Q2 2010
The Security Council
In his years as a politician active on the world stage, Sokolov had amassed enough experience to worm through the nice words and meaningless gestures. While the UNDC was still organizing and moving to Japan he took the time to meet with each of the councilors to get a feel for how they stand on him specifically. Many words were said with little meaning, but Sokolov got what he wanted, an overview.
Canada: Neutral
USA: Moderate Opposition
Mexico: Neutral
Brazil: Mild Support
Argentina: Moderate Support
UK: Mild Opposition
France: Moderate Opposition
Germany: Neutral
Russia: Strong Support
Nigeria: Moderate Support
South Africa: Mild Support
Israel: Strong Support
Saudi Arabia: Moderate Support
India: Neutral
China: Mild Support
Japan: Mild Opposition
Australia: Neutral
Director Nobuo: Mild Support
The Haitian Aftermath
Reactions to the Haitian Relief Fund set up by Secretary Sokolov have been mixed. On the political side politicians have both praised and criticized the UNDC for either its generousity or its "waste of taxpayer money". In a private chat, Director Nobou was quick to point out the frequency at which such disasters happen and while agreeing that it seems to be a politically smart move, wishes for a meeting between the two of them before such action is taken again, pointing out the UNDC is not a disaster relief organisation.
The Mythological Situation
Sightings of supernatural creatures has not abated in the last months, with shaky camcorder footage making the rounds on various news shows and internet forums depicting various creatures straight out of fantasy novels, with conspiracy theories making the rounds either the US Government, the Chinese, the UN or the Jews having opened a portal to some other place during mind control experiments or some equally nefarious purpose and some religious authorities proclaiming the end of the world is near. While most of the creatures seem to avoid human settlements, attacks, both on humans and on livestock have gone up.
The Military Situation
While General Merin, unsurprisingly given command over the entire UNDC Ground Force by the Director, has been satisfied with the state of the troops given to her, she admits they are not good for more than "Standing around and looking menacing". Planning to completely mechanize the force she has proposed several procurement programs to the administration, both to modernise older equipment and reduce maintenance and logistical strain by having only need for one standard per equipment type.
Resources: 1245 Resources left from yearly budget
Council Support: 51
Dice Capacity: 17
Infrastructure (5 Dice): +0
[]Headquarters Construction (Stage 2)
With the foundations and the general site in place it is time to construct the heart of the facility, the United Nations Defense Command Tower, but while the tower's superstructure is already being constructed, the true purpose is to dig down and provide 500 meters of levels underground with nuclear bunker grade protection and emergency life support.
(98/200 15 Resources per Die)(+1 Dice Capacity, +1 CS)
[]Rail and Road Connection Refurbishment
Many of the bases given to the UNDC as part of their formation have substandard or damaged connection to the local road and rail networks, limiting their access to the logistical network. Doing some basic refurbishment, construction will get them up to the basic standard required.
(0/200 10 Resources per Die) (Logistics +++ + (+5))
[]Airfield Refurbishment
The sites provided by some of the member nations are clearly the ones less well maintained, ranging from somewhat reduced usability due to potholes in the runways to no working radar. Limiting both the launch capabilities and their ability as logistical hubs.
(0/150 10 Resources per Die) (Logistics ++ +(+3), Maintenance Capacity +)
[]Naval Base Refurbishment
As the most clear result of two financial crises occurring back to back, many of the docks provided are in disrepair and barely usable. Both faulty machinery and damaged concrete have to be replaced and repaired before the majority of their logistical capacity can be opened up again.
(0/300 15 Resources per Die) (Logistics ++++ ++, Maintenance Capacity ++ +)
Industry (5 Dice): +0
[]Restock the Maintenance Facilities
Almost a decade of cost cutting measures have left the maintenance facilities for equipment and vehicles under-equipped and -staffed, getting them up to intended capacity will require a large investment for both machinery and personnel.
(0/200 15 Resources per Die)(Maintenance Capacity +++ +)
[]Source Design Licenses
While the UNDC has been equipped with many powers that allow them to ignore some of international and national law, it cannot ignore the political minefield that are patents, trademarks and copyright. Before the organisation can start producing replacement parts for the current motor pool the licenses need to be acquired in accordance with the law.
(0/100 30 Resources per Die)
[]ABC Deconstruction Operations (Phase 1)
The 9 years of war saw both chemical, biological, and in one instance even nuclear weapons being used. With the conflict in the region finally cooling down, deconstruction operations can begin, starting by converting the production facilities into disposal ones.
(0/100 25 Resources per Die)(+2 CS)
Service (5 Die): +0
[]Restructure Staff Office
Getting a clear picture of the UNDC's staff situation, especially since some of the member nations were and are wary of each other, is a difficult task, especially with the amount of languages being used for the staff documents. Restructuring the office will give a clearer picture about the number of exact troops and staff given to the UNDC.
(0/100 5 Resources per Die)
[]Restructure Logistical Office
In a similar vein to the staff office, the logistical office is currently barely functional. This is exacerbated by the fact that the UNDC forces are thrown together from a dozen different nations, each one with different logistical requirements and a different supplier.
(0/150 5 Resources per Die)(Logistics +1)
[]Recruitment Centres (Stage 1)
Current recruitment efforts are largely assisted by the member nations, but if the UNDC wants to get at the recruitment process out of the Security Council's direct influence the first step is the establishment of official recruitment centres in a few of the member states.
(0/100 10 Resources per Die)
[]Restock the Medical Facilities
Like maintenance, staff and equipment in many medical centres and infirmaries has been cut especially if they were not expected to be in much use. This however has reduced the total amount of trauma and intensive care units available. Getting enough new equipment, medications, doctors and assistants will be expensive.
(0/200 20 Resources per Die)(Medical Capacity +++ +)
[]Establish RnD Division
Currently the UNDC is dependent on third parties for their technical and scientific expertise, which can be a security risk for certain projects. Establishing an in-house Research and Development Division will enable the Organisation to design their own equipment and conduct their own research, should they wish so.
(0/200 20 Resources per Die)
[]Establish Technical Schools
One solution to ease the strain on the maintenance capacity is to educate as much of the personnel on the repairs simple enough to not require too much expertise. By giving soldiers the knowledge to perform basic maintenance themselves, engineer and technician work time will be freed for more delicate repairs.
(0/300 10 Resources per Die)(Maintenance Capacity +++ ++)
[]Set Up Supernatural Tracking Bureau
The first step will be to gain some insight in how and where these encounters are happening. By setting up an office to track online, private and state media and give a contact for any supernatural or mythological occurrences the hope to get at least the most basic overview.
(0/100 15 Resources per Die)
Security (4 Dice): +0
[]Review Security Forces
Formed from non-combat forces of a dozen different nations, the exact state of the security forces under the UNDCs command remains to be evaluated.
(Requires one die)
[]Establish Internal Security Division
The formation of the UNDC was no easy or uncontroversial matter, it can be expected that the organisation will encounter resistance and actors seeking to use the UNDC as a means to gather Intel on their geo-political enemies.
(133/200 15 Resources per Die)
[]Basic Prison Facilities
In the case that the UNDC should arrest people breaking international law during their operations, they cannot expect to lock them up in national prisons except for emergencies. As such a number of basic facilities will be constructed in neutral and politically stable countries to hold prisoners until they can be tried at the international court of law.
(0/100 20 Resources per Die)
[]Military Grade Gear Deployment (Stage 1)
The werewolf incident has shown that some of the creatures are capable of decimating trained military personnel. If we wish to provide enough security UNDC has to increase the capabilities of their security forces.
(0/200 15 Resources per Die)
Military (6 Dice): +0
[]Review Forces
Aside from remains of the Middle Eastern UN task force, the state of the forces given to the UNDC has not been fully cleared up.
(Requires one die per branch: Air Force, Navy)
[]Military Headquarters Construction (Stage 1)
As the sibling to the civilian headquarters the military one will be similarly extensive. While both Headquarters are planned to be able to serve as an emergency site to the other, the military HQ will be far more physically secured. The final stage planned to be so deep underground and protected by massive amounts of steel and concrete to survive any attack up to and including the bombardement with a bunker busting thermonuclear warhead.
(0/100 25 Resources per Die)(Requires at least 1 Infrastructure Die)
[]Suez Base Expansion (Stage 1)
The escalation of the middle eastern crisis saw the Suez Canal, one of the most important trade routes in the world, unusable for the better part of the decade. With hostile groups on both sides of the channel, the UNDC will need to strengthen their position before the channel can be opened up again for civilian use.
(0/100 25 Resources per Die)(+2 CS)
Ground Forces
[]Utility Vehicle Procurement Program
Utility covers vehicles not meant for direct combat operations, that being transportation and logistics, usually in the form of armored cars and trucks. While the Ground Force has enough to cover their needs, they have mostly old, outdated and too many models to effectively manage.
(0/50 20 Resources per Die)
[]Infantry Rifle Procurement Program
The rifles with which the Ground Force is equipped with are currently representing their international nature very well, with over a dozen different designs and too many different calibers currently in service. Equipping the entire force with a new rifle will cement the view of the UNDC as a unified force and make their troops more recognisable.
(0/40 20 Resources per Die)
[]Infantry Gear Procurement Program
Supporting the main combat rifle of every military is an array of support weapons and equipment, ranging from machine guns and heat seeking missiles to body armor and water bottles. Equipment that sometimes became sparse in the last weeks of 2009. As the forces outside the former Middle Eastern Task Force have barely any support weapons, a completely new procurement is needed either way.
(0/75 20 Resources per Die)
[]Main Battle Tank Procurement Program
The Tanks of the UNDC are the remaining tanks of the task force, a mixture of Leopard 2s, Abrams and T-90s. Merin seeks to at least triple the current number of tanks and replace them with a more modern design.
(0/50 25 Resources per Die)
[]Armored Personnel Carrier Procurement Program
APCs are transport vehicles that are armored against light and medium level weapons to protect the crew and usually lightly armed. Merin's initial mechanisation program seeks to completely replace the need for troop trucks with APCs, a tall order and one of the ones projected to be most expensive with thousands of new vehicles to be planned.
(0/30 20 Resources per Die)
[]Infantry Fighting Vehicle Procurement Program
In opposition to APCs, IFVs are more heavily armed and meant to serve a direct combat role, supporting infantry and other armored formations. With a split of 4 to 1 for APCs against IVFs, the General seeks to massively increase the firepower of the infantry forces. A plan that will still require a few thousand units to be built and shipped.
(0/40 20 Resources per Die)
[]Reactive Armor Development Program
Reactive Armor are externally attached panels containing a light explosive. When hit with enough force, they explode outwards, causing mild to no damage to the vehicle underneath, but massive damage to the projectile. They have shown to be very useful in the Near East Wars by increasing the survivability of vehicles against flanking attacks and in urban environments. Several companies have already made offers to develop an improved version that is less volatile and offers even better defense.
(0/60 50 Resources per Die)
[]Strategic Air Defense System Experiment Program
Before the Near East Wars, several countries were in the process of developing a short range anti rocket and artillery system. As unguided dumbfire missiles remain in use by various groups in the middle east Merin deems it worth reexamining this technology for defense of stationary targets.
(0/50 50 Resources per Die)
Administration(4 Dice): +0
[]Organisational Cooperation Initiatives
While the capabilities and expertise of the UNDC are already impressive there are still many areas both are missing, by seeking cooperation with third parties these weaknesses can be eliminated and capabilities improved.
(DC 30/50/70/90)(+1 CS)
[]Address the Oil Situation
While the region is not yet pacified, it is stable enough for oil extraction operations to begin again in some areas. While both Saudi Arabia and Israel lay claim to some of the fields, perhaps the UNDC can negotiate a mandate to begin basic extraction and refinement for their own fuel needs.
(Requires one Die)
[]Discuss Disaster Relief Limit
While not outright condoning the actions of Secretary Sokolov, as doing so would not be politically smart, many have called into question the misuse of the budget being provided by the UN, representing 7.5% of the yearly budget. The best course of action is to set official guidelines for future incidents of such kind that are acceptable to all parties. (DC 10)(Requires one Die)(-5 CS)