Attempting to Fulfil The Plan: ISOT Edition

Turn 11 (13AE Trimester 2): Wake All Humanity, For Victory Is Near Results
Turn 11 (13AE Trimester 2): Wake All Humanity, For Victory Is Near Results
360+25+10+40 Trade=435 Resources Per Turn, 0 In Storage
65+5+5-4=71 Political Support

Foreign Affairs:

The bloodbath in Anatolia has continued unabated, with the Vanguards of Christ managing to regain some of the territory they lost over the past few months, once again putting them within a few miles of Tucson and the coast. Still, neither side has gained anything like a decisive advantage over the other, and while both sides might be able to manage one last push after the harvest the war must end soon.

The embassy from Crete has announced complete victory over the rebels in Sicily, and while this seems to be an exaggeration there is some truth in this, with photos of the last remaining rebel "king" in captivity shown to our diplomatic staff. While reports say that sabotage and other forms of scattered resistance are still widespread, it appears that no real organized rebellions still exist, leaving the Cretans with the struggle to rebuild the massively depopulated island into something useful.

Reports from Italy and the Adriatic coast seem to show not only a slow and steady control of the fascist colony there, but also an increased amount of warfare in general compared to previous years. Now that the famine and smallpox epidemic are mostly over, and both downtime and uptime traders bring in ever-growing amounts of steel tools and weapons weapons, various trinkets, and even a few muskets, raids and warfare between various communities and chiefdoms have become more common. This has generally been to acquire increased amounts of goods to give to traders, be they agricultural produce, minerals, lumber, or slaves. This is an unfortunate development that will likely render the region even more vulnerable to imperialist invasions, but there really isn't much that can be done about it other than trying to restrict our traders from buying products made with slave labor, which can be quite difficult.

In news closer to home, the Cretans have built an ironclad warship and are making sure everyone knows about it. Just over a week ago, Tyche's Axe went by the port of Mycenae as part of its tour around the Aegean, and while it did not come extremely close to shore and notice was given beforehand, it still managed to cause quite a stir both in the government and in the general populace. When combined with the threat posed by fascist pirate raids, the priority of the construction of an actual fleet has jumped up significantly. (Monitor Construction Campaign unlocked)

Our allies in the NPRA have unfortunately suffered a significant, if not fatal, blow at the hands of their enemies in the Air Force. The situation in the Republic of Troy is only slightly better, with both sides failing to gain any significant ground. The unrest in Hattum has increased yet further, with several of the Downtimer revolts swearing fealty to Downtimer monarchies which broke away from the Hittite Empire after its conquest by Americans a few years ago.

Internally, we have unfortunately encountered a significant defeat in regards to the upcoming election. While members of the Central Committee who upheld both the correct and agrarian lines of thought pushed for the inclusion of pictorial symbols for parties on ballots to allow illiterate citizens to vote, the Intensificationists and Moderates have stopped this effort in its tracks, effectively disenfranchising anyone who is not able to read the names of the parties on the ballots. This is expected to cause both us and our allies to lose a significant share of the vote, despite agitation by cadres against this discriminatory and anti-proletarian measure.

Note: Both Sella and Seha are vassals of Lukka.


Port Facilities (Stage 3)
: Yet more ports can be modified to be useful for ever larger ships, increasing the naval transportation capabilities of the Republic further. Shipyards will be expanded as well, with facilities for large ships being built in Dyme as well as Mycenae. (10 Resources per dice (238+87=325/325, complete)) (Stage 4 0/400)

Ports and shipyards in the Peloponnese have been massively expanded over the past few months, and while some work is still underway all the necessary labor and materials have been budgeted for and is expected to be done by the end of the year. Now, work must be done to bring the ports in the Liberated Territories up to the same standards.

Kópos Planned City: While workers in the Kópos mine and nearby industries are currently living in ramshackle huts, this is not sustainable in the long term, especially now that the high population density is starting to cause sanitation issues. A small city will be built next to the mines, with a grid of paved roads and utilities present from the beginning. Dozens of three-story high apartment blocks will be constructed, including not only running water but gas for heating, lighting, and cooking. As limited production of concrete has begun, many buildings will be built using either poured concrete or cinderblocks in order to gain experience with this new material. Public buildings will also be put up, including everything from schools and libraries to a small stadium for baseball and other sports. While some of these amenities will be expensive, they will serve as a model for future implementation in other cities and help with convincing more people to start working in the miserable and dangerous mines. (10 Resources per dice (59+20=79/100))

Work on the planned city has continued, with more cinderblock buildings being finished with construction and the gas network coming online to light the streets at night. Still, it is not entirely finished or even entirely funded, and will not be able to accomodate all of the miners and their families for some time.

Telegraph Network (Stage 2): Now that the largest cities of the Republic are connected, it is time for wires to be laid towards smaller villages. While the gains will not be as large as from the initial push, this will still massively increase the capacity of the state, and installing the wires will not be too labor intensive. (10 Resources per dice (30+21=51/150))

Several more telegraph lines have been laid, connecting several more small villages to the broader network. While far more work still needs to be done, large amounts of progress have still been made.

Heavy Industry

Prometheus Heavy Machinery Plant (Stage 2):
Given the massive surplus of steel, it is an urgent necessity to begin using it towards a useful purpose. The output of machinery can be expanded even further, with dedicated production lines for boilers for locomotives and steamships being just one of many planned additions. With the availability of rubber in at least some quantity, a few massive, inefficient and unreliable generators can also be produced to provide some amount of power for a few applications. (20 Resources per dice (196/175)) (Complete, quality dice 21, +5 Political Support, +25 Resources per turn) (Stage 3 21/250) (Hydroelectric Power (Stage 1) and Thermal Power Plants (Stage 1) unlocked, many options cheapened)

Another massive expansion to the complex of machine shops outside of Mycenae has been completed, increasing the total output of capital goods of the Republic by a large amount. But more than just an increase in number has been achieved, with several generators already being produced and attached to waterwheels in a few cities. While any large-scale uses of electricity will require dedicated projects, it has at least been sufficient to allow for Red Square in Mycenae to be illuminated by arc lamps through the night, although due to the need to replace the electrodes every few hours this is completely impractical as a lighting source for anything other than propaganda purposes.

"The workers of the Republic have dispelled night itself from the center of Mycenae, with electric lighting as bright as the Sun meaning that none shall ever have to worry about a criminal hiding in the shadows or tripping over an unseen obstacle in the square ever again. Soon, lights like this will be available to every worker and peasant in the Republic, proving the superiority of communism." - Article from The Daily Worker

Megaleío Copper Mine (Stage 1): While copper may not be as vital as steel, it is still necessary for many purposes. Now that explosives for blasting are available, extraction of ore can be massively increased, with new crushers, roasters, and furnaces being built to refine it into metal. (10 Resources per dice (13+38=51/50, complete))

The copper refining complex to process the ore from the mines has finally been completed, finally ending the copper shortage for the time being. While it is not especially large and further expansion is theoretically possible, it has been decided for future efforts to mostly focus on the deposits at Laurion, due to their easier accessability and proximity to other useful minerals.

Light Industry

Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 1):
While the artisans may not like it, the fact is that a mechanized assembly line can produce better items ten times faster than the equivalent number of artisans. Creating dedicated factories for furniture, cookware, and cutlery will free up masses of labor for more productive purposes while also giving the average citizen a much improved quality of life. (10 Resources per dice (14/100))

Work has begun on mechanizing the production of consumer goods in the Republic. However, progress has been slowed by general shortages of labor, fuel, and other raw materials, much of the Republic's skilled labor being used to expand the Prometheus plant or on other projects, and a general shortage of engineers to work out the exact processes for the mass production of various goods. Still, the buildings which will house several of the new factories are nearing completion, and progress is being made on the machinery which will be used.

Stove Production: With the availability of massive amounts of cast iron and steel, cast iron stoves for heating and cooking can be issued out to citizens en masse. These are far more efficient than fireplaces, massively reducing civilian coal use and indoor air pollution while also increasing comfort. The existence of a barrier between the hot gases and the surface also means that they can be used for cooking food without needing to worry about contamination with soot, which is extremely useful for cooking. Designs for central boiler and radiator systems will also be brought up, for use in larger buildings. (10 Resources per dice (196/150)) (Complete)

Mass production of cast iron stoves has finally begun, with dozens being produced every day. While it will take years for every house in the Republic to have one, the effects are already being felt by thousands of citizens, with houses that have the stoves requiring far less fuel and domestic labor, as well as having a far healthier interior due to the smoke actually being diverted outside of the building.

Chemical Industry

Glucose Syrup Plant:
With the new availability of substantial quantities of strong acids, the production of glucose syrup via the hydrolysis of wheat or barley starch is now trivial. Due to the scarcity of other sweeteners, this will massively increase the availability of sweetened foods internally and produce a valuable good for external trade. (5 Resources per die (28+23=51/50)) (Complete, +5 Resources per turn from trade)

Appropriate reaction vesssels have finally been completed, and mass production of simple sugars from starches has finally begun. Dozens of amorphae of syrup are being produced every day, and it has proven popular as an additive to food or alcoholic drinks domestically as well as being in high demand from Americans abroad.

Glass Production (Stage 3): In addition to expanding the production lines for window glass yet further, automated blow forming machinery can be produced for the mass production of glass bottles, cups, and jars. This will massively increase the quality of life of our citizens, as well as providing a valuable good for export. (10 Resources per dice (66+76=142/175))

Automated blow forming machinery of sufficient reliability has finally been produced, and some of the planned production has begun. Still, more work must be done in order for the planned level of output to be reached.

Specialty Reagent Production: As we begin to produce more complex chemicals, the need for small but significant amounts of everything from reducing agents to various catalysts to different organic compounds that cannot merely be distilled from coal tar grows. While it will be expensive, the production of these materials is an absolute must for further chemical efforts. (25 Resources per dice (97/40)) (Complete, quality dice 29) (Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3), Synthetic Flavorings and Scents, and Low-Pressure Hydrogenation Reactors unlocked)

Medium-scale production of various important reagents has finally begun, although some minor incidents have taken place. This will allow more complex fine chemicals to be produced, opening up many possibilities. Arguably more important is the production of various catalysts, especially Raney nickel for the hydrogenation of various substances. Several proposals have already been drawn up for the mass hydrogenation of vegetable and fish fats for margarine, as well as for the production of furfuryl alcohol, cyclohexane, and other important polymer intermediates.


Canning Plants:
While a lack of tin limits us to galvanized steel and zinc solder that will only work with non-acidic foods, the range of goods that can be made safe with acceptable amounts of disodium phosphate is quite large. This will enable the long term storage of everything from fish and meat to fruits and vegetables, with much less quality loss than with drying. (10 Resources per dice (158/100))

Mass production of canned foods has begun, with good results already seen. Mostly focusing on fish, fruits, and vegetables, canned foods will be nowhere near as significant as grain as a source of overall calories but should reduce the frequency of nutrient deficiencies and increase the overall variety of food that the citizens of the Republic can access throughout the year.

"I don't care if the Americans say it's safe, I still don't want to eat fish that's a year old and not even dried." - Karpathia daughter of Kleonikh, peasant

Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 1): The mass issuance of animal-drawn reaping machines and seed drills is a necessity for the freeing up of labor for non-agricultural tasks. While it will be a long time until every peasant can have his own team of horses, even the inneficient and exploitative trading of animal labor for goods, labor, or social prestige between peasants will enable progress, as well as encourage consolidation. (10 Resources per dice (23/150))

The push for agricultural mechanization has proved disappointing. While some farmers are quite enthusiastic about the idea, transferring historical American and European techniques to Mycenaean Greece has encountered issues in many areas. Most farmers have very little experience with mechanics, and often run into reliability issues with the equipment. Small plot sizes have also caused inefficiencies at many levels. Still, with time these issues can be worked around, as even inefficient mechanization is still better than none at all.


Primary Schools (Stage 3):
While attention has been slathered on urban centers, education is completely absent in most rural villages. This situation must change, with schoolhouses being built and educational cadres trained and given an increase in rations large enough to support them year round all across the Republic. (5 Resources per dice (51+285=336/250)) (Complete, +5 Political Support) (Peloponnese Primary Schools (Stage 4) 86/325, Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 1) 0/150, Secondary Schools (Stage 1) 0/150)

Hundreds of schoolhouses are set up throughout the Peloponnese in just a few months, ready to receive thousands of students after the harvest is in. While the teachers are massively underqualified and even then still in somewhat short supply, some teachers are still better than no teachers at all. The theoretical capability is there to give over half of all children in the Peloponnese a 4-year primary education, with a further expansion planned to allow all children in the region to be schooled. At the same time, the creation of a schooling system in the Liberated Territories and some sort of secondary education system are no less urgent tasks, and all projects must be completed as soon as possible.

Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 4): Further waves of state cadres must be sent to the villages, with the task of educating the people and eliminating the scource of illiteracy. With increased rations of dried fish being promised to those who attend the planned winter literacy classes, even many less motivated peasants should be willing to gain some education. (5 Resources per dice (56+71=127/350)) (+5 Political Support upon completion)

At the same time as the primary school system is massively expanded, a smaller but still large expansion to adult education projects is also begun. Over a hundred more people are employed as literacy educators for the new program, and overall capabilities are expected to significantly increase. Still, this is nowhere near enough to complete even this planned stage of expansion.

Liberated Territories

Issuance of Farming Equiptment:
Due to the chaos that has enveloped Greece since the Event, relatively little has been done to improve the output of the peasantry. While we may have barely any idea how many people live in any given area, our steel production is sufficient to produce and distribute more steel ploughs, sickles, axes, and other tools than are necessary, hopefully increasing agricultural output and helping win over the peasantry. (5 Resources per dice (109+100=209/225))

Tens of thousands of various farming tools which are both relatively simple and cheap to produce while still being much better than the Downtime versions are distributed throughout the Liberated Territories. Almost all of the planned amount of tools are produced and distributed, with only a small percentage remaining.

City Reconstruction and Modernization (Stage 1): The production of significant amounts of concrete has completely changed the methods of construction. Even without rebar or skilled labor, concrete masonry units and Portland cement mortar allow for construction to be done far faster than previous masonry techniques. Comparatively simple apartment blocks can be put up in less than a year, while at the same time paved roads, running water, and sewage systems can be provided to the most critical areas. (10 Resources per dice (100+88=188/225)) (Nat 1)

Construction has continued in cities throughout the Liberated Territories, building thousands of dwellings and creating the beginnings of networks of paved roads, water, sewage, and gas systems. However, this was interrupted by the outbreak of severe cholera epidemics in both Athens and Thebes over the course of construction. While the use of oral rehydration therapy is able to reduce the fatality rate of cholera by a large amount, the outbreak spread rapidly enough that the limited amount of trained personnel and supplies were completely overwhelmed, leading to several hundred deaths. Still, the rapidity of the disease has meant that the outbreak is over by now, and all cities and towns have been ordered to maintain sufficient stockpiles of salt and sugar to make sufficient amounts of rehydrating solution in the event of another outbreak.

Recruit More Cadres: While the peasantry are more than happy to deal with remaining collaborators without needing additional help, this must be channeled into more productive areas for us to reap long-term benefits. Reliable personnel can be reassigned from our core holdings to give the most eager participants literacy training and political education, giving us a new source of literate personnel for governmental tasks. (5 Resources per dice (27/100))

Several hundred people not directly involved in the shadow government effort who either posses valuable skills or seemed particularly eager to punish landlords and collaborators are given basic literacy training and political education in preparation for low-level administrative roles. However, the complete lack of any education or literacy is causing this to take significantly longer than expected, but progress is still being made.

Voluntary Relocations: With many people in the Liberated Territorries still lacking housing, let alone useful employment, and the labor shortages in the Peloponnese significantly reducing output, incentives can be given to encourage migration to the areas where labor is needed the most. This will mostly target Athens and Thebes, as other cities are much smaller and are projected to have a smaller labor surplus. (5 Resources per dice (57/75)) (Complete) (Peloponnese City Modernizations (Stage 1) Unlocked)

The panic caused by the cholera outbreaks has meant that people have been more than willing to move out of Attica, and thousands have moved to the Peloponnese over the past few months. This has reduced labor shortages in critical areas, but has the unfortunate side effect of causing housing shortages to get even worse. With experience from the Kópos planned city project, plans have been drawn up for a general modernization and expansion of housing in the cities of the Peloponnese, which should deal with this issue once completed.


Submachine Gun Trials:
Now that small-scale production of 9x22mm ammunition has begun, a weapon to use them must be chosen. While it will be incredibly inaccurate and unreliable compared to uptime weapons, it will still be capable of giving anyone who holds one a massive amount of firepower - at least until they run out of ammo. (20 Resources per dice (103/30)) (Quality Dice 26)

A few prototypes of the new submachine gun have been produced, along with some magazines to go along with them. Accuracy has been poor, and reliability is even worse, but even with these issues it is still far better in terms of raw firepower than any other weapon that can be produced in the near future.

"Thirty rounds with one pull of the trigger- truly marvelous! One issue I noticed was that it fired the whole magazine with no way to stop - I don't know why there isn't some way to stop it other than pulling out the magazine mid-burst, which is inconvenient." - Filaretos son of Philowergos, officer

Pistol Trials: While they are far less useful than heavier weapons, revolvers are much cheaper and lighter than those and can be issued as a sidearm for officers and to second-line personnel to ensure that they are not completely unarmed. By using the same cartridge as the submachine gun project, logistical issues can be minimized, and the use of smokeless powder is not too much of an issue since ammunition expenditure of these weapons is expected to be minimal. (15 Resources per dice (41/30)) (Complete, quality dice 1)

An innovative design for a pistol has been proposed for service. While still a revolver, the cartridges are held in a chain instead of a solid cylinder. This has allowed for a capacity of 14 rounds in the chain, as well as a much higher muzzle velocity due to the chain being able to be pressed into the barrel to create a much better seal than is otherwise possible. While this does have the downside of making the gun more expensive to produce and causing several maintnence and reliability issues, the upsides are surely worth it.

End Production of Pipe Guns: While they served their purpose admirably, we now have the capability to produce large amounts of far more advanced weapons, and can shut down the production of pipe guns. This will free up a significant amount of labor, as well as allow resources currently being used to buy pipes from Tucson to be used elsewhere. (0 Resources per dice (91/5)) (Complete)

The workshops for the mass production of pipe guns have been shut down, with significant amounts of labor now being available for other tasks in Mycenae. This is nowhere near enough to end the labor shortages, but every little bit helps.


Recruit Americans To Bureaucracy:
There are over a thousand American adults living in the Republic, with dozens arriving from Anatolia every week. As most have graduated high school and a few have even attended college, they have irreplaceable skills that will be very useful in administration. However, few of these are likely to be politically reliable, and having even more Americans in government won't look great to our citizens. (5 Resources and -2 Political Support per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Decreases malus from No Administration) (83) (No Administration malus reduced to 0)

Several hundred refugees have been appointed to various administrative positions. Most positions are now staffed, and further hires can now be used to increase state capacity instead of just helping it recover.

Recruit Downtimers To Ministry: Even if they don't have much of a formal education, there are thousands of intelligent, motivated, and literate downtimers in the Republic. These people are capable of doing lower-level administrative work, and will learn more with time. Having more of them in our government will also bring us closer to a true people's democracy. (5 Resources per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation) (22) (No dice gained)

While several dozen new hires have been made, all this has really accomplished is reducing the strain on some understaffed departments. Very few new employees were left to expand the capabilities of the ministry, especially as most are only suitable for low-level tasks without far more training and education.

Current Economic Issues:
Transportation: Many bottlenecks
Fuel: Slight deficit
Steel: Sufficient, demand rapidly increasing
Copper: Sufficient
Wood: Sufficient
Construction Materials: Surplus
Food: Sufficient in Peloponnese, some famine in Liberated Territories
Cloth: Sufficient production
Rural labor (varies by season): Mostly occupied with agriculture
Urban labor: Slight deficit in the Peloponnese, large surplus in the Liberated Territories
Literate workers: Sufficient
American educated workers: Sufficient
Total student slots: 12k primary, 0k secondary, 0k tertiary

Note: @Vehrec has been writing a lot of the quotes in the results updates, I would like to thank them for this and also give them an omake bonus
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Cannon Omake: Various Battle Infoboxes
Not sure if this really counts as an omake or not, but I've been making various battleboxes for a while. Here's what did, two for the two main battles in the New Arizona War, and one for the Sicilian Rebellion now that it's over.

Oh no, I have a feeling the pistol is going to blow up at the worst possible minute.

Besides the weapon quality, I think the turn went pretty well.
Hopefully we can use those extra resources to really juice up the liberated territories next turn. Education as also opened up. should probable do schools in the liberated territories first as stage 1 of that will probably use less teachers than the stage 4 project. Hydropowers exciting, hope we can set some up in the new territories, really show people benefits of liberation.
Sounds like leftist revolutions are not doing well elsewhere in Anatolia. Worst case scanario, we have to Alexander The Great the whole thing ourselves if all the current movements are suppressed.

Prometheus Heavy Machinery Plant (Stage 2) (Complete, quality dice 21, +5 Political Support, +25 Resources per turn) (Stage 3 21/250) (Hydroelectric Power (Stage 1) and Thermal Power Plants (Stage 1) unlocked, many options cheapened)
Dangg that's good results from just 21 on the quality dice... I wonder what massive boons a 50+ would have been.

Pistol Trials:(Complete, quality dice 1)

An innovative design for a pistol has been proposed for service. While still a revolver, the cartridges are held in a chain instead of a solid cylinder. This has allowed for a capacity of 14 rounds in the chain, as well as a much higher muzzle velocity due to the chain being able to be pressed into the barrel to create a much better seal than is otherwise possible. While this does have the downside of making the gun more expensive to produce and causing several maintnence and reliability issues, the upsides are surely worth it.
Narrator: They were not worth it. WTF even is this, how badly did this weird "chain cartridge" thing work out historically?
Hopefully we can use those extra resources to really juice up the liberated territories next turn. Education as also opened up. should probable do schools in the liberated territories first as stage 1 of that will probably use less teachers than the stage 4 project. Hydropowers exciting, hope we can set some up in the new territories, really show people benefits of liberation.

I think the path forward for education is working on Liberated Territories plus Secondary Schools at the moment, then circling back around to finish the Peloponnese once we've got schools in all of the urban centers in our new territories.

Also I'm just now realizing that we're going to need to do a shitload more school expansions in a few years when the first generation to benefit from all our projects that decrease infant mortality start to hit the education system.
Turn 12 (13AE Trimester 3): Across The Valleys And Across The Hills
Turn 12 (13AE Trimester 3): Across The Valleys And Across The Hills
395+40 Trade=435 Resources Per Turn, 0 In Storage
71 Political Support

Free Dice to Allocate: 4 Dice
Infrastructure (6 Dice):

[]Derveni-Zapantis Canal:
A navigable canal to connect the Gulf of Corinth to the city of Mycenae and the Aegean as a whole will massively decrease the difficulty of transporting goods to our capital. Work has begun on a series of locks, reservoirs, and pumps to enable the movement of small barges between the Derveni and Zapantis rivers, but this requires a vertical climb of close to a hundred meters. However, even with its massive cost, it must be worth it for the Cretans to have built a similar canal. (10 Resources per dice (648/900)) (Makes most other projects cheaper) (+25 Political Support on completion)

[]Lock Systems (Stage 3): While the area does not have any large cities or mines, the northern coast of the Peloponnese does contain many villages which are the source of much of the Republic's food, textiles, wood, and other important raw materials. The streams in the area are too small for much useful traffic, but relatively cheap lock systems can be built to allow for small barges to bring goods to and from the coast. (5 resources per dice (71/250). (Makes many other projects cheaper, +5 Political Support on completion) (Stage 4 locked behind Dams Stage 4)

[]Port Facilities (Stage 4): Building docks and shipyards in the Liberated Territories will enable them to be integrated into the rest of the Republic's economy, increasing the standard of living for our citizens there and increasing overall output. (10 Resources per dice (0/400))

[]Kópos Planned City: While workers in the Kópos mine and nearby industries are currently living in ramshackle huts, this is not sustainable in the long term, especially now that the high population density is starting to cause sanitation issues. A small city will be built next to the mines, with a grid of paved roads and utilities present from the beginning. Dozens of three-story high apartment blocks will be constructed, including not only running water but gas for heating, lighting, and cooking. As limited production of concrete has begun, many buildings will be built using either poured concrete or cinderblocks in order to gain experience with this new material. Public buildings will also be put up, including everything from schools and libraries to a small stadium for baseball and other sports. While some of these amenities will be expensive, they will serve as a model for future implementation in other cities and help with convincing more people to start working in the miserable and dangerous mines. (10 Resources per dice (79/100)) (Overflows into Peloponnese City Modernizations (Stage 1))

[]Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 1): While some work has been done on building more houses for new city dwellers and increasing the quality of life of those already here, the mass production of concrete has opened up many new possibilities. Nearly a thousand new apartments with running water, central heating, glazed windows, and gas lights and appliances can be built to replace old huts, along with straight, tarmac roads lit with gas lights at night, many new schools, parks, goods distribution points, theaters, and more. While this will not be enough to bring even those already living in the cities up to an acceptable standard of living, it will be a huge step forwards. (10 Resources per dice (0/150))

[]Experimental Railways: While our steam engines may be inefficient and our steel may be poor quality, we have a sufficient amount of both to seriously consider the construction of a few short rail lines. These would mainly serve to connect various mines to the nearest navigable waterway, with all of the Republic's major towns already having access to at least a small river. Horse- or oxen-drawn wagonways will also be constructed, to serve locations that are too small to merit a dedicated locomotive. (15 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Telegraph Network (Stage 2): Now that the largest cities of the Republic are connected, it is time for wires to be laid towards smaller villages. While the gains will not be as large as from the initial push, this will still massively increase the capacity of the state, and installing the wires will not be too labor intensive. (10 Resources per dice (30/150))

[]Hydroelectric Power (Stage 1): While the lack of any kind of long-range power transmission infrastructure means that only rivers right next to cities can be used, that is still some amount of electricity generation that should not be put to waste. Small turbines and generators can be installed in pre-existing dams, letting the flow of water be used in a far more efficient and practical fashion than previously. (10 Resources per dice (0/50)) (Further stages locked for the foreseeable future)

Heavy Industry (5 Dice):

[]Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3):
With coal demand increasing constantly, more must be mined to keep the fires of industry burning. A better world shall be ripped from the heart of Gaia herself, one swing of the pick at a time. (10 Resources per dice (10/225))

[]Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4): With the liberation of New Arizona set to increase our population by nearly two hundred percent, it is only natural for steel production to be increased by a similar amount to serve their needs. Half a dozen Bessemer converters will spill out over a hundred tons of molten steel every day, serving to feed the ever growing needs of the Revolution. (15 Resources per dice (31/450)) (+5 Political Support on completion)

[]Prometheus Heavy Machinery Plant (Stage 3): The small amounts of vanadium, molybendum, and other elements present at Laurion are still sufficient for the production of decent amounts of tool steels, massively increasing our machining capabilities in almost every way. The production of wire, generators, and electric motors will also be expanded, even if quality is massively limited due to the lack of good wire enamels. A general expansion of the plant will also be conducted, increasing the quantity of capital goods produced as well as their quality. (20 Resources per dice (21/250)) (+5 Political Support and several new projects on completion)

[]Thermal Power Generation (Stage 1): While currently available steam engines and generators are extremely inefficient, they can be used to generate electricity for the most critical applications. (20 Resources per dice (0/50))

Light Industry (4 Dice):

[]Textile Industry (Stage 4):
Now that most cloth and clothing production in the Peloponnese has been mechanized, work must begin on bringing the Liberated Territories up to the same standard as the rest of the Republic. This stage will construct several large textile mills in Athens, Thebes, and Delphi, providing massive amounts of fabric and clothing for our new citizens. (10 Resources per dice (39/300)) (+5 Political Support on completion)

[]Mills (Stage 4): While the use of water power has not penetrated far into the Liberated Territories up til now, it is time for that to change. Villages that already have dams for irrigation can be fitted with mills for grinding, threshing, and other mechanical operations, increasing productivity and the popularity of our government. (5 Resources per dice (126/300)) (Stage 5 locked behind Dams Stage 4)

[]Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 1): While the artisans may not like it, the fact is that a mechanized assembly line can produce better items ten times faster than the equivalent number of artisans. Creating dedicated factories for furniture, cookware, and cutlery will free up masses of labor for more productive purposes while also giving the average citizen a much improved quality of life. (10 Resources per dice (14/100))

Chemical Industry (3 Dice):

[]Glass Production (Stage 3):
In addition to expanding the production lines for window glass yet further, automated blow forming machinery can be produced for the mass production of glass bottles, cups, and jars. This will massively increase the quality of life of our citizens, as well as providing a valuable good for export. (10 Resources per dice (142/175))

[]Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3): With the most critical antibiotics now being produced in sufficient quantities, other classes of medications can now be made. Finally, anti-parasitic drugs, beta blockers, propofol, gabapentin, albuterol, metformin, and omeprazole can begin mass production, giving an option to treat many common but previously untreatable chronic conditions. (20 Resources per dice (0/125))

[]Synthetic Flavorings and Scents: While not as vital as medications, synthetic compounds can be used to add new flavors and smells to daily life. While we may not be able to get actual vanilla or cinnamon anytime soon, vanillin and cinnamaldehyde accomplish the same goals and are relatively easy to produce in the necessary quantities. (20 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Low-Pressure Hydrogenation Reactors: While the low quality of the chemical reactors we are able to produce renders many useful processes out of reach for now, hydrogenation reactions that only require an atmosphere or two of pressure still open up many doors. Most important will be the conversion of fish and olive oil to solid fats, increasing the options available for food in the Republic, and the production of furfuryl alcohol and cyclohexanone for use in plastic production. Gaining more experience with hydrogen before attempting processes that require hundreds of bars of pressure and high temperatures will also be good to increase efficiency and safety. (20 Resources per dice (0/60))

Agriculture (4 Dice):

[]Dams (Stage 3):
Yet more small dams can be built in various villages, to provide water power for mills, a head for irrigation networks, and more. After this stage, focus will be shifted towards a similar campaign of construction in the Liberated Territories. (5 Resources per dice (143/250))

[]Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 1): The mass issuance of animal-drawn reaping machines and seed drills is a necessity for the freeing up of labor for non-agricultural tasks. While it will be a long time until every peasant can have his own team of horses, even the inefficient and exploitative trading of animal labor for goods, labor, or social prestige between peasants will enable progress, as well as encourage consolidation. (10 Resources per dice (23/150))

Services (5 Dice):

[]Peloponnese Primary Schools (Stage 4):
With one final push, the ability to at least theoretically give every child in the Peloponnese a basic four-year education will be in place, although mandatory education will likely have to wait a bit longer. This will be a great victory for the worker's state, and may let us start to work on increasing the quality and length of education, so that the people may know more than just the bare essentials of literacy and arithmetic. (5 Resources per dice (86/325)) (+5 Political Support on completion) (+6k primary student slots)

[]Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 1): While education in the Peloponnese may not be as widespread as is optimal, at least it exists. Creating schools in major urban centers will enable some students to start attending classes, starting the long journey towards bringing the Liberated Territories up to the same level of development as the Peloponnese. (5 Resources per dice (0/150)) (+5 Political Support on completion) (Liberated Territories dice can be used) (+3k primary student slots)

[]Secondary Schools (Stage 1): While some may not support giving resources towards giving some students even more education while many children do not have the option of attending school at all, having more than one percent of the population know how to do algebra or balance a chemical equation is a critical task that cannot wait. As very few Downtimers have the necessary education to teach the subjects, each class will be taught by an American, although in Mycenaean Greek. High-preforming students from primary schools will be accepted to attend during most of the year, while current primary school teachers will attend during the summer to try and make them somewhat more qualified to do their jobs. (10 Resources per dice (0/150)) (+3k secondary student slots)

[]Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 4): Further waves of state cadres must be sent to the villages, with the task of educating the people and eliminating the scourge of illiteracy. With increased rations of canned and dried foods being promised to those who attend the planned winter literacy classes, even many less motivated peasants should be willing to gain some education. (5 Resources per dice (127/350)) (+5 Political Support upon completion)

Liberated Territories (9 Dice):

[]Issuance of Farming Equipment:
Due to the chaos that has enveloped Greece since the Event, relatively little has been done to improve the output of the peasantry. While we may have barely any idea how many people live in any given area, our steel production is sufficient to produce and distribute more steel ploughs, sickles, axes, and other tools than are necessary, hopefully increasing agricultural output and helping win over the peasantry. (5 Resources per dice (209/225))

[]City Reconstruction and Modernization (Stage 1): The production of significant amounts of concrete has completely changed the methods of construction. Even without rebar or skilled labor, concrete masonry units and Portland cement mortar allow for construction to be done far faster than previous masonry techniques. Comparatively simple apartment blocks can be put up in less than a year, while at the same time paved roads, running water, and sewage systems can be provided to the most critical areas. (10 Resources per dice (188/225))

[]Recruit More Cadres: While the peasantry are more than happy to deal with remaining collaborators without needing additional help, this must be channeled into more productive areas for us to reap long-term benefits. Reliable personnel can be reassigned from our core holdings to give the most eager participants literacy training and political education, giving us a new source of literate personnel for governmental tasks. (5 Resources per dice (27/100))

[]Mining Restarts: All mining activity in the Liberated Territories has essentially stopped after the start of our invasion, but the mineral resources here cannot be allowed to go to waste. Initial efforts will be focused mainly on the coal deposits near Lefkandi and Thebes and the various sulfide ore deposits in Laurion, with blasting allowing for output to be increased far beyond what was possible with slave labor. (10 Resources per dice (0/100))

Military (4 Dice):

[]Simple Weapon Production (Stage 2):
While they are nowhere near as effective as firearms, the availability of steel and heavy machinery means that pikes can be produced cheaply and in massive quantities, to supply to allied groups or trade with independent downtimers. (5 Resources per dice (52/75))

[]Cannon Production (Stage 5): While our nitrogen supplies may be limited, the use of poor quality but nitrogen-free Cheddite compositions for high explosive and white phosphorus for incendiary shells means that large amounts of shells more effective than solid shot can begin. Mass production of smaller mortars to take advantage of these shells can also begin, increasing our military capabilities yet further. (15 Resources per dice (19/200))

[]Rifle Production (Stage 3): While enough rifles are being produced to adequately arm currently existing cavalry and Guards units before the next harvest, further expansion would still be incredibly useful to allow for more to be raised, ensure sufficient supply in the face of possible adverse events, and more. (15 Resources per dice (0/125))

[]Bolt Action Rifle Production (Stage 1): While they are very complicated to produce at an acceptable quality, bolt action rifles are a massive improvement over muskets, and equipping at least some of our troops with them is an extremely high priority task. A factory must be built to start producing them as soon as possible. (25 Resources per dice (0/75))

[]Monitor Construction Campaign: The presence of a completed and operational Cretan ironclad and the continues threat of raids from Rhodes shows that we need the ability to defend the Republic on the high seas. While they are not expected to be very reliable or capable of traveling long distances, the construction of three Monitor-like vessels will enable us to destroy nearly any currently built ship with ease... as long as they don't sink before the battle. (20 Resources per dice (0/150)) (Finishes in approximately two years from start of construction, assuming steady funding)

[]Naval Gun Production: While our current breach-loading cannons are sufficient for giving trading and fishing vessels some protection, far larger guns are needed if we want the range and firepower to stand a chance against enemy ironclads. A dedicated foundry will be built to construct them, giving the Republic a greater ability to defend itself. (20 Resources per dice (0/30)) (Must be completed before progress on Monitor Construction Campaign can progress more than halfway)

Bureaucracy (3 Dice):

[]Recruit Americans To Ministry:
Almost every single American adult is far more educated than nearly any downtimer, and many have actual experience in areas such as management and accounting. Hundreds of thousands of these people live on the coasts of Anatolia, and many would be more than happy to leave behind a life of subsistence farming to do paperwork. While this will be extremely unpopular, having more educated people in the Ministry can only be a good thing. (5 Resources and -2 Political Support per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation)

[]Recruit Downtimers To Ministry: Even if they don't have much of a formal education, there are thousands of intelligent, motivated, and literate downtimers in the Republic. These people are capable of doing lower-level administrative work, and will learn more with time. Having more of them in our government will also bring us closer to a true people's democracy. (5 Resources per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation)

[]Evaluate Replacements: It is apparent that some Ministers are too incompetent, reactionary, or both to serve the people well in their current positions. This would evaluate various people for a ministry position, followed by firing the current minister if they are judged to be more competent. (1 Dice, rolled) (Possible Political Support loss/gain) (Limited to 1 minister per turn)

[]Advisors for Food: An emissary from Egypt has came to us with an interesting proposal. Some Uptimer with some chemistry knowledge at the Pharaoh's court must have heard of our production of chemicals from bitterns and gotten his attention, and the Egyptian regime is apparently willing to offer us significant quantities of food, textiles, and other trade goods in exchange for assistance with a large-scale program to produce chemicals from the Dead Sea. While they claim that they are mainly interested in potash for agriculture and hydrochloric acid for the production of phosphate fertilizers for the same, it is very likely that they will use some of the produced hydrochloric acid to give them an essentially unlimited amount of chlorate explosives. Still, they are not really in any shape to invade Greece in the foreseeable future, more food is needed, and it would massively improve the quality of life of the average peasant under Egyptian rule. (-10 Political Support, if taken famine in the Liberated Territories immediately ends and 15 Resources per turn gained in trade)

Current Economic Issues:
Transportation: Many bottlenecks
Fuel: Slight deficit
Steel: Sufficient, demand rapidly increasing
Copper: Sufficient
Wood: Sufficient
Construction Materials: Surplus
Food: Sufficient in Peloponnese, some famine in Liberated Territories
Cloth: Sufficient production
Rural labor (varies by season): Mostly busy with the harvest until October
Urban labor: Slight deficit in the Peloponnese, large surplus in the Liberated Territories
Literate workers: Sufficient
American educated workers: Sufficient
total student slots: 12k primary, 0k secondary, 0k tertiary

12 Hour Moratorium
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[ ] Plan More Schools
Infrastructure, 6 dice
-[ ] Derveni-Zapantis Canal, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Kópos Planned City, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Telegraph Network (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 5 dice
-[ ] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4), 2 dice (30 Resources)
-[ ] Thermal Power Generation (Stage 1), 1 die (20 Resources)
Light Industry, 4 dice
-[ ] Textile Industry (Stage 4), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Mills (Stage 4), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 dice
-[ ] Glass Production (Stage 3), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3), 2 dice (40 Resources)
Agriculture, 4 dice
-[ ] Dams (Stage 3), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 1), 3 dice (30 Resources)
Services, 5 dice +2 Free
-[ ] Secondary Schools (Stage 1), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[ ] Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 4), 4 dice (20 Resources)
Liberated Territories, 9 +2 Free dice
-[ ] Issuance of Farming Equipment, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] City Reconstruction and Modernization (Stage 1), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[ ] Recruit More Cadres, 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[ ] Mining Restarts, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 1), 3 dice (15 Resources)
Military, 2/4 dice
-[ ] Bolt Action Rifle Production (Stage 1), 1 die (25 Resources)
-[] Monitor Construction Campaign, 1 die (20 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 3 dice
-[ ] Recruit Downtimers To Ministry, 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[ ] Advisors for Food, 1 die

Resources Available: 435
Resources Used: 435
Resources Remaining: 0

Okay, preliminary plan draft, easily open to changes.
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Given the situation does not seem critical, I don't think it's worth effectively doing major tech transfer to the major power of Egypt just for moderate resource gain end ending a short-term food shortage.
I very much consider it worth it given that Egypt will be Rome and Crete's problem long before it becomes ours (and it'll probably still take them years before they become Rome or Crete's problem), and Egyptian food imports are a major buffer against another bad harvest roll.

And Egypt might not be anyone's problem if the Hyksos bungle an internal roll because native Egyptians still hate them. But even without that, I consider it worth it just for the extra insurance against a famine.
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Actually how's our fertilizer production? We can import from Egypt and their easy to use natural sources as a buffer to make sure we have adequate amounts for all our farms given we have quite a few more
I kind of find it rather doubtful Egypt will be our problem within our liftetimes, they don't like us but we don't really have any competing interests, we're not a geopolitical threat to them and they aren't a threat to us.
[ ] Plan Even More Schools (and Guns)
Infrastructure, 6 dice
-[ ] Derveni-Zapantis Canal, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Kópos Planned City, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Telegraph Network (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 5 dice
-[ ] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[ ] Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4), 1 die (15 Resources)
-[ ] Thermal Power Generation (Stage 1), 1 die (20 Resources)
Light Industry, 4 dice
-[ ] Textile Industry (Stage 4), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Mills (Stage 4), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 dice
-[ ] Glass Production (Stage 3), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3), 1 die (20 Resources)
Agriculture, 4 dice
-[ ] Dams (Stage 3), 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[ ] Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
Services, 5 dice +4 Free
-[ ] Secondary Schools (Stage 1), 4 dice (40 Resources)
-[ ] Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 4), 5 dice (25 Resources)
Liberated Territories, 9 dice
-[ ] Issuance of Farming Equipment, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] City Reconstruction and Modernization (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Recruit More Cadres, 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[ ] Mining Restarts, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 1), 3 dice (15 Resources)
Military, 3/4 dice
-[ ] Bolt Action Rifle Production (Stage 1), 2 dice (50 Resources)
-[ ] Monitor Construction Campaign, 1 die (20 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 3 dice
-[ ] Recruit Downtimers To Ministry, 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[ ] Advisors for Food, 1 die

Resources Available: 435
Resources Used: 435
Resources Remaining: 0

An alternate variant of my above plan that reduces City Reconstruction and Modernization for more education (which means more dice for Adult Literacy), takes a die from Agri Mechanization and onto Dams, and puts a Chem die from Pharma (unlikely to finish with 2 dice) onto Glass to free up enough money to activate a 3rd Military die. Currently have it on Naval Gun Production, but I could swap it over to Bolt Action Rifle Production to get 2 dice on it so it has a good chance of completing.

Am unsure if there's a way to free up enough Resources to activate the 4th Military die. Would need to free up another 20 Resources.

EDIT: Traded an ironworks die for Coal, swapped an Adult Literacy for Secondary School, and moved Cannons to Bolt Action.

Next turn is where hopefully we finish up the Canal and overall go heavy on Infra.
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[ ] Plan More Schools And Snubbing Egypt
Infrastructure, 6 dice
-[ ] Derveni-Zapantis Canal, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Kópos Planned City, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Hydroelectric Power (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 5 dice
-[ ] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4), 3 dice (45 Resources)
Light Industry, 4 dice
-[ ] Textile Industry (Stage 4), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Mills (Stage 4), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 dice
-[ ] Glass Production (Stage 3), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3), 1 die (20 Resources)
Agriculture, 4 dice
-[ ] Dams (Stage 3), 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[ ] Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
Services, 5 dice +4 Free
-[ ] Peloponnese Primary Schools (Stage 4), 4 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 4), 5 dice (25 Resources)
Liberated Territories, 9 dice
-[ ] Issuance of Farming Equipment, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] City Reconstruction and Modernization (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Recruit More Cadres, 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[ ] Mining Restarts, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 1), 3 dice (15 Resources)
Military,4 dice
-[ ] Bolt Action Rifle Production (Stage 1), 2 die (50 Resources)
-[ ] Monitor Construction Campaign, 1 die (20 Resources)
-[ ] Naval Gun Production, 1 die (20 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 2/3 dice
-[ ] Recruit Downtimers To Ministry, 2 dice (10 Resources)
[X] Plan Even More Schools (and Guns)
Infrastructure, 6 dice
-[X] Derveni-Zapantis Canal, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Kópos Planned City, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Telegraph Network (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 5 dice
-[X] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[X] Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4), 1 die (15 Resources)
-[X] Thermal Power Generation (Stage 1), 1 die (20 Resources)
Light Industry, 4 dice
-[X] Textile Industry (Stage 4), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Mills (Stage 4), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 dice
-[X] Glass Production (Stage 3), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3), 1 die (20 Resources)
Agriculture, 4 dice
-[X] Dams (Stage 3), 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
Services, 5 dice +4 Free
-[X] Secondary Schools (Stage 1), 4 dice (40 Resources)
-[X] Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 4), 5 dice (25 Resources)
Liberated Territories, 9 dice
-[X] Issuance of Farming Equipment, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] City Reconstruction and Modernization (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Recruit More Cadres, 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Mining Restarts, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 1), 3 dice (15 Resources)
Military, 3/4 dice
-[X] Bolt Action Rifle Production (Stage 1), 2 dice (50 Resources)
-[X] Monitor Construction Campaign, 1 die (20 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 3 dice
-[X] Recruit Downtimers To Ministry, 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Advisors for Food, 1 die

Resources Available: 435
Resources Used: 435
Resources Remaining: 0
[X] Plan More Schools And Snubbing Egypt
Infrastructure, 6 dice
-[X] Derveni-Zapantis Canal, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Kópos Planned City, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Peloponnese City Modernization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Hydroelectric Power (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 5 dice
-[X] Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4), 3 dice (45 Resources)
Light Industry, 4 dice
-[X] Textile Industry (Stage 4), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Mills (Stage 4), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 dice
-[X] Glass Production (Stage 3), 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 3), 1 die (20 Resources)
Agriculture, 4 dice
-[X] Dams (Stage 3), 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 1), 2 dice (20 Resources)
Services, 5 dice +4 Free
-[X] Peloponnese Primary Schools (Stage 4), 4 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 4), 5 dice (25 Resources)
Liberated Territories, 9 dice
-[X] Issuance of Farming Equipment, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] City Reconstruction and Modernization (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Recruit More Cadres, 2 dice (10 Resources)
-[X] Mining Restarts, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 1), 3 dice (15 Resources)
Military,4 dice
-[X] Bolt Action Rifle Production (Stage 1), 2 die (50 Resources)
-[X] Monitor Construction Campaign, 1 die (20 Resources)
-[X] Naval Gun Production, 1 die (20 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 2/3 dice
-[X] Recruit Downtimers To Ministry, 2 dice (10 Resources)
[X] Plan Even More Schools (and Guns)

God I can't not vote for a plan with 12 dice on education.