Bad Blood (Mafia)

I'm happy to verify my claim however you want, I've basically told y'all all I know. (Unless I forgot to say something in which case totes tell me, cuz oops).

I'll go to tankdrop, cuz we gotta hang someone, but also I just don't know that much.

[X]Hang Tankdrop24
Okay, I was refreshing myself on past events when I noticed something. Mortifier, waasy back in the start, Claimed their name and a VT role. There's something wrong though, that nobody had talked on for a while now. Mortifier claimed their name as "old man Henderson". That kind of name is not one given to a vanilla townie. A meme name like such is fitting of a role with at least some power. I find it unlikely that it would be given to someone with no power.


Explain this. I'm getting suspicious.
For fuck sake, people... I know we have some margin for errors, but how are you guys hoping we find out who is scum if no one speak? This isn't a role madness game!
Yes, Erl, if you say so, but if you turn out to be a scum manipulating me. Well, I guess I can't do anything by that point in time. Honestly, I have some doubts over Nictis, but I can't really word it into an argument yet. Going to need to dig up stuff for the next day.

[X]Hang Tankdrop24

Social game, remember. At its core, the game must have everyone talk, try to find whose behavior is abnormal or try to hide things and ultimately identify who is mafia. Only the mafia benefit from people not talking.

Being vanilla is no excuse to not talk.

Well, we could talk about the people who haven't made a Role claim yet which includes me but whatever. Can't get what you want with sticking your head in the shark pool... Scratch that, that's a stupid proverb.
Yes, Erl, if you say so, but if you turn out to be a scum manipulating me. Well, I guess I can't do anything by that point in time. Honestly, I have some doubts over Nictis, but I can't really word it into an argument yet. Going to need to dig up stuff for the next day.

[]Hang Tankdrop24
...didn't Nictis die last night?
I will admit, there is something about you that oozes suspicion. I can't quite place it though. I'm looking into it.
It's the avatar, isn't it? :p

As a sort of pre-emptive counter to suspicion, I'd like to at least note that I was one of the first to express suspicion of AlphaDelta (which should hopefully clear me of being part of that faction*). I don't think I have anything I can bring up as pre-emptive proof that I'm not from Ellf's faction, though; I did vote for him, but by that point anyone from his team would have too.

*Originally I guessed that we were dealing with 3 two-member factions, based on the number of kills and how nine werewolves seemed a bit too much for the game size, but Joebobjoe's reveal and the continued three deaths per night has me thinking we're dealing with two 3 person factions plus Joebobjoe.
Okay, I was refreshing myself on past events when I noticed something. Mortifier, waasy back in the start, Claimed their name and a VT role. There's something wrong though, that nobody had talked on for a while now. Mortifier claimed their name as "old man Henderson". That kind of name is not one given to a vanilla townie. A meme name like such is fitting of a role with at least some power. I find it unlikely that it would be given to someone with no power.


Explain this. I'm getting suspicious.

Keep rereading the thread, this has come up before. Someone pointed this out, I made a bitter comment about the GM being lazy when coming up with the role claim, and then that kicked up an argument that ended with the GM accidentally posting something in the wrong place and saying they can just replace me if I'm that unhappy with the role, in the thread where everyone can see it.
I'm still a bit suspicious of Joebobjoe.

If he's telling the truth about him being Vig and the one responsible for the slaughtered tag, that means he either has no limit to his ability or one greater than three uses, which seems more than normal, perhaps unusually so.
Well, day is ending up. I'm not going to tell you to not shoot, but just be careful with your choice, alright?
Will do. Sorry, had family visiting yesterday so didn't have much time to go over thread.
I'm still a bit suspicious of Joebobjoe.

If he's telling the truth about him being Vig and the one responsible for the slaughtered tag, that means he either has no limit to his ability or one greater than three uses, which seems more than normal, perhaps unusually so.
As I said in my initial claim, no limits on my ability. Town seems to be making up for quantity of power roles with quality in this one.
Day Five End
With most of the community leaders dead by one hand or another, the townsfolk are somewhat at a loss for who to lynch, and so default to one of the quieter people among them, tankdrop24.

With no adequate defense and no better target at hand, Jebidiah Linch is lead to the gallows and given the traditional opportunity for last words, before he's summarily hung.

As the townsfolk file away to their homes, one slips over and replaces the day's sign with the night's.
"Night Five Ends , or when everyone with a Night Ability has used it or noted their intent not to use it."
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Day Six Start
The emerging pattern is borne out once more with the dawn, @crystalwatcher being the only death of the night. The kind old woman named Linda Wake was Slaughtered in her home by an axe to the neck.

The townsfolk are grim when they reconvene, few still carrying the hope that they'll root out the killers before the costs outgrow the benefits.

The sign hangs over all of them, impartially declaring "Day Six Ends ."