remember that the more we attempt to vaccinate, the more possible infection vectors we bring to isolated rural communities. im in support of a slow rollout not only because of a possible famine, but because our presence at this stage could be a threat in and of itself.
still think that if we tell rural communities to not leave their home villages for the next year, and doing a system of dead drops to transfer goods, we could severely reduce contagion in the majority of our population(as almost everyone lives in rural areas)
[x] Plan Cannons and Cowpox, Extra-Cautious Version
This turn was below-average for us in terms of rolls (except for a few key places), balanced out by it being absolutely catastrophic for like, half of the nations in the Mediterranean (and Sicily.)
Darn, I was really hoping that Ports and Basic Organic Synthesis would complete this turn. Being able to start building ships and better medicine before the war starts would've be nice.
Darn, I was really hoping that Ports and Basic Organic Synthesis would complete this turn. Being able to start building ships and better medicine before the war starts would've be nice.
Darn, I was really hoping that Ports and Basic Organic Synthesis would complete this turn. Being able to start building ships and better medicine before the war starts would've be nice.
The Origins of Dissent
Derisively known as the Police State, the Republic of Troy has faced significant internal unrest since its founding. Originally having stabilized by acquiring a monopoly of force for the former members of the Tucson Police Department, the Republic would rapidly begin to destabilize following the beginning of the 2nd Wave, which saw the American population skyrocket into the tens of thousands, most of whom were still armed and resentful of the police's dominance. Utilizing the American population in a program of widespread settler expansion kicked that particular can down the road, but also led to Troy absorbing an equally vast number of Downtimers.
When the Vanguardist War spilled over into Troy, these cracks widened into full-scale revolt across the nation, as every group with a grudge against the administration of former police captain Victoria Paris took up arms for their own causes.
While the below-mentioned groups are more broad, overall movements than actual, singular organizations, they nevertheless represent the largest undertones and sentiments within the various rebel movements in the Republic of Troy.
When the 2nd Wave hit Troy in earnest, the police state was thrown into a crisis. While the previous American population of Troy numbered a few thousand by this point, immigration looked set to increase that several times over even by the most conservative estimates. Though the massed increase of the nation's educated workforce was a boon, it also greatly complicated the internal situation, as these new arrivals were often fairly well-armed, and though some were willing to trade their weapons for greater privileges and promises of security, many more were unwilling to part with them merely to preserve the police's monopoly of force.
An attempt to kick this particular can down the road led to a major expansion of Troy, as the Republic sponsored expeditions across its section of northwest Anatolia, greatly expanding the nation's borders. While this kept many of the armed 2nd Wave Americans away from the center of power in Troy itself, and increased the territory and resources available to the Republic, it also exacerbated the issue, as the successful immigrant communities had now organized in their own settlements, with experienced militias that still stubbornly refused to disband. For their part, the 2nd Wave Americans were growing increasingly resentful of Troy for additional reasons, namely the lack of any real democracy in the so-called "Republic." The President was Paris's husband and his staff filled by the police, his term had no designated limits, and the promise of elections was constantly pushed back. Nor was there any real attempt to allow these more distant settlements a say in how the Republic of Troy was governed, not unless they were willing to fully subordinate themselves to Troy and the police. These frustrations only increased the independent streak of the 2nd Wave Americans of Troy, and tensions very quickly began to boil, with meetings between various townships and villages taking place as far away from the watchful eyes of the police as possible.
When the Vanguardist revolt erupted in Troy's eastern territory, many of these resentful communities saw their chance, rising in open revolt themselves. The precise goals for the rebellions varied, with a few seeking to overthrow Paris and form a true, democratic Republic of Troy (for Americans at least), while the majority took the independent streak of the 2nd Wave Trojans a step further and made the decision to declare full independence. The 2nd category have become particularly common in the sections of the Republic south of the Karamenderes River, far from the center of power in Troy but often well-populated by Americans and at least somewhat prosperous due to coastal trade, to the point that even before the rebellion, portions of the Trojan leadership had begun to refer to that dangerously independent section of territory as the "Wilsonian Coast" (Rachel Wilson having become synonymous with traitor in the eyes of much of the police and Paris in particular.) The overall movement, owing to its at least lip service to democratic ideals and the so-called "Right to Bear Arms" has been given the nickname of "Minutemen" by many of its supporters.
Though they are well-armed and spirited, calling the Minutemen a singular movement would be woefully inaccurate. Not only is the long-term goal not universally agreed on, but there is no such thing as a single organization of all the Minutemen, merely a general sentiment of outrage against the Trojan government and desire for change that has picked up its own name. While some of the newly independent settlements on the Wilsonian Coast have formed into larger alliances and coalitions, many remain as independent from each other as they are from Troy itself, and struggles between each other for resources and territory are quite common.
The ACAB League
More radical than the Minutemen, the All Cops Are Bastards(ACAB) League is composed of the more radical left-wing dissidents to the Trojan Police. While comparatively few left-wing Americans were willing to immigrate to a nation run by the former police department in the first place, the hardship suffered by Americans across Anatolia still convinced some to take the gamble. After arriving, most swiftly decided that the Republic of Troy was a confirmation of everything they'd believed about the police.
Other members of the ACAB League are more recent converts. The southern coast of the Republic of Troy is just a quick boat ride away from the Anarchist commune of Lesbos. While Lesbos has little interest in provoking its far larger and more powerful neighbors, the sheer proximity of the island means that some level of interaction and trade was inevitable. With trade came the spread of ideology, and far-left ideals appealed to many who were frustrated with the Trojan police. While wary of this, the leadership of Troy lacked the ability to project true authority so far south, and as many new converts to Socialism tended to emigrate to Lesbos, it was even seen as a useful release valve for those least likely to cooperate with Trojan leadership. Such a decision was swiftly regretted when the ACAB League formed, centered around the fishing village of Ajo within the Wilsonian Coast.
The most notable demographic within the ACAB League is members of the Trojan LGBTQ+ community, disliked by the socially conservative Tucson police department. While transgender individuals received some limited degree of respite thanks to Paris's husband's nephew Sebastian being a trans man, hostility towards homosexuality has only increased due to Rachel Wilson, Anax of Crete and the person whom Troy's leadership despises with a singular passion, being a lesbian.
While the ACAB League has repeatedly declared its desire to trample on the Trojan police state's ashes, most of its members have a more realistic estimate of their chances. Carving out some small slice of the southern coastline into a socialist state may be possible, but making a Socialist revolution dominant above all the others across Troy is little more than a flight of fancy. Many of the ACAB League are instead intent on escaping the Republic of Troy with as much as they can, and doing a great deal of damage on the way out. Further inland, ACAB members appear to focus less on seizing territory compared to their Minutemen counterparts, and more on waging a campaign of terror and assassination on any police officer they can locate, or funneling dissidents closer to the Trojan core to the southern coast.
Trojan Vanguardism
Though the Minutemen and ACAB League might be the most well-known of Uptimer rebels, more feared than either is the predominantly Downtimer rebellion of Vanguardists. Having already secured a chunk of Troy's eastern territory and with numerous, smaller scale revolts elsewhere in the Republic, the Vanguardists are determined to tear down the Republic of Troy entirely. Though armed largely with only pre-Event weapons and converted farming and labor tools, the general appeal of Vanguardism to the oppressed Downtimer populace (and some sections of the Uptimer one) combined with the chaos engulfing the entire Republic mean they might just be able to accomplish their goal.
The vast majority of the Vanguardists in Troy are Downtimers, Luwians who have been conquered by Troy and used as manual labor for everything from farm to construction work. Conditions are poor and treatment is harsh, with Uptimer abuse of Downtimers going largely unpunished, while retaliation for any sort of dissent on the part of the Downtimers is draconian even by First Wave Nation standards.
Vanguardism was slow to spread to the Republic of Troy by the nation's sheer distance from the movement's core in the New American Republic, but when it did, partially by refugees and partially by missionaries, it exploded across the population. The eastern hinterlands of Troy were always in a rebellious mood, far away from the well-armed police and egged on by constant border conflicts between the 2nd Wave settlers and the remaining Luwain kingdoms to the east. Bringing with them a small but notable selection of guns, the Vanguardist missionaries quickly set to work organizing an uprising, helped by the widespread resentment even many Uptimers felt towards the Republic of Troy's administration. When the revolt began, both the police and the militias were too busy fighting each other to stop it, allowing it to spread like wildfire across the vast and sparsely populated hinterlands, with further Vanguardist risings occurring elsewhere in the nation, though with less success.
Given the revolt's distance from the core Vanguards of Christ, and the small number of Uptimers within said revolt (even counting local American converts, there are only a few hundred), some degree of ideological divergence is to be expected. Most notably, Trojan Vanguardists have the belief that Christ is another Uptimer who arrived in Anatolia during the Event, and was killed by Americans for his preachings. Abdiel Wyse, his younger brother, formed the Vanguards and launched the revolt to avenge him and continue his work. For now, the various missionaries of the Vanguards have decided that correcting these misunderstandings is less important than ensuring the revolt continues to succeed and spread.
The revolt itself is the odd man out among the rebels. While the other rebel organizations are American, the Vanguardists are almost entirely Downtimer. As such, they are sorely lacking in Uptime weapons, other than those that can be smuggled in or scavenged from the dead, and have even less training with them, aside from a handful of the original Vanguards. Furthermore, while the hinterlands see Downtimers heavily outnumbering Uptimers, the area around Troy itself has a far lower ratio, and is the Downtimer population under much more heavy surveillance and repression. Not to mention the other, also well-armed rebel groups of Troy are unlikely to look fondly upon the Vanguardists themselves. It remains to be seen whether the Trojan Vanguardists will be able to overcome these shortcomings to overthrow their American foes without further aid from Sfard.
The above three are merely the largest and most organized (and that is damning by faint praise) of the Trojan rebel groups. Aside from them, there are many other dissidents, ranging from Downtimer uprisings independent of the Vanguardists, would-be warlords seeking to carve out their own independent kingdoms, and "mere" rioting over the last year's poor harvest. Opposing all of these is Victoria Paris and the Trojan Police Force, expanded and well-armed, its ammunition stockpiles mostly replenished from expenditure during the events of the First Wave and its aftermath. Troy itself is held in an iron grip, and both the Downtimer and civilian American populations are, if not loyal, then at least subdued. It remains to be seen whether that will be enough, or if this most recent crisis will be the one that finally brings about the Fall of Troy a second time.
"Because of the Ongoing Pandemic, all persons entering the Popular Republic are required to undergo a basic vaccination procedure."
"Yeah but I don't like the look of that needle."
"Stop looking at it then and give me your hand."
"fine-OW OWE OW, HEY I think you hit bone!"
"You're overreacting. Next!"
"Because of the Ongoing Pandemic, all persons enter-"
"Yeah, yeah, I've heard this before-look, I think we have a problem here, my hand"
"Just let me have your hand so I can innoculate you sir."
"No, listen, I think it didn't take because-OW!"
"Faulty cow puss probably. It happens."
"Because of the Ongoing Pandemic-"
"Will you let me go if I let you stab me?"
"You can go back into quarentine, like everybody else, but you're not leaving the ship without a vaccination scar."
"Well I've been vaccinated twice and-"
"Third time is the charm."
"It's not going to work, I'm trying to tell you-"
"He's resisting, grab him!"
"Because of the Ongoing Pandemic, all persons entering the Popular Republic must have proof of vaccination."
"You say that but you haven't actually been keeping track of who has been vaccinated, have you?"
"I don't see how that's relevent."
"It's relevant because I have a family history of immunity to smallpox vaccination."
"What. That's not-"
"Then explain why I have a nasty needle-scar from where they jabbed me last time, but not a single sore from all that cow puss they smeared all over me! I'd thank my mother for inheriting her immunity, but you idiots can't figure out how to deal with a man who's been stuck on a boat for two months because you can't just print a card saying you poked me with the moo juice!"
Turn 8 (12AE Trimester 2): Arduous March Results
305+15+15+10-35 Quarantine-10 Verification-10 Incentives=290 Resources Per Turn, 0 In Storage
54+5+5+5+5+5 = 79 Political Support
Crises Facing the Republic:
Smallpox has arrived in force, with the first outbreaks coming to your attention in mid-May. These appear to have came from smugglers skirting the quarantine by dragging their ships up on the beaches by various small villages, where the idiotic peasantry were generally receptive to trading instead of forcing the plague carriers to leave and reporting them to government personnel. At least many of those responsible have by now paid the ultimate price, and the rest will have learned their lesson. Unfortunately, the plague does not only kill those responsible for its spread, and while quarantine efforts have slowed the spread enough that most villages will likely be able to get the harvest in before it strikes, it has killed at least a thousand people by the most recent count.
Smallpox has begun to spread in all of the Republic's major cities, although as the population of those is fully vaccinated, the spread is significantly slower and the case fatality rate seems to only be around three percent, compared to around thirty in unvaccinated individuals. In order to buy more time for outlying villages, the quarantine has been tightened even further, with almost no one besides vaccination teams being allowed to leave infected areas. Even this has not been able to completely stop the spread, and it is imperative for maximum effort to be allocated to vaccination as soon as the harvest is over if smallpox is to kill merely thousands instead of tens of thousands of our citizens.
As badly as smallpox is impacting the Republic, it must be impacting our enemies even worse, and as such the timetable for the liberation of New Arizona has only been pushed back a few weeks. The finalized plan calls for the vast majority of the People's Army to advance towards Athens in one large group, with small teams of around a hundred and fifty people each to be sent to Aetolia and Euboea with our surplus stocks of obsolete weapons to raise larger formations in situ. SSD agents in New Arizona have been given directions and incendiaries with which to sabotage enemy ships and armories, although failure is considered likely and the plan does not hinge on their success. Assuming the main army group crosses the border on October 25th as planned, the investment of Athens is expected to begin no later than November 5th, with a few extra days being allowed for any unexpected pitched battles. Reports from SSD agents suggest that the fortifications of Athens and other cities are quite lacking, with substantial amounts of its walls still being made of cyclopean masonry which will be made short work of by fifty-kilogram bombard shells. After Athens is taken around mid-November, the main army will be split up to destroy remaining enemy formations in Attica, while the landings in peripheral areas will hopefully prevent the enemy from being able to retreat there.
Besides the preparations for the war, a surprising turn of events has taken place in internal politics. Several Downtimer Central Committee members have been agitating for some form of democracy to be implemented as soon as possible, honing in on the creation of city councils. The Intensificationist faction has caved to these demands, likely in the belief that their cadres will be elected in many of these locations. After this victory, the Agrarians pushed further, arguing that the Central Committee should be expanded further, with the new seats being allocated via elections from the city councils. This move somehow managed to pass in the Central Committee, with a measure stating that a further six seats must be appointed on the basis of elections in the Republic's current cities as soon as the current crises are over or within five years, whichever is sooner. While this will weaken the vanguard system further, the cities at least have been mostly scrubbed of remaining monarchist sentiment, and the Central Committee will still retain the power to ban reactionary candidates from running.
Foreign Affairs:
Chaos has continued to grip Anatolia. The New American Republic has completely collapsed, with much of its territory being occupied by Christ's Kingdom on Earth. Most of its remnants worked out a deal with New Washington, agreeing to the formal annexation of the NAR in exchange for agreements that their territory would not be mandated to have free and fair elections anytime soon and de facto protecting slavery there. These despicable actions led to opposition by the Labor Coalition, which quickly led to the army firing on demonstrators outside the Capitol, the forced exile of Labor Coalition politicians, and a complete ban on the party. Several towns and even some small parts of the army have risen in revolt in response to this, although they unfortunately are too small in number to pose a serious threat to the regime.
The rapid advance of the Vanguards of Christ led to severe uncertainty in the Emergency Commission, which caused several senior politicians and military personnel to preemptively declare loyalty to the supposed prophet in order to avoid an invasion. Unfortunately for them, a significant amount of the armed forces opposed this, and a civil war began in the state. As reinforcements from Christ's Kingdom on Earth flooded across the border, the anti-cultist forces quickly realized that New Washington was their only hope to preserve themselves. The Emergency Commission quickly declared loyalty to New Washington, and naval reinforcements have led to the new front stabilizing for the time being. Vanguardist forces have also won several victories against the forces of the Republic of Troy, which is still gripped with unrest due to the general crises of smallpox and famine as well as the incompetence and brutality of their government.
Our comrades in the New Pueblo Revolutionary Army have continued to push back the USAF Northern Command, although an end to the war is nowhere in sight. While we are still unable to give them any significant military support, we have managed to smuggle a small amount of recently produced sulfanilamide to them, with plans drawn up for larger shipments of pharmaceuticals in the future once we are in a better position. The king of Lukka has died of smallpox despite being vaccinated, and the disputed succession seems to have caused a substantial amount of unrest, which may be taken advantage of by other nearby powers.
Although every feudalist and capitalist state is an abomination that can only exist via the exploitation of the people, perhaps the most despicable of them all are the fascist pirates of Rhodes. Catching the world by surprise, they launched an attack on Andros not as a routine raid but to conquer it permanently. The defenders were completely unprepared and quickly defeated with minimal casualties inflicted on the fascists, with the few refugees who managed to escape on fishing boats to our shores telling of various atrocities inflicted on the civilian population. While the occupiers must be swept out at the soonest opportunity, the tragedy has at least led to several doctors from the former Last Lantern Medical Corps requesting asylum in the Republic, which will be a boon in the future.
Perhaps even worse than the fascists seizing what is ultimately a few small and barely inhabited islands is the discovery that they have been in possession of a colony in Italy for over a year. While we still know little about the colony, it seems to control a significant chunk of territory around the future site of Taranto, likely containing at least ten thousand people. The only report we have from their main settlement, coming from an escaped slave, suggests that they are beginning a major shipbuilding operation there, using the abundant forests for timber. This is an extremely concerning development, as an increase in their naval capabilities would allow for even more destructive raids to be launched.
Note: Lines in red are approximate frontlines between factions at war with each other.
Port Facilities (Stage 2): While much has been done to improve the state of the Republic's port capability, it still leaves a lot to be desired. Shipbuilding has seen even less progress, with the vast majority of boats currently being built being barely any different to pre-Event designs. This stage will expand the ports of major cities further, build a few new ones at strategic locations, and create a shipyard in Mycenae capable of building ships that are merely centuries instead of millennia out of date. (10 Resources per dice (182+30=212/200)) (Complete, Fishing Fleet, Merchant Marine, and Creation of the Red Navy unlocked) (Stage 3 0/300)
Despite the efforts of New Arizonan saboteurs, the construction of the new shipyards in Mycenae has finally been completed. The smaller drydocks, most of which were untouched by the fire, have already begun work on various small trading and fishing ships, while the three large drydocks are laying in wait until we have decided what exactly they should build first.
Mycenae Water and Sewage (Stage 2): While Mycenae has a utility network of sorts, it is far sparser than those in Tiryns and Dyme. This stage will increase its density to that level, giving substantial benefits. (10 Resources per dice (15+61=76/100))
The utility network of Mycenae has been extended yet further, with the density of public toilets, faucets, and showers increasing by more than three times. While the mass production of glazed terracotta pipes has made the laying of sewers much faster, the planned settling tank for recovering wastes from sewage will still take considerably longer to build.
Heavy Industry
Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 3): Bessemer converters promise the production of unprecedented quantities of steel. Constructing more, as well as switching over blast furnaces to use coal, is a vital endeavor for the success of the Revolution. (15 Resources per dice (150+231=381/350)) (Complete, +5 Political Support, +15 Resources per turn, Stove Production, Experimental Railways, Canning Plants, and Steel Vessel Shipyards Unlocked) (Stage 4 31/500)
Despite many of the workers being ill due to either cowpox or smallpox, a heroic effort has enabled a massive leap forwards in the Republic's industrial capability to occur in just a few months. Two full-scale Bessemer converters, together capable of producing up to 50 tons of steel per day, are now in operation. They are fed by several new blast furnaces, adapted to use briquettes of mixed ore, coke powder, limestone, and coal tar pitch instead of charcoal. While some crucible steel production will still be kept online for applications demanding the highest quality steel, the far larger production of Bessemer steel has opened the gates to countless new possibilities for bringing the Republic into modernity.
Prometheus Heavy Machinery Plant (Stage 1): With iron and steel production increasing by an order of magnitude in the past year, far more equipment of far larger sizes can be produced. We have enough raw materials to produce thousands of ploughs, pots, and axes every day, but blacksmiths and a few steam hammers are not enough to actually produce them at a significant rate. A dedicated plant to for heavy industrial equipment will enable us to actually make use of what we produce, and then increase production tenfold yet another time. (20 Resources per dice (55+45=100/100)) (Complete, +15 Resources per turn, +5 Political Support, Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 1), and Consumer Goods Production Mechanization (Stage 1) unlocked) (Stage 2 0/175)
The first planned stage of the new machine shop has been completed, just in time to take advantage of the production of Bessemer steel. The two plants are located close enough to each other that in some ways they are almost one, with a double-tracked wagonway being built between the two for the transport of large objects such as casting molds and the cylinders of steam engines. The production of complex machinery has required the skills of hundreds of literate workers and dozens of Americans, with some being assigned tasks such as quality control mere weeks after being brought off of quarantine ships.
Why the hell are you putting me in charge of checking steam engines? I've never touched one in my life! - Ismael Shelton, refugee
Light Industry
Textile Industry (Stage 2): Mechanization of textile production is a project that will take decades, but moving production out of the home and into the factory will free up massive amounts of domestic labor that can hopefully then be put to use elsewhere. In addition to expansions of production lines using wool, linen, and cotton, the availability of bleached sulfite pulp will enable the production of small amounts of rayon as a silk substitute. (10 Resources per dice 36+195=231/150)) (Complete, +5 Political Support) (Stage 3 81/200)
Over a thousand people have been employed in new textile mills popping up around the Republic. This has been accompanied by the abolition of the taxation of cloth from households, hopefully resulting in an increase of female labor utilization in agriculture. While expansion of production using wool, linen, and cotton has gone well, experiments with rayon production have gone poorly so far, with deficiencies in raw material purity and process control leading to weak and discolored thread. Therefore, plans for the mass production of rayon have been shelved for the time being.
Newspapers: Newspapers represent a useful vector for spreading information and propaganda, as well as the maintenance of mass literacy. Daily papers will begin printing in Mycenae, Tiryns, and Dyme, focusing on things such as sports, local news, educational columns, and the successes of the Revolution. A monthly farmer's almanac will also be published nationwide, although the almost complete lack of literacy and issues with transportation in rural areas means that distribution will be limited, at least for now. (5 Resources per dice (0+3/40))
Attempts at the production of newspapers and a farmer's almanac have been fraught with difficulty. Disruptions to trade have meant that little lead, tin, and antimony can be procured for producing type, the presses have been plagued with failures, and worst of all almost all of the recruited journalists and editors have voiced reactionary opinions on subjects such as religion. Work has therefore been paused until the applicants have completed further political education.
Expanded Book Production: With the new availability of massive amounts of paper, the mass production of books is now practical. Mass transcription and translation of works currently stored on computers can begin, so that everything from technical works to political theory to fiction can be given to the people en masse. Novel books on topics such as agriculture will also be composed, with perhaps the most notable of these being an encyclopedia based on an extremely heavily modified version of the 1911 Encyclopedia Brittanica. (5 Resources per dice (0+27/70)) (Cost reduction for some Services projects)
Over a dozen new printing presses have been constructed, and a workshop for bookbinding has been set up. However, with most of the Uptimers in the Republic busy dealing with the smallpox crisis or the coming defensive war with New Arizona, few people have had time to copy works from computers or work on the encyclopedia project.
Chemical Industry
Basic Organic Synthesis: While a lack of reagents, equipment, and personnel massively limits what can be done, there are still many applications for the light fractions of coal tar that are within reach. Work will be done to establish the production of mauveine, paracetamol, DDT, aspirin, and sulfanilamide at a pilot plant scale, and the massive benefits they will bring are merely a taste of things to come. (20 Resources per dice (27+26=53/50)) (Significant reduction to all-cause mortality and army attrition) (Complete, Quality Dice 98, +5 Resources per turn, +5 Political Support) (Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 1), Fumigation Efforts, and Specialty Reagent Production unlocked)
Production of the planned dyes, insecticides, and pharmaceuticals has begun without a hitch. Furthermore, procedures for the production of chloramphenicol and thiamphenicol in acceptable yields and purities have been found, with limited production already beginning. While none of these will help against smallpox directly, antibiotics should at least reduce secondary infections from the open sores it creates, and will be extremely useful in reducing irrecoverable casualties in warfare.
Glass Production (Stage 2): The production of window glass is by far the largest projected use of the substance. While float glass is far too complicated and capital intensive for the foreseeable future, pouring out molten glass onto cast-iron tables, annealing it, and then polishing will still have far higher productivity than blowing it by hand. The switchover of window glass production will also allow for already trained glassblowers to focus exclusively on more complex objects. (10 Resources per dice (11+87=98/125))
All of the machinery needed for the mass production of plate glass is now in place, and substantial portions of the new furnaces have been built as well. Once the finishing touches on these have been completed, the production of window glass on a large enough scale to glaze a significant number of buildings can begin.
Dandelion Rubber Production: While it may not be great in terms of quantity or quality, dandelions are still the only source of rubber we have. This will set aside some land for the cultivation of dandelions, as well as set up small plants for the extraction and processing of rubber, for uses such as boots, gaskets, and insulated wire. (5 Resources per dice (0+14/50))
Facilities in Mycenae and Dyme have been constructed for rubber processing. While some concerns have been raised about the use of disulfur dichloride as a vulcanizing agent by barely trained workers, Minister Grey has assured us that the risks are minimal. However, the quarantine has meant that essentially zero work can be done in the rural areas which will actually be used to grow the dandelions, so the facilities lay mostly idle for now.
This substance, made of brimstone and chlorine, smells more like the combination of Demeter's rotting food and Persephone's pits of the Underworld. - Drakokardos son of Akhilleus, worker
Basic Herbicides and Pesticides: While neither lime sulfur or ammonium soaps are the most effective treatments, Citizen Barnett is accepting of them as "natural" and, more importantly, are within your ability to produce at scale. (10 Resources per dice (27+14=41/75))
Plants for the production of ammonium soaps have been completed, however the quarantine and its restrictions on travel to and from villages has meant that essentially zero work on actually educating peasants on the use of the agents can be done.
Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3): While most of the urban population has now been vaccinated, previous efforts have barely touched the peasantry. This stage will vaccinate villages nearer to urban centers, and after its completion a majority of the population will have been immunized. (5 Resources per dice (53+126=179/250)) (Stage 4 0/325)
While many tens of thousands have been immunized against smallpox, the side effects of the vaccine have meant that relatively few can be vaccinated during the planting and harvesting of food crops. This has allowed time for multiple outbreaks of smallpox to start spreading within our territory, likely due to traders from infected areas skirting the blockade. While restrictions on movement and vaccination have slowed the spread for the most part, it is still spreading more and more by the day. Vaccination with smallpox has been less effective than many have hoped, as although it decreases the fatality rate by an order of magnitude and makes infection less likely, protection is poor enough that vaccination alone does not lead to herd immunity sufficient to cause the contagion to die out. While nearly a thousand people have already died, it seems likely that a majority of unvaccinated villages will escape infection long enough to bring in the harvest and then be vaccinated immediately afterwards, hopefully minimizing deaths.
Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 3): While progress has been made, there are still many urban citizens who are illiterate. This stage will not totally eliminate illiteracy, but will make it so a solid majority of working-age urban adults will at least be able to write their own names. After this, resources will be shifted to building a more formal education system, as educating people as children will work better than stopgap attempts with adults. (5 Resources per dice (180+126=306/250)) (Complete, +5 Political Support) (Stage 4 56/400)
Hundreds of workers have been trained as literacy instructors, to be assigned to teaching adults in both major cities and a few nearby villages. While instruction has been paused due to the smallpox outbreak, they will serve to educate the workers of the Republic as soon as the danger has passed.
Cannon Production (Stage 4): The increased availability of cast steel will allow for us to start producing breech-loading 12 cm cannons for the first time. As these can fire several times faster than muzzle-loading ones, their production is a high priority, even if significant amounts cannot be produced before the invasion of New Arizona. (15 Resources per dice (64+105=169/150)) (Complete, quality dice 31) (Stage 5 19/200)
The mass production of cast steel has been a large help in churning out a ever increasing quantity of 12 cm cannons. Production has been entirely switched over to breech-loading models in just a few months, and over a dozen are already in service with frantically retrained crews to help in the liberation of New Arizona. Work has also begun on the production of various types of high explosive and incendiary shells. While even perchlorate-based powders are too sensitive to be safely fired out of a cannon, both TNT and RDX can now be produced in decent quantities, and are insensitive enough to at least be more likely to kill their target than the crew of the cannon. Future work will focus on starting mass production of these shells, as well as smaller mortars to fire them.
Creation of Attican Shadow Government: The SSD can be tasked with organizing and educating some of the refugees that have fled to the Republic into an administrative cadre to help govern the regions of Greece that will be liberated in the event of a war with New Arizona. While integrating a devastated region that has twice our current population into the Republic will be hard no matter what, this should at least help somewhat. We can also ensure that most of those appointed to important positions are loyal, either to the works of Chairman Mao or yourself. With war on the way, the Army is even willing to pay for the education of the bureaucrats. (0 Resources per dice (53+67=120/75)) (Complete, quality dice 85)
Over six hundred refugees from New Arizona have now been given an extremely basic education and training for administrative tasks. Many have also been given some minimum amount of first aid training, so as to be of some use to the army they will be advancing with into liberated territory.
Recruit Downtimers To Ministry: Even if they don't have much of a formal education, there are thousands of intelligent, motivated, and literate downtimers in the Republic. These people are capable of doing lower-level administrative work, and will learn more with time. Having more of them in our government will also bring us closer to a true people's democracy. (5 Resources per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation) (208)
Several hundred educated downtimers have been recruited to fill out positions in the Ministry. While it would be possible to assign them to specific departments now, some have called for them to instead be held in reserve to ensure a larger supply of personnel for the future administration of liberated territories. The choice of where to assign them is now up to you.
[]Assign to Ministries: +1 Die to Light Industry, Agriculture, and Services
[]Hold in Reserve: Reduced penalties from integrating New Arizonan territory
Current Economic Issues:
Transportation: Many bottlenecks
Fuel: Slight deficit
Steel: Large surplus, demand rapidly increasing
Copper: Slight deficit
Wood: Sufficient
Construction Materials: Sufficient
Food: Likely sufficient until harvest
Cloth: Sufficient production
Rural labor (varies by season): Mostly occupied with agriculture
Urban labor: Slight deficit
Literate workers: Sufficient
American educated workers: Sufficient
alrighty, so i'm voting to hold in reserve, because we'll need all the help with integration we can fucking get. the real question is what projects to focus on after we absorb the nsa. we'll probably get, like, five more stages of adult literacy, and have to expand primary schooling too, but what about the infrastructure and industrial projects? what's the hypothetical for them?
Oh damn, we're starting to run low on urban labor. We should see about doing the consumer goods and ag mechanization projects to free up some workers.
Anatolia is a mess lol. This isn't the most cursed New Washington possible but damn if it isn't close. Critical support the the CKE. Rhodes is gonna be a problem, after we get our fishing boats up we need to get started on a navy asap. Steel ships will also help us even the odds until our navy actual figures out what they're doing.
Speaking of damn the ports for being cursed! If we had gotten naval yards up sooner we might have been able to run those merchants down to smuggling. Still tho, it looks like we're clear to go in on smallpox vaccines this turn.
I agree that we should hold the new recruits in reserve. One dice in a few categories is whatever, but we'll need to get started on distributing aid to any land we take asap
alrighty, so i'm voting to hold in reserve, because we'll need all the help with integration we can fucking get. the real question is what projects to focus on after we absorb the nsa. we'll probably get, like, five more stages of adult literacy, and have to expand primary schooling too, but what about the infrastructure and industrial projects? what's the hypothetical for them?
Boats, boats, and boats is my vote for infrastructure. For HI I think we want to do heavy machines to eat our Steel surplus, LI on textiles for bandages. Chemistry I want glass and then throw every remaining dice at Smallpox.
I don't know how many dice we have though so I can't format it as a proper plan.