Bad Blood (Mafia)

Not really, out of six kills I got two Mafia and four vanilla townies. Accelerated things a bit but it's a decent trade, as well as being two more Maf kills than anyone else. Honestly though I'm kinda amazed I managed to just hit vanilla, interesting how things work out.
Well, if you saw our chat, we very much used you like a tool to end things earlier. You really should have stopped shooting carelessly once we were less than half. So glad our gamble worked out.

Ellf really died way too early there.
Aaaaand our vanillas, the vast majority of whom were written in a rush and thus aren't... quite up to spec. Specifically notable, the undertaker and the twins probably should've had some kind of role, but by the time the thought occurred to me I was already on the spot to get the game going already.

Which segues nicely into my general thoughts on this game, namely that It had some issues. Most of those factors stem from one of three things:
First, I expanded the game's roster a bit clumsily in response to how quickly the previous game's roster filled. This was originally intended to cap out at 17 players, rather than 25, and I feel like everything would've been tighter and smoother if I'd stuck with that setup.
Second, quite a bit of it was rushed. I should've taken more time to detail things and give consideration to possible changes I should've made, even if I was panicking at needing to have the game up sooner than expected.
Third... Some of the players were just bad. I won't name names or point fingers, but whether it's because of consistent bad attitude or just being a player-in-name-only, my blacklist is a lot bigger than it was when I started this game.
I'm quite amused just how much the flavor changed our perspective on things.

As the mad scientist I got some of it, but was left completely out of the "gods, magic, and monsters are real" side of everything.

Meanwhile you have Nictis, playing the religious character who... sees a churchman die and thinks "Maybe they're a mason?"

Also: Sister Mary's actions.
LostDeviljho said:
Nothing assaults and horribly injures Megaloix while you're watching, more's the pity. You had several ideas over the course of the night that you would've loved to test.
LostDeviljho said:
Nothing happens at Alphadelta's house. Absolutely nothing.

...Well no, that's not true, you did improvise a game of darts with a few scalpels, just to pass the boredom.
LostDeviljho said:
No-one attacked Megaolix last night to prompt your heal.
LostDeviljho said:
It's almost insulting how easy it is to walk up behind TPK and inject him with a paralytic. You shove the body he'd been tending off his worktable and plop him on it instead, then pull out your tools. Now it's time for the fun.
You smile behind your surgical mask and hum as you set to work. An incision here and here should let that organ just pop right out, and as for this one...
LostDeviljho said:
No one bothers Megaolix over the course of the night, leaving you rather bored. You pass the time by going over different methods you could have used on last night's subject. Maybe you'll get to use them next time.
LostDeviljho said:
No-one bothers Megaolix during the night. You're honestly rather hoping you get to vivisect someone again soon, because this is just... very boring.
LostDeviljho said:
You come up behind Erlking as he maneuvers a large wagon in place to block the front door of the church. When he turns, you clap a chloroform-doused rag across his mouth and nose and hold it there until he collapses, then drag him down into the basement to set to work taking him apart.
From this we can conclude that Sister Mary is easily bored.
Bumbling novice Brother Henry reporting for duty!

Anyways it was pretty fun watching things unfold the way they did.

Brother Henry's (only) action.
LostDeviljho said:
Killing Azreal is a surprisingly easy task. You'd have thought it would be the murder that was the hardest part, but no, that was jimmying the lock. Azreal herself was in some kind of stupor when you found her, meditating in a circle on incense candles and surrounded by rough chunks of natural crystals spaced meticulously. Some kind of pagan ritual, clearly, which made feel less bad about the killing bit. At your approach, they seemed to come out of their trance and start to turn, but you moved faster. A strike to the base of the skull threw her to the floor, stunned, and from there you simply capitalized on how fragile the human body is in comparison to hard metal objects.

You make your way back to the church via an indirect route to ensure no one follows you. As you're nearly there, though, you turn a corner directly into a chestful of buckshot. You stumble backwards, torso shredded, and it's all you can do to turn your eyes toward the heavens as the heavy bladed axe meets your neck.
You open your eyes to find yourself on a plain. Or at least, you think it's a plain. The thick, grey mist covers everything, and you can see barely a foot in front of your face.
You wander aimlessly, encountering nothing, until you start to detect a slight thinning in the mist. Following it, you eventually reach a clearing of sorts, where the mist is merely a slight haze, rather than an opaque wall. You may now speak in dead chat.

You look upwards and are reassured by the presence you knew would be there, the ever-watchful forms of your gods, there to guide you where you were needed.

Pretty funny how we worship these eldtrich gods and the "low on the totem pole" Henry seems to be the one mostly in tune with them (other than perhaps the Father).
And Gertrude clearly very much enjoyed her task. I can only imagine her face as she prepared the faces and probably took a break from getting ready to leave to look at the people dropping dead left and right, probably staring in horror at Gertrude, the kind and nice nun, laughing in theirs last moments.
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@Azrael gets the Laser Guided Insight award, for guessing right every time they used their power.
@TPK gets the Best Fake-claim award, for taking his role flavor and putting together something that I am honestly tempted to use in the future from it.
@Bailey Matutine gets the Are You Sure You're Not Evil? award for making me have to double check that I hadn't accidentally sent you one of the scum roles by mistake.
@Megaolix gets the Scum MVP award for leading the town around by the nose for like half the game.
And so the curtain close on this story, with our two Sisters riding into the night, in a cart loaded with corpses, possibly adding more to the pile should they see any traveler too curious for their own good. They shall relay all that happened before Mary probably go on with her experiments, with Gertrude always enjoying her task of luring unwary victims to the cause~
Suppose I should post my night messages.
The hunt is quick, simple. Bust down the door, unload gun, finish target with axe. One less danger for the townsfolk.
A successful night, you think.
You're making your way to Bahn's residence when you spot the man himself doing the same, though he's taking a deliberately circuitous route as far as you can tell. It's a simple matter from there to set yourself up on a street corner you're sure he'll have to pass, and wait for him to come to you.

You don't have to wait long, ans barely a minute later he turns the corner and nearly runs into the muzzle of your gun. He doesn't due to the fact that you pull the trigger before he can make it, and the force of the shot sends him reeling back. You close the distance in a single large step, axe coming up and around to strike the man's head cleanly from his shoulders.

You kick the head closer to the body to keep it from rolling into the street, then turn and make your own way home.
You successfully kill Alphadelta.
Nictis' house has a very nice fence, one that would probably give you a fair bit of trouble if you were anyone else. As it is, you climb the fence only slightly slower than you would have in your younger days, and slip in the back door. You find Nictis sitting in a rocking chair, their back to you, and take he opportunity to sneak up carefully. Once you're close enough to reach out and touch her, you cock your shotgun and press it against the base of Nictis' skull before pulling the trigger.
Job done, you slip back out the way you came, never even having to pass the place's front gate.
You're waiting for Crystalwatcher when they return home, standing just outside the foyer. When they turn the corner into their living room, they walk right into an axe to the throat.
At the end of the night, you're fairly sure that Look to the Left was not the killer, mostly because no murderer would just open the door when you accidentally knocked your elbow against it.

When you return home, you settle into your armchair and pour yourself a cup of tea, but halfway through the cup an awful burning sensation appears in your throat. You claw at your throat, but to no avail, and you choke to death on barely an ounce of tea.

You open your eyes to find yourself on a plain. Or at least, you think it's a plain. The thick, grey mist covers everything, and you can see barely a foot in front of your face.
You wander aimlessly, encountering nothing, until you start to detect a slight thinning in the mist. Following it, you eventually reach a clearing of sorts, where the mist is merely a slight haze, rather than an opaque wall. You may now speak in dead chat.
Long story short there's a reason that my kill flavor was slaughtered. Humans just don't put up a fight compared for old adventurers. Even retired ones.