Title: Unseating the Poet
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy, secondary Intrigue
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: ! Turns
Text: Bei'ren could do it! Possibly. If he made a run at the position and failed, it would be a big problem, but if he succeeded, then it would cement Kiralo's influence and power, and access, over the Emperor, even if it is in a matter not related to the great affairs of state.
Title: Southern Vipers?
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 turn
Text: He has concubines now, posing as maids. Kiralo could of course put them to use buttering up and possibly seducing (probably seducing) visitors and guests, as many people do, whether they'd prefer to or not. After all, it's something they're no doubt used to as a requirement, and it wasn't as if it was particularly much to ask. And there might be some interesting information gathered with such a technique.
Title: Followup Notice
Dice Rolled: Stewardship, Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Having gotten close to the Hari-Su merchants, he could continue to show interest in their affairs, in the hopes that this strengthens ties and opens up other opportunities, since he's going to be connecting with merchants quite often in the future, more likely than not. He'll have to be careful not to come off as entreating more bribes, or else they'll likely shut him down or, even if they don't, come to distrust him. A man who doesn't stay bought is useless.
Title: Reporting to the Emperor
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: It is not strictly necessary to report any progress as Envoy to the Emperor. After all, reports can be written, and go to the people who, well, make the actual decisions since the Emperor is currently a young boy. But meeting with him personally might give Kiralo a chance to further his bonds with the young Emperor, and to see that the Emperor gets some personal understanding of the military situation, at least in some respects.
Title: Bows On Horses
Dice Rolled: Martial and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 2 Turns
Text: It is said that what there is of the light cavalry of the main Csiritan army is pathetic, especially in terms of their skill with the bow. This is not something that's easy to fix, but Kiralo now knows enough of the riders that he could try to press through at least some training. It's too late to have a large, powerful, skilled light-cavalry in time for the war, far too late. Years, perhaps, too late. But if the center unit of the only army that Kiralo could count on not to fight against him could at least do its job halfway decently, that would be enough for the time being.
Title: Hoarding Works?
Dice Rolled: Stewardship
Chance of Success: 50%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: If war comes, the army will need rice. A lot of rice. In fact, they'll need more rice than they think they might need, because the new recruits and the new armies might not actually have proper supplies for themselves. It's going to be absolute chaos, and one way to head it off right now is to begin to purchase and store grain. The difficulty, of course, is doing so without causing a panic in the city, or driving prices up as merchants realize that the pickings are good to offload rice that they no doubt fear will be seized if war comes. It's...a very difficult balance, yet if war is to come, it must be done right.
Title: The Turtle of the West, Part 2
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 80%, secrecy odds hidden
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The next step is to inquire about the nature of the Turtle itself, without promising anything or even suggesting more than polite curiosity from the letter that Kiralo will no doubt receive soon. From there, the step is to prepare the grounds for a covert meeting/demonstration to be made to, say, a trusted ally willing to make the journey to Hari-Bueli. So finding such a 'trusted ally' would be another difficulty, and perhaps one that Ju'ae might be able to aid in.
Title: Letters to Nestirin
Dice Rolled: Magic and Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 70%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: But not all of Qing'lu's news is so dire, or his demands so difficult. He has ties in Nestirin, and he's willing to write letters of introduction for Kiralo, to allow him to gain a foothold in Nestirin politics. [Note, this is essentially 'Where Spirits Nest' from before, only it is now, as a sort of discount, a Court Action, rather than a State one that would thus eat up a far rarer resource than court influence.]
Title: Down In The Vaults
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn.
Text: Getting permission might be difficult, but there's something wrong, something definitely odd, about spirits going mad and fleeing from their owner. Getting permission is the first step into looking into this matter, but it's hardly an easy one. The vaults exist for a reason, after all.
Title: The Opener of Letters
Dice Rolled: Intrigue
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 2 Turns
Text: Perhaps a courier or two could be convinced to sometimes tell tidbits of the information they are transferring. It is not likely that they will provide huge levels of details, not on the budget Kiralo currently has, strained as he is by his father's careful management of his money, but a few details at the right time could begin to reveal some of what the webs of messages outwards say and mean.
Title: A Northern Excuse
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 58%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: At the end of the month, Hiro will likely be meeting the Emperor to discuss matters. He has requested the meeting, and after being screened he will no doubt be accepted, and is hurrying with all haste to the capital. But unless Kiralo is there to hear it, it's likely all he'll know of the events are rumors and guesses. So...he needs to find an excuse to be a fly on the wall.
Title: Academy Days: The Bureaucracy of Magic
Dice Rolled: Stewardship
Chance of Success: 65%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: Every aspect of the academy has bureaucracy. Who is allowed to attend, and why, where the money for them to do so is gotten, and how they are licensed and registered upon graduation, the intake and outtake to ensure that the Academy remains the foremost one in Csirit. It is a matter of a great deal of work and effort, some of it in court, and getting a grasp on how the process works would give a greater ability to influence it for Kiralo's own purposes. One must know how a group works in order to begin to control it.
Title: For What Purpose?
Dice Rolled: Diplomacy
Chance of Success: 60%
Time: 1 Turn
Text: The spirit has indicated that it feels that the Judges desire something of Kiralo. If the most high servants of the Gods, who sort out the dead and their fates themselves, desire something of Kiralo...then he should definitely figure it out. Aiyistin claims not to know why it feels this way, but perhaps by talking to it, something can be discovered of its cause.