Attempting to Fulfil The Plan: ISOT Edition

Cannon Omake: Starting Dispositions in the Vanguardist War
Starting Dispositions in the Vanguardist War

New American Republic
The New American Republic had already taken a severe blow at the hands of the Vanguardists before the war officially began, with the initial Vanguardist core capturing the capital of Globe, seizing it and the surrounding territory as their own.

The NAR's situation was further complicated by the structure of the nation. Though it proclaimed itself a Libertarian Republic, in truth the NAR's structure was a feudalistic alliance of warlords (titled "Senators"), each of whom had near-absolute authority over their territories and the loyalty of their own private armies and militias. The President was merely the largest of the warlords, with control over the city of Globe and nominal authority over the others. This division has served the Vanguardists well, complicating the issue of forming a unified front and causing more than a few Senators to defect outright.

When Globe fell and the NAR's President Whitefield was forced to flee, he committed the one unforgivable sin for a warlord: showing weakness. An alliance between two of the more powerful Senators, Dean Baker and Chuck Wise, quickly had him arrested and executed, forming what would be the main power bloc within the NAR and rallying the remaining loyal Senators to their banner.

The alliance was a potent one. Baker had a network of favors and connections to demand support from other Senators, while Chuck Wise held a grip upon a significant portion of the nation's agriculture and an equally sizable militia. Nevertheless, things remain unstable. Baker's connections allowed him to claim the Presidency, but his alliance with Wise has become less stable as a result, though kept intact for now with extensive promises of land from Vanguardist territory. Furthermore, Whitefield had many allies among other Senators, few of whom were pleased to hear of his execution. For now, Baker hopes to weld together enough of a coalition to retake the capital of Globe, that such a victory will give him the prestige needed to be accepted by the majority.

United States of America (New Washington)
With the largest American population of any nation, solid allies on Cyprus and Naxos, a largely stable democratic government, and a navy capable of power projection across the Mediterranean, New Washington has a well-deserved reputation as the most powerful of the First Wave States. Despite all this, the nation has been dealt a rough hand by fate and chance since the beginning of the 2nd post-Event decade.

Early on in the decade, it seemed that the nation's fortunes would continue to turn for the better, with the unexpected murder of the First State of New Arizona's President causing the already-reeling nations to collapse entirely. But attempts to exploit this collapse led to the disastrous Battle of New Peyson, and soon after the loss of Malta to Downtimer revolt, as reinforcements were hastily re-routed to fill the lost ranks. By the time the dust settled, over 300 trained, professional soldiers had been torn out of New Washington's army.

The loss of hundreds of professional soldiers was a devastating blow to New Washington's military capabilities, albeit not one they couldn't recover from given time. Equally significant though was the blow to morale and prestige, having not only been defeated by a warlord who commanded a mere fraction of New Arizona's army, but having lost their Maltese colony to Crete in the aftermath. The other political parties of New Washington's Uptimer Democracy eagerly exploited this to criticize the ruling Progressive Party, which managed at least to hold its own by pointing out improvements their tenure had brought to domestic quality of life.

Even so, the election of late 11 AE looked certain to be a messy one, made even worse by the promise of a poor harvest. This was something the New Washington government had no control over and had the food reserves to endure, but it was an ill omen to begin an election season on, especially to a population that still remembered the Cold Summers in the aftermath of the Event.

This was the environment in which the Vanguardist faith was starting to take root. The first converts were Downtimers, as President Whitefield of the NAR quietly encouraged a few Vanguardists to join with the latest shipments of weapons to Downtimer rebels within New Washington. This rather foolish act was done in the hopes that the Vanguardist faith would prove a unifying factor amongst the rebels, and allow him control over them via his (self-perceived) ability to control Abiel Wyse.

Across the harvest season of late 11 AE, the faith would spread like wildfire. Downtimers would remain the primary source of converts, but even a number of Uptimers were coming around to Vanguardism, largely a motley collection of frustrated subsistence farmers in the interior and a mix of soldiers and militia demoralized by recent military defeats and the seemingly endless grind of conflict with Downtimer rebels. At that time though, the faith itself was still limited to the hinterlands away from the main centers of power in New Washington, until the election ended.

The results of the election were catastrophic. Not because one faction had clearly crushed all others in votes, but because there seemed to be no clear winner between the Labor Coalition (the far-left), the Progressives (center-left), the Republicans (center-right), and the Conservatives (the far-right). Escalating Downtimer uprisings combined with a notable refugee flight from the NAR as the Vanguardist insurrection began contributed to no small amount of chaos across many districts, leaving the voting outcome uncertain, and accusations abound of fraud as all four parties denounced each other, while claiming that they were the rightful winner.

Frustrated with electoralism and seeing the chaos engulfing West Anatolia as an opportunity, the Conservative Party (the far-right party of New Washington) attempted a coup. Supported by right-wing elements of the army and a number of the nation's increasingly influential landlords, the coup was nevertheless foiled in relatively short order by loyal military units, the local police, and a variety of hastily mobilized citizen militias in the capital itself.

Fearing annihilation on charges of treason, the Conservatives threw their lot in and declared their support for the newborn Christ's Kingdom on Earth, ordering loyal military units on the border to invite the Vanguardist soldiers in to defend the new "faithful" from "Liberal-Communist tyranny." Though rather stunned at this about-face, the commander of the Vanguardist units at the New Washington border was swift to take advantage, and before long much of the New Washington interior was occupied by Crusaders.

This would prove to be a fatal miscalculation by the Conservatives however. Having assumed the highly religious Vanguardists would hold similar political beliefs to their own, they were appalled to find that the Vanguardists identified far more strongly with the various Downtimer sharecroppers and de-facto serfs that worked the farmland of the landlords of the interior. The Vanguardists viewed these Downtimers as their kin, particularly as the Vanguardist faith was widespread among their number and viewed the Conservatives (correctly) as little more than opportunists and false-converts. The plantations soon burned, many landlords found themselves killed by their former laborers, and the Vanguardist invaders have been greeted as liberators by most Downtimers.

In New Washington itself meanwhile, the unprecedented crisis led to a hasty political ceasefire. With the Conservatives gone, a Coalition Government was formed around the incumbent President Dengra of the Progressive Party, denouncing the Conservatives as traitors and the Vanguardists as deranged fanatics. Nevertheless, politically this coalition teeters on a knife's edge, with all three of the remaining parties despising each other and still viewing themselves as the rightful winners of the election. Further complicating factors has been the defection of a small but noticeable number of Labor Coalition and Republican members to the Vanguardists (with the LC defectors praising the Vanguardists' equality of treatment Downtimers, and the Republican ones viewing it as a version of "Christianization" of them that they have long-advocated.)

A mere year after the collapse of its main rival in the First State of New Arizona, and New Washington looks ready to fall into the abyss itself. The army has been gutted twice over by combat losses and defections, forcing the government to rely heavily on the National Guard of the various towns and counties, along with even more ad-hoc units of citizen militias. The only silver lining so far is the fact that New Washington retains control of the capital, coastline, and the majority of the industry, though what territory remains is, like its neighbor in the NAR, facing significant resistance from Downtimer Vanguardist rebels. As it stands, President Dengra hopes to be able to assemble a coalition of nations across West Anatolia, along with New Washington's own allies for the purpose of defeating the Vanguardists. At the same time though, quiet feelers have been extended to the Republic of Naxos about the possibility of hosting a government-in-exile, just in case.

Christ's Kingdom on Earth
A nation still in the process of its birth, Christ's Kingdom on Earth dominates the interior regions of New Washington and the New American Republic, having seized the former NAR capital of Globe and returning it to its original name of Sfard. From here, the Vanguardists have spread across much of West Anatolia, and even in areas not under their direct control, one can often find widespread unrest and rebellion in the name of Abiel Wyse, the Younger Brother of Jesus Christ.

Although the Kingdom has expanded with astonishing speed and the ranks of its army swell with recruits, the Vanguardist state has a number of problems. Among the most obvious is its location in the interior cutting it off from the sea, and with it the vital fishing industries that can sustain a nation even through a poor harvest. With the poor harvest of 11 AE, most granaries lie empty, and if the chaos of warfare interferes with the farming of 12 AE, the new state could be facing a famine in short order.

Furthermore, while the newly born nation's territory is vast, it is not truly entirely under Vanguardist control. Across both former NAR and New Washington territory, loyalist holdouts remain a constant issue. Ranging from isolated military detachments to bands of settler-militias fearful of execution by vengeful Downtimers, the vast majority of them are armed with at least some amount of pre-Event weapons, making them a troublesome opponent that would require extensive military efforts to fully root out.

But perhaps the most potentially devastating of the Kingdom's weaknesses is the very speed that has allowed it to spread over more than half of the territory of the two largest nations in West Anatolia. To attain that speed, much of the Kingdom's territory has been left under the rule of either its pre-formation warlords (particularly in the case of former NAR lands), de-facto military rule, or a chaotic mix of local rebel bands frantically trying to hash out something resembling a proper bureaucracy. Until the kingdom manages to form some sort of administrative apparatus, its organization resembles not so much a nation-state as an army with pretensions of one, a situation that will only worsen the longer it takes with an increasing risk of causing the entire cause to collapse under its own weight.
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Turn 7 (12AE Trimester 1): Arise, Vast Country Results
Turn 7 (12AE Trimester 1): Arise, Vast Country Results
285+5+10-25 Quarantine-10 Verification-10 Incentives=260 Resources Per Turn, 10 In Storage
49+5 Political Support

While quarantines and disruption due to the smallpox epidemic have made information hard to come by, the situation abroad appears to have become even more chaotic. The New American Republic has largely collapsed, with much of its territory having fallen to the Vanguards of Christ and many regions defecting to New Washington, the Emergency Commission, and the American Republic of Turkey, and the pirates of Rhodes seizing the island of Psara as a base for further slave raids. The Vanguards of Christ have had some issues themselves, with some sort of internal power struggle leading to the execution of many important figures, including the older sister of the supposed prophet.

The chaos caused by the Vanguardists has spread to Troy, with a large rebellion swearing fealty to the Kingdom having recently erupted in its hinterlands. While New Washington has suffered minor losses, its internal politics have at least become somewhat more stable with both the Labor Coalition and Republicans having begrudgingly accepted that the Progressives won last year's election.

The New Pueblo Revolutionary Army has won several victories against the USAF Northern Command, with the army pushing several dozen kilometers further east along the coast. They also managed to assassinate most of the Supreme Command Council in a bombing attack, including Major William Bridgers-Morgan, which is expected to significantly reduce their overall capabilities going forwards. Lastly, Crete has begun to reconquer Sicily from the rebels, with several landings being made at various locations along the coast.


Derveni-Zapantis Canal
: A navigable canal to connect the Gulf of Corinth to the city of Mycenae and the Aegean as a whole will massively decrease the difficulty of transporting goods to our capital. Work has begun on a series of locks, reservoirs, and pumps to enable the movement of small barges between the Derveni and Zapantis rivers, but this requires a vertical climb of close to a hundred meters. However, even with its massive cost, it must be worth it for the Cretans to have built a similar canal. (10 Resources per dice (558+90=648/975), loss of political support if less than 50 progress/turn) (Makes most other projects cheaper) (+25 Political Support on completion)

The pumping stations to bring water to the reservoir at the highest point of the canal are now complete, and filling has begun. Large amounts of work have also been completed on the canals and locks themselves, with several kilometers having been built in the last few months.

Lock Systems (Stage 2): While carts are an option for transporting goods, river transport is an order of magnitude cheaper. This would build more locks, especially along the Peiros and Asopos rivers, to enable the cheap transport of bulk goods such as grain and timber. (5 resources per dice (0+143/200) (Stage 2 Dams required for next stage). (Makes many other projects cheaper, +5 Political Support on completion)

A massive shock effort has led to a large expansion of the Republic's system of navigable waterways in just a few months. The Peiros river and some of its tributaries are now navigable for small barges, increasing the supply of wood, stone, grain, and other bulk materials for Dyme. Several locks along the Asopos river have also been completed, although some have not yet been built, as it is considered a lower priority due to its larger distance from the Republic's major urban centers.

Port Facilities (Stage 2): While much has been done to improve the state of the Republic's port capability, it still leaves a lot to be desired. Shipbuilding has seen even less progress, with the vast majority of boats currently being built being barely any different to pre-Event designs. This stage will expand the ports of major cities further, build a few new ones at strategic locations, and create a shipyard in Mycenae capable of building ships that are merely centuries instead of millennia out of date. (10 Resources per dice (176+6=182/200)) (Fishing Fleet, Merchant Marine, and Creation of the Red Navy unlocked on completion)

Progress on the shipyards has continued to be disappointingly slow. While some work has been done, even the damage from the fire caused by New Arizonan saboteurs has not yet fully been repaired, showing how much of a threat that state poses to the Republic.

"Yes, I know they didn't actually do it, you know they didn't actually do it, and everyone else knows they didn't actually do it too, but that doesn't matter. We have to say they did it when we declare war on them, and hope everyone else politely pretends to believe our lie." - Lucas Perkins to a subordinate

Heavy Industry

Bessemer Converter Experiments
: While it is far more complex and expensive compared to puddling furnaces, the Bessemer process has at least an order of magnitude higher throughput, and produces steel instead of wrought iron. An experimental converter will be built in the Thríambos ironworks, where if all goes well it will have ready access to molten pig iron for conversion into steel. (20 Resources per dice (31+95=126/50)) (Complete, +5 Political Support) (Quality Die 83) (Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 3) 150/350)

A working Bessemer converter has finally been built, with suprisingly few complications. Even this small prototype has increased the Republic's steel output by over twenty percent, and work has begun on building many larger converters to provide the Revolution with the steel it needs to bring a better world into being. While puddling steel will continue being used for some specialized applications that require the absolute best quality, Bessemer steel is still good enough for almost all applications, and its widespread adoption is absolutely necessary if steel production is to increase by yet another order of magnitude.

Prometheus Heavy Machinery Plant (Stage 1): With iron and steel production increasing by an order of magnitude in the past year, far more equipment of far larger sizes can be produced. We have enough raw materials to produce thousands of ploughs, pots, and axes every day, but blacksmiths and a few steam hammers are not enough to actually produce them at a significant rate. A dedicated plant to for heavy industrial equipment will enable us to actually make use of what we produce, and then increase production tenfold yet another time. (20 Resources per dice (0+55/100)) (+5 Political Support and several new projects on completion)

Most of the Republic's machine shops are tasked with building the components for the plant that will outclass them all. Many are complete within just a few months, although most are still incomplete. They are placed in a complex of new brick buildings just outside of Mycenae, with access to nearby water power and labor in large enough amounts for any reasonable task. Still, there is much work remaining before the planned facility is complete.

Megaleío Copper Mine (Stage 1): While copper may not be as vital as steel, it is still necessary for many purposes. Now that explosives for blasting are available, extraction of ore can be massively increased, with new crushers, roasters, and furnaces being built to refine it into metal. (10 Resources per dice (0+13/50))

Work on the new mine begins, with multiple shafts being driven into the ground and temporary barracks for miners and their families set up nearby. The beneficiation, roasting, and smelting facilities also begin construction, but their already slow construction is upset when the main reverberatory furnace for matte smelting collapses in the middle of construction, no doubt due to sabotage.

"All available evidence suggests that the collapse of the furnace was due to a combination of uneven settlement and insufficient time given for mortar to dry before the placement of further layers of bricks, instead of any sabotage. Future incidents can likely be avoided by slowing the pace of construction." - Report to MoED Safety Commission, destroyed on receipt

Light Industry

Mills (Stage 2)
: While dozens of water-powered mills have already been built, far more are required for economic growth. In more remote areas, smaller gristmills will aid masses of peasants and provide a way of increasing state influence over remote villages, and more centralized locations will be host to even more sawmills and rock crushers to feed construction and industry. A few rotary lathes will also be installed to produce veneers for plywood, although as we are limited to fish glue for adhesives they will have abysmal water resistance. (5 Resources per dice (25+185=210/150) Complete) (Stage 3 (60/200))

In nearly a hundred villages, mills for threshing and grinding grain are set up, often at the same time as dams are constructed. Several larger mills are also built at the site of larger dams, for everything from crushing rock and ores to making veneers for plywood.

Chemical Industry

Basic Organic Synthesis
: While a lack of reagents, equipment, and personnel massively limits what can be done, there are still many applications for the light fractions of coal tar that are within reach. Work will be done to establish the production of mauveine, paracetamol, DDT, aspirin, and sulfanilamide at a pilot plant scale, and the massive benefits they will bring are merely a taste of things to come. (20 Resources per dice (0+27/50)) (Significant reduction to all-cause mortality and army attrition) (Unlocks more projects)

Plants for the production of everything from dyes to pharmaceuticals have been set up and begun production, mostly on the scale of a few dozen kilograms per day. However, purity and yield have been wildly variable due to massive deficits in both equipment and personnel training, with Minister Grey herself spending several hours teaching per day to try and rectify this.

"I thought that the Event would at least mean I wouldn't have to worry about Ochem ever again, but somehow I couldn't even get that." - Tasha Little

Rubber Production Experiments: While there aren't any rubber trees for thousands of miles away, a few references have been found to dandelions producing a rubber-containing latex, and an experimental program by the Soviet Union to use them to develop a domestic supply of rubber in the 30's. Expectations for labor efficiency and quality of the end product are not high, but even poor quality and expensive rubber would be useful for nearly limitless purposes. (10 Resources per dice (9+25=34/30)) (Complete) (Quality Die 21) (Dandelion Rubber Production Unlocked)

Successful production of rubber from dandelions has been demonstrated. While yield is quite low and quality is not amazing, it is still far better than nothing at all. Plans have been drawn up to expand rubber production substantially in the future, a necessity for several modernization programs to become reality.

Glass Production (Stage 1): While both quality and quantity are massively limited, the production of items such as bottles, beakers, cups, and small pieces of window glass can finally begin on a significant scale. These will have massive variations in quality and dimensions due to using barely trained glassblowers and essentially no machinery, but it is still far better than nothing. (10 Resources per dice (23+63=86/75)) (Complete, Stage 2 11/125) (+5 Resources per turn, +5 more from trade once quarantine lifted)

A massive expansion of the glassworks in Mycenae has been completed, with hundreds employed in the workshops. While quality is lacking, with much of what is produced shattering during cooling and the survivors being left with a greenish tinge that can only be offset via the addition of large amounts of manganese compounds to the melt, it is still far more than what we had before and will increase the quality of life of all workers in the Republic.

"I still can't believe that even our capital building didn't have glazed windows until a month ago." - Chairwoman Shaw


Dams (Stage 2)
: Many more dams can be built to allow for more irrigation of farmland and more consistent flow of rivers through the season. This will benefit not only agriculture, but also transportation and industry. However, despite being fairly simple to construct, they do require very large amounts of soil and rock to be moved. (5 Resources per dice (156+91=247/200)) (Complete, Stage 3 47/300))

Construction of the latest planned stage of dams has completed. While none are very large, with the highest being merely 12 meters tall, over a hundred have been built throughout the Republic. Most have been built with structures in place to distribute water for irrigation, promising to increase yields considerably in the future. They will also moderate the flow of many rivers and streams over the seasons, as well as making many wider and deeper. This will allow for the Republic's system of navigatible waterways to be expanded even further in the future.

Basic Herbicides and Pesticides: While neither lime sulfur or ammonium soaps are the most effective treatments, Citizen Barnett is accepting of them as "natural" and, more importantly, are within your ability to produce at scale. (10 Resources per dice (0+27/75))

While workshops for the production of sulfur from pyrite and ammonium soaps from fish and olive oil have been set up in several towns, efforts to distribute them to villages and educate peasants about their use have been stymied by travel restrictions related to the quarantine, as many personnel have not been vaccinated until recently.

"I know you're cavalier with safety, but this stuff is nasty and we at least need some kind of protective goggles to keep it from getting into people's eyes and gloves to protect their skin. And then we need to get them to wear them before the peasantry start blinding themselves." - Phil Moreno, teacher

Forestry Programs: While deforestation will not be a problem anytime soon, we should address it early on. Programs can be set up to replant fast-growing species like Douglas fir in forests that have been cut down for timber, as well as to plant trees to serve as windbreaks for fields and orchards for food production. (5 Resources per dice (0+85/75)) (Complete)

Programs have been set up to educate peasants about planting trees for windbreaks and erosion control, as well as for improved methods for planting and maintaining orchards. More centralized campaigns have also been set up to plant fast-growing species in areas which have recently been cleared in order to provide a sustainable supply of timber, although many will remain deforested to be used as farmland and grazing pastures.

Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 2): With most of the officials and seamen of the Republic having been vaccinated, it must now be rolled out to urban dwellers as a whole. As the plauge spreads closer every day, no amount of effort is too much to secure the safety of the Republic. (5 Resources per dice (228/175)) (Complete) (Stage 3 53/250) (Stage 4 0/325)

All residents of the major cities of the Popular Republic, as well as many in villages nearby cities, have been vaccinated with cowpox. However, with the vast majority of the population still unvaccinated, a full quarantine being impossible to enforce, and smallpox getting closer every day, the current rate of vaccination is almost certainly not fast enough to treat everyone before the plague arrives. Worse, cowpox often causes a fairly serious illness, with nearly a third of vaccinated adults becoming unable to work for several weeks and several deaths being reported. While a few deaths are an acceptable price to pay for protection against smallpox, a third of the workforce being removed during planting or harvest will lead to famine. Therefore, a series of emergency measures have been proposed to ensure enough labor is available for farming even if cowpox and/or smallpox severely reduces our available labor pool.

[]Authorize Emergency Measures: While it will come at the cost of a temporary reduction in economic output, famine must be avoided at all costs. Sending most urban laborers involved in non-essential industries to villages in order to help in planting and harvesting for a few months will be far less disruptive than tens of thousands dying of starvation. (Quality dice rolled, significant reduction in resources per turn until harvest, reduces famine severity)

[]Do Not Authorize Emergency Measures: Sending a bunch of city dwellers who haven't farmed for years, if ever, to the countryside will do far more damage than it will help. We must simply live with a fact that a famine is likely, and push on with vaccination, as a famine plus smallpox will be far worse than a famine alone.


Simple Weapon Production (Stage 1):
While they are nowhere near as effective as firearms, the availability of steel and heavy machinery means that pikes can be produced cheaply and in massive quantities, to supply to allied groups or trade with independent downtimers. (5 Resources per dice (0+36/50)) (+1000 pikes/turn from partial completion)

Pikes made of a stamped steel head mounted on a wooden pole have begun production, although even the first planned workshop for them is not yet complete. Still, dozens are produced every day, and stored for future issuance to ad-hoc formations or for trade to foreign downtimers.

Cannon Production (Stage 3):
Expansions of the People's Army, as well as the possible creation of an actual navy, require the massive expansion of artillery manufacture. The promised increase in steel production and quality will enable the switchover of 12-cm guns to steel from bronze, increasing their durability and decreasing their cost. (15 Resources per dice (59+105=164/100)) (Complete) (Stage 4 64/150) (+12 small +3 large cannons per turn)

Mass production of steel 12-cm cannons has been fully realized, as well as production of smaller amounts of far larger siege bombards. Work has begun on further expansions to cannon production, focusing mainly on smaller mortars as well as some experimental breech-loading cannons.

Grenade Trials: With the new availability of large amounts of explosives, the mass issuance of grenades to troops is now an option. In addition to explosive grenades, incendiary weapons based off of white phosphorus can be tested in both grenades and mortar shells, and preliminary work can begin on methods to utilize other incapacitating agents against enemies. (5 Resources per dice (0+30/30)) (Complete, quality dice 15)

Production of standardized fragmentation, smoke, and incendiary grenades has begun, with many troops being trained in their use. While attempts were made to come up with some sort of rifle grenade, this has been abandoned as they seem to be impractical with our current industrial base. A small-scale experiment was made to determine the effectiveness of various tear agents, with phenacyl chloride the clear winner in terms of effectiveness and cost. However, due to a lack of gas masks, it cannot be used operationally for the forseeable future.

Creation of Attican Shadow Government:
The SSD can be tasked with organizing and educating some of the refugees that have fled to the Republic into an administrative cadre to help govern the regions of Greece that will be liberated in the event of a war with New Arizona. While integrating a devastated region that has twice our current population into the Republic will be hard no matter what, this should at least help somewhat. We can also ensure that most of those appointed to important positions are loyal, either to the works of Chairman Mao or yourself. With war on the way, the Army is even willing to pay for the education of the bureaucrats. (0 Resources per dice (0+53/75))

Hundreds of refugees from New Arizona have been taught basic literacy and are now in the process of being educated further. While there is no way to teach them everything needed for a good bureaucrat before the war starts, they should at least be useful for some lower-level administration, taxation, and education tasks.


Creation of the Immigration Bureau:
With Anatolia now embroiled in war, there is no better time than now to try and recruit as many irreplaceable high school graduates as we can. A streamlined process can be set up for Americans to be enticed into immigrating, taught Greek and proper communist theory, and integrated into various enterprises. (1 Dice, Rolled) (47)

A permanent agency for immigration and a formal process for immigrating Americans to go through are now in place. While planned efforts to advertise opportunities in the Republic are on hold until vaccination campaigns are complete, several hundred American refugees from Anatolia have arrived over the past few months, mostly being quarantined on ships in the harbor of Mycenae.

Current Economic Issues:
Transportation: Severe bottlenecks
Fuel: Surplus
Iron: Slight surplus, demand rapidly increasing
Copper: Slight deficit
Wood: Sufficient
Construction Materials: Lime and bricks sufficient, sufficient lumber
Food: Likely sufficient for next year, even with poor harvest
Cloth: Sufficient production
Rural labor (varies by season): Essentially infinite until April
Urban labor: Sufficient
Literate workers: Sufficient
HS educated workers: Sufficient

16 Hour Moratorium
"All available evidence suggests that the collapse of the furnace was due to a combination of uneven settlement and insufficient time given for mortar to dry before the placement of further layers of bricks, instead of any sabotage. Future incidents can likely be avoided by slowing the pace of construction." - Report to MoED Safety Commission, destroyed on receipt
What's going on here? Is the Safety comission trying to cover stuff up? That would be pretty bad.

Anyways, looking forwards to getting rubber production going. Rubber means vacuum pumps, vacuum pumps + glass mean vacuum tubes, and that means RADIO. Very important for long-distance comms, especially the navy.

Speaking of comms, I wonder if we'll get some sort of telegraph system on the docket some time soon?
Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 2): With most of the officials and seamen of the Republic having been vaccinated, it must now be rolled out to urban dwellers as a whole. As the plauge spreads closer every day, no amount of effort is too much to secure the safety of the Republic. (5 Resources per dice (228/175)) (Complete) (Stage 3 53/250) (Stage 4 0/325)

All residents of the major cities of the Popular Republic, as well as many in villages nearby cities, have been vaccinated with cowpox. However, with the vast majority of the population still unvaccinated, a full quarantine being impossible to enforce, and smallpox getting closer every day, the current rate of vaccination is almost certainly not fast enough to treat everyone before the plague arrives. Worse, cowpox often causes a fairly serious illness, with nearly a third of vaccinated adults becoming unable to work for several weeks and several deaths being reported. While a few deaths are an acceptable price to pay for protection against smallpox, a third of the workforce being removed during planting or harvest will lead to famine. Therefore, a series of emergency measures have been proposed to ensure enough labor is available for farming even if cowpox and/or smallpox severely reduces our available labor pool.

[]Authorize Emergency Measures: While it will come at the cost of a temporary reduction in economic output, famine must be avoided at all costs. Sending most urban laborers involved in non-essential industries to villages in order to help in planting and harvesting for a few months will be far less disruptive than tens of thousands dying of starvation. (Quality dice rolled, significant reduction in resources per turn until harvest, reduces famine severity)

[]Do Not Authorize Emergency Measures: Sending a bunch of city dwellers who haven't farmed for years, if ever, to the countryside will do far more damage than it will help. We must simply live with a fact that a famine is likely, and push on with vaccination, as a famine plus smallpox will be far worse than a famine alone.
Yeah, so my bad on this. We all either forgot or failed to spell out that yeah, Cowpox is debilitating enough that vaccinations using it will eat into Rural Workforce.

Anyway, I am all for Authorizing Emergency Measures. While grabbing urban laborers to do farming sounds Uncomfortable, it's not as bad in our situation. Most of our urban laborers are the people who were previously living in the city but working on farms a few miles outside, who have since moved to jobs in the city. So the majority have experience with farmwork to some extent.

And from another angle, we frankly really can't afford another bad harvest. Losing close to a year's worth of industrial buildup is gonna suck. But if that's what it takes to be able to keep vaccination going without crippling our farming workforce, it's probably worth the price.

EDIT: Actually, an alternative argument from Blackstar on Discord (who is going to bed soon and I have her permission to post:
We might just be to late for vaccination to have the mass effects we need. Honestly, maybe not disrupting our logistics with mass population movement
Would be better
Keep each village semi isolated
Slow ish roll the vaccine

It's cowpox, it's going to be less effective then first gens
Being vaccinated doesn't stop being a carrier
Not to mention our non existent decontamination

Maybe better slow roll vaccine rollout a bit and gamble on getting a harvest through
Because a later partial impact with food
Will hurt less

We have two ways of broadly playing this
Full call up fuckit rush
Or do everything to preserve the harvest and slow roll

Am tempted to say, maybe not over react, focus on getting a harvest in
Vaccination at 4 dice
Use our industry to help the harvest
Rather then diversification

Not honestly sure what would be the better option
We aren't going to contain it in any sense but getting a harvest in, and with a low investment maybe have the sick mostly happen between planting and harvesting
Since it's not an all out sprint
Keeps our economy going to
Which has advantages as every turn is more steel ploughs/reapers/tools

It also plays to our advantages in industry more, and while we can't produce a solution, we can sorta compensate
Am thinking keep steady, don't panic, and we probably can make it through
Plus disease deaths are far less destabilizing then hunger
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so if we authorize emergency measures we have to rely on a quality die for the harvest along with the regular harvest die, and that's not good, because it's two chances to fuck us over. if we don't we slow roll the vaccination and hope that 4 dice on vax gets us enough progress to at least omake complete it (can anyone run the chances on that?). even if we slow roll, we want to do projects that are urban labor intensive, if we do emergency we basically sit on our hands as our population works their asses off to not starve, then we go to war. got damn 12 ae is not a good year
i think that slow rolling the vaccine is the only way we survive this."immunity" doesnt really always work and people will still fall ill especially if we have a famine in the midst(hungry people get sick so fast its not even funny).so long as the harvest isnt terrible we can survive the coming famine with strict rationing. the best course forward imo is to vaccinate villages one at a time, and those that cannot be reached will be quarentined as muchas its feasable with them providing food dead-drops so that we all dont starve.

what really bothers me is that right after that, we are going to go into and conquer a famine and smallpox filled area. conquering is going to be easy as the population centers are going to be in a crisis with 30% of the population dead and the rest probably in the midst of a famine. my question is if we want to invade at such a terrible time because holding that territory is going to be a nightmare as we will need to hoard our food supply in enemy terrain to supply our garrisons. whilst they are starving and having watched a third of the people they know die a horrible painful death and many of those left will still be disfigured. simply put we will not have the resources to provide relief and rather than liberators we will be seen as conquerors. its much more reasonable and practical to wait another year for this. while they may have reorganized, non vaccinated states will not be able to recover in any significant capacity(remember this is medieval age, a plague or a famine could easily offset years of development)
[X] Do Not Authorize Emergency Measures

I'm overall leaning more on not authorizing emergency measures now. The fact that it needs to roll a Quality Die makes me worried about it backfiring, and even vaccinated our urban workers can still act as carriers for the disease.

Maybe better to just steadily slowroll the vaccine out while hoping our Verifications and such make it so it takes longer to spread across the rurals.
Okay, last overview of emergency measures

-people are used to labor tax
-a large margin of urban workers have direct farming experience
-the urban population is more loyal and likely would be willing to put up with it
-taking advantage of already existing villages
-allows us to go full vaccination
-we have done projects that gives us the necessary info to carry it out

-highly disruptive economically
-always risky to do large scale population movements
-dubious amount of expertise to make even this simple plan go smoothly
-likely to annoy the shit out of our population
-urban workers could spread smallpox to villages despite being vaccinated, which could result in smallpox hitting before the vaccinations provide any protection
[X] Do Not Authorize Emergency Measures

essentially, this is going to suck, let's please not do anything that has a chance of making things worse when we're already relying on not having a shitty harvest
[X] Do Not Authorize Emergency Measures

As far as I'm concerned the main difference between doing and not doing the emergency measures is we piss off the urban population too.

Although if smallpox doesn't spread to our little corner of Greece we might be able to

Not exactly slow roll the vaccines but try to shoot for half to minimize worker attrition. Depends how much we want to risk famine over smallpox or vise versa
Okay, I wrote this up on a whim so I'll be surprised if we actually get an Omake bonus out of this, but since it's been written I might as well post it.
What Other People Think of Christ's Kingdom on Earth

Emergency Commission: [Terrified Screaming]
United States (New Washington): [Terrified Screaming]
New American Republic: [Terrified Screaming]
American Republic of Turkey: [Terrified Screaming]
Republic of Troy: [Terrified Screaming]
Republic of Naxos: [Horrified Screaming]
Dual Kingdom of Crete and Mycenae: "Every time we hear about them our priestesses lose their fucking minds."
Second State of New Arizona: "Any Vanguardist is to be killed on sight."
Kingdom of Iolcus: "Never let your priests get out of control."
Popular Republic of Mycenae: "Ironic that a state so opposed to us has been such an indirect benefit."
USAF Remnants (sans New Monthan): "Religious zealots causing massive problems? You don't say…"
United States (New Monthan): "Savages and Heretics."
New Pueblo: "Reactionary Scum."
Federal Republic of America: [Nervously fortifying the border.]
Republic of Crimea: "Followers of a false prophet."
Kingdom of Alashiya: "If they take out New Washington we're fucked!"
Hattusa Republic: "Ah wonderful, more religious instability. Exactly what we don't need."
Republic of Rome: "I am so glad we're on the opposite side of Anatolia."
United States (New Tucson): "Let them burn West Anatolia to the ground. When they collapse, we'll be ready to pick up the pieces."
Egypt: "We may be able to seize all of Alashiya if they continue winning…"
Lukka: "The best kind of Amerikuman Scum: the kind that kill many other Amerikumans."
Sicily: [Too busy dying to have an opinion.]
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