Attempting to Fulfil The Plan: ISOT Edition

Abby was screaming internally, she was completely unprepared, fuck she wasn't even vaccinated for smallpox! It was wiped out! Where'd it even come from!?

You know, that's a good question, actually. In theory, it should be present in the wild - way off in, like, china or mongolia or somewhere. Nowhere near here. So, was there a lab sample in Tucson? Did someone dig up a grave they shouldn't have? :/
You know, that's a good question, actually. In theory, it should be present in the wild - way off in, like, china or mongolia or somewhere. Nowhere near here. So, was there a lab sample in Tucson? Did someone dig up a grave they shouldn't have? :/

it came from the indus river valley civilization, where i think it spawned? and the only place smallpox still exists in the world is in atlanta, georgia, in the cdc lab, as a chekov's gun for when the apocalypse happens in real life

tuscon showed up, like, twenty years before smallpox did if i remember my googling correctly, it's somewhere between 3000-4000 years old, so even if it's ahistorical, it totally could've happened by now
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You know, that's a good question, actually. In theory, it should be present in the wild - way off in, like, china or mongolia or somewhere. Nowhere near here. So, was there a lab sample in Tucson? Did someone dig up a grave they shouldn't have? :/

In india actually, and india traded with the middle east OTL not that much but stil trade route existed, that trade intensified with the introduction of all the fancy metal scavenged from Tucson and so the disease spread.
Cannon Omake: Heavy Lies The Crown

Knossos, November 11 A.E

Rachel was not prone to rage, life had taught her that anger just led to her getting yelled at by her parents, or later on accused of being "hysterical" and thus ignored. Rage rarely accomplished anything for her, charm and determination were her main tools.

But she was not immune to rage. Rachel screamed after her parents slammed the door in her face after she tried to reconcile with them, she lashed out viciously at the people of Wilusa after they had tried to kill her and there was Norton. After Norton had killed her friend, Aranare, Rachel strangled the man in front of dozens. Screaming bloody murder at the traitor as squeezed his neck so hard she thought her arm would break.

So when news of what Kikera had done in Sicily reached Knossos, that Crete was barely holding onto the island due to starvation and rebellion, rage filled Rachel's mind once again. But such things were beneath the dignity of her station. So the Anax excused herself and made her way to an attempted part of the Palace-Complex, one of the old storerooms currently being remodeled. The empty room soon became filled with the sound of wood breaking, fists pounding against plastered walls, and Rachel's screams.

Rachel was furious with Kikera, that damned moron had done so much to hinder Crete's efforts in Sicily that Rachel would have honestly thought her a traitor had she not gotten herself killed in the process. She cursed the Senate, for getting selfish and greedy and denying the aid that could have prevented this mess in the first place. And of course she saved a fair amount of anger for the one most responsible for this mess, the one who accepted Kikera's appointment to Sicily, the one who masterminded the invasion in the first place, herself.

How many thousands would die because of her? How many parents would curse out her name as they knelt over their children's grave?

By the time her wife and daughter found her, the rage had faded, leaving Rachel sitting on a stool in the corner of the room, head in her hands.

"It made sense at the time, right?" Rachel asked as she stared at them with gaunt eyes, "That wasn't just me talking, right?"

Jessica pulled her to her feet, strong arms wrapping around her in a quick but warm hug.

"It made sense, we all agreed," she assured Rachel, "New Washington had Malta and there was every sign they weren't going to stop there. Sicily has resources everyone wants, if we didn't claim it, someone else would have."

Jessica placed a reassuring hand on Rachel's shoulder.

"You had no way of knowing New Washington would fall flat on its face," Jessica went on, "And the drought took everyone by surprise. We got unlucky, had to happen sooner or later. Regretfully our bad luck hurt a lot of people in the process."

"We did what was best for everyone," Kiya stepped in, "For us, for Crete, even for Sicily."

Rachel looked at her daughter skeptically.

"You still believe that?" she questioned.

"I do," Kiya nodded, "I'm not trying to pretend we did what we did for purely benevolent reasons. But our rule was the best option Sicily had. They never would have been able to stand alone even with help, and any other power would have done worse than Kikera did. We are still the best option that the island has."

"This isn't what I set out to do," Rachel said mournfully, "This isn't what I was trying to build."

Rachel had blood on her hands since the first day of the Event, but it was always justified. There was always something to justify both the means and the ends she achieved. But now? Thousands were dead because of her and all she had to show for it was the promise of more suffering.

"If you abandon Sicily now, all of those deaths will mean nothing," Jessica said, her voice growing stern, "Everything we did on the island, the good and the bad, will be wasted. Thousands will starve and sooner or later some other power will conquer the island."

"I know," Rachel sighed, "I just, I just hate this so fucking much. This isn't what I set out to create when I came here, this isn't what I wanted when I told the various priesthoods what became of their culture. I thought I taught them better than this."

"Well not everyone is going to do what you want them to do, even downtimers." Kiya said, her voice tinged with annoyance.

Rachel wanted to punch herself, on top of everything else she was starting to sound like some sort of domineering overlord who treated all of her downtimer subjects like children.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that," Rachel said regretfully, "It's just I'm the one who told the priestesses about Crete's fate, I'm the one who approved sending Kikera. Her actions are my fault."

To a very extent, Rachel felt like she had directly shaped Kikera's actions.

"I disagree," Kiya said as she folded her arms, "You gave her the knowledge yes but she promised you she would uphold your laws in Sicily, she lied to you about her intentions. Her actions are hers alone."

"Kiya's right," Jessica nodded.

Rachel was conflicted, if she didn't bare some of the blame for what happened she would feel like a sociopath but Kiya had a point, Kikera hadn't exactly advertised what she was going to do in Sicily and if it had been up to Rachel alone, aid would have gone to Sicily. It was the Senate that blocked those efforts.

"Alright," Rachel said, taking a breath to steady herself, "What's done is done. Now, how to we weed out Kikera's weird brand of nationalism?"

It was definitely nepotistic to depend so heavily on her family for advice on political matters but Jessica usually had good advice and Kiya had always been a sharp girl.

"Jadikira's is having Kikera's allies interviewed as we speak," Jessica explained, "Kikera's bizarre nationalism seems to be a rarity even among those close to her but we're being cautious. I'm preparing an inspection of the officer corp as well."

"Purges would just make things worse," Rachel reasoned, "But we need to make clear what Kikera did and tried to create is not acceptable."

"Anyone who militarily aided Kikera is either dead or fighting to stay alive at the moment," Jessica observed, "So unless Kikera was part of some conspiracy we don't have anyone really we could bring to trial."

Rachel groaned in frustration.

"So thousands are dying and the best we can do is lecture our people on the dangers of genocide and nationalism," Rachel muttered, "Great, just great."

"You know how arrogant they can be," Jessica said assuringly, "It needs to be tempered for sure but lashing out violently won't help matters."

"We should focus more on helping the people of Sicily rather than punishing our own," Kiya stated, "Once the rebellions are crushed we'll ram aid through the Senate, donate a generous amount of next year's harvest, and provide tax exemptions to the hardest hit areas, reward the Palermo King. Show the people while Crete can be good for the island."

Jessica's face went tense.

"Regretfully, Kiya, that's far easier said than done," She replied with a shake of her head, "Don't get me wrong, aid absolutely needs to be given, but if my days in the Army taught me anything, winning over hearts and minds after you've pissed them off this much is no simple task."

"This is not becoming another Afghanistan," Rachel said indignantly, "We're better than that."

"I'm not saying it will be," Jessica nodded, "For starters we have allies there on our side who are actually competent. Palermo's king is going to make reconstruction a lot simpler if he survives. My concern is the areas we've directly annexed and places like the mines…"

Jessica trailed off a distant look in her eyes.

"Jess?" Rachel voiced in concern.

Her wife snapped back to reality.

"Sorry," Jessica shook her head, "Got lost in thought for a moment. Frankly it's too early to make an assessment of eastern Sicily right now. If we're lucky, the rebels will give us Kikera's corpse and we'll be able to give her bones the trial the people there need."

"And if we're unlucky?" Rachel asked.

Jessica and Kiya shared a worried look.

"A lot of bad things will happen to good people who don't deserve it," Jessica said as she turned away, sounding slightly ashamed of herself. "We'll do the best to mitigate the damage but some ugly decisions will have to be made."

It didn't take a genius to see what Jessica was hinting at. Mass starvation would likely continue, and those that survive might need to be deported just to make the area viable for Cretan use.

"Fucking hell," Rachel muttered to herself.

So much death and pain, so much suffering, and no end in sight it seemed. All because of one damned priestess.

Rachel was starting to understand just why Paris hated her so much. She could already see herself cursing out Kikera until the day she died.

Instinct in the past had told her to cut her losses and run if the group was in jeopardy. It worked in Tucson and again in Wilusa. But much had changed in the decade since, she was tied to Crete now for better or worse, and if she cut her losses now, it would only hurt everyone, friend and enemy alike.

"You trust the men you're sending back to Sicily, right?" Rachel asked.

"Sijapuros has been by my side for a decade now," Jessica nodded, "He's got a good head on his shoulders and he understands he needs to fix the mess that's been made. He won't repeat Kikera's mistakes."

Rachel ran her hands through her long blonde hair.

"Suppose it's out of my hands then," Rachel sighed.

"You're not a monster, mother," Kiya said warmly, "Paris would have killed the whole island if she could, and most Americans wouldn't spare a second thought for the island's people, remember that."

Sad part was, Kiya was entirely right even if she was damning with faint praise there. Rachel could count the number of other states in the world who would actually care about Sicily's plight on one hand, and none of them could do anything to help.

Crete created this mess, and it was up to Crete to fix it, as screwed up as that was.

A shard knock interrupted the family meeting.

"Is it important?" Rachel growled, "I'm having a family meeting."

"Apologies, my Anax," The guard said urgently through the door, "But High Priestess Jadikira is calling an emergency meeting of the Senate and insists you head there at once,"

Rachel's eyes went wide as she felt like someone had just punched her square in the chest.

The Senate was becoming a fickle beast, one easily slighted or annoyed. Calling an emergency meeting of the Senate was a good way to annoy many within it, Merchants didn't like being pulled away from their trade and Priestesses despised having rituals interrupted. You didn't ask for an emergency meeting unless you were damn sure everyone would agree it was an emergency. That was a lesson Rachel had learned all too well some years back.

To make matters worse, Jadikira was a cautious soul by nature. So what had her spooked enough to do this?

The Senate chamber was filled with conversation, merchant patriarchs muttering among each other as American expats loudly declared their annoyance over being summoned, Rachel barely acknowledged any of it, fidgeting uneasily with her crown as she waited for Jadikira to speak.

The chambers were barely half full, Yun and many of the others were too far away to be summoned on such short notice. Hopefully they wouldn't be needed.

Rachel's eyes focused on Jadikira. Alcippe's high priestess was busy talking with two others on the far side of the chamber near one of the exits. She was talking to Priestess Rusa and Lily-Mae Pratt, wife of Senator Alexander Pratt. What could she be talking about with those two?

Things were chaotic in the world, there was Sicily of course but beyond that you had unrest in New Washington and the Vanguardist rebellion, the Air force was fighting a rebellion as well, rumors of an outbreak in Assyria, building tensions between New Arizona and Myceane, and of course Troy and ART often experienced unrest. In theory any of those could spell trouble. If the Vanguardists had surrounded Tucson for example,that could cause a great many problems.

Jadikira finished her conversation and motioned to one of her students, who quickly ran to the center of the room, the conversations petering out as everyone's attention turned towards the young woman.

"Glorious Anax and noble Senators, I humbly thank you for agreeing to join us," The young woman stammered nervously, "May I present, Jadikira, loyal servant of Alcippe!"

Few clapped as Jadikira stepped forward, most simply stared at her, waiting for whatever bombshell she was about to drop.

Rachel could feel her heart begin to hammer inside her chest.

"Ladies, Gentlemen and others, I thank you for coming on such short notice," Jadikira began, "I bring dire words from the east. Merchants from Rome have just arrived on our shores with dire news from Assyria. The rumors are true, an outbreak has ravaged their kingdom, an outbreak of the disease known as Smallpox."

Most of the Americans, and a few Cretans, erupted into shouts of fear and anger the moment Jadikira finished.Some calling her a liar, others cursing wildly in fear.

Rachel remained silent save for her anxious breathing. Smallpox was a disease that could spark terror by name alone, it had killed millions in the Americas and ravaged the world until it was eventually conquered. While it wouldn't be as deadly here as it was to the Mayans, there were only maybe five or so people on Crete who were vaccinated against it.

If they were caught unprepared the island would be ravaged.

Rachel quickly motioned to one of her royal guards.

"Have the priestesses pull up all of the cattle records from the palace, immediately," She ordered in a hushed but urgent tone.
Rachel didn't know much about smallpox beyond its deadly reputation but there was a fact stuck in her brain, something about cowpox and its effectiveness at providing immunity to its more dangerous cousins.

One of the former medical students or nurses would know more but the sooner they started preparing the better.

"Pardon, my Anax?" The guard questioned as she tilted her head.

"Do it," Rachel insisted, "Quickly"

The guard nodded and urgently walked off.

The room was filled with a cacophony of noise. Order was beginning to break down.

"Silence!" Rachel shouted, "this is not the time for panic."

Rachel's yell silenced the chambers for the moment.

"Now," she went on, calmer, "High Priestess, what do we know about this outbreak? How widespread is it?"

"It does not seem to have spread further west than Assyria," Jadikira explained, "but it has apparently ravaged much along the Euphrates river. Assyria's king is dead and mass graves are being dug outside of Babylon."

Rachel buried her head in her hand for a moment, the metal of her crown pressing against her palm.

"Do we know if it has reached Rome yet?" Rachel questioned.

If it reached Rome that meant everything from Egypt to Western Anatolia would be hit soon, and considering the state of Western Anatolia, Smallpox could easily kill almost as many people as the Event itself.

Jadikira shook her head.

"The merchant has sworn up and down that it has not reached their borders yet," She explained, "The Consuls have apparently already declared a state of emergency."

Well that was something at least.

"Where is this merchant?" An American Senator blurted out.

Rachel shot the Senator a withering glance. Interrupting while the Anax held the floor was bad decorum and an insult to her power.

"Under quarantine," Jadikira assured the room, "As are any who had contact with him."

Rachel sighed in relief. For the moment the pox hadn't reached Crete. But sooner or later it would, the amount of trading they did made it unavoidable. Cutting off trade with Anatolia and the Middle East would be economically painful in the extreme. The Senate would not go for it easily, but they may just need to.

Panicked voices began to fill the Senate chambers again. The threat of an outbreak made many of them realize just how vulnerable they still were.

"Senators, please remain calm," Rachel urged, "I know the threat of a pandemic terrifies all of us and rightfully so. But Smallpox is an enemy we can prepare against. And thankfully our best weapon against it comes from our sacred cattle."

That sparked the attention of many of the priestesses in the Senate.

"While vaccinations against Smallpox ended decades before the Event," Rachel explained, "It is well known that cowpox provides resistance against its far more dangerous cousin. Preparations for vaccination are to begin as soon as possible."

Mutterings of relief and agreement filled the chambers. Thankfully Rachel had taken the step to screen against Anti-Vax types when she first hired Americans to conquer the island. And the idea of cattle helping to fight the outbreak would appeal to the more religious among the downtimers.

Rachel stood up, making sure all eyes were upon her now.

"Chaos grips the American states, disease ravages Mesopatima, drought blights the land and our own conquests are plagued by rebellion and extremists," Rachel intoned, "These are perhaps the most trying times we have faced since the Kingdom's founding some eight years ago."

"The days ahead will likely not be easy," she admitted, "Nor will they be profitable. But we will survive, endure and grow stronger for our trials, as long as we are united. Division will leave us crippled and overcome by disease. Remember that in the days ahead, remember that as I ask you to put aside your own desires for the sake of the kingdom we have built together."

Rachel knew she would need unity in the days ahead, if the Senate let its greed get the better of it like it had with famine relief for Sicily, things were going to get so much worse before they got better.

She could only hope the others would understand that.
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Soon comrades Athens and the rest of surrounding regions will soon be liberated under the red banner of Mycenae! Speaking of which is there a flag for it?
Semi-Cannon Omake: Flag of the Popular Republic of Mycenae
Proposed flag design for the Popular Republic of Mycenae

Red Banner: to represent previous and current socialist movements to their commitment to place all authority in the hands of workers and peasants.

"Vergina Star": a ray solar symbol of ancient Greek origin from Before Event, now used instead to represent two fold; the liberation of all people from the shackles of oppression and the ultimate goal of global communist victory.

Probably could had gone through the typical route of copy paste communist symbol to the left canton and call it a day but instead I just chose to just simply do a star
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The flag is pretty neat, if quite similar to the old North Macedonian flag. Although, was the Vergina Sun in use as a symbol by the Mycenians during this time period? It would be a bit embarrassing if it wasn't and it has no meaning to the people it's meant to represent.
The flag is pretty neat, if quite similar to the old North Macedonian flag. Although, was the Vergina Sun in use as a symbol by the Mycenians during this time period? It would be a bit embarrassing if it wasn't and it has no meaning to the people it's meant to represent.
I mean it's a clear solar symbol, it will be meaningful anyway. Just maybe not culturally special.
hey, it worked out with prometheus pretty well, people will just see it and think, 'ah yes, the socialist sun shines on all' and oops! completely new connotation

edit: sol-cialist if you will
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The flag is pretty neat, if quite similar to the old North Macedonian flag. Although, was the Vergina Sun in use as a symbol by the Mycenians during this time period? It would be a bit embarrassing if it wasn't and it has no meaning to the people it's meant to represent.
The Vergina Sun itself was generally used as a decorative motif on both mainland Greece and islands as early as 6 BC. Is the symbol from ahead the timeline, sure, is the symbol possibly been used to represent Macedonia royal dynasty, yes, but like anything in life meaning of symbols change overtime. So it's quite possible that an uptimer might expropriate an Ancient Greek symbol to fulfill a greater purpose, in this case to represent hope and prosperity for the working class.
I mean it's a clear solar symbol, it will be meaningful anyway. Just maybe not culturally special.
Maybe but the symbol itself was generally used around Greece as early as 6 BC, I know it's from a different time period but some uptimers would use it not only as a "new" socialist symbol but also a niche representation of the star symbol originating from the same region? Idk I tried my best
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Cannon Omake: Total War: Age of Rust: Vanguardist War Unit List
Total War: Age of Rust: Vanguardist War Unit List

American Militia
It is the tradition of Americans to fight for their homes.
In West Anatolia, it can generally be relied upon that most Americans will have some sort of firearm, and the majority will have experience using it, generally from the brutal early months of the First Wave and its aftermath. While the majority of Uptimers are happy to hang up their guns and do their best to forget those horrific times, others are part of militias who are still willing to use them in defense of their new homes. The training of these combatants is less reliable than that of professionals and the guns are often simple, post-event muskets, but even with rudimentary training and less advanced weaponry, a gun can allow a man to be a match for many times his number of more primitively equipped combatants.

The importance of militiamen varies depending on the nation. Two notable extremes are the New American Republic and the Republic of Troy. For the former, military power rests heavily in militias that owe allegiance to their local Senators, many of whom are trained and equipped to the standards of professional soldiers. The Republic of Troy meanwhile, has been fighting a constant political battle to dismantle the militias of its American population, hoping to restore the monopoly of force to the police who make up the nation's political elite and military.

American Soldiers
The ability to shoot a gun does not a soldier make. That takes training, time, and hard-earned experience.
As the nations of the First Wave established themselves across West Anatolia, so too did the rag-tag gangs of armed civilians coalesce into more organized military units. The first official military units often came from groups that would have had a similar level of organization pre-event, such as policemen in the case of the Republic of Troy and New American Republic, or the most well-organized militias of the founding towns of their nation. Equipped, trained, and standardized to the best of the nation's ability, these professional soldiers remain a far-cry from the American military of uptime, particularly as concerns of expending uptime ammunition limit the amount of marksmanship training. Despite this, being given the best weapons, generally Uptime rifles available makes them some of the deadliest infantry in the world.

Professional armies among the West Anatolian states are generally limited in size much like their counterparts elsewhere in the Mediterranean. Part of this is due to economic concerns, but often the reasoning is political as well. Events such as the Air Force Mutiny and the Sanford Expedition have cooled opinions for many on what was previously a high opinion of a large, professional army akin to that of the Uptime USA, and made the average American wary of the outsized influence its leaders can have on the policy of the nation.

American Sharpshooters
Only artillery can outrange a marksman with a good rifle.
When used by a properly trained marksman, even civilian Uptime rifles can have ranges in the hundreds of meters, and fire faster and more accurately than anything else that can be put in the field. Many American nations have taken advantage of this, assembling sharpshooters for picking off high-value targets with precision fire. The origins of these marksmen tend to vary. While some are professionally trained and drilled soldiers, others are militia and hunters, having honed their skills against the large and dangerous predators of Bronze Age Anatolia, or while keeping bandits away from their farms.

Before the Event, a humble truck. After it, a god of war made manifest.
Though most vehicles have long since broken down or run out of fuel, a dwindling number, mostly trucks, remain at least somewhat functional across the West Anatolian states, modified to run on wood gas or ethanol and militarized with bolted-on armor and heavy weapons. What would have been a laughable attempt at a military vehicle to all but the most desperate of Uptime armies is a weapon of mass destruction in the Age of Rust, capable of speeding across the battlefield with a roar, gunning down its opposition with impunity. Technicals are carefully husbanded, as a lack of parts makes each one irreplaceable, but while they last they are dominating figures on any sort of open battlefield.

SWAT Troopers (Republic of Troy/New American Republic)
When law ceases to be relevant, force remains an easy method of dispute-settling.
The Pre-Event police force of Tucson and its surroundings were some of its most heavily armed denizens, with the exception of the Air Force. Few things embody this so much as the Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) units, equipped with body armor and weapons that would not have been out of place in an Uptime military. Their successors are primarily found in the Republic of Troy and New American Republic, both of whom have large numbers of former police officers. Better equipped and better trained than most American forces aside from USAF veterans, SWAT officers and equipment represent the elite of those nations' militaries.

US Marines (New Washington)
Honing one's skills against pirates of the Mediterranean may seem unimpressive, until one remembers that said pirates have machine guns.
As the only First Wave state that has managed to support anything remotely resembling a respectable Navy, New Washington has also taken the step of founding a Marine Corps, both to protect ships rivals, and to project New Washington's influence overseas via troop deployments. Though their occupation of Malta is the most well-known activity, the majority of Marine postings have been protecting New Washington trade and fishing from pirate attacks, and many have experience in gunfights against the Neo-Nazis of Rhodes. As such, New Washington Marines have extensive experience fighting opponents that can fire back with pre-Event guns compared to most of the regular army, in addition to their skill at amphibious crossings.

Vanguards (Christ's Kingdom on Earth)
Religious zeal, constant training, and extensive combat experience make for a terrifying combination in a soldier.
Well before their uprising, the Vanguards of Christ trained for combat on a regular basis. Combined with numerous skirmishes against various militias who saw them as crazed cultists (or in the case of the more religious, outright heathens), and by the time they arrived in Globe, the Vanguardists were likely some of the most battle-hardened soldiers in West Anatolia. This was later proven quite firmly when they easily overcame the Globe militia and police, seizing the NAR capital as their own. While many among their number have been divided across the rapidly growing army of Christ's Kingdom on Earth to provide a core of veterans, others have been organized into their own units, taking with them the most promising of the new recruits. These formations of Vanguards are not only well-trained and equipped, but fanatical and ready to fight to the last in service to the Younger Brother of Jesus Christ.

Crusaders (Christ's Kingdom on Earth)
The Americans have sown the crop of warriors that shall drive them from Anatolia.
In the years that preceded the Vanguardist Rebellion, the New American Republic attempted to sabotage New Washington by arming Downtimer rebels within its borders. In retaliation, New Washington would do the same, kicking off a small arms race as each side attempted to better equip the rebels of its rival in hopes of destabilizing the state. This policy proved disastrous once the Vanguards of Christ launched their revolt, as these well-armed Downtimers flocked to the Vanguardist banner, bringing with them an eclectic but vast collection of weapons ranging from blackpowder muskets to pre-Event pistols and swelling the ranks of its army by the thousands. Unlike their rivals, the Vanguardists have no objections to the inclusion of Downtimers, so it is unlikely this influx of recruits will stop so long as there are resentful Luwians and Lukka within West Anatolia.
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having honed their skills against the large and dangerous predators of Bronze Age Anatolia
I just realized something, since the people of Tucson were transported all the way back to 1600 BC, it is quite possible that there might be a few mammoths remaining in Wrangle Island even though the last recorded mammoth to live was 4000 years ago from pre-Event. But is possible that is already too late and last mammoth has truly died but even if there a few left remaining unfortunately the uptimers wouldn't have the means to save them since they are so far away.
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Vote called for [X] Plan Touch the Cow, Do it Now!
-[X] Immediate Vaccine Rollout
-[X] Quarantine
-[X] Vaccination Verification
-[X] Vaccination Incentives

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Scheduled vote count started by garphield on May 2, 2023 at 1:33 PM, finished with 46 posts and 24 votes.
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Turn 7 (12AE Trimester 1): Arise, Vast Country
Turn 7 (12AE Trimester 1): Arise, Vast Country
285-20 Quarantine-10 Verification-10 Incentives=245 Resources Per Turn, 25 In Storage
49 Political Support

Mycenae, 12 AE

As a great threat to the people of the Republic in the form of smallpox has risen, another may soon fall with the coming ability to produce actual pharmaceuticals. Yet, that is not as great of a priority as the mass vaccination of the population against smallpox. Even with a quarantine in place, it may reach the Republic any day now, and you find yourself grateful for already being vaccinated even as pus trickles out of the sore left at the immunization site.

Free Dice to Allocate: 4 Dice
Infrastructure (4 Dice):

[]Derveni-Zapantis Canal:
A navigable canal to connect the Gulf of Corinth to the city of Mycenae and the Aegean as a whole will massively decrease the difficulty of transporting goods to our capital. Work has begun on a series of locks, reservoirs, and pumps to enable the movement of small barges between the Derveni and Zapantis rivers, but this requires a vertical climb of close to a hundred meters. However, even with its massive cost, it must be worth it for the Cretans to have built a similar canal. (10 Resources per dice (558/975), loss of political support if less than 50 progress/turn) (Makes most other projects cheaper) (+25 Political Support on completion)

[]Lock Systems (Stage 2): While carts are an option for transporting goods, river transport is an order of magnitude cheaper. This would build more locks, especially along the Peiros and Asopos rivers, to enable the cheap transport of bulk goods such as grain and timber. (5 resources per dice (0/200) (Stage 2 Dams required for next stage). (Makes many other projects cheaper, +5 Political Support on completion)

[]Port Facilities (Stage 2): While much has been done to improve the state of the Republic's port capability, it still leaves a lot to be desired. Shipbuilding has seen even less progress, with the vast majority of boats currently being built being barely any different to pre-Event designs. This stage will expand the ports of major cities further, build a few new ones at strategic locations, and create a shipyard in Mycenae capable of building ships that are merely centuries instead of millennia out of date. (10 Resources per dice (176/200)) (Fishing Fleet, Merchant Marine, and Creation of the Red Navy unlocked on completion)

[]Mycenae Water and Sewage (Stage 2): While Mycenae has a utility network of sorts, it is far sparser than those in Tiryns and Dyme. This stage will increase its density to that level, giving substantial benefits. (10 Resources per dice (15/100))

[]Kópos Planned City: While workers in the Kópos mine and nearby industries are currently living in ramshackle huts, this is not sustainable in the long term, especially now that the high population density is starting to cause sanitation issues. A small city will be built next to the mines, with a grid of paved roads and utilities present from the beginning. Dozens of three-story high apartment blocks will be constructed, including not only running water but gas for heating, lighting, and cooking. Public buildings will also be put up, including everything from schools and libraries to a small stadium for baseball and other sports. While some of these amenities will be expensive, they will serve as a model for future implementation in other cities and help with convincing more people to start working in the miserable and dangerous mines. (10 Resources per dice (0/125))

Heavy Industry (4 Dice):

[]Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3):
A current surplus of coal production simply means that we are yet not using enough. A better world shall be ripped from the heart of Gaia herself, one swing of the pick at a time. (10 Resources per dice (10/250))

[]Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 3): The Revolution cries out for yet more steel and iron, and it needs them now. While Bessemer converters promise far higher productivity than puddling furnaces in the future, the fact remains that more puddling furnaces can be built right now, unlike converters. Blast furnaces will be switched over to using coke, and several coking furnaces constructed as well. (10 Resources per dice (74/250))

[]Bessemer Converter Experiments: While it is far more complex and expensive compared to puddling furnaces, the Bessemer process has at least an order of magnitude higher throughput, and produces steel instead of wrought iron. An experimental converter will be built in the Thríambos ironworks, where if all goes well it will have ready access to molten pig iron for conversion into steel. (20 Resources per dice (31/50))(Possible +5 Political Support on completion)

[]Prometheus Heavy Machinery Plant (Stage 1): With iron and steel production increasing by an order of magnitude in the past year, far more equipment of far larger sizes can be produced. We have enough raw materials to produce thousands of ploughs, pots, and axes every day, but blacksmiths and a few steam hammers are not enough to actually produce them at a significant rate. A dedicated plant to for heavy industrial equipment will enable us to actually make use of what we produce, and then increase production tenfold yet another time. (20 Resources per dice (0/100)) (+5 Political Support and several new projects on completion)

[]Megaleío Copper Mine (Stage 1): While copper may not be as vital as steel, it is still necessary for many purposes. Now that explosives for blasting are available, extraction of ore can be massively increased, with new crushers, roasters, and furnaces being built to refine it into metal. (10 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Aggregate Quarries: With chlorate-based explosives allowing for the mass use of blasting in mining, the production of limestone, shale, marble, and other construction materials can be massively increased. Combined with the production of Portland cement, this shall allow for the construction capabilities of the Republic to be massively increased. (5 Resources per dice (0/100))

[]Portland Cement Experiments: In the old world, more concrete was produced and consumed than any other substance besides water. While we may only be able to make coke as a powder, it is still coke, and the other raw materials required to produce cement are in bountiful supply. (10 Resources per dice (0/50))

Light Industry (3 Dice):

[]Textile Industry (Stage 2):
Mechanization of textile production is a project that will take decades, but moving production out of the home and into the factory will free up massive amounts of domestic labor that can hopefully then be put to use elsewhere. In addition to expansions of production lines using wool, linen, and cotton, the availability of bleached sulfite pulp will enable the production of small amounts of rayon as a silk substitute. (10 Resources per dice 36/150)) (+5 Political Support on completion)

[]Mills (Stage 2): While dozens of water-powered mills have already been built, far more are required for economic growth. In more remote areas, smaller gristmills will aid masses of peasants and provide a way of increasing state influence over remote villages, and more centralized locations will be host to even more sawmills and rock crushers to feed construction and industry. A few rotary lathes will also be installed to produce veneers for plywood, although as we are limited to fish glue for adhesives they will have abysmal water resistance. (5 Resources per dice (25/150))

[]Newspapers: Newspapers represent a useful vector for spreading information and propaganda, as well as the maintenance of mass literacy. Daily papers will begin printing in Mycenae, Tiryns, and Dyme, focusing on things such as sports, local news, educational columns, and the successes of the Revolution. A monthly farmer's almanac will also be published nationwide, although the almost complete lack of literacy and issues with transportation in rural areas means that distribution will be limited, at least for now. (5 Resources per dice (0/40))

[]Expanded Book Production: With the new availability of massive amounts of paper, the mass production of books is now practical. Mass transcription and translation of works currently stored on computers can begin, so that everything from technical works to political theory to fiction can be given to the people en masse. Novel books on topics such as agriculture will also be composed, with perhaps the most notable of these being an encyclopedia based on an extremely heavily modified version of the 1911 Encyclopedia Brittanica. (5 Resources per dice (0/70)) (Cost reduction for some Services projects)

Chemical Industry (3 Dice):

[]Basic Organic Synthesis:
While a lack of reagents, equipment, and personnel massively limits what can be done, there are still many applications for the light fractions of coal tar that are within reach. Work will be done to establish the production of mauveine, paracetamol, DDT, aspirin, and sulfanilamide at a pilot plant scale, and the massive benefits they will bring are merely a taste of things to come. (20 Resources per dice (0/50)) (Significant reduction to all-cause mortality and army attrition) (Unlocks more projects)

[]Glucose Syrup Plant: With the new availability of substantial quantities of strong acids, the production of glucose syrup via the hydrolysis of wheat or barley starch is now trivial. Due to the scarcity of other sweeteners, this will massively increase the availability of sweetened foods internally and produce a valuable good for external trade. (5 Resources per die (0/50))

[]Rubber Production Experiments: While there aren't any rubber trees for thousands of miles away, a few references have been found to dandelions producing a rubber-containing latex, and an experimental program by the Soviet Union to use them to develop a domestic supply of rubber in the 30's. Expectations for labor efficiency and quality of the end product are not high, but even poor quality and expensive rubber would be useful for nearly limitless purposes. (10 Resources per dice (9/30))

[]Glass Production (Stage 1): While both quality and quantity are massively limited, the production of items such as bottles, beakers, cups, and small pieces of window glass can finally begin on a significant scale. These will have massive variations in quality and dimensions due to using barely trained glassblowers and essentially no machinery, but it is still far better than nothing. (10 Resources per dice (23/75))

Agriculture (3 Dice):

[]Dams (Stage 2):
Many more dams can be built to allow for more irrigation of farmland and more consistent flow of rivers through the season. This will benefit not only agriculture, but also transportation and industry. However, despite being fairly simple to construct, they do require very large amounts of soil and rock to be moved. (5 Resources per dice (156/200))

[]Basic Herbicides and Pesticides: While neither lime sulfur or ammonium soaps are the most effective treatments, Citizen Barnett is accepting of them as "natural" and, more importantly, are within your ability to produce at scale. (10 Resources per dice (0/75))

[]Forestry Programs: While deforestation will not be a problem anytime soon, we should address it early on. Programs can be set up to replant fast-growing species like Douglas fir in forests that have been cut down for timber, as well as to plant trees to serve as windbreaks for fields and orchards for food production. (5 Resources per dice (0/75))

Services (4 Dice):

[]Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 2):
With most of the officials and seamen of the Republic having been vaccinated, it must now be rolled out to urban dwellers as a whole. As the plauge spreads closer every day, no amount of effort is too much to secure the safety of the Republic. (5 Resources per dice (0/175)) (Stage 3 0/250)

[]Primary Schools (Stage 3): While attention has been slathered on urban centers, education is completely absent in most rural villages. This situation must change, with schoolhouses being built and educational cadres trained and given an increase in rations large enough to support them year round all across the Republic. (5 Resources per dice (51/300)) (+5 Political Support on completion)

[]Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 3): While progress has been made, there are still many urban citizens who are illiterate. This stage will not totally eliminate illiteracy, but will make it so a solid majority of working-age urban adults will at least be able to write their own names. After this, resources will be shifted to building a more formal education system, as educating people as children will work better than stopgap attempts with adults. (5 Resources per dice (180/250)) (+5 Political Support upon completion)

Military (4 Dice):

[]Simple Weapon Production (Stage 1):
While they are nowhere near as effective as firearms, the availability of steel and heavy machinery means that pikes can be produced cheaply and in massive quantities, to supply to allied groups or trade with independent downtimers. (5 Resources per dice (0/50))

[]Production Line Switchover: While it would require a large effort and cause a substantial disruption to arms production, it is possible to retrofit workshops currently producing pipe guns to start producing the Model 10 rifle in large enough quantities to supply every soldier in the People's Army with one within a few years. (20 Resources per dice (0/225))

[]Cannon Production (Stage 3): Expansions of the People's Army, as well as the possible creation of an actual navy, require the massive expansion of artillery manufacture. The promised increase in steel production and quality will enable the switchover of 12-cm guns to steel from bronze, increasing their durability and decreasing their cost. (15 Resources per dice (59/100))

[]Rifle Production (Stage 3): While enough rifles are being produced to adequately arm currently existing cavalry and Guards units before the next harvest, further expansion would still be incredibly useful to allow for more to be raised, ensure sufficient supply in the face of possible adverse events, and more. (15 Resources per dice (0/125))

[]Grenade Trials: With the new availability of large amounts of explosives, the mass issuance of grenades to troops is now an option. In addition to explosive grenades, incendiary weapons based off of white phosphorus can be tested in both grenades and mortar shells, and preliminary work can begin on methods to utilize other incapacitating agents against enemies. (5 Resources per dice (0/30))

Bureaucracy (3 Dice):

[]Recruit Americans To Ministry:
Almost every single American adult is far more educated than nearly any downtimer, and many have actual experience in areas such as management and accounting. Hundreds of thousands of these people live on the coasts of Anatolia, and many would be more than happy to leave behind a life of subsistence farming to do paperwork. While this will be extremely unpopular, having more educated people in the Ministry can only be a good thing. (5 Resources and -2 Political Support per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation)

[]Recruit Downtimers To Ministry: Even if they don't have much of a formal education, there are thousands of intelligent, motivated, and literate downtimers in the Republic. These people are capable of doing lower-level administrative work, and will learn more with time. Having more of them in our government will also bring us closer to a true people's democracy. (5 Resources per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation)

[]Creation of Attican Shadow Government: The SSD can be tasked with organizing and educating some of the refugees that have fled to the Republic into an administrative cadre to help govern the regions of Greece that will be liberated in the event of a war with New Arizona. While integrating a devastated region that has twice our current population into the Republic will be hard no matter what, this should at least help somewhat. We can also ensure that most of those appointed to important positions are loyal, either to the works of Chairman Mao or yourself. With war on the way, the Army is even willing to pay for the education of the bureaucrats. (0 Resources per dice (0/75))

[]Creation of the Immigration Bureau: With Anatolia now embroiled in war, there is no better time than now to try and recruit as many irreplaceable high school graduates as we can. A streamlined process can be set up for Americans to be enticed into immigrating, vaccinated, taught Greek and proper communist theory, and integrated into various enterprises. (1 Dice, Rolled)

Current Economic Issues (produced/needed):
Transportation: Severe bottlenecks
Fuel: Surplus
Iron: Slight surplus, demand rapidly increasing
Copper: Slight deficit
Wood: Sufficient
Construction Materials: Sufficient
Food: Likely sufficient for next year, even with poor harvest
Cloth: Sufficient production
Rural labor (varies by season): Essentially infinite until April
Urban labor: Sufficient
Literate workers: Surplus
HS educated workers: Surplus

12 Hour Moratorium
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Btw, if anyone was wondering, this is your national anthem.


Forwards damned of this earth
slaves of starvation foward-foward
our right derives from the crater
like a roar like thunderstorm.

That's enough years of slavery
now us humble of this world
who lived under their suppression
are ought to become everything.

In this fight all as one
no one shall be left out
oh! that what's expecting us,
of this world the Internationale.

Gods, lords, and kings,
whose crooked words are tricking us
slaves and laborers of this world
who can only be saved by themselves.

To smash our shackles
to finally cease this slavery
our fist is what they must sense
and the flame of our soul.

In this fight all as one
no one shall be left out
oh! that what's expecting us,
of this world the Internationale.
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[ ] Plan Stopping the Plague
Infrastructure, 4 dice
-[ ] Derveni-Zapantis Canal, 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[ ] Port Facilities (Stage 2), 1 dice (10 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 4 dice
-[ ] Bessemer Converter Experiments, 1 die (20 Resources)
-[ ] Prometheus Heavy Machinery Plant, 2 dice (40 Resources)
-[ ] Portland Cement Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
Light Industry, 3 dice
-[ ] Mills (Stage 2), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Newspapers, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Expanded Book Production, 1 dice (10 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 dice
-[ ] Basic Organic Synthesis, 1 die (20 Resources)
-[ ] Rubber Production Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Glass Production (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
Agriculture, 3 dice
-[ ] Dams (Stage 2), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Basic Herbicides and Pesticides, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Forestry Programs, 1 die (5 Resources)
Services, 4 +4 Free dice
-[ ] Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 2), 8 dice (40 Resources)
Military, 4 dice
-[ ] Simple Weapon Production (Stage 1), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Cannon Production (Stage 3), 2 dice (30 Resources)
-[ ] Grenade Trials, 1 die (5 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 3 Dice
-[ ] Creation of Attican Shadow Government, 2 dice
-[ ] Creation of the Immigration Bureau, 1 die

Resources Available: 270
Resources Used: 270
Resources Remaining: 0
[ ] Plan Peasant Yeeting
Infrastructure, 4 +4 Free dice
-[ ] Derveni-Zapantis Canal, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Lock Systems (Stage 2), 5 dice (25 Resources)
-[ ] Port Facilities (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 4 dice
-[ ] Bessemer Converter Experiments, 1 die (20 Resources)
-[ ] Prometheus Heavy Machinery Plant (Stage 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
-[ ] Megaleío Copper Mine (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
Light Industry, 3 dice
-[ ] Mills (Stage 2), 3 dice (15 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 dice
-[ ] Basic Organic Synthesis, 1 die (20 Resources)
-[ ] Rubber Production Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Glass Production (Stage 1), 1 die (10 Resources)
Agriculture, 3 dice
-[ ] Dams (Stage 2), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Basic Herbicides and Pesticides, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Forestry Programs, 1 die (5 Resources)
Services, 4 dice
-[ ] Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 2), 4 dice (20 Resources)
Military, 4 dice
-[ ] Simple Weapon Production (Stage 1), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Cannon Production (Stage 3), 2 dice (30 Resources)
-[ ] Grenade Trials, 1 die (5 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 3 dice
-[ ] Creation of Attican Shadow Government, 2 dice
-[ ] Creation of the Immigration Bureau, 1 die

Resources Available: 270
Resources Used: 245
Resources Remaining: 25

So there's two pressing issues to handle. Transportation and Smallpox.

Firstup is Infra. We haven't done any projects that actually finished on it that improve our transportation situation, just the still in progress Canal. Meanwhile, our issues there have worsened to Severe Bottlenecks on Turn 6. We need to address this, and it just so happens to be a non-farming turn (which means if we don't address it not, it'll be left hanging and worsening for another couple turns.) That means throwing as many Free Dice as we can afford into Infra to yeet enough Corvee Labor at Locks to complete it, or at least get as close as possible. And 2 dice on the Canal to keep rolling it out and a final die to finish the Ports.

HI finishes Bessemer Converter and starts the Copper Mine. 2 dice meanwhile go onto Prometheus for our first serious Capital Goods plant, since that'll probably print money.

Light Industry is Mills while we have Rural Labor, and it might help some in either winning back some hearts and minds among the peasants before we start demanding they all Touch the Cow, or even help some with the famine. Whatever the case, it's Rural Labor using and is also sawmills, and our demand for wood is about to shoot up quite a bit.

Chemical Industry, Basic Organic Synthesis is things like Sulfa, which we desperately need. And then it's just continuing our other projects.

Agriculture is well, all three, since all 3 are useful and can theoretically complete with one die.

Services is Vaccines. Next turn Services will probably also be Vaccines, and most or all of our free dice, but ATM 4 dice on Vaccines should be enough to get us over Stage 2. Then next turn we can throw enough Free Dice to get Stage 3.

Military I have 1 die on Simple Weapons Production, 1 on Cannon Production, and a final on Grenade trials. Not sure what to do with the last one though. Only real thing would be 2 dice on Cannon Trials.

And then there's Bureaucracy. Shadow Gov and Immigration, not much else to say.
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Looks like the Bessemer converters should go online in time for our iron surplus to run out. Whew tho our smiths must have been adjusting quickly. This turn break is also good because we can hopefully have enough dice to work on the planned coal mining city in tandem with the actual mine.

Poor LI is gonna be flogged for dice. Newspapers seem good for internal propoganda and information dissemination, and mills are good for making our rural population more productive.

Basic organic synthesis gives us antibiotics, it is by far our most important project in chemistry, and would be the most important in general if not for smallpox. We should get it done asap.

AG: ITS CORVEE TIME. Getting dams done would be great since it means we can keep working on locks in infra and it'll harden us against future droughts. Reforestation is a great long term project that'll save us a lot of trouble down the road, that we can also plant food trees is icing on the cake. Basic pesticides is obviously good, I only hope our minister gets over her organic farming brainworms when we get more effective agrochemicals. Ah well, well burn that bridge when we get to it.

Services: smallpox. The schools are also obviously important but aaaaa it so nice to get our vax programs set up before the pox crosses the Aegean.

Military: priority is cannon, we get good steel artillery rolling out and the uptimer weapon advantage become very reduced, especially if said uptimer is used to just shooting malnourished downtimers with bronze age melee weapons and not taking cover. Otherwise given our war this turn involves fighting someone who likes sending waves of helots up to block a way to get them to flee without wasting musket ammo would be nice.