Attempting to Fulfil The Plan: ISOT Edition

Semi-Cannon Omake: Union Dixie
i wrote a fair amount of verses for union dixie for the inevitable war with the perfidious slavers to our north

Away up north in the land of slavers, Helot soldiers and class-traitors
Right away, come away, right away, come away
Where hicks are king and men are chattel, Republic boys will win the battle
Right away, come away right away, come away

We'll all go up to Dixie, away, away
Each Dixie boy must understand that slav'ry's chains won't bind again
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go up to Dixie
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go up to Dixie

I wish I was at Athens' door, I'd knock it down with my smoothbore
Right away, come away, right away, come away
We'll put them slavers all to route, I bet by boots we'll whip 'em out
Right away, come away, right away, come away


The forces of slav'ry's foemen, come across a dreadful omen
Right away come away right away come away
Our feet will tire and fill with blisters, from how far we'll chase those misters
Right away come away right away come away


The legacy of John Brown's body, never faced a force so shoddy
Right away come away, right away come away
Their flaccid pricks and brutish manners, rightful for their chosen banners
Right away come away, right away come away


They want to follow their forefathers, come on let them get their druthers
Right away come away right away, come away
They came here for more dreck to kill, come let's give them graves to fill
Right away come away right away, come away


And may those slaves who yearn for freedom, rise up from their colosseum
Right away, come away, right away, come away
And may that flag they look to see be the red of liberty
Right away, come away, right away, come away

We'll all go up to Dixie, away, away
Each Dixie boy must understand that slav'ry's chains won't bind again
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go up to Dixie
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go up to Dixie
i see we had good results this turn.

finally having the capacity to build the tools to build better tools should increase our productive potential massively.

i severely question our combat capacity especially in any sort of protracted conflicts (arquebuses are great and all but our gunpowder production is still very much limited. )

education is a must for the following turns, even having people understand the need to boil water before drinking and how to properly clean and bandage wounds should lower our mortality rates by a lot.

as for the vote. seems to me like the only reasonable stance is to fortify our own position. (dont forget we are a minority and securing long term power is much more important than any short term benefits we could derive from some meagre political power)

[x] [X]Play Them Off Each Other
[X]Support the Agrarians

There are several advantages to this. It does a lot to lock in the current power-sharing agreement, as for one thing, an alignment between Parrish and Orestes means a military power bloc that makes it difficult for the Intensificationists to try anything funny, without empowering the PC to do so either. The Agrarians are still committed to the project (given the conditions in just about every other state) so strengthening them inside the government seems better than leaving them outside it, and also may reduce the chances of harsh factionalism.

Programatically, it brings in domestic moderates and more culturally Mycenean elements. I see that as a valuable counterweight to the uptime communists, who even more than in our 20th century are in a position of being developmentalists first who can easily overreach what is possible. Given that we're probably decades out from deep urbanization/industrialization as well, the rural population and food surplus is the basis of our military power and I'm not that concerned about balanced investments there slowing down technical advancement either unless the Agrarians become really dominant.

Not spending the PS on strengthening the Maoists also leaves more flexibility for us to actually push the policies we want in the short run, and maybe more room to maneuver in the longer run with less of a fixed two-way line dispute as well.
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I'm not that concerned about balanced investments there slowing down technical advancement either unless the Agrarians become really dominant.
i respectfully disagree, empowering the agrarians could really hamper our efforts in industrialization and increasing SoL.

for starters, up until the middle of the industrial revolution, urban centers were net negative in regards to population, only through immigration did cities manage to keep on existing. the increase in pop density is what allows public services like education healthcare, sewage etc to be affordable to a deeply unproductive(in relative terms) society. by empowering agrarians we slow down the overall development of our economy by lowering the pressure on rural pops to migrate to our naacent urban centers. need i remind people that before the advent of rail, the major tecnological innovation in regards for productivity was labour organization and concentration of industry. we can only take advantage of this if we have strong urban centers.

i get that there is a certain level of naivety in saying how we are communists and want to liberate all the workers which includes rural peasants but there is a reason why electrification efforts, sewage creation, internet and telecom initiatives and any other social service first rolls out in urban centers and eventually reaches your small rural folk 10-20 years after the fact.
i think we ought to think in terms of the hospital dilemma. if a hospital treats every patient for free today, it cannot operate and abandons every patient that would come after today. so while painful the responsible thing to do is not attend every sick person today so that we can save infinitely more in the future.

much like the promise of a workers paradise, our priority is first and foremost to the people, but if we cannot safeguard the revolution then how will we uphold our promise to the people?

its a tricky thing, but limiting our political manouvering space with promises and guarantees is simply not feasible IMO at this critical juncture.

P.S. i never thought id defend the end justify the means, but this quest is going to put blood in our hands no matter if we make the right decision or not. let us hope the sacrifices we make are not in vain.
to be fair about playing them off each other, having more ideologically aligned people will make getting political support easier
One argument for supporting the agrarians over going for trying to force the appointment of Maoists is that local cadres are important, we need to co-opt them if we are to stabilize the party organs, especially since we need to give the locals some influence on things. Additionally, shifting away from the Americans will help us be less culturally-overhauling/moderate out some of the worst impulses.

Plus, by not spending the 10PS now, we can instead next turn do a spread to counterbalance the downtime recruitment. This counter-balance should let us bring Americans into the bureaucracy and ministry the next turn at a lower cost due to perceptions and a downtime majority CC. I... really do not want us to move our chemical or steel programs under the auspices of the people that we just taught to read. Its going to kill people, its going to kill a lot of people. Instead by getting management that at least finished a HS chemistry education we can counter-balance that at least long enough to get things stabilized on the educational front.

Edit: As another big point, while pushing for local agrarians in the party and more Americans in the ministry system and bureaucracy, we can create a system of counterbalances. That way neither side can commit to a good idea fairy moment.
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On second thought the agrarians probably have enough in common with our program that it won't appreciably stop industrialization as the militarist faction fukken loves labor saving machines as it provides more troops. Furthermore getting some actual locals in our bloc is how we get a more accurate read on what people outside our cities actually want so we don't end up taking a step into the countryside and realizing that most of the peasants are at best neutral.

[X]Support the Agrarians
My Concern is the Maoists don't have a firm position and there's a fair bit I find disagreeable in the Agrarians. Better to secure our own power than help someone who could be an ally but also a Hinderance to our plans
My Concern is the Maoists don't have a firm position and there's a fair bit I find disagreeable in the Agrarians. Better to secure our own power than help someone who could be an ally but also a Hinderance to our plans
I view it as less a political decision for chasing support, and important for creating balances in the state and party structure. Any slowdown of politics is frankly better then the off chance some faction decides to disregard local perspectives on the basis of the MLM's not being as connected to local belief systems. Due to the more technical nature of our work, we are also more suited towards integrating American perspectives, as we need the educated cadre anyway and we are not doing inherently political work. Such a system of blaances may not be the best for us personally, but it can help balance state and party organs.
[X]Play Them Off Each Other

If possibile, don't rely on the goodwill of another political leaning wing to support your success. That's a good way to see your political position dying, or possibly only surviving due to rampant opportunism. Unless you want to fuse with them.
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[X]Support the Agrarians

Idk about the politics, especially since everything outside the walls of Mycenae might as well be total guesswork from our PC's secluded uptimer perspective. i just want to save the PS for stealing as many nerds as possible.