Turn 8 (12AE Trimester 2): Arduous March
305-25 Quarantine-10 Verification-10 Incentives=260 Resources Per Turn, 10 In Storage
54 Political Support
Mycenae, 12 AE
While some in the ministry protested that it was necessary, in the end you decided that the proposed emergency measures would be too destructive for too little gain and did not bring them up before the Central Committee. You have, however, at least convinced them to pause work on the canal until the threat of smallpox has passed. Given the fact that it has already spread to western Anatolia, you expect that some smuggler will bring it ashore to the Republic within a month or two, although hopefully the quarantine measures will prevent most of the population from becoming incapacitated until after harvest. Even though smallpox will hit you hard, the general consensus is that it will hit New Arizona even harder, so the planned invasion is still set to begin in September. It is your responsibility to ensure that the economy can still support the People's Army during its offensive.
Free Dice to Allocate: 4 Dice
Infrastructure (4 Dice):
[]Derveni-Zapantis Canal: A navigable canal to connect the Gulf of Corinth to the city of Mycenae and the Aegean as a whole will massively decrease the difficulty of transporting goods to our capital. Work has begun on a series of locks, reservoirs, and pumps to enable the movement of small barges between the Derveni and Zapantis rivers, but this requires a vertical climb of close to a hundred meters. However, even with its massive cost, it must be worth it for the Cretans to have built a similar canal. (10 Resources per dice (648/975)) (Makes most other projects cheaper) (+25 Political Support on completion)
[]Lock Systems (Stage 2): While carts are an option for transporting goods, river transport is an order of magnitude cheaper. This would build more locks, especially along the Peiros and Asopos rivers, to enable the cheap transport of bulk goods such as grain and timber. (5 resources per dice (143/200). (Makes many other projects cheaper, +5 Political Support on completion)
[]Port Facilities (Stage 2): While much has been done to improve the state of the Republic's port capability, it still leaves a lot to be desired. Shipbuilding has seen even less progress, with the vast majority of boats currently being built being barely any different to pre-Event designs. This stage will expand the ports of major cities further, build a few new ones at strategic locations, and create a shipyard in Mycenae capable of building ships that are merely centuries instead of millennia out of date. (10 Resources per dice (182/200)) (Fishing Fleet, Merchant Marine, and Creation of the Red Navy unlocked on completion)
[]Mycenae Water and Sewage (Stage 2): While Mycenae has a utility network of sorts, it is far sparser than those in Tiryns and Dyme. This stage will increase its density to that level, giving substantial benefits. (10 Resources per dice (15/100))
[]Kópos Planned City: While workers in the Kópos mine and nearby industries are currently living in ramshackle huts, this is not sustainable in the long term, especially now that the high population density is starting to cause sanitation issues. A small city will be built next to the mines, with a grid of paved roads and utilities present from the beginning. Dozens of three-story high apartment blocks will be constructed, including not only running water but gas for heating, lighting, and cooking. Public buildings will also be put up, including everything from schools and libraries to a small stadium for baseball and other sports. While some of these amenities will be expensive, they will serve as a model for future implementation in other cities and help with convincing more people to start working in the miserable and dangerous mines. (10 Resources per dice (0/125))
Heavy Industry (4 Dice):
[]Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 3): A current surplus of coal production simply means that we are yet not using enough. A better world shall be ripped from the heart of Gaia herself, one swing of the pick at a time. (10 Resources per dice (10/250))
[]Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 3): Bessemer converters promise the production of unprecedented quantities of steel. Constructing more, as well as switching over blast furnaces to use coal, is a vital endeavor for the success of the Revolution. (15 Resources per dice (150/350)) (+5 Political Support and several new projects on completion)
[]Prometheus Heavy Machinery Plant (Stage 1): With iron and steel production increasing by an order of magnitude in the past year, far more equipment of far larger sizes can be produced. We have enough raw materials to produce thousands of ploughs, pots, and axes every day, but blacksmiths and a few steam hammers are not enough to actually produce them at a significant rate. A dedicated plant to for heavy industrial equipment will enable us to actually make use of what we produce, and then increase production tenfold yet another time. (20 Resources per dice (55/100)) (+5 Political Support and several new projects on completion)
[]Megaleío Copper Mine (Stage 1): While copper may not be as vital as steel, it is still necessary for many purposes. Now that explosives for blasting are available, extraction of ore can be massively increased, with new crushers, roasters, and furnaces being built to refine it into metal. (10 Resources per dice (13/50))
[]Aggregate Quarries: With chlorate-based expolsives allowing for the mass use of blasting in mining, the production of limestone, shale, marble, and other construction materials can be massively increased. Combined with the production of Portland cement, this shall allow for the construction capabilities of the Republic to be massively increased. (5 Resources per dice (0/100))
[]Portland Cement Experiments: In the old world, more concrete was produced and consumed than any other substance besides water. While we may only be able to make coke as a powder, it is still coke, and the other raw materials required to produce cement are in bountiful supply. (10 Resources per dice (0/50))
Light Industry (3 Dice):
[]Textile Industry (Stage 2): Mechanization of textile production is a project that will take decades, but moving production out of the home and into the factory will free up massive amounts of domestic labor that can hopefully then be put to use elsewhere. In addition to expansions of production lines using wool, linen, and cotton, the availability of bleached sulfite pulp will enable the production of small amounts of rayon as a silk substitute. (10 Resources per dice 36/150)) (+5 Political Support on completion)
[]Mills (Stage 3): Yet more mills must be constructed. After this stage, nearly every village in the Republic should have access to a mill for threshing and grinding grain, freeing up substantial amounts of labor during the harvest. (5 Resources per dice (60/200)) (Stage 4 locked behind Dams Stage 3)
[]Newspapers: Newspapers represent a useful vector for spreading information and propaganda, as well as the maintenance of mass literacy. Daily papers will begin printing in Mycenae, Tiryns, and Dyme, focusing on things such as sports, local news, educational columns, and the successes of the Revolution. A monthly farmer's almanac will also be published nationwide, although the almost complete lack of literacy and issues with transportation in rural areas means that distribution will be limited, at least for now. (5 Resources per dice (0/40))
[]Expanded Book Production: With the new availability of massive amounts of paper, the mass production of books is now practical. Mass transcription and translation of works currently stored on computers can begin, so that everything from technical works to political theory to fiction can be given to the people en masse. Novel books on topics such as agriculture will also be composed, with perhaps the most notable of these being an encyclopedia based on an extremely heavily modified version of the 1911 Encyclopedia Brittanica. (5 Resources per dice (0/70)) (Cost reduction for some Services projects)
Chemical Industry (3 Dice):
[]Basic Organic Synthesis: While a lack of reagents, equipment, and personnel massively limits what can be done, there are still many applications for the light fractions of coal tar that are within reach. Work will be done to establish the production of mauveine, paracetamol, DDT, aspirin, and sulfanilamide at a pilot plant scale, and the massive benefits they will bring are merely a taste of things to come. (20 Resources per dice (27/50)) (Significant reduction to all-cause mortality and army attrition) (Unlocks more projects)
[]Glucose Syrup Plant: With the new availability of substantial quantities of strong acids, the production of glucose syrup via the hydrolysis of wheat or barley starch is now trivial. Due to the scarcity of other sweeteners, this will massively increase the availability of sweetened foods internally and produce a valuable good for external trade. (5 Resources per die (0/50))
[]Glass Production (Stage 2): The production of window glass is by far the largest projected use of the substance. While float glass is far too complicated and capital intensive for the foreseeable future, pouring out molten glass onto cast-iron tables, annealing it, and then polishing will still have far higher productivity than blowing it by hand. The switchover of window glass production will also allow for already trained glassblowers to focus exclusively on more complex objects. (10 Resources per dice (11/125))
[]Dandelion Rubber Production: While it may not be great in terms of quantity or quality, dandelions are still the only source of rubber we have. This will set aside some land for the cultivation of dandelions, as well as set up small plants for the extraction and processing of rubber, for uses such as boots, gaskets, and insulated wire. (5 Resources per dice (0/50))
Agriculture (3 Dice):
[]Dams (Stage 3): Yet more small dams can be built in various villages, to provide water power for mills, a head for irrigation networks, and more. After this stage, focus will begin to shift towards larger dams on major rivers. (5 Resources per dice (47/300))
[]Basic Herbicides and Pesticides: While neither lime sulfur or ammonium soaps are the most effective treatments, Citizen Barnett is accepting of them as "natural" and, more importantly, are within your ability to produce at scale. (10 Resources per dice (27/75))
[]Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3): While most of the urban population has now been vaccinated, previous efforts have barely touched the peasantry. This stage will vaccinate villages nearer to urban centers, and after its completion a majority of the population will have been immunized. Given the severity of the situation, the resources of the Ministry of Agriculture have been authorized for use in the vaccination campaign, although would come at the cost of other efforts. (5 Resources per dice (53/250)) (Stage 4 0/325)
Services (4 Dice):
[]Smallpox Vaccinations (Stage 3): While most of the urban population has now been vaccinated, previous efforts have barely touched the peasantry. This stage will vaccinate villages nearer to urban centers, and after its completion a majority of the population will have been immunized. (5 Resources per dice (53/250)) (Stage 4 0/325)
[]Primary Schools (Stage 3): While attention has been slathered on urban centers, education is completely absent in most rural villages. This situation must change, with schoolhouses being built and educational cadres trained and given an increase in rations large enough to support them year round all across the Republic. (5 Resources per dice (51/300)) (+5 Political Support on completion)
[]Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 3): While progress has been made, there are still many urban citizens who are illiterate. This stage will not totally eliminate illiteracy, but will make it so a solid majority of working-age urban adults will at least be able to write their own names. After this, resources will be shifted to building a more formal education system, as educating people as children will work better than stopgap attempts with adults. (5 Resources per dice (180/250)) (+5 Political Support upon completion)
Military (4 Dice):
[]Simple Weapon Production (Stage 1): While they are nowhere near as effective as firearms, the availability of steel and heavy machinery means that pikes can be produced cheaply and in massive quantities, to supply to allied groups or trade with independent downtimers. (5 Resources per dice (36/50))
[]Production Line Switchover: While it would require a large effort and cause a substantial disruption to arms production, it is possible to retrofit workshops currently producing pipe guns to start producing the Model 10 rifle in large enough quantities to supply every soldier in the People's Army with one within a few years. (20 Resources per dice (0/225))
[]Cannon Production (Stage 4): The increased availability of cast steel will allow for us to start producing breech-loading 12 cm cannons for the first time. As these can fire several times faster than muzzle-loading ones, their production is a high priority, even if significant amounts cannot be produced before the invasion of New Arizona. (15 Resources per dice (64/150))
[]Rifle Production (Stage 3): While enough rifles are being produced to adequately arm currently existing cavalry and Guards units before the next harvest, further expansion would still be incredibly useful to allow for more to be raised, ensure sufficient supply in the face of possible adverse events, and more. (15 Resources per dice (0/125))
[]Creation of Attican Shadow Government: The SSD can be tasked with organizing and educating some of the refugees that have fled to the Republic into an administrative cadre to help govern the regions of Greece that will be liberated in the event of a war with New Arizona. While integrating a devastated region that has twice our current population into the Republic will be hard no matter what, this should at least help somewhat. We can also ensure that most of those appointed to important positions are loyal, either to the works of Chairman Mao or yourself. With war on the way, the Army is even willing to pay for the education of the bureaucrats. (0 Resources per dice (53/75))
Bureaucracy (3 Dice):
[]Recruit Americans To Ministry: Almost every single American adult is far more educated than nearly any downtimer, and many have actual experience in areas such as management and accounting. Hundreds of thousands of these people live on the coasts of Anatolia, and many would be more than happy to leave behind a life of subsistence farming to do paperwork. While this will be extremely unpopular, having more educated people in the Ministry can only be a good thing. (5 Resources and -2 Political Support per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation)
[]Recruit Downtimers To Ministry: Even if they don't have much of a formal education, there are thousands of intelligent, motivated, and literate downtimers in the Republic. These people are capable of doing lower-level administrative work, and will learn more with time. Having more of them in our government will also bring us closer to a true people's democracy. (5 Resources per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Increases dice allocation)
Current Economic Issues:
Transportation: Severe bottlenecks
Fuel: Surplus
Iron: Slight surplus, demand rapidly increasing
Copper: Slight deficit
Wood: Sufficient
Construction Materials: Lime and bricks sufficient, sufficient lumber
Food: Likely sufficient until harvest
Cloth: Sufficient production
Rural labor (varies by season): Mostly occupied with agriculture
Urban labor: Sufficient
Literate workers: Surplus
HS educated workers: Surplus
12 Hour Moratorium