Ascensions and Transgressions: the Tales of Keris Dulmeadokht (Exalted game)

From One, Many - Chapter 10
Yeah, so I am aware that this is late going up. In my defence, I was le tired. So, the climax of the From One, Many arc! It has probably become clear why it was called that, heheh. There may be a short wrap-up session next week to conclude Keris's Sorcery project before she heads off on her new mission, but this more or less concludes the crucial stuff. Enjoy chapter 10, folks!

Aleph: ... yeah, I'm actually drowning in xp at the moment, and while most of that is bookmarked for things that haven't dropped yet (like the Coadjutor spell/Offcast Mad Whimsy), I can spare enough to grab Laughing Gust Denial now that Keris meets the Enlightenment prereq.
EarthScorpion: You also have Kimmy for a flurrybreaker with Surging Tidal Retreat.
Aleph: Hmm. That actually looks more powerful than LGD in some ways.
EarthScorpion: Oh yeah, no longer-than-instant perfects.
Aleph: ... well okay then. Choice made.
EarthScorpion: The flaw about it compared to longer-than-instant perfects is that it's "just" a flurrybreaker - if someone else attacks you, you still need to defend. Heh. Oh, Keris. To a certain extent, she's almost exhausted her interest in Adorjan.
Aleph: She has yet to get... Bound by Blood Red Strings, Wind-Carried Passion and Seven Nights Shintai, for Calesco. Scarlet Rapture Shintai and possibly Crimson Wind Ribbons for Echo
EarthScorpion: Oh, huh. Haar Hidden Dealings could help her enhance "hiding my children from the Unquestionable" as a dramatic action.
Aleph: ... ooo. Is that the first mafia Charm?
EarthScorpion: Yes, it's the root
Aleph: Excellent. I'mma get that, then.
EarthScorpion: Oh gods, it fits so well too. "This Charm enhances a dramatic organisation-scale action taken by the Infernal or a beloved character. It imposes a +2 external penalty on all Awareness or Bureaucracy rolls to notice anything suspicious about the dramatic action, or +3 if every member of the organisation involved in the action is either beloved or a descendent of the Infernal."
EarthScorpion: They're all descendants. That's +3 Difficulty.
Aleph: Rathaaaaan. : D
Aleph: And Sasi is beloved.
Keris: "Okay, so we don't involve Testolagh in this."​
EarthScorpion: Sasi: "... he is a bad liar."
Sasi: "Stupid useless Temperance."​
Aleph: Keris: "I, on the other hand, am an excellent liar. I can even keep things from you sometimes!" ^_^
EarthScorpion: ... oh, wasn't there a flurry-breaker in TED I wrote? Yeah, there's Fleeing the Scene after CCC.
Aleph: ... sigh. Rathan will probably snap it up, because his usual response to getting hurt is "scream and run away". He does not like physical fights. But I think STR works better.
EarthScorpion: Yeah, but there are some quite nice Charms after Fleeing the Scene.
Aleph: Ah yes, the "leaping over London shouting FUCK YOU SHERLOCK HOLMES" ones.
Aleph: hmm
EarthScorpion: On the other hand, Kimmy is cheaper for Keris than TED, but Keris isn't a fan of getting caught and CCC comes naturally to her.
Aleph: ... okay, hmm. I will get Fleeing the Scene. And if I wind up getting enough TED Charms that I would normally qualify to get the Excellency, I'll just say Keris has a mental block there and is very, very limited in what bits of TED she can internalise.
EarthScorpion: Heh. She likes the CCC tree.
Aleph: Yes, Keris's interest in TED is basically the LSD tree and the CCC tree and maybe, like, two or three charms from the My Dark Lady tree.
EarthScorpion: Yes, but that just means she's interested in the, hmm, the "form" side of TED.
Aleph: Heh. Yes. Though even there, I doubt she could ever turn into shadow. We mentioned a while ago that Keris's Shintais are all basically emotional/visceral ones; she's not like Louise who replaces the weak flesh of her body with metal and sand. Keris's passions boil over until she hollows out her skin and becomes a loving dream, or externalises her whims as clones, or turns into a giant singing dragon of chaos and omen weather, etc.
"Keris is... primal, I guess? She's lust and glee and love and hate and greed and want and hunger. Laughter and passion and blood. Even her Shintais are less a measured improvement to her flesh and more like her passions boiling over and exceeding her body - she becomes a killing wind or a giant decadent serpent or a sweet-scented social flower, depending on what she's feeling and wants to do."​
EarthScorpion: Well, yes. Louise has body issues that Keris doesn't.


EarthScorpion: Did you notice Echo with Sasi?
Aleph: Yes. She loves Sasi because Sasi loves Keris?
EarthScorpion: No. Not that at all, actually - Echo doesn't feel amorous to her, but is fascinated by her cleverness. No, what happened is Echo has discovered that adult women can be sexier wearing a dress of thick shadow that hints at their body than they would be if they were naked.
Aleph: ... hahaha
EarthScorpion: In a sense, Echo has taken the "platonic" love option for Sasi, even though she doesn't have TLA. Echo actually really likes her and wants to be more like her because she's really clever and knows lots of things and is pretty. She's an example of an adult woman who isn't her mother.
Aleph: oh, Echo
Aleph: It probably does help that she loves Keris and makes her incredibly happy. But yes, sigh. Of course Echo loves being around someone who can keep up with her mentally.
Aleph: ... though Echo's weird turns of logic are Keris's, so she'll still be able to surprise her. : P
EarthScorpion: So Echo has for the moment fallen for the idea of being tall and graceful and wearing sexy things that hints at her body and she's thinking about how satin ribbons feel nice against her skin.


EarthScorpion: ... you know, Noh may have taught Fleeing the Scene to Rathan out of amusement. Or gifted the Charm to Keris through him.
EarthScorpion: Noh: "It's not my fault. You didn't expect me to do it."
Aleph: Keris: "I don't expect you to kiss me full on the mouth either, but you didn't do that!"
Keris: "... saying that was a mistake; I realise that now."
Keris: "I'm just going to... go. Over here."​
EarthScorpion: Noh: "No need. I'd already kissed Rathan to teach him it."
Aleph: ... *facepalm*
Aleph: echo, why did you not inform keris of this
Echo: "Inform Keris of what?"
Echo: "I don't remember anything important happening."​
Aleph: ...
Aleph: ¬_¬
EarthScorpion: ... goddamnit Noh, that's literally corrupting Keris' innocence.
Aleph: hahaha
EarthScorpion: And yeah, that actually very much is in Rathan's domain even though Vali has CCC, because it's an "escaping trouble" Charm that can be repurchsed to allow you to jump away whenever you do something wrong.
Aleph: Yes : P
Aleph: Haneyl will be very upset. Her brother is now a lot harder to pin down and bite.
EarthScorpion: Not if she grapples him first!
Aleph: ... she will get even more annoyed when he develops mind-hands. Rathan's fighting style is basically "not touching you!"
EarthScorpion: ... huh. That's an interesting paradox to Rathan. He longs for closeness, but he pushes people away and escapes them.
EarthScorpion: ... goddamnit rathan stop being evangelion references.
EarthScorpion: you even look like Kaworu with red hair
Aleph: Be fair. He is also thematically a sailor moon villain. Aleph: : D
EarthScorpion: Well, yes. He's the Red Moon who tries to get Sailor Moon to fall in love with him and treats women possessively.
EarthScorpion: Hmm. So MDL follows CCC, so conceptually it's escaping the chains of virtue.
Aleph: Vali... heh. Just as it does fit Rathan, it really doesn't fit Vali. He isn't the type to run away after he does something you've told him not to. He's like "FUCK YOU I'MMA DO IT IF I WANNA".
EarthScorpion: Well, he is a Malfean soul at heart. He is very much his sister's brother. : p
Aleph: Hee
EarthScorpion: But no, I meant, My Dark Lady is escaping the chains of Virtue... heh, and that's Calesco stabilising her "night sky" form. Unlike Haneyl, her hybrid form is something that balances on a knife edge and requires her to embrace bits of her she doesn't like much - but she can copy her sister.
EarthScorpion: (Haneyl, by contrast, likes bits of all her sides and only is worried by her extremes, so she's metastable in the middle and only gets pushed out of the middle by extreme stimuli)
EarthScorpion: Heh. Oh, Calesco. "He treats all existing Principles towards him based on desire, fascination or attraction as if their rating was one higher, to a maximum of 5. Extended social actions to form or reinforce a Principle of love or infatuation towards any target or to weaken a Temperance Principle take one fewer scenes, to a minimum of one."
EarthScorpion: She's so moe-Arael that people fall for her even though she hurts them. Now isn't it funny that the Rathan-Calesco pair both are beautiful and sexy and people love them?


Aleph: Oh, Keris. She's spent fifteen years thinking that her home was gone. That everyone died or was taken. That the town itself burnt to the ground - she remembers the fire licking at the buildings. Now she's found out that it's still on the map. That there are still people there. Even if they're not her parents, they're her people. They might be family.
Aleph: She's feeling very... fragile.
EarthScorpion: Her children are getting very hugged. Both inside and outside ones.
Aleph: Very much so.
Aleph: ... how does Sasi's shadow-form work again? Can you notice her if there aren't any shadows nearby?
EarthScorpion: As long as she's not directly illuminated, you need a +2 bonus from circumstance to even roll to notice her
Aleph: Hmm. So her little disappearing act that I made sure to mention may, or may not, have been her deciding to follow Keris in shadow-form and see what she was hurrying off to do. But she probably wasn't hiding in the room, since Ligier's light.
EarthScorpion: Mmm. Oh Keris. The Haneyl/Rathan fight over who is "eldest" is bitter indeed because while he's technically older, she's been thinking longer. But now there's the awkwardness of their new bodies - and soon Haneyl will put together that Rathan is prettier than her and probably start sulking.
Aleph: : P
EarthScorpion: Hee. It's also funny that they cross-link over Vali and Zanara.
EarthScorpion: (and Calesco shouts at both of them)
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Been looking forwards to this session for quite a while!


- Echo getting super into the idea of flensing the shadows from demons so she can make a dress for Calesco is super cute. Because whilst she may have the best taste in fashion imaginable (ribbons) she knows her sister's style. Echo surprisingly good big sister.

- I had forgotten that Keris has the Kimbery charm that lets you sleep/meditate underwater. Kerisssss bathrooms are not for sleepingggg.

- Haneyl being tongue-tied and awkward around Sasi is really cute.

- Keris really needs to give most of her souls the Talk. Think Vali and Zanara are probably still too young, but the rest...well, thinking about it Calesco might already know.

- Not really relevant to this update, but a previous thing I wanted to note, Haneyl getting super defensive over her besties Elly and Saji is also cute. She doesn't act like her normal Imperialist self in the way she treats them and feels awkward about that for some reason.

- White Jade = Bone. Seems legit. Also I think babybat Calesco would approve of wearing bone decorations.

- Deveh's turned an entire satrapy into Hierarchy drones. Yeah that's going to blow up in his face.

- Rathan is going super hard into the 'bishonen who sits with a book in the corner but is the focus of everyone's attention' thing.

- It would have been a complete disaster but I'm slightly dissapointed that Adorjan didn't show up to say hello to her daughter properly. Echo is scared of the Csend but I think her opinions on Other Mama are more complicated. Also, barring a painting, she hasn't had a chance to see and uguu over Kamilla yet.

- Another mention of Lilunu having Realm features. *speculation over missing Scarlet Empress intensifies*

- Orange Blossom is kind of a shit.
- Echo getting super into the idea of flensing the shadows from demons so she can make a dress for Calesco is super cute. Because whilst she may have the best taste in fashion imaginable (ribbons) she knows her sister's style. Echo surprisingly good big sister.

Echo bounds up in front of Calesco, waving something long and thin and black. With wide expressive happy gestures, she indicates that she found some long thin demons and chased them down and cut off their shadows and... ta-daaaaaaa! Look! She made ribbons that are made of shadow for Calesco! Two great tastes that go together, Echo indicates with a wise nod.

Calesco: "You shouldn't have."

Echo indicates smugly that it was no trouble really.

Calesco: "No, I mean, you shouldn't have. It was cruel and unnecessary and I can literally make whatever clothes I want. And... stop it, Echo..."

Echo shakes her head and continues braiding shadow-ribbons into Calesco's hair. Calesco will understand why she needs this when she's older, Echo indicates with one hand on her hip. How will she ever get a boyfriend, girlfriend, or windfriend if she doesn't have pretty ribbons on her hair?

Calesco: "... you do know Kamilla is our half-sister, right?"

Echo swoons, one hand going to her brow as she explains that Kamilla is so much older and wise in the ways of the world and she just plays with poor young innocent Echo's heart - and that Echo is mere putty in her hands, and that honestly Kamilla is taking advantage of Echo which Echo would find objectionable if she wasn't just so pretty.

Calesco: "Kamilla is a non-sentient wind that blows away dead bodies and hides them somewhere. She's not trying to seduce you. You've just decided that you love her. You don't even have Tragic Love Amusement - you're the one who got Freedom Lets Go. You can literally stop crushing on your non-sentient half-sister made of wind any time you want."

It's a sign that she doesn't have malicious intent, Echo indicates with a smile as she deliberately ignores Calesco, and that their love is pure. So kawaii, Echo adds by making a heart-shape with her hands and three more with her hair.

Calesco: "I don't know what that word means and it both scares and alarms me."
Echo literally has a two-dot Principle of "Siblings (Be The Bestest Big Sister)".

Her other 2-dots are, uh, "Dancing (Wheeee!)", "Murder (Wheeee!)" and "Ribbons (Permanently In Style)", which may explain a lot about Echo.
On some dark day, Echo will meet OTS!Minako in the AESFF Bar.

There may be some kind of terriblexplosion.
Honestly, they're probably played by the same actress.
Echo bounds up in front of Calesco, waving something long and thin and black. With wide expressive happy gestures, she indicates that she found some long thin demons and chased them down and cut off their shadows and... ta-daaaaaaa! Look! She made ribbons that are made of shadow for Calesco! Two great tastes that go together, Echo indicates with a wise nod.

Calesco: "You shouldn't have."

Echo indicates smugly that it was no trouble really.

Calesco: "No, I mean, you shouldn't have. It was cruel and unnecessary and I can literally make whatever clothes I want. And... stop it, Echo..."

I see how it is now. Socially conscious younger sibling only wants to wear ethically-sourced shadow. So difficult! It's like she doesn't even appreciate the effort her amazing older sister went to.

Echo swoons, one hand going to her brow as she explains that Kamilla is so much older and wise in the ways of the world and she just plays with poor young innocent Echo's heart - and that Echo is mere putty in her hands, and that honestly Kamilla is taking advantage of Echo which Echo would find objectionable if she wasn't just so pretty.

Calesco: "Kamilla is a non-sentient wind that blows away dead bodies and hides them somewhere. She's not trying to seduce you. You've just decided that you love her. You don't even have Tragic Love Amusement - you're the one who got Freedom Lets Go. You can literally stop crushing on your non-sentient half-sister made of wind any time you want."

You're killing the mood here Calesco, with all your 'logic' and 'facts'.

And today we have learnt that eko is terrible.

Lies and chicanery. Echo remains best and most awesome and intelligent and fashionable soul.
Echo literally has a two-dot Principle of "Siblings (Be The Bestest Big Sister)".

Her other 2-dots are, uh, "Dancing (Wheeee!)", "Murder (Wheeee!)" and "Ribbons (Permanently In Style)", which may explain a lot about Echo.

It should be noted that while Calesco and Vali appreciate her Bestest Big Sisterness, for some reason Haneyl, Rathan and Zanara find Echo's insistence on being the best big sister to be one of her most annoying traits. Among other things, it involves Echo showing up and trying to make Fun happen when you're sad or busy or distracted, which usually just makes you angry.

Echo: "Just as planned! Haneyl much more enjoys being angry at me than being all mopey, so if I make her angry when she's sad she gets happier and that makes me the super-best kindest sister ever!"

Basically, we can conclude that just like how Calesco and Zanara contain Haneyl, Vali and Calesco contain Echo.
Are there no female humanoid demons in Krisity? Because once there are I don't think Keris can really chaperone Rathan anymore :p
Some first read through thoughts:

One of the interesting things about checking for updates to the statsheet every weekend? It adds a bit of tension to reading when you know that Keris just got Fleeing the Scene and you don't know quite why. (Incidentally, scrolling to the end of the document so that the link to the soul hierarchy is just below the screen makes it very easy to see when something has been added or removed whenever you reload the page.)

((Roll 1 dice))
((... aww man. 1 die...
... fuck. I really hope that wasn't her attempt to keep control of herself. Um. Ummm.
... botch. Shit, I am genuinely scared now. If she breaks down now, it could knock the whole Althing off track, and... shiiiit. Please, please say that wasn't her control roll to not go crazy.))

Lilunu exhales, her hair turning red again from the black it was becoming. "I'm fine," she says faintly. "Just fine. That was... that was quite a shock. But I'm fine now." She glides up to the three children, her soft white robe brushing against the ground. "Let me take a look at you," she says, reaching out with one long-fingernailed hand to take Echo by the chin.

((You didn't succeed on your Mentor 1 (Adorjan) roll!))
Is it wrong that I laughed?

@Big fight between the Reclamation and the Skullstone brewing: Pffft. Well doesn't that sound like a pack of a nasty shocks for all involved.

It should be noted that while Calesco and Vali appreciate her Bestest Big Sisterness, for some reason Haneyl, Rathan and Zanara find Echo's insistence on being the best big sister to be one of her most annoying traits. Among other things, it involves Echo showing up and trying to make Fun happen when you're sad or busy or distracted, which usually just makes you angry.

Echo: "Just as planned! Haneyl much more enjoys being angry at me than being all mopey, so if I make her angry when she's sad she gets happier and that makes me the super-best kindest sister ever!"

Basically, we can conclude that just like how Calesco and Zanara contain Haneyl, Vali and Calesco contain Echo.
It amuses me just how well the arrangement of domain borders ties in with Keris actively working to manage her soul hierarchy. I can't help but think that someone less concerned with inner harmony would have borders that followed other divisions, (like putting Vali next to Hanely as discussed earlier in the thread might speak of seeking strength and self improvement through constant turmoil over peace and harmony.)
One of the interesting things about checking for updates to the statsheet every weekend? It adds a bit of tension to reading when you know that Keris just got Fleeing the Scene and you don't know quite why.
Noh taught her it - or rather, she taught it to Rathan all sneaky-like (and possibly without him noticing). That's why Lilunu said he wasn't purely of the Red Moon - there's now a thread of Ophedian essence in him as well as Kimberoid. It actually fits him quite well as an "escaping blame" tree and an "ahh, someone's attacking me, flee!" response that makes Keris even deadlier, since now she has a proper flurrybreaker.

Also, um.

It technically means that the heart of the Ebon Dragon showed up and corrupted Keris's innocence on the sly.

: V
Is it wrong that I laughed?
Why did Keris flinch when estoc was mentioned? Was it just because the silent wind comment let her know that she was going to be the one attacking it, or was there history there
Are there no female humanoid demons in Krisity? Because once there are I don't think Keris can really chaperone Rathan anymore :p

Rathan objects to that insinuation. He's also very interested in attractive male demons too.

In fact, now he thinks of it, attractive male demons might be even more fun than pretty girls. After all, hot guys are people you can do boy things with, like sailing ships, riding orcas and dropping large blocks of ice and acid rain on Haneyl's lands. Yes, the girl-wave-cherubs also like doing those things, but they're fundamentally boy things.

Is there a way in which Echo and Haneyl contain Calesco?

Yes, actually. For one, being caught between aggressive Haneyl and lulzy Echo keeps Calesco busy and distracted so she doesn't have time to start lecturing Vali on how he refuses to use force to enforce almost all laws and lets his followers attack each other if that's what they want to do. And... uh, both of them keep Calesco well, well away from Rathan.

Vengeance and Compassion do not get along at all.

And of course, in Calesco's eyes, Zanara is like Haneyl, but without Haneyl's redeeming factors. Zanara enjoys offending people and by their very nature drives people mad and mutates them - and they don't care at all about that. Zanara is the bit of Keris that doesn't care about morality or kindness or things like that, just about beauty and the art. Zanara loves the Unquestionable for the terrible and beautiful things they do and coos over Ligier's layer, while it appals and sickens Calesco.

One of the interesting things about checking for updates to the statsheet every weekend? It adds a bit of tension to reading when you know that Keris just got Fleeing the Scene and you don't know quite why.

It's all Noh's fault. She taught it to Keris using Rathan as a way to inject the knowledge.

Or, to put it another way, she corrupted Keris' innocence by sneaking a bit of TED-ness into his former pure Kimbery, because Fleeing the Scene is in-theme for Rathan's "I'm innocent and you shouldn't blame or suspect me" thematics.

(Also, both Rathan and Noh are moons, even though Rathan is a red moon while Noh is a black moon)

It amuses me just how well the arrangement of domain borders ties in with Keris actively working to manage her soul hierarchy. I can't help but think that someone less concerned with inner harmony would have borders that followed other divisions, (like putting Vali next to Hanely as discussed earlier in the thread might speak of seeking strength and self improvement through constant turmoil over peace and harmony.)

It is notable that all the other full-siblings pairings are next to each other. Calesco and Echo get on well and Echo helps take the edge off Calesco's black moods while Calesco can actually talk Echo into slowing down and thinking about other people. Meanwhile, Rathan and Zanara... well, that's more contentious, but they're both vain, they both love beautiful things (Zanara just also loves interestingly hideous things), and they get on fine when Zanara isn't being a deliberate troll.

If you wanted to keep that clustering, you'd need to swap Vali and Calesco. Except by doing that, now Vali is next to Haneyl (so they'll be fighting all the time, albeit for fun), and Calesco is next to Rathan (they'll be fighting even more of the time, because while Vali and Haneyl like punching each other, Calesco and Rathan are much more catty and like hurting feelings).

But because Vali is next to Rathan instead, they can do BOY STUFF together, and Calesco and Haneyl have a complicated relationship relating to how Keris' greed and compassion have a complicated link. Keris, basically, has got significantly kinder since she actually had stuff that she could be generous with. And Haneyl is also self-improvement, and Keris considers the way she's more caring than she used to be to be a form of self-improvement.

The result of this is that Haneyl longs for Calesco's approval, because it makes her happy when Compassion tells her that she's doing the right thing, and she gives Calesco stuff because Haneyl is a bit of a narcissist and so likes giving people she likes things, because her friends need to be the best friends they can be. But Haneyl also hates how Calesco complains at her for doing things that further Greed. Meanwhile, Calesco hates the fact that Haneyl is willing to do horrible things for profit, but she also knows and accepts that that's a side of Keris that kept her alive on the streets. And she also has seen the other bits of Haneyl, like how she's intensely emotional and feels things strongly, and how Haneyl hates seeing other people go hungry in front of people and really likes cooking and feeding people.

(And then there's the fact that metaphysically, Haneyl and Calesco are very similar with their split natures. It's just that Haneyl embraces all her natures and is scared by her extremes, while Calesco clings to her Ebon Dragon lies and is scared of her Adorjani side - and so she's jealous of how Haneyl has a stable middle point, while for Calesco to assume her middle form involves having to accept bits of herself she doesn't like much)
Noh taught her it - or rather, she taught it to Rathan all sneaky-like (and possibly without him noticing). That's why Lilunu said he wasn't purely of the Red Moon - there's now a thread of Ophedian essence in him as well as Kimberoid. It actually fits him quite well as an "escaping blame" tree and an "ahh, someone's attacking me, flee!" response that makes Keris even deadlier, since now she has a proper flurrybreaker.

Also, um.

It technically means that the heart of the Ebon Dragon showed up and corrupted Keris's innocence on the sly.

: V

... So given that the Contrary One strikes me as a little bit of a philosopher between herself and her second circles, and somewhat disdainful of the government of Malfeas, does that mean that she's Socrates, corrupting the youth?

I present this hug rating as a means of apology then.

Why did Keris flinch when estoc was mentioned? Was it just because the silent wind comment let her know that she was going to be the one attacking it, or was there history there
I think it's less Eshtoc, and more the mention of the silent blade.
... So given that the Contrary One strikes me as a little bit of a philosopher between herself and her second circles, and somewhat disdainful of the government of Malfeas, does that mean that she's Socrates, corrupting the youth?

You're right, the philosopher aspect of her was something I quite liked that sort of developed in her as I developed her, and then reinforced with her souls.

It's probably because the powers of Creation demand that people do things, and so Noh spends a lot of time thinking about why people want people to do things, the morality and ethics of power, and things like that.

Admittedly, she thinks of these things so she knows the best and most sound way to spite people who want her to do things, but still. She does want people questioning things. The first thing she ever did was ask "Why?" when Cytherea went all "Let there be light!". And come on, one of her souls is a reference to Rebel Without A Cause. Of course she wants children defying their elders, listening to rock music, wearing black leather jackets, and so on.
So it occurs to me that Orange Blossom didn't actually forbid Keris from looting the ruins clean, she just said not to do it unless she could make it look like a horde of dead things did it. This in no way prevents her from disguising a whole bunch of demons as dead things and having them steal everything.

It also occurs to me that the simplest way to make it look like an Abyssal assassinated what's-his-face is to actually hire an Abyssal to kill what's-his-face. Assuming Keris can't somehow disguise her anima, anyway.
So it occurs to me that Orange Blossom didn't actually forbid Keris from looting the ruins clean, she just said not to do it unless she could make it look like a horde of dead things did it. This in no way prevents her from disguising a whole bunch of demons as dead things and having them steal everything.

It also occurs to me that the simplest way to make it look like an Abyssal assassinated what's-his-face is to actually hire an Abyssal to kill what's-his-face. Assuming Keris can't somehow disguise her anima, anyway.
She can. Remember that she has Eldritch Secrets Mastery and has used it to make her anima look like a Water Aspect Terrestrial's before, in Saata.
@EarthScorpion That 1 dice roll when Lilinu found out about Keris' souls was evil. And scary. And worrying in the implications of that botch.
@Aleph Start praying to the dice gods for more luck like that in the future.