Attempting to Fulfil The Plan: ISOT Edition

I feel like we should at least get some training and ship building experince under our belts before we try that.
I agree. In my opinion, we are not well positioned to create steamships. Aside from the considerable expense in introducing steam ships, there is also the issue of fuel. The operation of a steam-based navy does take considerable amounts of coal, which we are already deficient in. Plus, there is a risk of starting an arms race with the first construction of ironclads, with more navally proficient powers promptly starting the construction their own ironclads, forcing us to spend even more resources on economically unprofitable naval power to maintain naval parity against them. Let's wait out the current resource crunch and start steel vessel shipyards after we got income from annexed territories and some naval experience, rather than now when we are working with 20% fewer resources due to mobilization and quarantine.
The resources spent on building steel vessels could also be redirected towards machining and increasing coal production. Hell, the stage 2 of heavy machinery even mentions setting up dedicated boiler production lines. If we aren't industrially producing those yet, I think we would be putting the cart before the horse with ironhull shipyards.
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We don't need to jump straight to Dreadnought, we just need something armored against uptime small arms and downtime cannon fire that can float menacingly near our major harbors or if we're really lucky maybe do some coastal patrols. The literal Nazi slavers who just invaded all of our island neighbors are also already a year into constructing a Death Star in their Italian colony, we don't have the time or luxury of waiting to get everything perfectly ideal.

We need something that can ward off the very rapidly expanding Nazi fleet from raiding our major cities SOON before that Death Star fleet comes online, and there's no way that we're going to out-produce their slave colony nor out-sail their experienced pirates anytime soon. So our only choice is to lean into what we do have, namely lots of steel and artillery.

For the next decade we're probably lucky to get anything more than harbor defense monitors, much less an actual cruiser worthy of the name, but that's all we need to make ourselves a harder target for the Nazis than we're worth. I don't see any other secret weapons in the pipeline that could believably counter the Nazi Doom Fleet in time. I'm purely worried about coastal defense right now, not power projection, and if Crete sees us build a shitty monitor to counter the obvious Nazi threat their response is probably "ok cool that rustbucket can't even leave their coastline, we've got bigger fish to fry" rather than trying to arms race us when there's a super obvious common enemy we should both focus on instead.
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The literal Nazi slavers who just invaded all of our island neighbors are also already a year into constructing a Death Star in their Italian colony, we don't have the time or luxury of waiting to get everything perfectly ideal.

We need something that can ward off the very rapidly expanding Nazi fleet from raiding our major cities SOON before that Death Star fleet comes online, and there's no way that we're going to out-produce their slave colony nor out-sail their experienced pirates anytime soon. So our only choice is to lean into what we do have, namely lots of steel and artillery.
The death star does seem to consist of wooden ships, given how the update mentioned the extensive forest falling in their secret colony. If we need something quick to make us a tougher target, I think building a wooden navy is a better move. Trying to get an experimental ship class functional enough for combat will necessarily take quite some time. Putting a lot of resources into monitor ships is a very much a gamble compared to investment into faster built wooden ships. Our first level of deterrence is "actually have armed ships that can pursue raiders, rather than letting them sail away with impunity".
Wooden ships also leverage superior artillery, since they are equipped with it. And even if such a fleet isn't able to battle a superior enemy fleet, having better ship cannons than them still allows them to deter attacks by inflicting disproportionate. So I think "get any kind of warship in time to deter raids, even if it's made of wood" is in my opinion the safer and less expensive deterrence choice compared to "gambling on monitors for deterrence".
Trust me I know how boats work, yes obviously put cannons on our merchants as well. But it's not an exclusive decision, the wooden shipyards already exist and every plan proposed is getting keels laid down in them this turn. However the Nazis already have a bigger fleet than us and will only widen that gap as the Zeroth Reich (what a fuckin name) slaves away. If they really want to fuck with us, half a dozen converted merchants won't stop them, there's no reason NOT to also build up an experimental steel yard in parallel to the wooden yards that already exist and are already working. We need some kind of qualitative force multiplier to overcome their huge numerical and experiential edge over us.
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However the Nazis already have a bigger fleet than us and will only widen that gap as the Zeroth Reich (what a fuckin name) slaves away. If they really want to fuck with us, half a dozen converted merchants won't stop them, there's no reason NOT to also build up an experimental steel yard in parallel to the wooden yards that already exist and are already working. We need some kind of qualitative force multiplier to overcome their huge numerical and experiential edge over us.
I mean, there is are reasons to not pick experimental steel yards right now. The action is pretty expensive, which means our development will be slowed down during a time of resource crunch. The actions spent on steel vessel shipyards cost resources which prevent 3 actions the fishing fleet and the merchant marine, thus making it a coinflip whether we are protected against harvest shortfalls and have anything against raids. There is also the issue of trying to build a new class of warship when you have zero experience with naval organization. And I don't think we will get a monitor ship automatically once the steel vessel shipyards are finished, I think there will be further expenses for following it up.
I'm by no means against the attempt of building steam ships in general. I think this turn is an inopportune time to invest into a naval super weapon and would prefer to see its development delayed by a turn, as to not leave us with a slump in economic development.
[X] Plan Playing to Our Strengths

Some folks will say, "Bruh the vote hasn't open yet, 6 hours still remain, that's illegal!" but sadly for me I have a long flight travel that will unfortunately prevent me from accessing that sweet wifi for a while, so might as well get out of the way and send my ballot vote early, so many apologies.
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[ ] Plan Playing to Our Strengths
Infrastructure, 4 dice
-[ ] Mycenae Water and Sewage (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Port Facilities (Stage 3), 3 dice (30 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 4 dice
-[ ] Portland Cement Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Steel Vessel Shipyards, 3 dice (60 Resources)
Light Industry, 3 +2 Free dice
-[ ] Textile Industry (Stage 3), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[ ] Newspapers, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Expanded Book Production, 1 die (5 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 dice
-[ ] Glass Production (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Dandelion Rubber Production, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 1), 1 dice (20 Resources)
Agriculture, 3 dice
-[ ] Basic Herbicides and Pesticides, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[ ] Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3), 2 dice (10 Resources)
Services, 4 dice +1 Free dice
-[ ] Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3), 4 dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Fumigation Efforts, 1 die (10 Resources)
Military, 3/4 dice
-[ ] Simple Weapon Production (Stage 1), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[ ] Creation of the Red Navy, 1 die
-[ ] Cartridge Trials, 1 die (20 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 3 +1 Free dice
-[ ] Weigh in on Voucher System, 1 die
-[ ] Advertise to Refugees, 1 die
-[ ] Evaluate Deputies, 1 die
-[ ] Evaluate Replacements (Natasha Tyler), 1 die

Resources Available: 260
Resources Used: 260
Resources Remaining: 0
Dice Rolled: 31

The basic logic for this plan is that steel ships offer us a massive step forward in both build quality and in our capability to actually manufacture them. We almost certainly do not have a massive supply of seasoned timbers and most of the vessels we are trying to build are of a lighter class. Rather then relying on our limited supply of treated wood for construction, why not instead do simple steel V-hulls with a central plate and heavy riveting. This will significantly save on trained workers and allow us to keep shipbuilding relatively simple rather then attempting to over-complicate it. Further, by rationing the seasoned timber that we do have and avoiding needing to learn how to reliably bend it, our current reserve can be stretched much further as it can be prioritized for rigging.

Even at the most optimistic time scale we are not going to be building wooden ships worth a dam in the next season or the season after, even if we have enough seasoned timber for them because bending is slow, water proofing is slow and labor involved and every step needs relatively high skill well trained labor. Steel ships on the other hand can be build in a simpler single cross braced V scheme and riveted across the lower plate, saving a considerable amount of labor and playing to our strengths. The steel surplus will not use itself, and going to steel now will generate significant hull mass savings. Hell, we will probably still make a lighter ship if we have to wooden panel the steel exterior hull. Furthermore, steel hulls will save us a massive amount of resources on coopering, as bulk galvanization can be done far easier then the construction of a wooden ship.

Importantly for fishing trawlers of the 50-100 ton range i.e sloops in this case. A steel ship needs a minimal degree of structural cross bracing, while a wooden one needs far more. By minimizing the degree of fuckup and working with steel plating that our industry has experience with we can minimize the percentages of fuckups. Going hard now also means that we will probably have plentiful experience with lighter vessels and maybe even get a few out before the end of the start of the proper planting season, as low tonnage ships can literally be made from three bent steel plates that are slightly cut. Further, we have actual workers experienced in metalworking and a functional steel industry, we do not have a wood bending or ship building industry. We may as well use what we have more of and actual institutional experience with rather then trying to jump to wooden ships.

Other dice shifts involve going towards the docks rather then the merchant marine, as its going to take us a long while to prepare enough timbers anyway, and by going hard on steel now we can minimize their use rather then start the long long process of naturally seasoning timber in a Greek climate. Hell, for the time, a number of techniques involved the shaping of timber in live trees and then harvesting that for curved elements, taking years for traditional shipbuilding. Years we do not have because we do not have a navy or real naval construction tradition and that is not something we can scale up at any reasonable pace. What we do have is literal tons of steel, and steel makes things far easier in the sense that since we can make and roll plates, we can make a ship in a relatively hydrodynamic shape.
I'm reluctant to do ports since that still uses some amount of rural labor, albeit a tiny amount compared to other options. Other than that, the plan is tempting, though I really want to find a way to scrounge up 2 dice on Pharmaceuticals.
I'm reluctant to do ports since that still uses some amount of rural labor, albeit a tiny amount compared to other options. Other than that, the plan is tempting, though I really want to find a way to scrounge up 2 dice on Pharmaceuticals.
The issue is trying to push out any ship as quickly as possible, is well, challenging as three dice on steel shipyards is expensive and well... yea.
I don't think experience in boat building will help us given how different the techniques involved get in metal ships once you get past the "bolt metal plates to a wooden ships" phase, the sooner we get steel yards up, the better in that regard.

That said I also understand that navy building is a long term project regardless so I'd be overall fine if it gets delayed a turn so we can figure out a naval construction plan and work on pharmaceuticals or a similar high cost high value project.

Edit: I'm also expecting us to come to an understanding with Crete as I imagine that Anax Rachel is gonna be cursing a blue streak that the fash set up a base perfectly positioned to hit the sea lanes between Crete and Sicily. If we have an opportunity to learn how to navy good from them, we should take it.
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Okay, I'm not gonna be around for the next few hours, but since a part of me really does want to at least start work on the Steelyards, here are two mostly similar but slightly different plans.

[X] Plan Labor Grab and Steelyards
Infrastructure, 4 dice
-[X] Mycenae Water and Sewage (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Merchant Marine, 3 dice (30 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 4 +1 Free dice
-[X] Portland Cement Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Fishing Fleet, 2 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Steel Vessel Shipyards, 2 dice (40 Resources)
Light Industry, 3 +2 Free dice
-[X] Textile Industry (Stage 3), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[X] Newspapers, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Expanded Book Production, 1 die (5 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 dice
-[X] Dandelion Rubber Production, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
Agriculture, 3 dice
-[X] Basic Herbicides and Pesticides, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3), 2 dice (10 Resources)
Services, 4 dice
-[X] Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3), 4 dice (20 Resources)
Military, 3/4 dice
-[X] Simple Weapon Production (Stage 1), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Creation of the Red Navy, 1 die
-[X] Cartridge Trials, 1 die (20 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 3 +1 Free dice
-[X] Weigh in on Voucher System, 1 die
-[X] Advertise to Refugees, 1 die
-[X] Evaluate Deputies, 1 die
-[X] Evaluate Replacements (Natasha Tyler), 1 die

Resources Available: 260
Resources Used: 260
Resources Remaining: 0
Dice Rolled: 31

I made this alternate Plan for Labor Savings that trades Glass for Rubber and takes away Specialty Regent Production to afford 2 dice on Steelyards (and reduces Fishing down to 2 dice, partially because I'm worried about 6 dice on ships might be too much for our docks.)

And here's the old Plan with a slightly different name to distinguish it.

[X] Plan Labor Grab and Chemicals
Infrastructure, 4 dice
-[X] Mycenae Water and Sewage (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Merchant Marine, 3 dice (30 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 4 dice
-[X] Portland Cement Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Fishing Fleet, 3 dice (30 Resources)
Light Industry, 3 +2 Free dice
-[X] Textile Industry (Stage 3), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[X] Newspapers, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Expanded Book Production, 1 die (5 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 +1 Free dice
-[X] Glass Production (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
-[X] Specialty Regent Production, 1 die (25 Resources)
Agriculture, 3 dice
-[X] Basic Herbicides and Pesticides, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3), 2 dice (10 Resources)
Services, 4 dice
-[X] Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3), 4 dice (20 Resources)
Military, 3/4 dice
-[X] Simple Weapon Production (Stage 1), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Creation of the Red Navy, 1 die
-[X] Cartridge Trials, 1 die (20 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 3 +1 Free dice
-[X] Weigh in on Voucher System, 1 die
-[X] Advertise to Refugees, 1 die
-[X] Evaluate Deputies, 1 die
-[X] Evaluate Replacements (Natasha Tyler), 1 die

Resources Available: 260
Resources Used: 260
Resources Remaining: 0
Dice Rolled: 31
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[X] Plan Playing to Our Strengths
Infrastructure, 4 dice
-[X] Mycenae Water and Sewage (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Port Facilities (Stage 3), 3 dice (30 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 4 dice
-[X] Portland Cement Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Steel Vessel Shipyards, 3 dice (60 Resources)
Light Industry, 3 +2 Free dice
-[X] Textile Industry (Stage 3), 3 dice (30 Resources)
-[X] Newspapers, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Expanded Book Production, 1 die (5 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3 dice
-[X] Glass Production (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Dandelion Rubber Production, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 1), 1 dice (20 Resources)
Agriculture, 3 dice
-[X] Basic Herbicides and Pesticides, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3), 2 dice (10 Resources)
Services, 4 dice +1 Free dice
-[X] Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3), 4 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Fumigation Efforts, 1 die (10 Resources)
Military, 3/4 dice
-[X] Simple Weapon Production (Stage 1), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Creation of the Red Navy, 1 die
-[X] Cartridge Trials, 1 die (20 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 3 +1 Free dice
-[X] Weigh in on Voucher System, 1 die
-[X] Advertise to Refugees, 1 die
-[X] Evaluate Deputies, 1 die
-[X] Evaluate Replacements (Natasha Tyler), 1 die

Resources Available: 260
Resources Used: 260
Resources Remaining: 0
Dice Rolled: 31

This plan assumes as we will be using steam bending for wood and need to re-season, any wooden construction we do now will not be available for us to use for fishing or anything else next phase/likely before the next main harvest. Instead by gambling it all on metal, we might get a number of viable small fishing ships going in the next turn possibly avoiding deepening the likely famine we have coming from broader smallpox spread/possibly bad harvest.
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[X] Plan Labor Grab and Steelyards

Garfield mentioned we do have some seasoned wood so we should try and at least get one fleet done ASAP.
[X] Plan Labor Grab and Steelyards

If we're taking 6 dice worth of rural labor out of the pool with vaccinations already, idk if then doing an additional 3 dice on ports would push us into "taking people away from the harvest" territory but I'd rather play it safe this year. It's only a very slight preference though, I'm fine with either plan that has the steel shipyard.
[X] Plan Heavy Vaccination, Heavy Industry
Infrastructure, 4/4 dice 35R
-[X] Lock Systems (Stage 2), 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Mycenae Water and Sewage (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Merchant Marine, 2 dice (20 Resources)
Heavy Industry, 4/4 dice 50R
-[X] Portland Cement Experiments, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Steel Vessel Shipyards, 1 dice (20 Resources)
-[X] Fishing Fleet, 2 dice (20 Resources)
Light Industry, 3/3 dice 20R
-[X]Textile Industry (Stage 3), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Newspapers, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Expanded Book Production, 1 die (5 Resources)
Chemical Industry, 3/3 dice +1 Free dice 65R
-[X] Glass Production (Stage 2), 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Dandelion Rubber Production, 1 die (5 Resources)
-[X] Pharmaceutical Production (Stage 1), 2 die (40 Resources)
Agriculture, 3/3 dice 20R
-[X] Basic Herbicides and Pesticides, 1 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3), 2 dice (10 Resources)
Services, 4/4 dice +3 Free dice 35R
-[X] Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3), 7 die (35 Resources)
Military, 4/4 dice 30R
-[X] Simple Weapon Production (Stage 1), 2 die (10 Resources)
-[X] Creation of the Red Navy, 1 die
-[X] Cartridge Trials, 1 die (20 Resources)
Bureaucracy, 3 dice
-[X] Weigh in on Voucher System, 1 die
-[X] Advertise to Refugees, 1 die
-[X] Evaluate Deputies, 1 die

Last turn to do anything about our approaching smallpox pandemic-and I think we should do a very Vaccination Heavy plan that pushes will past six dice. We do more pharmaceuticals, to have something to prescribe, and push all other free dice into services, for a whopping nine dice on vaccinations. We drop one die from steel shipyards because we do not need men being crushed by cranes or having rivets shot through their heads by skitzotech shipyards.

Total R used is 255
[X] Plan Labor Grab and Steelyards
Blackstar convinced me of the wisdom of pushing Steel shipbuilding early, we can probably make some quick to produce if flimsy design to deal with those pirates. But like Crazycryodude I am worried about labor.

Question: What's the story behind that "Xšíraka" downtimer state north of the Republic of Crimea? Some relatives of the Scythians I'm guessing, are they Christian, what relations do they have with the theocracy to the south?
Smallpox has arrived in force, with the first outbreaks coming to your attention in mid-May. These appear to have came from smugglers skirting the quarantine by dragging their ships up on the beaches by various small villages, where the idiotic peasantry were generally receptive to trading instead of forcing the plague carriers to leave and reporting them to government personnel. At least many of those responsible have by now paid the ultimate price, and the rest will have learned their lesson.
Good lord, who wrote this? I thought Maoists at least pretended to respect the peasantry, this sounds like something The Voz would write in MNKh-quest. But seriously, I hope this is not a sign of our managerial class getting a massively inflated ego and thinking the peasants don't know shit.

. While expansion of production using wool, linen, and cotton has gone well, experiments with rayon production have gone poorly so far, with deficiencies in raw material purity and process control leading to weak and discolored thread. Therefore, plans for the mass production of rayon have been shelved for the time being.
Good riddance. Rayon itself is OK, but overall it's probably better if our textile industry gives up on (semi-)synthetics. Perhaps we can avoid paving the road towards microplastics hell.

[]Advertise to Refugees: While some may be against the idea of even more Americans coming to live in the Republic, the fact is that we need their skills if we are to progress towards Communism. Advertising the various jobs that Uptimers are needed for in the Republic to those in other states will increase immigration, especially of those persecuted due to their opposition to oppression. (1 Dice, Rolled) (-5 Political Support to take)
Yuo see comrade if you plaster advertisements for the Popular Republic anywhere it means that any Americans that still decide to keep being dirt farmers are Better Dead Than Red type reactionarties and you don't need to worry about being nice to when when the revolution inevitably rolls forwards ehehehehe