That rumor update says surprisingly solid things about our performance, given just how large Csirit is. It's slightly surprising Jiohao got a rumor section of his own, but at least we're already following through on it. We've reacted to and helped both the Hari-Bueli and Hari-Nat situation. Plus the foreign delegation plan seems well on it's way to happening with a large success, which should greatly help with both medium and long term problems we'll face given it'll actually open up communications and trade with the outside.
The Tang Dynasty actually had murals within their tombs showcasing foreign emissary's submitting so they saw it as a source and pride and prestige, so hopefully even with the potential downsides that Kuojah mentioned, the upsides will far outweigh them.
The Tang Dynasty actually had murals within their tombs showcasing foreign emissary's submitting so they saw it as a source and pride and prestige, so hopefully even with the potential downsides that Kuojah mentioned, the upsides will far outweigh them.