Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

So, does he know that Keris effectively has several kilometers worth of pocket space to put stuff in or did he mean it in a "whatever you can carry with your hands(and other grasping appendages)" sort of way?

Because ah, one nets her significantly more than the other.
In fairness, she's Physique 5 and has eight manipulator-limbs, so the latter is still significantly more than a human could make off with.

But yeah, I'm pretty sure he means the latter.
Rathan would probably want to be a superhero in order to bask in the praises of the masses. He'd then go about it in a Rathany way, like by sending his army of Wave Charmers to punish evildoers in the name of the moon. Also, a lot of his powers would be looked down on by normal people, and be seen as basically mind-control.

Calesco would immediately fall in love with Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, or some combination. She'd have an adorable crush, and would then yell at Superman when he neglects Superboy. She would then probably (because of narrative convenience and her crush/es) end up joining The Team, which is a barely functional ball of angst and lies. She'd want to rip it to shreds with her tongue, but her desire to rise above her base nature would conflict with it.

Haneyl's 'ecology' would have to contend with the Green and it's connected things, like Swamp Thing and Poison Ivey. This is amusing. She'd also probably try to conquer, only do it in a way that won't get her literally nuked off the face of the earth, which means conquering through high society, which means (a spirit version of) self-seed infestation.
I love that you think any of Keris's souls would wind up being superheroes. Guys, I built her with villain tropes for a reason. Echo-cultists would be trying to summon the Joyful Wind to free a city of its "burdens" - both emotional and valuable. Rathan is basically a Sailor Moon antagonist. Haneyl is the bastard offspring of Poison Ivy and Blight. Calesco is an Old Testament angel who would put the team through a crucible and lay bare their inner pains in a way calculated to ultimately strengthen them. Vali is a giant kaiju attack or a contrarian rebel against the rules of the Justice League depending on the day. Zanara cheerfully goes around mutating people and also themselves and quite possibly the landscape around them.

It would be funny to drop them in, sure, but they'd be antagonists to the team, not allies. Though admittedly Calesco would end up "powerful force of mostly-good which put the team through an episode of conflict that brought them closer together", or whatever.
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Of course, Orange Blossom is blackmailing her into a mission to Eshtoc

Objection! She is in no way blackmailing her! She's just refusing to do something for her unless Keris does something for her first.

It's not even legally extortion.

I love that you think any of Keris's souls would wind up being superheroes. Guys, I built her with villain tropes for a reason. Echo-cultists would be trying to summon the Joyful Wind to free a city of its "burdens" - both emotional and valuable. Rathan is basically a Sailor Moon antagonist. Haneyl is the bastard offspring of Poison Ivy and Blight. Calesco is an Old Testament angel who would put the team through a crucible and lay bare their inner pains in a way calculated to ultimately strengthen them. Vali is a giant kaiju attack or a contrarian rebel against the rules of the Justice League depending on the day. Zanara cheerfully goes around mutating people and also themselves and quite possibly the landscape around them.

It would be funny to drop them in, sure, but they'd be antagonists to the team, not allies. Though admittedly Calesco would end up "powerful force of mostly-good which put the team through an episode of conflict that brought them closer together", or whatever.

Nah, this is Young Justice, the series that thought emotionally unstable teenagers are the best pick for the Justice League's black-ops division. Calesco will fit in with them just fine. After all, it's not like being a demon has been a barrier to joining Justice League affiliates (see Etrigan, Raven). I mean, sure, she might get in a bitch-off with Miss Martian because she's stepping on her toes as being a shapeshifter with a secret white true form that she hates and hides, but it's not like that's a barrier to entry.

Now, yes, the others would generally fall rather more on the supervillain side of things:
  • Echo... sigh, well, Echo would basically treat things in-universe like she was a fan of the show, which is to say she'd want to see Young Justice get into interesting situations, fight crime interestingly, and have interesting and action filled relationship drama. And hence she would supervillain to ensure that happens. Also, she'd build death traps and leave them clues and puzzles. Echo, stop being ADHD-teenage-girl-Riddler.
  • Rathan is of course the series warning you about pop idols. So he becomes a pop idol who's also a demon. The girl members of Young Justice swoon over him, the boys get suspicious and jealous of him and are sure that he's evil so investigate, and the line "So maybe one popstar was a demon... but that was just a coincidence!" gets said.
  • Haneyl, by contrast, is the series warning you about popular transfer students. She's a new girl at the school of one of the characters, and she seems really popular and clever and suddenly everyone likes her and oh no she's actually a demon-alien-whatever who's putting parasites in people which make them like her. And by the end of the episode, they've realised/learned that she's also a lonely teenage girl who just wants friends (and also world domination) and one of them decides that they're going to write to her in prison.
  • Vali is morally and fundamentally opposed to imprisonment. As a result, uh, he's proooooooobably going to release supervillains from jail. On the other hand, he also hates slavery, so he's probably also going to beat up the same supervillains. Oh, and if you capture him, it's literally impossible to hold him in the long run because he'll always power up enough to escape eventually. He's going to resemble one of those code-bound villains who's also obsessed with getting stronger, or, to put it another way, a shonen hero who's in the wrong series. He's also probably a useful plot device for how his siblings got out of jail yet again.
  • Zanara, amusingly enough, probably gets played as the most horror genre character. Haneyl in Young Justice gets played as a bit of a joke villain who wants to be in the big leagues but isn't, but Zanara is a creepy little monster boy and evil little girl who turn out to be the same person, who turns people into art using demonic magic, and is basically just played to be disturbing - especially when the team realises that the monster-boy is actually much nicer than the girl.

The Seraphim are angels in Hebrew and Christian theology who continually sing praises to God's name and hover around His throne. They have a pair of six wings, using their lower wings to cover their feet out of respect for the Most High, their middle wings to fly and their higher wings to cover their faces, for everyone who lays their eyes upon the face of those who perceive the Lord, must inevitably burn to death from witnessing the glory.

The Seraphim are inspiration for Arael of Neon Genesis Evangelion fame and likewise for Calesco as well.
I would be sad of seeing this go on a temporary hiatus, but considering that the reason is "other writing projects", I can't complain much.

But anyway, any hints on what the next arc on Creation will include? Will it be about the Akuma children of Keris, leaving her having to deal with babies again, just after her previous brood got at least a bit more independent?

Also, do you have a solid idea yet about how powerful/useful the new spell will be? Can it use Sublimati as an ingredient? How far can the newly born Akuma grow in power? How much more use can Keris get from her Gales when comboing the spell with them? I have to admit, it seems to have the right stuff to become one the coolest original Exalted spells that I have ever seen.
But anyway, any hints on what the next arc on Creation will include? Will it be about the Akuma children of Keris, leaving her having to deal with babies again, just after her previous brood got at least a bit more independent?
I can make a pretty solid guess right now that the next arc is going to called "Parenthood", and will end with the birth of the Twins. It'll have Keris's mission to Eshtoc, her resultant visit to Baisha on Orange Blossom's information, and the subsequent furious hatred-fuelled revenge massacre leading from Baisha to wherever her parents are right now, where there will probably then be a very awkward reunion. Should that fail - if they're dead, say - it will, um, probably switch tracks to the complete and utter removal of the slaver organisation that took them from the face of Creation by the fairly simple expedient of "find Kasseni's boss, kill Kasseni's boss, kill everyone else who was working for Kasseni's boss, kill everyone working for the people working for Kasseni's boss, repeat down the chain until satisfied. If Kasseni's boss had his own boss, repeat up the chain as well".

... at some point she may stop, if Calesco decides she's doing enough damage that it's worth declaring war on Rathan and Vali combined, but that's a pretty big "may", and frankly Calesco is Compassion, not Pacifism, so she may just urge Keris to be pretty focused in her murderspree and avoid causing too much collateral damage to people who haven't made a career out of ruining other people's lives.

But yeah, it'll more likely be something along the lines of "Eshtoc -> Baisha -> Parents -> Birth", with a great deal of singleminded and extremely monofocused slaver-slaughter along the way.

There is definitely a strong probability that we are going to get to see what happens when an Adamant-tier Exalt of Keris's murderosity level cuts loose on a polity with two 4-dot Principles behind her and absolutely no attempts at subtlety or tact.

Orange Blossom will probably not be very happy about the bloody swath cut across the Scavenger Lands, but that's her problem, not ours.
"I uh... I needed that trade organization, it was kind of important to my work here."
Orange Blossom is probably smart enough not to admit to working with a slaver organisation to Keris's face. Especially not the specific one that took her as a child.

Anyway, if she knows it's coming, she can make sure to sell all her shares and invest in competitors! : P
Note I didn't say that it was necessarily hers, just that she needed it. Maybe it was unexpected collateral damage, suffering from disrupted contacts from Keris' rampage, maybe it was being used as a regional hate sink to better sir up and direct resentment for the powers that be. There are many ways plans can be derailed by an Infernal vendetta.
Anyway, if she knows it's coming, she can make sure to sell all her shares and invest in competitors! : P

"Boss, I can't help but notice that you've gone and sold... just about everything you own in our little operation. And removed your name from all the documentation. And, uh, taken out life insurance policies on all of us. Would... now be a bad time to hand in my resignation?"
"Boss, I can't help but notice that you've gone and sold... just about everything you own in our little operation. And removed your name from all the documentation. And, uh, taken out life insurance policies on all of us. Would... now be a bad time to hand in my resignation?"

I read that in the voice of that guy working for Rosalia in Sword Art Abridged. Fits perfectly. You know- "Boss I think this might be a trap."
Of course, if Keris is killing slavers, it raises the question: What becomes of the slaves? Even if she's just going after the raiders and distribution business and not the end owners, there's still going to be those slaves who are in transit, in holding, or up for auction.

Maybe they have a family and home to return to but even that's no guarantee of safety and security: Something sold them from or took them from that home in the first place. Slaves raided from a place like Baisha might be able to return, but that doesn't prevent them from living in fear of another raid.

Ironically, I get the sense that those slaves without homes or who do not wish to return home may have an easier permanent solution, if they don't seek their own path. Their liberator does own a fleet in potentia, a private island, and hellish estates after all.

Which raises a thought: If the post-hiatus arc is about parenthood, well, perhaps violence can build a bond of family just as much as love. "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" and all that. (Even if that more often applies to comrades in arms than those freed from bondage by saviors who are themselves ken to bondage.)
Of course, if Keris is killing slavers, it raises the question: What becomes of the slaves? Even if she's just going after the raiders and distribution business and not the end owners, there's still going to be those slaves who are in transit, in holding, or up for auction.

That will be something Keris has to answer when it comes up. As it stands, she's not a hero - just the protagonist. She kills slavers because they hurt her and that's basically as far as her thoughts on the matter go. She'll probably stumble into whatever she winds up doing.

Well, unless one of her souls thinks ahead. And perhaps fortunately for "thinking ahead", Haneyl is with Sasi and so can't make suggestions like "have you tried just taking over" and "owning people isn't so bad as long as you treat your things properly, right?".
Matters are, I note, somewhat complicated by the fact that the newly-freed slaves will be on the other side of Creation to her current powerbase and territories, and her awesome hell-ship doesn't travel very well over land.
Just curious here, so don't feel any pressure to answer, but I've been loving this story since I found it, and I'm wonder if you have any estimates on how long the hiatus 'should' last?

Also, Keris and her Wolfpack of Demonic Children always make me laugh... or feel sad. Either/Or usually...
Matters are, I note, somewhat complicated by the fact that the newly-freed slaves will be on the other side of Creation to her current powerbase and territories, and her awesome hell-ship doesn't travel very well over land.
If only Exalted had a flesh-to-stone/stone-to-flesh analogue, she could load them all up in her soul for some easy mass transit.

Remember, it's not can you but should you? And the answer is always "we won't know until we try!"
Keris's souls and their "elder siblings"
I'm bored and missing Kerisgame. Let's have a look at her souls!

Third Circles generally have a landscape form, a humanoid avatar and sometimes a war form. The most obvious is Ligier, who is a vast green sun, a handsome young man with auburn hair and who in battle unhoods his emerald light and shines with an impossible brilliance that melts armoured mortals and blinds even the Exalted. Orabilis's humanoid avatar is a man of the Realm who casts off sand with every motion and who has the tongue of an adder, but his landscape form are the glass libraries he creates, and when he adopts the shape he uses for war he becomes a rain of molten glass that melts cities to slag. Some Third Circles are a bit weird in their forms - see Munaxes, who either doesn't or can't create a humanoid avatar, and whose war form is the same chasm that comprises her landscape body. Or Jacinct, who is bound such that he can't colocate, and thus his towers stand idle when he's bound in Creation.

Keris's souls are no exception to this general rule! In fact, they actually go a little further with it. Not only do they also have a Calibration form, which is the closest they ever get to "pure human" and which can pass as godblooded rather than "human-looking spirit"; their landscape-forms in adulthood are comprised of two parts - a celestial and terrestrial bit. Note that this does not mean they're above normal Third Circles. Haneyl might be both the Tree of Human-Faced Fruit and the green Lotus-Sun that grows from its branches every dawn, but both put together are tiny compared to the size of Hidrae's fortresses, let alone the Green Sun at the heart of Malfeas. While their terrestrial forms are grounded in their respective Directions, their celestial forms aren't, and as a result the skies of Krisity are a somewhat... contested space.

At present, each of Keris's souls has an "elder sibling" - the demon formed from the same Pantheon Charm by her Yozi patron. It may be instructive to look at them alongside our little wolfpack for comparison...

Demon of the Third Circle
Fetich Soul of Adorjan

In the days of the High First Age, many attempts were made to summon the fetich soul of the newborn titan Adorjan, who was once Adrian, and had committed many grievances against the Exalted Host. None met with success. The lucky merely failed, the less fortunate managed to call up a brief moment of silence before being flensed as if by the Silent Wind herself. After a combination of arrogance and a lack of precautions resulted in the death of a young Solar and the destruction of his manse, lobbyists began demanding that the Unconquered Sun be petitioned to summon Adorjan from her imprisonment and extract an answer for the strange behaviour of her fetich.

However, this movement was not well received by the Deliberative, and it was not until the New Moon sorcerer-savant Illiman Silver led an expedition into the depths of Malfeas to study the Silent Wind in her natural state of being that the truth was uncovered, leading to the formation of many advanced new metabiological theories. Primordials formed from a fetich death, scholars theorised, seemed to reform from that death in a way that both mirrored and opposed it. The Lidless Eye That Sees was killed by surprise, and Sacheverell coalesced out of its murder as a being whose dreams foretold the future, that it might not be ambushed again. He Who Bleeds The Unseen Word fell in battle, pierced through his titanic heart, and Elloge drew in on herself, hiding from all who might seek her in a world of metaphor made manifest.

And Adrian, who was struck down from afar when Lilike was slain, reformed as a being who kept her heart close to her, where it would never again roam afar or into danger. The Silence In Her Wake is a creature bound to Adorjan, a manifestation of the hush she leaves wherever she goes. She cannot exist outside this silence - or one just as impossibly hushed - for it is her and is of her. Hence, in all the records she has not been summoned for more than an instant before she returns to the quiet, ever-moving trail that the Silent Wind leaves. What is worse, so bound is she to the destruction left in Adorjan's wake that she brings it with her. The wounds that slew her summoners were indeed the winds of Adorjan, arriving before her to scourge the area and make it ready for her presence, as always they must for her to manifest. This element of her nature eventually led the Deliberative - backed most strenuously by respected Marus - to impose a ban upon her summoning, for fear that her presence in Creation would open it to Adorjan for the duration of her binding.

In appearance, most often the Silence In Her Wake takes no form other than that of her title, the deathly quiet left behind in areas the Silent Wind has passed through. Within her hushed flesh, the air is still and no sound remains. No bodies litter the streets of her ever-changing territory, and often even the buildings have been ground or worn away by Adorjan's fierce and joyful passage. When Adorjan deigns to take her human form, the Silence In Her Wake is an echo in the air behind her, an afterimage or the twin of her greater self who trails half a step after her every movement. It has never been seen to occur, but it was theorised that she might be able to slip her bonds and escape from Malfeas into a place of perfect silence - certainly, such is the only place her summoning might be maintained, for the slightest noise will banish her.

Those few that have survived to meet her report that she does not speak, and failed to garner her name. Some theorise she may not even have a name she can truly call her own. Where the libraries of Orabilis speak of her, they refer to her as "the Csend", but this is less a name than another title; worn carelessly and discarded when it does not suit her to answer to it. Hers is the domain of the voiceless, a place of purity untainted by noise, and she responds with ill favour to those who breach it in arrogance or ignorance and profane its peace with clamour. Her heart is empty, and she lets no intimacy or attachment sour it, scourging away all emotions save for carelessness itself.

Though the Csend is limited in where she can exist and what she can touch directly - indeed, more limited than any other Third Circle - she is not without her influence in Malfeas. Often, when silence falls upon a place in the Brass City, a dreadful compulsion will drop into the minds of those nearby demons, and they will learn how to save themselves. Sometimes they will drag a specific demon - sometimes of a higher rank, sometimes utterly insignificant - to the floor and eat him alive. Sometimes they will carve meaningless symbols into the walls and their skin. Sometimes they will bid for the privilege of living, and the Csend will accept treasures she neither wants nor needs before redirecting the passage of the Silent Wind, frustrating her for reasons none have ever divined.

As well as these direct interventions of Unquestionable might, the Silence In Her Wake has subtler agents and intermediaries at her disposal. Sometimes, citizens or visitors seek out her silent cult of spirits, formed from crimson ripples in the air which dash over and around and through the Demon City in improbable leaps and bounds. They flit here and there, carrying out tasks so arbitrary and unusual that even tomescu take pause to see them go. A few consistent themes in their actions have been observed; often, they will work toward the destruction of precious things; particularly relics that predate the Primordial War, secrets that are held dear to the heart, the musical instruments that ward away Adorjan, and sometimes even the silence that invites her in. It is to guard against their eavesdropping that Malfean conspiracies tend to accompany their discussions with a single musical demon - a feathered bell or living harpist or onyx fork - whose life is snuffed out with the meeting's conclusion.

It is known for certain that she despises Ligier and all his works, though the origin of her scorn is as mysterious as anything else. She sits in attendance when Adorjan's daughter-winds come to her, and treats them with silent affection or quiet disgust, seemingly at random. It is with Kamilla's aid that she creates her windrunners, calling the Promise Wind to her when a demon or mortal - or Exalt - gains her attention. Whether they wish it or not, she works her magic on these individuals, stripping the flesh from their bones, and crumbling them to dust in turn, until all that is left is the echo of their breath, which Kamilla bears away with the rest of them to a place that only she knows. Then they run in silence, dipping and diving and rolling over the roofs of the Brass City with maddened speed and impossible surety, following her unheard directives.

Less well-known is that, should one request it, she will return their flesh and voice without a qualm. These rejuvenated windrunners are immediately made the target of her efforts to destroy them for as long as they remain in Malfeas, for their return to flesh makes them in some way abhorrent to her. The Water Aspect Quilca Xipitcalato spent eight seasons as her messenger and agent in this way, narrowly escaping destruction at the hands of Octavian after he revealed the Quarter Prince's battle plans to the world, before requesting the return of his body and Fate and fleeing back to Creation. Those who ask to return to her service once more are immediately forgiven, no matter how many times the cycle plays out. Perhaps this is because she holds them dear in her determinedly-empty heart. Perhaps it is because their non-existence is all that matters, and she refuses to resent their betrayal. Perhaps she swore an oath in the ancient past to the father of her four niece-cousin-sisters. In the end, perhaps it matters not - for only the Csend knows, and she is eternally silent.
Calibration: A lithe, long-limbed woman with black hair and Adorjani features, who speaks with a Nexan burr and carries her knife; Örömi Windcutter, for when she wishes to kill.
Avatar: An ephemeral female form of wind and ribbons, whose touch kills and who cannot make a sound. She's indistinct when still, but gains clarity and definition in motion.
War: The Joyful Wind; a laughing gale that flenses everything it touches, raising those who survive as Celebrant akuma who know only joy.
Landscape: The Joyful Wind / The River of Blood and Razors.

Echo is a bit weird, form-wise. The shift between her avatar and Calibration forms is the most drastic of Keris's souls by far, and her war and celestial-landscape forms are the same thing; the exultant murdergale that she keeps compressed inside her ribbon-body. Yeah, that white smoke that fills the space inside her ribbons? That's a killing windstorm wrapped up on itself and folded down enough to fit. Small wonder that her touch is an environmental hazard. Her terrestrial landscape-form will come when Keris picks up some of the Elloge "blood" Charmset; a river of blood and razors that kills anything that swims in it, flows wherever it wants without regard for gravity, and which pisses Rathan off because he can't command it at all. And no, Keris is not blind to what it resembles a faded, much-reduced echo (lol) of.

Attitude towards elder sibling: Fear. She's fucking terrified of the Csend, to an even greater extent than Adorjan, because she's fully aware of what the Csend thinks of her and why.

Demon of the Third Circle
Third Soul of the Demon Sea

As the loathsome anglerfish in the deepest darkest ocean has its light to lure prey to its maw, so too does Kimbery have Ululaya. The blood-red moon of Malfeas is her lady's emissary and face to the worlds outside her freezing depths. Heretical demonologists whisper that the moon of Creation was made in emulation of Ululaya, who is one of the fairest of all the demon princes. She is a creature of attention-holding grace and heart-rending loveliness; a carmine-mantled emissary who prizes beauty over truth. Her innocence is self-evident no matter what she does, even if her hands are filthy with gore. She is a creature inconstant and whimsical in her nature, save when she obeys the diktats of her greater self. Her vanity is as great as her beauty, and if she had her way she would take Ligier's place at the centre of the realm of demons - for he looks down upon her and that is a constant affront.

Ululaya defies mortal understanding. Long ago she sacrificed her guilt to Dharma, for she had no use for it. She wears many faces and many manners, both as a moon and as a woman, for in human form the mind of onlookers cannot withstand her true nature. Her pupils are always her current phase, and she glows a soft red that drains all the colour and beauty from things around her. Such an appearance is a veil she wears to protect others. Those who gaze upon her true form unprotected find that all their red blood surges forth from their mouth and nose to adore the blood-red moon, splattering upon her surface.

The demon prince feels no need to limit herself to Luna's regular and predictable cycle and the phases of the blood-red moon are studied by the astrologers of Hell to divine the will of Kimbery. A city of pearl and crystal and ice is built on top of the Malfean moon wherein dwell masses who adore their lady. Ululaya's city has few rivals in Hell and none in Creation, and she adores showing its elegance to visitors to Malfeas. Some never leave, but instead remain and love her until the day their heart gives out.

The blood-red moon was a wanderer before the Yozis were imprisoned, travelling to courts in every realm that exists and some that do not. Her present self-indulgence is worsened by her wearisome confinement, for she has long since grown tired of Hell. Sometimes the red moon flees the skies of Malfeas, travelling through the depths of Cecelyne or seeking to surmount Qaf. There she might be encountered by travellers, and she is gentle and curious when she meets them, seeking tales of stranger lands. Still, the lore of Heaven warns about her, for she is Kimbery's emissary and her soft words lead others down into the waiting maw of the Demon Sea.

In the First Age, sorcerers called upon Ululaya to serve them in their dealings and their negotiations - and sorcerers that did so often succumbed to her temptations. Before the Callibration Feast was instituted as a practice, she often spent as many as three years out of every five bound. She suffers physical pain from the ill-thoughts of others, and those who resent her despite all her efforts burn her with a touch. Those who meet her in Hell must be wary, for carmine-mantled Ululaya enjoys a twisted version of the rights of the Eclipse caste. Should one with authority over Creation or Heaven seek to barter with her and make sacrifices to that end, then her confinement within Hell is put in abeyance for as long as negotiations continue. She must bargain in good faith during such deals, but there is much mischief and many wicked acts she can engage when not at the negotiating table. It is said by those who hate the Realm that she has met each of the Scarlets in turn.

Traits and Abilities: Ululaya is not a warrior nor is she a general. When one threatens her, she resorts to harsh words that knock weapons from hands. Were one to strike her, she would flee in fear of her own life. However, her sheer presence can captivate an entire town as adoring slaves - and should she reveal her true self, slay them in a matter of heartbeats. She is a self-indulgent and vain creature with very little capacity to acknowledge her own mistakes. Her own certainty in her innocence flows out from her and affects onlookers, who find it hard to recall any time she has wronged them or even to raise a hand against such a beautiful demon. As a moon and a woman she creates tides within the minds of men, stirring up passions and pulling all events to her. Her mere presence warps the world so matters make everything revolve around her presence.

Ululaya and the All-Thing: Her eternal feud with Ligier leaves her resentful that the Infernal Exalted are known as the green sun princes. She seeks adoring servants, who she will crown as the dukes of the red moon and bestow with all her favours. Still, such investment from her demands absolute loyalty and unconditional love in return, and Infernals who accept her patronage will find that she will accept no rival for their attentions.
Calibration: A heartbreakingly beautiful bishie with a Northern cast to his features and a pair of stag horns sprouting from his head, who speaks with the accent of the ancient Lintha.
Avatar: His bones are icy crystal and his eyes and teeth are pearls. He has a magnificent pair of six-tined antlers; half horn and half ice, and a waterfall of perfectly straight red hair.
War: The Lord of the Waters; a great horned orca of red ice and pink nacre with six hundred immaterial hands, large enough to swallow ships and too beautiful to imagine harming.
Landscape: The Martyred Moon

Rathan is notable in not having a separation between his celestial and terrestrial forms - his Moon is a thing of the sea and sky both, and his crystalline court is within it. He's the most rarified and celestial of Keris's children - another way of saying the most detached - and his moon dips beneath the waves every day to prevent Haneyl from trying to ram the sun into it. Which is something she does. Frequently. His war-form isn't too good at direct combat, but its blood is acid and its hundreds of intangible hands can rip the water from people's bodies and leave them dried out husks.

Attitude towards elder sibling: Hatred. He loathes Ululaya for trying to steal the attention that's rightfully his and for breaking his rules of guanxi and street justice by being all take and no give.

Demon of the Third Circle
Twelfth Soul of the All-Hunger Blossom

Damned souls roaming within the urban blight of the hellish realm of Malfeas will sometimes stumble on a garden rich with beauty and kindness. Nectar-wine oozes from flowers which grow in all shades save blue, while the boughs of the trees and herbs are ripe with delicate fruit - each one unique and exquisite. Indolent demons and mortal slaves alike lounge upon heaps of casually discarded treasure. Together they raise their voices in decadent prayer to the master and mistress of this place, singing hail! hail! hail! to the highest of the high from whom all things are given and to whom all things return. Within such a place they will find true damnation, for there are few within the Demon City who can enslave with cruelty as thoroughly as the Garden of Avarice enslaves with kindness.

Within this place the demon known as the Shashalme, also named as the Scatterer of Seeds, makes its home. It has two faces it wears at its whim. In one it is a lush-formed scarlet-skinned woman, endless riches of good gold and gems dripping from her twelve hands. Her teeth and nails are made of pale wood, polished to a sheen by her worshippers. In the other it is a tall man of the South, with imperious features and skin the colour - and texture - of mahogany. Fine jewellery pierces his flesh and his robes are adorned with priceless treasures gifted to him by the other Demon Princes.

Those who approach it should come as supplicants. If they entreat it in the right manner, it will take them by the chin and tell them to rise and plant a chaste kiss on their forehead. Come, it will say, take what you wish. It gestures around the lavish garden. You respect me and so you are worthy. Take what you will. Gold, jewels, an army of my slaves, legendary weapons and shining arms - I offer these all to you. And so should they take the Shalshalme up on its generosity the seeds of gratitude will be planted in their heart and they will adore it. The strong or wary may yet leave and in time they may offer it gifts equal or greater than the ones it gave them, and so the Shalshalme shall reap a harvest of their adoration. Those weak of will or who receive too many gifts shall remain forevermore in its garden, singing its praises.

The Shashalme is vain beyond hubris. In its quite-considered opinion, it is the entelechy of all things. Indeed, it has written several treatises which conclusively prove through obscure sorcerous proofs that Metagaos sprung from the Before Time so that it might come into being. Creation, the Demon Realm and even the Wyld exist so that it might be adored. Such knowledge stirs something which might even be called a perverse humility in its heartwood. It knows that it is barely worthy of such a weighty destiny, and so with its kind words and generous manner it thanks a world which exists to enable it. It longs to thank Creation for its existence and thus is one of the most active Demon Princes in creating cults and swaying the dreams of mortals towards it.

When two emperors meet in decadence and opulence to speak of momentous matters, the Shashalme may escape its prison so that it may offer gifts to the imperial presences and bestow its blessing upon the meeting. Likewise, should a newborn child of an empress be lain to rest in a crib surrounded by flowers and be left unwatched, the Garden of Avarice may appear in its female form and steal away the child, leaving an immortal and unaging simulacrum of living wood in its place. Such stolen children are planted within its garden-self and from such seeds the fruits of empire grow. The consumption of such a fruit conveys great fortune upon those who would spread their dominion over the world, rapidly elevating them to imperial stature.

Notes and abilities: Descriptions of the Shashalme in tomes on demonology speak of its generosity, its beauty, and how it is one of the most benevolent of the Demon Princes. Only the eldest books dating back to the Old Realm bear the warning that to accept the freely given gifts of this demon allows it access to one's heart. For as long as they retain the gift - or equivalent benefits obtained by giving it away - the seeds of the Shashalme grow within them and they shall love it. They may rid themselves of this love through loss or gratitude. For loss, throwing it into the ocean is customary though it is wise to ensure that no local gods will consider this a sacrifice. Gratitude, meanwhile, merely requires that they provide a gift or service of equal or greater value. Thus they may part ways as equals, neither patron nor client.

The Shashalme counts being summoned as a mighty service which earns an earnest repayment. The wealth of nations, lost artifacts, an army of followers, secret knowledge and lost tales; all it may and will offer. Should it be summoned and yet not bound it will be overcome with gratitude and offer even mightier payment. Once it has fulfilled its debt to its summoner, though, it will offer its gifts with all the allure and grace capable to it. To take from it without equal payment in return is to accept its gifts. Only through force may one extract without obligation - and through a pernicious clause in the Surrender Oaths its willingness to serve when broken by binding means one cannot rob it.
Calibration: A pale woman who takes more after the Realm side of her heritage, with straight hair and mostly Dynastic features. Her first language is Nexan Rivertongue, though, despite her efforts.
Avatar: The Fire-Dryad is her most common one, but she sometimes swings towards one or the other of her two Yozi-natures, becoming the Flame Princess or the Queen of the Hungry Ones.
War: The Orchid Dragon, when she discards her humanity entirely and goes entirely Fire/Hunger.
Landscape: The Lotus Sun / The Tree of Human-Faced Fruit.

Yeah, Haneyl technically has seven forms, not four. They're split between her Fire, her Hunger and her Humanity - her landscape and Calibration forms are the three pure extremes, then the combinations of two make up her war form (when she discards humanity) and her two more extreme avatars (when she swings towards one or the other Yozi). Her usual avatar is the balance between the three; the dryad with embers in her hair and glowing green eyes. Her sun lights the Domain; budding from a great flower at the top of her tree every morning, but it chews through fuel at a voracious rate. As a result, it gets lighter and rises throughout the day and extinguishes itself high up in the black sky every evening, at which point Rathan brings his moon above water to light the sky in its absence until a new one buds the next morning. It is not impossible that some of their wars might be held through her fuel supply - either by Haneyl saving up food for months so that she can have days of sunlight without end (via supermassive suns that are so heavy they float really low and sear the landscape), or Rathan pushing her into a Flame Princess state and then cutting off her food supplies so that she goes all depressive and the sun doesn't bloom.

Attitude towards elder sibling: Idolisation. It's no secret that Haneyl hero-worships both the Shashalme and Ligier, and wishes she could be more like them and have all of the things that they do.

Demon of the Third Circle
Sixth Soul of the Silent Wind

Sometimes scarlet clouds sweep through the skies of the Demon City. These clouds cannot block the light of the green sun, but demons down below fear their appearance for the rain from these clouds are arrows. Winged demons flock around the clouds, and atop them rules Imre, sixth soul of Adorjan.

In his most common forms, Imre is a lithe and almost feminine young man with masses of flowing blond curls. Four wings of white jade sprout from his back, tipped with clawed hands. He carries a great bow carved from ivory and horn, stringed with heart tendons. One of his eyesockets is empty, replaced with a miniature tornado made from the winds of his greater self. He usually covers that eye with a patch, but should he reveal it hurricane-strength winds whip out and fill the area. He lost the eye in an archery duel with a Sidereal during the Primordial War - a great game of cat and mouse which went on for forty days and nights. This eye is also missing in his other forms - a two-headed ape who rides a great winged tiger, a red sparrow who brings sleep in its wake, or a ten-legged zebra who runs as fast as the wind.

Few within the Demon City are as skilled with a bow as he is. When he is sober, he can reach across a hundred layers of Malfeas with ease and hit his intended target. When he is drunk - a more common state of being - he will still always hit someone, even if they were not who he is aiming for. Fletched with his own feathers, his arrows ignore all inclement weather and seek out the eyes or hearts of targets. If they strike an eye, they kill. Should they strike a heart, however, they send the target into a deep sleep filled with maddening visions of the teachings of Adorjan and dreams of the agony of love until the shaft and head are removed.

The Archer Upon the Clouds is a reprobate and a hedonist. Frequently he descends from his lands at the lead of a horde of winged demons to pillage at his whim, returning laden down with drink and slaves. Many of the other Unquestionable think little of his intellect, viewing him as a fool. He has tried many times to rise above the blood-red moon in the skies of Malfeas and despite the fact that he can slay an army in moments each time through his impulsiveness and lack of forethought he has been defeated. Seldom is he seen without a clay jar of some form of alcohol at his hip, and when he is drunk he will fly over the Demon City shooting whatever takes his fancy.

Yet despite the fact he is no great thinker he is also one of the most skilled of the demon princes in slipping the chains of the Demon City. He can escape when the child of a ruling monarch wishes for their unknowing beloved to pay attention to and love them and appears to deliver the message they wish the beloved to know. Alternatively, he can also slip free when Adorjan bids him to carry a message and his target flees to Creation before he can find them. The Chosen of the Maidens have found that he can often be coaxed to return to the demon realm if bribed with fine spirits or if defeated in a game of chance - and that if offered Celestial Wine he will perform a favour for them out of gratitude before returning.

It is of course entirely illegal to trade the drinks of the gods to a demon prince. It is doubly illegal to arrange for him to escape Malfeas just so he can be bribed with Celestial Wine to perform a task, even if it can be very convenient at times. No doubt the Bureau of Destiny would impose the harshest sanctions were it to discover that one of its members had done such a thing.

Notes and abilities: Imre looks like he is just playing the fool, acting like a drunkard to hide his greater schemes. Alas, he really is that simple. Born in the Primordial War and painfully close to the coldness of the Silent Wind that swirls within his eye socket, he drinks because life is easier when he is not sober. He has entirely given up on the idea that things can be different. The Yozis will never escape, the gods will never relent on their torture, and thus he might as well take what pleasures he can. Liquor numbs the pain.

Sorcerers call upon Imre as a weapon of war or as a messenger. Upon the battlefield and as long as he is sober enough to tell friend from foe, the Archer Upon the Clouds can wipe out an enemy army in a few heartbeats. His hands move faster than can be seen and the air catches fire from the speed at which he draws and releases. This leaves him exhausted and surly. As a messenger he can send dreams, visions and fancies wrapped around his arrows to anyone he perceives, or he is given the name and description of.

His lost eye was taken as a trophy, and lies somewhere within the vaults of Heaven crafted long ago into the pommel of a deva-slaying blade. None can say what would happen were he to be reunited with it.
Calibration: Calibration is the only time Calesco can be unveiled without hurting people, and she treasures it. She's the most similar to Keris in stature, and like Echo there's a lot of the Silent Wind in her face.
Avatar: A breathtakingly gorgeous woman of starlight, shadow or the night sky. The former is the agonising angel underneath, the second is her veiled lie-form, and the last is the mix of the two.
War: Basically Arael, really. Her humanoid body vanishes entirely; she's just eight vast white-feathered wings and a bloody sash-halo, with a blood-pupiled eye on every feather.
Landscape: The Veiled Star / The Midnight Whisper.

Like her sister, Calesco's celestial landscape-form is also her war form; kept high up in the sky behind a lie-veil that renders its light soft and bars her empathy - for when she feels the suffering and cruelty of the world below her, she cries tears of amber from every eye that pierce the hearts of mortals and shred them with overwhelming compassion. Her other landscape form is a dream-world that can be entered by those who fall asleep in the Meadows and which takes form in the dark places beneath her tar, where the only colours are monochrome and red and where the world is kinder and gentler than reality. She carries a great bow of jet-black wood so heavy that it takes her hair as well as her arm to draw, and her arrowheads take three forms - arrows of shadow bring harmless slumber, arrows of starlight bring agonising pain without injury, and arrows of amber kill.

Attitude towards elder sibling: Scorn. She thinks Imre is a pathetic drunken lout who disgraces himself with his every act of empty revelry, and refuses to acknowledge any connection to him.

Demon of the Third Circle
Eleventh Soul of the Demon City

Within the Demon City one can find lesser cities and fortified encampments beyond counting. The desolation of Malfeas is expansive indeed and the fractious nature of demons means they seldom feel safe without their defences. To stumble across a bleak fortress city whose cracked basalt tooth-walls extend a mile into the air and whose brazen finger-towers ooze stone-blood, though, is to come across the Scar of Empires. She exists upon many levels of Malfeas, but there is only one Hidrae. When you look upon the towering walls you look upon her and when you enter through the gates and walk upon its streets you walk upon her.

When ruin and abandonment strikes a settled area of Malfeas, sometimes Hidrae will spring from the devastation. Her presence knits together shattered walls and from the buildings spring her towers, which grow up to a height unimaginable by others. Her architecture is titanic in scale, labyrinthine in complexity and brutalist in aesthetics. When one enters Hidrae, one may exit through any of her many gates on other layers, if one knows the secret alleys that connect her many streets. Where she subsumes a landscape, what was originally there will be recast and replaced in massive scale. It takes her many years to fully incarnate upon a city, but her presence makes itself known quickly.

But to remain within such a place, she must set demons to demolish her structures and bring desolation to her stony flesh. She shudders with joy when her hated brother Ligier sets his shining armies and cunning weapons against her, for main force cannot expel her from a place she has taken up residence. While ruin and devastation remains she endures, for as long as the Demon City lives. Should her city walls and tower blocks remain whole she will be forced from her dwelling-place, leaving only dead stone and cold brass. Such abandoned husks are often occupied by the wealthy and powerful in Malfeas, who supplant the the artists and bohemian musicians who she calls to her. This is the core paradox of Hidrae: she can only dwell within ruin and devastation, but her presence brings twisted regrowth - though not in the form the original occupants would like. To her, wholeness is unseemly and imperfection is beauty.

Sometimes Hidrae walks her own streets. During such times her form is that of a rough-hewn woman with basalt flesh, features scarred and unpolished. Her eyes are emeralds, and brassy tower-spires protrude from her spine and from her fingers in place of nails. She favours the maimed and cast-down, and her personal guard is composed of cripples from the streets of Malfeas. Those poor demons adore her almost as much as she adores them. Blinded blood apes serve as sentries atop her towering walls and one-handed harpists play incomplete notes of time. At those times when she takes human form, she and her servants descend into an orgy of self-flagellation, until the streets run with blood. Those who die by their exertion petrify and are immortalised as gargoyles who leer from her towers.

Within the central plaza of Hidrae beats her stony heart, and upon it are green marble veins of envy. Those who draw her spite are lured into her warrens and left to wander through ever-moving walls. Of all the souls of Malfeas she is the one who hates Ligier the second most. If things were as she wished, the Demon City would seize the mad green sun and chain him beneath his plazas, and then in the creeping dark she would subsume the now abandoned inner layer and drive Malfeas to grow and grow until the other Yozis were crushed beneath his bulk.

Her envy is in part born of her youth. Unlike Ligier, she was never a soul of Theion. In fact, she did not come into existence until late in the High First Age. Her existence was well-documented in the occult documents of the Deliberative. They took interest in her genesis and inquired deeply and at length. It is no surprise after all that was done to her that she is no friend to the Exalted. The very mention of the surrender oaths drives her into a cold and hateful rage. It was hated Ligier who swore them - not her - and yet the inquisitions of Twilight occultists were made possible because of them.

The Scar of Empires is called forth by sorcerers to supplant ruined cities and make them whole again. To many masters of the adamant circle, the alien aesthetics of Hidrae are of little concern compared to her utility. She can also be used to repair destroyed manses, though she will change their aspect to that of the Demon City. When she is incarnate in Creation five days of narrow streets and corridors connect that extrusion to her other cities. It was that which finally stopped the practice of summoning her, when she threw open her doors in Malfeas and let demons flood forth from her gates. To a certain summoner, though, her use as an open passage to Hell that avoids Cecelyne may be worth it entirely.

Hidrae may escape Malfeas when the capital of a mighty empire falls into decadence and rot. At such times she cannot exert her full power, but such cities are left warped with towers of black basalt and roofs of tarnished brass if she is permitted to remain until her own nature forces her from Creation. Her human form may step forth from Hell for a hundred heartbeats at the fall of a mighty prince or the extinguishment of a great light, so that she might mock the fallen and cast scorn upon their memory.

Notes and Abilities: A sorcerer who would summon Hidrae must bind her within damaged or ruined architecture. Destroyed manses were a common choice in the High First Age, but devastated cities or neglected polities are also valid hosts for her. One worry of the Division of Secrets is that many of the slums of Heaven would be dwelling-places for the Scar of Empires.

A sorcerer must be wary when binding her, though, for Hidrae neither forgives nor forgets. One who naively binds her - perhaps due to the extensive information on her that might be found within an archive of the First Age - will earn her eternal enmity. She feels sympathy for the maimed and downcast, though, and should the summoner be obviously disfigured and not attempt to bind her she may willingly work with them, especially if they plot against a foe who is beautiful and powerful.

Hidrae and the All-Thing: Hidrae is not a subtle demon prince. She will call for ruin and destruction to be brought down on the cities of Creation. Given her druthers, she would see the Imperial City cast down into the waters of the Inner Sea, Lookshy burned to the ground and Nexus left a stinking, foetid swamp. On the other hand, she feels great sympathy for Chiaroscuro and wishes cults to her spread among the beggars of the shattered city of glass. Hidrae has several cults among the downcast and dispossessed of Creation, and rituals to her may infuse ruins with a pinch of her power, making them marginally more habitable.

An Infernal who wishes to destroy a civilisation, to lay waste to their towns and burn their wretched palaces will find a willing patron in Hidrae. So too would any Infernal who opposes Ligier and his works, for her hatred is deep and bitter and she will generously reward anyone who thwarts his efforts. This will naturally bring her into opposition to Lilunu, though she would find it preferable to deprive the green sun of his new-made love so that he might suffer for it.
Calibration: Unlike his sister, Vali takes far more towards Keris's features than Sasi's Realm looks - you can see a lot of her father in him, and his skin tone is somewhat darker than hers.
Avatar: A huge scarred man with skin that reflects the light like metal and eyes that burn tawny-orange. Sparks crackle through his wild mane of dreadlocks and metal beads.
War: The Thunder Dragon; a great legless wyrm whose veins glow bright blue through its liquid metal skin and whose basalt wings never beat.
Landscape: The Black Storm / The Brass Volcano.

Vali is the least attached to human form among all of Keris's souls. And this is a soul hierarchy that includes Zanara, mind. Alas, his nature prevents him from ever being able to sustain his favoured dragon form. His terrestrial landscape-form is a great volcano that fountains molten metal from its ultra-pressurised magma chamber and gets hit by lightning near-constantly. The dark, greasy clouds of his storm-body erode rock with their rain and produce frankly terrifying amounts of lightning as they move stubbornly against the wind. In many ways, Vali's forms are in a battle against themselves; the dragon against its own exhaustion, the storm and stone against each other. It's a manifestation of how he's fundamentally self-limiting, and how its part of his nature to always find a new constraint as soon as he's cast off the last one - or else he's exhausted by his own freedom.

Attitude towards elder sibling: Respect. He thinks Hidrae is so cool with her constant regrowth and battle against constraint, and admires the hell out of her. It makes him a bit uneasy that someone so cool doesn't like his mum.

Demon of the Third Circle
Seventeenth Soul of the Demon Sea

Molacasi claims the shores and the shallows of the Demon Sea, and wades through the sludge and toxic waters, rooting out the offcast things of the Demon City. Exiles, rebels and those who oppose the status quo are those he favours. Snatching them up, he makes monstrous and provocative artwork from them that offends the senses and criticises the world as it is. However his bitter nature means that he now prefers to tear down than construct, and though his art is beautiful it is also vindictive and spiteful, made to break the human heart and ruin its onlookers.

Three times Molacasi has been maimed, and each time he - and his greater self - has been lessened. Once he was novel and truly original, but the years and endless affronts have rendered him much less than he once was. First, at the very genesis of the titans a great hidden fire burned him, leaving his skin blackened and cracked and every touch agony. Such was his punishment for daring to depict the true nature of Cytherea in his art. Secondly, in the early days of Creation he and the Water Dragon warred long over the nature of coral, and he was defeated. The child of Gaia won took the left hand of Molacasi as a trophy and snatched the West from Kimbery. And thirdly, when the Exalted won in glorious victory they castrated him and left him half the artisan he had once been. No longer could he create anew - now without his generative talents he could only repurpose that which already existed.

The skin of the Artist is blacked and red flesh oozes paint-blood from the cracks. He is built to a scale unlike mortal men and looms over buildings, with a reptilian cast to his ruined features. Two bright yellow eyes glare from beneath a straggly mess of long black hair that he wears as a veil. To the stump of his left hand he has attached a demonic horror of his own breeding which can take many forms. Most commonly it is a mass of tentacles that hold many brushes or sculpting tools. He does not cover his neutering, but leaves it exposed for the world to see the sadism of the Exalted.

Of the demon princes, the Thrice-Maimed Artist holds a special place of warning in the tomes of the Exalted. He writes vile books with salacious illustrations, paints lurid and perverse paintings, and produces idols of things that should not be seen. He gives these things to lesser demons and has them bring them to Creation. Too many demon-summoners have been lured into infernalism by one of his tomes of sorcery - for he is a fearsome sorcerer with terrifying prowess who has mastered the dark arts of demonkind in a search for a cure for his crippling.

In the four hundred and seventeenth year of the Shogunate, Molacasi broke out Hell with the aid of the infernalists of the corrupted Gens Benesa. Lamentably, by the time his incursion was noticed the once fertile uplands of the Renga plateau had been corrupted by his vile magics, bleeding his demonic paint-blood into the rivers and bringing madness and mutation wherever they flowed. Men and beasts had become demons under the terrible magics he had cast on the land, and the local spirit courts utterly corrupted by the Thrice-Maimed Artist's forbidden lore. In the end, Renga was purged with fire, Molacasi banished, and Gens Benesa was scoured from the history books. There are Sidereals who remember this tragedy, however, and they watch for his influence - and seek to maim him a fourth time.

Wise sorcerers do not invoke the Thrice-Maimed Artist, for his malice is subtle and twists his every action. Many sorcerers are not wise, however, and Molacasi is one of the foremost sorcerers of Hell, able to tutor a student in the art to a degree nearly unmatched by others. There are very few spells that he does not know of, and his artistry is such that he can trap spells in painting and books much like a Spell Capturing Cord. If his summoner orders him to, he will prepare an assortment of captured spells within his art that may be used by anyone who invokes them correctly, If compelled he will constrain his art to the standards of others and it is so beautiful as to make mortals suffer exquisite pain, though something of his nature always creeps in.

The wails of the censored artisan are prayers to him, and he can escape Hell when a mighty artist is forced to change their masterpiece to a lesser form at the behest of an Exalt or a god who is offended by it. His mystic potency is perhaps more alarming, and with his knowledge of sorcery he has prepared many false rituals and hidden tomes over the years and snuck them into Creation. They purport to be rituals that summon lesser demons, but if carried out they allow him entrance to Creation until the rising of the sun and give him ownership of the souls and bodies of the ritualists.

Notes and Abilities: Molacasi is an artist of flesh and pigment alike. His works change those who look upon them. Sometimes this change is in their mind, twisting them to the service of the Yozis, while at other times the change is in their flesh so they become another one of his artworks. However, his castration has left him creatively sterile, and so he cannot create anything truly original. He knows that he can no longer reach the heights he once knew, and his bitterness has made him cruel. Such resentment has corrupted everything he does and he cannot control it, so sorcerers must be wary when making use of him.

Molacasi and the All-Thing: Revenge is all that the Thrice-Maimed Artist lives for now; revenge against the Exalted and revenge against the Water Dragon. Actions that kill Exalts, Immaculates, and which poison the geomancy of the West to the aspect of Kimbery please him. However, he most wishes Water-Aspected Dragonblooded taken to him - dead or preferably alive. He is a potent sorcerer and when he has gathered enough of the diluted blood of the Water Dragon, he has long planned to lay a terrible working to blight the West. If a coven of Infernals were to be brought into his confidence, then his timetable could be dramatically accelerated.
Calibration: Keris and Rat's son, and Lilunu and Dulmea's daughter - though how they behave each year is random as far as anyone can tell.
Avatar: The Art and the Artist; twin bodies who can mutate themselves and each other with ease, and frequently swap places.
War: The Ten-Headed Hydra; a huge, serpentine monster with a draconic cast to half of its many faces.
Landscape: The Mad Aurora / The Idol Aesthetic

Zanara's various forms are - surprising no-one - maddeningly amorphous. At Calibration, they're sometimes a separate man and woman who act and move independently, sometimes eerily-similar twins who stay constantly in contact and speak as one and sometimes a single intersex being with qualities of both - though the man is always the son of Keris and Rat, and the woman is always a blend of Lilunu and Dulmea. As a point of their nature, Zanara refuses to answer whether they have a single or dual nature even when they're not being a demon lord. Their normal forms do tend to be predictable, in theme if not appearance. The Art is horrifying and maddening to look at but pleasant and sociable in demeanour, and usually hides themselves under an artifact robe. The Artist is beautiful and attractive to look at but acts to provoke and drives people insane with their creations. Their War form varies, but is usually... okay, bluntly, you're probably looking at something sanity-rending from the Mythos. The terrible idol that is their terrestrial form sits submerged most of the time, so as not to warp those who see it. The comets and veils of light that play in the black skies above the Isles are not always so kind.

Attitude towards elder sibling: Inspiration. Much like their attitude towards Keris, actually; regardless of their feelings towards him as a person (a blend of pity, contempt and wistful sorrow for what he once was), they consider his art to be both goal and challenge - something to live up to and surpass.
Oooh, nice! And we get info about a few more Pantheon-linked 3CDs of Yozis, always nice.

Overall, this is pretty cool stuff- the touch about Echo's 'terrestrial' form is very nice. Hell, they're all interesting.

Attitude towards elder sibling: Fear. She's fucking terrified of the Csend, to an even greater extent than Adorjan, because she's fully aware of what the Csend thinks of her and why.

*hugs Echo*

Attitude towards elder sibling: Scorn. She thinks Imre is a pathetic drunken lout who disgraces himself with his every act of empty revelry, and refuses to acknowledge any connection to him.

"Omg why do you have to be such a lout..."

I always like it when an Infernal's Pantheon soul is so radically different to their elder 'sibling'.

Also, *hugs Vali* on how he can't sustain his favourite form.
Attitude towards elder sibling: Respect. He thinks Hidrae is so cool with her constant regrowth and battle against constraint, and admires the hell out of her. It makes him a bit uneasy that someone so cool doesn't like his mum.

Wait, when did Keris piss her off?

Or does Hidrae just not like her because Keris hangs out with Ligier?
"Fear. She's fucking terrified of the Csend, to an even greater extent than Adorjan, because she's fully aware of what the Csend thinks of her and why."

What does Csend think of Echo? Why?