+2 (Kuojah's Wealth)+1 (Kuojah's Need)-3 (New to Court)+1 (Strange and Foreign in the right ways)+1 (Not Entirely His Father's Son)+1 (Diplomatic Might)+1 (The Man Who Tells Stories to Emperors, threatened)+1 (Warrior General)+1 (Martial only)+1 (Big Ceremony, temporary)+1 (Winning Poet, temporary)+1 (The Boys, temporary)=14 Influence, 1 must be spent on Martial actions, one must be spent on something within the 'Arts and Letters' category.

The Turtle Actions Continues

Many other potential obligations, though none stated directly or totally required.

Title: Friends In Poem Places
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: Bei'ren is a friend now. A friend. And people who are totally friends help introduce one to their other friends, correct? Kiralo could use it as a way to improve his still shaky relationship with the community of poets and scholars that cling to the court. It would not be remiss, then, and could potentially pave the way to friendships that might well be useful, since the court honors poets, and places them in a position of some authority.

Title: Dueling Words
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: The play could be printed up in a limited run. This would not be aimed at a general audience, and Kiralo thinks it's unlikely that it's going to catch on, even with victory, for a general audience. But there are no doubt plenty of nobles who wish to have the winning play in copy, for bragging rights, and others who merely wish it as a souvenir, and an excuse to slip a little money Kiralo's way...after all, what better way to win someone's favor than to request or purchase a copy of their little play?

Title: Shing Yan Shuffle
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 55%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Shing Yan is an important and interesting firebrand, one whose power is on the wax, and so if Kiralo could just carefully contact him and sound him out, it could be very interesting for both parties, most of all because Shing Yan has ownership of a printing press, that most dangerous weapon of spreading information...or misinformation, for that matter.

Title: South-Bank Scholars
Dice Rolled: Learning and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 59%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The South Bank Philosophy Club aren't the only group that actively opposes Kuojah's philosophy and scholarship, but they are the most prominent critics, and visiting their club and their printing presses and reading more about their beliefs might give Kiralo a way in with them, whether as an envoy between them and Kuojah, as unlikely as that is, or as an ally of theirs against some of Kuojah's policies.

Title: Unseating the Poet
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy, secondary Intrigue
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: ! Turns
Text: Bei'ren could do it! Possibly. If he made a run at the position and failed, it would be a big problem, but if he succeeded, then it would cement Kiralo's influence and power, and access, over the Emperor, even if it is in a matter not related to the great affairs of state.

Title: The Music Men
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 75%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: In every court Kiralo has known the musicians and entertainers, if not itinerant (and they couldn't be in such a large and powerful court, or at least not many) have their own culture, and their own standards. In a court that is obsessed with ritual and beauty, knowing these musicians could prove useful in the future...and at the very least would make it easier to snag a few if and when he had a need for them.

Title: Perhaps A Wrong Foot?
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 55%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: Kiralo has made a number of enemies that he can't afford. More than that, he's not impressed certain very important people who might be the key to gaining acceptance in the poet community. The balancing act is to find the line between abasement and pride, between winning their respect and proving that he was not worthy of their respect.

Title: Outcasts in the Society
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy.
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: There are poets who are known to be part of still more obscure schools. People who often challenge the normal forms, and for it win a little fame, but none of the prominence that more traditional poets gain. One way to gain a path towards power would be to be a patron of one of them, learn more about them and see just how much of their style fits with his own. Kiralo could then lead them to greater prominence, with the ultimate prize of course being the position of Poetry Tutor.

Title: The Hero Stands Alone?
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: ???
Time: 2 Turns.
Text: May vipers devour their bodies! They are proud, and they think they know what poetry is. But Kiralo was trained in the hard south, where poetry was a way of life just as much as in the north. Kiralo could write and write, could release poems like arrows shot on the wing against the enemy. Send them to rout. He doesn't need a school, he doesn't need 'allies.' When he is a prominent and important poet, others will flock to ape his style. And among those who do, there could perhaps be a friend or ally who could become the Poetry Tutor.

Title: An Unfinished Play
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of success: 75%
Time: 2 Turns.
Text: Kiralo has a play that has yet to be finished, a classic Southlands house-drama of a sort that he had begun to practice writing, having made two of them in the previous year and each a clear improvement over the last (the first being quite dreadful). He could continue his work on this, a link to the Southlands he has left behind. An impressive play can often be a very good way to make a mark among the right sort of community...such as the poets.

Title: Southern Vipers?
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 turn
Text: He has concubines now, posing as maids. Kiralo could of course put them to use buttering up and possibly seducing (probably seducing) visitors and guests, as many people do, whether they'd prefer to or not. After all, it's something they're no doubt used to as a requirement, and it wasn't as if it was particularly much to ask. And there might be some interesting information gathered with such a technique.

Title: The Piece Beneath Notice
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: He could attempt to learn more about them. It's unknown if they'd trust this, though, or whether they'd think it was a trap. But getting to know them more could have a point, or might merely be a simple gesture. But it's one that would at least allow him to judge them as individuals.

Title: Followup Notice
Dice Rolled: Stewardship, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Having gotten close to the Hari-Su merchants, he could continue to show interest in their affairs, in the hopes that this strengthens ties and opens up other opportunities, since he's going to be connecting with merchants quite often in the future, more likely than not. He'll have to be careful not to come off as entreating more bribes, or else they'll likely shut him down or, even if they don't, come to distrust him. A man who doesn't stay bought is useless.

Title: Young Snakes, Sharp Fangs
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 72%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: The young and ambitious, unmarried noblemen of the court are a sharp bunch. Kiralo declined in a way their companionship earlier, and they're not going to be easy to befriend, and he'd have to balance their friendship with the possibility that they might be trivial people whose goals will not align with his. Yet at the same time, they are the people his age and younger, and their fathers and uncles, their brothers and cousins, are important people, as are they by reflection.

Title: At Beating Hearts
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 80%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The monastery at the very heart of the empire is a holy place, and many wish to visit it. Some are allowed the privilege, and some who go learn something more both about magic and faith itself. Oh to talk to Spirits that have seen the passing of two-hundred years as if in the blink of an eye, and talk to the holy men of that blessed place. It would be an important religious experience, and one that Kiralo would be loathe to miss.

Title: Eunuchs!
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: The Eunuchs of the Imperial Court are the servants and officials that nobody notices, at least until they rise to power and prominence. In earlier eras they were far more powerful than they are now, and far more united, but the Head Eunuch is still a middle-high ranking member of the taxation bureaucracy, and an ally of Kiralo's father, so making his acquaintance would be one way to build on his ability to influence the government.

Title: Money in the City
Dice Rolled: Stewardship and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: As nobles and bureaucrats are to the Imperial City, so are merchants and petty officials to Csrae the city. The important men that are behind most of the power in Csrae the city are men whose opinion matters, not least of which because the relationship with the Imperial City is highly symbiotic. Through Yonu, Kiralo has a chance to get to know them. Shake the tree, and see what comes out.

Title: The Other Royals
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The Emperor has two sisters, one older and one near his age. Kiralo has seen nothing of them, and knows only that their names are Biyu and Chenhau. Perhaps he could ask around, and learn more about them. It's...way too early to think of such things, with a war coming, but they might yet be important in the grand scheme of things, even if, as with Yanmae, it is clear that Kuojah is hiding them away. And no wonder, considering any marriage proposals to them would be aimed at marrying them...and then unseating the dynasty. So it's best for all involved, no doubt, that they be hidden away...yet one wonders. And one gossips.

Title: Education of a Ruler
Dice Rolled: Learning and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: Who teaches the Emperor? That, truly, is an important question. Kiralo knows that Kuojah is the ultimate master of this, the one driving all of it, but just who are the tutors and how is the Emperor coping with his scholarship? Perhaps a polite visit is in store, if done just right. Perhaps not, it all remains to be seen. But the Emperor's education is a matter of great importance, at least so long as he sits upon the throne, may that be a long time indeed.

Title: Reporting to the Emperor
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: It is not strictly necessary to report any progress as Envoy to the Emperor. After all, reports can be written, and go to the people who, well, make the actual decisions since the Emperor is currently a young boy. But meeting with him personally might give Kiralo a chance to further his bonds with the young Emperor, and to see that the Emperor gets some personal understanding of the military situation, at least in some respects.

Title: Patching the Flaws
Dice Rolled: Stewardship
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The implementation of the department could have gone better. Kiralo's ally was subject to some negative scrutiny, and not everyone who was sent over is necessarily entirely competent. Like any agency or group, it has to follow the whims and dictates of its parent institutions, and this could be a problem. But it is a problem that can be faced. Kiralo has authority as an Envoy, and that means that he can try to find the right people for the right job.

Title: Sweeping the Leg
Dice Rolled: Intrigue, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 50%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: A man forced Kiralo to pay a bribe. Forced him to knuckle under the pressure of having the agency and the department impeded. Kiralo is a kind, forgiving man. Which is why his first, second, and third impulse are to break this man utterly and completely. Destroy his position, attack his credentials, do what needs to be done to weaken him. Totally a polite and forgiving reaction. Perhaps it will be a lesson.

Title: Imperial Guards
Dice Rolled: Martial
Chance of Success: 75%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The army is not the guard, is not the city guard. But the Emperor has his own guards, and it would be remiss to be an Envoy *to* the army *from* the Imperial Seat without gaining a little more understanding of the legendary elite guards who protect the Emperor with their lives. Gaining their trust would be useful, or at least a greater understanding of the famous methods (and some of them are famously secret and no doubt involve the names of hidden spirits) that allow them to do such damage in the name of the Emperor.

Title: Arming
Dice Rolled: Martial, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: If war comes, there will be a desperate need for every spear that can be thrust into a pair of hands, and every piece of armor that can be made. But such an act cannot be done ahead of time all that easily without major investments. But what could be done somewhat easier is to talk to people who specialize in bonding spirits to weapons, and the higher end smiths. The people for whom it is a craft. Get them to begin making a few weapons, because on top of the mass of grunts for whom weapons will have to be handed out as fast as they are made, there are always officers and 'elites' and others who demand (if they cannot afford them themselves) gear and equipment fitting their station. It would help ease later problems if the weapons could be well at hand, and it would also perhaps aid in other ways, in fact.

Title: Northern Climes
Dice Rolled: Martial, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Li-Jan is mysterious, neutral, and no doubt a political creature, but then that is the nature of the court. Kiralo hadn't had to sway him to his side in this matter, but in the future knowing more about what he wants and how he can be persuaded might be important.

Title: From the East
Dice Rolled: Martial, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: ???
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Ha'Dong of the East was the foremost hawk, and with war seeming ever more likely, he might well be crowing and acting in ways that could shift the war towards a disadvantageous start, in his eagerness to prove Prince Jinhai the fool. Talking to him and learning more about him in general could be...very, very important, all things considered. Though perhaps Kuojah had a bead on him.

Title: Bows On Horses
Dice Rolled: Martial and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 2 Turns
Text: It is said that what there is of the light cavalry of the main Csiritan army is pathetic, especially in terms of their skill with the bow. This is not something that's easy to fix, but Kiralo now knows enough of the riders that he could try to press through at least some training. It's too late to have a large, powerful, skilled light-cavalry in time for the war, far too late. Years, perhaps, too late. But if the center unit of the only army that Kiralo could count on not to fight against him could at least do its job halfway decently, that would be enough for the time being.

Title: A (Horse) League of Their Own
Dice Rolled: Martial and Stewardship
Chance of Success: 55%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Right now, the Messengers and Light Cavalry share horses, and more than that, and more horrifically and absolutely absurdly to Southlander standards, the same breeding pool. Sure, a Rassit horse is trained for speed and bred for speed, but there's more to it than that. There are no Rassit horses around, obviously, and even such an act would be...problematic in some ways, but even if it's not going to yield results now, legally separating the two breeding pools and trying to make light cavalry their own group would probably be a good idea. If there's going to be an Empire after the coming war with Prince Jinhai, then it is best to prepare for it. But the court is entrenched, certainly, so this might take some work.

Title: Hoarding Works?
Dice Rolled: Stewardship
Chance of Success: 50%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: If war comes, the army will need rice. A lot of rice. In fact, they'll need more rice than they think they might need, because the new recruits and the new armies might not actually have proper supplies for themselves. It's going to be absolute chaos, and one way to head it off right now is to begin to purchase and store grain. The difficulty, of course, is doing so without causing a panic in the city, or driving prices up as merchants realize that the pickings are good to offload rice that they no doubt fear will be seized if war comes. It's...a very difficult balance, yet if war is to come, it must be done right.

Title: The Turtle of the West, Part 2
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 80%, secrecy odds hidden
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The next step is to inquire about the nature of the Turtle itself, without promising anything or even suggesting more than polite curiosity from the letter that Kiralo will no doubt receive soon. From there, the step is to prepare the grounds for a covert meeting/demonstration to be made to, say, a trusted ally willing to make the journey to Hari-Bueli. So finding such a 'trusted ally' would be another difficulty, and perhaps one that Ju'ae might be able to aid in.

Title: Letters to Nestirin
Dice Rolled: Magic and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: But not all of Qing'lu's news is so dire, or his demands so difficult. He has ties in Nestirin, and he's willing to write letters of introduction for Kiralo, to allow him to gain a foothold in Nestirin politics. [Note, this is essentially 'Where Spirits Nest' from before, only it is now, as a sort of discount, a Court Action, rather than a State one that would thus eat up a far rarer resource than court influence.]

Title: No Hero to the Soldiers
Dice Rolled: Martial and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 80%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Kiralo now knows a little about the situation of the soldiers. They have winter quarters in the city, disconnected from the palace guards for the most part, by careful design for obvious reasons, starting with the fear of coups and ending with the complexities of religious observances. He could go among them, talk to the mid-level commanders and even the common soldiers, and attempt to in some way come across someone they can trust. Of course, there are dangers of stepping on the toes of the high generals, but there are certainly advantages to be gained.

Title: War Stories...
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of Success: 75%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Kiralo could have the soldiers monitored. It's known their loyal, but not known what else they know, their thoughts and plans, especially for the mid-level commanders. Talking to soldiers while drunk, or finding some willing to talk about their fellows might be a little bit difficult, and certainly won't be reliable, but since he doesn't have a strong base of informants in the first place.

Title: Guards, Guards
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The city guards take care of both crime and any civil disorder. When the people riot, or criminals attempt to hurt the profits of merchants, or in any case where authority in the city needs a strong arm, the city guards are there, and on the few occasions in which the city has been under siege, they have been way or another, for more than once has the Csrae City Guard been bribed to open the gates for a man who will soon be Emperor, pushing past the last beleaguered defenses of a fool. It has happened...and it might happen again. History rhymes, and sometimes paying attention to the words matters. Kiralo can learn a bit more about them and their concerns, and see where it goes from there.

Title: A Lesson In Laws
Dice Rolled: Stewardship
Chance of Success: 65/45/30%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Yanmae is very intelligent in matters that Kiralo is, at most, merely aware of. She could talk to Kiralo about the complex law books, giving him advice and hopefully allowing him to grow closer to her and perhaps request her direct help, as his father has done in the past.

Title: The Will of the Father
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: Variable
Time: 1 Turn
Text: What is Kuojah going to do when he dies? All men must plan for death, and all men must decide where their accumulated offices, powers, and effects go. By tradition and law they go to the oldest son, with some (by kindness and tradition), going to the younger sons, or to daughters for their upkeep until marriage. But Kuojah can decide anything he wants...and might well have. So, it's time to learn what his plans were.

Title: The Emperor's Body?
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of Success: ???
Time: ???, locked in, each roll might advance/cause a break in the questions.
Text: What was so strange about the Emperor's body? Getting to the bottom of this might be difficult, and at the moment Kiralo has few leads, but it seems...strange. Very strange. Almost unholy, in fact.

Title: Down In The Vaults
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: Getting permission might be difficult, but there's something wrong, something definitely odd, about spirits going mad and fleeing from their owner. Getting permission is the first step into looking into this matter, but it's hardly an easy one. The vaults exist for a reason, after all.

Title: A Confused Code
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of Success: 55%
Time: 2 turns
Text: Arimi's strange pidgin Anlan-Bueli-Csiritan-Southlander is hard to understand when he switches into it, and seems to share the grammatical composition of absolutely none of them. That could make it a surprisingly useful language if one wanted to convey coded messages, since Arimi doesn't switch into it often, and the odds of anyone being able to work it out are actually somewhat slim, and the odds of anyone taking the time to do so are even slimmer. It'd take some studying and work, though.

Title: The Cook Knows
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: When one is a man's cook, they learn something. In fact, they learn a lot, and they know a lot of people. Hieng owes Kiralo, and with a little convincing, probably he could spill a few secrets, potentially even useful ones, and talk to some of his old friends. Servants like him, but ones who might at least push a little bit of gossip his way.

Title: The Opener of Letters
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 2 Turns
Text: Perhaps a courier or two could be convinced to sometimes tell tidbits of the information they are transferring. It is not likely that they will provide huge levels of details, not on the budget Kiralo currently has, strained as he is by his father's careful management of his money, but a few details at the right time could begin to reveal some of what the webs of messages outwards say and mean.

Title: Gossip of Servants
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of success: 55%
Time: 2 Turns.
Text: Kiralo is not in any way a spymaster, but he knows the ways of servants and secrecy at least well enough that he could attempt to create a network of servants who share gossip with him and pick up the juiciest tidbits from their employer's rooms. They wouldn't be anything like a full spy network, and will be unwilling to risk all that much, but it could still be very, very helpful.

Title: Hunting Buddies
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: ???
Time: 1 Turn
Text: What was the Emperor like when hunting? Something about what he learned doesn't seem to fit, and Kiralo could dig deeper, asking those closest to him just what the Emperor normally did while hunting...though it's been long enough that many will likely not have clear memories of the actual day where he died themselves. At least in some respects.

Title: Dancers in the Dusk
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: Dancers hear a lot, and what they hear they can pass on. Kiralo would avoid pressuring Han in this regard, especially considering just where some of this information comes from, but like servants, the dancers and entertainers of the court see far more than they say.

Title: Secrets and Lies in the Viper Court
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of Success: 50%
Text: Kiralo could try, as carefully as possible, to learn about the Department of Secrets. Not being acknowledged to exist makes it difficult, but he could at least gather a few rumors and try to understand just what, if anything, was going on with them. What were their plans, and what were their ideas? Was it folly to work with them, or was it

Title: The Old Emperor's Men
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 75%
Text: The Old Emperor had men of his age who shared in his fate and in his glory, and yet not in his death. They know the character of the Old Emperor, perhaps, and maybe in their cups they could reveal the old battle lines of the court, and thus cast light on how and why the situation has turned into what it is.

Title: A Northern Excuse
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 58%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: At the end of the month, Hiro will likely be meeting the Emperor to discuss matters. He has requested the meeting, and after being screened he will no doubt be accepted, and is hurrying with all haste to the capital. But unless Kiralo is there to hear it, it's likely all he'll know of the events are rumors and guesses. So...he needs to find an excuse to be a fly on the wall.

Title: A Primer On Foreign Magic
Dice Rolled: Magic, Hung's Magic (20)
Chance of Success: 75%
Time: 2 Turns
Text: Kiralo might need to know about the nature of foreign magic. There is only so much that can be learned, but it would be helpful in evaluating the turtle, and any other possible threats, even if it isn't going to play into the war effort. But there is more to it than that, and there is some degree of risk in that studying foreign ways can sometimes be misconstrued as agreeing with them.

Title: Hunting For Heretics
Dice Rolled: Intrigue, Magic
Chance of Success: 50%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Among all of the priests and believers of the imperial court, there are some people who are rumored to use or steal holy and sacred spirits, and practice versions of spirit lore that are forbidden by both custom and sense. Finding out who these people are, and perhaps applying pressure to ruin them...or to blackmail them, might be possible, but it would involve stepping on some toes.

Title: Spiritual Defense
Dice Rolled: Intrigue and Hung's Magic
Chance of Success:60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The same methods of investigation can be used against him, Kiralo knows. Perhaps he could learn how to be careful of spiritual tails and investigations into his spirit activities. At the moment, there is not much to hide, but knowing how to hide it might well be important in the future, especially regarding the fact that he might be seeing a lot more of spirits in the future.

Title: Is it Possible?
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success:
Text: Ask around about the idea of tattooed scrolls. Very carefully, making sure to indicate that this is polite and respectful curiosity, more than an actual desire to know. But the first step of any question is knowing whether it is a proper one to ask.

Title: The Science of Spiritual Warfare
Dice Rolled: Martial
Chance of Success: 1d100, better results get better results.
Time: 1 Turn
Text:Ji'lae is an odd sort of scholar. A scholar of violence, of using spirits to fight others, he has delved into the art and gotten quite deadly, and perhaps he could enhance his methods if given resources and encouragement by Kiralo. Anything he learns could be used, at least on a small scale, to aid with the army, even if nothing he finds is likely going to be a large-scale game-changer. [Note: This is a research action. In exchange for supporting this, one then rolls a d100 each turn for three turns, getting results all the while. Continued support would then require more investment of Influence, and on and on, seeing whether anything much is gotten from it. That's how I'm going to be doing research, or at least, this is an experiment of sorts.]

Title: The 'Gang of Roughs'
Dice Rolled: Martial
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn, repeatable
Text: Ji'lae also hinted that he knew others who thought like him. Imperial Mages who might want to fight in a war, for instance. If Kiralo could hire them, and convince the Emperor to hire them, two things could be done. First, it would be the first step to actually working on integrating the Mages instead of, as usually happens, just throwing them around at random in a panic because of a lack of time. Second, if the Imperial Seat holds the contracts to some of the most skilled War Mages, then that means that they have an advantage over the army, which thus needs to heed carefully the desire of the Imperial Seat. It is the same politics that drives any state centralization, and perhaps it can work here, in a small way.

Title: Local Spirits
Dice Rolled: Magic
Chance of success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: There are many local spirits whose names and nature Kiralo does not know, and whose parallels he doesn't understand. He could attempt to give himself a crash course in the matter, for future reference and knowledge.

Title: Academy Days: Cultivating the Head
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 50%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The Archmage and headmaster is an old and powerful man, perhaps it could be that he might find it agreeable to ally with Kiralo in some matters. At the very least, it would not hurt to learn more of the man, though he's no doubt proud and powerful.

Title: Academy Days: The Bureaucracy of Magic
Dice Rolled: Stewardship
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Every aspect of the academy has bureaucracy. Who is allowed to attend, and why, where the money for them to do so is gotten, and how they are licensed and registered upon graduation, the intake and outtake to ensure that the Academy remains the foremost one in Csirit. It is a matter of a great deal of work and effort, some of it in court, and getting a grasp on how the process works would give a greater ability to influence it for Kiralo's own purposes. One must know how a group works in order to begin to control it.

Title: Out on the Town
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 80%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Arimi and Vedal are certainly growing a little bit listless, trapped her and as of yet unable to either spread rumors of Kiralo's heroism or truly check out all of the fine living that the court promises--drinks and dancers and parties that Kiralo has mostly avoided--and so they've expressed a desire to perhaps go and see just what Csrae proper has to offer. It certainly wouldn't be very proper.

Title:A Miracle. With Knives.
Dice Rolled: Martial
Chance of Success: 50%
Time: 2 turns
Text: Xialon, the knife juggler, was actually surprisingly impressive. And there were signs, here and there, that he...knew how to use those knives for more than just juggling, and knew a few very useful spirits. The two biggest dangers are that it would be too expensive, considering Kiralo's father is somewhat skeptical of his spending, and that Xialon would refuse. The training too difficult? Kiralo is a Rassit, surely it can't be that hard.

Title: Bring Me to Life
Dice Rolled: Stewardship
Chance of Success: 80%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Perhaps Kiralo should hire a doctor. He's doing well for himself, of course, and more than that he's in the prime of his youth, but you can never be too careful, and a doctor could serve other functions and purposes as well, especially one that is on retainer. On the other hand, Kuojah's financial leash is pretty short as is.

Title: Learning To Hold The Leash
Dice Rolled: Magic
Chance of Success: 50%
Time: 2 turns
Text: The spirit Aiyistin is powerful and strange. Its nature has not been fully revealed to Kiralo, but it has to be powerful to know 'The fate of men', as it is said to be able to grasp. It is strange, and more than that, as the more powerful spirits are, dangerous and a little wild in a way. But that is all the more reason to gain some ability to use Aiyistin.

Title: For What Purpose?
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The spirit has indicated that it feels that the Judges desire something of Kiralo. If the most high servants of the Gods, who sort out the dead and their fates themselves, desire something of Kiralo...then he should definitely figure it out. Aiyistin claims not to know why it feels this way, but perhaps by talking to it, something can be discovered of its cause.


Influence=1 (Father's reflected glory)+1 (Alms Success)+1 (Envoy)=3, one must be used for martial actions. (Any action with Martial anywhere in the dice pool.)

Title: Shakedown Cruise
Dice Rolled: Martial
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: ! Turn
Text: It is spring, and with spring comes spring training. Have the army march out around the area of Csrae, practicing maneuvers and getting any winter kinks out. Perhaps this will be vital experience that will help bind them together and work better in the future. Or perhaps it will be seen as a provocation, or will waste too many resources on what is not the actual war. It all depends on how it's framed...and done.

Title: Too Much Baggage
Dice Rolled: Martial and Stewardship
Chance of Success: 55%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Currently the army is going to be slow on the field, with a huge baggage train. There's no time to truly institute major reforms, not this late in the game, but perhaps something could be done to at least speed up the baggage train and allow the army to briefly operate if it is cut off. Without the tactical and strategic mobility that Kiralo is used to, the army will be unable to do nearly as much as he expects any army, allied or enemy, to be able to do.

Title: High Maintenance
Dice Rolled: Martial
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Currently the army is very expensive to maintain. Are there ways to keep the cost in some sort of check, while streamlining the process of making new weaponry and armor? Because once the army rapidly expands for the war, then most of the methods of getting new equipment and forming units are going to break down incredibly fast. So Kiralo could carefully try to contact, as the Envoy, large groups of blacksmiths to begin their business, while trying to figure out just how and in what ways the whole process might become just a little more efficient.

Title: Mother's Return
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 10%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Currently a long-shot, and more importantly not logistically viable, at some later date, Kiralo could try to get his mother's remains drawn up from where they rest, and transported north in order to be buried somewhere in the Imperial City, with the honors that he feels are due to her. It probably won't be happening this month, though. I mean, look at that 10%.

Title: Spare A Few...Thousand?
Dice Rolled: Intrigue, Diplomacy, Martial
Chance of Success: ???, variable
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The time has come to covertly ask to see whether or not the Provincial Governors and other authority figures who, in some cases, actually run the province, if they are going to stand with the Imperial seat. By calling on them ahead of time, Kiralo can make it so that they will be ready when the general call comes, but of course, if this is found out it ruins any surprise and could ratchet the tensions up even faster, driving towards the inevitable war at a quicker than desired pace.
-[] Choose two Provinces

Title: At the corner of Empire.
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Hari-Bueli is a far-off province, and the governor has his own concerns. There have been rumors that Bueli has been raiding extensively, perhaps Kiralo could establish contact with him to learn more.

Title: Mountains and Forests
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Rerin is a heavily mountainous province whose forests are said to contain much of wonder and more of terror. Bordering more than a few provinces, with its governor sick and its succession in doubt, it might be far more important than one might think at first. Yet the opening gambit to talk to them is simple: a letter of concern and hopes for improvement to the Governor, and then see just what turns up.

Title: An Old Seat of Empire
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Once, Xissand was the seat of a rival Empire, formed in the breakup, classic history says, that followed the Fourth Emperor and led to the age of darkness in which the Emperor was forgotten. It has long since been conquered, its heretics purged, or at least as purged as any being on the planet, and it has long been loyal and fully Csiritan, lacking much of the blood (though there is some) of Xissand. Yet there are still many ruins that to this day remain guarded by powerful spirits or more powerful superstitions, or are hidden far away beneath rivers and within the craggy hills of West-Xissand.

Title: I Will Build A Wall
Dice Rolled: Stewardship
Chance of Success: 75%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Sure to be a hit with the traditionalists in Hari-Su, increased border security around the forts would also firm up the line and tamp down on bandit activity, even if it would, at least in the short and medium term, barring a change in policy, lead to economic hardship for the traders, if not the peasants who no longer have raiders on their backs. In the medium to long term, if combined with a policy of more open borders, the forts could serve to protect trade routes, and be beneficial for all. Kiralo can hardly pull a lever and make it happen, but he can influence the court to perhaps give approval to the right faction. Certainly, it fits the general inclination of the court already.

Title: Open(ish) Borders
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 40%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: There is no way to actually reverse the closed borders policy of Kuojah, but in writing and carefully influencing the missives the court writes, and in giving support to certain ideas and perhaps having his own mercenary company help interfere, there could be an unofficial opening of the borders in times and places. The danger, of course, is that if not handled right this could lead to bandits and general misery, but it is a policy designed to appease the merchants, both in Hari-Su and Hari-Os, and one that might align with Kiralo's own interests as well...even if there is a risk to the peasants. Yet, is it the right action?

Title: Respect My Authority!
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The Governor is a man that needs to be wooed, and whatever the long-term situation with his power over Hari-Su, in the short term befriending him and granting him an audience and a sympathetic ear to his plight might keep him from turning the wrong way, hopefully.

Title: Your Authority Is Lies!
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Mutually exclusive with 'Respect my Authority.' Come down on the side of those against the Governor's power and prestige. Either for the purpose of creating local autonomy of petty nobles, or for future efforts to centralize power under the Imperial Seat.

Title: Farthest North
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Hari-Nat is the province that borders the vast and barely passable in the best of times mountains of the far north. It is often the province that stands out of the way of the major conflicts, waiting and seeing what happens, not strong enough to ever declare independence as some have during times of conflict, but not so weak as to be conquered and subjugated. Even its people are a little different, altered by the cold and harsh climate. Investigate into them more fully.

Title: A Stirring in the South, Part 1
Dice Rolled: Intrigue and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: Messages can be sent, thoughts can be had, on just what to do about the matter of Hari-Su and the Southlands. Their loyalty is neither sure nor unsure at this point, and more than that, figuring it out will be difficult, to say the least. But collusion with the Southlands, as long as it is not found out, has its own advantages in these matters.

Title: J'Accuse
Dice Rolled: Intrigue, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: ???, variable
Time: 1 Turn
Text: There is evidence in. Is it conclusive? No, no it isn't. But is it enough? Possibly. There is at the least enough of this evidence to accuse Prince Jinhai of treason and demand that he come to the Imperial Court to defend himself. Which he will not do. This would start, immediately, for better or worse, the war that might yet wait a month or two to begin. But perhaps it might be started on a better foot, or with the accusation ringing in the air...or perhaps the Imperial Court might benefit less from it than Prince Jinhai would. Everything is in the air.

Title: Rumors of Foreign Affairs
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: Variable, must get 40 at the minimum or it goes sour
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Perhaps an accusation is too much? But a hint. A word whispered in the ear of Hari-Su nobles already afraid of the Southlands, of Iritans who might stand stronger if they suspect that Prince Jinhai is the worst kind of monster, willing to make deals to destroy the Emperor...proof? Proof isn't needed if the rumors can take hold well enough.

Title: No Contracts
Dice Rolled: Martial, Intrigue
Chance of Success: ???, variable
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Kiralo has access to his money in the banks, and he has access to the networks he gathered as a mercenary, including among the courts. The matter would be to try to use these, from afar--the real difficulty--to try to thwart any plans to hire mercenaries or otherwise cause problems for the imperial side. The fate of the entire war might rest on whether Prince Jinhai is playing with merely the troops he can raise...or the troops he can pay for.

Title: People of the Sea
Dice Rolled: Learning and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 55%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The Sea-People did Csirit an uncertain good when they helped Hari-Os, but it is a good that might be appreciated. Often regarded as both less bad and worse than the normal barbarians, the Sea People are those who have done what is pure heresy, made strange mystical congress with the spirits of the sea, and so many of them are not entirely human in appearance or even outlook, and in addition to the Islands that house the large majority of their population, they are said to have underwater cities where those 'too far gone' rest. Of course, many things are said and only some are known, but Kiralo has seen men with gills or strange colored skin, or webbed toes or hands, and even the most 'normal' of the Sea People has a tie to the ocean and water far greater than even the most experienced Southlander sailor. Learning more about them, and perhaps cautiously contacting them, could be useful.

Title: Supplicants
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of success: 13%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: Begin the long bureaucratic process of opening up the distant possibility of perhaps having court ambassadors. At this stage, it's making the argument that other local powers should be allowed to send a train of supplicants to give and exchange gifts with Csirit, whom they would acknowledge as the center of the world and the greatest power that has ever lived, paying homage as their inferior status makes the only right action and the only just thing. It would be a first step on the road to slowly opening up Csirit, even if it would be fraught with perils on both sides of the negotiation: both the chance of offense and the chance of rejection are high, though the odds might grow better with events.

Title: Against the Enemies of the State
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy (Primary) and Intrigue (Secondary)
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: He has a list, and he can use that list. Kiralo knows a few people on it are probably innocent, but if he can convince Kuojah and the Imperial Court to censure them for their actions, he can in a single swoop harm the Governor's enemies and potentially make sure that everyone knows that any aid to the bandits will end well. It will also, rather importantly, gain the gratitude of the Governor, and who knows what that might be worth? Now's the time to act...or not!

Title: Checking it Twice
Dice Rolled: Intrigue (Primary) and Diplomacy (Secondary)
Chance of Success: 75%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: There are some names that seem not to fit. Some people who might be guilty. Kiralo could hesitate and take his time, going through and making sure by careful diplomacy and asking the right people to exonerate the innocent, perhaps winning their gratitude.

Title: Put Down
Dice Rolled: Martial, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: An army is what is needed to lance the boil of the banditry, but beyond any difficulties with planning the campaign, and now is the time to act if there is to be any action before the boiling civil war. Convincing people will be difficult, but what other choice is there? [Starts a semi-war-turn]

Title: Task Force: Hari Bueli
Dice Rolled: Military
Chance of Success: 55%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Sending an army to Hari-Bueli might not be the smartest decision, and it's also one that will take a lot of work to convince the throne to do, but it might be the key to gaining Hari-Bueli's support. And if it's going to be done, it needs to be done well. And that means time and planning, as well as working to convince people.

A/N: And here we go.
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[] Plan Random
[] For What Purpose?
[] Learning To Hold The Leash x2

Yeah, we need to know what the gods/their servants want of us and now that we have an extremely powerful spirit, better to start to learn how to use it.

[] Dueling Words

We seem to have money problems and this can get us money so....

[] Followup Notice

Improving relations with Hari-Su is very important right now.

[] The Will of the Father

Need to know what dad's planning.

[] A Northern Excuse

This guy.....

[] The Turtle of the West, Part 2 x2

That secrecy roll makes me want to put an extra die on it.

[] Hoarding Works? x2

An army marches on its stomach.

[] Bows On Horses

Make the cavalry not completely atrocious.

[] From the East

Need to keep this guy in check.

[] The 'Gang of Roughs'

These guys will be useful force multipliers.

[] Put Down

I am still convinced this is a good way to gain experience before the war starts.

[] Rumors of Foreign Affairs x2

If we can get enough people to believe these rumors, that will go a long way in increasing our support while making it harder for the Prince to get new friends.
EDIT: Changed vote.
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Title: Too Much Baggage
Dice Rolled: Martial and Stewardship
Chance of Success: 55%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Currently the army is going to be slow on the field, with a huge baggage train. There's no time to truly institute major reforms, not this late in the game, but perhaps something could be done to at least speed up the baggage train and allow the army to briefly operate if it is cut off. Without the tactical and strategic mobility that Kiralo is used to, the army will be unable to do nearly as much as he expects any army, allied or enemy, to be able to do.

Definetively want this. Kiralo tactical genius is one of the best advantages we have, and there is no point if it gets countered by a slow army.
[X] Plan: Emperor and War

Title: An Unfinished Play
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of success: 75%
Time: 2 Turns.
Text: Kiralo has a play that has yet to be finished, a classic Southlands house-drama of a sort that he had begun to practice writing, having made two of them in the previous year and each a clear improvement over the last (the first being quite dreadful). He could continue his work on this, a link to the Southlands he has left behind. An impressive play can often be a very good way to make a mark among the right sort of community...such as the poets

Title: At Beating Hearts
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 80%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The monastery at the very heart of the empire is a holy place, and many wish to visit it. Some are allowed the privilege, and some who go learn something more both about magic and faith itself. Oh to talk to Spirits that have seen the passing of two-hundred years as if in the blink of an eye, and talk to the holy men of that blessed place. It would be an important religious experience, and one that Kiralo would be loathe to miss.

Title: The Other Royals
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The Emperor has two sisters, one older and one near his age. Kiralo has seen nothing of them, and knows only that their names are Biyu and Chenhau. Perhaps he could ask around, and learn more about them. It's...way too early to think of such things, with a war coming, but they might yet be important in the grand scheme of things, even if, as with Yanmae, it is clear that Kuojah is hiding them away. And no wonder, considering any marriage proposals to them would be aimed at marrying them...and then unseating the dynasty. So it's best for all involved, no doubt, that they be hidden away...yet one wonders. And one gossips.

Title: Education of a Ruler
Dice Rolled: Learning and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: Who teaches the Emperor? That, truly, is an important question. Kiralo knows that Kuojah is the ultimate master of this, the one driving all of it, but just who are the tutors and how is the Emperor coping with his scholarship? Perhaps a polite visit is in store, if done just right. Perhaps not, it all remains to be seen. But the Emperor's education is a matter of great importance, at least so long as he sits upon the throne, may that be a long time indeed.

Title: Reporting to the Emperor
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: It is not strictly necessary to report any progress as Envoy to the Emperor. After all, reports can be written, and go to the people who, well, make the actual decisions since the Emperor is currently a young boy. But meeting with him personally might give Kiralo a chance to further his bonds with the young Emperor, and to see that the Emperor gets some personal understanding of the military situation, at least in some respects.

Title: Imperial Guards
Dice Rolled: Martial
Chance of Success: 75%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The army is not the guard, is not the city guard. But the Emperor has his own guards, and it would be remiss to be an Envoy *to* the army *from* the Imperial Seat without gaining a little more understanding of the legendary elite guards who protect the Emperor with their lives. Gaining their trust would be useful, or at least a greater understanding of the famous methods (and some of them are famously secret and no doubt involve the names of hidden spirits) that allow them to do such damage in the name of the Emperor.

Title: Arming
Dice Rolled: Martial, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: If war comes, there will be a desperate need for every spear that can be thrust into a pair of hands, and every piece of armor that can be made. But such an act cannot be done ahead of time all that easily without major investments. But what could be done somewhat easier is to talk to people who specialize in bonding spirits to weapons, and the higher end smiths. The people for whom it is a craft. Get them to begin making a few weapons, because on top of the mass of grunts for whom weapons will have to be handed out as fast as they are made, there are always officers and 'elites' and others who demand (if they cannot afford them themselves) gear and equipment fitting their station. It would help ease later problems if the weapons could be well at hand, and it would also perhaps aid in other ways, in fact.

Title: Bows On Horses
Dice Rolled: Martial and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 2 Turns
Text: It is said that what there is of the light cavalry of the main Csiritan army is pathetic, especially in terms of their skill with the bow. This is not something that's easy to fix, but Kiralo now knows enough of the riders that he could try to press through at least some training. It's too late to have a large, powerful, skilled light-cavalry in time for the war, far too late. Years, perhaps, too late. But if the center unit of the only army that Kiralo could count on not to fight against him could at least do its job halfway decently, that would be enough for the time being.

Title: A (Horse) League of Their Own
Dice Rolled: Martial and Stewardship
Chance of Success: 55%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Right now, the Messengers and Light Cavalry share horses, and more than that, and more horrifically and absolutely absurdly to Southlander standards, the same breeding pool. Sure, a Rassit horse is trained for speed and bred for speed, but there's more to it than that. There are no Rassit horses around, obviously, and even such an act would be...problematic in some ways, but even if it's not going to yield results now, legally separating the two breeding pools and trying to make light cavalry their own group would probably be a good idea. If there's going to be an Empire after the coming war with Prince Jinhai, then it is best to prepare for it. But the court is entrenched, certainly, so this might take some work.

Title: The Turtle of the West, Part 2
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 80%, secrecy odds hidden
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The next step is to inquire about the nature of the Turtle itself, without promising anything or even suggesting more than polite curiosity from the letter that Kiralo will no doubt receive soon. From there, the step is to prepare the grounds for a covert meeting/demonstration to be made to, say, a trusted ally willing to make the journey to Hari-Bueli. So finding such a 'trusted ally' would be another difficulty, and perhaps one that Ju'ae might be able to aid in.

Title: A Primer On Foreign Magic
Dice Rolled: Magic, Hung's Magic (20)
Chance of Success: 75%
Time: 2 Turns
Text: Kiralo might need to know about the nature of foreign magic. There is only so much that can be learned, but it would be helpful in evaluating the turtle, and any other possible threats, even if it isn't going to play into the war effort. But there is more to it than that, and there is some degree of risk in that studying foreign ways can sometimes be misconstrued as agreeing with them.

Title: Spiritual Defense
Dice Rolled: Intrigue and Hung's Magic
Chance of Success:60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The same methods of investigation can be used against him, Kiralo knows. Perhaps he could learn how to be careful of spiritual tails and investigations into his spirit activities. At the moment, there is not much to hide, but knowing how to hide it might well be important in the future, especially regarding the fact that he might be seeing a lot more of spirits in the future.

Title: Is it Possible?
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success:
Text: Ask around about the idea of tattooed scrolls. Very carefully, making sure to indicate that this is polite and respectful curiosity, more than an actual desire to know. But the first step of any question is knowing whether it is a proper one to ask.

Title: A Northern Excuse
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 58%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: At the end of the month, Hiro will likely be meeting the Emperor to discuss matters. He has requested the meeting, and after being screened he will no doubt be accepted, and is hurrying with all haste to the capital. But unless Kiralo is there to hear it, it's likely all he'll know of the events are rumors and guesses. So...he needs to find an excuse to be a fly on the wall.

Title: Shakedown Cruise
Dice Rolled: Martial
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: ! Turn
Text: It is spring, and with spring comes spring training. Have the army march out around the area of Csrae, practicing maneuvers and getting any winter kinks out. Perhaps this will be vital experience that will help bind them together and work better in the future. Or perhaps it will be seen as a provocation, or will waste too many resources on what is not the actual war. It all depends on how it's framed...and done.

Title: J'Accuse
Dice Rolled: Intrigue, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: ???, variable
Time: 1 Turn
Text: There is evidence in. Is it conclusive? No, no it isn't. But is it enough? Possibly. There is at the least enough of this evidence to accuse Prince Jinhai of treason and demand that he come to the Imperial Court to defend himself. Which he will not do. This would start, immediately, for better or worse, the war that might yet wait a month or two to begin. But perhaps it might be started on a better foot, or with the accusation ringing in the air...or perhaps the Imperial Court might benefit less from it than Prince Jinhai would. Everything is in the air.

Title: A Stirring in the South, Part 1
Dice Rolled: Intrigue and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: Messages can be sent, thoughts can be had, on just what to do about the matter of Hari-Su and the Southlands. Their loyalty is neither sure nor unsure at this point, and more than that, figuring it out will be difficult, to say the least. But collusion with the Southlands, as long as it is not found out, has its own advantages in these matters.

I think that one of the biggest advantages we currently have is the ability to decide when to start the war (as well as the ability to flank our military with a propaganda offensive) and if we don't want to lose that we need to accuse him now. That coupled with our army already active should give us an early advantage that we can capitalise on. I also choose to do the South action to supplement that idea and hopefully secure our border/flank, and secure some additional resources (we should have the advantage here considering our background and location).

My Influence actions meanwhile are weighed towards connected groupings to hopefully benefit from possible synergies and to lessen the impact of failures. I admit spreading the actions so widely is risky but I think will need to take some risks here if we want to get an advantage and reduce the number of options we face.
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Influence 0/12
Martial Influence 0/1
Arts Influence 0/1

State Influence 0/2
Martial State Influence 0/1

[X] Plan Building Up Credits
-[X] Academy Days: The Bureaucracy of Magic

Some dedicated Magic influence would be highly valuable

-[X] For What Purpose?

Probably should figure out what the spirit is up to

-[X] The Old Emperor's Men

Keep going on the Emperor investigation.

-[X] A Northern Excuse

Probably important. How the heck did he come out of that alive?

-[X] A Lesson In Laws

Skill up!
We're going to need to navigate the rules for a lot of our upcoming radical reforms.

-[X] Northern Climes

More ties to the army chiefs, to strengthen our control over what the army does.

-[X] Letters to Nestirin

An army needs spirits as well as weapons. Lets get to it.

-[X] The Turtle of the West, Part 2

Further progress on the Turtle scheme

-[X] Arming

Going to need those weapons soon. Best to have them forged already

-[X] Reporting to the Emperor

Important that the Emperor knows what's going on, so he can at least exert his influence when something too stupid happens.

-[X] Money in the City

Money, we need it, they have it.
Connections, we need it, they need it, we can swap.

-[X] The Piece Beneath Notice

Figure out what kind of assets we have on hands first before we start using them.

-[X] Friends In Poem Places

This sets up Bei'ren to be ready to take over the court poet position. We don't want to rush it before he has the connections to do it, but it's a good way to expand our Influence

-[X] Dueling Words

We need the money, and could certainly use the fame.

-[X] Put Down

The bandits have been festering long enough. Better clean them out before they add to the burden at a worse time. We got pretty solid odds here, and cleaning them out means our armies are more free to move than if they were facing the pressure of suppressing bandits during war.

-[X] Checking it Twice
-[X] Against the Enemies of the State

Measure twice, cut once. We're going to need to clear out the list, remove possible vipers in our midst, but those we can turn to our side first we should.

A little bit scattered, but not a lot of free time lately alas.