Attempting to Fulfil The Plan: ISOT Edition

Cannon Omake: Christ's Kingdom on Earth (Part 3)

Matters of Faith
With the success of the Sermon of Sfard and most of the warlords either removed or brought to heel, Abiel Wyse had a much freer hand to reform Christ's Kingdom on Earth from a collection of religiously charged warbands occupying territory and into a true nation-state. To do this, he would embark upon a project to officially codify both the Vanguardist faith, and the government of the Kingdom.

In some ways, the work on the faith was a much simpler task, since as the prophet of the religion, his word was universally acknowledged as the final say on such matters. Nevertheless, the rapid spread of Vanguard faith had led to a number of idiosyncrasies developing, which had resulted in no small amount of conflict when branches met. Most well-known was the Trojan brand of Vanguardism, which, due to the games of missionary telephone, believed that Christ was an American Uptimer who had been killed by the Tucson Police.

Furthermore, it must be remembered that Abiel Wyse had no real religious education, or even, in truth, experience beyond knowledge of a few well-known topics of the Christian faith in general. What he did have however, was a certainty in his own validity as a prophet for Vanguard Christianity, and thousands of well-armed zealots who were equally certain and had proved quite willing to enact violence upon skeptics. This in turn meant that when Abiel Wyse dictated the Vanguardist Bible, it was quickly accepted as fact across most of the CKE.

The core of the Vanguardist Faith was built on the idea that God had sent Tucson into the past for a purpose. This was essential, as what had drawn Americans in the hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands to Vanguard Christianity and its boy prophet was the promise that all the hardship they had endured had a purpose behind it, and that they had a purpose within it. The new Bible codified this: God looked upon the past before the sacrifice of Jesus Christ - where men were damned through no fault of their own, and the future - where Christianity had sunk into both ignorance, arrogance, and corruption, and sought the salvation of both. Tucson's journey back in time was a divine mission to save the souls of Downtimer and Uptimer alike, to forge a new Christianity away from the sins of the old.

One interesting effect of this affirmation that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ has not actually happened yet has been an explicit rejection of the Old Testament (once someone with enough knowledge of Theology to explain the difference between the Old and New Testaments got Wyse's ear.) Neither Testament, they argue, has actually happened yet. But from the New Testament they can base their beliefs on what Christ, rightful King of Earth, would want, and so better prepare the world for his arrival. Needless to say, this is infuriating to virtually every non-Vanguardist practicing Christian, doubly so as it is becoming clear that the CKE's existence has ensured Vanguardism is likely to become one of the most well-known branches of Christianity in this new timeline.

Theology in the Kingdom was complicated by the presence of the Downtimer deities. The Luwian pantheon was still popular and worshiped among the Downtimer population, and Vanguardist Christianity emphasized that Uptimers and Downtimers were equal in the eyes of God, and a significant portion of Vanguardist military strength came from pre-revolution Downtimer resistance groups that, thanks to the cold war between New Washington and the NAR, were quite well-armed, and whose opposition to most things American made them unlikely to take the idea of abandoning their Gods for an American one well.

Fortunately for Vanguardist Christianity, another arm of its theology had the solution. The Gods of not just the Luwians, but many other civilizations across the world, were not some heathen spirits. No, they were Angels of the Lord, sent across the Sea of Time to shepherd Mankind until Tucson's arrival. This, Abiel Wyse proclaimed, was the great failing of pre-Event Christianity, for it had been unaware of, and so disregarded, the burden and sacrifices the Angels undertook for God, and so declared their flocks Pagans. This was to be the great undertaking of the Vanguards of Christ, to unite the Angels that had been so scattered across the world and hearts of man back under the unified banner of God, and create a true Kingdom of All Under Heaven in preparation for Christ's arrival.

This theology of Abiel Wyse was crude and basic, and with no small amount of its own holes, but to the people of Anatolia left desperate and resentful of their treatment by the nations of the First Wave, both Downtimer and Uptimer alike, it was solid enough for them to rally to its banner by the tens of thousands, pledging themselves to the aggressively evangelistic, militant faith that, in many ways, sought to actively define itself by its break away from being "American."

A Kingdom of God
The New American Republic that the Vanguardists had overthrown was essentially an alliance of warlords locked together in a web of feudal alliances imposing dictatorships over the nation's population. Christ's Kingdom on Earth in the early stages of the war was little more than a collection of religiously charged warbands and popular uprisings. The former had been, at best, reluctantly tolerated as better than the alternative of chaos and insecurity. The latter had been accepted (by the Vanguardists' supporters at least) as a temporary yet necessary sacrifice to bring about a new world. But for any sort of long-term stability, Christ's Kingdom on Earth would have to at least begin resembling a proper nation-state.

Abiel Wyse himself had little idea of how to run a nation. Granted, the argument could be made that the same could be said of the leaders of many other nations in the Age of Rust, but nevertheless, the largely illiterate teenager would need substantial assistance in setting up a proper governmental structure. Some of this aid was provided by former New American Republic Intelligentsia, particularly those who had joined up after Dean Baker, known for his persecution of anyone deemed too "Liberal", became president of what remained of the NAR.

Abiel Wyse was also heavily influenced by his personal experiences and those he had made his most fervent supporters: Young Americans - those mere children when the Event happened and whom Wyse felt a kinship towards (with many having struggled in the post-Event world due to a lack of education compared to their older peers) and Downtimers, who feared that without Wyse's influence they would be quickly returned to their prior post-event status of third-class citizens at best and slaves at worst.

The uppermost strata of leadership was, naturally, the Regent himself. It was made very clear that the only worthy King of the Kingdom would be Christ himself, and until his arrival all other rulers were mere regents. Alongside the Regent was the Synod, an assembly of high-ranking figures of the priesthood who carried out day-to-day national policy and interpretation (and, in theory, advising) the will of the Regent. Shortly after this was codified, the Regent and his hastily assembled Synod busied themselves in reforming the Kingdom into something functional.

One of the first reforms carried would be the institution of local level democracy, at least for Vanguard Christians. The lack of and real democracy had been something the American population had resented in the NAR, and even relatively token reforms in this regard easily garnered widespread support. The new "Communions" would be able to elect leaders for local level affairs, with control over local taxes and policies for development. This, alongside a land-to-the-tiller policy, redistributing the land across the NAR that had been seized by the ultra-wealthy agriculture barons like Chuck Wise, made the CKE an immense improvement in the eyes of the former citizens of the NAR.

One should not mistake these reforms for an institution of true, nation-wide democracy. Non-Vanguardists were disenfranchised (though still promised freedom of religion), and only Vanguardist Christians could have positions of authority and power, whether by appointment or election. Even for Vanguardists, while these institutions had teeth, it was clear that the policies of the Kingdom, its Priesthood, and Regent would take priority in any dispute. Nevertheless, to people who had been under the authority of warlords and their private militias since the foundation of the NAR, these were still great improvements in their personal liberty, particularly for the Downtimer population.

Non-Vanguardists had their own rights. Though barred from positions of power or political influence, they were free to practice their faith. Vanguardist doctrine had argued that such faiths that either worshiped God without His Angels or Angels without God were not wicked so much as they were incomplete. As such, they would be allowed to continue their faith, so long as they paid an additional tax (either a conventional one, or providing some special service to the Kingdom, the latter implemented to attract and make use of educated and skilled American personnel.) Comments that this was little more than reinventing the Jizya were studiously ignored.

Above the various Communions and their Lay Priests (as the elected officials who were not part of the official priesthood soon became known as) was the official Vanguardist Priesthood that administered the Dioceses (which generally included multiple Communions, particularly in cities.) Each Diocese was administered by a Bishop, elevated to the position by a mixture of approval from the Regent, the Synod, and their peers, and confirmed by a yes/no popular vote amongst the Vanguardist population in that Diocese (with a majority voting "no" requiring a new candidate be selected.) These Bishops served as administrators of the central government's will, enforcing its policies across their Diocese as well as seeing to region-wide needs.

A side-ranking of Bishops were the so-called "Prelates", largely consisting of early CKE warlords who had agreed to follow Wyse. These Prelates were given more autonomy over their Dioceses so long as obedience to Sfard and the Regent remained, and the understanding that their position was not hereditary (though the family would receive a generous stipend) and the Diocese would be transferred over to a Bishop upon their death or retirement. The existence of the Prelate was something of a pragmatic move, as despite the centralizing effects of the Sermon of Sfard, there were still warlords who held enough influence that the Kingdom could not afford to war with them and the anti-Vanguardist coalition at the same time.

Aside from governmental structure, another major reform would be education. Education within the New American Republic had been a ramshackle thing, with inconsistent curriculums varying depending on the beliefs of the ruling Senator. Downtimers meanwhile, were only rarely educated at all, and when they were it was usually in the sense of boarding schools meant to "Americanize" them.

For the Vanguardists, for whom young Americans left at a disadvantage due to their lack of education were a major supporter demographic not just within but outside of the nation's borders, this was unacceptable. Moral considerations aside, the long-term survival of the Kingdom required as educated a population as possible. A committee was formed to plan up a curriculum to be established nation-wide, with old schools renovated and new ones built so that every child (in theory) and a decent number of young adults (at least once the war stopped drawing up so many as soldiers) could receive education in first basic literacy and mathematics and, hopefully, more advanced subjects in the future.

Though trumpeted as a major success, the program was not without its hiccups or glaring flaws. Theological classes were baked into the curriculum alongside more practical skills, and while bilingualism in both English and Luwian as the spoken word was encouraged, written classes would be done primarily in English. Nevertheless, the effort to at least recognize the Luwian language and even translate the New Testament and the Vanguardist Bible for Downtimers was a marked improvement in their treatment and rights by the scale of light-years.

Other reforms ranging from law enforcement to drug laws (which were quite restrictive) were also made in the weeks and months following the Sermon. By the beginning of 13 A.E., Christ's Kingdom was at last beginning to look like a functioning nation, albeit one heavily built around the Vanguardist faith and Abiel Wyse.

Stalinism with Theocratic Characteristics
To many of the more politically astute in other nations, Christ's Kingdom on Earth was beginning to resemble a single-party state, if one replaced a political party with a religious priesthood. Influenced by the initial Globe Uprising and Sermon of Sfard, Abiel Wyse had become firmly convinced that the success of Christ's Kingdom on Earth had come from its ability to mobilize the masses, American and Downtimer alike, via religious fervor. This task, and the overall running of the Kingdom, would be left in the hands of the priesthood.

While the upper rankings of the priesthood worked to form regional and national policy within the Dioceses, the rank and file members of the priesthood acted as the clergy's political footsoldiers. These preachers were organized into cells within their environment, ranging from a village to a factory to a school dorm to a corvee work gang, with size varying depending on the size of the structure they were expected to oversee. They were the priesthood's eyes, ears, and the arms, working to mobilize support and action towards the Kingdom's policies.

While some cells (particularly those close to major centers of power) had their leadership appointed those further up the hierarchy, many more were, like the leadership of local Communions, elected by the cell membership. This was something of a holdover from the start of the CKE, where these cells formed the nucleus of various Vanguardist uprisings, most notably in the territories of the Emergency Commission and American Republic of Turkey. (The case of Mary Wilson's cadre of closet Vanguardists that spearheaded the uprising of their town's Downtimer population, as well as disenchanted sections of its American one is a particularly well-known example, for the name of the cell's ringleader if nothing else.)

The first members of the priesthood were particularly devoted Vanguardists, or at least those with skills it would need to govern the Kingdom. Those who were involved in the early risings, those who took over control of the various towns, industries, and bureaucratic administration after the Vanguardists seized control. Abiel Wyse personally elevated many into the priesthood both after the initial revolt in Globe and again in the aftermath of the Sermon of Sfard.

With any luck, future appointments to the priesthood would occur in a far less ad-hoc fashion. While some level of raising to priesthood would remain constant (though now usually accompanied by various qualifying exams), the main structure of recruitment into the Priesthood was expected to be from the Young Vanguards, essentially the priesthood's youth program, most comparable to a more religious Boy Scouts, or a theocratic version of the USSR's Komsomol program. The Young Vanguards served as a program to educate future priests and promote political/religious activism for the Vanguardist cause among the Kingdom's youth, both American and Downtimer. Indeed, one of the key points of the program was to encourage a step away from the viewing of people as "American" or "Downtimer" in favor of an identity based on their shared faith.

Graduation from the Young Vanguards directly promoted into the priesthood, ensuring a steady supply of new, young members. Abiel Wyse paid particular attention to the formation of the Young Vanguards, viewing them as something of a pet project owing to his origins and personal feelings of attachment to the young demographic of Americans.

Perhaps even more important than this look at the rank-and-file of the Vanguardist priesthood however, is a view of the still-teenage boy who was at its unsurpassable top. Abiel Wyse ruled Christ's Kingdom on Earth as Regent in the name of his Older Brother. This alone would have granted him significant power, but the title of Regent alone fails to account for the sheer expanse of Wyse's influence across the Kingdom.

Simply put, Abiel Wyse was the Prophet of Vanguardist Christianity, its founder, codifier, and the leader who had taken it from a tiny cult of a few hundred to a nation that was taking on every other First Wave nation in Anatolia…and winning. His political position after the Sermon of Sfard was effectively unassailable, having eliminated any major power bloc within the Kingdom that could have actually opposed him.

With that in mind, a key part of anyone else wanting to institute nation-changing policy was gaining the favor, or at least avoiding the disfavor, of Abiel Wyse. Even without an actual purge (which Wyse seemed to wish to avoid after the Sermon of Sfard), a word of his support could guarantee an edict's passage, while a hint of his disapproval could strangle it in the crib. The sheer amount of influence Wyse had as effectively unquestioned prophet of the Vanguardist faith, the adoration of much of the Vanguardist-aligned masses, and what many had come to realize was a genuine talent for public speaking gave the still largely illiterate teenager far more influence than the still-substantial seat of the Regency had officially.

But despite the internal jockeying for favor (a downgrade from the prior purging and mob violence that characterized the pre-Sermon internal factionalism), the overall Vanguardist movement was far more focused on the enemy in front of them, for even as Christ's Kingdom began to organize into a nation-state worthy of the title, there was still a war to be waged across all of West Anatolia.
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Critical support to our Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Wyseist allies in the Kingdom of Christ on Earth in the war on New American Tyranny.
Cannon Omake: The Post-War New Washington Military
The Post-War New Washington Military

"Look, we're not Troy and we're not the NAR. We're not gonna go around shooting anyone who looks at a policeman funny. But when your job is internal security and rebels come at you with muskets, a club and handcuffs just aren't gonna cut it."
-Lia Houston, United States of America (New Washington)

"The heart of America's army used to be the citizen-soldier. I suppose in a way, it still is. But it's all gone wrong. Lee managed to make the people believe in New Washington, get them to sign up for the sake of their country. Now they sign up for their town, their union, or whatever other local group they're part of, and we've got dozens of armed bands all across the country who hate each other. God help us if they start interfering with the elections."
-President Frederick Chard, United States of America (New Washington)

Shattered Sword
At the start of the 2nd post-Event decade, the military of New Washington was untested, but respectable. Whereas most other nations of the First Wave had to supplement or rely entirely on mercenaries or private troops sworn to warlords with outsized political influence, the New Washington government had assembled a volunteer military of citizen-soldiers sworn to the nation itself.

The pre-Vanguardist War New Washington army was divided into Class A and Class B formations. Class A formations were full-time professionals that could train and operate distant garrisons year-round and were equipped with Pre-Event weapons. While what exact weapons those were could be irregular at times, most platoons were at least able to standardize around a cartridge, and every soldier could count on at least having an Uptime sidearm. These formations were also known to be staffed with whatever Americans could boast some level of pre-Event experience in the military (or at least knowledge in the general theory.)

Class B formations meanwhile, were formed with the knowledge that for much of each year, large sections of the nation's manpower would be busy in the fields, even with the use of Downtimer labor. As such, Class B formations were practically reserve units, with cadres of officers operating full-time, while those who volunteered for these formations doing so with the understanding that they would be mobilized after the harvest and stood down before the next planting season, save the case of a national emergency. These part-time soldiers (sometimes nicknamed the National Guard) were less well-equipped, with Uptime weapons and munitions largely replaced with post-Event guns, often muskets and pipe-guns, though Class B volunteers who could provide their own weapons and ammunition were encouraged by use of bonuses.

Naturally, there were far more Class B soldiers than Class A ones. While the combined number of Class A soldiers before the collapse of the First State of New Arizona is generally agreed to be slightly over a thousand at most, there were thousands of Class B part-time soldiers that could be called up if needed. Regardless, the military had no shortage of volunteers. Military service, even part-time military service, offered a way out of a life of subsistence farming and a guaranteed wage. The risk of death was not considered that much worse compared to the risk of a bad harvest, and the early New Washington governments had done well in providing at least some level of belief in the nation that was the only functioning democracy in West Anatolia.

The collapse of the old New Washington military (a term that somewhat exaggerates what happens) began after the 11 A.E. elections. Though the failed invasion of New Arizona was a blow, it was more of one to national prestige and pride than the actual functioning of the national military. The contentious election however, saw a number of army officers side with the Conservative Party in its attempted coup, bringing a few hundred soldiers along with them. When the coup failed, these army units, like the rest of the Conservative Party, joined up with the nascent Christ's Kingdom on Earth. Unlike the rest of the Conservative Party however, these army officers and their soldiers were not purged, as the addition of a few hundred trained soldiers, many of whom had pre-Event weapons, was a valuable bargaining chip.

This would not be the last major instance of desertion amongst the New Washington military. When the Labor Coalition Revolt occurred, several army units redeployed to put down the uprising mutinied rather than fire on their rebel countrymen. Disillusionment with the Chard administration and New Washington in general led to a steady stream of desertions and even outright defections, which both Labor Coalition rebels and the Vanguardists wasted little time trumpeting to encourage more such incidents.

The old, pre-war New Washington army has not ceased to be, but it has been ravaged, its ranks gutted by thousands of combat casualties and desertions, while a decreased faith in the government has made it harder to find replacements. By the final stages of the war, New Washington was relying heavily on alternate sources to supplement the army enough that it could stand up to the Vanguardists. Despite this, the old pre-war army is still probably the most potent military force available to New Washington, having first priority for new, semi-modern weapons and artillery, and has had its ranks somewhat refilled with the incorporation of the American Republic of Turkey's small standing army. Provided New Washington can stabilize from its wartime missteps, it can be rebuilt, perhaps better than ever if the lessons of the war can be learned and passed down to its new recruits.

The Thin Blue Line
Law enforcement was a touchy subject during the founding of New Washington. Though not as harsh as the backlash against the USAF, there was a general sense among much of the population in New Washington that the police had abandoned their duties during the Fall of Tucson. This attitude only became more common when tales of the repression in the Republic of Troy arrived in New Washington, alongside the existence of the New American Republic, one of New Washington's two main neighbors and thus rivals and one that had heavy ex-police influence.

When the militias of the various New Washington aligned settlements were reorganized into military and police, the police would be a national-level organization, and their level of militarization was given strict oversight. Some level of militarization was unavoidable given the expectation that the police would be used to put down rebellious Downtimers, but the level of arms the police were given was something watched with a wary eye, and strict differences between acceptable uses against Citizens and against non-American Residents.

The role of the police would change during the Vanguardist War. Between increasingly armed and organized Downtimer rebels and widespread Labor Coalition revolt, the police increasingly argued for increased militarization to deal with the increasingly well-armed rebels they needed to suppress. President Chard, desperate for a larger armed force to fight the Vanguardists agreed with this argument, forming the National Gendarme, a department of the existing national police force. This formation would be trained to military quality and equipped similarly (including SWAT-like units armed with pre-Event weapons) for the purpose of fighting the various insurgencies of both Uptimers and Downtimers.

To say the formation of the Gendarme was controversial is a colossal understatement, and it quickly became an additional argument for revolt against New Washington. Nevertheless, the Gendarme seems to be here to stay, and has fought numerous battles against both Vanguardist and Leftist rebels, and has seen a major deployment to Arzawa in the wake of its complete annexation.

Guns For Hire
While before the war New Washington had largely done away with mercenaries in favor of its own national army, the Vanguardist War rapidly drained the nation's domestic manpower reserves, forcing the Chard administration to turn back to guns for hire as an alternate source of military reinforcements.

The earliest and most well-known mercenaries in the Vanguardist War actually came from the other American nations that New Washington annexed. The Port Limberlost Guard Services, the main mercenary security force of the Emergency Commission, was put on a long-term contract after the Commission was annexed into New Washington. Another military force that skirted the line between mercenary and more regular soldiers were the militia of former NAR Senator Chuck Wise. Known before the Vanguardist Revolution for his stranglehold on agriculture and holding one of the largest armies in the NAR, Wise's militia had remained prominent even after most of his land was seized by the Vanguardists. Part of the Treaty of Metropolis that led to the annexation of the NAR on generous terms included a clause making Wise's militia the de-facto state military for the new State of Arzawa, as the NAR rump state was renamed, turning the militia into an effectively nationally subsidized mercenary force.

Other mercenary units tended to be much smaller than the PLGS or Chuck Wise's militia, but New Washington employed hundreds of other would-be soldiers for hire, ranging from former New Arizonan soldiers (both first and second), Cretan adventurers, Tucson bandits, former Mycenaean nobility, and even Rhodes pirates. By the late stages of the War, an entire department had sprung up around the hiring and maintenance of mercenaries by New Washington, as well as organizing smaller groups and even individuals into proper combat units, officially known as the United States Foreign Legion. Aside from the pay, service in the Foreign Legion for a tour of at least 3 years brought with it the possibility of citizenship, a reform that Chard pushed through heavy opposition as a way of encouraging yet more foreign manpower to sign up to fight the Vanguardists.

The use of mercenaries has declined somewhat as the war has ended and New Washington has, to some extent, stabilized. During the Arzawan Crackdown, Chuck Wise's militia formed the bulk of resistance against New Washington, and though it inflicted heavy casualties, was largely destroyed in the fighting with the survivors fleeing. The Port Limberlost Guard Services meanwhile, has been redeployed to Arzawa after the fall of Port Limberlost in the final stages of the Vanguardist War, and now serves as part of the occupation force, though similar to Chuck Wise's militia it has also become the unofficial state military of the remaining Emergency commission territory held by New Washington.

The improving domestic situation has led Chard and other members of the government to hope that New Washington can recover and wean itself off the need for mercenaries and return to its national army as the dominating military force once again. Even if that is the case, the utility of being able to use foreigners instead of risking the precious manpower of the nation has been made obvious, and it is unlikely the "Foreign Legion" will fade away anytime soon, and with a war with the Air Force looming, New Washington is still hiring as many mercenaries as it can afford to.

An Armed Society
Common across Anatolia, locally raised and supported militias were something New Washington had hoped to have moved further away from, but as the army bled itself white across the battlefields of Anatolia and faith in New Washington waned, its citizens began looking to their own defense.

These militias were a mixed blessing at best for New Washington. Besides the fact that they often tended to only pay lip service at most to following the military leadership of New Washington proper, many of their number formed specifically out of a lack of faith or even hostility towards the Chard administration. In fact, some of the first irregular militias of the Vanguardist War were organized by the Labor Coalition during their revolt. The addition of loyalist militias only complicated matters, and New Washington tended to encourage such militias to be used for defense purposes only, fearing that letting the militias fight each other too much would cause New Washington to collapse into regionalist feuds and an escalating series of retaliatory raids on each other.

The quality of these irregular militias varied, with most being generally poor from a lack of professional training or even semi-standardized equipment. A handful however benefitted from leadership figures with military experience, while the militias of the American Republic of Turkey were more organized from years of being mobilized to put down Downtimer uprisings. The exact effect they had on the war effort is difficult to measure, but most agree that their presence across New Washington is a grim sign for the nation's stability.

Despite the overall stabilizing situation in New Washington's top-level politics, many grassroots-raised militias have refused to disband. From labor unions to local communities, these militias remain a steady presence, with armed standoffs and the occasional exchange of gunfire still occurring across the nation's core. Many look fearfully towards the oncoming elections and the possibility that the more politically charged militias might interfere with them, something that could be fatal to the nation's recovering stability.
New Washington is a state clearly badly wounded. Question is, will those wounds scar over into a new decentralized society, or will it just bleed out and collapse in a blaze?
Turn 17 (15AE Trimester 2): The Red Sun In Our Hearts Results
Turn 17 (15AE Trimester 2): The Red Sun In Our Hearts Results
565+15+35+20+(225+10-60 Trade)+45 Precious Metals = 855 Resources Per Turn, 0 In Storage
66+5+5=76 Political Support

The Egyptian government has continued to win victory after victory against the rebel forces, siezing the last major settlement under rebel control in mid-July. While our traders and other contacts there say that banditry by former rebels is still a major issue, any threat to Khayan's rule has been eliminated, and several hundred thousand peasants living on land formerly owned by groups that rebelled have been given ownership of the land they work, eliminating the power base of the former rebels and further reforming the economy towards a more market-based system. New Washington has also announced the beginning of the construction of two steel warships, and while they are not expected to be much larger than ours it still signals that they are still a major power with the ability to project force comparatively large distances.

New Monthan has continued to push into Anatolia, occupying most of the Federal Republic of America and threatening the NPRA. Evacuations to the Donbas have continued unabated, with work already begining on setting up mining of exposed coal seams and liberating the local farming population from the old nobility. The Lukka have continued to be unable to conquer the 162nd Air Wing, and after another defeat on the battlefield have signed a peace treaty as it has became clear to both sides that the war is going nowhere. A confederation of various Cimmerian tribes in Crimea has also began attacking Mormon outposts as well as other Cimmerian groups that have converted to Mormonism, although given their almost complete lack of even muskets they are not expected to succeed in the long term.

The Agrarian coalition has suffered several defections, after a few reactionary Uptimers made panicked speeches about the exaggerated flaws of Soveit and Chinese agricultural policy after work began on creating more mutual aid teams and supporting the voluntary collectivization of some villages. Some of the Downtimer members have been misled to oppose further progress towards a socialist system, although most have stood firm and the reactionaries are still nowhere near a majority.

Preparations for a joint military operation with Crete against the pirates have begun, with one of our ironclads moved to the recently expanded port at Dyme for operations in the Ionian Sea. We will still be massively outnumbered in terms of tonnage by the Cretans, but will be providing around half of the troops for the landing on Rhodes and almost all of the ones assigned to Apulia. Almost every citizen trained to use modern weapons will be mobilized for the war, but as this is still a very small part of our population the overall economy is not expected to be disrupted to a large degree. Combat is expected to commence near the end of October, and victory will hopefully be achieved before the end of the year.


Port Facilities (Stage 4):
Building docks and shipyards in the Liberated Territories will enable them to be integrated into the rest of the Republic's economy, increasing the standard of living for our citizens there and increasing overall output. (10 Resources per dice (90+334=424/350)) (Complete, Stage 5 74/400)

The new shipyards at Kalydon and Lefkandi have been completed, and while they are significantly smaller than those at Mycenae, they will enable the construction of small and medium-sized vessels at a significantly faster pace, as well as the capability to replenish and repair naval vessels at locations closer to likely future conflict zones. Some initial construction of larger shipyards throughout the Republic has also begun, although there is not an immediate need for this.

Telegraph Network (Stage 4): Extending the telegraph network towards strategic locations further away from the cities is critical for defense, and the countryside is populated enough for the lines to be quite useful in peacetime too. A small research team can also be assembled to work on telephony and radio telegraph technology as well, bringing us closer to even more revolutions in communications. (15 Resources per dice (120+93=213/200)) (Complete, Stage 5 13/250) (+1 Dice to Agriculture and Liberated Territories)

While transportation networks to the border with Iolcus remain almost entirely nonexistent, we have at least established quick communication with most of the border outposts, supply depots, and strategic passes. Telegraph stations have also been established in several villages along the routes that the new lines have to pass through anyways, enabling more efficient administration of those areas even though it was not the main point of this effort. Future plans involve more lines being laid to connect a larger number of villages throughout the Republic, as well as the installation of quadruplexing equipment on existing lines between major cities to improve information throughput.

Achelous River Dredging: Ordering the construction of several steam dredgers in Mycenae will enable several new large-scale waterway improvement projects, starting with dredging the shallow lower reaches of the Achelous River to enable the passage of barges and some oceangoing craft up to the new coal mines being built in the area. (10 Resources per dice (125+0/100)) (Complete)

Several dredging barges have been moved to the lower reaches of the Achelous River, enabling fairly large ships to travel up to the village of Palaiomanina and the nearby coal mines. The deepening of the river has also led to some of the nearby marshes becoming less waterlogged, although more intensive and direct investments will be needed for larger amounts of land to be reclaimed. With the availability of new mechanized excavating and mining equipment making open-pit mining of the coal deposits in the region possible, the new access to shipping means that cheap coal can be provided to the entire Republic and not just nearby areas.

Paved Road Construction (Stage 2): Paving the major roads of our cities is not one great project, but a large number of relatively small ones. This should make it fairly quick to accomplish with sufficient funding, and will make transport in our cities significantly more efficient. (5 Resources per dice (185+0/125)) (Complete, stage 3 60/175)

The construction of several hundred stretches of short roads in the middle of urban centers has been able to proceed fairly quickly, and already most major urban throughfares have been paved and modernized, with the remaining work funded in full. Work has also begun on a significantly larger and more expensive project to construct a road from Kópos to Thebes, which while requiring significant amounts of earthmoving and the construction of several fairly large bridges will enable the overland transport of goods and people between our capital region and the most densely populated parts of Attica.

Heavy Industry

Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 4):
With the liberation of New Arizona set to increase our population by nearly two hundred percent, it is only natural for steel production to be increased by a similar amount to serve their needs. Half a dozen Bessemer converters will spill out over a hundred tons of molten steel every day, serving to feed the ever growing needs of the Revolution. (15 Resources per dice (60+501=561/525)) (Complete, +5 Political Support, quality dice 89, Stage 5 36/650)

The open hearth furnace has finally been completed, and while its production is less than that of even one Bessemer converter in terms of raw throughput, the control over steel properties is far better. This has enabled a final break with the need for puddling furnaces for higher-quality steel alloys, and has also enabled production of these alloys to be massively expanded. Further expansion of the steel mill is possible, although it may be better to invest in other areas of the Republic for the time being.

Prometheus Heavy Machinery Plant (Stage 3): The small amounts of vanadium, molybdenum, and other elements present at Laurion are still sufficient for the production of decent amounts of tool steels, massively increasing our machining capabilities in almost every way. The production of wire, generators, and electric motors will also be expanded, making use of the possibilities given by synthetic insulations and enamels. A general expansion of the plant will also be conducted, increasing the quantity of capital goods produced as well as their quality. (20 Resources per dice (71+219=290/250)) (Complete, +5 Political Support, quality dice 67, +35 resources per turn) (Stage 4 40/325) (+5 Political Support and several new projects on completion)

Hundreds more workers, several dozen of whom actually have pre-Event experience in vaguely relevant fields, are now employed at the massive machine shop. The production of new electrically-driven machine tools with far higher precision than previous models has begun, promising to enable many new goods to be produced, and existing items to be made at a much larger quality. New, far more efficient electric generators and motors are also now being produced, promising to drive everything from small pumps to massive excavators for open pit mines. Work has begun on using these new machines to bootstrap the production of larger machine tools of much improved quality, as well as steam turbines and many other advanced mechanisms, although this will be a massive undertaking that will require the allocation of far more resources to complete.

Attica Coal Mines (Stage 2): Further investments in coal production in Attica is possible, and would increase coal availability to local projects. However, once local demand is satisfied, these are fairly poor deposits even by our standard. For now, though, more production would still be useful, especially if a steel mill is built. (10 Resources per dice (75+38=113/150)) (Liberated Territories dice can be used)

Several existing shafts near Thebes and Lefkandi have been expanded, alongside installing more steam engines for dewatering, ventilation, and hauling up coal and spoils up from the bowels of the earth. A new development southeast of Athens to provide a local source of coal for the city as well as the various mines at Laurion has also made substantial progress, and while for non-metallurgical uses shipping coal from Aetolia may be cheaper in the long run it will still be useful, especially considering the relative glut of labor in the region.

Lefkandi Ironworks (Stage 1): While not as large as the deposits in Larymna, there are quite large deposits of nickel and iron by the already existing city of Lefkandi more than large enough to support steel production. The initial plant will consist of just one open-hearth furnace and the supporting blast furnaces for the production of nickel, although the planned furnace here is considerably larger than the prototype under construction in Thriambos. Lesser amounts of low-grade chromium ores will be extracted as well, enabling production of domestic stainless steel to progress beyond the experimental level. (20 Resources per dice (36+0=36/80)) (Liberated Territories dice can be used)

Ground has been broken at both the new steel mill itself and the associated mines, and while much work remains to be done large amounts of construction have already taken place. Essentially all of the planned buildings have at least had their foundations laid and many are well on the way to completion, and much of the requested industrial machinery has at least begun fabrication even if it still remains to be delivered. The presence of extractable quantities of low-grade chromite deposits nearby have also been confirmed, ensuring that at least some quantity of entirely domestic stainless steel can start being made soon, even if the lack of any non-oxidative heating methods and the massive amounts of ash in all available coke will significantly impact quality.

Semicoke Plants (Stage 2): Production of semicoke can be expanded further, with a larger percentage than strictly necessary coked in order to reduce pollution, recover more volatiles and nitrogen, and universalize the use of coke for domestic heating and cooking over wood or lignite. This will end up coking around a quarter of our coal production, a large increase over our current production but still a long way from universal adoption. (10 Resources per dice (100+0=100/200)

In addition to expanding the existing site at Kópos, work has begun on a new coking plant in Thebes to coke some of the more acceptable coal deposits nearby. While the new facilities are not yet near completion and are some time away from actually starting operations, we are still significantly closer to getting access to much larger amounts of coke, ammonia, and various chemicals than we were a few months ago.

Light Industry

Textile Industry (Stage 4):
Now that most cloth and clothing production in the Peloponnese has been mechanized, work must begin on bringing the Liberated Territories up to the same standard as the rest of the Republic. This stage will construct several large textile mills in Athens, Thebes, and Delphi, providing massive amounts of fabric and clothing for our new citizens. (10 Resources per dice (95+205=300/250)) (Complete, +5 Political Support, Stage 5 50/325)

The new textile mills have finally been completed, significantly reducing underemployment in the Liberated Territories. Work has also been done in the countryside to increase the cultivation of cotton by peasants, although as this is expected to take some time the majority of produced textiles are made from domestic or Egyptian flax and wool for now. Most of the factories are simply producing bulk amounts of cloth to be rationed out to or traded with families who then craft it into clothes by themselves, as this takes far less time relative to the spinning and weaving of cloth. However, now that production of and demand for cloth is increasing, plans have been made for large workshops for the production of finished clothes, with the goal of reducing domestic labor requirements yet further to free up more labor hours for more productive purposes.

Wire Product Production: Barbed wire, chain-link fencing, and other materials made of various kinds of steel wire are extremely useful in areas ranging from military fortifications to agriculture to construction. Producing them on a large scale will be very beneficial to the Republic. (15 Resources per dice (87+0=87/100)) (Nat 1)

Machinery for drawing bulk steel into wire has been built, and a factory for the process is near completion. However, the military has managed to convince the Central Committee that essentially all of its output allocated to defense, making plans for the use of barbed wire, chainlink fences, or wire mesh for construction and agricultural purposes impossible with the present amount of construction. It would be possible to further expand the plant to enable the mass adoption of this, but it is still disappointing that the returns from this endeavor will likely be shorter than planned.

Chemical Industry

Low-Pressure Hydrogenation Reactors
: While the low quality of the chemical reactors we are able to produce renders many useful processes out of reach for now, hydrogenation reactions that only require an atmosphere or two of pressure still open up many doors. Most important will be the conversion of fish and olive oil to solid fats, increasing the options available for food in the Republic, and the production of furfuryl alcohol and cyclohexanone for use in plastic production. Gaining more experience with hydrogen before attempting processes that require hundreds of bars of pressure and high temperatures will also be good to increase efficiency and safety. (20 Resources per dice (61+7=68/60)) (Complete, Quality Dice 90, Synthetic Rubber Production (Stage 1) Unlocked)

Several large chemical reactors have been built, with the largest being used to convert various vegetable and fish oils into solid fats and smaller ones being used to create various polymer precursors. Decently large amounts of furfural can be recovered from waste products of paper production, and now that this can be converted into furfuryl alcohol we are now able to make large amounts of furan resins without cutting into our supply of coal-based chemical precursors. Safety issues with the handling of acetylene and vinylacetylene have also been worked around, allowing larger-scale production of ethylene and butadiene. Plans have been drawn up for the use of these precursors to create large amounts of various rubbery polymers as well as thermoplastics, enabling us to decisively break with the need to process tons of dandelions to get a meager amount of natural latex.

Polymer Production (Stage 2): In addition to expanding the production of vinyl polymers yet further, efforts can be made to begin the mass production of PMMA and PETE for various niche applications. Other polymers will have to wait until we have the ability to preform hydrogenation reactions on a large scale. (20 Resources per dice (96+92=188/150)) (Complete, quality dice 27, Stage 3 38/200)

Large expansions in the production of various types of polymers have been completed. although we are nowhere close to meeting demand. Still, we have made significant progress forwards, and more and more workers are now able to benefit from plastic items in their everyday lives both directly and indirectly. The ability to produce significant quantities of ethylene has expanded the variety of plastics we can produce even further, although as long as we are stuck with coal as our main feedstock it is unlikely to become the universal workhorse of polymers due to economic concern.

Zakinthos Oil Extraction: While the oil seeps on Zakinthos may not be very large and coking is generally a better source of chemical feedstocks than petroleum with our current industrial base, drilling a few shallow wells near current seeps to recover kerosene and tar will not be very expensive and will yield substantial benefits in various areas. (10 Resources per dice (85+0/65)) (Complete, quality dice 18, +10 Resources per turn from trade)

While the oil seeps on the island of Zakinthos are not very large, exploitation of them at some scale has begun. Shallow wells to pump oil either from near the seeps or the more accessible of the underlying formations that feed them have been completed, as well as an extremely basic "refinery" enabling the production of naphtha, kerosene, paraffin wax, lubricating oils, and asphalt from the recovered crude. While especially for light aromatic feedstocks the oil production will not be able to replace coal tar, every bit helps, and the new waxes and oils are very useful for lighting and lubricating machinery.

Pesticide Production (Stage 1): Now that reactionaries in our government have been dealt with, pesticides and herbicides can be produced for domestic use. DDT, metam sodium, zineb, carbaryl, paraquat, glyphosate, and 2,4-D can be produced in large quantities, allowing administrations less idiotic than our own larger and more consistent yields. Education on the proper and safe use of pesticides will also be provided to the people, although some risk is inevitable and acceptable when compared to the gains in health from an increased food supply. Factories for the production of the active ingredients will be done in Tiryns, as it has a less severe labor shortage than other cities near the capitol and will ensure that any accidents do not risk depopulating our largest urban center. (15 Resources per dice (124+0=124/100)) (Complete, quality dice 81, Stage 2 24/150)

Production and distribution of new chemical pesticides and herbicides on an industrial scale has begun. Upon further consideration, acutely toxic agents such as paraquat and some organophosphates have been placed in a more restricted category of pesticides that require at least some education to use, in order to reduce the risk to the population. However, less hazardous agents are being handed out as much as possible, with the only training being given being short lectures in villages to ensure that they at least know the pesticides exist. While their use and dispersal may be being done extremely suboptimally, at least they are being used, and pests are already starting to become less of an issue in much of the country.


Agricultural Mechanization (Stage 3):
While modest gains have been made thus far, at significant costs, agricultural mechanization will free both the peasant from hard labor and reduce the threat of starvation. Further production and distribution of agricultural machinery, as well as the importation of draft animals from abroad, will increase labor efficiency yet further. (10 Resources per dice (192+161=353/300)) (Complete, Nat 1, Stage 4 53/275)

The production and distribution of agricultural equipment, as well as the purchase of thousands of more draft animals, has been made possible due to an increase in trade with groups in Western Europe and the Maghreb despite the issues in trade with Egypt. Authorization has been made for an increase in export of pikes, axes, swords, and armor, which are extremely cheap for us to produce, and the various chiefdoms are more than willing to trade over farm animals for them. While this will likely increase the frequency and severity of conflict in the region somewhat, it should also make it at least marginally harder for small groups to set up colonies, so it can be argued that this is actually aiding the cause of anti-imperialism.

Formalize Mutual Aid Teams: While peasants which have been given draft animals through the existing mechanization programs have already been organized into mutual aid teams for the distribution of animal labor to multiple families, these should be extended nationwide to make distributing investment easier in the long term. (10 Resources per dice (114+0/100)) (Complete, quality dice 52)

Groups of five to seven households have been organized into formalized mutual aid teams, at least in the areas of the Republic where an accurate registry of the location and size of households exist. This will make the future distribution of more aid easier, and hopefully increase cooperation between different peasants more in the long term. However, significant political issues have come up due to the more reactionary components of the Central Committee, with exaggerated tales of the issues faced by the USSR and PRC causing significant panic among large numbers of peasants and those in our government who claim to represent their interests. In order to reduce this, official guarantees that all land acquisitions by the government will involve compensation for the current inhabitants and that all collectivization programs will be entirely voluntary have been put into place. While the complete modernization of agriculture will likely require this to be repealed at some point in the future, this is some years off and the population can probably be changed to a more optimal viewpoint before then.


Liberated Territories Primary Schools (Stage 4):
Further investment in the educational apparatus is necessary for all of our citizens to be educated and made productive. This stage will allow for a supermajority of villages in the Liberated Territories to have access to some sort of school, and for teaching capacity to be large enough for most people to make use of that access. Universal education is still some distance away, but the gap is rapidly closing. (5 Resources per dice (341+39=380/600)) (+15k primary student slots in total for this stage)

Over five hundred literate citizens have begun training for roles as teachers. While this means they cannot contribute to the economy for over half a year, the full-time training should bring them from barely being literate to being slightly more literate and able to do basic arithmetic. While the teachers are going to be massively unqualified by Uptime standards, especially given the large class sizes, some education is better than none, even if it's just someone reading things from a textbook.

Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 5): While a decent percentage of the population of the Peloponnese now at least know how to write their own names, the Liberated Territories are even further behind, with essentially no one having any literacy at all. This must be rectified as quickly as possible, although expanding literacy campaigns to the level they are at in the Peloponnese will take several years. (5 Resources per dice (119+89=230/425)) (+5 Political Support upon completion)

A few hundred more workers have been assigned to teach workers and peasants in the Liberated Territories basic literacy skills. While most of the attendees might not be getting very much of an education other than learning the alphabet and how to use a pencil, widespread literacy will at least enable the much more rapid dissemination of information and news going on, hopefully allowing the economy to become somewhat more modernized.

Liberated Territories

Liberated Territories Agricultural Education (Stage 2):
While some peasants in the Liberated Territories have been given access to new techniques, crops, and tools, many more have not. This situation must be rectified as soon as possible. (5 Resources per dice (43+164=207/175) (Complete, Stage 3 32/250)

Rural education teams have been expanded further, as well as given updated information on the use of modern chemical agents. Still, this isn't going to be enough to give everyone in the Liberated Territories access to modern knowledge in a reasonable time frame, and further investment is necessary.

City Reconstruction and Modernization (Stage 2): While people may no longer be freezing to death in the streets of Athens and Thebes, most of the population still lives in deeply subpar dwellings that need to be modernized in order to reduce disease, increase productivity, and win over the population. (10 Resources per dice (103+130=233/250))

Water, gas, and sewage lines have been laid in concert with the construction of paved streets, and almost all of the new apartments have been nearly completed. Some which were already fairly complete were finished as planned, while the newer sites have been given new building designs incorporating rebar. This has caused some slight delays, although the fact that we are giving our construction force training with new materials and methods means this should be worth it in the future. While a few final touches remain, we are well on the way to giving many thousands more of our citizens a better life.


Bolt Action Rifle Production (Stage 3):
With the new wave of American refugees coming in, our production of relatively precision weapons can more easily be expanded further. While mass production of submachine guns may be more pressing, rifles are only slightly less critical. (25 Resources per dice (213+28=241/150)) (Complete, +350 bolt-action rifles per turn) (Quality Dice 60) (Stage 4 91/200)

Close to a hundred people, both Uptimers and Downtimers, are now employed at the new workshops for producing bolt-action rifles. No great breakthroughs have been made, but everything has progressed roughly as expected, and our ability to field modern troops in the future has significantly increased.

"We were all afraid, that we would dishonor Prometheus and his priests with our slovenly ways and ignorance of the sacred rites of fire and metal. Thank the good sense of the supervisor, who knew that unlettered farm boys cannot work with black arts, but know wood well. It is a most tricky bit of carving and joinery, but I am learning and with steel chisels and other tools, I can make ten stocks in a week, of which seven are judged fit to use." - Dhmofanhs son of Khalkeus, machinist

Artillery Production (Stage 6): Equipping our army with mortars is a necessary step, but larger and more accurate weapons are needed for longer-range work. A 75mm field gun and the associated shells will begin production to ensure that our artillery arm can be appropriately expanded. Additionally, facilities for producing guncotton, various fillings, and artillery shells can be expanded by a significant amount, enabling for more ammunition to be produced for our expanding numbers of weapons from pistols to artillery. (20 Resources per dice (87+0=87/200))

Work has begun on starting production of 75 mm artillery pieces and shells using innovative fillers. While it does require some nitrogen, a mixture of nitrotoluenes and nitroxylenes with potassium perchlorate enables significantly higher performance than perchlorate-charcoal or perchlorate-wax compositions while being much less nitrogen intensive than conventional organic explosives. White phosphorous shells are also available as an alternative option, although supplies of phosphorus are not unlimited either and almost as critical for agriculture as nitrogen is. Still, supplies are not yet impacted, as the facilities for their production are nowhere near completion.

Land Fortifications (Stage 2): Especially with supply limited to what can be brought via cart along much of the border with Iolcus, the construction of more storage facilities and rear-line facilities is a much. Buried concrete bunkers should provide ammo dumps at least some protection from distant artillery, and all of these facilities will still be very useful even if the river and canal systems of the Liberated Territories are expanded even further. (10 Resources per dice (72+28=100/100)) (Complete, quality dice 66, Stage 3 0/135)

Despite issues caused by the neglect of the barge infrastructure in the Liberated Territories, enough materials have been brought to strategic locations near the border to build a decent number of fortifications and supply depots. Still, much more can be done, in order to further strengthen the front as well as push further into the interior to prevent a flanking attach.

Universal Military Training (Stage 2): Setting up a more formalized system of conscription and training of all citizens when they turn 16 will ensure a large pool of at least somewhat trained manpower for the People's Army in the event of an armed conflict. While it will take some effort to fully implement, it is imperative if we are to actually use the weapons we are producing. (10 Resources per dice (130+9=139/100)) (Complete, quality dice 31, +450 trained per turn) (Stage 3 39/150)

Around a hundred more Americans with some military experience too old to directly serve in the armed forces have been tasked with training additional citizens for combat, ensuring that training can continue even when the army is mobilized for fighting elsewhere. Further expanding the training and conscription systems is possible, but given the upcoming war with the pirates it will probably have to wait until the completion of said war.


Recruit Downtimers To Ministry:
Even if they don't have much of a formal education, there are thousands of intelligent, motivated, and literate downtimers in the Republic. These people are capable of doing lower-level administrative work, and will learn more with time. Having more of them in our government will also bring us closer to a true people's democracy. (5 Resources per dice) (122) (+1 Dice to Services and Light Industry)

Filling out various administrative and clerical posts that do not require a bevy of technical knowledge, especially for education and textile production, has significantly increased our capabilities in those sectors. Still, there is a limit to what can be done until significant amounts of Downtimers start graduating high schools.

Evaluate Replacements (Light Industry): It is apparent that some Ministers are too incompetent, reactionary, or both to serve the people well in their current positions. This would evaluate various people for a ministry position, followed by firing the current minister if they are judged to be more competent. (38)

While he has managed to learn somewhat on the job in the past five years, Lindsey is extremely underqualified for his job compared to newer candidates. Fortunately, most of the Central Committee is willing to replace him without too many issues, as his lack of knowledge has been obvious multiple times in the past.

[]Marissa Blair: The first actual engineer to be assigned to work on the textile industry in the Republic, she has been largely responsible for the design and further development of much of our modern textile industry. Seeing that the reduction of outdated methods of textile manufacture is critical to the development of modern social relations and is second only to agriculture in its ability to free up labor, further investment in the field will be a good use of her skillset. Additionally, she is a long-time political ally of yours, although many in the Central Committee are unhappy about appointing another of your political allies as a minister and would likely have to be mollified with promises of future political cooperation. (-15 Political Support)
-Textile Experience: +5 to all dice in Light Industry related to textiles
-Mechanical Engineer: (+2 Light Industry dice)

[]Vicente Guerra: While his Uptime experience as an electrical engineer is no longer as useful in the near term, he has still played an instrumental role in managing various plants producing precision devices. Additionally, as we are starting to slowly regain the ability to produce and use electricity, his old skills may come in handy once again if we can begin to manufacture everything from lightbulbs to electrically driven small machinery. (-10 Political Support)
-Electrification Focus
-Electrical Engineer: (+1 Light Industry dice, +10 to all Light Industry dice related to electricity)

[]Jackson Keller: A mechanical engineer who arrived in Greece before the foundation of the Republic, he has a rather odd background. Due to his disgust with the treatment of various Downtimer groups in Anatolia by the Americans, he managed to make it to Attica around two years after the event and attempted to integrate himself into society as a general farmer and craftsman. After the foundation of the Second State of New Arizona, he fled into the hills with some other peasants to resist the slavers, before putting his previous education to use after the Popular Republic liberated the area. He does have the upside of knowing what the average citizen wants far better than everyone else, but has little specific experience and is not really allied with either you or the Intensificationists. (0 Political Support)
-Consumer Goods Focus
-Mechanical Engineer: (+2 Light Industry Dice)

[]Jeff Turner: Currently the Deputy Minister of Military Production and a firm ally of Gordon, we have been approached with a deal to appoint him the Minister of Light Industry in exchange for being given free reign to choose whoever we like as his replacement at his old post. We would also gain some general political goodwill from agreeing to his appointment, but it would still be a net loss of influence compared to the other options. (+5 Political Support)
-Automatically get choice for appointing Deputy Minister of Military Production for 0 Political Support next turn, in addition to any manual minister replacements
-Electrical Engineer: (+1 Light Industry Dice, +10 to all Light Industry dice related to electricity)

Current Economic Issues:
Transportation: Sufficient
Fuel: Sufficient
Steel: Surplus, demand rapidly increasing
Copper: Sufficient
Wood: Sufficient
Construction Materials: Sufficient
Electricity: Sufficient
Food: Sufficient
Cloth: Sufficient production,
Rural labor (varies by season): Mostly occupied with agriculture
Urban labor: Sufficient in the Peloponnese, large surplus in the Liberated Territories
Literate workers: Sufficient
American educated workers: Surplus
total student slots: 18k+16k primary, 10k secondary, 0k tertiary
Consumer Goods: Surplus
Ammonia: Surplus

6 Hour Moratorium
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Either []Jackson Keller or []Vicente Guerra, IMO. We are starting electrical power, but someone who understands what the people want would be valuable.
i'm leaning towards jackson keller myself. he's concerned with the downtimers, committed enough to do guerilla warfare, gives +2 dice and can give us a better idea of what to build to actually help the populace. what's more on top of that he doesn't cost political support. overall i think he's the best
Yeah, I'd say Marissa or Jackson. Increased dice availability is very valuable right now, given how it's our major constraint rather than Resources ATM.
Are any other Uptimer states recovering/restoring industry in any kind of way?
Are any other Uptimer states recovering/restoring industry in any kind of way?
Every Uptimer state is industrializing to the best of their ability. New Washington would probably be further ahead of us due to having far more educated people (thanks to being majority American) if they hadn't spent the last couple of years in a destructive and highly destabilizing war with the Vanguardists, interspersed with a couple of minor civil wars/revolts.
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Are any other Uptimer states recovering/restoring industry in any kind of way?

I think we have to assume everyone is going to be trying to increase their industrial capacity, especially as Tucson is being tapped out or inaccesible to some groups for political reasons. The issue most other faction are going to run into is shortages of skilled labor, given that no one else except maybe Crete seems to be interested in educating their Downtimer populations. The other Uptime states have more Americans than us, but have very little capacity to expand their skilled labor pool. In the long term, we should have a massive advantage over places like New Monthan, as we can utilize our population much more effectively than them. We just need to survive for a few decades and they'll have either been forced to adapt or die. And their political systems are not set up to allow for the adaption they need.
the downside of being the only ones educating our downtimers, however, is that we have to build schools wherever we conquer liberate. then we have to keep up with the population boom that comes with our new agricultural methods, improved healthcare, antibiotics, etc. long term the prm is going to boom like a wasp's nest
Crete, Rome, Christ's Kingdom on Earth, and us I think are the ones with the political will to actually educate Downtimers in meaningful numbers. Of these, I think we're the ones most dedicated to mass education of the entire populace in such a relatively short timeframe.

New Washington and the CKE also have access to far larger American populations, with likely 100k+ and high tens of thousands (possibly more, comparable to New Washington) respectively. Uptimers are the majority of the population in New Washington at least, and possibly the CKE as well depending on how population distribution is.

The Air Force Factions are normally constrained by their low manpower (they don't even have access to particularly large Downtimer populations.) New Monthan is the exception to that now, but they still only have a few thousand actually trusted Americans, since they view non-military Americans as 2nd class citizens. Still, if they can manage that, their American count is liable to be in the tens of thousands, albeit a lot of that will be highly rebellious.
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Tempted by Keller simply because his background is cool, but I think we have the support to burn for a political ally and the two on offer look competent so either of those would be good too.
Textile industry is cited as 2nd only to agri in its ability for labor savings, which is important considering how our agriculture sector labor has already been looted extensively. Which is another point for Marissa.
[]Vicente Guerra

Seems very reasonable to me. Within the next year we will have enough electricity production to make reasonable use of it and he could be of great help to that.

[]Marissa Blair

On the other hand gives us a full extra two dice, which is very appealing.
Yay, glad to see this back! The timeline on the Apulian invasion is quicker than expected but I guess we're going, so strap in.

Re: LI deputy, either of the choices that provide +2 dice are my preference. More dice is critical right now, and both candidates have acceptable flavors of brainworm.
The open hearth furnace has finally been completed, and while its production is less than that of even one Bessemer converter in terms of raw throughput, the control over steel properties is far better. This has enabled a final break with the need for puddling furnaces for higher-quality steel alloys, and has also enabled production of these alloys to be massively expanded.
Thank god we can retire the puddling furnaces. Other industrial processes may kill people when the (frequent) accidents happen, but those things poison the workers as inherent aspects of their operation. A stain on industry's image, they were.
The production and distribution of agricultural equipment, as well as the purchase of thousands of more draft animals, has been made possible due to an increase in trade with groups in Western Europe and the Maghreb despite the issues in trade with Egypt. Authorization has been made for an increase in export of pikes, axes, swords, and armor, which are extremely cheap for us to produce, and the various chiefdoms are more than willing to trade over farm animals for them. While this will likely increase the frequency and severity of conflict in the region somewhat, it should also make it at least marginally harder for small groups to set up colonies, so it can be argued that this is actually aiding the cause of anti-imperialism.
I smell the cope. Well, it IS a humanitarian disaster, but what do we really care about what happens in the Western Mediterranean so long as nazi pirates aren't setting up there? Not bad, as far as critfails go.
Guerra or turner would be the by far the best. We are still operating with oil based lighting and even something as simple as light-bulbs is going to be revolutionary, much less amplifiers and basic circuits for radios. Getting an electrical engineer is going to be essential for that, especially since Prometheus is already built up and we are going to need to build up a power grid for tooling if nothing else.
Given our Political Support levels and ability to get more (Adult Literacy, probably more Textiles and work on Prometheus), sounds like Guerra would be best then.
oh yeah, lightbulbs. lightbulbs are incredibly important for industrialization, being able to have multiple shifts through the night, night schools for our literacy. not losing on to two thirds of our daylight would of gangbusters for our productivity.
I'm for Guerra. It's true that we don't have much electricity right now, but that's what the focus is for. Electrification is a paradigm shift in a way that improved textiles simply aren't. His slightly greater distance from us is also a benefit.

Electrification is also an field where we can skip a lot of the really hard slog period - while a true grid is decades away, adapted modern techniques won't be that far out of reach for many applications. In fairness, this is also mostly true of textiles. Bamboo fabrics are nearly as good as silks, could obviously be cultivated if we get our hands on some living shoots, and as far as I can see are only hideously toxic to produce rather than technologically difficult.

There's no shortage of people who would literally kill for bamboo fabric right now...but no, electricity is what will win the war.